Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 25, 1832, Image 4

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"Mum THE SEBSCtSSBEtEOtf, /t*ato Pwrietor of tho Globe Taveni, and more recently of the Mansion Housov BjjfV.'S leave to announce lo bis friends nml the |>ni»lie generally,that he has ta (ten that elegant and commodious lice proof brick building on the. corner o! Broad and Jackson .Streets, and Immediately adjoining Ike new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of tlie City, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity oftbe Augusta Hank, and tlie Branch Bank of the fcilate ol Georgia. Tliis Establishment is known as the QI.OIIE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent, de gree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the nuliv idu.n traveller, the daily boarder or the (fashionable visitor, the GLOBE presents accom modations inferior to none In the Southern fcdutes. . ! Having conducted for u number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City,ho Hatters himself that his experience in business,added to the superior ad outages of situation & tbe resources under his eoiitronl. will enable him to give the i.osf decided satisfhetion to all who may honor him with their patronage. His STABLES are spacious and well ventilated, mid amply supplied with tbe best of*provender, and attended by experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to which, tue subscriber will bestow bis own personal unremitting attention, «Vinbi charges, will not forget the pressure of the times. following TALES arrive id, and depart from, tbe Gloom Motml **’ depni^i grbinid I hereby devote 'for [enj^f’})' o'clock. I*. IM.—and depurls every olher I’orjver I u-oaianwiie:.*... Tiusdinj and Friday. at (I o’clock I*. JM.—mid de and VV/h/'.''A///, at 10 o clock, A. M. * GaKK.Nvu.Lit, S. ‘C. Scauk arrives rrcry Mht'mlai/ and Safnnfiiy, at 7 o clock, P. M. and departs iwn-y 'J'knrsday and Sunday. at . 2 o'clock, A. M. Caiinusvim.h, S.’('. Htaok arrives veenj Friday, at 0 o clock, I*. M —and departs nay Monday, at 4 o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, June 1831. _ DU. BARCLAY'S VEGETABLE PILLIB, For the Studious and Srdru (iii'H - -These Vegetable Pills are miyli from the prescription of an old physician in extensive practice, and have long been held in high estimation through nut Europe. Not one particle ol mer cury, Antimony, or other mineral enters their composition. They are expressly designed U» rest ore the tone and energy of the digestive organ?, and to remove and , correct indigestion, a 6<i dand ilrfrchrr ajipr tite, depression of spirit*, drowsimss, habihntl cattivriuss. drhilili/, uni any derangement of the stomach or laurels, Their operan fion is perfectly inihl, and requires no charge of diet, and persons of the must delicate constitutions may take tin in with perfect safety. To the Merchant, die Writer, Accoun tant or Clerk, and all who are exposed to the numerous train of diseases invari ably assailing persons of sedentary hab its, they will he found to he convenient and valuable medicine. i'or sale in boxes at 51) cents each, by TV LIPIN .J- D ANTIGN AC, higusta. (irnrgiii. Hept. 7. wtimfiti n V£<: \ A .SUPPLY of the Crlhralnl Miir-nv man Ipprrirnt, has Just been reccix _L(al by TURPIN A D’ANTIGN \C. Aukm’s /or its Sale in (hi* Cilt). V merely pouring wafer on a tea i Hjp.poonfni of this Aperient, a cool ing and grateful elferveseiag beverage is obtained, resembling Soda \\ aler to the taste, i)'* imparting to tlio constitution all the benefits of the Congress Waters at Saratoga.” Hun.mi's EFFE R VES('ENT MAG NESIAN APERIENT, dor the proven-, tion and cure of’lndigestion, Bilious and | Liver complaints, nervous weakness. i headache, heurlbnrn, habitual custive ness, giddiness, eataiu'oas diseases, i)*c. i}-c. The surprising ellieacy of this su perior medicine has obtained for it the patronage of many eminent persons, whose high cacuminal, together with its i extensive and increasing sale, tally proves its pre-eminence, and bills fair t,i , render it the most popular remedy ex tant. To dyspeptic, the sedentary, and : studious, it will he found invaluable. Irani | its promoting a proper action of the liver ; in tlie secretion of bile, or correct it when : in a vitiated state. Obstructions of the ; stomach or bowel* are gradually remov ed, it restores the appetite, and gives! lone, strength and energy t» the system. | Travellers, nnd residents, in warm oli mates, will had Haller’s -dagae-imi Ape rient a desirable article; it prevents any accumulation of bile, is portable, and the method of preparing it unusually con venient. Children have frequent occa sion for gentle and cooling purgatives— they will lake this Aperient in preference to any other. The public attention is rcspectflilly di rooted to the wrapper which contains many testimonials of its elilency. with full direction for its use—Prepared by ii. Butler, Chemist, London. Observe that each bottle bears the signature of 11. Butler. .Sept. 7. w6m96 NOTICE. A LL oersons Indebted to die cs* , :*»‘ ot • ffL Daniel Savage, de-; *" 11 no,' ■ «» f I, will '“■■-fib 1 within the time prescribed «»> e h.glascocM Ex - r W.H. B. SA> AOL.S i RECEIVED PER LATE Altltn'ALS AND ON HAND, pieces line and low priced oil pieces pink, half and fancy stripe Ginghams 151) do. I I, ("> -land t! I, Cambrics 1!) do. Swiss and Hook Mu-lias Si.) do. Largest si/.c Silk Bandanas i() di>. Hiissia Sheeting I (i do. ('union Flannel J eases I I fine mid extra line Irish Linens 0 do. 7 8 and I I bleached Shirting (Linen IbidJ o dii. ;{ 1 do. <!•>. J bales 8 I brown do. 3 do. (kitten Osnubnrgs 1!)() dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs Jl) pieces red, white and green Flan itels 10 do, mist ekdlinetts 10 dn. 7-1 heavy didile Blankets ‘JO do. 8 point do. do. ilo. 100 dn/.. white and grey Lambs Wool halfll. -> 100 do. do. < otlon do. 100 do. slate worsted (lose Jot) do. paient, slide and Cotton Sus penders i(10 do. •Spool ('ottiill 50 do. boxes Cotton Halls I ill) do. Tucking Combs 50 do. Navtirino ilat * 1 ease ('niton ( inhrellas 50 reams Cap and Letter Paper Tor side low, for cash, or approved paper, by _ sept - I C. PHILLIP* I,AN J> FOR SCVLE. A C*B£LflLT 33A21G AIN is now tillered in the side ol a tract, oi lot of LAND, in Carroll county, which is discovered to be rich in the Holden proprr | hj. The owner being on the eveof a Ion; 1 journey to the North, will now sell it Inn j ifii quint application <s made. indis|)U table titles will be delivered. APPLY VP THIS OFFICE .lane lit ££ As«Bs 8 A | JffllfiS. Bs* IS 1 api espeeifidty iui'oi ms her friends, aim Jhiu the public generally, that she has | removed her Hoarding establishment to I the Uriels Tenement over Messrs. L ! Ili’ia.'s & Co's A reno.N Stoui;, No. -15 ; Broad street. !Biie tenders her grateful : thanks for ihe liberal patronage hereto ; (lire rectavt d. and solicits a coat inaaiuv j of it, assuring those who may favor her | with their company, that no etf iris shall be spared on iter part, to give the at most satisfaction. OetJJ ts <5 UECEIVEI) AT TUB AVGUSTA : UOOK-STOItB, rßlin: Ist Number of “ The American JL .1 airind of Improvements in the s I sel’ul Arts and Mirror of the Patent t»f --i lice, containing authentic descriptions • and illustrative drawings of the re cords, specifications and models ol s the Patent Oillce, by permission of the !Becretiiry of .State, being a faithful rep resentiilion of the state of the arts in - America, tVe. N. P. Poor and \Vm Green »V umf proprietors; ,r ‘ ’ ... t* ivifner assistant Editor, with an appendix containing the Patent Laws’ ic forme «hove work wil '<■ i,o received at the Augusta />.-’• sy vre as w bere the first number can he exa ame, _ will no doubt contain much u-cfit iaformation of the state and pri.grcss c r - the mechanic arts in our count. >. Ocf-’W S&u&u&tu JILLLLIi ll■ II 111 l ■IHMBWWIWII ■■■■■ ■■■iUJ—JII MIIII IflllHWlMlll^ngaßßMilgWßMKWamilM A CEBTAIW CtRiR FOR THE I ITC r H. rEnillS filthy and infectious disorder. JL be it ever s i inveterate, may be cur ed In one hour's application by the use of DUMFRIES? OINTMENT. It is unrivalled forth e plcasalness, ease. I expedition, safety, and cet tainty, with which j it produces a perfect cure of this disease. The ointment is known to be so certain j and expeditious in its operation, as to es j feet a cure in one hour's application only! without any hazard of taking: cold, as the I composition does not contain the least particle of mercury, or any other danger ous ingredient; it may be applied with perfect safety in the state of pregnancy, and even to children at the breast. AT/ 5 * Pricvii7b Cents per box, with ample di n olio ns 1 ' DUMFRIES’ HIGHLY APPROVED s EYE WAFERZ S safe and powerful wash lor l> ja sore or injiamed Eyes, stands pro emint among the multitude of ordinary c preparations for this purpose. The most u obstinate as well us the more slight inlla f motions of that delicate organ, yield to this highly approved Eye Water, which will brace and restore the tone of the diseased parts. On recent sore eyes (he effect is highly salutary, and in cases of years standing, the most unexpected relief lias been received, after other ap plications of inferior efficacy had failed. Those who use it pronounce it to be one ofthe best preparations for those com plaints they ever met with, especially in obstinate cu&cs of soreness and inhuma tion. (15 !> Price 23 cent* a bottle. a, The celebrated Cambrian Tooth Ache PILLS, which give immediate relief with out the least injury to the Teeth. On trial this will he found one ofthe host re medies for tlii-- painful complaint. Price 00 cents a box. FOR FEMALES. Dr.IVcUVs f -• ny.lllS' ■>■•*'7: '' . "[ _ . J. xajaaU I ~.. i..,l »» 1i.r.l nrealmn ” <•( In i.iMi il “ lord of creation ■■ i>i iu> ■ ■••• - HA VK been loiigcclebrntcd as a most valuable anil ellicacious remedy .ignmst those general complaints pecu liar to the female portion of society.— They cleanse, purify ami promote a free and brisk circulation of the blood, when become sluggish and languid from them llieling ailments for which these Till are n safe ami effectual specific. They assist the suspended operations of the sanguiferous system, when nature re quires it, and rectify the irregular habits oft he unhealthy female whose sickly an palid countenance becomes reanimated, and freshens with the natural glow of re stored health They are a tried and up proved remedy iu obstructions, debility, hy pocondrin. green sickness, giddiness, jni/jnta lion 'of tin: heiirl, bad digestion. ,ton tiling uj food, pains of the stomach, shortness of breath.. upon every little motion, sinking of the sjnr i is. and its consequence, a dejected conn ti'innice and dislike for exercise and con versa!ion. They arc equally conducive to the health of married ladies, except it; cases of pregnancy, or hectic At oonsamp live habits, when they must not be liken.— ‘hit (hey may ho administered to grea advantage a month or more utter uveota h uirnt, for the purpose of cleansing the sys It'in null purging’those gross humours, which, when retained, lay the foundation .if numerous diseases, anil render the in cautions subject unhealthy lot life. They vl, add also he taken by all women from 15 to 3D, to prevent the dangerous disin ters consequent upon that critical period of female life. They have been fiu the. found, by experience, to afford a power fid remedy in all Ici/pochondrinc, hysteric, anc rnparish dirorders, both in mm and women. w I lose nervous system they strengthen and regulate, aid nature in throwing oli those gross mid superahundnnt humours iv hieli produce tm-lancholy and depres sion of spirits, renovate the body, ream mate the mind-, and diffuse a genera' cheerfulness mid elasticity throughout the whole system. Price a box. For sale by bis special appointment, (together with all I he valuable .Medicines, as prepared by the late Dr. Conway.) by Tl'lilMM vV D VVPIG.NAI , Druggists, . I’lgusta, Geo (£"?=• Observe that none are gonuin. without (lie written signature of T. Kill , DMIS. on the outside printed wrapper, .'an I lin ‘-’5 Savannah River JMavigatior. affairs of saidCompany,having §1 been brought to a close, with the exception of paying the Stockholders, the undersigned gives notice to all eon earned. thala limil Dividend of One l)ol lor and Forty-Six Cents pci* Share, (on all Shares on which $33 lias been paid) w ill he paid to (het'rtockholders or (heir 1 legal representatives, neeonipnnied bj the proper vouchers, on application at the * first Brick Building West of the \c« ilmkct, Broad-street, Augusta, to ' J.W. BRIDGES. 1 Au trust a. Oct. 30. wtf H to vivm\ *A large DWELLING. DOT. Ac. and A LARGE STORE, well calculated for Dry-Goods and Groceries, opposite the store of Edward Thomas. Esq. upper end of Broad-street—an excellent stand lor business. Possession will be given on the first ofOctober. Forlernis, which will he liberal, apply to Mr. Joseph Cak i atK, at tlie above place. GARRET LAWRENCE. ■ _ndyJß . Hi ;; -ss-4w For Sale. *?*** I —f ! 111 subscriber offers for sale.a tract Ml of first quality Oak and Hickory a Laud, containing 300 acres, situated in " Columbia county, on the Big Kiokce creek, adjoining lands of Richard Tub -11 man and Tankersly. The land is e, of excellent quality, and will he sold on >u | i).idating terms. In the absence itl ot the suoDx..:Knv apply to Col. William of Mugar, or IMr. Henry i»-n, v THOMAS vrw lJDi July 3 ts 77 JUST RECEIVED BY WM» J. IIOBB¥ s AT THE AUGUSTA BOOK STORE. W IPE and death of Lord Fitzgerald, B A Lafayette, in America, Journal of a Naturalist, The Bravo, Roxohel, f.'luh Book, Affection's Gift, Friendship’s Offering, Blair’s Lectures, I'hadeus of Warsaw, Anastatius, .Mason’s Farriery, Lilly, Brown’s Novels, «j-c. Ac. Dec 21 2t 22 El ST OF LETTE US, REMAINING in the Post-Office at Augusta, Gn. on the Ist of January, 1832, (not before advertised.) Persons wishing Letters from this list will please say they are advertised. A. Adams Jno Anderson Virginia Adams Henry Arnold 11 I Adams Sarah Atkinson VV R Albus t n. Ranks Dr Boalware Amanda Beall N il Brooking Bob’t Bedell Malilon Brookncr Daniel Bell Wm A Bronson Zenos Bennett mrs Burton John Hisscll Milo Budlong Pearce Blair Ilobt J Burrilt Isaac Bmce Alsey Buckingham Charles Brown Jno F Burden Archibald Bourne John Burke Robert Bulan Richard M Butler N K C Cayo Raimond miss Charlotte Barnes Case W F care of Marlin Craw- Cassela Samuel J ley Cash James J Crallon Bennett Capers Thomas II Crawley mrs Charter Win 1) Coghlan mr Cli.unpney Horatio N Crane William Clarke EdwardS Cook Roswell Cu tis David L D Dallas Corn in adore A Dickson James v lo.J ool«. ; aiW i..j ) t]w , L.ocamp V J W j s Edinonston Charles Evan rev Josiah s Egbert Peter M Eve Joseph A jr p Ellis diaries Evans Jacob e F , , Few rev I A Fox James 1. F. | Fleming miss Martha luster Alexander I G c Gillon miss Ann Green Jesse P v Goodman miss Susan Grubbs Hczckiali g Guy mrs Elizabeth Grissit mr Ij Greenwood miss Martha t If Harmans Matthew Houston Alexander , Hawley Hezokiah Hopkins Harrison t Hall Asaph Howell Eliza D | 11 ay good Appl ton Hutt Thos 11 Hazzard Oliver P Hoggins Abram Hamill Andrew Hudson Hampton A 1 Harper A T Honey J Hitchcok Chester Hunter J W jr Hills Stephen Hudson Win O Holcombe .William Hutson 'lhomas | Hudson A J . James Joseph Ivy George A ‘ Johnson mrs Elizabeth James nitsAlcy j* Johnson Hiram 11 Johnson dr W .S 1 K Keating mrs Eliza Kilborn Channcoy Kennedy William Knight James M Kennoii Nancy L Leon Lewis Loyless Nancy B Lumherton Alfred Loud John Law Josiah S Lubbock mrs D S Likins T M M Mahon Charles Martin mrs Margaret Muntz Horatio McGuire John J i McTyre Ann B Merrills miss Jane ( Maekio William Millon John C , MoTyrc 1101 l md Mijls C F care of Oliver Me Mil len miss Matilda Lamar : Marshall AB Mm ray PJ , McMillan Aichibald Mood Thomas S , MuKco W B Moore Hiram N Newir.n Thomas Nevvin miss Mary Nelson Mitchell O Oliver Win B Owen Ficldcn S P ■ Parker William Plummer Samuel A Philips Thomas Prontj Cheney Perry BF Pope Aathaiel Peuwell Thomas Pye Willi im ’ U r Ciuesnol Alfred 11 Rankin William Rice rev Luther Ramsey Edward Kockbonth Joseph Reid capl Robert Roland Merit Riley mrs Elizabeth Roberts E S S Samlorlin Gcorgo Sims Frederick j H i*iil It ISrluir.l Scuvcll Charles Smith Richard final s rev Win Smith M uses Scott Caty Lambaid Alfred, care of. Sago Stephen R 1* Spellman Selleck Frederick Stringfollow Win Shelton N 1. Slingall W W Sniiihvvick John Spencer W A, U S A Smith lummy Suaics A A Smith Stoddard W Sullivan Alexander T Taylor J W TI lomjson W II Taft Josephs Thurman mra Elizab’h Tale Robert Tift Nelson Thomson miss Nancy Turley Thomas Thomson Ishaiir 'Turner rev Allen V Vallotton Francis W Waterman Asaph Wilson miss Julia Ann Walker Ueo it/ Wiggins William \V W alker Alexander Willcox Eliza Walker Reuben Wilcox John Walker miss Martha Wright Ebonczcr Watson Alexander Wright Calvin West Elizabeth C Wright William White lias Elizabeth Y Young tnrs Mary Win, C. MICOU, F. M. Jan 4 35 FOBS SAMjH* 1,100 ote 1,200 ACRES f LANDi WITH Saw, Flour, and Rice Mills on it: situated in Barnwell Dis trict, S, C.. 28 miles from Augusta and 10 t from the Village of Barnwell, about on a . line direct fVoin Charleston to Augusta. tlrerefore it is presumed the rail road will * cither pass through it or not far off.— Price $2,000; one-liflh cash or approved ’ endorsed paper at 60 and 90 days, the ba ‘ lance at 1,3, 3, and 4 years credit, with J interest and mortgage of the premises.— Titles indisputable and warranted. 1 Q5 5 * Apply to .foH.V GUIMARIN, watchmaker. No. 147 Broad street *■ July 9 EDUCATION with maiwaii labor. '3l HE subscriber having purchased HL a small plantation near Eatonton. m-oposes to take six or eight ycung men of good moral character, between the ages of 12 and 17 to provide for their in struction in the various brunches of Ed ucation; in Agriculture, and in the Me chanic Arts. A pparalus to illustrate the sciences of Chemistry, Astronomy. Nat ural Philosophy, &c. will be procured and a Mechahicshop erected. Schools df this kind established in Tennessee and in the Middle and North ern States have nourished beyond the ex pectations of the most sanguine. Hun dreds of applications to enter students have been rejected during the year for the want of accommodation. The writer has been urged by several respectable and litc * y gentlemen, who have prom ised t' cf *ons, to open a similar one in Gco-g ah tin! he now designs to make the exym all ipy. So many months have e laiy be since he formed Gn itiilvs frAtotion, that lie has not time make high pretensions in re tlrhalt,tor “ ’qualifications nor the amount Vat—and wj,-. learned. He will endeavor they to impart instruction nsfarnnd as Wain >as lie is able. Assistance will be procured in teaching the mechanic arts and some of common the branches of Education. The object is to make practical men and qualify them to be come good teachers of schools. In government, he will endeavor to act the part of n parent and treat the pu pils as his children ; but he must be obey ed. He desires no parent to send his son who is unwilling to have him submit to the regulations of (lie school. Eacli stu dent will labor two or three hours in the day or about one day and a half in the iveck — Care will lie taken, as the weather grows warm, that they be not exposed to a mid day snn, (ill they become inured to athle tic exercise, by employing the mornings and evetJngs. So many hours will noJ. i*?. olr v. season, somewhat more. Each student will provide himself with sheets, towels & blankets—and it would be economical for him to have a coarse suit to wear during the hours of labor. Hooks, stationary, oil, itc. will be fur nished those who need (hem at the low est price. The times of examinations and vacations cannot now he named. IJeii gious service will he attended every sab bath in Eatonton, u little more than a mile distant. Those who wish to enter their sons must give information and secure places by the 10th of January, The school will ho opened on the 23d. Letters post paid, addressed to Eulon tou, will receive attention. \\.cgwVaVunvs uud Terms. ]. The coarse of instruction will occu py three years. *2. Hoard, lodging, washing, tuition. &:e. for Iho Ist year will he $00; for the 2d s>7s; and for the 3d SSO. Payments, half yearly in advance AHIEL SHERWOOD. Eatonton, Dec. 10, 1831. 20 ( LASSI C'AL, M ATI IEM ATIC AL, AM) ENGLISH SEMIN ARY* _ Anthony malone win open (his institution in this city, on the 2d of next January, ut the Parsonage of the Catholic Church. Mr. Malone will re ceive only a select number of pupils, to whom he pledges himself to do ample justice. Dir. M. will hold an annual ex amination of the pupils of his seminary, to which the public will lie invited, and lie confidently hopes that on that aeon sion, parents and guardians, who snail favor him with their confidence, will la well pleased with (lie improvement which their children or wards slmll have made. As to capacity, or moral char aeter, the most respectable reference will be given. As to terms, which shall be moderate, tj-c. apply at the seminary. N.IJ. The English department in ad dition to the subordinate branches ol spelling, reading, dictionary, vS. English grammar, will comprehend sacred and prophane history, geography. English i composition, declamation, (j'*c. Sir. Dec 14 10 TkoatV Swovd EXERCm MIS. WILLEY WILL give a Course of Lessons in the Broad Sword Exercise, Cut and Thrust, ami Attack and Defence, at the Masonic Hall—(lie course to lie com prised of 13 lessons, to commence on tlie first Monday in January and continue eacli day thereafter, in the afternoon or evening, ns may he most convenient to the pupils generally. Terms, for Broad sword exercise alone, $2, and for the cat and thrust and attack and defence in ad dition, $2 the course—ifa sufficient num ber of pupils he obtained to form a class. The lessons will be general, to members off he Richmond Hussars or nay others who may desire to attend—and will he given in each or all of the exercises, as each pupilnmy wish. ff?" Apply to either of the Officers of the Richmond Hussars. 1 Dec 24 22 i NOTICE FOUR months aller date, application will bo made to the Honorable Infe rior Court of Franklin county, when sit i dug for ordinary purposes, for leave to . sell Lot No. 5, in the Ist district 1 eln county, ns the pmnorre. of James AWcNTA MILLEB^JIce-—i , fitflfirtg ** Ma \ THE M R wsmSr I friends and the public s-Wk c! tnat lliey are receiving un(l ‘heir old stand. 313, KLNG jSTIjM ii CharkiU ,n. S. C. a largeand splcndhnk e sortmentof ' HARD-WARE, CUTLERY, e FAtc/gooßs, - To which the attention of country n .er vited V,Slt " ie 110 ci,y for sttl'plies is in -'T * , SMITH, HARRIS ,f. Co Charleston, Oct. 26 J 1 _ Augusta Chronicle, Georo-i,. Journal, Macon Telegraph, Colu,„hn‘ Laquirer, Washington News and Atbr , man, will publish the above weekly 1 four months and send their bills for n av 1 nient with a paper containing the above i , i oe vV co. ' October 20 w 4m7 ; OK. BARCLAY^ CON CENTRATEO COMl*Ol Vn OF CtIBEBS AND BAKBAPA KILL A, an inofionsive. positive, ami ( speedy Remedy for the cure of Gonor . fluea, Gleet, Semina Weakness. B'tiic . tare, Whites, Pains in the Louis Kid , nics, Irrjlntrouof the Bladder and Ure . thra, Gravel, 4ud other Diseases of ill,. Urinary Passages. ; This most e!.Wionß Preparalion is conveniently useA and totally devoid of irritating qunhip., frequently perform Ing cures in n days; it is hoalthl.R to the slosnachi and by no means un pleasant la the palate; possessing' ail the active inetlireiiial properties necessary tor the cure ol the above Diseases with out any ’liability of injury to the system , h y # slll ' t ' to weather. It has ob- toe sanction of many ol there , *pectvble members of the Faculty, „ n d a(idt-c approbation of all those who hut-c had occasion lor its use ■ . «Vi Treatise on the Medicinal Properties of L sSSo'P OI ' U "\ COm l“ ll ' d f'om the Lest Author,. nslitii 1 * *!Jjj' o,* ' C|l ”t° tended its use, in various internal Chron ic Diseases. Sier choice Ingredient, obtaining ■lebrity in Europe, lias also been •cd. forming a safe, speedy, and permanent cure for the above diseases. Prepared by S. G. Barclay, M. 1). - Strand, London ; and for sale by •"* TURPIN & D AN riGXAO. AgKXTS, (South CaniUjF Sept. 3 Ia A %% OTt N SHALL hereafter w the Superior Courts of Richmon. i ounty. M y office and residence arc in Greenshorough. Persons residing in \ugusln, having business to transact, requiring the services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Groene, Morgan, New- I n. Clarke, Ogietorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Talliaferro, Monroe, or Hancock, mul who may choose to entrust it to me, will have an opportunity of conferring with me personally, twice in a year, in rcluttioa to it. FRANCIS I!. COSt. Dec 5 If 18 THE JRAS3 j\ t €S-120RtiIA\ Ji S PUBLISHED iii the CityofSav 1. annah. and under the late improved arrangement of tb<> Western Mail, de parts for the interior, Mobile, New Or leans. vVc eacli day, a few hours alter it is issued, arriving at Augusta in 28. at Milledgeville in 48. and at Macon in 51 hours after its departure. Terms $8 tiO per annum in advance. THE COUNTRY GEORGIAN Is published three times a week andean tains all the inieiiigonce, including new advertisements, published in the Daily* paper. Terms $3 00 per annum, paya ble in advance. The Georgian, daily and tri weekly, ■ contains thehdest Commercial, Political: I Domestic Miscellaneous intelligence, . and particular pains arc bestowed upon the Marine department, where also will I ho found all that relates to Darien and i Charleston. A. Price Current, carefully I corrected from statements of buyers and i sellers, together with remarks on tbe transactions of the week, is published every Saturday, (he Foreign Exports noted daily, and regular tables of (he Exports ofonr principal Staples, both Foreign and Coastwise, published puce a month. Advertisements fro pi abroad will be conspicuously inserted in both papers at 75 els. per square of 11 lines for the first, and 37.\ cents for every succeeding pub lication, when daily, or 30 cents when twice or three times per week. Legal notices carefully published, so ns to com ply with the requisitions of the law. Jan 14 28 . ALL persons indebted to the estate ol /A Mrs. Mary McTyre, late of Rich mond county, deceased, arc requested to , come forward and settle the same? and I all those to whom the estate is indebted t will present their claims to (ho subscri . her, within (he time prescribed by law. ; A-RHODES, Ext. Nov 16 6l\v 13 ; IBtsifi* I H m AVING relinquished ti;e Auction ij* t Jy jjjj Commission Business, in favor of Mr. . John Marshaci., i» will be continued by . him at my late stand, 231 Broad Street. He is prepared to make ad vanccs on any a Consignments he may be favored with. C J'IIILLIPb. » Augusta, 10th Jan. 1832. s AICTioS". f And Comnussion Business. HAVING taken the store lately occu pied by Mr. C. Phillips, I will con - tinue to transact the Auction and Com mission Business, ns recently hy him, and solicit a continuation d ‘ ‘ 1 patronage Mr. Phillips hyafrees to any ' with. My attent&r,,! terms. - elusive)" '' J. MARSHALL. V Augusta. 10tb — —