Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 28, 1832, Image 3

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K PKOI»O§ALS H TPgi' **uoiis*iing the c\uio:s\cUn, W DAIIiY. ev a. h. I'iair.wmi.N. BB"3' : ’iV!\(J determined to issue the ■ k AUGUSTA CtlllOMCl.K «m/y. the bus: tiers portion of tho Rear, at least, and lo toiunn'iice (he daily Son dietitian as early as a sufficient tjjmr.i A- cvfaew type, and ether materials tan I is 'Bpi't lined, tVorn the \orth we beg leave. •Sts;tee!fully, to tiiiVr the project to our Biends and the public generally, f»r their liitronago. The socui-weekly and vvock l mibiieutions will be continued us usu 11. and. sensible that the Daily paper, now |n contemplation, will lie supported prin oi;.ily by the Mercantile portion cf the Oomr.ianity, we shall endeavor to render ft valuable to that class of our cilizei s, by culling' into action every possible means of (.’ounnereial intelligence : and, with the aid t>f an able and intelligent assistant editor, well skilled iu coniine' i .itiiil aIT i ire, whom we design to engage. cad the exertion of the utmost possible ' energy and industry, the latest and must iimporbutt commercial und other news, (few-ill always be presented. anil at the jj&Mima time the interests of our Agcicnltu pl'.d. Polilierd. Literary, ttnd general rca- Ejtycrs, most of whom arc also interested, or less, in the commercial micll; gKjgeuee of the day, will be duly attended 80. And the numerous late improve- Siuents in the mail arrangements id' this Beity—giving us a ditinj until from every He; u art er. Hast, West, North, and rsonth. Hby tho {'-liarieslon. Vew-Orlenns, iN’orth- Bcrn. and Savannah stages, present peeu Kfiar facilities fora daily paper, and means Bof rendering it eontiau.tlly valuable and Biuterestiiig. The patrons of this paper Bumy rest assured that it shall not be ex ■ celled by any other similar publication. ■ determined as tve are, to spare no mean*' I of effecting that end. and sensible, that, I fn this community, us in every other, a I liberal A: intelligent pabii ■ wilJevei keep [ pace, in it-s patronage, witii any useful I nnd valuable enterprise that may be pre f seated to it—We wi.l leave it to a majo rity of i he subscribers to this publication, f to deU‘rmiao whether it shall lie publish ed Dili!;/ throughout the year, at Ts-,'N DOlil.AItS x»i:st an.Si'.m, or Daily duiin/r tic btUiiiii'stt months, and smut weekly during pie remainder of the year, at MRiiiT DOL- j L.l RS i*Kit annum. g/’Tn render this paper as valuable as possible, each No. will present ail the material commercial and other news from N'liw- V irk. Boston, Pbilmlrlf'hin. itaiiimore, \V«shinflt.iu, Mobile, New <>i In ins, mid every oilier (jiiartor of the Voi 'll, inceived by (be daily pnpe.s oi’ file preceding And, us “ho ,•« per will be published regularly by sun rise, every m .ruing, subambers will get 'Vic news so much curlier lima by (In’ f.<- peigu daily ptipets tliey receivelV> m the Ibist-cdliee. win-i it opens tbareullcr, or. 1 the «iii;ie mornings. JX olTtulug this j'lijjact to the patronagu of ilia public, wo b., «r leave lo bo uudcKloud as tip-miling sololy lt> ib-.'U' interest, us tho only solid siii'J proper basis* vs such an umlur j. Oar oten interest rroicpis ns to tlio eu lei"sine, from a bclieftbat it may bu profitable to oil. selves, us well us useful to ilia public; fui, unless i: be iiscfu , nnd therefore profitable, to fin- public, it ought not to be, and we urn vensi Pin caoiiolami will not be, '.rofilubia to us; anti y. a t!i«rofore desire no ouu to patronize it, but tinman oxnoctution of “value received” for tnuir money, or to continue their subscriptions thereafter, should tliey be disa .pointed in that { vxpnelatkm, The correct principle of all bum j .ness l anractiins (and ibis is, of course, as much j a business li.nisiiction as any other) an.! tho only one on w hi-b they can he safely, honestly, pro- | (jpahlv, u’ permanently iriaintnlned, is mutual I Shaft and self interest. And, udying upon this, j in the ■ resent enter -iziv we sitall Loir closely 1 and actively to the interests of on- t*ub«ciihoi«, | iit the best means of promoting our own—sensi- j ble that whether they like or dislike us person- I * ,Uh/, tliey .will patronize the pacer, if we make it p their interest to do so, nnd that the nine in dustriously and ; c:severing!)' we laho fur them, tins mare general nnd valuable will bo their pa tronage. And, should wo at any lime, become forgetful of them and our i'bes, tho best way ofcorrecfing the evil, mid arousing our ene.gics and p opor sense of the source few whence wo Je ive our profits, will be to wiliid avv then patron go, till it slw’.l be to their interest to ro riew it. This iviil be due to themselves, and liulbing tnoru than j.isl to us. An i, while no editor Ins the tight to en pure of a subscriber tlio ,canse of.a withdrawal ofhissuhscii lion,to coni id,,i,i 0 f him fir it, would be to attach to others,toe blame, which, in nine cases out of ton, is due on ly to ou selves. If a man does not consider it his interest to continue Ins subscription longer, whether right or wrong in his opinion, he is just os IVee to do so, as to withdraw his pationage from anv Store—and to enquire ofhim llm c.iu.o, /? iin iertiuent, while to blame biui foi it, is arro gant and unjust. The patronage of a paper phuuld always bo given, or withdrawn, from a »,enss of the value of the paper to the t uldic, or J fa ones-eels, without any icfu.encu v.'h,i<cv)n to the editor pe.sonally, whom one may like or dis like, without liking or disliking his pa. er—and | therefore an editor should never consider tho 1 withdrawal of a personal matter, j'n the least, or feel the less respect or tegard fur the individual who withdraws it. Its only effect should he to prompt him to an examination of jhis conduct, and the correction of any errors bo may discover,- and to stimulate him to greater exertions—determined, at least, neither to deserve censure, or loss of j ut onage, so far ns his honest efforts can avail to prevent it. As to the withdrawal of patronage lor u difference ot political or religious opinion, that is a thing .■which should never pain, o. move for a moment, •any honest and independent editor, as, amid the endless variety ofhuman opinion on those sub jects, the same expression of opinion which Would induce one uiau to withdraw, would in duce another or more losubsciibe—at least, su We have found it. Commercial patronage, however, has little or qothing to do with personal controversy or con flict of opinion; butis funded, principally, on in dustry, eueigy. honesty, and perseverance, in tiys (jtjickpublics,'.tea cf till jxnjortact/ec/?, agd Mi.imjiiatwai u >n tn mu 'la^twmwinMMwisa able and intelligent comments upon them, cal culated to develops their true nature and ronso quenoos. And, commercial men, undivided and unprejudiced by paity, will,ns all others ougiit to do, always carefully examine both sides ofevery question, looking more to the intrinsic value of the opinions tV arguments themselves,than to the persons who utter them. However, then, we may differ f'om any ol'ou; me chants politically, " h.lo we shall continue ft eelv to express our po litical opinions, uninfluenced by anv man or any pa. ty, we have no doubt tliey will patronize us, so long as wo may make it to their interest to do so, commercially; and the Daily j aner will be devoted chiefly to thcii interests. And they can not be unaware, that no paper can honestly a e eo with them altogether, un i that while tliey differ ftom us in some things, they will probably agree with us in others, and the same also with any paper that boldly an I honestly expresses, as eve y one ought to do, its own opinions, and not those ol a arty, or of any other a, o' or erson, \V e believe (hat njirst-rati: Daily Paper, such as we are deter mine I that ou s shall lie, will bo high;)' the Ijco, arid profitable both to its patrons and to ourselves. The groat ob joclol commercial men, >u atiouizing papem, is to obtain the cuinmeiidnl intclligctico font all planers; and to efl'cet this, many sub se.ibo for s iveral daily eniumocial papers, pub different ua !i s. Vcl still, as few, if any, can afford to have one f:om every sea port, or comme ci.d town,intelligence will often an ive by ape s which they do not take, which will give those who lyceive those -.a, eis, the advantage of ihem. And buri le tliis, many of them have scarcely time to look through all tlio commer cial matter of every papoi they ccoive (and of ten to no cff.;cl,)to find such as concerns them selves or the particular business of this city. Our object will bo to have every commercial pa. ci that is desirable, throughout the Union—to got them from the P"st office, each evening, the the moment they are received the; e— and to se lect ftum them, set ni typo , dariny the nig’t, and , nbiisii by sunrise, next morning, all the ira tant commercial inlelligance they contain—al so, tho important political and other news, so far as the lime will permit—giving the , iefereneo, always lo the commercial, and all that mostly concerns the commercial community. Thus lay ing before the Mediant, each morning, holme ho leaves bis residence, all that valuable in fu-in at ion which is calculated lo proven Ins transactions throughout tho day. To effect all tliis, the a: or will he consideraly enlarged, the best of workmen will be engaged, end the comrue eial niepa tment placed exclusively uu, dcrtlm control of a commercial editor. By thus concentrating all tho valuable commercial intel ligence fcm all quarters, llie ( cichants of this place may bo saved the groat cXitorse in cur, cd in dailjs ftom abroad, and tho one one trouble of searching through a bushel of coni inertia! chad', for a grain of w heal, and often not oven that—and will receive it also so no hours ea.lier than they could obtain the foreign papers which contain it, ftom the i’osl Oilice.—lt will be both au ex onsive and laborious enturprize; but, neither iahor or expense are to ho eared for, in anv undertaking, su lung as they etui he sue coss ntly and prolilubiy employed; und of tins we have not the slightest doubt in llie present onto, prize—at any rule we have dele-mined not to s are thorn, in the eflb.l for success; and some generous fiends, who entertain «mi ihi'' opinions oft its success, and confidence in on exertions, lnvo had the kindness to stop, forward voluntarily with tilers of pecu niary assistance, sliunld we need it.—We are iu teal) with a gentleman ofoxtensive commercial j us wed as general intelligence and iufbrtnaiioa, j fe. a sale to him of one half of die establishment ] he lo take u. on himself llie entire control of j the commercial department oi it. Bet, should nut lids arrangement be made, an able, inlolli j gent, and capable commend ti editor \\ ill be cn- Igaj^td.—■ Wo shall stake every tidng upon this j enterpiizo, and we I nst the community is sufli | eielil'y acquainted with us lo believe, that we J are not disposed to do things by hidccs. The j qiiuslien, then, is. Will sueb a .a, e bo valuable to them—wo-, tb the price of it I All we ask, is, rite us a fair trial, at the. stall, and if you are disayput tiled , icithdiuic ynur patronage, at once, icithuut the least hesitation. lit M.'B’ilUa JKi -v■ C OfiffdaliY, fliZ.AJtifl.lilA. Tho riibacriiicr having £ fcgf I'iiti liat-td too iutcrotil of AjgS* a. D, i ‘.(l. Jidni \V. iVcontiiii. the Union iiotol, AS.)•!( i ronu'ry, (AlaUniin.) m»II- it. t>,c |;all' ol hi.-i i n-iivr-tH a t pubiif ifi'iioraßy. ilia hou.NO is aNiritnotlitiittfly nnd wt-il sitnatcil for bubiiM - k of ictii'oiiicnt; tlio hlublos M|incioiis utill coiiifortiililf, tiiul utlciuarti by too hot-1 ostlers in tlio .Southern httiles. Tb,. [{.be i-> sMjipiiecl vviili lie l»t*t.l Ssiquor c to bauiittiinetl in Mobile or New t)i lenr.s, „11,1 the Table with the bt hi the mni ktl or conntrv wiilnfl’ii tl. Bartii '.ilisi' ttUen tiorr will be f.iiiti to neu!nests in Hie pri vate iijtiti tiiienl.-, uiul eleiiijpietty ol the b.’ibliii'C. ’idle ulm.n.-t ortler und ilwu ,iiin will be observe.l iu tin* Union llo ] tel A pun of the Im ir-ieis Ijtteil u ( > cx i pie-sly (lir tin* iifeoiiiliiotlation ol l.iiilifS, ) in which fnnflies can be enterluined se- I jiM.-irt.-h. fruinlhe reet oi'tiie Bourdcrs. — j ili.i lioU.-o is s.ituutetlJiint below the (/’eiurt j ii-.-ti-e stjnni'c, on Commerce sd. nearly i opposite ibe l*or»t Office. A Hack will ivgtilni'ly titieml tiu* urrivul t>< rsteam Si. utb ut this i>laee. Z. T. WATKINS, i .Inn Hi 'll •!“ ■J'lie 'i’in-cnlooHa Intelligencer, .Mobile Ib gihier. Chnrlenton Memory- f oimn- L-i.i i’mies, and Augusta Chronicle, me 1 retjnefclcd to publish ihe above raUC times, 1 un i Ibrv, uftl tneir ue, omits. I Chutlcslon Mercury. . £iO»T 9 ' SUN or near Aupfustu, n blm k rnlft iskin > NVU.hhT, w i>b g-uiit edtfes, eon • ttiiain<f one hundred and seventy or eigh ty dolinrs, j'rineipi.ny 20 dollar hill*, on the Merchanlb Planters' Hank ul'An trusti Geo Any person finding the r vatne. und leaving it »itli Joseph Hi vers, ’ opposite the Planters Hotel, in Augusta, Sp.Ti 3- Btumwt aGtoVQnMe* vtcSf-* : KE.Ui RSTATfIS AT ArCTIO!** f//* «of previously disposed of.) WILL be sold to die highest hidden, on l!io first Tuesday in Fehrun > ry next, at 11 o'clock, at the lower Mar ket-house, in litis oity. *__* A two story HOUSE, and LOT, being tfu> first two- HIsBmJ B * OI ‘ V * ,< ’ >use above liu' I’liin ! Hotel, in same street, ami no tv occupied l>y Mr. Win. White, The Hot contains oil i'oot front, mnl Kid feel deep. Thu House In s heep hnilt nhont - years, and attached to it is a good lyd v'len, Smoke-house and I’ump. Posses sion to he given on the Ist day of March next. Terms, 30 days credit, for an approv ed endorsed note. The above will ho sold a bargain at ; privatesule. Apply to .1. M ARSHALL, Aucfr. I Jon 2'-t ;> > . ; POWTfVK SA i g i3<:. \W S. V\Vi\iWA\C\v. ON M ON DA Y. fheß() iitsl. at II o’clock, On Holton’s \N hail) in Savannah, Till: STKJAf IKICKK l' JOIfX 1% With all her Fu-nitnre, Machinery, Rig ging, Tackle mid Apparel, ns she now lies. The limit and Machinery have been thoroughly overhauled and the eti ■■‘mc supplied wiih new Hollers, during the present season, and tin* whole is now in the most perfect order for running. A T.SO. Ope new LIGHTER. capable of cur rying S;)0 bales cott on A I.SO, Two First rate PILOTS. A I.SO. One HDILEIt, lying on RocheV Wharf, and can ho rejmired at a sinail expense. The whole will positively he sold, to • ’<>se tii<‘ concern. •lan IS S 3 J. A. tlliiaVLiXD, juji&UUtia.'* . , t“ M - A !S returned, ami wilin mam m this }jj H City u short time. He may he d nt Mrs. t amiiui.d's, corner of id and Jackson street, Augusta J; i>SS if 32 AixumrS OZTIK2&SJEPS BAS*. On , Jlrel i ’ .(.' hi yin luiiriiary next, 'L I %T I '-If he sold M the IMarbel-liouse, If V in the city of Augu-ta, within live a gol hours of sale ! 22 wool lints, y white fur Hats, 7 pair aegrd»(y'ic.eis, 7 pair women’s Sheet*, (> cotta a Shins. 1 H umel Shirts. spairos unburg Paul, loons, u pair Russia dttok, ‘i Vests. 2 round .1 aekets, 5 large and 7 small . Mto i f'hawls. 1 lot of Twine, (i Jars. ? 1 sih; fi-.kl’s , I piece Cheeks, cut, VO Shaving Baxes. 1 lot Calico, 1 lot.cot ton H i kJ-, 10 tl.ilU'i* Pots. 2 do/.. Curry Combe, Id Jugs, 1 hh! Kmii, I caskVine ;-i r. I empiy stand (’usk. 2 sets Measures, 2 wider Rackets, d men’s Chinks, 1 lot '-hot. t ; i ee red Flannel, 1 l-.f Tobacco, lot »’rockery. <• pair cotton Sloes, 1 lot i-uspeudet s, I lot Paper, 3 Casks, 2 boxes Soup, and a lot ui sundries ; levied on ns dm property of Edward O Conner, to sa tisfy a ti. fa. Joueph Wheeler, vs. said O'Conner. IS, H. GLASCOCK, Shff. C. A. Jan »l 32 * TO THE EDITORS AND I’UUUSUVKS , OF ML H'St’ABEBS. J i>Ai A’l’ii AJV ELLiOTT, OF THIS C| p\ OP WASHINGTON, K $• • SMil i'H l.i.V livpiesls tllC Editors Ol’ ’ HHb pul.lashers of Newspapers wiihin tlie s--vei'al fit.lies and Territories of the I iiioo, to fun.i-l; Idm, through the Mem bers ol Congress oflheir particular .Stales or Districts, ai the Scat ol the Federal Government, with three copies of their , Newspapers’[marked with “one,” •■two” j and ‘■threc”j isstieii on (or about) Wed nesday, the lit'inilij-feoimd of February, 1 -*-VJ, (hi'ing tlm (Mnlinuml Jluniitremij o\ ( jiiterul Washington.) , As his motive is entirely disinterested , and patriotic in making this request, it I being Ids desire to produce positive evi deuce i f the nmaher of Newspapers ; printed in the I idled Slates, nail their Territories, lie desires that particular al , trillion may ho paid to this request; and, above ad, t*y the publishers of country i papers, in distant low ns that are, com paratively, little Known: and if, nt the same lime, they would eunnmiaieate, in . tin if papers, any ‘statistical information’ relative lo their immediate neighborhood it would he highly appreciated, & grate fully acknowledged.” it is intended Unit every newspaper rc . reived, siiall be carefully preserved and . j arranged, hy States, in u room nt AN ush ) j ington, dev tiled for this object; one set to i he eventually deposited in the Library ol I j Congress; the duplicate set to hetruus , I mitieil to D. Rice, 17mp of London, (A- I gent lor the purchase ofliooks, Ac. lor ■ the Cmigi essional Library) to he hy him i placed in the liritish Museum ; and tin triplicate set to he retained for some pub '' j lie institution. 1 1 it is intended, also, as soon as this col 1 1 lection is completed, to publish in it taint ’’ ' larj'ui in, in the public prints, for the in | foi iuiilion of the people ofthoL. fatales a list of oil the Newspapers, emhrueiitg ■ the I'Xitnie,” ‘'plnee and period oj’putdi j cation,” and terms of subscription.”— | Croat pains will be bestowed to mala n j this list (being an important result to la -1 gathered from the collection) as pet-feel _; us the materials will admit, u l! in hoped that the intelligent eon - duelers of Newspapers, (uvorubtc lo (he e nbuve projei t, vvtii oblige the adverti.-ei i, by inserting litis eommuuieution in theii i, respective papers, to each of whom u dopy of the “ tabular stutement” will In frunsinillcd, 03 spon os published. 4 an & 1% v ▼ I FOSS I IIARLESTO^ | 1 in Sdvnnunh nmd Beaufort. THE &TIUM P. tCKBV WM, WHABKOOK, CA FT AIM DUBOIS, W ill dep-ft for tiie «uove places on DA\, (the 2"«th) nt !> o’clck'U ' For Freight or Passage apply on hoard, or to A. MACKENZIE. & Co. , AVay freight must he paid for here, ami no freight received on the day of de parture. J 4an n N «1 a '-’ir -l’r t’R t:i(aiT tSleam Host Company’s bouts lilly cents per bale. \V3I. UOHHKTMO-V, Aeent. Jon '2H ;;i KliilthltT lit/AiCJ!STKI7LTS<S s ' r AGI3 Oftiee is to Mr. Cnm mingw’ Law buildings, near the I’ost Oliii’e. AngJtsta, Nov. Itltb IKH. w'Jm 31 POSITIVUIiV TIIK BiAW'IS' Ml. n»m | i>o\> jL\uiiun\ti AT THR MASOIfIOH Alilr, Augusta. Quo. Jan. 33. A FEMALE OiKA % « or thh UVIVO I'illMl OS' TEE rO»£«X. A doscription of which is as follows, Tbis truly wonderful un'mal is the lirst ’ living specimen of its kind ever exhibit ' ed in Ainerlca,|vvhieli may be accounted for by their set ludeil manner of living in the depths of their native woods, and consequent dilljenlly of cnptni-e, which is much increased by their obstinule cour age; to this, may he added, the extreme delicacy of their health in a stale of cap tivity. The admirer of nature’s works should not let this run; opportunity of w it ■leasing the apparent link between the 1 human and brute creation, pass umiotic ’ ed. This e. inud is of the female kind, perfectly harmless aud ployl.d, is dress ! ed In a b. eomiag manner, of which she appears rather proud ; carries herself ' creel, sits in a dignified manner, pals on * her hat, eats with a spoon, holding the nip ia the other hand ; uses her handker chief with grace, I, if urged to do so. will display her m/< life, vvilh a slick, as a weapon of tjelenee, with many other equally surprising feats, only to be ex peeled horn a human being. The most scientific characters of N. r York. Fhiliidelphia, Halliniore, and Hos i ton, have vvilnessi-d the above, mid pro . notiiiced the exhibition decidedly the - greatest mil and curiosity ever submitted s to their notice. I Ladies anil children may visit the ex hi r bitioli without the slightest iipplelicasion > of danger to the one, or want of proper . respect to the other All who wish to observe nature, us she really exhibit* ,y- herself in the various gnulutions of bo iujp., will justly apjaeiaale this lirst op- I poilunily of wiluessing the form, pos I tare, habits, and proportions, of this far - famed species of the quudruniumi. s 0,7-Hours of exhibition, from 10 A. M.tolF. M.—from 8 till 5 F. Jfcl.—and . from 7lo!> in the evening. I * t * Adniiltaneo ftO cents —children half y pi-iee. A liberal discount made lo w hole . families. e January 25 31 ? eoTi’orv 5a %v-c» i rvi. s ibsenbcrs have cslublishcd u a shop in Augusta, lor the purpose ' of tanking mid repairing COTTON • OiNH. The Gins will bo mad# of die I best materials, uad warranted to answer i- us good a purpose ua any Gins heretofore u made. \Ve will keep on Land, Gins of if di lie re nt sii'.us. Our shop is about 1(H» - yards above the Upper Market in this - place. NVe are also appointed Agents r j for CSaflbrd’s patent fSlraw-Cutfer. n HOAT WRfGHT A. JONHS. . The Georgia Journal; Federal Uni i- on, ( arotinimi, anti Abbeville \\ big, will insert the above one month, and for -1 war<l their accounts to ibis place, i- Augusta, Jan. IB Im 23 '. ,IWiT Ifi Ki’BO V i- Kegs first <iuulity Cavendish To - haeco, e 42 Hunch prime Herrings, for sale low e by J. MARSHALL. t Jan 25 81 FAT. e M UST received, eight eases Gentle r 0P men s silk black and drab Huts, of r the latest fashion, which will he Hold at a the porfheru invoice cost. e lUt’HAUD ALLEN, 25H, Hroad Struct. Jan 9f 81 i. \,. r SSSS EAGLE AMD PllffiMlX SIOTEI# 'AUGWA, GEOHCfIA, fin UK BUHSCRIHERW. having leased Iho new and elegant Hofei, known otv JJ t|,c Bn pit niLii Eluenix Hotel , in this City, beg Icqvo lo inform the Public, that’, it is now really for the reception ol their friends and customers generally. . bic> Establishment stands on the site of the old City Hotel , on Broad street, trial in peiub •f cominodioufiiess is oxattlni by none in tjie Bkmlhern ( oiintry. If is pleasant ly situated, and eoiiligaous to die points of ueliyo business in the City. Os (heir own services, they shall say nothing, leaving them to speak for themselves. It is, however, duo their friends to say, that n«> personal exertions or expence shall fie spared lo reader their visitors and boarder* comfortable, and give universal iu't;s tui tion. They have the usual means, attentive Clerks and aecotnmodatbi£ Hoe vmils, and will provide all the variety aud luxury which the market enu afford 'lheir triable is very spacious, provided with jcapablo ostlers ami tilled, with die best provender. They offer their services to tho public and expect a share r.i‘ ■ liberal iiatrouugc. ‘ COSNAUD A- BYRD. National Intelligencer, C’hnrleeton Courier, Savannah Georgian, Croc ifia Journal, Macon Advertiser, tuukColumbus Enqiiirtv, am mpiested I-' the above onoe u weak for live weeks*. January II ** — i .—r- jxr. VVIIITESMITII HIXI NESS, fa Villi subscriber respectfully informs B Id* friends and tlio public, that tie has opened a Whitesmith Shop at Mr. Jacob Dn.i.'s establishment, on Wash ington street, where House Locks, Gun Locks, Window and Door Hinges, and machinery of nil kinds, to -.•ether willi every article of Iron or steel, viil lie made or repaired, at all times in he best possible manner, and tin the (| moat reasonable terms. Stqre Locks are made ol‘ a very superior and sale kind, aueli uscmmol possibly l>e pinked mid whi' h will ellect every object that - cun he deeded Irom hucli articles; w hich are particularly recommended to Hanks, Mcrclnuils, »)•••. ANTOINE PICQUET. J m 80 2t wtf 111 ft I*KfVITK ftALK. %,;kely Vellow Girl, uhout 2ti year* | , id—accuHloiucd to all kinds of , „• work, is an excellent seamstress; , can cut out and make up linen and dross- , cs, a prime washer and ironer of line '■lathes, a pood nurse and cook, and com bining 1 every fmililieation to render her a vulaa%lo She Ims been raised in a jpuacel family, pad is now of fered with reluctance. Apply to L. HILL »V" CO Jan I tl t? 5 jTNV the 2d instant, at the 17 Mile house, on the Savannah llaud, n fo^r-linked GOLD CHAlN,with swivel ( KEY. It is supposed to belong to Wr. ] Vcissenger, u gentleman who lives in ( Alabama, and was on Ids way to New- Vork. Anv (rersoii otaiiidng, anil prov ing the same, can have it, by paying for ad i ertisiug. IJ. F. YEFDCDY. January 1H 2!) AND IXtf jGiUMB WAVI* A'l IttM HVSURJIWCKb f HE fMi-;< nami V l>svu*fu;K C’ovi’amv. .0. w ill insure against Eire, Huildlngs tr.d M< rchandise, in the city, or in the e- unlry, mid Cotton in Ware-houses. — /Vlso, Colton and Wercliniulise, against loss or damage on the river, or upon the ,'iigh Seas to any port in the U. Stales, by their Agent in Augusta. .IAS HARRISON, Agent. i |T7=* Ollice in Mr. Cumming s Law Uuildings. EißTllljil WARDi f ft! HIIE tubs* rdier offers for Sale in Sa- J 8 va.mvaii. a large assortment of the llrst-qualify Eurlhenware, in line order; mid will sell the same for city acceptan ces, in lots of ten crates or more, on as low terms, ns ware of equal quality is sold, either in Charleston or New York. H. H Savannah, Dec. 7, IHISI «J|-W2iu IS , liiW IVOTICJK. undersigned have mated them- K selves in llto practice of the Daw. They will attend the wc\end Courts in tlio Northern Circuit, und all business en trusted to their euro will meet with prumpt attention. A I, T. SEW WES, A.G. SE.MMES. Jfonhinglon, Willem Co. Jan. 10, 1 u itl. SHARESSTOCK ol’tlie Dank tjj |r of the State of Georgia, EOll KALE, Enquire ut this OUlce. * Jan 7 wtf 2d Cypress Shingles. ioo7oos* CYPRESS SHINGLES, lor Sale on the Wharf, by HARDER Ac HLAIR, A .Vwl dour below the JSrulgc Haul: Building, Dec 21 22 LINCOLN SUER I IT’S SALES. On the Jim I ’J'ucjJa:/ in March unt, WILL he sold, us, Lincoln Court House, between the usual hours of sale, one negro man, named JOSH . U A,taken ns the property ofSueun I’lein f ing, to satisfy two jit. Jdt. from Lincoln t Superior Court, W/u. Curry, »<*. Susan Denting, PROPERTY pointed out by defendant. 'I'M 031 AS LYON, D. S. January CM wrd 3? i FACTOR A€i4 »■: A>l> commission St IU-i Undersigned will transact tjv: Factorage mill Commission Bnut iii'NH, undertlu> linn of Heard & n, \\ V. il HAUL*, JOfit \V. \\ !ld*ON. Jnn i KM «S ; tow* lArrW" FOII N AX.F. «*« The c»ul>s*i .ibers, iaveotert the I.egislaUire, with power, f>* 1 ' M Ibr that purpose, \vill offer •.»,. ... ■'•ale, mi Tuesday the!£‘lh a a’' Feorumj m-xt, unit co the succeed, day. » number of Hots, improved un4 unimproved, in the Town oi' llambu.'g owneil hy the Sftuto of fei -uth Carodi.a, on the following term*, via : one this-ij the purchase money to he paid in t, (ho remaining two'tiiirds. in one •-•nd tv*. ’■ yearn, wjlh interest from the out* ... . payment thereof to lie seeumJ tiy hoy«; nml personal security. anil a inortgntc'. fho W. J IIOMI'.'O , Jr. i ~ ■ N. 1.. OHIFFIN, [ V liUMtv Miui/rsc, S " - JnniaiH33 (in ' I The Charleston Rlprf’.ury, Auguste ('lironicle, & Columbia Time*, will pul* iish the nhovefor one month, A" I' i waci* their hill to Henry .'hull?. Handling. Cur-Q-'ininn OliOlIF TA VFK.^V MOMICBM.O, ULOUUIA. (iEOUOE STOVJJ L, S Would respectfully l*H form Ips friends nml "if public, that he has token l a old stand, recently oceupu cd hy «Jk>l. JoaoAM—wheiHj he will provide on ter tain - ineiii fur Hoarders *V Trnvellcry—eqin«| to any similar votabUidllUpnl in the pity. • rior of (leorgin. Ho is daily ex|>ectiiig an entire r.npp;y of new furniture, and will provide civ.'y requisite for the comfort ofujl >\|(o IP «y jf»vor him with their custom. ilis Tavern Is rniirad from Uie Pl|hlh» Square, and none hut orderly and n-s pectuhlu persons >vHi be suffered to fry., quent it. .if n II »tw 4ft a itTrt’i' »atti k isS : *t9 oy vnv>\% t w * ‘ V» ' Mow exhibiting’ alive, at No. SJ.'JY Broad* street—north side.—for a fc>v days, The great AftACONDA, OH TERRIFIC SERPENT Of' JAVA, 4„vp the BOA eO.VSTKICTOB, Oi- .Sti angling- Ecrj/rnt of Ceylon. The colours of these two reptiles arc vivid and hejiutilul (feyoin'i description. tvell secured in q wire cage, dotijtt lh..fc the lady or child, ip»y view > them with pleasure and safety, A I.HO. THE HEAD OF A k NEW-JCEALANM CIIfEFr ANO A SPf.B.NMID C'OSJtIOR AHIA • i (£?■ Admittance, 513 cents—Children, j half price. I For particulars, see bom. 11 hills,. 1 i January 515 '\3l J : oil* c. a. watio^H i I’Fhti.'' his eerviees to the I'itizvosJ • ol* Augusta and its vicinity, anu^ ,• will be found at the residence of M! is, | fSAVASH, on Broad street, except iiroiiussionully engaged. . JM Jan ~5 0). -pb 31 M