Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, January 28, 1832, Image 1

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I A’WCVO'STA CnBONXCOUB. 9 OFFICE couxer OP Jackson At Ellis-streetr. AUGUSTA, (GA.) SATUK DAY 9 J All'll ARY 2S, 1.532. VOLUSIE 40.«I¥0. BL PUBLISHED EVERT I WKDNKSDAV and SATI KDAV MORNING, BY H A. H. PE>IIIEKTO*3. 5 S£^!-WEEKLV PAPIiR. F!VK DOLLARS ; :l! r« r annum, payable in advance, or aIX. DOLLARS ul WEEKLY PAPER, THIIEI3 DOLLARS V er Himutii, payable in advance, or FOUR DOLLARS Ml L; Alm* ml of theyear. W." No p»*per will he diaconiinuetl 'cept at the choice ol p publisher,) until all arrearages are paid. A DVERTISK WENTS are inserted semi-»eekly at 6*2 1-2 cent*** per uqunre, for the first insertion, anil 4:5 3-4 rent.® for q/ich succeeding insertion— weekly* at **'■» 1-2 cents per square for each insertion—and monthly (when D< t exceeding one square) at 81 for each insertion.— i •’ None, however small, is clifirged less than one square. , Those intomlpd to be limited must have the number o. ?’ Insertion*, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or f they will he inserted semi-weekly’ till forbid, and char ge ged acr ordinary. I ;•■ The publisher takes upon himself the risk of all remit lr i tnnees of money made to him by Mail—the person remit- Kt/ rHne, first paying the postage, and obtaining from the Post ■ a written or verbal acknowledgement of the B Smnuint, and Its dejmsite in bis office, which shall be given 3 K> the publisher in ease of miscarriage. K v LKTTKIiS (on business) must be post paid, or they ml will mt he taken out ofthe office. m The L AWS OF THE EXITED STATES E.Are published in th.s paper. HNlfe To Ere cut ora, Adminislrntora. nvd Guardian*. Bps SALES of LAND or NISGU-OKB,by Administra- xeentors, or Guardians, arc required, by law, m held <n the. first Tuesday In the month, between the tiours of en in the forenoon, ami three in the afiern<H»n, nt Bpgftlht* Court- Wtusc ofthe county in which the projieriy i |aj&.sitn;itc.—No ice of these sales must he given in a public Kv;ga7e;ic, SIX. TV lays previous to the day of sale. E3&' Notice ofthe sale of personal property, must he given Pslii like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. |M Notice to t!ie debtors and creditors of an estate, must he ftß pehlishetl for FORTY days. Bjlf, Notice, that application will he made to the Court o* HBOrhnary ii»r leave to sell LAND <»r NEGROEB, must Me be p.iidlshod for FOLK MONTHS IBS. ggggggiiMi tx gju n wagaww rrvrraxnu* m*p*'r-TKh . flsfefia. ■*V ■ . to c* ■' I y«* <■' i /f^' s::^ y Mx hi- * • av - fr< (*•tuM I trafeKy' a -jß!jo.,h h./j, JlLis * | MBSS. A* SERA* WOULD inform the (.allies ol’ Au gusta ami its vicinity, that she has jast received (from Paris and Ncw i York.) a large •assortment of MMj lilXfAttY | AND I .FAMrr uooiftS' ■ whirl: she oilers for sale at her old stand I No. !2i>S, Broad-olivet, on (he lowest I < i i*in ■*, v 14.; f Fashionable silk and straw lioaaofs, I |{ohaiMeU Spencers and IMlareens, l{o!>hiiu*tt and Dress Caps, Itlond edged and Sallin Kifjhoii l , Cap ami Lnlestring do. ',r Veal her dowers and Head Flowers, J’vrnmiil do. Ibr Cakes, Silks of various descriptions, | Dolls. Toys, < 'm*s. ami ftniids, i|'*e. »s*r. I) of the newest .o-iiterns. V 0.-toher a=>. ■ •?■ •- f NOTICE# I fl ' jpy- I 'Che subscriber, ns ig<utj ly fn the State, washes to F l'ur»*liase *2o Negro Fellows, from IS to K ; C'i years of age, lor which Jbc cash will if be paid. THOMAS CiLASCOCK. f .T-*> 7 ti vt'i XOIIAIS. rSEtUn subscriber has made engage-: M meats with .dir* M. Ogden, well] li.i mvii in this city, as a (irsl rate meeha tiir, and (‘or many years foreman rind general superintendent at Roll's. lie Hilt r> himself together with bis former experienced hands, to he aide to give sa fisliietion to those that may favor him %vith a call. •last Received from the Northern Ala nufaetories, 5} sajierior close Carriages, iiUaroin bes ami - (Jigs. Also, on the river, a lirst rote Coaehee, and beexpeets ■in a few days, 2 of Hedenburg’s light oloea Carriages. CIIAS. L. HALL. Dee It ID A Barber Wanted, A RKSCKCCAULF While llarber may bear of u good situation (iiriiis ■business, l»y application at this office. Jan I I ' . ts ‘JS AIDIIMSTIIATOKJ!) AOTH Id. hj.KiUK m mills alter dale, apjiileation J 3. xvill be made to the Honorable tin* Justices of the Inferior Court of Cohnu t. hi a county, when sitting fin* Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of ,Ihe real estate of Jared Fon. ds. late of the county ofColumbia deeease.l for tin* benelit of the heirs und creditors of said -deceased. THOMAS E. HEALL, Mm'r. Jan 2.3 4lm Jl ' AIMII Xi(5J It I I OU,*s s“oTl(lv~ persc.ns indt bted to the estate of Dr. Az* Beai.i,, dec’d. late of Lin coln county, are re<|nested to call anil settle them without delay, as it requires a speedy settlement; and those who have claims against the estate, will render them in duo time, as the !«»•• requires. KEM KEAISOX, Adm’r. g Dee 21 6tw 21 I | ADMI.\IS'ii«.\TOR &> SALE. On the Jirst 7\iesilmj in February next, at Cnrnesvill,Franklin Court house, the negroes hclong- to the estate of Levi Stokes, deeens %il.—Terms made known on the day ol JAMES >IOR«TS. Adm’r. B IfceO wltt 17 BsiS Y*“«iMßs9S, |{\ THE PIECE ONLY. R. T. STEELE, e,'i.. i> *! the City of \e.% Vork. is now - - D>. cmng a Slock of Dry Ooods. at 21»2 I!road street, consisting in part of the following articles: Silks, ( ,f various kinds and qualities, Merino Shwis. Cloths and Circassians, French amt M iglish I’rinls, 'l'afl’.'ta ami Satin liibhons, Ronnetl. Belt, and Cap do. .Spitallield IJareelona ip Crape Hdkfs. Silk Unihrelias, Hosiery and Cloves, I’lain and figured Swiss Muslin, And a number of others, which he offers for Sale 'o the Merchants of Augusta, at \ew Vork prices. Jan >1 Pf 20 Female Academy. MIW. Bi. EL. * YtrA," ILL resume the duties ot tier Xea- V v demy, on Monday, 2d January, in which till tlie hranehes. comprising a Course of L'.VU LISIi STUDIES, w ill lie taught., FRENCH, N7V7.Y7.57/, MUSIC, D.7.V- Cl.V(!,A,\'l) I’L.ll.y. LyO O/iVV.7- ME,\TAL .VEED/.E WORK. HATSiS Or TTJiriOXs*. iVr Quarter. Uudiinerits. 00. Heading. Writing, Arithmetic, Or.lliogrn pliy, Cru iimar <)• Urography, tits 00. The above with Reading ami Parsing in blank verse, Orthoepy, Sacred and Profane History, Ancient and Modern Urography, with the use of Maps mid Uiohcs, * #lO 00. The above with Composition, Botany, Ornithology. UeiWogv, Natural »V flo ral Phil ryophy, Belles Leltres, and Rlietorie. #l2 00. Preneli, Belleslettres Bhefoi’ie S (K). Spanish “ “ “ K 00. Music •< “ “ 15 00. Hoarding, lodging, washing, fuel mid Tuition, in nil the branches, comprising the course of English studies 42 75. A select number of young Indies would be accommodated with hoarding, lodg ing and washing. REI'EREXCES. Mi ss D.attV. Charleston, S. (V J as. P. Waduki., Hector ofthe Riehntond Academy. Rev. S. Iv. Tai.m »r.i’„ Rev. Fkanl'is Dklwhaux. } Waiferboro' Rev. EmvAitn Palmrk. S. C. Sion. XVm D. M auxin, Barn well, S. C. Col. W.M, Pinck.m;v, Wallorhoro, S. C. Fuaxkli.n 11. 11. Jimi;:, do. Dec 2S 2t 42 tUIOMtJ! I'K.WKMV COUNTY. To Temperance Clcrclund ami JnscjiJi Cleveland. f r - ll,’ w..l please Ink** 0 t. *•*, tha; J vlmll a’lpjy to the m xt Superior ouit, to be liebfiu and for said county, an the s' eomi Monday in Vp i! next, for . writ of partition for all *!ie lands be <onging to (Ik* estate cf Wyatt t ’leve and, tier'd. If you ha\e any olijections. . on \\ ill please make lliem at that time. ROBERT L. LANE. January H 4tin 2!) 30SifiS2*]irS’ON A C A 111 M W * j 'ri 'fills lastitution is in sne.eessfnl op- I Jit oration, under Ihe direction of Mr. ; I -.mi;s Lofton, whose well known ahili ] ly ami iadelatigablc industry in the ilu iics of his School, deservedly entitle lain to the patronage ofthe public. Parents may rest assured that every necessary attention will lie paid to the mot aid of I heir sons, whom they may commit to the care and instruction of Mr. Lofton. Prom the general good health and pre sent improvement in the morals of El berton, the Trustees (latter themselves, lhat parents and guardians will avail themselves ofthe advantages ofthis la -titiition to educate their children and wards. • TF.RMS OF TUITION, PUR YKAR. Fur the lot fin aml (Ireelc J ohifriiugcs, Mathematics and Sciences, #25 English Urnnmar «nd Geography, #2O Reading. Writing, ipc. #l2 No srhaliir admitted into school for n shorter period than three months. Board and Tuition can ho had with the Teacher, #IOO per scholastic year, if paid within the year. Board can he had in (he village, or neighborhood,for from <! to month. WILEY THOMPSON, JEPTIiA V. HARRIS, \VM. V RK IIAIJDSO.N, ISAAC N. DAVIS, Trustees. Elherton. 5 3tm 2 I COLUMBIA SHEIIIFT’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in .March next. r TO’ ILL IK-8U II at the Court-House, f ts v in Columbia county, within lire * usual hours of sale, I Two Negroes. Jacob, a man: and Bec ky, a woman, each about 21 years of age. to si tisfy a mortgage li. fa., John Smith vs. Jesse 11, .Morriss. RICHARD 11. JONES, Sh’lf.c.c. Dec’ll wtd 24 n —... .j AAau\vv\sU‘ulov ’h »vv\\c. 1 1 On Momlny, the, 12/A iif February next, ' ’ILL lie sold to the highest bidder. 7 V nt the late residence of Jakkd 1 Pound, ileceused, in Columbia county, all the perishable property belonging to said deceased, consisting of; A Horse, Mules, Cattle, Sheep. Hogs Oxen, Carl. Plantation Tools, household und kitchen Furniture. Corn, Fodder Cotton, \e. Sold for the benefit of the 1 heirs and creditors. Terms made known * on the day of sale, 'flic* sale to con linue from day to day, until ail is sold.— 1 The Plantation will he be rented, und the Negroes hired, at the. same tiimc THOS. E. BEALL, Admr. Jan 4 wtd* 25 BLACK OSTR IC H FEATHEie^. A Large Assortment of Elegant Brack Ostrich Fkatiikks. For Sale by Mis. ■ A. SERA, No. 2t)B, Broad street. Dee 21 If 21 1 to , Fur the remainder of the Year, A NEGRO Woman accustomed to im (Cooking, washing and house work; and a Girl accustomed to attend chil dren and work in the house : also, a Boy alioiit 15 years old, accustomed to the care of horses and driving dray. En -1 quire at this Ollice. Jan 7 2i> TO IMSNT,” a The STORE, and PLANTATION nt Shell-Bluli; in Burke eounly, .7 nd possession given in January next. 1 There is upwards of 100 acres of clear ed Land under fen*;—the Store-House is a substantial building, and mi active and profitable business now in opera tion—the Cotton House capable of stal ing 10(H) hides of Colton—mi established Ferry, and Ih6 Landing and Storage of very considerable quantities ufGooMs, with n good Fishery, would render this a desirable and profitable establishment to an industrious and enterprising indi vidual. elf desirable, the Slock of Goods on hand may he had, and in that case, immediate possession would he given.— For further particulars, apply to the sub scribe r. ATTOX PEMBERTON. finrke ccvnly, Nov. 10. 12 TO the Estate of Win. W. Harden, arc requested to make immediate payment; and those to whom the Estate is indebted will present their claims, 1c gaily attested, for payment. ELMIR V HARDEN, Et.r. JOHN LAMAR, Oct. 2D 8 •P ROSITOCTIJS»~ rWI MIS Prospectus respect fully in- S? forms the Patrons ofthe WASH INGTON NEWS, and public gener ally, lhat Capt. Thomas A. Pastruu, hav ing resigned the publication ofthe above named paper—it will continue to issue under other superinlendanfs. Its proprietors will not east nny re flection on its past, nor will they vouch unequivocally for its future character and usefulness. Nevertheless, from a de cent regard to public opinion, and injus tice to their own feelings, they must dis claim that unhallowed proscription l*y which innocence is ofieri condemned without a trial, the motives of our last Dublin men misrepresented, and their characters unjustly defamed. , The party spirit which runs so execs, si rely high in our State, has curried a long with it the most baleful consequen ces. Like (lie wily serpent in Paradise, it lias long since wound its way into our Legislative assemblies—itself a poison, und its bile dentb. Under Ihe ( look of patriotism it lias retarded the prosperity ofthe State by distracting the counsels of i(s oolltieal wisdom. They cannot support Ihe rash enthu siasm of a heated parti/.an, any more than they can the mistaken zeal of blind-- ed bigotry; who worships man more than principle, worships nn idol. Such n devotion they can never join. “Mea sures and not men” is their motto. They support flic Constitution of the IT. S.. and declare with their venerable ’ Chief .Magistrate that “The Federal Un ion preserved.” They support the sovereignty of the States in all those powers not granted to 1 the Federal Government; and acknoul ' edge (he sovereignty ofthe Federal Gov | eminent in nil those powers granted by 1 the Constitution, and not reserved to (in states. Tlie columns of lids paper will be open , i tajudiidMisessays on nil subjects, origin ’ (id nnd select — which may tend to inform [ i the head, or correct Ihe heart, Morals. • Education, Polities, Agriculture, Tte. will 1 claim frequent attention. Their design is. rather to lie useful than ostentatious. 1 Truth, consequently will lie their Polar * Star: nnd though they may sometimes veer from the magnet, they will always r endeavor to sail within its happy influ • cnee. As they feel themselves at liberly so express any opinion which they believe will advance the public or private inter est of their fellow-citizens, so will they • be free, by temperate discussion, to ex pose any policy of an opposite tendency. With these feelings and views, this pu • per is submitted to the patronage of a generous &enllghtened public. Hoping, that—though it may not he a luminary of j the first magnitude, yet, for moral and li terary worth, it may shine like a fixed . star, with pure nnd Mead y lustre. This paper will continue to lie forwnrd , ed to its present patrons,unless by them instructed to the contrary. The terms will remain as heretofore. All letters and communications in re i Int ion to tliis office, will meet with prompt | attention, if post paid and addressed to the j ProprietoiV. '|*( R > Editors ofthe Georgia Joar nnl, Chronicle and Courier, Augusta,and , Athenian, are requested to givetlie above ’ Prospectus four insertions, und forward their accounts to the proprietors forpay , rnent. Jan. 11, 1821. 27 4t ■ .wracii. :> A l lpr! t on * indebted to the estate o‘ /I George Hill, deceased, are require! to.make immediate payment; and thob< liaving demands against said estate, an requested to render in their accounts, m cording to law. ROUT. PHILIP, Adny. Nov ft stw J. I • Wifi. .1. iioism Is appointed Agent at Augusta, for TiAlW’g ISOOIi, The Repository of ARTS, LITERATURE A* FASHION. Tliis valuable work is issued in monthly numbers, eaeli number containing st> large octavo pages or more, printed on fine super-royal paper. Every number contains a piece of Music, one copper plate Engraving, and at least foot* wood Cuts, illustrative of some ofthe contents; and every three months a colored Plate ofthe latest fashioils—and is furnished at tin* moderate price of #2 a year. A specimen of the work may he seen at the Augusta Book, where subscrip tions are received. Dec 24 fit 2 1 r«s; SAIAI AT THU £sug\\sla VjooW-SVovc. ren IIK CHRISTL l.y ALMAXAC for .BL Containing besides tlie usual vaumhlc matter, Bishop Heher’s Missi onary Hymn, with itsnp|>ropi'iat<> music. Dec 28 22 “x io oiii.oM - ' FOK. SAIjK. g tw* PRIME FIELD HANDS,maIe m ®P and female, all young ami sound. A i so. A Good CARPENTER, about 40 years old, for sale low. Apply to L. HULL & CO. Jan 21 20 «|V old cus(omei*s, ami the public in iYJi. general, are parlienlarly reipiest ed when they are in want ofany first rate Corned Reef, to apply personally, or semi their servants to the subscriber, ISAAC HENDRICKS. cause of the above notice, is. that families frequently get deceived by their servants applying to a colored man who is in the habit of vending corned beef in the Market of such a quality that the subscriber would not oiler for sale. I 11. .Inn 11 * - 27 X OTIC *2 ALL persons indebted to the estate of Levy Florence, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment and oil those having demands against, said estate, are requested to present them properly attested, within the time prescribed by law. JOHN I. COHEN, AdnJr Jan 11 . 27 I'll Ell TRADE. NO COMIS (NATION ! i:iKrini\- wa in:, AND liOOKi i: s THOMAS J. 3AR«OW A Co. IMPOKTBKH, AH. 80, Water-Street, New- Toil:. HAVING made extensive connex ions with one of the largest and most improved Potteries in England, are enabled to oiler one of the most exten sive stocks in market, consisting of eve ry variety EARTHEN-WARE, CHI N A, GLABB,and LOOKING-GLASS ES, oil her repacked to order, or in the original, package, at uncommonly low rales, for cash, or city acceptances. The very lib eral support hitherto received from our Southern and Western friends, under the most tryingeireimistances, calls I'm our warmest thanks. We have sun i veil thus far in tin* struggle with a body of men, who have combined till their ef forts to elibet our destruction, simply be cause we will not join them in combining to compel tin* country merchant to pay an exorbitant profit on his purchases in this line. We can only reiterate former assurances, of using every exertion to promote the interest of our mercantile friends, in tl.e extent and variety of itvr slock, Ihe luwniss of oar prices, and tin skill and care of our packers, depending upon a free trade, m the only system which can give stability to tin* mutual interest of city and country merchants. T 1105.,). BARROW Si CO. KS Water-street, New-York. Jan.2l 4t 21 ravin Ollieo of the Clerk of Council! Ja. \\ ill he open from 2to 5 o' .duck, i*. m. liming Ike next two weeks, for 11 1» purpose of giring all persons liable to! pay City Taxes, an opportunity to make their returns. Ofthis, nil interested, will please take notice. GEG. M. WALKER, Clerk. Jan 21 20 The Courier and Constitutionalist will publish the above. Aoriri:, A LL persons indehleit to the estate of Mary Tschudy. di*<*i*as«*d, urj re <|ia-sted to make immediate payment.and those having claims against the estate, will present Ibeni duly attested. A. I. HUNTINGTON, Admr. Jan II - 27 Co\vmv\Vva ShcvWVs l rta\c. On the first Tuesday In February next, WII.L In; sold at tlie Court house, in CTolumhiu county, between i)k usual hours of sale, the following Ne groes, to wit: Three negro men, Patrnim, Bill, nn« Jerry, Becky nnd her children, ,Bain Maryann, Eleanor and Emily, and Jnd> ml her child Peggy; to satisfy sundr* !i. fas. from Columnia Superior Omni Rdvvard W r . Jones, Thomas Flournoy md others, plaintiffs, vs. Eli/, ibeth How id. RICH I) 11. JD.NEB. s.c.c. Dec 21 wtd 21 • JC2 PPoIITTIITCr ~ MATTY EXECUTED AT THIS UFFICt SIiiVUK 81*00^. subscrioor Itequaiiils Hie pulihi* Hi that ho has engaged T, 8. Moons, , B|ioon Maker, and that he can now have Bpoons, Ladies, and Bugur Tongs made to order, of fine .Silver Work in Ihe above line, will he faithfully done, nnd on reasonable terms. Persons having ’ old broken silver spoons, or other phi 1 silver articles, can have them made into new tSpoons, ut No. 147, Rrond-st. Au gusta. I ’ JOHN GUIMARIN. (£?’ Old Silver taken in exelmnge for ’ new Spoons. 1 May II If 152 NOTICE. lOlik immtlis niter «iat«i application will lie made to the honoruitlc the Inferior Court of Richmond county, for • leave to sell the real estate George Hill, i Into of said county, deceased. ROBT. PHILIP, Adm r. Novi) 4lm II I uKoiriiirx, ac, SSO PIEECS hemp,flax,tow nnd doiiH'Slic Bugging, 250 coils hale Rope, (50(H) bushels Livi>iq>ool Salt, 250 hhds. SI. Croix, N. O. Fc l*orto Rico Sugars, GOO hags < ‘oll'ee, 20 ts. superior prime green Coflee, 40 Mils. do. do. do. • 5110 kegs cut nails, assorted, 2(5 tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 400 hags Shot, assorted, 1000 pounds hugging twine, 5 ions Plough Moulds, 5 tons Castings, assorted, 75 boxes Tobacco, 70 barrels loaf nnd lump Sugar, 2<H) whole and half boxes Soap, 40 boxes spermaceti Candles, 20 do. tallow do. 550 hhds. Molasses, 50 barrels Flour, 70 boxes hunch Raisins, 40 cuddy boxes Hyson, Gunpow der und Imperial Teas, 75 quarter casks sweet Malaga , Wine, 25 do Teunerifl'e Sc Sicily Madeira, 5) pipes pure old do 8 do Cognac brandyf pure, 5 do Holland Gin do 5 hhds pure Jamaica Ruin, 45 barrels Nolhern Gin, <SO do Northern Rum, 15 do Cordials, 20 hags black Pepper, 15 do Pimento, 25 hags Ginger (Race.) 5 hhds green Copperas, 20 kegs Madder, 10 kegs Saltpetre, 20 do Glauber mill Epsom Salts, 5 boxes Brimstone, 51 barrels A Hum, 5!) boxes 8 by 10 window Gins.:, 2 boxes Logwood, 200 reums wrapping Paper, 125 do writing and letter do. 2000 pounds shoe Thread, HK)O pounds prime Bacon, !MMH) Spanish nnd common Segars, 800 P pair .Shoes, well assorted, 50 boxes ben ver anil wool Hats, 25 do/ seal und leather clips, 40 boxes cotton and wool Cards, It) barrels Almonds, 20 half barrels crackers, 10 kegs bar Lead, 5500 cunisterssplendid sporting Gun powder, 100 men and women's Saddles, Bridles, *Ve. a A, 100 pieces diillli* and point Blankets, 40 doped, white aV green I’lnn.iels, 25 ball's Homespun assorted, 555 pieces Negro clot li—together with u well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Goods, suitable fin* the country trade. ALSO, Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils nnd Vices, Spades and JShovels, mill erbss cut and band B«ws, Mill Irons, Truce, baiter, HOli and log chains, Rifles and Gnus, carpenter’s Plnnes, Sad Irons, CoifeeiMills, lump and sheet Iron—with a handsome assortment of cutlery nnd shelf Goods—fdr sale on the most favorable terms ’ v, W. A. H BRYSON, Opposite (he Globe Hotel. October e*2 (f (5 I ACTODAGE A. COMMISSION f HE Subscriber having commenced U the above business in Augusta, as ill devote his time exclusively to the inter ost ofhis friends nnd others, who may patronize him. All Cotton nnd other | Produce, or goods sent to him for sto -1 rage, will be stored in a first rale Fire Proof W are House, ul the customary I (•lnu*ges. All orders to him, previous to Ids arrival at Augusta, directed to tlie cure of John C. Holcombe, will meet with prompt attention. Ilis ollice, for I tin* present, js at Ihe first door übove Holcombe <)• Cnmfiehls. ARMSTEAD IIIUHARITSDN. Oct. 8 THF NIIJBISCIIIBIIR M i V I NG mteiy been bui ni out, at Ins old stand near the Globe Hotel, • respectfully informs Ids friends nnd tin* public g. iierally, that he has taken the small Brick Front Store, No. 1.87, north side of Broad street, 2 doors above Mr. lolin Moore’s earner, lately occupied by Vlr. Dunlap, nnd nearly opposite .Messrs. Sibley At Morrison's corner, where he a opes by his devoted attention to the ! D.yFECTIOjyjIR Y It USI.VESS, in all is branches, to share their former liberal iHtronago, i ' DANIEL DILL. Den 8 22 100,000 WI4UOII mwjk th FOR SATE AT THE WHARF *n better terms than they can lie furnish ed from New Vork, for sale by A. MACKENZIE. XT** Builders cun have u further sup •ly, l»y applying as uhovc, * j July 12 80 —— tumamua bmw— — j- * f Oi' CijelOitCiZA. Lxenises ul this (nslitm oa M. will !»*? resumed on the first of Jan nary, IHIkJ. 'i he public are informed, 1 tlial all fiu> offices of the College are now filled, and that instruction in the various 1 departments of literature and science, 1 will hereafter be given by lectures, well ns by the study of approved tekt books. Lectures on the following sub* feels, have been prescribed by the 'I rv-i --lees, viz : 1. Mental Philosophy. Political Loo notuy, and evidences of the Christian Religion—by the Prc*t A. Chukoii, I’ IS. i!. Natural Philosophy and Ci.c. :t:y, with their application ir. tiio usefiii i ts— hy Prof Jambs Jackson, A. IM. 3- Philology and Classical Lemnigg— by Prof Jami s Shannon. A. i>s. 4. Astronomy, and ihc benefit revult hig from, the Mathematics, to the usctul arts—by Prof. lli nuv Mali., 31. I>. >5. Rhetoric mul Oratory, nn<l English and American Literature—t»y lb fJ-rc I*MBI*, A. HI. (»_. Natural History, includiitp taiv'T. |ogy, Geology, Botany., iVc . —hy Prof A. Waco, ft! |> 7. Modern .Languages ofHuropc—by Prof. >Vm. I, human, A. >«. K. H, lloj'kins, A. M. Tutor in the An cient Languages. Win, L. MiTciiKj.T., A. ili. Matneir.ntl cal Tutor. Candidates for admission ,my of the regubir dosses, can ho. received «f. any time, if piepnred upon the rctposilo studies. \uy indiv idaal, himvv* ■ »ho does not wish to pnrsifr a regie -re.-nise, ran attend to such subject -or Icctur ■an he may choose, am! will, on Iv.viug the Institution, receive from the Faculty, n cerlitic ate of the progress which ke barf mud?*. 'S he Profeesor of Nnlurnl History, hoc procured a cabinet of Mineral."!, and will be prepared both on Alincialog" hrd Pot an;,. to .'eijder ids lectures intero til-g and prolitable. The Philosophical Apparatus is no of the most complete in the 2 aicediSintcg, mul the Chemical, extensive—neither of which received any iejurr, oa i.'ie tiro Tiie Professor of Mathetn ■*tcs’it> well furnished with all the neecw .; Instru ments for giving Instruction in ‘ is depart meat, and tVill he part.iculai to assist all who wish to (|iudify themselves fur prac tical surveying and engineering. The Library is now very respectable, and the Trustees ure making hugs. Manu al additions. A new College building bus been cree led. and is ready for the recaption of students. The course of study proscribed for 'ho regular students, is nearly tl’e same up that pursued heretofore, and is so arrang ed. that ench student will have an oppor • tin ly of attending all the lectures nnd recitations J\ II who wish, will have an opportunity of studying the Hebrew, French, Spanish. Herman, nnd Italian languiu r CH. No additional c harges how ever. evil! ho made for either Lectures or Modern Languages. The only College charge is that of Tuition, which is #36# per annum, paid halfyearly. hi advance; on the Ist of August and February. Hy ouh r of'the Faculty, W.M. L. JIITCIHOLL, Sec y Deem 3tsm HI ‘ mami'hima vi am aiT pHn HC subscribers ace now ir, poc. t r' JB. sion of their tidi stock of (.» 'oda, received per ships Oglethorpe and Wtl liam Donald at Hn\ aarnh, direct inm Liverpool—winch lie-y offer to c.ruutry Merchants nnd other- np.«n tonus ns lib eral as will he met with in any othei mnr ket in (he United t’hnfcH. 'l'hc'ir Stoc k Wes purchased by ono of the linn in Lr.glmid fur cash, vvhieb gives (hem advantages c cpndled by no beiise in tliis State, nor surpassed fry any in the ( harlestou or Northern Markets. Their arrangements are permanent, and snr.K as will cnuhlc them at Ul limes to be ij. early receipt oft In* nc ever' style ofwh pes nnd patterns. Feeling ■ oidideni ot ;mi king it lo tbc> interest of Hi ive wishing supplies they respectfully colicit putrejn* age—and pledge .themselves no pain.j will be spared to ghs satisfaeticu P. It. iAVbOUA. Co tt&7, Hroad street, Augusta. neat t'o [Merchants’ and P! talers’ iian! l . ft?’The Athenian, Georgia .loanud nnd < hirolininn will give the above twolw insertioiiH anil forward iheii bills for payment. Nov 9 ts U TlFtTc HAkl'.i;Md>!V CBOCBESY svoas. rgrui; Sphserihers well known i* Sl Georgia, ns dealers in Earthen ware, China, Clara, Ate. beg leave topic form their numerous rustoinrrs, ns well as others on their way to • ff.culesfon, tlVt their stock is now eompl: tr. mu! |»r*V nounced hy judges to he dm'best in tba United States, which they ere offe ring to\ merchants at aa low a rate oh any mur \ ket in Jlmericii. \ 'l’hey are well aware that promise" un less supported hy facts, arc useless, are. worse Ilian useless; they make nc pro mises, nor appeal topublienympathy ago •n:> “ powerful combinations or private monopoly they arc well satislied that the public, know bow to appreciate such appeals.— ' No market is c-losed against us, hut on the reverse, all ure open, and our busi ness solicited by the manufacturer : our • friends ure tunny and powerful, and with numerous other advantages, our facilities! for doing business arc not equalled by any' denier in Augusta, oreurpussed by any •Vne- York. We would say, in conclusion, that wo intend making it tbe iult rest ofpurchasers to buy from us; our prices shall ut lutr ( nnd terms lihernl. We refer to onr cus -1 tomers in every village in Georgia for tiie respectability of our house and rec titude of our business principles. H. H. ULKASON&Co. JVo. iJO-l King k'treft, Char Let'ey*. Feb 19 if iO