Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, February 01, 1832, Image 3

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ir. Mirer of this city, with the view of ip a Jockey Club immediately, and pro >r regular races, at sometime during the Spring. I have not yet had an oppor f seeing the Subscription Book, butun- I that it contains already the names of respectable citizens, and that it is the a of Mr. M. to have the Club formed such, and the utmost respectability, ov decency, preserved, in all matters relu ho Turf. On such principles, there can mbl of success; on such principles alone, wish it success; and fiom my know- Mr. Miner, for past, and eculiur tact, respectability, and gentle lepo tment he has manifested in his rp ,vilh the public, in the several vocations ave brought him into conneiion with it, 1 have not the slightest doubt that his present vnlorp izo will be so conducted as to meet the ppplxibation of all the respectable citizens who Aiay.patronize it. lam not a sportsman myself, ajuit a plain business man, and never take part in ■Ltces,farther than as as; ectalo-, and a inode jweontrun of a sport which is not only rational 'JHpjfelf, but, in its excellent tendency to im- that most useful and beautiful of animals, jtfkf) hor-e, highly valuable. It is also calculated HKterially to benefit our city, by the concourse which it brings here, and the busi which results font it; and as such, it may aSjgell claim the patronage of all who wish well to Mae prosperity of the place, and are disposed to ■Bid in promoting it. With these views I cannot {jabui wish well to the cnlerprizo, and desire to «be it warmly promoted. Ig A CITIZEN. COMMUNICATED. I THE WEATHER. ftt'-jHit. Pemberton ;—The morning of the 2Cth Hun. was the coldest that we have expe- HjMkciut m Augusta fur the last fourteen years, the coldest, except one, fur the lust 35 years, iat’lie Mercury, by Farenheit, placed on the i&HBlh sido of the house, at 7 o’clock A. M. stood degrees above Zero—at 12 o'clock, 22 de- WBss—at 3P. M., 20 degrees—at SP.M. 23 de- IQulic morning of the 271 h inst., 10 degreesat I* clock P. M. 27 degrees—at 5 o’clock P. M. uofl| degrees — 28th inst., at 7 o’clock, at de- Specs above Zero—at 2 o'clock P. M. 38 degrees. S Fortune is painted blind that she niuy jHot blush to behold the fools who belong' M) her. 9 Some men get on in the world on the Maine principle tlitu it sweep posses nuin- Hbn'uptedly through the crowd. T i’eople who affect u shortness of sight Huiist think it the height of good fortune Ho he horn blind. ■ Lounging, unemployed people muy he Hcalkd of the tribe of Joshua, for with Hhem the sun stands still. Futilities think men like bulls—they Huust be baited to mildness ere they tire In atfit condition to die. ■ There is tin uneieiit saying—" Truth Hies in a well" Afny not. the modern u- Hiage run—" The most certain charily is Hit a pump.” It - y -ii boast of a contempt for (lie ■world, avoid getting into debt. It isgiv- Rat t > gnats the g» f. , f 4 G.Vjf A’fi ii'i vi 'a! .ik ii* Al/iuox, January 28. COTTO.X MARKET. | b inge in the price of Colton since <HHt!sl w sny T a 8 cents, extreme prices. Our market is not as lively to-day at the quotations, owing to more unfavorable a< counts from {Europe, up to 2d Decent her —(be receipts, however, have met gales v\ about tiny decline in price. Messenger. New-Orlkans, January 21. COTTON.—On hand, inclusive of nil <m ship board, not cleared on (ho 100: inst., a stock*of 25,071 bales. The Sides ol’the week tunnunrto üboul TOOK bales, principally Louisiana and Mississippi at former prices, except far choice quality, 1 which freely brought 11 all?, mid some jt parcels 12cents. We notice sales of ,\. I Alabama and Tennessee, lute arrivals § nt 9 a 9j cents for about 70(1 Jo 900 bales: I the demand for all descriptions continues I fair, and the finest quality is much sought I for by chasers for the Northern mu- V nutheturies. La. and .Miss. elio’cc Ui a ([ 12 scarce, demand; prime, 10). a 1 0- good demand ; seconds, 9), u 10,scarce: interior, 7h a H;(, scarce.— Price Current. 11 *jm—an md i w ——fMwniaiifw. w.n * » O’ Tim friend* and acijuaintaiicfis us M :s - Jane McCov, and family, arc invited to attend the Emm al of her Son ALFRED, from her re sidence in the Ihidge Bank Building, near ilia lowe; market, This Aei m.noon, at half past i> o’clock. rFp The Reverend Mr. FKKSTON, i of Savannah. will preach TO MUUT, in the Lkcturk Roo.ij of the Fresh\ teritin Chureh. Feb* I 3.3 jEfEEItS’IB OFFICIAL PRIZE LlefT. Drawn Numbers of (ha }Vc)v-York Consolidated Lottery, Extra .Class No, 1, far 1832. 1, (52. 9'J, $3, I I. 12. 57. 51, 52, Cl. COMBINATION 11, 53. (52, a Prize ol 200 ]>OEEAJSS» Wold and Paid at BEERS’S U E( BI CAPITA iiS 111 UNION CANAL LOTTERY, ( lass No. 2. lor ! '32, Drawing Due on (SATURDAY. 60 numbers—o draw;} ballots. 1 Prize of 25.000 Dollars. 1 do of 10,000 Dollars. 1 do of S.OOO Dolltus. S I .do of .4,140 Dollars. 40 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars. 40 do of 500 Dollars. 1 51 do of 200 Dollars. 51 do of 100 Dollars. &.c. Sec. &c. &c. Ticket Half £5, (Quarter #2,50. Prompt attention paid to orders at BEERS’ rortuisatc lottery Office. No. 241 Broad street. Address W P. Btr.r.s. £Vb 1 33 BY .1. UVK^SIAIr^, THIS DAN , at iO o'clock precisely, At the residence of Mrs.lsabella Bom s, in Reynold Street. ALL THE HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUMITIRK, &€. belonging to the estate of Alexander Spencer, deceased —Terms cash. THIS A I GUT, At liaii past (i o rlociw. at sluro, A general assortment of tstn|)lo ami faru y HARDWARE CUTLERY. SHOES. GREAT COATS, CLOAKS , fc. .(m. Feb I 33 Terms eash. 'Yo-Movyow Moi’umg, At II o’clock, S a HI BjSj €JO« At the Store last occupied hy Mr. «5. W. Couch, next below .Messrs. Sim.uv vV Mokrison’s—the balance of theibtotkia Trade of E. VV r . COUCH, Consisting us: GROCERIES, £> ft V 01^9 II ASS DtVlifc Sv &V- Ami a general assortment of C OCKE UV 9 Suitable for this market—Terms nt sale. Feb 1 Sll PA€IiAG K SAfiiO’OF PLAINS AND SAT FiNC rTS, jj'x m*a&vstei&x* WlLLbeSokl without reserve, 011 Frultiy Alurning the 3rd instant, at 11 o’clock, before my store : Nine Packages Plains and Satlinelts. slightly damaged, and sold on account of all concerned. Terms, 90 days credit, for approved paper. a, A general assortment of GROCERIES. Feb I 33 Hi HA Ii JUST A Tlf AreTlOi\. (If not prt dourly disposed of.) W ILL he sold to the highest bidder, on the (list Tuesday in Februa ry next, id 11 o’clock, nt the lower Alur ket house, in this city. a A two story HOUSE, and LOT, being (lie fir t two story house above the Plan ter’s Hotel, in same street, mid now occupied by Air VVut. White. The Lot contains 50 feet front, and JOO feel deep, The Hi use Ims been built about 2 years, and attached toil is a good Kit ■lii it, Smoke-house and Pump Posses sion to be given on the Ist day of .March next. Terms, 90 days credit, for an approv ed endorsed note. The übovi will be sold a bargain nt priviitcsale. \pplv to J. AIAKSMI ILL, Anet’r. Jan 28 32 UEiAEi ESTATE 65V Ii On .MONDAY, the I3lli of February, At 19 o'clock, A. Al.—on the premises, n b A Housi and on Green 44*2s»isk Street, bounded 011 the east by a John A toe re's lot, on the west by Weh-ome Allen’s lot, front lug north. 50 feet (iinehes on Green-st.. nttd rtitining buck 172 llet, more or loss. a ’i’he House and leased Lot, immediate ly on (he corner of Campbell and Eilis streets, w ith 60 feet front, and running buck half through (ho square. a, The I louse and I.ot immediately back of the Planters’ Hotel, on the corner of AleCartna and Reynold streets, having a front of (id feet and Jtiß feel deep. Ail the above properly is offered at Private sale, until the day of public mentioned above, when they will be positively disposed of. The terms will he Mich as w ill suit almost tiny purehus ers. The sales will take place in the or der oflhe advertisement, and on the pre mises of each; to eomjgeiree at 10 o’clock. Feb 1 (J 33 "'ll?I^BAG. 1 11' 1 | WAfc sent from Edgefield Court- 1 House. S>. C. on the vl!) ull. in the stage, a grey hair covered TRUNK, a bout two lect three or four inches in length, will? ti iiud thereon, di eeted to John J. Gray, care of Air. Holloway, Hamburg P. Olliee. Said Trunk has not been heard of since it started from Edge- ; field, and the direction may hnvo been, rtthbrd oil’. Should there Be tit any us j the Stage ollues, or elsewhere, a Trunk 1 unelainU'd, the owner w ill pay a liberal • 1 reward to any respectable person, to» open it. and if he finds therein, hooks »)• ! wearing ajipstrel, on which the name of the sahwriher is written, soul it up and | direct it to Hamburg, S. C. cure of Air. j Holloway. RICHARD D RICE. I Jiruch Island, Ecb. 1, 1832. ll f 553 The Federal Union and Columbia Free Press and Hive, will insert the above! once eticli. and forward their accounts to 1 Hamburg, C. for payment. | COLUMBIA SHERIFFS SALE. On tins frst Twfday in April next, ® STILL be sold at Columbia Court I || House, between the usual hours J of sale : j 805 acres of Lund, more or less, hound- j ed by hinds of Marshall Keith, Black ■ well. Bradbcn y, Win. AlcGar and Cone; i to satisfy aiuortgage fi. fit. from C.’olum-1 bin Superior Court, Tiioiuus Nelson vs.< John Nelson. ISAVCUAAISEV.Shir.C.C, | Feb 1 W gQi&ftigiUa Foil (IIAISUISTO^, V'm Savurnnh and Bcavfurt , THE STEAM PACKET JOIFV KTOA I ' V, 1 Cart. .Tamks Phnnoyhr, Will depart, for the above places on TO-AIORKOW Alorning, nt 9 o’clock. For Freight or Passage apply on hoard, or to A. MACKENZIE. & Co. Way freight must he paid (br here, and no freight received on the day of de parture. Feb 1 33 NOTICE. Wiikhkas, application will be made tothe honorable the Inferior Court of Kiehniond county, when silting for ordinary‘purposes, for leave to sell twelve Shares of trtate Bank tStoek, belonging to the Estate ol’Damkl Si ahni s, dei'eas ed. These are to admonish all and sin gular, those whom it may concern, to ap pear, and file their objections, if tiny they have. E STARNES, •jimrdtan. Feh 1 33 NOTH’E. ” fjNOUR months niter date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Negroes belonging tothe Es tate of Darnky Burry, deceased, for the benefit oflhe creditors of said deceased. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE, mini''r. Feh 1 4tni 33 notht:. riiiHE copartnership between Guorou Rives ()’• Hknkv Picks, in the Farm ing and Brick Alaking business, is (bis day dissolved. All persons having de mani's against the firm, will please ren derthem in to P. H. JS.'lhah, as soon as possible. GEORGE RIVES. January 30 fit* 33 i’< >TTON \ \y~im i N r subscribers have established 11 .H. shop in Augusta, lor (he purpose of making and repairing COTTON GINfS. The Gins will be made of the best materials, and warranted to answer as good a purpose as any Gins heretofore made. \Ve will keep on hand, Gins of dill'erent sizes. Our shop is about 100 yards above tbe Upper Market in this place. We are also appointed Agents for Salford’s patent }Btraw-Culler. BOATWRIGHT & JONES. CT* The Georgia Journal, Federal Uni on. Carolinian, and Abbeville Whip, will insert the above one month, and for ward their accounts to this place. Augusta Jan. IS Im 31 "JIJST HE€EIVEE>, Kegs first quality Cavendish To bacco, 42 Boxes prime 'Herrings, for side low by J. MARSHALL. Jan 25 JJI 4 Vv t’ONNIGNMENT." "K I B’F received, eight eases Gentle nu n’s silk black and drub Hats, of the latest fashion, which will be sold at the northern nveiceeost. RICHARD ALLEN, 258, Broad Street. .Ton 25 3t 31 GISEIT M a<: 1C I»iCNTS Now exhibiting alive, at No. !!37 Broad street—north side—(br a few days, ■i'hc great OH TERKHTU SERPENT OE JAVA. a- a Tin: BOA CONSTRICTOR, Or Strangling Serpent of Cvi/ion. The colours of tbiM-e two slupmidous reptiles are vivid and beautiful beyond description. They tire w ell secured in 11 I wire cage, and so perfectly docile that I the most timid lady or child, may view j them with pleasure and safety. Also Tin.; Ill' ll) OF A j NEW-ZEALAND CHIEF. A > l> A SUI J~\ Df]> 0 Z 1 ’ Admittance, 25 cents—Children, half price. {£/*’ For particulars, see small bills. January 25 31 Cypj-css ji CIYPRESS SIH VGLJ'ISii, For Sale ! I on tbo Wharf, bv BARBER A. BLAIR, !, 1 Xe.rl door below the Bridge Bank Building. ! ! Dee 2 I 22 , «A EE. , j On the Jirrl Tuesday in April next, (B*l&’'4Lfj he Held, agreeably to an or ; 1 1 AY der of the Court of Ordinary off | | Clark county, at the Market House in the 1 ' ; city of Augusta : |l j The undivided interest (heingone-lifiii | part) ol’Jolm F. mid Benjamin I’hinizy, j { children of Alar,-o I’hinizy, deceased, in a1 1 1 Lot or piece of Land, situate on the north • 1 ! side of Broad street, in the city of An- ' 1 | gusto, having a front of 31 feet on said • I street, an;l running hack 1(3) feet, hound-! j ed on the south hy Broad street, on the I : vyest and north hy Spencer's lot, and on i I f the east by John XVoolfulk's lot. i I JACOB IMHNIZV, 1 1 Guardian foe Jjim F. d- lienj. Phinizy. 1 1 ( .Tun 28 wtd 32 DESTISTItY. J. A. HiIIAVUVI), HAS return'd, ami will remain in this City a short time. Hp may he launcl at Mrs. Camfiklu’s, corner of Broad ami Jackson street. Augusta, Jan 28 ts 3*2 mi: srMiiußEßs UESPEUTj't’ULLY inl'orm their IVicnds and the public generally, that tltpy are receiving and opening at .their old stand, 313, KlNi*-STBEET, ! Charleston, S. C. u large and splendid as sortment of HAHO-WAHK, tITLIJIV. AND ! FANCY 4>|OORS, To which the attention of country mer chants visiting the city lor supplies is in vited. SMITH, HAniilStf* Co. Charleston, Oct. *2(l ff?” The Augusta Chronicle, Georgia Journal, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, Washington Mews and Athe ninn, will publish the above weekly, for four months and send their bills for pay ment with a paper containing the above lo S. 11. *Vco. October *23 w4m7 COTOWISSIOW BUSIN SS. f STINE Undersigned \y ill transact the iS. Factorage and (Commission Husi ness, under the linn of Heard cV Wilson. F. C. UK ABO, JOS. \v. WILSON. Jan 110 t 2-3 liAW JUiTlOK'.' f gVIE undersigned have united them- JL selves in the practice of the Law, under the Firm of They will attend the several Courts in the Northern Circuit, and ail business en trusted to their care will meet with prompt attention. A. I. T. BBMMES, A.G. SEMMES. Washington, Wilkes Co. Jon. 10, 1832. I>EC •V.A. WA I K l\s O PEEKS ids services to the Citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, and will he found at the residence of Mrs. Savauk, on Broad street, except when professionally engaged. Jan 2.3 4t 31 I BA' the Steam Boat Company's boats filly cents per hale. Will. BOHEKTSON. Hgenl. Jan 23 31 IiOST 9 IN or near Augusta, a hhiftc calf skin WALLET, with guilt edges, con taining one hundred and set enty or eigh ty dollars, principally 20 dollar bills, on -file Merchants’ A. Planters'Hank of Au gusta, Geo. Any person finding the same, and leaving it with Joseph Livers, opposite the Flnnters Hotel, in Augusta, shall he handsomely rewarded. .1A II EM FEBK FNS. Jan 28 3t 32 TOWI¥ lioTS Fois a The Suhsi rllters, imestßtl by the Legislature, wijh potver for that purpose, will offer for Sale, on Tuesday the 2-th of February next, and on the succeeding day, a nmaher of Lots, improved ami unimproved, in the Town of Hamburg, owned by the Stale of South Carolina, on the following terms, viz ; our third of the purchase money to he. ptdd in Cush, lint remaining two thirds, in one oad two years, with interest from the sale; (In payment thereof to la- secured by bond and personal security, and a mortgage ol the premises. W. THOMPSON, Jr. ) ~ N. L. GBIFFI V ( (iimmis llE.MlV Mil LI Z. S Jan H, 1832 ha 23 The Charleston Mercury, Augusta Chronicle, & Columbia Times, will pub lish the above for one month. & forward their hilt to Henry Shull/, Hamburg. Carolinian. XnS BOM HOTE fi^ IWOiMTtiOWErfS - , AXiAXIAPHA. -ftiJ&ISSSSW The subscriber having Mil'll £g purchased the interest ol Pm I 3 B 9 Col. Jehu \V. I'm-nnin. |r’ in the Union Hotel, )lonl trnmerv. (.Alabama.) soli cits q,,. puti-ounge «>f his friends and the public generally. His house is commodiously and well situated for business or relirement; the Stables spacious and comfortable, and attended by the be; t ostlers in the Southern Slates. The Bar is supplied with the best Liquors to he obtained in Mobile or New Orleans, and the 'Fable with the best the market or country will afford. Particular atten tion will be paid to neatness in the pri vate apartments, and cleanliness of the bedding. The uljnost order and deco rum will be observed in the Union Ho tel. A part of the house is lilted up ex pressly for the aei ion of Ladies, in which families cun be enterfaiiie.l se parately from t,h,c rest of the Hoarders. — His house is situated ju-t below the ('oiirl. House square, on Commerce st. nearly opposite the Post Gtlice. A Hack will regularly attend the arrival ol’ Steam Boats at Ibis place, Z. T WATKI NS, yjnn 28 32 The Tuscaloosa Intelligencer, Mobilel Register, Charleston Mercury, Colum bia Times, and Augusta Chronicle, arc requested lo publish the above four times, and forward their accounts. Charleston Mercury. 1 " .. .» E.ICtlJi AMD PIMEMIX HOTEUv AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUBSCRIBERS, having leased new and elegant Hotel, known as JL (ke Fogle and Phanix Hotel, in this City, beg leave to inform the Public, that • it is now ready for the reception of their fripnds mid customers generally. This Establishment stands on (he site of (foe old Ciiy Hold, on Hrhad Street, nnd in point ■ of eominodiousncss is exceeded by none in the Southern Country. It is pleasant ly situated, and contiguous to the points of active business in the City. Ol' fhein, own services, they shall sny nothing, leaving them to speak for themselves. It is 1 however, clue their friends to sny. that no personal expr(ione or expenee shall ho spared (o render their visitors nii(l hoarders comfortable, and give universal satis, faction. They have the usual means, attentive Clerks and pceoupnodating Ser vants, and will provide nil the variety and luxury which the market can afford. — , Their Stable js very spacious, provided with {capable ostlers and filled with lliq best provender. They offer their services to the public, and expect a share pjf liberal patronage. COSNABO & BYRD. National Intelligencer, Charleston Courier, Savannah Georgian, Gear- . , gia Journal, Macon Advertiser, und Columbus Enquirer, uro requested lo publish) the above once u week for five weeks. January II 27 D Desirous of enlarging ray I S business, I have appointed Jamks Johxso.n, Jun’r., of August it, Geo. my Agent. Ail orders will he forwarded to me, by him, free of post. Gigs, Sulkies, Tilhur ries. Buggies, Barouches, and Vehicles of ail descriptions, will ho warranted lo suit, or no sale ; and wjll he (nude to or der ut a short notice. ♦JAMES TURNBULL. JVrWfuk, J\\w Jersey. ' T][E|UnS€RIBER HAS on hand, a general assortment of Carriages ofnli kinds, selected from the best Munufaeluriug Establish ments at the North. He has also made arrangements to receive New Work weekly, and endeavoring to rriidersufis faetion to Ids friends, by Ids unwearied i attention lo business, lie still desires n continuance of patronage. JAMES JOHNSON, Jim. (.'orner of Mclntosh and Reynold street, ojym site lo Messrs. Heard »)• Cook’s Warehouse, (If* N. It. Carriages and Harness re paired at the shortest notice. Dee 21 21 iidiTUßvatYtttor ’» Notice. persons indebted to the estate ol . Jaiihd IViii.Ni), deceased, late of Co lumbia comity, are required to make iui j mediate payment; and all those to whom the estate is indebted, w ill hand in their demands, according to Iqiv. THUS. E. BEALL, Adni'r. Jan 4 wtd 23 ’ AOMI.VISTItATOIFS NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to (lie estate ol i'Ttt, Or. A/.a Itc.M.r., dec’ll, into of Lin coln county, are requested lo call mid settle them without delay, us it requires u speedy settlement; and those who lime claims against the estate, will render them in due lime, ns the lav requires. HEM BEMMO.V, Adni’r. Deo 21 (Itw 21 A DMIMiSTKATOK’S SALE. On the. first Tuesday in February next,<old ut t.’iq nesviil,Franklin V y Court house, (he negroes belong login theestaleel’Levi S,*okes, ijiieeus <-d.—Tenitii made know n e;i thg day of sale, JAMES MOB BIS, Adm’r. Dee 3 w td 17 COLIIJIBIA SIUIKII 4 VS SALIL On the first Tuesday in March next. WILL he sold at llie Ckmi-t-House, in Columbia gognty, w jlljin the usual hours ofsnle, Two Negroes, Jacob,a man; and IJee ky, a woman, each about 21 yearn of age, to si tisfy a mortgage 11. fa., John Smith vs. Jesse 11. Morriss. BICHAKO 11. JONES, Sl.’ff. e. c. OeeHl wtd 21 i\t\ u\\u\SVV ul,oV ’rt vsu\c. On Monday, the 13 ih of February next, WILL he sold to the highest bidder, ut (lie Into residence of Jari.h I’ocm), deceased, in Columbia county, all the perishable property belonging to said deceased, consisting of: A Horse, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs. Oxen, Curt, Plantation Tools, household anfl Uitelieii Fiirnitjire, Corn, Fodder, (-’oltoa, Ae. Sold tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. The sale to con tinue from day to day, until all is sold. ’ih/- Plantation wijl he ho rented, and the Negroes hired, at tin* supne time, THOS, E. HEAI,L, Adni’r. Jan I wtd 2,3 OUivubVa On the. first Tuesday hi February next, W1 I.L he sold at the Court house, in Columbia county, between the usual hours of sale, the following Ne groes, to wit t Three negro men, Patraim, Bill, nnd Jerry, Becky and her children, Sum. j .Maryann, Eleanor and Emily, and Judy and her child Peggy ; lo satisfy sundry ! li. fas, from Columbia Superior Court, 1 Edward W. Jones, Thomas Flournoy, nnd others, plaintiffs, vs. Elizabeth How ard. UK H O 11. JONES, s.e.c. lie wtd 24 | AdmmvsU’ixVov’ti Sa\c. On the first Tucmhn/ in March next, WILL be Bold, at the Court-House, in (Vdumliiu county, l»y ord<r of the Court of Ordinary of said county; 135 acres of land, more or less, lying ji> said county, adjoining lands of Ahnec I*. Robertson and Benjamin S Cox, be longing to (he estate of Robert PfUWt turd, deceased. UENJ. S. COX. Adm’r. Dec 17 wtd 20 SHERIFF’S SAFE. On the first Tuesday in March r.u't, Wlfili bo sold nt Lincoln Court ||oi)eo, l}rt>vocy (he mm r hours; of Hide ! 330 acres of Land, more or less, on th(S waters of Loyd's crock, adjoining Mc- Kinney, Momfojd and others, taken as tlie property pf Win. WooJs, to satisfy sundry li. fas. ffopi a Justice’s Court, 1 Nathaniel Regain vs. \Vm. Woods unit ■ John McKinney; property levied on uprj ‘ returned to me by a constable, THOM AW LYON. D . 8 . p, o, Jnn I! w(<t 2W I : ! , ADMI.\Iy Tlt AT Uivw WALE, On Tuesday, the £\lh oj January tail, Wlfili bo sold at the rrpideiigo o*f the subseribpr, in Columbia coim ty, all tbp perishable property of Joptf Buncn,deceased,, jplepfea/e! county, poo.- sisting of: Corn, Fodder, Ac. Household oik|[ Kitchen Furniture, Flantiitiun Tools, 4;’ Stock of nil descriptions; soul tor tins benefit of tlie heirs mid creditors of said deceased, '|'erius ipudo known on ths day of sale. OBEDIENCE D. BURCH, Mm'x. Dec 17 4tw 20 AUMLNISTUATOICS WALE. On the Tuesday in March next, AC It LEA it LV to nn order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, will be sold, the following tracts of Land, belonging to the estate Clnon Nolly, deceased: Due Tract 01'250 acres in Early, know:} by lot No. 35, in (lie 23d district—and pup other Tract in Wilkinson county,popn if by lot No. 43,in the lOlli district, contain ing 202& acres. The paid lands to he sold at the Court-house doors jof spjd court* ties. a i .so, Will la- co}d pt the Market house, In the city of Augusta, one Negro Dipl papi ed Easier, belonging to said estate—l o ho sold ibr the benefit of hek’p un<jf creditors of snit) estate. " .1 \s. JOHNSON. Adin’r. 1)1 ARY JOHNSON, Adin'px,. Jan I ■ svt.d 2 & ADMINISTRATORS SAfeft On Friday , the 13 th of January next, WILL he sold to tlie highest ipddei , as Ijincohi Court House, on u cre dit till the 25th of December. all the personal property belonging to the estate of Dr. A/,a Bha 11, dec’ll, constating of. Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Rond Waggon und Geer, 2 horse Wag gon complete, one pair Steers and Curt (Jig and Harness, Flantntion Tools < V different kinds, n large stock ofMedjeiu.s with Surgical Instruments, and a ll the Furniture for a Doctor’s shop, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Mahogany Side hoard and Tahirs, Chairs, a number of Beils and Furniture, apd other articles too tedious to mention. Any oftlieubov e property imiy be bought privately, if ap plication is made before tbo-day of sale. The sulo will continue till ufl is sold. REM REM SON, AdmV. Dec 21 wtd 21 — ; ,• 4 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ? ALL persons indebted to theestate of . Jons iii itcii, deceased, Into of Co• luiuliia couniy, uro requested to audio iiiiniedjiitc payment; and those having demands, ore requested to hand them in witliiu tlie time prescribed by (aw OBEDIENCE D. BURCH, Mmx. Dec 17 , 6tw 20 Guavdum’s >?oUec, . FOUR months after date, application Vw will he made to the Honorable lb = Inferior Court of Franklin canity, w in n silting for Ordinary I'm poses for leave to sell Lot No. 2 in the tykh District c.f Leo county, as tho property ofJlelis- * % Cockhurn. GEORGE COCKBURN, Ovari i 1 Oct 20 7 nvtip