Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, February 01, 1832, Image 4

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mm THE TSIBEH, ■ 'Siato Proprietor oftho Qlobo Tavorni andmoro recently of the Mansion House*) leave to umuiniicß to bisfriends ami the public generally,that lie bus la !s§ ken that elegant and commodious fire proof brick building on the corner ol liroad and .Inckson streets, ami iinmcdiately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It •is situated ia the most central purl of the City, nml is in the very heart of business — being in the vicinity oftho Adgusta Hank, and the Hruuch Hank of tbo ."Stale o( Georgia. This Establishment is known ns the and in its interior arrangement and general eon.-dmetion, unites in an eminent de cree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man ol (aniily, liic individuai traveller, the daily hoarder or the lUshioiii’hle visitor, tlie ULOilil presents accom modations inferior to none in tlie Sontliern Htatcc. ' II avjng conducted for a number ol’years, two among-the most popular Hotels in this City,lie Matters himself that his experience in business, added to the superior tid unfages of situation *V the resources under his conlroul, will enable him to give tho iiast decided satisfaction to ail who may honor him with their patronage. Jlis S I’Ailfd'iS arc spacious and well ve .lilale I. and amply supplied with the bod of provender, and attended by experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to wai a, the subscriber will bestow bis own personal unremitting attention, icin bi.-> ’charges, will not forget Ibc pressuio of the times. (T/** ftia following ’l’,Uilib u.Ti\c at, and depart ui>m, 'J• *rki. regularly ns follows: ,\ln.iaai(!RViM,u rtfAoi: arrives every dm/, at tl o’clock P. Jf—and departs rvrni Jay, at 11 I*, ill . Coi.u>iin.\, IS. C. fS-rvdr, arrives every dm/, at !» o’clock. I*. .11.—and departs retry dd;i, a 7 o’clock, I*. 111. . Atiiuns Staok arrives rvny Vurfdai/ nml t'ridny, at (I o’clock I*, ill.—and de parts vv'.nj Muiidm/ and 'l'iunydiy, at 10 o’clock. A. .If. MkhknVii.i.i!, S. C. Srum arrives ccn/ ‘l'uitdmy and Sii/urdiiy, nt. 7 o’clock, P, Ilf. •saijd departs >t;»•»/ VkumLi}/ and Sunday, at. o’clock. A. ill. I.’ a u.v as vi 1.1 r., S. O. Sr aan arrives every i'viday, at (* o Clock, I*. .11 —and departs cm 7 Monday, at 4 o’clock. A. ill. Wild,l A.II SI IA \\<l.\. ' Augusta, Juno 1831'. Df? P, VUELAY’W VEUETAHLEI I’KdiN, Fm' I hi’ Studious in I Si ihii till I - I'll.-MO Vegetable Pills 51 !•«* llllldl' I from the prescription of an >iM physician 1 in extensive practice, mul have long lieeii li,'l l in high esliinatieo (!ii*oii”li om Europe. N d 0110 particle of mer cury, Antimony, or other minoi'sii enters theil* Com]M»sition. They are ev.pivssly | designed to restore tin* tone mul energy ; of I ho diifcxtivc urgiiii.*, and to remo\ e and correct indigcslimi, 11 btniiiuil difcctU'c I’s pe tite, depression 0/'spirits, ili'ow. nh ss. hiiliihiii/ rostieeuysi, iLbihly, and nay derangement «!’ the sioiivith or bunch. Their o,aTan tin ais perfectly mild, mid requires no charge ofdict, mid person* of the most delicate constitutions may talus them willi perfect safely. T« the Merchant, tins Writer, Accoun tant or Clerk, and all vvlm mv exposed to Hie nmaeroas train «l‘ diseases invari ably assailing xjl'.sons of sedentary>- Its, they will be found to be convenient Had S lyluable medicine. For * do in boxes at .10 cents eneb, by 1 r riiiti’i.N .)• da.ntula w, ilui'usht, iSept. 7. wlimb'd FA n I iJ V M 11231 UF1 A it ASUPi’I.V of tbe (\h:ir iinl Miia;iic sian . Ijipi rirnt, lias just been receiv TIHIPIN D'.-WHUN \(\ ‘ Aan.NT spur its Sii-ic t, 1 this City. V merely pouring water on a lea 1 spoonful of this Aperient, a cool in? a.t i grateful oiler beverage is obt-uaed, I'e.-embliag Soda Water to the taste, <)• imparting to t!ie constitution all tile benefits of the Eongress Waters at Saratoga*” iluruaf* EFFEUVEtSCENT M Mi Kli-MAN APEHIEXT, for the preve.l . tion aid euro v)f ladijjestion, Kiiious and Liver eomplnln's, nervous weakness, Jieadacbe. hearttnirn, Imbilaal costive- 1 Hess, giddiness, eat.means diseases, ipe. ts-v. I’Ue surprising etth acy of tliis su perior medicine has obtained for it the patronage of many eminent persons, whose nigh encomium, together with its extensive it ml increasing sale, fully proves its pre-eminence, and bids fair to render it the most popular remedy ex tant. To dyspeptic, the sedentary, and studious, it will be found invaluable, from j 1 it- oromoting a proper action ofthe liver 1 'in the secretion ofbile. or correct it warn j in ‘i vitiated -date. Obstructions of the ’ *t roach or bowels are gradually ivm»v- : 1 cd U restores (ho appetite, and give,- ( ! tone, strength and energy to the sy-i-m. j 1 ' 'iV ivetlers, and residents. in warm cii (* males, will find Haller’s Magnesian \pe-j x rient ■! desirable article; it iirevonl- any J accumulation otlbile. is portable, and (In' in ibod of preparing it anasaally con veairnt. Children have frequent ocea- I* Rian for gentle and cooling purgatives — Ip they will take this Aperient in preference I to any other. ’file public attention is respectfully <li 1 reeled to tlie wrapper which contains many testimonials of its efficacy. with j fall 'lirection tor its use—Prepared by 11. | Duller, ('hemist, London. > Mteervo that each bottle bears I the signature of 11. Hatter. ?., . Sard. 7. wtiialM* [ NOTICE. A Llj Persons indebted to be estate or 1) miel Savage, deceased, arc- re st quested to come forward and settle the ft sane; and all those to whom the es*>U" ■ is lad,-hied, will present their claims ■ within tho time prescribed by law. ■ K H OLASEOPk. ) „ . ■ W,UU. SAYAtiL, Exr B K°v. 0 x \ j n:u 1. Aid ah tit ra is and ox hand, 1 • *ftf Ik pieces ime and low priced ’4.P * alieoes at) pice, pink, buff and fancy stripe < iiiipboms lob do. i I. li land <»-l, (‘ambries 10 do. Swiss mid Hook .'m.-iir.s ! gd do. Largest size Silk Huiidanas 10 do. Hiis-da Sheeting 11 do < aiit'ili l lamu'l ;i cases ! 1 fine ami extra, fine Irish Laens 11 do. f * and I 1 blcaehe 1 Bbir(ing (Linen told) •‘I do. ! do. <b». ■li bales S-| brn>vn do. 11 do. (fotti'ii Osnabnrgs It’ll dovien t’ottoii llaiullicr. bicfs ”0 pieces red, u bite mid green Flan nels 10 do. mi xt Satlinctts (0 do. 7-t heavy dnllle Hlmikels till du. S point do. do. do. 100 0 I/., u inti'ami grey Lambs Wool half i lose I III) do. do. i lotion do. 100 do. slate worsted Hose liOO do. patent, slide and Cotton Sus penders 100 do. Spool < lotion frj do, boxes (baton Halls 1011 do. Hraziban Tuekieg ("onibs 0 1 do. Aavariim (lots I ease ( baton f iabi'elliis 50 reams < op and Letter Paper For sale low, for cash, or approved paper, by sept (i 1 P!I!Lf.H»S. LAX I) fr’OH HiAliK. a aaiiAT BikaGAiM now olltMVtl iii 11 10 of w trnct. or u \ o n< \ in Cnrroll comity, which is discovered t(' he rich 111 Uw’ilnldaiproper ty. The owner being on the eve of a lony journey to the North, will now st-ll it hue b’n quick application is made. Indispa table titles wifi be delivered. APPLY AT THIS OFFICII •lane 10 7ft 18 w A iiiTID ft A ,?ISSS. 851 KS E> jjlj) espeeifnlly imui ms her friends, am: at the public generally, that she lias n moved her Hoarding establishment to the Itriek 'i'enoment over Messrs, b. Ileia/s Jv Co’s Arcnox Sroiir,, Xo. tilo Hr.iad street. She tenders her grateful thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore reeeivi'd, ami solicits a eoalimmaec ! of it, assuring those who may favor her I w ith their company, that no effort* shall jbo spared on her part, to give the ut most satisfaction. t >el if f ’ If (5 m:n;ivi:D at the ,u t;rsa i Ist Nuiniierof “Tlie American H J airnal 01 tnlproxemeiits in iht I -eful Art-and Atiiror of the Patent Os lice, eoiitaaiiiig .anlu'iitie ileseriptions and illustrative drawings of the re cortls, speeilieatioiis nod model* of the Patent Office, by pe.mission of the .Secretary of State, being a faithful rep reaentation of the state of the arts in America, Ae. N. P. p tlol . lu , (! \v„, tfreon & Co. Editors and proprietor*: J. L- Skinner assistant Editor, with an appendix containing th ■ Patent Laws’ \r . ‘dnb-eriptions for the above work xx’ill , ,n! received at the .7„g as n, Rook- Slor . " 'wro the first number can be examined ' v ' , tu) doubt contain much useful lalonnation of tin* state and progress of ilu* uiMrtianio arb iu our country* Oe-tflU y ■ ——- —1 A CEUTA IN CUBE FOB THE ITCH. ; HIS filthy ami infectious disorder,' .M lie it evei s > inveterate, may be cor cil in one hour's application by the use of DUMFIUES’ OIIVTMEMT. It is unrivalled for tin* pleasatness, ease, ezpeilition. safety, and ca taint y, with ahicb i it produces a perfect cure of this disease.. . 'flic ointment is known to be so certain i and expeditious in its operation, as to el’ i feet a cure in one hours application only.'- . without any hazard oftaking cold, as tin I composition lines not contain the least particle of mercury, or any other danger ous ingredient; it may be applied with j perfect safety in the stale of pregnancy and even to children at the breast. / ’rice 37 i mils per bus,, with ample di rt clions. 1 • ’DIMERIES’ HIGHLY APPROVER KVK watsois.: rgmiirt sale itHil powerful wash lor M. sure or iiijiameil Eyes, stands pre euiint among the niullilude of ordinal*) preparations for this purpose. The most 1 obstinate as well a- the more slight inihi matiens of tbp.t delicate organ, yield to ibis bigiily approved Eye Water, which will brace and restore the tone of the di-easod parti. On recent sore eyes the effect is highly salutary, and in cases of years standing, the most unexpected relief bus been received, after other up plications of inferior ellieacy hud failed Those who use it pronounce it to be one of (he best preparations for those com plaints they ever met with, especially in obstinate cases of soreness anil inhuma tion. 07* Price. 25 cents a hottlc. S, 'i’ll** celebrated (Jaiuhrian 'Puoth Jhhc /’/which give iinineitiule relief with- I out the least injury to the 'J’cetli. On I trial this will ne found one of the best re medies for this .pa uiul complaint. Price , dl) cents a box. FOB FEMALES. \>v. YlcUe’s *\voivvat\c V\V AiH ! EJ M \VI I been long celebrated as a most pj & valuable and elliencions remedy against those general complaints pecu liar to the Icmale portion of society.— They cleanse, puril’v and promote a free anil brisk eirenlation of the blood, when become sluggish and languid from the al llicliag ailments for which these Pills are a safe and effectual specific. 'l'hey . assist the suspended operations of the sanguiferous system, when nature re quires it, and rectify the. irregular habits oft he unhealthy female whose sickly an n.ilid eoimtenunee becomes reanimated and freshens with the natural glow ofre stored health. They are a tried nnd ap proved remedy in dislriieliu/is, de/tilih/. hy pocnntlriii, green sickness, giddiness, palpita tion -of the heart, hut digestion. farthing of food, pains of IheslCnaeli, short ness of breath, upon every little in >tion, sinking oJ'thc.-jnr its, -and its consequence, u dejected coun tenance and dislike for extaa-ise and con versalii'd. They are equally eondttcivc to tile health of married ladies, except in '■uses ofpregmincy, or hectic iV consump ■ five habits, when they must not be taken. — But they may be administered to great ad vantage ti month or more alter accouch limit, for the ■ ofclemising the sys tom and purging those gross humours, which, wlieu retained, lay the foundntion of numerous diseases, und render the in <■ unions subject unhealthy for life. They .Imuhl also be taken by all women from 15 to ob. to prevent the dangerous disor ders consequent upon that critical paring of female life. They have been fmtlie. (bund, by experience, to afford a power fill remedy in all hiipochnwlriae, hysteric, and raporish dirorders, both in riiai and women. whose nervous system they strengthen mid regulate, nid nature in throwing oil those gross*nd superabundant humours which uMuduee melancholy and depres -imi renovate the hotly, reani mate (ho min I. nail diffuse n general eheerfulm ss and elasticity throughout the whole syst mi. Price tfl). a box. For sale by his special appointment, (together \\ i’-b all the valuibleMediciues, as prepaid! byliiehite Dr. Conway,) b) TER FIN Jc i)’.S VI JUS AC, Druggists, ringtislu, Ceo (\s?* Observe that none are gemiiiu without the written siginitureof'P. KID HER, on the outside printed wrapper. .Inn 4 I m -5 Savannah iliver Navigation ,' Kt ME affairs of said Company, having | 3 been brought to a close, with the exception of paying the Stockholders the undersigned gives notice to all eon cerned, that a final Dividend of One Dol larnnd Forty-Six Cents per Share, (on all Shares on which $32 has been paid) will be paid to the Stockholders or tlieii legal representatives, accompanied b\ ihe proper vouchers, on application nl the first (trick ItnSl.ling West of the New Market. Bro id-street, Augusta, to j. w. bridges, Augusta, Oct. 110, iSk). wtf S vo A I;n*ire inVKU.iXO.bOT •‘‘BPS \e. nil I A (.Alton STOKE istSi : ig "‘ell calculated for Dry-Goods sua.tsjsj and Groceries. opposite the store ol Edward ’1 lionias. Esq. upper ‘ end of Broad street—an excellent stand ibr business. Possession will be given oil the first of October. For terms, which will be liberal, apply to Air. Josiuu C.ut him, at the above place, GARRET LAWRENCE. July 81 Hfi For Sale. subscriber offers for sale.a tract _OL of first quality Oak and Hickory Laud, containing 300 acres, situated iii Columbia county, on the'Rig Kiokcc creek, adjoining lands of Richard Tub- I man and- Tankorsly. 'i'he hind is • of excellent quality, and will be sold on accommodating terms. In the absence of the subscriber, apply to C'ul. William 1 Magar, or Mr. Henry Dalby. THOMAS WARE. July 2 ts 77 \ JtfclT RECEIVE^ BY : wm, j* noms\ r 9 v AT THE AUGUSTA BOOK STOISE. |T IFEund death of Eord Fitzgeruld, fct .A Lafayette in Aiaerieu, 1 Journal ofa Naturalist, The Bravo, Itoxohel, Club Book, Affection’s Gift, 1 Friendship's Offering, Blair’s Lectures, J'hadcus of Warsaw, Ajiastalrus, .Mason’s Farriery, Lilly, Brown’s .Novels, &c. Dec 24 2t _23 LIST OF LETTEIiS, HpE.MAININtI in the Font-Office at Augusta, (in. on tho Ist of January, 1832, (not before advortisoil.) Persons wishing Letters ftoiu this list will please say they are advertised. A. Adams Jno Anderson Virginia Adams Henry Arnold It. 1 Adams Sarah Atkinson \V II Albus D. Hanks Dr Boulware Amanda llojill N IT Blocking Kub’t Bedell Mablon B.ookner Daniel Bell VVm A Bronson Zenos Bennett mrs Burton John Bissell Milo Endlong I’earco Blair Kobt J Burrilt Isaac fiiucc Alsey Buckingbam Clmiles It.own Juo F Burden Arclitbuld Bourne John Burke Hubert Bulan Richard M Butler N K € Caye Raimoud miss Charlotte Barnes Case WF care of Martin Craw Cassels Samuel J ley Cash James J Grafton Bennett Capets Thomas II Crawley mrs Charter Win D Coghla-i mr Cliiiiiipney Horatio N Crane William •Clarke EdwurdS Cook Roswell Cu.lis David 1. D Dallas Cnmmadore A Dickson James Decamp V Dabbs J W F.dmonslon Charles Evan rev Josiah Egbert Peter M Eve Joseph Ajr Ellis Charles Evans Jacob r Few rev 1 A Fox James L E Fleming miss Martha Foster Alexander! ( r (iilloii miss Ann (Ircen Jesse P Goodman miss Susan Grubbs Hezeltiah (hiy mrs Elizabeth Grissil mr Gi ecu wood miss JUartha H Harmans Matthew Houston Alexander Hawley Hczekiah Hopkins Harrison Hall Asajih Howell Eliza D 11 ay good Appleton Hull 'Fliosil Ha/./.aid Oliver P Hoggins Ahram llamill Andrew Hudson Hampton A Harper A T Huney .1 llilehcok Chester Hunter J W jr Hills Stejihfiri Hudson Win 0 Holcombe William Hutson Thomas Hudson A J James Joseph Ivy George A Johnson mrs Elizabeth James mis Airy Johnson Hiram 11 Johnson tlr W S K Keating mrs Eliza Kilborn Chaunccy Kennedy William Knight James M Keiinon Nancy L Leon Lewis Loyless Nancy 11 Lumbeiton Alfred Loud John” Law Josiah S Lubbock mrsDS Likins T M M Ufahon Charles Martin mrs Margaret Mmlz Horatio McGuire John J AfeTyre Ann ll A/orrilis miss Jane Afackio William A/illcu John C M-Tyio Holland Jll.ils C F care of Oliver Af.Altllen miss A/alilda Lamar Mat shall AB Aim ray PJ A/cMillun Aielnbakl Afoo-.i Thomas S AfcKuo VV B Moore Hiram H Newnan Thomas Nevvin miss A/ary Nelson Aiitchell O Oliver Win B Gwen Eicldcn S P Parker William Plummer Samuel A ■ Philips Thomas Front) Cheney Pony BF Pope Aallntici Ponwell Xhornaa I’ve William U Ciuesncl Alfred R Rankin William Rice rev Luther Ramsey Edward Uoekhoulli Joseph Reid capt Robert Roland Ale: it Riley mrs Elizabeth Rut erts E S H Sandorlin George Sims Frederick Scovell Charles Smith Richard Sears rev Win Smith Moses Seoit Caty Lamb ud Alt’, ed, care of Sago Stephen K P Spellman Sellock Fie.dmicli' Stiingfelloiv Win Shelton N L Stir,gall W W Smilbwick John Spencer W A, U S A Smith Kimuiy Snares A A Smith Stoddard W Sullivan Alexander T Taylor J W Thompson W II Tail Joseph S Thurman mrs Elizab’h Tate Robert Till Nelson Thomson miss Nancy Tin ley Thomas Thumsou Islium Turner rev Allen V Vallotton Francis \A Waterman Asaph Wilson miss Julia Ann Walker Geo Ai W iggins William W Walker Alexander Willcox Eliza Walker Reuben ilcox John Walker miss Martha Wright Ehenezor Watson Alexander Wright Calvin West Elizabeth C W right William AV'hitu mrs Elizabeth V Voting mrs Alary Wx. C. MICOU, P. AI. Jan 4 25 1,100 OR 1,200 A V 3111* fliiUVAi } iaS'l'l'l! Flour, un I Hico Mills V W on it; situated in K.unwell Dis ! (net. S. t'.. 2-imiles from Auirustaaml It) from the Villotj,. of Barnwell, about onn line ilircet Irani Charleston to Augusta, therefore it is presumed the rail road will either pass through it or not far off— Price tjjtsJJKK); one-fifth cash or approved endorsed paper at (!!) and” BO days, tho ha r lance at I, 2,3, and -1 years credit,- with i interest nndmoiigage of the premises.— Titles indisputable and warranted. 05 s * Applv to JOIIX GITMARIX, If atchmaker. No. 147 Broad street, Aunusta. July U T 0 a EDUCATIOM'" : wvvu Mxtiat. caßOft. subscriber having purchased; § a small plantation near Ealonton,. proposes to take six or cijpht young men of good moral character, between the ages ol' lT and 17 to provide for their in struction in the various branches of Ed -1 ucation. in Agriculture, and in the Me chanic Arts. Apparatus to illustrate the sciences of Clisinlstry, Astronomy, Nat , ural Philosophy, A:c. will be procured and a Meehahieshop creeled. fSchools of this kind established in , Tennessee and in the Middle and North ern Stales have flourished beyond the ex pcetatiuiisofthe most sanguine. Hun dreds of applications to enter students have been rejected during the year lor (lie want of accommodation. The writer lias been urged by several respectable and literary gentlemen, who have prom ! ised theirsons, to open a similar one in ! Georgia and he now designs to make the experiment, iio many months have e lapscd in lixing on a site, since lie formed the determination, that he has not time to state all the particulars of Ids plan: nor will he make high pretensions in re gard to his qualifications nor the amount that shall be learned, lie will endeavor, however to impart in strut lion as far and as well as be is able. Assistance will be procured in teaching the mechanic arts and some of common the brunches, of Education. The object is to make practical men and qualify thorn to be come goad teachers of schools. In government, be will endeavor to act the part ofa parent und treat the pu pils ns his children ; but ho must be obey ed. lie desires no parent to send iiisso;; who is unwilling to have hint submit to the regulations of the school: Each stu-' • dent will labor two or three hours in the. Hay or about one day audit huff in the week. — Care will be taken, as the weather grows warm, that they bo not exposed to a mid day sun. lilllhey become inured to sitlde tie exercise, by employing the mornings und evenings. So many hours will not be requisite all the year, but in a busy season, seme what more. Each student will provide himself with sheets, towels t'c blankets—and it would be economical for bitrt to have, a coarse suit to wear (taring the hours of labor Books, stationary, oil, Ac. will be fur nished these who need litem at the low est price. The times of examinations am! vacations cannot now be named. Reli gious service will be attendede\cry sab bath in Ealonton, a little more than a mile distant. Those who wish to enter their sons must give information andsccme places by the BUli of January. The school will be opened on the 23d. Letters post paid, addressed to Euton ton, will receive attention. WcguVaVvows vmd Tcnwn. 1 Tilt? coarse of instruction will oecti | py three years. j 2. Board, lodging, washing, tuition. I Ate. for the Ist year will be for the 2d .'-'•'7s: and for the 3d s3l). Payments, half yearly in advance AGILE iSiIEUWOOD, Eatcnton. Dec. Hi, IKB. 2(* t’LA«BiIC’AE, MATHEMATICAL, AM) ENGLISH BEMM MW Anthony malone win open this institution in this city, on the 2d of next January, at the Parsonage of the Catholic Church. Mr. Malone will re ceive only a select number of pupils, to whom he pledges himself to do ample justice. Mr. M. will hold an annual ex amination oCllie popils of his seminary. : to which the public: will ho invited, and ; he confidently hopes that oil tlmt’orca sion, parents and guardians, who shall favor him with their confidence, will Ik a eli pleased with the improvement which their children or wards shall have made. As to capacity, or moral char 1 aeter, tho most respectable reference 1 will bo given. As to terms, which shall be moderate. ()•(•. apply at the seminary.' X. B. The English department in ad dition to the subordinate branches ol I spelling, reading, dictionary, & English ! grammar, will comprehend sacred laid ; prophane history; geography, English i composition, declamation, ()-c.t\c. Dec 11 !!) ■Broad 'VSX.£\ICISE. MR. Wlf.-fzlbV ASHhb give a Conrso of Lessons in I v ? the Broad Sword Exorcise, Cut and Thrust, and Attack and Defence, sit the Masonic Hull—the com se to be com prised of 13 lessons, So commence cu the 1 lirst Monday in January and continue [each day 1 hereafter, in tho afternoon or evening, as may be most convenient to llte pupils generally. Terms, for Brand sword exercise alone, $2, and for the cut and thrust and attack and dot race in nd diiion, $2 theeoitrse—ifn snliicient num ber o's pupils be obtained to form a class. The lessons will be general, to members of the Richmond Hussars or an v others who may desire to attend—and* will he given in each or all of the exercises, as each pupil may wish, (l/ 5 * Apply to either of the Officers of the Richmond Hussars. Dec 21 22 R months after date, application will be made to tho Honorable inte rior Court of Franklin county, when sit ting for ordinary pm poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 5, in the Ist district of Cow eta county, as the property oftheestate of James Miller, deceased, for the beue fit of the heirs and creditors. ADL.MA MILLER, Ji.v'r.r. Dec 31 /Ittu 21 —— - vr?"— ■ '■ H Coxce vitiated ccmu»i/.\ r I OF CUUEtts* A\D I HILDA, au iuollejjtive. ooshivn 1 • speedy Keinedy for the ctire'efG, " 1 rhcea, Gleet, Weakness 1 turc, Whites, Pains in the J lo inSr* 1 n *es, Irrilalicn of the Diadder and }■ :i irritating' qualities, frequently ,„ \ Ing cures in » tew days; it j s i^alShiVi lo ihe stomach, and by no ‘ pleasant to the palate; possesVin-ro' i active medicinal properties n ,l,' ' i for tiie cure of the above Pfseaxcs I out any liability of injury to the | l»y expo cure to the weather. It ], j tained the sanction of nnuqv ‘o fd . ' speetah!c members ol‘ the FuniltvVd " H ‘l ‘V 0 «Pi»‘olmtion of all i‘ . {ifive Ixxicl occasion lor its use*. u -.1 Treatise on the. Medicinal Properly ,* "A Stirtta porithi, compiled from the lent ,'hpm <• tic” strongly elucidate the high St ., L and great. success which ims lom- TA 1 ’ tended its use, in various internal Cbro* “ ic Diseases. Another choice Ingredient, obtain*.'* celebrity in Europe, has also £ nitroilucod, forming a safe, speedy m J H permanent cure for tlic above dhiiU.J ‘ 3 Prepared by S. (i. Darduy, ’,J j> J Strand. London : and for sale t»V TCIiPJ.V & D’ANTIUXAO. i LAW A-©Ti€E« I £ SHALL hereafter regularly <>JU’i*d the Superior Courts of Hicham,,,} 1 < ’ounty. My cilice anil residence are in I tireeie-horoogli. Persons residin'- I \iifftista, having business to transact f requiring the services of it Luw\cr. ip f the comities of Greene; Morgan,' v . 1- f.n ( ■bubo. Ogletorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, I nlimlcrro, Monroe, or Hancock, and \v!i« inay choose to entrust it to me will have an opportunity of coulerrii)'- cvitb me personally, twice in a tear in relattion to i*. * ’ pharos ii. comj lioc.r, ( f is « * the ~~ IXiISLA 0-I2OIICjIAA tW PPIJLISHEI) in the City ofSnv unntih, and under (he late improved arrangement of the Western Mail, de parts Ijpr the Interior, Mobile, A cut Or leans, Ac. each day, a few hours after it is Lstied, arming at Augusta in iH id Millcdgeville in 48, and at Macon ino i hours all* r its departure. Terms tilt per aniiuin in ad ranee. TIEJG COPATItY GEOIIGIAA' Is published three times a week and con iuius all tiie intelligence, including now advertisements, published in the Daily* paper, i crisis 000 per annum, pava bie in advance, 'J iic Georgian, daily and tri weekly, contains the latest Commercial, Political': Domestic, A Miscellaneous intelligence, and [mrliculurpains are bestowed upon the Marine department, where also will be found all (but relates to Darien mid Llmrleston. A Price ( tirre,it, carefully corrected from statements of buyers and 1 sellers, together with remarks on the transactions of ihe week, is published. every .Saturday, the Foreign ExporfM noted daily, and regular tables of t!ui Exports of our principal Staples, both foreign and Coastwise, published once a month. Advertisements from abroad will be conspicuously inserted in bothpapeis at 7-5 square of! 1 lines dor the first, and -id cents lot every succeeding pub lication. when daily, or ul) cents when iwice or three times per week. Legal notices carefully published, sons to com t.iy with the requisition^i,f the h.w, .Inn 11 . fIOTTtJJE- A LI i persons indebted to (be estate of dl Mrs Mary McTyre, l«lc of llich uvuu: county, deceased, arc requested to come forward ami settle the seme, ai d m'l those to w hom the estate is indebted will present, their claims to the suljm i i her, within the time prescribed bv law. A. DHOLES, Ex'r. Nov <;tw ];] AI'CTIOIV Alicl C6222Kaisslox4 Busiiaf isS. Ha V 1 XL taken filestore lately occu pied by Mr. ('. Pintails, I will con tinue to transact the Auction and Com mission Easiness, ns recently conducted by him. and solicit a continuation of the patronage Mr. Phillips has been favored with. My attention will be devoted ex clnsiveiy to floods on Commission. 1 am prepared to make advances to any amount, and on liberal terms. J. MARSHALL. Auovsta. JOih Jan., 1832. AVIS { TESHiHSTir IsUsiA'EgsT subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the juiblic, (hat ho has opened a Wliifesniilb (Shop nt lAIr - Jacoi; Dill’s eslaliiishnicnt, on Wash ington street, where House I,odes. L'mi Docks, Window and Door Hinges, ■Springs ami machinery of all kinds, to gether Avitb every article ofli on or sled, will be muile or tejmired, at all times in ihe host possible manner, and on the most reasonable terms, h'tore Locks are of a very superior and safe kind, such as cannot possibly be picked, and which will efleet every abject (hat: can be desired from silch articles; AA hid. are parlicuhirly recommended to Hanks Merchants, <ke. ANTOINE PICQUBT. Jan 2o 2t wtf 31 AT IiE. A Likely Yellow Girl, about 21) years /Ift. old—accustomed to till kinds of house-work, is an excellent seamstress; can rut out and'inake up linen ami dress es. a prime washer and ironer of tine clothes, ts good nurse and cook, and com bining every qualification to render her-’ a ya!'.-:uhle acquisition. She lias hcd“ raised in it genteel family, mid : G now of .fared with reluctance: Aprdy (9 , L - : ’’£ : " t co -