Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, February 04, 1832, Image 4

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• ____ . . . , 111 „| BHI Tl' •■ 11 '&&<gmm mmm&» THE SUBSCIRIBERj _ at n Proprietor of the Globe Tavern, and more recently of the Mansion Souse,; hh »•'••-* leave to announce to hisfrieads anil the public generally,that lie ban la K len that elegant and commodious lire proof brick building on the corner o Mi oad and Jackson Streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. H is situated in the most central port ofthe < !ity, and is in the very hem I ol husiness bciag in the vicinity ofthe Augusta Hunk, and the lli Hank of the fetate ol tieorgia. This Establishment is known os the G 808 S 3 HOTEL, traveller, diedady Imarderor the fashionable i isilor, the t«LI)HL presents aecom modations Inferior to none in the Houtbei ululates. , f i Having conducted lor a number of. years, Iwo among the most pop. a r -■- in this City lie Hallers l.irnselfllmf Ids esperieiiee m Inis, ness,added to tin sl ad ant ages of situation .V (lie resources under his eo.ilronl, will enable Inn.togivi the emst decided sati-lbelion to all win may honor him mill their patronage. tlis ST Viif.KS are s;meii»R». wild well ventilated, and amply supplied mth tat best of provender, and .Headed by experienced and steady ostlers—m addition t«, \\ hjcb, the subscriber will bestow bis own personal unremitting attention, «miu> charges, will not forget the pressure of the times. 07/* The following TAtiLH arrive at, and depart from, the; 'lotip. regularly ns follows: Mii.uaifiKvn.i.,'. Mtauk arrives vrvnj i/.ny, at IS o'clock I*. M.— and departs I’ci-nj ihn/, at 11 I*, ill. L'oi.uvtmA. S. (!. Hrua; arrives nuri/ ihnj, al i> o'clock, I’. M.— and departs n'cry (ffii/, a 7 o'clock, I*, iii. A Tin,ns Hr Ain; arrives may '/ '/c- 1 A/ 7 and i'riiltnj, at 0 o'clock I*, M.—nnd de parts cei'i'i/ .Mumini/ and V'/ni/Wny, at 10 o'clock, A. M. tjiiua'.Nv’i i.u?, H. Hr mu arrives cr.r,/ 'i’.i'.thiip and .S', ifiinliii/, at 7 o'clock, I’, ill. —and departs riwri/ Tlmr.iil'ii/ and Siiiul.ii/. a) t! o'clock, A. M. ('aknhsvii.i i;, S. Si aoi: arrives evni/ I'rnJii'/, at 0 o'clock, I*. I’d —and departs itvei’i/ MumLnu at 1 o'clock, A. Al. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, Junto 1831. D\t uvitn.AVs VF.oiri’aui.hi I’lliliS, /''()(■ Ihe Shidihnu t'wi Saint < tarij.— Vegetable Pills me made iVom the prescription of mu old phy -ieiun in extensive practice, tmd lmv« long been held in liierti estimation through mil i'hii'optf. Not. one particle ol‘ mer , «ury, Antimony, or other mineral enters their composition. They are expressly designed to restore the tone and en< rgy of the diet'stivt‘ organ*, and to remove and correct hulifffsthn, a bad and difn-lirr <//<//(■• tile, drpcemhit of gpirit#, druir.dtui>r, kiddimii fi>.*tii’i‘ntfS, ilvhi/ih/, and any derangement of the sloinuch or bmreb. Their o/teraa lion is perfectly mild, mid requires no clmrgo of diet, and persons of the most tlelleale eonstilntions may take them With perleet safely. To the .Merchant, the Writer. Aeeonn tant or <,'lerlc, and all who are exposed to the lunuerous train of diseases invari atdy assailing persons of sedentary h ill its, they will he found to he convenient and valuable medicine, For sale in boxes at . r i!) cents each, hv TUUPIN .}• If V VI’fHN \C. thiiniKl'i. (iiorjijii, fptepl. 7. wtinitKJ FA MIIiY]IIIEDI€L\I S A SUPPLY of the . ' Irhi'iili'd .1/ ('; ■/( . .e’aii . I'lpment, has just been ree« i\ ml hy fi iJi'i \ A-i» w thin \c, AoU.sts fur it-j Side in /Ids ( V/y. £ £ "H) V merely pouring water on a tea i non In I of this A per lent, a end- I in r a.i 1 grateful ellervesta.: g 'average is j obtained, resembling Soda Wilier to the t isle, <)• imparling to the eou-tilnlioa :ill'j the heaetits of the Congres;* Waters iit i Saratoga." Ueri.KKs IIPPHP.VMSCHNT MAH’! \IISI A \ AI’I I! {1 il VC, I ir iho pre\ an- j lion and cure oflailige-tion. Hdmns and j lover • omplaitus, nervous wenlmess. j headache, liearthm'n, Imhifnal eo,-|iie ness. giddiness, eat-means disenses, ife. i)*e. I'he surprising efficacy of this su perior medieiae has obtained for it the patronage’ of many eminent persons, wh >se big'll eneominin, together with its extensive and iacreusllig side, fully proves its pre-eminence, mat bids fair to render it the most popular remedy ex j tool. To dyspeptic, the sedentary, and studious, it will he found invaluable, from its promoting a 'proper m lion of(he liver ! in the secretion of bile, or correct il when I in ii vitiated stale. Obstruction 'of the I stomach or how els are gradually remov-. cd, it restores the appetite, and gives ; tone, strength and energy to the system.; Travellers, ami residents, in warm ell- I mates, will find HuUer’s .Magnesian Ape-1 rieat ti desirable urtiele; it prevents nay j nee.iminlation of bite, is portable, and the method of preparing it unusually con venient. Children have frequent, oeea si m for gentle and cooling purgatives— they will take this Aperient in preference to any other. The public attention is respectfully di reeled to the wrapper which contains many testimonials of its etlieney, with full direction for its use—Prepared by 11. Holler, Chemist, Loud >n. 'lyf” Observe that each bottle hears the signature of 11. Haller. Wept. 7. wfimlMJ JVOTiCJK. tLL per.soiis ..l ieeed to the estate ol Daniel N.ivage, deceased, are re quested to come lor ward and settle the same; and all those to whom the estate is indeh'eJ. wilt present their claims within the time proscribed by law. 13. D till ttSOOCK. I p . NVM.ii. sAV.VUi;, s Xov.ll ; w i /’/:/; i,m i: miuii als ash o.v iiaxd, s •»/> .4 ft. pieces nne and low priced [ 1 6*J3 ’'iV 'tjjft I alieoes i oil pieces pink, bull’ and fancy stripe Cinghams I l ot) do. I I, 5 J and li I. Cambrics 10 do. Swiss and Hook Muslins 20 do. ilargest size Silk Handaaas Id do. Kussia Sheeting (i do, < 'union Flannel 2 eases 1 I line and cxtrti line Irish lilnens 15 do. . H and 1-1 blenelied Whirling ( Linen lolt!) ■ > do .‘I I do. do, 2 bales ‘CI brown do. 2 do. Colton Osnnhurgs 100 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs 20 pieces red, white and green Flan nels 10 do, mixt Satlinetts 10 do. 7-1 heavy dulile Hlaiikels 20 do. t' point, do. do. do. 100 do/., w hile and grey 1 iambs Woo! 100 i!o. do. < ’otton do. 100 do. slate worsted 1 lose 200 do. patent, slide ami Cotton Sus penders 101) do. Spool < ’otton •'0 do. boxes Cotton Hulls lt)d do. Hraziiiati Tucking Combs o l do, \avarino Hats ! ease I’otton Fmhrellas -»’) reams Cap and 1 letter Paper For stile low, for cash, or appro veil t oaper, I >v j‘ sept 21 C. PHILLIPS i LAND I 4Mf SALM. (is now 'itlereii in the sale of a uoet.oi j u:t of (< V ‘id, in I'arroiicounty, v. hieh i• I discovered to he rich in the <•>»/</t n grogr j /(/. The ow ner being on the eveof a Ion; j journey to the North, will now sell it to:- | it’n quick npplientiou is made. Indispu table titles will he delixered. APPI,V AT THIS OFFICII Tune |t* 711 \ S §§il> i. 1 ! ft espeeifnlly iafoi ms her friends, and the public generally, that she hits removed her Hoarding establishment to | the Itriek Tenemesit over .Messrs. 1., i lli iu.’s N Co’s AreitoN Srom - . No 2ld [ Itroud street. She tenders her grateful thunk for the liberal patronage hereto | litre received, and solicits a continuance ] of it, assuring those who may favor her ■ with then company, 111 it no elforts shall be spared on her part, to give the at j most satisfaction. (let 22 If <> itiiciuviii) \ v T’liv: vi’ta sT.v Si ,) airnal of linprovemeiits m tin I seful Arts ami .Tlirror of the Patent Ot lice, containing authentic descriptions and illustrati \ e drawings of the re cords, and models , , the Patent Olliee, hy permission of (In Secretary of State, being a laithfnl rep reseiitalion of the stale of the arts in . America. iVe. N. P. Poor and Win (Jrcen ,V Co. editors and proprietors: .1. li. Skinner assistant Kdiior, with an 1 appendix containing the Patent Laws" ' iV e Subscriptions for the above work will he received at the Hook Shut' where the lirst- imtnlior can he examined —it will no doubt contain much useful information of the shite an d progress of tin' meclmnie arts in our country. Oct 20 S' **~ J Mil im 111 I I mil IIUIIIII M-mmnnKrm.-rrcrq- ,1 CEUTAIX CURE FOR THE' B TC 11. ■’SMIIIS filthy and infections disorder, ffi. be it ever so inveterate, may be cur ed in one hour's application by the use of DUMFRIES’ 01\TMi:.\T. It is unrivalled for tlie pleasaLaess, case. | expedition, safely, and certainty, with which it produces a perfect cure of this disease. The ointment is known to be so certain and expeditions in its operation, as to ef fect a cure in one hoar's application only.' without any hazard of taking cold, ns the • 'imposition does not contain the leas! particle of mercury, or any other danger >HH ingredient; it may be applied with perfect safety in the slate of pregnancy, mil even to children at the breast. /Vice 517 J cents per box, with ample di ce vtions, Di’.nrniEN’ highly approved leva: wa'si-ibs.: . safe and powerful wash for (3_ sore or inflamed Eyes, stands pre emint among flic mnllitnde of ordinary preparations for this purpose. The most obstinate as well as the more slight infla mafiens of that delicate organ, yield to this highly approved Eye Water, which will brace and restore the tone of the diseased parts. On recent sore eyes the effect is highly salutary, and in eases of years standing, the most unexpected relief hits been received, after other ap ‘ideations of interior eflieucy had failed. Chose who use it pronounce it to he one of the host preparations for those com plaints they ever met with, especially in obstinate cases of soreness anil inlhiinu hon. (JjT» Price‘do centra hot tic. also, The celebrated Cambrian 'Tooth %/Iche I'II.Ij S', wliieii give immediate relief with out the least injury to the Teeth. On trial (Ids will he found one of the best re medies for this painful complaint. Price •ill cents a box. FOR FEMALES. '0 v. \\cU'c’s fVvouuxVu*. V VVA ift e‘ A VE been long eelehralcd as a most vuluuhle and eldeaciori remedy against those general complaints pecu liar to the female portion of society.— They cleanse, purify and promote a free and brisk circulation of the blood, when become sluggish and languid from Iheaf ilieling ailments for which these Pills are a safe and effectual spec.ilic. 'I hey assist the suspended operations of the sanguiferous system, when nature re quires it. and rectify the irregular habits oft ho unhealthy female whoso sickly sum palid ciuiiiloimnee becomes reanimated, and freshens with the natural glow of re stored henltli They are a tried and ap proved remedy in obstructions, debility, hy poeunilriii. green sickness, giddiness, palpita tion of the heart, bad digestion, Joathing of food, pains of the stomach, shortness of breath, upon every little motion, sinking of the spir its. and ils consequence, a dejected eonn- Icnanee and dislike for exercise and i on versalion. They tire equally conducive in the health of mmried ladies, except in cases of pregnancy, or hectic & consump tive habits, when they must not be taken. — Rut they may he administered to great advantage a month or more alter nccuuch ment, for the purpose of cleansing the sys tem and purging those gross humours, which, when retained, lay the foundation of numerous diseases, and render the in cautious subject unhealthy lor life. They should also iie taken by all women from lo to oh, to prevent the dangerous disor ders consequent upon that critical period of female life. They have been further found, by experienee, to afford a power ful remedy in all hypochondriac, hysteric, and naporish dtrorders, both in men anil women, whose nervous system they strengthen ami regulate, aid nature in throwing oil diose gross and superabundant humours which produce melancholy and depres sion of spirits, renovate the body, reani mate the mind, and dilluse n general eht .iTulness mid elasticity throughout the whole system. Price a box. Por sale by bis special appointment, (together with nil I he valuable Medicines, as prepared by the late Dr. Conway,) by TP IIP IN «fc If ANTIGNAC, Druggists, . lugusta, Ueu, (Fp* Observe that none arc genuine without tin' written signature of T. KID OKU. on the outside printed wrapper. Jan I 1m -o laavaiiKah River Navigation cr.&m&S-.W&t, run he alfairs of said I ,'oinpany, having [it. been brought to a elose, with the exception of pitying (he Stockholders, the undersigned gives notice to nil eon corned, that a final i>i\ blend of One Dol lar and Forty-Sax Cents per Slnire, (on all Shares on whieh g 22 has been paid) will he paid to the Stockholders nr their 'egiil representatives, accompanied by the proper vouchers, oi. application at the lirst Itriek Building W est of the New Market, Urotnl-street, Augusta, to J. S\ . Hill DUES. Augusta. Oet. SO, 18t*0. wtf S 'VO UV.X'V, A large DWELLING, I,OT. iflwM «V<-. mi» I \ LARGE STORE, well ladciihUed for Dry-Goods and (Groceries, opposite tl'.e ■tore of Edwuril Thomas, Esq. upper ■ml of sfrond-street—an excellent stand for business. Possession will be given >a tin' first ol October. Porterms, whieh ■vill be liberal, apply to Mr. Josta ii C.vr mi:, ttt the above GARRET LAWRENCE. July ill s (i For Snlc. \ / HE subserihep oilers for sale.n tract M. of first quality Oak and Hickory Lund. cmitaining 3(H) acres, situated lit Columbia county, on the Hig Kiokce crock, adjoining lands of Richard Tub man and t'ankersly. 'i'ho hind is of excellent quality, and will be sold on accommodating terms. In Hie absence of the subscriber, apply to Col. William Magur, or Mr. Henrv l)nlhy. THOMAS WARE. July 2 ts 77 j wr ti^^ivk» 15V WII. .5. HOBBY, AT THE AUGUSTA ROOK. STORE. LIFE ami death of Lord Fitzgerald, Lafiiyette in America, Journal ofu Naturalist, 'flic Roxohel, Club Hook, Alfection s Gift. Friendship’s Offering, Blair’s Lectures, Tbadeus of Warsaw, Anastatius, Mason's Farriery, Lilly, Brown's Novels, i|-c. iNe. DtajH J2t 22 " 100,000 WKL»H FOR SALE AT THU WHARF on better terms than they can he furnish etl from New York, for sale by A. MACKENZIE. (£/*• Builders can have a further sup ply. by applying as above. July If? 80 THE SUIISCKXBKIft B *1 & ESPECIALLY inform their friends and the public generally, tlmt they are receiving and opening at their old stand, 15115, KING-STREET, Charleston, S. C. a large unci splendid as sortment of HARD-AVARE. CUTLERY, AM) FANX’V GOODS, To which the attention of country liter chants visiting the city for supplies is in vited. SMITH, HARRIS .J* Co. Charleston, Oct. 26 07-The Augusta Chronicle, Georgia Journal, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, Washington Nows and Athe nian, will publish the above weekly, for four months ami semi (heir hills for pay ment with a paper containing the above lo S. 11. A; co. October 2d w<hn7 M | ST received, eight eases Gentle men’s silk black ttnil drab Hats, of the latest fashion, which w ill be sold at the northern nvoirecost. RICHARD ALI EN. 25I’l, 1 ’ 1 , Broad Street. Jan 2.7 fit 151 ~ T m ii :i Bi mig \ * "XS'BS/'AS sent front Edgefield Court s y House. S. C, on thc7th ult. in (he s( ige, a grey hair covered TRUNK, n bout two Ibct three or four inches in length, with a card thereon, deeded to Joint J. Gray, care of Mr Holloway, Hamburg P. Office. Said Trank has not been heard of since it started from Edge held, mid the direction may have been rubbed oif, Should there he at any of the Stage officer, or elsewhere, a Trunk unclaimed, the owner will pay a liberal reward to any respectable person, to open it. and if he finds therein, hooks <)• wearing apparel, on which the name of the subscriber is written, seal it up and direct it to Hamburg, IS. I’, care of Mr- Holloway. RICHARD 1). Bit 18. Bench Island , [Mr. I, IS: 12. It* 3l{ The Federal Union and Columbia Free Press and Hive, will insert the above once each, and forward (heir accounts to Hamburg. tS.t'.for payment. ADMI.mSTraI Oil's SALE. On the first Tuesday in February next, WS Li i he sold at (.'a rnes vill, Franklin Court house, the negroes belong ing to the estate of Levi Stokes, deeeas oil.—Terms made known op the day vi sale. J AMES MORRIS, Ailin’r, Deell wtd 17 i, iim ons i ,2200 AllSWSof Flour, and Rice Mills ¥ V on it; situated in Barnwell Dis trict, S. V.. MS miles from Augusta ami 10 front the Village of Barnwell, about on a line direct from Charleston to Augusta, therefore it is presumed the rail road will either pass through it or not far off.— Price &2.'.! 1 )!): one-iifiit cash or approved endorsed paper tit Off and 00 days, the ba lance at I, 2. 3, and I years credit, with interest and mortgage efthe premises.— Titles indisputable anil warranted, ft?’ Apply to JOHN GFTMARIN. It etch maker, Ao. 1-17 Jiroad street, Augusta, July }» 70 A DM I V *ST R AT R I XUS W A LE. On Tuesday, the 2 Uh of January ur.i t, LL In- sold at the residence of ¥ , the snhseriher, in Columbia coun ty, all Hsu perishable properly of Jonx Li’iu a, deceased, late ofsaid county, con sisting of: Font, Fodder, Ac. Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation 'Fools, <)- hdoek of all descriptions: sold for the I benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day ol sale. ‘ OBEDIENCE l>. BURCH,. Unix. Dee 17 4tw 20 ADMINISTRATOR’S SAUB J On Friday, the I:s ih of January next, he s °hl lo le highest bidder, \ V V at Lineidn Court House, on a ere- j dit till the 2-stlt of December, 15152, all the i personal properly belonging to the estate ol Dr. A /.a 15i-;.\ Li,, deed, consisting of; Horses. Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Road Waggon and Geer, 2 horse Wag gon complete, one pair Steers and Cart. G'g and Harness, Plantation Tools ot different kinds, a large stock ofMetlicines with .Surgical Instruments, and all the !• uniitare for a Doctor's shop, Household .aid Kitchen Furniture. Mahogany Snilo hoartl and 'Fables, Chairs, a number of iicds and Furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. Any ofthc above property may he bought privately, if ap plication is made before the day of sale. The sale will continue till all is sold. REM REMsSON, Adm’r. Dec 21 wtd 21 übihjuj M T ’ 1 jma EOUCATMWf WWW M&XV3AU lABOR. subscriber having purchased H a small plantation near Eatonlon. proposes to take six or eight young’ ifien of goo<l moral character, between tiie ages of 12 ami 17 to provide for their in struction in the various branches of Ed ucation, in Agriculture. and in the Me chanic Arts. Apparatus to illustrate the sciences of Chemistry, Astronomy, .Nat ural Philosophy, 2tc. will be procured and n Alcclmhicsbop erected. Schools of this kind established in Tennessee and in the Middle and .North ern States have nourished beyond the ex peetations of (lie most sanguine. Hun dreds of applications to enter students have been rejected during the year for (he want of accommodation. The writer has been urged by several respectable and literary gentlemen, who have prom ised their sons, to open a similar one in Georgia and lie now designs to make the experiment. Mo many months have o- I lapsed in fixing on a site, since lie formed the determination, that he has not time testate all the particulars of his plan; nor will lie make high pretensions in re- I gardto his qualifications nor the amount | that shall be learned, lie will endeavor ; however to impart instruction as far and I I as well as lie is able. Assistance will ■ I be procured in teaching the mechanic . | arts and some of common the brunches lof Education. The object is to make , ' practical men ami qualify them to bc • come good teachers of schools. In government, lie will endeavor to act the part of a parent and treat the pu pils us Ids children ; but he must be obey ed. He desires no parent to semi bis son who is unwilling to have him submit to (lie regulations of the school. Each sin dent will labor two or three, hours in tin: day or about one day and a ha J in the week. — Care will lie taken, asihe weather grows warm, that they be not exposed to a mid day sun, til! they become inured to athle tic exercise, by employing the mornings and even digs. Mo many hours will not ’ be requisite all the year, but in a busy season, somewhat more. Each student will provide himselfwitli sheets, towels & blankets—and it would be economical for him to haven coarse suit to wear during the hours of labor. Hooks, stationary, oil. »Vc. will be fur nished those who need them at the low est price. The (imesnl'examinalions and vucations cannot now be named. Reli gious service will be attended every sab bath in Eatonlon, a little more than a mile distant. Those who wish to enter their sons must give information and secure places by the Kith of.lanuary. The school will he opened on the 2ftd. , Rotters post paid, addressed to Eaton ton, will receive attention. 1 \\effwYbiVvowh uu'A Tcvvws. I CJ 1 The coarse of instruction will occu py three years. 2. Hoard, lodging, washing, tuition, i &c. for the Ist year will be $!)(); for the 1 2d sjT-3; and fur the lid #01). Payments. , half yearly in advance I .. ‘ AHI EE MHEUWOOH. i Eatonton, Dec. 1(1, iHftl. 2l> 1 FLAMMIC’AL, Al ATT IEAIATTC’AL, AM) ENGLISH i A NIHON V ill ALONE will open ' i .oft. this institution in this city, on the 2d • j of next January, at the Parsonage of the ' Catholic Chinch. Air. Malone wilire- I reive only a select, number of pupils, to ; whom he pledges himself to do ample i justice. Air. A!, will hold an annual ex jainination of the pupils of his seminary, i | to which the public will be invited, a net \ he confidently hopes that on that occa ; sioit, parents and guardians, who shall i ; PI v«»r him with their conlidencc, will be i well pleased vvitli the improvement which their children or wards shall have made. As to capacity, or morn! char acter, the most respectable reference will be given. As to terms, which shall ho moderate, »V-e. apply at the seminary. N. H. The English department in ad dition to the subordinate brandies o) spelling, reading, dictionary, & English grammar, will comprehend sacred mid propionic history, geography, English 1 j composition, declamation, tj-c.iNc. Dec I I 1!) ife i *s\77 ,'ftfovuV SwoyJl mucisa. ms. J give a Course of Lessons in | v v the Broad Sword Exercise. Cut j and Thrust, and Attack and Defence, at j the Aiasonic Hal!—the com so to be com- I prised of IT lessons, to commence on the | iirst Alonday in January and continue I each day thereafter, i i the afternoon or evening, as may be most convenient to j tiie pupils generally. Terms, for Broad j sword exercise alone. #2. am! for the cut j and thrust and attack and defence in ad dition, @2 the course—if a suliie.ient mini ! her of pupils bo obtained to form a class. | The lessons wiil be general, to members 1 | oftho Richmond Hussars or any others 1 ■ who may desire to attend—and will be ‘‘ j given iu each or all of the exercises, as eacli pupil may wish. 1 OL/° Apply to either of the Officers of | the liichmond Hussars. Dec 21 22 ft'OTic;*::. fTIOUR months utter date, application 1 toL 1 will be made to the Honorable Infe-- 1 rior Court of Franklin county, when sit- * tins’ for ordinary purposes, for leave to 1 sell No. o, in the Ist district of Cow- i eta county, as the property of the estate : of James AJ liter, deceased, Ibrlhe bctie 1 lit of the heirs and creditors. ' ADEMAAIILLEH, f.rVr. Dec ftl 4tui 24 D«. BAtttLiPS ' Cl ONCEN TRATED COMPOFM) / OF CUHEHM AND MARMAIM KiLLA, an inoffensive, positive, ~ad speedy Remedy for the cure of Gonor rhoea, Gleet, Meniina Weakness, Stric ture, Whites, Pains in the Loin*. Kjq’ nies, Irritation of the liladder and Fre thra, Gravel, and other Diseases of the Urinary Passages. This most elficacious Preparal-on is conveniently used, and totally devoid of irritating qualities, frequently perform ing cures in a few days; it is healthful to the stomach, and by no means un pleasant to the palate: possessing ail (ho active medicinal properties necessary for the cure of the above Diseases, vvitli out any liability of injury to the "system by exposure to (he weather. It has ob tained Use sanction of many ol (he spectable members of (he Faculty, and and the approbation of all those win, have had occasion for its use. ‘"A Treatise on the Medicinal Properties of Sarsaparilla, compiledfrom the heat Avlhuri tics,’’ strongly elucidate the high repute and great success which bus long ; ,t tended its use, in various internal Chron ic Diseases. Another choice Ingredient, obtaining great celebrity in Europe, lias also been introduced, forming a safe, speedy, and permanent cure for (he above disease* Prepared by M. G. Barclay, Al. ij Mtmml, London : and for sale by TURPIN & D’ANTTGXAC. Agkxts, Augusta, GeonrS Sept, ft wtiiii <ij = LA w' AO'ITCE. IMS! ALL hereafter regularly attend the Mupcrior Courts of Richmond 1 ’ounty. Aly office and residence are in Greensborongh. Persons residing i n Augusta, having business to transact requiring the services of a Lawyer, in’ (he counties of Greene, Morgan," AYw t >n. Clarke, Oglelorpe, Wilkes. Lincoln, Talliaferro, Alonroe, or Hancock, mui who may choose to entrust it to me will have an opportunity of c-nfeniiuJ with me personally, twice in a year, ia reluttion to it. FRANCIS H. CONE. Dee 5 if jq THE fl* A ISVY €h 1301601A A SM in the City ofMav annah, ami under the late improved arrangement of (ho Western Alail. de parts for the interior, Mobile, New Or leans, Arc. each day, a fe w hours after i t is issued, arriving at Augusta in SN. al Alilledgeville in 4S, and al AI aeon in of hours after its departure. Terms sq 00 per nnmini in aiivuneo. THE COUNT It V GEORGIAN Is published three times a week ami con tains'nil the intelligence, including new advertisements, published in (he Doily paper. Terms ijfO 00 per annum, paya ble in advance. The Georgian, daily and fri• weekly, contains thalatest < -oiniaercial, Polilieiil; Domestic & Aliseeihuieoiis intelligence, and particular pains are bestowed upon the Aiarine department, w hore also will be found all that relates to Darien unci Charleston. A Price Current, carefully corrected from statements of buy, rs anil sellers, together with remarks on tint transactions of the week, is published every MaUirtlay, tiie Foreign Exports noted daily, and regular tables of the Exports of our principal Staples, both Foreign and Coastwise, published once a month. Advertisements from abroad will be conspicuously inserted in both papers at To ets. per square of M lines for the first, and ft< h cents for every succeeding pub licatiun, when daily, or 50 cents when twice or three limes per week. Legal notices carefully published, so as toeem ply with (tic requisitions of the law. Jan 11 2-S NOTICE- A LL persons imlehted to (he estate of iIA Alts. Alary AlcTyre, hue of Rich uioiul county, deceased, are requested to come forward and stills ihe same, and ail liiO.~e to whom the estate is indebted will present their claims to the. subset’! her, within tlic time prescribed by law. A. RiIODEM, Ex'r, N’nv Kl (itw Ift AUCTION IKziA Comm ssion Business. WING taken tbostore lately ocein 4U pied by Air. G. Piiili irs. 1 u ill con tinue to (i’iun?acl the Auction and Cum mission Ha.-ino s, as recently conducted by him, and solicit a contirtwtion of (Ik; patronage Air. Phillips has been favored with. Aly attention will be devoted ex clusively to Goods on Commission, 1 am prepared to make advances to any amount, and on liberal terms. J. Al VRSHALL. Augusta, iOtli Jan., 1832. WIHTJESAiITIi ISUMSNEPS?. jfK HE subscriber respectfully informs gl his friends and the public, that lie has opened a Whitesmith MbopatAlr. Jacob Dions establishment, on Wash ington street, where Douse Looks, Gun Locks, Window and Door Hinges’, Mprings and machinery' of id! kinds, to gether with every article of Iron or steel, will he made or repaired, at ail (lines in !he best possible manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Mtore Locks are made of a very superior mui sale kind, such as cannot possibly be picked, and which will effect every object find can’be desired from such articles; which are particularly recommended to Hanks, .Merchants, d'c. ANTOINE PICQFET. Jan 25 2t wif JR AT PHIVATE SAW 3. A Likely Vellow Girl, about 20 year* ili old—accustomed to all kinds ol bouse-work, is an excellent seamstress can cut out and make up linen and dress es, a prime -washer and ironcr ol fine clothes, agootl nurse and cook, and com bining every qualification to render her a valuable acquisition, Mbc ins been raised in a genteel family, and is now ol sered with reluctance. Apply to L. HULL .V- UO Jau 4 ts 2'\