Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, February 08, 1832, Image 3

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| received with demonstrations of delight, and I j.articular!/ on change, where the merchants wore seen congratulating each other on the spee dy prospect of S'e'mg trade and commerce as suming that position which they formerly held previously to the rejection of the former Bill by f the 11. of Lords; in fact that confidence which ?is as essential to ilia mercantile community as I s money, has been shaken hy tiie wisdom of the 11. of Lords. If the hill should pass the Lords, there will be thrown into every branch of trade and commerce a new life, and an energy never before expo iencod, and if on the contrary, the vitals of industry will be crushed to the ground; and consternation and ruin wilt follow in awful succession and E gland will be bankrupt. We understand that letters have been recciv } od in this city, announcing the appointment by ! the P csident, with the consent of the Senate, ofllooH.'S. Lroake, Esq. as Charge d Allaire in Belgium. —Charleston Courier. It is intimated in letters from Washington that there is a fair prospect of government's being a hie to client a 'treaty with the Creek delegation, for the entire removal of the tribe during the en suing year. The large emigration of whites into their coun try, and the refusal of government to interfere for their removal, has produced a general desire among tire Indians, to get away. A large num ber of them have voluntarily relinquished their improvements to white settlers, for a valuable -considuiation, and the eliiu « must either con sent to a removal, or the nation must suffer as during the past season, a vast amount of distress. Columbia Democrat. FOR TUP. ALT.rSTA CHRONICLE* TIMOMSO.V* i’,.mo lb os ! all ’mil to ihcc, brightest of sorrel*! Thou fled us lin.* ocfiiii-WMVc lashM into isurl’; py “ racin? ami ” »l“’uVi wop f»r I’icr laurel.-:, And gold far lUy Biu.-lcr, thou .-lax of ilic Tnrl l How proud was ihy slop when llicy hold ihec,at stßrl»ns— auger and glad lo lia*. raoo didst iliou spring \ Away! uiut away I like u s\viu swallow darting, Or Parlhian arrow let loose from its hiring* Oli! how HUe the soul of yniiu* soiling nserndinff, Didst thou fret on the snail!-* Unit heldlhee from fame! Away ! f»r tfiereV jfolil on ihy j?ood speed depending, Now nerve thee, or never, mid winthce a name ! Therc’.-i many a heart heating hleh wilh emotion *, The breathless crowd posses, nil oaevr and pale; One t*fl«*rt—Mis over fl ow all commotion— Thou* rl covered will* glory from head to the tail! rrunv. LL_ ILt'L Plll * 1 I (1 W -MBHITTi {Savannah Feb.-1. COTTON’—From the date of our last report up to Thursday wc bad u good de mand for I |rlnn Is. mnl the sides in llmt time wore fully «kKUJ linles, at steady pri eesof tire pro. ions week, say from Sa hi. pad p:i:nei»t a f>\ cents. On Thursday, I we received by tbeTin.mas Oi Uasoii at i this port. U.ivrc dates to ibeiillib I •rmri ber. whieb are consider* d i ntiier nnlitvo- | l able. and our market since bus been rn ther quiet. 'Wo have not, however, beard I tifuny concessions being made by hold ers—We quote 8 u Sf, cents. Bit If'.—The demand for ibis staple since our lust, lias been upon u very limi ted scale. The principal sales have been from 2J a s-‘i!y. No sale over 82-J Ims com to our knowledge; and prime. I r ils scarcity, would command our high esl (i I it.'ll ion—\\ e quote 2aij !. Ct »B.\ —1“ plentiful and dull—a cargo tt.uild nit bring 33 cents. The a: tide is retailing 1 at JS a Oi cents according' to quantity. FREIGHTS —To Liverpool. jjd; to Havre, Ij a I i cents; to \ew-York, t, pents, and 81 1 ondcoh : to U '“ton, 4 cent; t .) Fro v ide. tee, cut, Georgian' M won Feb. i cotton m abivET. Oar market continues very lively, the groat staple comes in freely. G a Kl!) bales p<>r dav. ami meets quick s ile at 7a 0 els. and very prime will command Freights to Savannah continue at s? 2 7,5 e.ts* per boats, ami 225 a 230 per box Halt continues at Toi ls, per bushel. WAJRHECD. In Mnoon on tin' 21 in**-. Mr. Itl'AJ. It. V\ .Mt'il’-J' l,l Mi-5 M.MIV C.\l , Hl(f»,Uti«ifliU'r olllicUev Cu hits, nil fifihlt* pl.'u'f. . ~ On t l ie, 05 01-t. !>t I’lil'mlcnvllle, Monroe eonniy, Mr. f VIU.V l 1.1.V1’.1.AM), of .ni l enmity 111 Miss a. (liVmtM.'r of Nnimiii \ViM.-r, • • P*'*'.'V''J*“ 1 • J*. 1 "??iV V On ti»»*f*4hh nil- by « ,k '! v I ‘ S,r ; 1 , ‘ I'O& TRU, to Mi-- .1 \Mb|- M. /IN N. dauguliT t-f X\ir. Il»*nry Ziiin, all ofildrf « ily. | jjCEirUl | -W> ITT HIT ' IW — ll F.V TO-MOiliT'S MAIL, Will be 1) te tbc Drawing' of the IVIOW-VORK C'OASOIiiU VTLI) LOTTEKV, Extra Class No. 3, Go numbers —10 drawn ballots. Highest Prize. 520.000 Lowest Prize #B. TV et $5, Half 82 30, (pmrter $1 23. AND Wn N\rv\, TIV: DELAWARE ,\* XOH'l'H VAROLIXA LOTTEKV—CIass No. 2, iIIGIWST phi’/a:, imfiii vis!*!. Ticket o.Ni.V 83, Half 81 30, <luartet; 73 CVats. A Package of (Hinders in ibis Lottery will be 815 —Paeka<res of Halves and AS boles in <*n>puition. Prompt attention paid to orders ut ESKKBBB’ Fortunate lottery Office. No. 211 liroud slreet Address W. P. Et,;>s. Feb S JIB KU saA AU' * S ffs \ \ Ei. Augimya, Feh'yOtb, 1-32. Hoard of Directors will, on || Wi'.pncsimv Ibo I.stb inst,. Elect n TF.LLEU for tliis Hank. Persons desi l ingr the appointment, can be informed of the amount of bonds and fchdury, by iipplying at the Hank. G, W. JiAMAR, Cashier. FebH 35 JOB 7BXBTSXO MATEY EXECUTED AT THRi OFFICS UV J. lUKSHiLI/, THiS-|)A\, ut 11 o'clock, , 23 | •> Saeliingr, 3 hhds. Siigur, 1 10 ip', casks Malaga wine, 2 barrels Bice, 1 cask Carolina Hoes, 10 demijohns .Sicily Madeira Wine, 2 dt;z. water Uuekels, 23 sets Measures \ 31M) pair Himes, assorted 1 <Nise fashionable silk Hats, Arc. At.SO. A groat variety of IIOUHEHOLI) and KITCHEN PL UMTTKE, 'ioftf sher irilli I elegant Sofa. 2 Sideboards, 2 Bureaus, (53 Chairs, 10 Tables, M Wash -Stands, rlemij'jhns,.Jars, Jugs. Tubs, i'uils. Wai ters, *iud a large quantity of Kitchen Furniture, Crockery trial (tlassware. a, A first rate cooking Stove, complete I Carl and Harness Terms at sale. ATT O'CLOCK, will be sold with re serve, .2 General Jlt&urtmenl of STAPLE .1- FANCY BUY GOODS, Consisting in part of Blankets, Plains, Kerseys, Sattiuets, •white, green, and red Flannels, Broad Cloth, brown and bleached Hhirtings and Hirelings. Irish Linens, Jaconet, Cam bric, Book, and Hwiss Muslins, Vestings, Calicoes, col d. Muslins, Oinghains, IStri ped Drillings and Ciratulrilles Fustains, Apron Checks, Hilk, Cotton, and Worst cd Hbawls, Hi!k and C'otlon Hdk's. Hide Cotton, and Worsted Hose and Hose, (Moves, Mar. (Jaills, Linen and Colton Diaper. Croat Coats, Cloaks, Caps, anil a variety of other articles. a i so, Hardware and Cutlery, Hoofs, Shoes, Fowling Pieces, iNc. Ac. Feb 8 l»•«■'■» ATTENTION". ATTEND a regular ipnuirrhi meeting of lire company, to be held til their | room Ci/y Ifnll, on Bth iast.r.tTli o'clock. ;P. M. Members will please be. punctu al in tboirnttcmbuice. and come prepar ed to pay dues Ibr tin; last quarter. By order of (ho Caplnin. Wv< U v piTiX A’ Feb 8 * ' 33 " it'iissr TuTV consequence of tbe number of Pu -3 (;ils have been admitted into the Avocsta Fi.'mm; Ac u»i:mv, tinder the su perintendence of .Mr. and Mrs. T'wrss, since the Ist of January i; will be impos sible to receive any more, daring the pre sent session. Parents, who may wish to place their daughters ia this institution, arc reques ted to make application in writing; they will ho notified when vacancies occur. Applications ofprior dale will,be entitled to preference. Feb 8 11 33 $• Iff. IT4KIIH€UFr 9 HUOI.HS.II.i: .1X1) 1 I RETAIL DEALER IN il MATS, € APS Sc ISOft ,\ET!Si. subscriber lias eonstanity on y hand, a large assortment of tin* ü bove articles, and ol'the latest fushiuns, which lie offers for sale, on as good terms as can be had in thiscitv. Feb 8 (f 33 A FEW CAHEH GENTLEMEN’H SPLENDID EE.IVKK n Vfi’JS B AtM.-HED in the latest style and Jflj fashion, and as superior quality as ever ol'ered lor sulcin this city, Just Be ceived at Bii-itAtai Am.k.n's Hat Store. 251 Broad street, opposite tlie Banks. A! SO, A fresh r.ntl extensive supply of vari ous other qualities of Castor, Horam tint! Wool Hals, which arc offered for Hale, singly or wholesale, on the most accom modating terms and reasonable prices. Feb 8 tit 35 .foil* liUPPJKitS, is xoir RECE/yjxc, ix add max to UL S' FORMER STOCK OF r g> cev BIIDH. N. Orleans, St. Croix and Porto Bico Sugars, 25 hhds. rdohisses, GO bugs Coffee, 30 barrels N. ( -'.n, 25 do N. li. Umn, ,50 do oi l Monorigahrlu W h'.'.f.V, <l!b proof, 13 do old Pencil Brandy. 3 7 8 casks jmre Madeira Wine, t bhd superior Jamaica Bum, 188 jiicees Kemp and Tow Bagging, Hit culls Bale Hop**, Hyson and Gunpowder Tea, Loiifand Lump Sugar, Canal and Country Flour, ; No. 2 and 3 Mackerel in whole and 1 half barrels, Iron, Nails. Half, \'r. 1 AH of which in* offers for Hale on accom modating terms, a! No. 2(13 Broad street, opposite die Masonic Hall. Al*'", i ON CONSIGNMENT. 2 Cases stipe; i• * * s«{t 11 IJ N J.N'H, i wnri'uiifi'd jut r Feb- 3t w, SUMjrwstfl rotiicle« \VuA\mov\d Wwssava. A \ election for Cornet of the Rich /aL mond Hussars in the place of C. Delaigle, resigned, will take place at tiicii* Room, on Saturday Evening’ 11th instant. By order of (’ant. CwriTKi.n. I S. H. OLIVER, Scry. Fell 8 35 , UcoviX\u, VVkVuwoud County. ■ .ylft Tolled tiefore Da via IvF.t,- i ,v , a Justice of the Pence, ffvvtf lor Ihe 121lh district, and ■aHßita^it^b^L ( ' ou|lt y aforesaid, by Da . 'Hi fAi.siu uuv. on the Illh of January last, a SORREL MAUD, about 15 years old. M hands high, blaze face, blind in her right eye, right hind leg white half way up, and the led white to the paster joint, with a white streak around the right ear.—Appraised by Joshua Jones and John A Iwett, at ten dollars, the 2 ith January. 1832. DAVID KELLY, J. P. A true extract from the Estray Hook, hh February, 1832. J AMES McLAWS, (’lerk. Fch 9 ,‘tt 35 , ia « RE WARS. J Runaway in January Inst, | from my Overseer, at the Mills known as Myers's X Mills, on Horse creek, in Edgefield (list , S. C. Two i Negro men named CO LE MAN .V LEWIS. They have been accustomed to rail lumber to Augusta, and arc well acquainted on both sides of the Savannah Hirer, from the Sandbar Ferry to that at Campbelltown, and arc harbored by negroes at sonic of the river plantations, or in Augusta or Hamburg. Coleman is about 15, of common statue, very black, and bus lost several of his side teeth. Lewis is about 20, not very black, of rather slender make, smooth thin visage, and somewhat prepossessing in his appearance. They both had coarse while woolen clothes; hut Lewis parti calm ly, lias lino clothes, among which arc a frock coat and pantaloons of blue broad cloth. Any information concern ing them will be thankfully received, and for the delivery of them to me, or for con fining them in the Augusta Jail, and giv ing me immediate information, the above Howard will tie paid, or Five Dollars for either of them. IVESOX L. BROOKES. Fell 8 2t 35 ~ i Desirous of enlarging my business, I have appointed Jamks Johnson, Jiin'r., ot &matr Augusta, Geo. my Agent. All orders will lie forwarded to me, hy him, free of cost. Digs, Sulkies. Tilhnr rics, Buggies, Harmiclics, and Vehicles of all descriptions, will lie warranlod to suit, or no sale; and will he made to or der at a short notice. JAMES TFRMMLL. Newark, .\<tv Ji rscy. Tin-: kuksuiiviihk eAS on hand, a general assortment of Carriages of all kinds, selected from tke best Manufacturing Establish ments nt the North. He has also made arrangements to receive New Work ! weekly, and endeavoring to render sal is faetion to his friends, try nis unwearied attention to business, he still desires a ' | continuance of patronage. JAMES JOHNSON, Jun. j Corner nf Mclnlorh o wl Reynold stm t, hjijio . j site to Alrs.irn. Hi tii'i/ <r (.'dole's ll'a rehouse, I iff" N. H. <'m riages and Harness re ! paired at the shortest notice. ' DccjH 21 j FRITCIIAUD A, i j LA I'Ll V IMl'HOl’Ll) WRITING* AND COPYING APBMKATI^, OK MANIFOLD LETTER WHITER. without rj:\, i.\u, on i-fm'll. I HIS Apparatus furnishes the origi ,B_ mil ami one or more copies id Ihe - same lime, and is the most expeditious. I ns well as (he most simple, easy mid best j method of Writing and Copying Letter or other Documents, ever invented. It is adopted and strongly recommended, ; by the first iMereanliio houses in Eng land and this country. 'J’lie apparatus is in a neat and honuti- j fill Port Folio, and to travellers or gen tlemen who reside in the country, us '.veil ! ns to those engaged in Mei-e-'.ntile or ] Oliicinl pursuits, il has peculiar udvaa- j j tuges. j (]'>" Any orders left at the Eagle and 1 Phu-aix Hotel, will he attended to. Feb 4 2t 31 i WHITESMITH BUSINESS. rim IE suliseribcr respectfully inlorms I his friends and the public, tlml lie) has opened a Wliitcsmilli Shop at Air. j Jacob Diu.’s establishment, on Wash- i i iugton street, where lionse Locks, Dim j Locks, Window and Door Hinges. Springs mid machinery of all kinds, to j gel her with every article of Iron or steel. ! * 1 will he made or repaired, at all limes in j 1 (fie best possible manner, and uti the i most reasonable teims. Store Locks i ' I are made of a very superior and safe ! kind, such as cannot possibly be picked, j j and which will < licet every object that : ' . an be desired from such articles; which i are particularly recommended to Hanks. I ; j Merchants, s•<?. i ANTOINE PICiU'ET. i Ji- '2' at wtf 31 LAW. THE Subscriber will practice LAW in the following Counties, viz: IMRRE.X COL UMIiTA, jeffersox, WASHIXOTOX, HAXCOCK, TALIAFERRO, AMD WILKES. All business entrusted to his care, will meet with prompt attention. He may generally he found in his olTice, when not professionally engaged. DItAY A. CHANDLER. W urrenton, Feb I, 1552 2t 35 'i'he Editors of the Georgia Courier and Augusta Chronicle, will give the above 2 conspicuous insertions, each, and for ward their accounts to D. A. CitAMii.r.ii. Geovpwv. VvaukVm Cowuty. IMF 11 Ml EAS, Sami-ki, 111: a 111: ap- V t plies to me Ibr Letters of Admin istration, on the cstuteof Lvuia Hkadk.n-, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and minion ishall mid singular the kindred and credi tors of said dec’d,, to he and appear nt my ollice within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause ifany they can why said letters should not he grunted. Diven 'aider my hand this lirst day of February 1832. TIIOS. KIND, e.e.o. Fch 8 35 &\cV\mwu\ 'rtkovViX’s Sa\c ? On the.fir A 'Fuesilay in Alareh next, WILL be sold at the lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, within the usual hours of sale : Three Negroes, to wit; Kaelmel. Susan and Mariah; levied on ns the property of Nicholas Ware, deceased, to satisfy a li. fa. the President, Directors and Compa ny of tins Hank of Augusta, vs. William W. Holt and Susan H. Ware, Ex'or. A. Ex’rx. ol’N. Ware, deceased. AI.SO, 'i’he Improvements on a Lot on the north side of Hroad street, oceupied by Lewis H. Cobb, bounded on (lie south by j Hroad street, east by lot of Edward Thomas; levied on as the property of George Hill.dec eased, to.satisfy a (i. fa the President. Directors and Company of the Steam Hoat Company vs. George lliil, deceased. A I.SO, 25 acres of Land, hound on tire south by Washington Hoad, north and east by Land of Major Marshall, and west by James Coleman's land ; levied on as the property of John Ltunkin, to satisfy a li. fa. Jariuh Harris vs. said Lumkin. A I.SO, A lot of Land in the city of Augusta, bounded on the cast by r^n alley, north A; south by lots No. 8 and 10 Hridgc How, lx iag part of lot No. 0, and bounded on the west by the other pm I of said lot No. 0, having a front on said alley of 2(5 feet, and running towards Centre street. 51 le-et; levied on ns the property of Wal ton Knight, to satisfy a li. fa. John Hat field vs. said Knight. A I.SO, A House and Lot in the city of Augus ta; bounded on the north by Green street, east by H. AlcKecn’s lot, west by Wnsb iugton street, and south by Henry Meal* ing’s lot; levied on us the properly of John Morrison, to satisfy a li. fa. Morton N. Burch, and Mary his w>lc, vs. said Morrison. E. H. GLASCOCK, Slid. H. C. Feb 4 !it 551 h ivXwmT yifo Strayed from Ibe subscriber's t* l ll*is city, on the night o I*l be Ist inst., a heavy Ihiek He lias the sear of an old cut on his right arm-one of his hind feel white to the fetlock, and a small star in bis face. As ho is es the < 'lierokee breed, and not more than 12 months from the nation, it is pro btlhle lie will bend hi course to the west will'd. The above Howard will he giv en upon delivery of the, said Pony tome, in Augusta, or at my Plantation, on Ihe head of McKean creek in this county. EDWARD JEM IS BLACK. Fch 1 2t 31 si: k.b»h.vra of \xma, m Now exhibiting alive, nt No. >'’>37 Hroad-1 street—north side—for n few days, The {jrc At on TKHJtmC HERPKMT Ot JAVA. ami Tin: BOA CONSTKICTOH, Or Sirangling Serpent of Cetjltm. ! The colours of these two stupendous ; reptiles are vivid and hennlilnl beyond description. They me well secured in a . wire cage, and so perli-elly docile that 1 the most timid lady or child, may view them with pleasure and stiffly., Tin; uhad ok a N E W-/> E A LAND CHI EI ) axo a sri.UNDID I Cjf"-* Adiiiiitaiiee, 25 cents—Cliildren, : half price. 0:/ For partLeulars, see small hills. January 25 31 .\OTKMO. j cs, application will he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for j ordinary'pueposCH. for lon ve to well It'- el ve Nimrod of Bti!tc Hank (Stock, belonging j to the Estate of Da.mki. Stak.nk.s, ’ed. 'i'hpsenrc to admonish all and sin ; gular. those whom it may eonec-i-n, toap j pear, ami tile their objections, ifany they have. E STARNEB*, CnnnJlin. IN I> I -T? EACcLE AND PIKGMX HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Till-. (9UBSCHIHEUS. having leased the new and elegant Hotel, known aa the Engle unit l , luenix Hotel, in this City, beg leave to inform the Public, that it is now ready tortile reception of their friends and customers generally. This Establishment stands on the site of the old City lintel, on Hroad (91 reef, and in point ■ of eommodiouwiiess is exceeded l.y nono in the Southern Country. It ie pleasant ly situated, and contiguous to the points of active business in the City. Os their own serv ices, they shall say nothing, leuv ing them to speak for themselves. It is* howc-vei, due their friends to say, that no personal exertions or expenec shall he spared to render their visitors and hoarders comfortable, inn] <>ivc universal satis faction. 1 hey Inn e the usual means, attentive Clerks and accommodating f'*er i c auls, and will provide all the variety and luxury which the market enn afford. Their (Stable is very spacious, provided with capable ostlers and filled with the best provender. They oiler their services to the public and expect a chare of liberal patronage. CO.SNAKD A: BYRD. Q'r'Thc National Intelligence?!’, Charleston Courier, ffcivniinali Georgian, Geor gia Journal, Macon Advertiser, and < 'ohnnhus Enquirer, are requested to publish tin* above once u week for ii v c weeks. January II 27 ivoncK. ’ raiiiE copin-l iic-i'isliip between Gnonon j jH. Hivk.s cJ- llk.mci- liivns, in the Fann ing and Brick Jinking business, is this clay dissolved. All persons having de , mauds against the firm, will please ren der Ibetn in to I*. 11. S.MHAit, us soon us possible, GEORGE RIVES. January 30 3c- IVOTICIi ~; AIcL pcVsons iiiclebted to llio estate of Lev y Florence, deceased, arc re (|ucsfed to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against said estate, are requested to present them properly attested, within the time prescribed bylaw. JOHN I. COHEN, AJm'r. Jan 11 27 MOIiAWSUS & SALT. IIHDH. Molasses-, 10110 Bushels of (Salt, For Sale at- the Wharf, hy 'i'IIDMAS MeGR AN. Fch 4 2t 31 I-’ACTOHAGE .V C0M.M1991 ON Subscrihci- having connm-macl .B the above Imsincss in Augusta, will devote his time exclusively to the inter est of bis friends and others, who may patronize him. All Cotton iiiicl other Produce, or goods sent to him tea- sto rage, will be stored in a first rate Fire Proof Ware-House, at the customary charges. All orders to liim, previous to bis arrival at Augusta, directed to the cure of John C. Holcombe, will meet with prompt attention. His ollice, for Hie present, is at. the first door übove Holcombe fi- <'ainiiclds. A HMrSTEAD RICH A HIXSON. Oct. 8 Cypress Shingles. 100.000 CYPRESS SHINGLES, For Sale on llie Wharf, by PARKER A BLAIR, .Vi .iY dour In line Ihe liriilgc Jiank Itui/ding. Dec 21 22 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the Tiieailnij in Mnreh next, Agreeably t« an order of the Honorable (In- Inferior Court of Richmond county, when siltingfor ordi nary purposes, will be sold, the following tracts of Land, belonging to the estate of < I.ion Nally, deceased : < Mu- Tract 0f250 acres in Early, known by lot No. (55. in the23d district—undone : other Tract in Wilkinson county,known by lot No. 43, in the lOt li district, c olitnin ing 202 j acres. The said lands lobe sold at the Court house doors of said conn tics. A I.SO, Will he sold at the Market house, in ' (he city of Augusta, one Negro Girl nam ed Easter, belonging to said estate—to lie sold for tin? benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. .I AS. JOHNSON. Aclm'p. MARY JOHNSON, Adm ix, .lau I vvtcl 25 ■\i\u\\u\s\ vuloy’s vTd\p. On Mnrilny, the VAth of Fi hnuiry ne.i f, W’ ILL be sold to the highest bidder, at the late residence of Jaukd Pcikmi, deceased, in C'oliiinliia county, ail the pcrisimhlc properly belonging to ).;iid deceased.consisting of; A Horse, Mules. Cattle-, Sheep, Hogs, Oxen, ( a: t. Plaiilniion 'i'oois, liouscliohl and kitclien Furniture. Corn, Fodder, j Colton, Ace. Sold for the benefit of 1 lie* heirs and creditors. Terms made know n ■ on the day of side. The sale to con tinue from day to day, until all is sold.— The Plantation will in- he rented, and the Negroes hired, at the same time. THUS. E. BEALL, Adm’r. Jan I vvtd 25 ; COH MHI V SIIERIi-T'VS SALE. On the first ’J'nemJiijJ in .March, . MES7JLL he Kohl nl the Court-House, . V V in Columbia county, within the usual hours of sale, Two Negroes, Jacob,a man; and Bec ky, a woman, each about 2-1 years ot age, . ] to si lisfy a mortgage li. fa., John (9iiiilli 1 vs. Jesse 11. Morriss. i RICHARD 11. JONES,Ph’ff.e.c. Die 31 vvtd 21 Ll!V(;OliK SHE MIFF'S SALE. On the first Ihnsday in March v:.jl WILL ho sold at Lincoln Court House, between the usual hoars of sale: SJ3D acres of Land, more or less, on tho waters of crock, adjoining Mc- Kinney, Mnmtbrd and others, tnki nas tlie properly of Win. Woods, to satisfy sundry li. fas. from a Just ire’s Court, Nathaniel liagain vs. Win. Woods imp John McKinney ; property levied on rani returned to me by nconstablc. THOM A.S LYON, j». s. l. c. .1 an 11 wtd 28 LINCOLN {SHERIFFS SALES. On the first 'lWsdaij in March next, WILL he sold, at Lincoln Court House, between the usual hours of sale, one negro man, named JOSH* V A,taken us the property of Susan Flem ing, to satisfy two fi. fas. from Lincoln Superior Court, Win. Curry, r». Susan Fleming, I’UOPEUTY pointed out by defendant. THOMAS LYON, D. S. January 28 wtd 32 WILL he sold at the Court house, in Columbia county, between the usual hours of sale, the following Ne groes, to wit: Three negro men, Patraim, Rill, and Jerry, Reeky and her children, Sum, Maryann, Eleanor and Emily, and Judy and her child Peggy; to satisfy sundry li. fas. from Columbia Superior Court, Edward W. Jones, Thomas Flournoy, and others, plaint ill's, vs. Elizabeth How ard. ItrclFD 11. JONES, s.c.c. One wtd 24 i\duuuvttlY aXoY N oUcc. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Jaiiku Pound, deceased, late of Co lumbia county, arc required to make im mediate payment; and all those to whom the estate is indebted, will hand in their demands, necording to law. THUS. E. BEALL, Adm’r. Jan 4 wtd 25 aTkmin ISTK ATOK’S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Ur. Aza Rr.Ai.i-, dcc’d, lute of Lin coln county, nre requested to call and settle them without delay, as it requires a speedy settlement; and those who have claims against the estate, will reader them in due lime, ns the lav requires. REM REM SON, Adm’r. Dec 21 6tw 21 AIJMINISTRATOR'S notice! ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Lurch, deceaqjfl, lato of Co lumbia county, arc requested to make, immediate payment; and those having demands, are requested to band them in within the time prescribed by law. OREDIENCE I). LURCH, Jldnu. Dec 17 «tw 20 COLC.MIIIA SIIEUIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in April next, WILL be sold at Columbia Court House, between the usual hours of sale: HOu acres of Land, more or less, bound ed by lauds of Marshall Keith, Black* well, Hradberry, Wm. McGar mid Cum ; to satisfy a mortgage li. fa. from Colum bia Superior Court, Thomas Nelson vs. t, John Nelriofl. ISAAC RAMSEY, Shff C. C. Feb 1 frt 33 (COTTON SAW-Onw. subscrilicrs have established a f I shop in Augusta, for the purpose of making and repairing COTTON GINS. The Gins will be made of the (rest materials, and warranted to answer 1 as good a purpose us any Gins heretofore made. We will keep on hand, Gins of • ililK’rent sizes. Our shop is about ICO 1 1 yards above the Upper Market in this • place. We are also appointed Agents • till* {salford's indent Straw-Cutter. , ROATWKIGUT Ac JONES. (£?'-* The Georgia Journal, Federal Uni on', Carolinian, nnd Abbcvilfe Whig, j • will insert the above one month, and for ward their accounts to this place. Augusta, Jan. 18 lin 31 -^ ON the 2d instant, at tlic 17 Milt* ;; bouse, on tlie Savannah Roud\ a , long-linked GOLD CHAlN,with swixeL-., KEY. It is supposed to belong to hir: ■ Veissenger, u gentleman who lives m Alabama, ond was on bis way to Nn - , York. Any person claiming, aril prove 1 log the same, can have it, by pay iag i- i advertising. jj.f.VERDERV j.N January 18 |