Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, February 08, 1832, Image 4

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' »K M tUAWMb THE SI'BICRIBEK, I.ato Proprietor of the Olobe Tavern, and more recently of the Mansion Housed »K(}B leave to announce to hislVlends ami tlic public generally,that he has ta ken that elegant ami commodious lire proof brick building on the corner o Broad and Jackson Streets. and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. I is situated in the most neutral part ofthe C ‘ity. and is in the very heart ol business being in the vicinity ofthe Augusta Hank, anil the Brunch Bank ol the .State o Georgia. This Establishment is known as I la; OLtOIIE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites (tree HimcioitHiuvHfi, neutncHg, smcl comfort. I o -III© iii«m oi l*i.i y, traveller, the daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, the GLOBE presents accom modations inferior to nom in the Wont hern Stales. , ■. . . Having conducted for a number of years, Iwo among the most popula. J In this City,he flatters himself that Ids experience in business,added to the supcnoi ad anta-es of situation 9c the resources under his eontroul, will enable bun to give the nost decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. His HT VBHBS arc ppiwioua »in<l woll ventilated, and amply nupplicn with the hast of provender, and attended hy experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to which the subscriber will bestow bis own personal unremitting attention, Sc in bis charges, will not forget the pressure ofthe times. flj*’ 'The following STAGES arrive at, and depart from, tlic Gi.ouk 'form, regularly ns follows : * Mil.LHonuvn.i.K Staok arrives every day, at (> o'clock I*. 31.—and departs event day, at 11 I*. 31. Coutmiua, fS. C. Stack arrives ever;/ day, at I) o'clock, I*. 31. — and departs every day , a 7 o’clock, I*. 31. Atiikns St a nr, arrives every Tuesday and Friday, at (> o'clock I*. 31.—and de parts every Monday and Thnrrday, at 10 o'clock, A. 31. Giikknvii.i.k, S. C. Stauh arrives every 'Tuesday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, I*. 31. —and departs curry 'Thursday and Smalay, at 'i o'clock, A. 31. < '•akni'svii.i.k, S. Stauh arrives every Friday, at <> o’clock, I*. 31 —and departs every JloiuLu/, at 1 o’clock, A. 31. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, June IHfll. D»t. BARCLAY'S VEGETABLE PILLS, For the Studious and Srdin hinj. —These Vegetable Pills nre made li-oni the prescription of an old phvsicinn in extensive practice, and have long been held in high estimation through out Europe. Nut one particle of mer ■rury, Antimony, or other min end enters their composition. Tlioy nre expressly ■designed to restore the tone und energy of the digestive organs, mid to remove mid correct indigestion, a bad and defective ap/ir tite, depression of spirit*, Urowsih-ss, lia/ntna/ cosliutneu, debility, and any derangement of tho atumach 01* bonds, f l'iic*ir ujioriin tion is perfectly mild, and requires no charge of diet, and persons of the most delicate constitutions may take them with perfect safety. To the Merchant, the Writer, faiit or Clerk, and all who nr< exposed to tin' numerous train ol diseases invar! ably assailing persons of sad* ntary huh Its, they will he found to be convenient and valuable medicine. Por sale in boxes nl 50 rents eatdi hv TURPIN .)• D’ANTIGNAC. Augusta, (tiorgiu, r«ept. 7. wtimbli FAMILY A SUP PI A ol tin l Cilrbnih'd Magnt' nan dljtprriait, bus just been receiv od l»y TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC, Aoknts for its Sale in this City. ' merely pouring water on a lea ■ JJspooaliil of this Aperient, a c ool ing grateful ellimveseiag beverage is obtained, resembling Soda Water to the taste i>imp#ting to the constitution all the henehls of llie C'ongress Waters at Saratoga.” Ht n.KR's EFFERVESCENT MAG tma and cure of Indigestion, Bilious mid Liver complaints, nervous weakness, headache, heartburn, habitual cost he m»ss, giddiness, cutaneous diseases, <)*e. d'-e,. The surprising etth acy of this sa perior medicine has obtained for it the patronage of many eminent persons, whose high encomium, together with it-! extensive und increasing sale, tally 1 proves its pre-eminence, and bids fair m reader it the most popular remedy ox-1 taut. To dyspeptic, the sedentary, and studious, it will be found invaluable, from 1 its promoting a proper action of the liver I in the secretion of bile, or correct it when in a vitiated state. Obstructions of the stomach or bowels arc gradually remov ed, it restores the appetite, and gives tone, strength and energy to the system. Travellers, and residents, in warm cli mates, will bud Butler’s Magnesia a Ape rient a desirable article; it prevents any accumulation ofbile. is portable, and the method of prepnriug it unusually con venient. Children have frequent occa sion for gentle and cooling purgatives they will take this Aperient in preference to any other. The public attention is respectfully di rected to the wrapper which contains many testimonials of its elllcacy, with tall direction for its use—Prepared by 11. Butler, Chemist, London. (I/ 5 * Observe that each bottle bears the signature of 11. Butler. ***!**• 7. w6m9o ~Tvotk;i: FOUR months . ilVcr dale, application will be made to the Honorable Inte rior Court of Franklin county, when sit “wr/or ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell Lot No. 75, in the Ist district of Cow eta county, ns the property ofthecstnU cl Jonies .Miller, deceas’d, for the beac 'lke heirs and creditors. ADLMVMILLBK. £xrz. Deem 4tm Cl PER LATE ARRIVALS AND ON HAND, i -2i f&flt fk pieces line und low priced Calicoes bO pieces pink, bnlf and limey stripe Ginghams . 15b do. dl,jj 1 and I! I, Cnmbrics lb do. Swiss and Book Muslins -b do. Largest size .Silk Bandanas lb do. Unssia Sheeting <• do. Canton Flannel , M eases I I line ami extra line Irish Linens 3 do. 7-8 and -1-1 bleached .Shirting (Linen fold) II do. M-d do, do, '•i bales H-d brown do. - do. Cotton Os no burgs ( 10(1 dozen ( 'otton Handkerchiefs i pieces red, white and green Flan- i nets i lb do. mixl Sattiaetts i lb do. 7-d heavy da tile Blankets I till do. 8 point do. do. do. Ibfl doz. white and grey Lambs Wool i half I lose 100 do. dii. Cotton do. | 100 do. slate worsted Hose tiOO do. patent, slide and Cotton Sus penders 10b do. Spool ('otton 50 do, boxes ('otton Balls 100 do. Brazilian Tacking Combs i b 0 do, Navariao lints I I case Cotton Umbrellas i 50 reams Cup and Letter Paper For sale low, for cash, or approved paper, by sept 2 1 C. PHILLIPS. IiAM) FOII SALE. A GIIS3AT BiIRGA M is now ottered in the sale of a tract, oi ml of LA Ml), in Carroll county, which is 1 discovered to be rich in the Holden proper ty. Tlie owner being on the eve of a long ' journey to the North, will now sell it low. if a quick application is made. Indispu table titles will be delivered. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Jane 1(! 73 ~U O A 82 1* 8 X in* tuts. IS VIS I* Respectfully mt'oi ms her friends, and < the public generally, that she lias i removed her Hoarding establishment to j the Brick Tenement over Messrs. L. j lin e's A Co's At or ion S-rouß, No. _1 b Broad street. She tenders her grateful thunks for llie liberal patronage hereto 1 fore received, and solicits a continuance 1 of it, assuring those who may favor her I with their com may. that ao ciforts shall tie spmvd on her part, to give the ut . most satisfaction. - OctSW if ({ RECEIVED AT TUB AUGUSTA : KOti KHSTOIt fflllE Ist Number of “ The American -M. >1 uirind ol Improvements in tlio 5 Useful Arts and Mirror of the Patent Os i lice, containing authentic descriptions • and illustrative drawings of the re cords, specifications and models of s the Patent Ollice, by permission of the Secretary of JState, being a faithful rep reuentnlion of the state of the arts in - America, ,Vc. N. P. Poor anil Win Green N Co. Editors and proprietors; i d. L. (Skinner assistant Editor, with ari - appendix coaluining the Patent Laws" - vVC. o Subscriptions for llie above work will - be received at the jiugusta Book-Store, e where the first number can be examined "'*ll no doubt contain much useful information of the state ami progress of the mechanic arts in our country. Oct 2ft g ©uroiiftlc* lyigsa WOTICEt BlfiaSOi The subscriber, as Agent for the Stale, wishes to Purchase 25 Negro Fellows, from 18 tc> 25 years of a go, for which the cash will be paid. THOMAS GLASCOCK. Jan 7 if 2« A OTIC'IO. TUB subscriber has made engage ments with Mr. M. Ogden, well known in thiscity, ns a lirst rate mecha nic, and for many yt'ors foreman and general superintendent at Roll's. He Hatters himself together with his former experienced hands, to he able to give sa tisfaction to those that may favor him with a call. Just Received from the Northern Ma nufactories. J superior close Carriages, 5 Barouches and 2 Gigs. Also, on the river, a lirst rale Coachee,nnd heexjiects in a few days, 2 of Hedcnburg's light close Carriages. CIIAS. L. HALL. Dec 11 10 1 r A BOA HOTEL. MONTGOHIEItV. AX.ABAIYIA. The subscriber having 111 gg a purchased the interest ol Pill Col. John W. Freeman. Hi *■“ in the Union Hotel, Mont- Mm 18 3 .gomery, (Alabama,) soli dts the patronage of his friends and the public generally. His house is commodiously and well situated for business or retirement; the Win hies spacious and comfortable, end attended by the best ostlers in the Southern States. The Bar is supplied with the best Liquors to be obtained in Mobile or New Orleans, and the Table with the best the market or country will afford. Farticular atten tion will be paid to neatness in the pri vate apartments, and cleanliness of the bedding. The utmost order and deco rum will he observed in the Union Ho tel. A part of the house is lilted tip ex pressly for the accommodation of Ladies, in which families can he entertained se parately from the rest of the Boarders.— His house is situated,just holow the Court House square, on Commerce st. nearly opposite the Post Ollice. A Hack will regularly attend the arrival of Steam Boats at this place. Z. T. WATKINS. Jan 28 512 The Tuscaloosa Intelligencer, Mobile Register, Charleston Mercury, Colum bia Times, ami Augusta Chronicle, are requested to publish the above four limes, and forward their accounts. ('liiirh slim .Mrrcnri/. ' ’rOH .\ IAPTS foh s t a die Subscribers, invested by the Legislature, with power for that purpose, will oiler for Sale, on Tuesday the 2’Sh ol February next, and on the succeeding day, a number of Lots, improved and unimproved, in the Town of Hamburg, owned by the State of South Carolina, on the following terms, viz : one third of the purchase money to lie paid in Cash' the remaining two thirds, in oncond two years, whh interest from the side; the payment thereof to he secured by bond and personal security, and a mortgage ol the premises. W. THOM PSD V. Jr.) n N. I/. GRIFFIN. ( c ? mw,s - HEMiV SHULTZ. ) 01s ’ Jan 18. 1852 lui 29 The Charleston Mercury, Augusta Chronicle, & Columbia Times, will pub lish the above for one month, .V forward their Hill to Henry Shultz, Hamburg. Ciiroliiiiiiu. TO WENT, aiu A large DWELLING. LOT. &,c. and A LARUE STORK, j{JJgsi well calculated for Dry-Goods .wigßwßfcv and Groceries, opposite tlie store of Edward 'l'homiis, Esip upper eml of Broad-street—an excellent stand for business. Possession will be given on the lirst ofOctoher. For terms, which will be liberal, apply to Mr. Josi'.ru Chil ian, at the above place. GARRET LAWRENCE. July 511 8(> TO REMTr n n The STORE, and PLANTATION .lull possession girru in January There is upwards of 100 acres of clear ed Land under fence—the Store- House is u substmitiul building, and an active mid profitable business now in opera tion—(be Cotton capable of stop ing KltKl hales of Cotton—mi cstahlished terry. middle Landingand .Storage of very considerable quantifies ofGoods. willi a good Fishery. woulil render lids i desirable mid profitable establishment to mi industrious and enterprising indi vidual, It desirable, the Stock of Goods oa hand may be had, and in that ease, immediate possession would be given.— I'or I'Tther particulars, apply to the sub scriber. ATTON PEMBERTON. Iturke ctuuly, Nov. It!. J 3 For Sale. raiiiE siiliscriber oilers tor sale.a tract B of first quality Oak and Hickory Laud, containing 399 acres, situated in Columbia county, on the Big Kiokec creek, adjoining lands of Bichard Tub man and Tankersly. The laud is of excellent quality, and will be sold on accommodating terms. In the absence of the subscriber, apply to Col. William ■ Mayor, or Mr. Henry Dalby. THOMAS WARE. July 2 ts 77 \ BxoaA Swoxd MR. WILLEY WILL give a Course of Lessons in tlie Broad Sword Exercise, Cut and Thrust, and Attack and Defence, at tlie Masonic Hall—the com sc to he com-, prised of 15} lessons, to commence on the lirst Monday in January and continue . each day thereafter, in the afternoon or evening, ns may lie most convenient to the pupils generally. ’Terms, for Broad sword exercise alone, $2, and for the cut and thrust and attack and defence in ad dition, $2 the course—if a sutKcient num ber ofpupils be obtained to form a class. ’ The lessons will be general, to members , of the Richmond Hussars or any others j who may desire to attend—and will he given in each or all of the exorcises, as eaeii pupil may wash. (T?* Apply to either of the OUlcers of the Richmond Hussars. Dec 21 22 i JIW BY 1 WM. J. HOBBY, 1 AT THE AUGUSTA BOOK STOKE. S’ IEE and death of Lord Fitzgerald, j H A Lafayette in America, Journal ofa Naturalist, The Bravo, Roxobel, Chili Hook, Aifeelion’s Gift, Friendship’s Ottering, Blair's Lectures, Tiitideus of Warsaw-, Aimstutius, Mason's Farriery, Lilly, Brown’s Novels, ij-c. Ac. Dec 21 2t 22 A DM IMSTU ATOR'S SALE. , On (he first Tuesday in February next, sold at Carnes vill, Franklin I Court house, the negroes helong , ing to the estate ol'Levi Stokes, deceas ed.—Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMBS MORRIS. Adm’r. Dec 3 wtd 17 : FOM SAFiF. 19100l 9 100 OK 1,200 ACRES of FAAIF WITH Saw, Flour, and Rice Mills on it: situated in Barnwell Dis trict, S. C., 28miies from Augusta and 10 from tlie Village of Barnwell, about on a . lino direct from Charleston to Augusta. , therefore it is presumed the rail road will . cither pass through it or not far oil'.— I Price $2,009; one-fifth cash or approved , endorsed paper at 00 and 90 days, (he ha- I lance at 1, 2,51, and 4 years credit, with interest and mortgage of the premises.— | Titles indisputable and warranted, r CCr 5 ’ Apply to JOHN GUIMABIN, ’ Watchmaker, No. 147 liruad street, Augusta. July 9 79 | Savannah River Navigation Pe f HE affairs ofsaid Company, having ,S_ lieeti brought to a close, with the exception of paying the Stockholders, (lie undersigned gives notice to all con : corned, that a final Dividend of One Dol . larand Forty-Six Cents per Sliare, (on 1 all Shares on which $22 lias liccn paid) will he paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, accompanied by the proper vouchers, on application nt the lirst Brick Building West of flic New Market, Broad-street, Augusta, to J. VV. BRIDGES. Augusta, Oct. 30,1830. wlf 8 A Barber Wanted, I A RESPECTABLE White Barber i i%. may hear ofa good situation for his i business, by application at tins ollice. Janl 1 ts 28 \oTIC|T, A LL persons indebted to the estate of ! ix. Mary Tschiuly, deceased, aro rc- j quested to make iimnediate payment,ami \ those having claims against the estate, will present them duly attested. A. 1.111 VITNGTON, Mmr. Jan 11 07 wm7el. iioissn Is appointed Agent at Augusta, for ■ TIIK liIWY’S KOOK, Tlie Repository of A nr S', J.ITE/iATURB .{■ FASIUOX. j. his valuable work is issued in monthly numbers, each number containing 59 i ’ l;>rge octavo pages or more, printed on ! line super-royal paper. Every number contains a piece of Music, one copper j- Fugraving, and at least four wood ' t uts. illustrative of some oft ho contents ; j and every three mouths a colored Plato! ol the latest fashions—and is furnished I at the moderate price of 85} a year. A specimen of the work may be seen i at the Augusta Book, where sabscrip- I tions are received. Hcc 21 3t 22 LAW No'S'lCl'iV 15811 ALL lioroaftor regularly attend (lie Superior Courts of Richmond County. My ollice and residence are in Greenshorough. Persons residing in Augusta, having business to transact, requiring the services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Grocno, Morgan, New- Jon. Clarke, Oglctorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, i I'alliulcrro. Monroe, or Hnneoek, and who may choose to entrust it to me. w ill have an opportunity of conlerring witli me personally, twice in n year, m rcluttion to it. FRANCIS If. CONE. Decs ts Js 1 EDUCATION WWW .N\ANVA\. fn HE subscriber having 1 purchased 1 a small plantation near Eatonton. proposes to take six or eight young men of good moral character, between the ages of 12 and 17 to provide for their in struction in the various branches of Ed ucation, in Agriculture, and in the Me chanic Arts. Apparatus to illustrate the sciences of Chemistry, Astronomy, Nat ural Philosophy, Ac. will be procured and a Mochahic shop erected. Schools of this kind established in Tennessee and in the Middle and North ern States have nourished beyond the ex pectations of the most sanguine. Hun dreds of applications to enter students have been rejected during the year for ' the want of accommodation. The writer lias been Urged hy several respectable and literary gentlemen, who have prom ised tlieirsons, to open a similar one in Georgia and he now designs to make the experiment. So many months have e lapscd in living on a site, since he formed the determination, that he Ims not time to state ail the particulars of ids plan; nor will he make high pretensions in re gard to ins qualifications nor the amount that shall be learned. He will endeavor however to impart instruction us farund as well as ho is able. Assistance w'ill he procured in teaching the mechanic arts anil some of common the branches of Education. The object, is to make practical men and qualify them to be come good teachers of schools. In government, he will endeavor to act the part of a parent mid treat the pu pils as his children ; but lie must he obey ed. lie desires no parent to send his son who is unwilling to have him submit to the regulations of the school. Each stu dent will labor two or three hours in the day or about one day and a half in the week.' — Care will he taken, as the weather grows warm, that they he not exposed to a mid day sun, till they become inured to athle tic exercise, by employing the mornings and ever, : ngs. No many hours will not he requisite all die year, hut in a busy season, somewhat more. Each student will provide himselfwith sheets, towels A blankets—and it would he economical for him to have a coarse suit to wear during the hours of labor. Hooks, stationary, oil, Ac. wiii be fur nished those who need them at the low est price. The limes ofexaminations and vacations cannot now he named. Reli gious service will be attended every sab bath in Eatonton, a little mure than a mile distant. Those who wish to enter their sons must give information and secure places hylhe 10th of January. The school will he opened on the Slid. Letters post pa id, addressed to Eaton ton, will receive attention. WeguVaUons tvwd Tcmws. 1 The coarse of instruction will occu py three years. 2. Hoard, lodging, washing, tuition, Ac. for the Ist year will he St-00; for the 2d £75; ami for the lid ssl). Payments, half yearly in advance ADIEf< SHERWOOD. Eatonton, Dec. 10, 1831. 20 CLASSI CA L, MATH EM ATICAL7 AM) ENGLISH SEMINAR! 7 ; Anthony malone will open this institution in this city, on the 2d of next JunuuVy, at the Parsonage of the Catholic Church. Mr. Malone will re ceive only n select number of pupils, to whom he pledges himself to do ample {justice. Mr. M. will Hold an annual ex amination ofthe pupils of his seminary, to which the public will be invited, and ho confidently iiopcs that on that occa sion, parents and guardians, who shall favor him with their confidence, will be well pleased with tiic improvement which their children or wards shall have made. As to capacity, or moral char acter, the most respectable reference will he given. As to terms, which shall he moderate, i)-c. apply at the seminary. N.IJ. The English department in ad dition to the subordinate brunches of spelling, reading, dictionary, A English grammar, will comprehend sacred and prophnne history, geography. English composition, declamation, the. Ac. Dec 11 ]<) I>l2 . HAB CON CENTilATEI) ( OMPOUND OP CFREBS AND SARSAPA RILLA, an inoffensive, positive, and speedy Remedy for the c-nrc of Gonor j rhcea, Gleet, Semina Weakness, Stric ; lure, \\ bites, Pains in the Loins, Kid dies, Irritation of the Hladder and Ure •hra, Gravel, and other Diseases of the Urinary Passages. This most etlieacious Preparation is conveniently used, and totally devoid of irritating qualities, frequently perform ing cures in a few days; it, is healthful to the stomach, and hy no means un pleasant to the palate ; possessing all the active medicinal properties necessary for the cure ofthe above Diseases, with out any liability of injury to the system by exposure to the weather. It Inis ob tained the sanction of many ol the re spectable members of the Faculty, and and the approbation of all those who have had occasion lor its use. Treatise on the .Medicinal Properties oj Sarsaparilla, compiled from the Lest Jlvlhori las, strongly elucidate the high repute and great success .which has long at i tended its use, in various internal C'hron i ic Diseases. I Another choice Ingredient, obtaining i great celebrity in Europe, has also been I introduced,funning a safe, speedy, and permanent cure for the above diseases. Prepared by 8. G. Hare-lay, M. 1). Strand, London ; and for sale bv TURPIN A DANTIGNAC, Aou.vrs, ,'hiivusla. (leuriria. Sept. 3 wdin 95 TO lllitll, " Far the remainder of thu Year, A NEGRO Wqman accustomed to /mJCooking. w ashing and house work: and n Girj accustomed to attend chil dren and work in the. house : also, a Roy about 15 years old, accustomed to the care of horses ami driving dray. En- ' quire at this Office, i Jan 7 AUCTION And Commission Business. HAVING taken Hie store lately oee*n pied by Mr. C. Pmi.urs, I will c on' tinue to transact the Auction and Coni mission Business, as recently conducted hy him, and solicit a continuation of th P patronage Mr. Phillips lias been favored with. My attention will he devoted ex elusively to Goods on Commission I am prepared to make advances to am amount, and on liberal terms, ‘ * J. marshall Augusta, 10th Jan., 1832. AT PRIVATE KAlj- A Likely Vellow Girl, about 2)) ve-n-s old—accustomed to all kinds 0 V house-work, is an excellent seaimt,- C g s . can cut out and make up linen and driv es, a prime washer and iroiier of riiu. clothes, a good nurse and cook, and com hilling every qualification to render her a valuable acquisition, She has been raised in a genteel family, and is now of fered with reluctance. Apply to L, HULL cj- CO, Jan 4 ts 25 PIEECS hemp,flax, tow and domestic Bagging, 250 coils bale Rope, (>OOO bushels Liverpool Salt, 350 hints. St. Croix, N. O. A Porto Rico Sugars, 000 bags Coflee, 30 ts. superior prime green Coffee 40 hhls. do. do. clo. 500 kegs cut nails, assorted, 20 tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 400 hags Shot, assorted, 1000 pounds bagging twine, 5 tons Plough Moulds, 5 tons Castings, assorted; 75 boxes Tobacco, 70 barrels loaf and lump .Sugar, 200 whole and half boxes Soap, ’ 40 boxes spermaceti Candies, 20 do. tallow clo. 30 libels. Molasses, 50 barrels Flour, 70 boxes bunch Raisins, 40 cuddy boxes Hyson. Gunpow - der and Imperial Teas. 75 quarter casks sweet Malaga Wine, 25 do Tennt*rifle & Sicily Madeira, 3 pipes pure old do 8 clo Cognac brandy, pure, 5 do Holland Gin do 5 hhds pure Jamaica Rum, 45 barrels Nolhcrn Gin, <lO do Northern Rum, 15 do Cordials, 30 hags black Popper, 15 do Pimento, 25 hags Ginger (Race.) 5 hhds green Copperas, 20 kegs Madder, 10 kegs Saltpetre, 20 do Glauber anil Epsom Salts, 5 boxes Brimstone, 3 barrels AHam, 50 boxes 8 hy 10 window Glass, 2 boxes Logwood, 2(»0 reams wrapping Paper. 125 do writing and letter do. 2000 pounds shoe 'Thread, 8000 pounds prime Haeon. 9000 Spanish and common Sc-gnrs, 8000 pair Shoes, well assorted, 50 boxes beaver and wool Hats, 25 cloy, seal and leather caps, 40 boxes cotton and wool Caras, 10 barrels Almonds, 20 half barrels crackers, 10 kegs bar Lead, 300 cnaislerssplendid sporting Gun powder. 100 men and women’s Saddle.- Hriclles, Ac. A I. SO, 100 pieces duffle and point Blankets, -10 do red. white A green Flannel -25 hales Homespun assorted, 35 pieces Negro cloth—together with a well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Goods, suitable for the country trade. ALSO, Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvils and Vices, Spades and Shovels, mill cross cat and hand Naws, Mill Irons, Trace, halter, fifth and log chains. Rifles and Guns, carpenter's Planes, Sad Irons, Codec Mills, hoop and sheet Iron—with a handsome assortment < f cutlery and shelf Goods—for sale on thu most favorable terms by, W. A 11. BRYSON, Opposite the dole Hold. October 22 ts (> "llEBTORS" TO (he Estate of Win. W. Harden, arc requested to make immediate payment; and those to whom the Estate is indebted will present their claims, le gally attested, for payment. ELMIRA HARDEN. V.xx. JOHN LAMAR, Ex r. Oct. 2!) 8 3? fTTI^HTos 7 ! 'iSSi'M FEATHERS. A Large Assortment of Elegant Black Ostrich Fkatiikus, For Sale by Mr- A. SERA, No. 208, Broad street. * Dec 31 ■ ts 21 “NOTICE. ‘ T"HE Olfiee of the Clerk ol* Council will he open from 2 to 5 o',dock. e m. during tke next two weeks, far the purpose of giving all persons liable la pay City Tuxes, an opportunity to make their returns. Os this, all interested, will please fake notice. GEG. M. WALKER, Clerk. Jan 21 3(1 The Courier and Constitutional!*! wii. publish the above. CAUTION. ■&|TV old customers, and the public in If B. general, are particularly request ed when (hey are in want of any first rate Corned iScef to apply personally, orsetid their servants to the subscriber. ISAAC HENDRIC KS, ft?" The cause of the above notice, is. that families frequently get deceived by their servants applying Ip u (adored man who is in the iinbii of vending- corned beef in the Market quality that 'thesubscriber would not offer far ’e. 1. ii. Jab 11 27