Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, February 29, 1832, Image 4

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the st bsc ribe ii * ~ proprietor of tho Olobe Tavern, and more recently of the Mansion House, >< r.r.- »> oaaounve to hwfHeqds and the public generally,that lie bus la If u .u. and commodious lire proof brick building on the corner o ifwtd anil Jackson Streets, and immediately adjoiningl be new Masonic Hall. It - i* situated in the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of buMiicsfc being in the vicinity ofthe Augusta Hank, and the Brunch Bunk ol the btalc ol (Georgia. This Establishment is known as the GLOBE HOTEL, ; and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites m ti n enum fravelle* the daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, the OLOHL presents a. com- ( modatioas inferior to none in the Southern States. Ifrill> . . Having conducted for a number of years, two among the moat p°[ la. H ■ ( in this City,lie Hatters himself that his experience m business,added .. lb. si.p. to ml antages of situation ,V the resources under bis eonlronl, will enable bun logivt ( the nost decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their palrouage His !STA iII.CS are spacious and well ventilated, and amply suppla dav ah the ( best of provender, and attended by experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to , which, thosßiibncriber will bestow bis own personal unremitting attention, m las (■barges, will not forget the pressure of the times. (jy The following-TAHES arrive at, and depart from, the Ci.onu 4otki. regularly as follows : i Mii.lkdohvii.u; Staiii; arrives rnrj/ tlm/, at <i o'clock I*. 3f. — and departs nwn/ day, at 11 I*. 31. Columiua, IS. C. SrAfin arrives rvcnj ihiy, at 0 o'clock, I*. Al. —and departs nrnj tlni/, a 7 o’clock, I*. .'l. Atiiuns Btaiii'. arrives cvrry 'J’uveduy nail Fiiihn/, at 0 o'clock I*. 31.— and de parts cvi’i'ji Mrntdity and Thursday, at 10 o'clock. A. i\|. <j)iu;nNvir.t.i?, IS. C. Stack arrives even/ ‘/’.irsdny and Sahirduy, at 7 o'clock, I*, ill. —and departs every Thursday ami Sunday, at - 2 o'clock. A. 31. Oaiinkhviiu.k, S. C. Htaiik arrives every Friday, at (i o'clock, I*. 31 —and departs every Monday, at 4 o’clock, A. M. WILUA3I SHANNON. Augusta, June 1831. Dll. BAUDLAY’B VEGETABLE IMIjIjS. For the Studious ami Srden tury.~~These Vegetable Pills are made from the prescription ofan old physician in extensive practice, ami have long linen held in high estimation through out Europe. Not one panicle of mer cury, Antimony, or other mineral enters their composition. They are expressly designed to restore the tone and energy of the digestive organs, and to remove and correct indigestion, a had and dej'eelire <»/>/»'■• tile, depression iif spirits, drowsimre, hohihinl Costiveners, delihly, and any dornngemei i of the stomach or bowels. Their o,- m ' lion is perfectly mild, nnd require in> charge of diet, and persons of the most delicate constitutions may lake them with perfect safety. To the Merchant, the Writer. Vceona tnnt or Clerk, nnd nil who are exposed to the numerous train of diseases invari ably assailing persons of sedentary hab its, they will he found to he convenient and valuable medicine. Pur sale in boxes at 50 cents each, hv TDK PIN .)• D'WTtIJNAC, ; :• . Augusta, fliorgiu. Sept. 7.! FAMILY A SUPPLY of the Cilrheatrd .Uigur I*, sum ffippefie.nt t lias just been receiv Oil by TUBPIN X I> WTKi.X AC, Aoksts for its Sate in tins City. V merely pouring water on a tea Jl4spoonfnl of this Aperient, a cool ing aad grateful clfcrvcsciiig beverage is obtained, resembling Soda Water to the taste, «J* imparting to the constitution all the benefit a of the Congress Waters at .Saratoga.” Benin's EFFERVESCENT MAG NESIAN APERIENT, for the preven tioa and cure of Indigestion, Bilious am! Liver complaints, nervous wcaknes . headache, heartburn, habitual cistiv, ness, giddiness, cutaneous diseases, <)•<• «f*c. The Hiirprising efficacy of this su perior medicine '.as obtained for it the patronage of many eminent persons, whose high encomium, together with its extensive and increasing sale, fully \ proves its pre-eminence, mut bids fair t’> i render it the most popular remedy ex-j taut. To dyspeptic, the sedentary, and studious, it will he found invaluable, from its promoting a proper action oftoe liver j in the secretion ofhile. or correct it when in a vitiated state. Obstruction* of t!ie j Stomach or bowels are gradually r< nov- 1 rd, it restores the nppotite, and irbes i tone, strength and energy to the s\ *!e;u, j Travellers, nnd residents, in warm c!i-' males, will find Untie s dagnesian Ape rient a iJosiKible article; it prevents any accumulation ofhile, is portable, and the l method of preparing it umisually eon-1 venieat. Children have frequent oeen tiion for gentle nnd cooling pm gntivos— ! they will take this Aperient in preference \ to any other. j The pulilie attention is respectfully di ■ rooted to the wrapper which contains many testimonials of its rtficncy, with full direction for its use—Prepared by 11. Butler, Chemist, London. 35* Observe that each bottle bears the signature of 11. Butler. Scot. 7. w(iin9fi ~ ixorari: FOUR months ill or date, npplication will he made to the Honorable tnl'o ri-.r Court of Franklin county, when sit tiisr for ordinary nnrnoses. for leave to sell Lot No. $, in the Ist district of Cow* ota onnty. os the property of the estate of James iMiller. deceased. tbr the bene tit of the heirs and creditor*. ADUNIA MILLER, JEaVr. £> c3l <lt in 1H |{i:<ihvb:b». , PER LATE ARRIVALS AM) OX HAND, 1 »•!* Jj 4 ifci Ik pieces line and low priced < Calicoes 50 pieces pink, bull' and fancy stripe Ginghams ~ 150 do. J I, 5-1 and (I I, Cambrics ’ It) do. .Swiss mid Kook 'dn.-lins 2t) do. Largest size Silk iiainbums > 10 do. ! { issiii Sheeting 0 do. I binloii flannel • 2 eases I I fine and extra fine Irish 1 Linens 1 3 do. 7 H and I-1 bleached Shirting. ’ (Linen lob!) ! I) do. 3-4 do. do. 1 2 hales K-4 brown do. 2 do. Cotton Osnnhiirgs 100 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs 1 20 pieces red, white and green flan nels It) do. mix! Sutlinells 10 do. 7 I heavy ilufile Blankets 20 do. S point do. do. do. 100 doz. white and grey Lambs Wool half I lose 100 <lo. ilo. * lotion do. 100 do. slide worsted Hose ■ 200 do. patent, slide and Colton Sus penders i 100 d >. Spool < lot ton 50 do. boxes <'niton Bulls Kill do. Bni/.ili'tii Tucking Combs 50 do. Navnriao Hats 1 ease Colton Cuilnvllns 50 reams Cap and Letter Paper For sale low, for cash, or approved paper, by sept 21 C. PHILLIPS. li A Vi) i'Olt SALE. A tfHEAT ArtJ is now ofi’ered in the sale of a tract, oi lot of LA N I), ia v 'arroll comity, which is discovered to he rich in the (iulden proper /1/. The o\\ ner being on the eve id'a long journey to the North, will now sell it loir if n i|iiiek application is made, liulispu (able titles will be delivered. APPL\ AT THIS OFFICE Time Id 73 "SoTtmTS ' iffiiSS. isS * lUl> Mespccifnlly itifoi ms her friend*, and r Hie public generally, that she h i* , removed her Hoarding' establishment to die B.'iek Tenement over 'Messrs, b, , ilt'i.i.'-i Cx Co's Aecnox Sioiti:. No. 215 IHi I street, .T.e tinders her grateful ) thank's lor the liberal patronage hcrelo j lore received, and solicits a emit hum nee ot it. assuring' those who may favor her with tis ir company, that no efforts shall ] be snared on her part, to give the ill i most satisfaction. Bel 22 ts fi UDi'LIVED AT THE ACCS ST A | f> lt 10, , r / ’ij2 , |ilß Is Number of *• The American JL 4 mrnal of improvements in the I send Arts and Mirror ofthe Patent Of fue, containing mitheidie descriptions and illustrative drawing* of the re cord*, specification* and models of lite Patent Office, by permission of the Secretary of State, being a faithful rep l OHcatation of the state of the arts in America, &c. N. P. Poor and Wm Green X Co) Editors and proprietors: .1. L. Skinner assistant Editor, with an ' appendix containing the Patent Laws" Xc. Subscriptions for the above work will : he received at the Augusta Hook-Store. 1 where Ibe first number eauhe examineil 1 —it will no doubt contain 'much useful • a formation of the state ami progress of the mechanic arts in our country. Oct 21) y Hl.' ■ mnfinvtu £ijyotrtti*» PROSPECTIJS. JliSilv THIS Prospectus respect fully in forms tlie Patrons of the WASH- \&&S*KBmO* a & EVOTON NEWS, and public gener- ally, that Capt. Thomas A. Pastkuh, liav- JUST RECEIVED mg resigned the publication ol the above jjy named paper—it will continue to issue mrfklßlSir under other superb,feudal,)*. Its proprietors will not cast any re flection on its past, nor will they vouch AWTr , lTiarr . ~O IIK STOKE, unequivocally for its future character AEbISTA UOOif k and usefulness. Nevertheless, from n de- IKM and death ol Lord r itzgeja , cent regard to public opinion, and in jus- B A Lafayette in America, lice to their own feelings, they must dis- Journal ofa Naturalist, 'lhelfraAO, c laim llr.rt unhallowed proscription hy Roxobel, flnli Book, sG, , which innocence is often condemned Friendship s Offering, Blair s Lectines, without a trial, the motives of our bi st I’hadeus ol Warsaw, Auastatius, public men misrepresented, and their .Mason s Farriery, Lilly, characters unjustly defamed. Brown’s Novels, .)-c. Ac. The party spirit which runs so execs- Dec 21 si vely high in our rotate, has carried a- a ■ m x long with it the most baleful eonsequen- S' ® r SS ecs. Like the wily serpent in Paradise, -g iaa 1200 it has long since wound its way into our * 5 _. Legislative assemblies—itself a poison, ? gg. Ol Imism u w ,TH -. f lt t’S? Ls the State by dis,. acting the Counsels of ** - %S^SSSS& summit the rash cntl.u- fomiho Viiloge of Barnwell, about on., j my i ii . nn „ hue direct from Charleston lo Augusta. tbim'lhey can the mistaken zeal of blin.l- "'7^ blc !t J ** P"*”"'*? 1 the™ ll ro»«l will ed bigotry; who «wshl|« man jLii-o So: on" dill I. cash or approved than principle, wo, ri '« J ' 01 -].. l ' ch endorsed paper at (if, and f)0 days, the ha a devotion they can uor mn Mea- |||nce f( , / 2 o an<l 4 ycsim credit, with sures and not men is I diet » ". , o „ n(l mortgage of the premises— iSSZS and warranted. Chief Magistrate I lint Ihe i etleral l>n ‘ * JOff\ GUfMARIiV. ion mast be preserved.'’ HWlchmaktr, M».‘147 Broad si rat, Augusta. They support the sovereignty of the })]| y ’ 71* States in all tliose powers not granted to ’ the. Federal Government: and acknowl- SavanaiJh Oliver Navigation edge the sovereignly oft he Federal Gov- ©'@l®.»J'4&'3fe> ernmenl in all those powers granted by 5 - „E alli.irs of said Company, having the Constitution, and not reserved to the | bl>en brought to a close, with the States. exception of paying Iho Stockholders. I lie columns of tins p.ipctw, leopni lt , Dii(lc*t*t!iiignc?(l yive** notice to all con to judicious essays on all subjects, origin- ~l , n u>(! „ ull a (im .l Dividend of One Dol al and select which may tend to inform Fortv .Bix Cents per Share, (on (lie head, or correct the heart, Morals. oa u hichs22 has been paid) Education, Polities, Agriculture, cVc. will wji| he i( , to , ll(> stockholders or their claim frequent attention. I heir design , . mwntlllivce accompanied by is, rather to lie useful than os I |" |)l . op |. l . voll ,.i l crs, on application n, the Trttlh. consequently will be their Ilolar (il .st Brick Building West of the New Star: and though they may smm Mal .,. ct j^oa,,-street, Augl.slu, to veer from the magnet, they will always J. VV. BRIDGES, endeavor to sail within its happy ndlu- Augusta, Oct. 30.*1830.' wlf H ence. _ J —— As they feel themselves at. liberty to •run express any opinion which they believe Weekly Bloriling Courier will advance (lie public or private inter- ANn est of their fellow-citizens, so will they J; w . Y OKK EA«I UI It E 11. be free, by temperate discussion, to cx- pose any policy of an opposite tcndciicy. ()|1 Saturday, the 2H,h January, inst., \\ ilh these leilmgs am \u\\s, ns pa t j Proprietors of the Morning Courier per is submitted to the patronage . nm| Ao l >v . V „,.k Enquirer; intend pub generous A enbghtenecl ,»iibhi\ ll«>piiig. liti||j ,be largest folio sheet ever is ,ba(—though d may not be a Inn . -I Weekly Newspaper to contain the first magnitude, yet. 1m and I - (Jl . u ll|M , t . ulv y t , ul . illff U.c week in their lernry ninth, it may shine hk , a t.M.i , , u J t will be published on line stm; with p.ire mid ylustr s ,[ itll )Knv tv|)P: ' lUHl t( , place if 1 Ins p.ipci im ion - ■ wilhin the reach ofiill classes ol the com cm Ito its present petrous, unless them , , . , . , . 4l 1 i.irni nuinllv. 11 wlll he ofioi'cled to snhsenbers instructed to the rontrnn. the terms , J ... . . . 4 . • jit the minced price of thuki: dollahs will reinuni ns i»ei*c*telc)io. •. . , , .~, 44 , nMI • ...tjniut hi vo per annum, luniuine ahraii* in mlrancr, A I loiters nnd communications in re- 1 . 1 •’ ~4 | I/• . .1 • iv Illm.d mlll.nt.nmnl 111 Cl UISCCIIIOIIOO Os tile Ot llCl* 1 )il 11 V I 41- hition to thipolheo, will uioel willi prom it 1 . , , . . . J 4 , ... . i i ri i pers in i\ew -\orlt, determining not to i/0!}/ uiri iuluiPf*hi'cl to UK , , . , ’ .ini iiuim. >■ i / board vessels and receive their news ou of the Georgia Jour- ll '° of«he Courier A nab Chronicle and Courier, Augusta, and fa.q.urer have lately invested ti,..,t KK .n \ theiiinn, are requested to give the above n'ors.uM, noi.i.ARS ... a separate non ses Pr, spe s four laser, fln-wurd, consist,ngo one tecl.oone, their accounts to the proprietors for pay- of Hy tons, one o sixty tuns, and the . .I is-ii 07 1. necessary row-boats. Ibis establish meiit. .Km. LI, l >l. v • 1* * . 1 . .11 meiit is supported at the annual expense ; THE *’* Nl -'' l; ’l'iioisami dollars, and vessels from Europe are boarded al sen and llieir |) A ILY C* iOO ag C* IA news disseminated through the country « * in the City of Sav J. 31 n 11.1 L. and under the ate improved , n . |s !iti „ !(l Coritma & EsqrißKU aiTiuigeinent of the VVuskra Mad, de- ||>(l| |) omo( ... ilt ic-adhering to the parts lor the in <*• 101, i ou,it \v ■ - | ll .i„ t .jj ) | t>s and usages of the iiepnblieiiii leans. cVc. end. day. a lew hours after . t , |u , wlvocn ri„ B die re-election of is .ss.icd, at Augas a. . a j ACKSO% to llle Its M illedgcv Icm > an ! a *, ‘ u , columns are alike devoted to Foreign hours alter its departure, pm- aim,na n. advance. toratnre and die Fine Arts, la morals. THE COCNTIt V GEOIStJIAN however, i, does notact upon the creed , .. i . ' of Fanatics or Bigots, hat on the centra ls published hree a week and con ill( ,„ k .,, tes lho ; p i)l . in ,.i l ,|es of.norali m.ns all the iniell,ge,ice, including new t J’ ond rcli i „ a Oll | v ,' which are founded adiert.semcnls, published ... the Daily u^)on nnt | will to ail niunUind . paper. IV, ms 00 ~er annum, pay., |u . , IWlit w ,S ch is ( „u M , nu . e „ lu | hvo . * V.!, 11 ,u ' :UKi ; (lieily n fleet ion instead ol* “ persecution i he Georgian, tlailv ami Inwockly. o 1 , ~ • . * . •, loi opmion s sake. containsthelatef-t < ommercial. rolitienl: it i . /. -v .. u ... .. . 4 Upwards ol four thousand copies of ■Joincstic 4V iMiseeUsuieous infHligcnce. ,i in }i llltl | AMn - l i p., ; , . , , ... ... the Courier and are pah is hed and partleuhir pains arc bestowed upon i . *1 1 v, , 1 # ' ... 1 Dadv and more than tiikkk tiiousam) the jlarine depaiimtMit, where also will -. t 5 g ,.. rx . be found all that relates to Darien and and ... the City of New t -l.arles.on, A Brice Cm rent, carefully V otk .f Jntly ctrenln ton .s known lo be . . , - •’ more than an hundred per cent, greater corrected bom statements ofbuyers and nn olllor ps , I>e r. These facts are sellers, logo,he. w.,1. remarks on the red to, ns affording the only com transactions ol the week, is pulibshcd I |m , |lt;U V tll ’ c JVopncto.s can with pro eve, y SMiliirilny, the foreign Exports j o V cr on the quality of the matter noted daily, and regular tallies of the U, wiU he found in their conlempla i. \ peris 01..,,r principal Staples, both (ed wceU | y (mbllcnlion. ■ or. .irn ami Coastwise, published once is inl » n - lled to lnlb ,i gll 17 -,m copies i.ll> i. .. , of (he first number of the paper, which '.<!y> i lisci,louts - from nhrnn.l will he will bc distributed in dill'rent parts of . inserted mbo h papers a, lbe country, and one copy sent to each els. per square ol 14 hues lor the brst. p os , jn „ >e ( ni ,c'd States, in or-- :" i< V" ‘•° , r U>, ; e T C, y (l '"fTin.b- ~ , hat a specimen of the publication iriition. w hni daily, or od c oats v. hen- . , .. i 4 . * , , , may be examined. ■ w in* or three times per week. irr’Wivrfl 'fives carefully published, so ns lo com- TERIuS. ilv with the rccjuibilionsor the law. Daily I a per slOperann. ) i.,,, it os ssemi- veehly do. 1 per aim. > . •; • , * in 11 . «* .. Connivance _ . ■ w MiKlii do. d per aim. ) VBSTI B A W% IB I-,'. Any person who may obtain eight fQ N I IF. subscribe- oilers formal,- in Sa- ' ".^ < .' , ' il,LTri so | lle . JfL va.x.x.u, a large assortment of tl.e m,t lhe , ". , ! oun, > 1,0 ‘‘..niched will, a lirs, quality Earthenware, in line order; copy gratis; and to companies of ten and will sell the same for city aeeeptnn- who associate and remit ces, in lots often crates or more, on as » ; w«?ii , y-(iye dollars, it will be sent fol low terms, as ware of equal quality is f vl \ k I’ ol ' ann ! ,m ; , . . sold, either in Charleston or New York. . 1 °f T - V,ASn:, ‘ s " 1,0 1,;lvo 1,0 objections it iMiik iiiv to net as our Agents, are requested lo ~. - .I*., receive suliscriplions and remit the mu- Sitmr.iwh. Dec. <■ ISJI bt-wgm „cy at the risk of the Publishers, at the H time ol ordering the paper.—lt is cxpect • lINFISIS m. ed that they xvill retain in their hands JO Is appointed Agent at Augusta, for per cent, of the amount received, as a re- TIIIS JiAISV'.S ESOOIi, niuneration for their trouble. The BeposiUn-y of liAW C' 1 Ik ARTS, UVEIIA TUIiE FASHIOX. * B ’ri.iw ;. : i • i B hereafter regularly attend 1 lus \ aluuble work is issued in nionthlv ■ ( i.„ 1.,.. • . ~ . ■ numbers, each number eontaining S(J ' S “ * om ; ,s large octavo pages or more, priutml on .?"? y { «Iy‘'Atce and residence are m line super-royal paper. Every number V ' S . T l ’"-'' / ‘T sonS " T contains a piece if Music, one copper .1 K‘“’. . bHS,ne / 9 iVil " ssu^> .'. iimiZa.M Mi ft*'"!’'. W '“^ latest fashions—o»»l is furnished * ’ . T? '’ ““ d at the moderate price of $3 a year. J’. * nny < ' i,ooe ‘' ° Y ntru Y t “.° ». ne - V specimen -of Um> work mav lie seen h * ve an °iM>o-tun..y ol conferring ;»t the Augusta Book, where subscrip- i‘ to U " ’ ° yW,P ’ boiis are reived. - ‘° FRANCIS H. CONE. A,tc ‘ i4 ot Doit 3 ts 18 EDKATIOM WITH NUXV At. VABOtt. fgHHE subscriber bavin*? purchased JL n small plantation near Eatonton. proposes to take six oreight young men of good moral cliaracter, between the ages ofi2and ]7to provide lor their in struction in the various branches of Ed ucation, in Agriculture, and in the Me chanic Ai ls. Apparatus to illustrate the sciences of Chemistry, Astronomy. Nat ural Philosophy, Ac. will be procured and a Mecltahic shop erected. (Schools of tins kind established in Tennessee and in (lie 'Middle and North ern Stales have flourished beyond the ex pectations oft he most sanguine. Hun dreds of applications to enter students have been rejected during the year for the want of accommodation. The writer has been urged by several respectable and literary gentlemen, who haveprem ised their sons, to open a similar one in Georgia and he now designs to make the experiment. Wo many months have c lapsed in Axing on a site, since he formed (hedetermination, that he has not lime to slate all the particulars of his plan; nor will he make high pretensions in re gard to his qualifications nor the amount that shall be learned. Me will endeavor however to impart instruction as far amt as well as he is able. Assistance will i be procured in teaching tiie mechanic arts and some of common the branches of Education. The object is to make practical men and qualify them to be come! gootl teachers of schools. In government, he will endeavor to act the part of a parent and treat the pu pils as ids children ; but he must he obey ed. Ho desires no parent to send his son who is unwilling to have him submit to (he regulations of the school. Each stu dent will labor two or three /win';' in the day or about one day and a half in the, week. — Care willbo token, ustbe weal her grows warm, tic,it they he not exposed to a mid day sun. til! they become inured to athle tic exercise, by employing the mornings and cvet.'ngs. 80 many hours will not be requisite nil the year, but in a busy season, somewhat more. Each student will provide himself with sheets, towels A blankets—and if would be economical fur him to have a course suit to wear during the hours of labor. Hooks, stationary, oil, Ac. will be fur nished those who need them at (lie low est price. The times ofexaminations and vacations cannot now be named. IJHi gioas service will be attended every sab bath in Eutonton, a little more than a mile distant. Those who wish to enter their sons must give information and secure places by the 10th ofJamiary. The school will he opened on the 23d. Metiers poet /mill, addressed to Euton ton, will receive attention. WegwVt\Vu)ua tv\u\ 'Yevwvs. 1 The coarse of instruction will occu py three years. 2. Hoard, lodging, washing, tuition. Ac. lor the Ist year will he &!)*); for the 2d wTo : and for the 3d £-50. Payments, half yearly in advance A DIEM BHEUWOOD. Eutonton, Dec. 10, 1831. 2d SS>SS. ]tAU4-TiAY’£ CNDNOENTKATED COMPOUND J OP CUBEISS AND SABSAPA j UIMMA, an inolleiisive, positive, and speedy IJcmcdy tor tin* cure of Conor rliira, Gleet, Semina Weakness, Blric ture, Whites, Pains in the Moins, Kid nies. Irritation of the Bladder and Ure thra, Gravel, and oilier Diseases of the Urinary Passages. This most cllicacions Preparation is conveniently used, and totally devoid ol • irritating qualities, frequently perform ing cures in a lew days; it. is healthful to the stomach, and by no means un pleasant to the palate ; possessing all the active medicinal properties necessary for I lie cure of the above Diseases, with out any liability ofinji ry to (lie system by exposure to (he weather. It has ob tained the sanction of many ol (ho re spectable members of the Faculty, and and the approbation of nil those who have had occasion lor its use. l 'Jl I'reolise on the. Medicinal Properties tj • Sarsaparilla, compiled from the heel .Inlhori lies.” strongly elucidate the high repute and great success which lias King at tended its use, in various internal t hron .ic Diseases. Another choice Ingredient, obtaining great celebrity in Europe, has also been introduced, tbrming u safe, speedy, and permanent cure for the above diseases. Prepared by fS. G. Barclay, M. D. Strand, Mondon ; and for sale by TUHPIX A DANTIGNAC, Aiii,;. nts, .Inguslii, Georgia. Sept. 3 wtim Do 'VO WENT, JA3JJL A DWELLING. MOT, j ftßg Ac. ami A MASJGE STOItE. weli calculated for Dry-Goods mid Groceries, opposite the store of Edward ’i'iiomas, Esq. uppei enil of Broad-street —an excellent, stand for business. Possession will be given on the first of October. Pur terms, which will be liberal, apply to .Mr. Joski-ii (bin aural the above place. UAiillET MAWKENCE. July 31 - Ht* SlliVlhU SPOOLS. rgviE subscriber acquaints the public ! si that lie lias engaged T. 8. Moons, Bpoon Maker, and that he can now have Spoons, Madles, ami Sugar Tongs made to order, of line Silver. Work in the above line, will bo faithfully done, and on reasonable terms. Persons having old broken silver spoons, or other old silver articles, can have them made into new Spoons, at No. 1 IT, Droad-st. Au gusta. JOHN GIT.MARIN. Q5 1 ’ Old Silver taken in exchange for now Spoons. May ft If <l3 JUST. UIi€EIVJEI), Kegs first quality Cavendish To bacco, 42 Boxes prime Herrings, for sale low by J. MARSHA ML, Jan 2-j 31 MB—W— III'I im» mil" r J TO THE EDITORS AND PVBLKlir* B OL' NEIVSPAPERS IS lERs B JONATHAN ELLIOTT U OF THE CITV OP WASHJNg-j’qvß REsrKtTFui.LY requests the Edit-- rg „ B publishers of Newspapers withhß the several States ami Territories oftl- B i: Union, to furnish him, through the Mem Bi hers ofCongress oftlieir particular MauH or Districts, at the Bcat of the PrVcralß Government, with three copies oftlmi K Newspapers [marked with “one " and “three”] issued on (or about) \v e ,t B nesduy, the twenty second of February B 1832, {being tint Centennial Anmvershru B General Washington.) J 'll As his motive is entirely disinterested K and patriotic in making this request being Ids desire to produce positive e’vi f deuce of the number of Newspapers H printed in the United Slates, and their I1 Territories, he desires that partirular at- M lenlion may lie paid to this request; and I--’ above all, by the publishers of country M papers, in distant towns that are, com-1 paratively, little known ; and if. at i| H ' ft same time, they would communicate, in I their papers, any ‘statistical information' I relative to their immediate neighborhood I it would be higlily appreciated, A grate-■ fully acknowledged.” B It is intended that every newspaper re B ceiyed, shall lie carefully preserved nn.iH arranged, by States, in u room at Wasliß ingtoa, devoted fur this object; onesctloß lie eventually deposited in the Library o(B Congress : the duplicate set to he trails-* milted to O. Mice, Esq. of Mondon, (A, H gent for the purchase of Hooks, Ac. for I the Congressional Library) to be liy him I placed in the Hritisli Museum; and triplicate sot to be retained for some puls I lie institution. B It is intended, ulso, as soon as litis cat- B lection is completed, to publish in a InU B larform, in tiie public prints, for the in. B formation of the people of the U. States, B •a list of all the Newspapers, embracing B • the “Name,” “place and period of publh I cation,” and “ terms of subscription.”- I Great pains will be bestowed to make I this list (being an important result to be ■ gathered from the collection) as perfecpl as the materials will admit. H ff/**lt is hoped that the intelligent con-1 duelers of Newspapers, favorable to tin- I above project, will oblige the advertiser I by inserting this communication in their I respective papers, to each of whom a I copy of the “ tabular statement” willbeß transmitted, as soon as-published. I Jan 28 32 I I fB’Vl the Estate of Win. W. Harden, I 8L are requested to nfakc,immediate I payment; and those to whom the Estate I is indebted will present their claims, lc-1 gully attested, for payment. I EMMIItA H All DEN, Ret I JOHN LAM A 1>; Exr. I Oct. 2!» 8 I "n ij a vK is'' I A Large Assortment of Elegant I Ostrich Fkatiikiis, For .Sale by Mi -. I A. BEISA, No. 208) Drund street. I Dec 31 ts 24 I Uflive of the Clerk of Ceiim-il I ja will be open from 2t03 o' -lock, r. I M. daring Ike next two weeks, for tiie I purpose of giving nil persons liable to I pay City Taxes, an opportunity to mal-.i- I their returns. Os this, ali interested, will I please take notice. j GEG, M. W ALICE U, Clerk. Jan 21 30 I The Courier and Constitutionalist will publish the above. . TSUjJ’Y old customers, and the public, in Iy.SL general, arc particularly request ed when they are in want ofany first rate Corned Beef, to apply personally, orscml their servants to the subscriber. ISAAC HENDHK’KS. cause of the above notice, is, that families frequently get deceived by their servants applying to a colored man who is in the habit of vending corned beef in I he Market of such a quality that the subscribe!* w ould not offer for sale. I. II Jan II 27 S.iXiH AT THE AugwsVa \Vookrtelovc. HE CHRISTIA.Y ALMJLXAC for ,M, 1832. Containing besides the usual valuable matter, liishop Heber’s IFlissi onary liyimi, with its appropriate music- Dee 28 23 Fur the remainder of the- Year, 4 NEC IJO Woman accustomed to (.looking, washing and house work; and a Girl accustomed to attend chil dren and work in tiie house : also, a Hoy about to years old, accustomed to Ike care ol'horses and driving dray. La quii o at this Office. Jan 7 2fi AT PttIAATTS SAIiiB. A Likely Veilow Girl, about 20 years old—aeeustomed "to all kinds os bouse-work, is un. excellent seOHKrtressf can cut out and make up linen and dress es, a prime washer and ironer of ha s doilies, ngood nurse and cook,and com bining every qualification to render he. a valuable acquisition, 81 ie has been raised in a genteel family,-nnd is now o! fere<l with reluctance. Apply to L. HULL <)• CO. Jan 1-- ts 23 'AIX'TIOiV And Commission Business. HAVING tuHen the store lately occu pied by Mr. C. I’iiillifs, I will r O,1 ‘ linue to transact the Auction and Coin* mission Business, ns recently comiudc ( ‘ by him, and solicit a continuation ol t-m patrontige Mr. Phillips has been favored with. My attention will be devoted ex clusively to Goods on Commission. * am prepared to make advances t<> “d amount and on liberal terms. J. MARSHALL* ArnrsTv, 40th Jan., 1832. ■jos-rawroSS - , yS4Ti.y EJigctxeci at this ofir -40“