Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, May 09, 1832, Image 3

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■lately demands, to do it |<roper justice.—Adh- H. ;u ijiiud statesman of Georgia, is reported to ■ , ive said, a short time ago, in speaking of the Hb )rejel ,t position of this Stale, and its future pros ■ ti _'i'he discussion,at one and the same time, ):'tli. ce questions of so great, general, and \i t:,l interest, intricacy, -md importance, as the 'fan?, our wnole Cherokee subject, and Rcduc ■ i i;., was calculated to destroy the energy, in ifi ..: ,re,and character, of any people or State in ft;,,, Union.—And yet, added, to those, are the ■P .-sidential election, the Ponitenlia y, and other ■leading and general questions. The remark is % most significant one, and highly deserving of fthe attention of the people. f )'3» THE Al'KUsV* CHRONICLE. k f PUBLIC MEETING. I Lv respectable number of the inhahitants of the I county of Burke, convened at the Court-, I House, in Waynesboro’, on Tuesday, Ist of I agreeably to udjuurnment—John K I Whitehead, E*j. iu the Chair—Edward I JtuotiEs, Secretary. ■ "TAr Committee, appointed at the former meeting, i l made the following I REPORT: I ■ The Committee, to whom was referred sun- I 'dry matters hy the former meeting, beg leave | hn ieport, that, upon the decision of the Supreme I ■ Lurt, in the case o( Worcester rs. Stale of, ■ ■tuorgia, they consider public opinion so com- 1 ■li lately settled, thai it is unnecessary fur them to 1 ■ liliscuss the merits of the case; but their duty ii, vl U bo fully discharged, by simply adverting to * K ,| it , course which it seems to them to behove the and people of this State to pursue, 1 ■„, relation to it. Indeed, ull the depui tiueuls of BLur Government have taken their ground, and stand pledged on this occasion. The. ' HjtlHvornor (following the example set him hy his - Hjtedeceßsor, in a case precisely similar) has do- Rclared that “ any attempt to infringe the right of ■ si Stale to govern the entire population within its limits, (due regard being had to the ' ■Erases expressly excepted hy the constitution of (ho ■ Tailed States) would be the usurpation of a l never granted hy iho Slates; such an at ( I i mpt, whenever made, will challenge the most Hiletorinincd resistance, and, if persevered in, ( Hwlll inevitaliW eveninalo in the annihilation of ■ ear beloved Union” —aud adds, “1 will ditfro- c ■L :|:1 1 all unconstitutional reipiisilious, of what- ® ■ i rer elm aeter or origin they may be, and, to Bithe best of my abilities, will protect and dclend h ■The rh’his of the Stale, and use the means as- 11 I - farded me to main lain its laws and const ilut ion." . if To (his declaration, the Legislature have re I i sl ,mdod liy the unanimous adoption of Resolu v Hliiius ciinlaiu'mg the same views ol the constitu linn'll lit’hls oir.if duties of the State, and con- - uhidiug with the following : “That his Lxccllca c--. tin,-Governor, he, and he is hereby aiilhuriz j nd an 1 re.jiiired, with all the force and means 1 ’ 'need .*i hi.- command, by the constitution and. i ws of this Slate, to resist and repel any and ~ v invasion, from whatever direi lien H may mine, uj.err tiie administration of the Ciiuiiio.l 'nvs el' this Stale,” —The Jiidiei.d’hi .inch of our Slate (iovernmenldias, also, been fi.ithlu! to ils y ■in v, in perempteidy reltrsing to carry into effect r Hym mieimstitutioha'i, and wo are noirstruiiied to < I «av, uariglneuus, maii.b.ledf the Supreme Com t , , | of the L’mlon States. I > ,\'i the authorities of the State, haring tints I a'inomicod their determina ion, and ours being j I crnpii.itioilly a govermiieu'. of opinion, it he- j I comes the uenple to make an open avowal ol V; their sentiir.nntn on this iii-oincnlcus-suiiji-ct, and, ;? if they believe those whom lin y have entrust- I j od with llio management of thoir dearest inter-; | I csts have judged and acted rightly, to strength- < : cn and ruicourage thorn in the pe. lormanee ol J their duties, hy proclaiming to the world that i. tlmy will stand hy and support them in whatcvui j measures they may tiud it proper to adopt in de fence of those rights and interests. T heiefore vour Com mil lee recommend the adriptiou o-f the following Resolutions: . I il st. It esolied, That the proceedings of the Supreme Court of the United Slates, in the case of Wo. (restores. Georgia, both in sustaining then -> jurisdiction, and in rendering such judgment as . they have rendered, are arbitrary assumptions of | 1 ovver, 'turd in violation of the express provisions of the constitution. * < | 21. Rcsuhrd t That the State of Georgia on- ( Ifivnd imio a Union willi llio other Stales, her e juiiln, as a Foveroipn and indej endcnl SlnTe, grantin'' to llio redeial (jovcmimu’iit ceitain 1 I limited and specified powers, for express pur- I j uses, and reserving to liersclt ull powers and rights of sovereignly not "ranted. 1 hat among ‘ llio jiowerfl so reset ved, is absolute criminal ju ris, bdion over her whole territory ; and any pro- i tentions which may he set up to control her in this mailer, must be considered an attempt to degrade her -Twin the condition -ol a sovereign slale, to that of a petty corporation. IVI. Itnsalnrt, That we loves The Union, and would make all proper sacrifices to maintain it, and lli it our love of union prompts us to resist all encroachments upon the rights of its mem bers. believing that such encroachments directly tend to weaken, and eventually to destroy, that silked bond, I 4 li. Resulted, Tint among the evils which must result fiom the late strange, improceikuit cd, and unwarrantable decision of the supieme Court, the diminished confidence of die people ii> tl» it tribunal, will no! be the least, ami that the ; o'.ver which gicw out of so fondly cheri.died, that-llio venerable men wbo com;, were far above the ii.llue.nce of party bias, must he shaken, if not totally annihilated, ssh. lUs'iUeil, That wr* highly appreciate that moral courage and sound judgment, which weic so u-tnineirtiy displayed hy Judge Fluid win, who nobly finpporled the constitutional lights of the -; Slate of*Guorgia, though standing alone among | his hrctluen. <iih. llnsulrntl, That the stand taken by Ins V.xcellcncy, the (lovernor, the (h neral Assem bly, and ilm Judge of the \\ eslcrn Uireuii, mo els with our cl.lire approbation, and we assure them* of our ardent sapporl hi every measure whe b may become nocessu’ V for eupporting the l ights aud digniiy of the State, on tbU occasion fudy pe.suided, that it re luio.s only a firm and un yielding dcteiininatiun not to Mihinii to nsnrpekl power, to avert from our beloved couf y the calamities which threaten it—and that a contra ry c m so will ce-tciidy deprive us ol a.l the blessing-' that our fathers purchased lor un With their Hood. Yuur Committee ask leave further to recom mend, upon tho subject of a reduction of the Legislature, tho following Resolutions : Resulted, That we accord with our fellow citizens of Hancock, in the measures proposed - lllel "' l,l • lleir Circular to the citizens of Geor gia. Resolred, That a Delegate he appointed by the citizens of this Comity, to meet the Dele gates fiom the several Counties which shall have assembled in Mitledgcville, on the Ist Monday of May mst., preliminary to the Convention for altering the Constitution, inTeferonco to a re duction of the Legis'alnre. Upon the subject of the Baltimore Conven tion, your Committee further recommend to this meeting, that our Senators and Representatives in Congiess, ho requested to attend the emitem plated Convention, to he hohten in Baltimore,‘ lor the pm pose of selecting a Candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States. I lie meeting took up and unanimously agreed to so much of the Report as relates to tho deci sion of the Supreme Court. The Resolutions on the subject of reduction ol the number of members of the Legislature, were agreed to. Ou motion, Hrsolrtyl, That Dr. Sooth worth llaklow, be, and he ** hereby appointed, a de legate, to meet the Central Committee and de legates from the other Counties, at Milledgevillc, on the first Monday in May, instant, to agiec on the preliminaries of the proposed Convention. Tho Repoit on the subject of the Baltimore Convention, Was agreed to, and, on motion, the Chairman was remiesled to transmit a copy to our Senators and Representatives in Congress. On motion, Resolred, That the proceedings of this meeting he signed hy the Chairman and Sec retary, and published in the Constitutionalist and Augusta Chronicle, and in the Georgia Journal. .INC). WHITEHEAD, Chairman. Edward Hvchks, Secretary. FOUR DAY S LATER FROM EUROPI New York, May 1. By the packet-ship Canada, Capt. Wilson, we have London papers to March Gist, mid Liver pool to the Ist of April, both inclusive. The Cholera has made its anon,(ranee in Paris. The number of casus'Up to 56th Match is stated' at 38. In London on the 2t>ih, ihe number of new cases was I'ztt; deaths -1(5. On the U~;h, new cases K); deaths 48. SJBlh, now cases 91 ; deaths lb. yilih, new coses <54 ; deaths 34. In Dublin), up to the - JBth, but one new cast had oceinred, milking three in all; in Belfast no new cases. 'I In Tioaty of the Lotidon Conference for the sopaialien of ilnllmnl and Belgilitii, I been ru l died hv Austria. Tiie ratification by Piiissia was daily expected. Tim second rending of the Reform Dill in the House nf Lo als, had hecti pustpuned from the h to the Pth of April. i The following article from the Runner nf the Constitution, condenses a scrap of interesting intelligence, bearing directly on the great ones :imi w-nieb now agitates the country. Duties paid in'Duties paid in’Ac. hydho U. Bltilos,' ARTICLES, jiiie subjects of hy the citizens. • |a Iving. of a Republic. Coluli Goods 'ft per cent. -‘W to 1-jOperct Silk Goods At do. -- to 3j do. Wi.ollelis !»j do. :>t Ito sJol) do. Linens do. 87) do. La. -bi n, 'Obhia! and glass do. .’J lo 70 do. Hardware MS do. 871) do. Rolled ill-11 do. jtlliiii It'll do. Icmin ha s ,yl to 3.'io pr ton .«tiK43 lo 37 do. He.up I.oin G. jUd do- B.ilaio Ire" I) •Fort igh;.’?? bU do Mil cts pr bushe,. Salt ° iFieo |o to 4 etwper lb Sugar 1 cent per lb. ,53 to DU cts gal. Brandy,gin,rum V'i els. per gall. 3 els per lb. Ciitf o il cunt per lb. j Peeper & oilier! j spices, if finin' iSpeeMic., am’lg! (ireat B. itain fFreo jto 3D a "00 pr ct j IDio.bG cis p ga! Wine IP, to Gets gall, ) Teas, Biihea |4 els per lb. ; > 4toßscts [r lb 14ystill ,10 do do N oilier kiiidjO a 7 cts per lb.'.Most non-enii- Many other ar-| -nioral’d in tides tides (Free |is to per ct. r.v tub MoN'i'rioMi:i;Y. Entrant of a letter nxcircd nt Charleston. Jlacre, March gtl.— \\ e coiiiinii o ,r aitvi'p-- ;-t H'li iil-laie, ami, (lire I'lcn, tiavc hail a aie-a m u e ueiiiaii (lire iiuu, Wilii afut'llier ailvanre, which 'a 'J - j milinl In uuincnt to one exilhiie. .Mare UiimJieu h:i.i» . laid-l.i ea lath it on chiinge ttiis eviaiis. i - .-iirl.iig 1.l M fill,.nils, in roiiml hal.;.-, at 95 oiTiliu.i-, amt one ol out il.-alers assures as that aii llieji«iclia»cs have no! nulls- j '"••//iirr*. March Stl.— We lien lo n-'iuainl yon With the j oroiraclee iuaiviiv incur Cumin Market, uml a turl.a i innrovemt iii of iutr turreiifj', li-wnls. to ou-.l min ad.-ri leiliirefeivia'c over lajiilshiiiu, uiul "ual wa ctirrenliv wotl'iiu Jaimory hisi, •- i-imw |«ii.l • ainvunls ol ZHiU huh's, (•!■»•«}; Upttmil--*. were sola «u Saliinlav Hint (VC It" lira tl.iiH-flhe ((hot-- m oin s,<n !. , v.ti's tin((, '-'7 IU hale.-. I't" - aee-UTilslio.u lair loan-, u jt.emrinc di-ini ’s an- sicWhi-K ry, «u'i> l ulcuiuie., i,i litiiri- i;.e aerd.-s iil eoiten liolitia'.-. op S.—the sales 10-il..y DllnUlaih's. " rill-re la, sin i'll 11 It-Iliicr iuhaiuv ol Ito 2rentimes per liolf tins '""liaary w iiiuhiung ilescrii'iiiios "I i'nit'-.l >iii"-sshort sUipl-. N Sea l, gh I et.r'l.iry "S I). "I (VhlOll *■ b - An. up lultl March J:-UDO “ lgeU •U-nt “ 4-‘tth7 Sales a; to 19 i'o. Slock 19 do. SW-1 “ y!li ‘ l ],i\ c it i'o <> i., Mwl 'n>', lo*'-*I o *'-* Fer.le.-ly any ol.Cmtls e.auce ha-. I'lkm. I>l|J<;(' ' r. r. ;!•«’ la-l *••«! n | * ‘ -f \m. d" '• •:>')" <e.V'. |U Sen i -1 O' i WMim hi -O' •!;" v T.'ti t t.H.HDi) litfd lulvaMCC'-l |M* ‘ i„-i l|. > III'( I' •'■ *-t i-'ereil •»"«:»• " •'-•■a .ore: I urihaary 1 eurts iu-rcl) ; r • r;' 'r": ■-i: *'c ... I, ii- (ear. Tiie '• r i"i|i.iri <o C ,j on i-.:» It i ■ pert during the li.-i n.irc ii.oitf's " , I ame in .lur, shows a iliiaimilion in l.n • your ol ->■ ■ 7 'j 'ir :,i I' lie ire (hull tiie ■' lieel"! It-.i'lil-et I*’;'' Tleiii.p -i-.1-'s hesavs ■J -15 101 l-h .v- loei'l'lmc I.OIIU 11.. - "a .I ' V..VU TtISU U..(.e-i-, (. .10.-I='- J.if i. .w • On S;Hiir-t-'( it..' sth ia-laui, at IbH. the res.- I . I . . Sl.illtl!* It:* ‘ *•' ■*• ■ u - Ts il .'.ue liittiutii'' HA (X MAS, it ,|. "1- i".r.Ju. (| s j\ \I; I;~ A il.\ IMA, «>i ii is }>!.• uu. I Tn, (Jcf.rriu, o.i the S©l!i nil.. Mr. ii d> p a n.i rc .uni ' fihul vi..age. .nr Mure wa« IV,w e,T oi, ii't-hiott he ieJ 11,.- roan.ry, iil.iji-i si veil jeii:.~ ag i, and resided in Aosuslu, our.- year- nl'll'i- lie-"'. i\ol\u\u\sV.V'AU'Va-'BS On Ihe I'irst Tuesday in Ju-'y i»xf, •K dir * J],!, be sol-1 ut Hie Coni t Mouse in 5 dn county, tvitliiu llio usiuil Airs 01’Vnle, (ntri'i to order ol the honorable Inlei'ior <’ou>'t «' i-ounlv 1 u N'-rro 'lnn Mitjcd I HILII . ,t*iijfi' r in ,r tv* tbc egtiito ol lle'/cl.i.iu .-til • non, d<e euse.l. Tertns . M .SAN.NAII SALMON, Mms. .Mi.yD ‘ ' vt l i:i icnirustfl B I COMBS, COMBS, ■ lliiiiiii Has Just Uecchsdfrom the Mannfielo , u and Spleiulici Assortinent oI COMB*. Jlnmeg which are the following, viz: .-hell Curved Tuck Combs. S. ciiibrafiugr 1« dilUTcnt patterns. i»o. do. pLiin 'Puck Combs, Do. do. (ftiifl top do. Do. do* puli; neck, long, side, and dressing- Combs, :>razillinii curved and pbiin nndipdil top Tnek < ’oiubs. Do. pun; side, neck and lonjrdo. JJre;, pocket mid line ivory do. &e. For sale ut ii siiiidi mlvunee Irani Mu miliietiirer’s cost, by tiie dozen -or single, ut A.. 818 lii-oiitl street. iYlay i> :r r,i i® % -«o rzummAhA®* /" s a fits* ■ fa ji~4-v [liJi -. -‘3i: J L) «l A» Hits .L ft i{-'.-eivcd direct from I’bibidei p!i a. tie folioXV; tig tloods, viz; W ADS L'-t Sun Umlirellus. n Inrgf! as sortment, ()■.. I’nrusols. all colors, 1 )o. do. lined and fringed, Do. do brotvti linen ettinltrie, ■'.'.ilk FmlirelliiS, a large assortment, Cotton do. “ “ For stile at tt small advance, hy the dozen r single, ut 818 IToad street. May D __ Rt fil £2 JJP 2? t) J? 0 . MA-S Just L'eeei ved a large uss irt inent of Gi!t, .L i, and limey color I Reads, for Head work. Also, Head Oinvass. Rending Needles, aid patterns tor I letiil work, for 848 Broad st. May !» 81 151 Jl'S'r RIdJVEt), & LAHtVRand Splendid Assortment. & of B^■tuple and Fancy Dry Goods, 1 ancy Arlieles. Berfiimery. Mlndl t loinlis. carved and plain, for Male ut reduced pri ces at No. 81a Hr.iad si reel, by A. KNdWLTON, Mny 0 ”t HI .. sr-j} The Radius of Ibo Han ■*j»i<rr Mt-nVi'-u Moen/rv. in $ WjCSrj' tend !ia\ an Exhibition and Sate, oftlieir A rlieles. ,i the iMosonic. Mail, To-morrow, Tiiuis- IllV tile I(ilil (f7» The Uxbibition xvi’.l eomnietw at at ~t. and Sales ut 7 o’clock, I*. M The object cf the Soeidy is to build a esonuge llon.-o in litis cilj'- May !) . j*' cbucbset: A. HUDSON respect fully in jt| forms the citizens of A a, gif la and' its vicinity, that be will give ft i uiticei t o( I Vocal and Instrnnmotnl I'fnsic. in aii ol' j Next Week at Hve uiusonic Mail, assist - J ed b.y Urn .Mciiibers ofllifc Si. Cecilia So ' piety , and a number of Amafi iii's and j ]boi'essors. For piU l’ieulars, see future ! \d( ertiffemerds. Play i) (51 p? wi v i xV.ii ha • M 'iTSK f ——. r.»-r-! Till; steam packet W J% B cj/’/’-j/.v atmi. Will leave here THIS AttMINIM*, ft' at liicirr o idis-U. For light Freight oi Sbissiige, np-ply ob bourd. tiH'j A. ,M xCt iLNz.iL tv <-o. May I) VIA SAVA rN All & iiLALFiLt l . vrnryry-A 'l lio p"li )in Bucket Cai"l’.um t«ui-;!.> - , Will leave here for the above places on - I'lmrsday Morning, at 8 o’clock. For : lie,fid or Fa-sag*-, apply on board, or to A. ;M.U KHNZiiIJxV CO. Alay i» - c, ; o§g Vis Beaufort and SaC^aasiA. I. niid ,877kL1/ l J l< KF.T 'I joii\u.*wo.Y(av, CARTAIN JAML.S CUUKV, Wilt Icitvts I'm tlte above phices -c |1 Saturday .Morning, at « o’clock, l o i Bussage, or Freight, apply on bout’ll. •> a m \<h bn /.m: \ t. I Alny !» *" ,;i 1 "BV jr.lOßmXlSr' WVS DAY atio O’clock, t»s> Mola'ses, 5 tierces Rico, PjP 5 tierces Sugar, 10 hbls. Sugnr, Ift hhls Mflckorf!, 5 boxes Negro Pipes 10 <|i- casks sweet Malaga Wine. I do do l!li proof Cognac Brandy 1 do d.» Port Wine, 2 Mils Spanish Brandy, 20 boxes Segarp, A*c. cV«. sundry articles or pijrsbttbse. Terms at Sale. at 7 oviock.. A General Assortment of STAPLE .)■ f'AVCY DRY-HOODS, 11. IRDHAU K 4- CUTLERY, BOOTS 4- SHOES, U E ID Y .MADE Cf.OTHI.Va BATCHES a„d JElf EI.BY. Terms ( 'ash. may f) 01 A CARD* I'l’ will bs necessary for nil who ial'nd availing themselves of MESSRS , 13HDUICH .V I*ll MSTOXS I Xcw Severn of VniVYINU, j To commence on or before the Nth inst. as none will hi* received idler (lint dale. (t^r 5 * The public are politely requested to accept this last invitation to call and examine the Specimens and'their plan. !U:»v !> It hi ; “B BMil7i>k Tii be had this day for t? I ft. jjksSO'OOft F4>ag $5« 9 000 Foss. #£ Xew Yovk CouacAuVtvlcd liOTTiSR-V, < lass Pi, for IKJ2. Drawing dti r * This Night, at 8 o’clock highest •10,000 JftOVili.llfiS* leiwest Prize, I^l2 Tickets if 111, Half #5, Quarter 82 50. lIHUKM* OinciAl . PRIZE LIST. Drawn Numbers of the VIIHH.VIA STATE LOTTERY, (Dismal Swamp,) llxlra fiiss \o. 3. I ft, 30. 31, ■- >, 2S, |>, 11, 3, 60. leiwest Prize, f 4. PRIZES CASHED, AXD Prompt atieulion paid to orders id. VSKBjBS*’ Forlwnato 3Lcfttcry Ofnoo. PI a v ■) <H UvumVuvu’s NiAU'c. ■gJTHH'IS months niV*r date, application will he made to the slonoralde Infe nor (Vint of Richmond c.ounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to si'll ail the real estate belonging to tin Orphans of John C 5. J.iarNCH, deceased. ’ lute vs Wilke-s county, for the hem tit o! said deceased. I>. McCOR.MICK, (In trJinn. May ft, 1533 dim hi Hamilton Ki&o&aoss, % S s s ;p-:;-i ATTiiO.VriOY 2 A JtlKil ti.AU Qunrlcily Meeting el' M the I uniiiiiia, will he held at theii; ft.ioiii, City Hall- THIS EVENING tin* Will instant., n't which that* and place, membere will please he punctual in attendaiiee, mid he prepared to pay; j dues and lines for two quarter-. now past j t{v order of die (iap.'ais, ,! W li. .Vl. MARI IN'. See'y t! B. j Mny 5 *' j »S. 1 ygr,\V I \(» moved to Hainsvili", flail j ttaL county, respectfully tenders hi i Piioisiovai. {Suuvitns to the public, in ’ j the Surgical liranch of Ids ’profession.— j ! I !e will e.perrdc on diseases of the «*y»-s | j generally , fir stone in the bladder, (or j I 'travel,) f>r Aneurism, and all oilier dis-1 eases rtquiring a surgical Opelation. «banes'- iile. May I ‘tw W 'il’he An«nstn t'fcrordeh* and Georgia ; Journal, will give the above lorn* iesi r dons, and forward their accounts lor pay ment. fl'nmr. ivo«a§»« j;A\K rs f ATM OF GEDRGIA, ' vvax.vaii, y-*dt April, 18-33. S f Iff BE Board of Directors having thisi day declared a Divideiid of I’mir ’ dollars per Share, e-n the (dnpllat rstock id 1 tills I Sub k. for the six months ondiiig on " die Hist Mnreli, the stum* will be paid to the respective .Sloekholdcrs thereof, nr to their order, on and idler \\ cduesduy ! next. l»y order of (he Hoard, 9 A. POHi’Ht!, Cashier. • 1 n y ■' ~ l r,,> ‘s-'oas at.4i.iii* 1 A M3(»lH> 41 VS. about U-i years of Jl6 n!'r. healthy arnlabk. He has for i soiaeliiae past heed tiecnsiomed to such ( e. ark a** is 10-eessary about a iioiixc, i,ui I was hroa-'ll tup ts. field labor, ijse. n.-.qcaiu at this Omen. 7; j\ iH ♦w) -os -■nil - SXirUTBI) if THl* oma SODA W.VIKR, ICK CREAM, &€. 1 - The subscriber ro ppectfnlty informs Ids friends,and the Hi t * mt ,infi bfte'l i up hw Eslfthlisli ment for the sum* , mcr season, in a r style vvbicb he , trusts will meet their utmost ap|Jrobation; and that if xvtll lie kept open every day from sunrise till ft) o’clock, p. m. The ( Ltulirs ilcpnrtnient is separate, astisual, ‘ from the other portion of the establish-' ment. and no ftentlenion w-ill hc mlntiMeil 1 to it. lint, tliose who finite*in company! with ladies. The. utmost attention will he paid to order and decorum, in every 1 respect, and every possible elfort will be made to promote the comfort and satis- ‘ faction of the Indies. ICE C’KEAJS, i Will he served ut nny hour after Ift o'- j clock, \. m.—Fotiiilicß can be supplied by . scndin;r after flint hotir; and parties will j ho supplied at n day's or half day's notice. •P I’SS'r 85IICEIVKO. I \ fresh supply of West India Fruits — Pine Appier, Oocon Nuts, Oromjes, Un-. * munis'. I‘hinluiiis, I. lines, Almonds. I’iii .-ins, Fige, I‘i lines, Tilhn lo 4* A uta. * ALSO, Sjierin Candles, IVos. 4 and 5, &c. A;c. 4B'Hrfi AIBI.IUS-. : Os all kinds, kept eonstantly on hand, X j (or sale, liy whoseside and retitil—Cor- ] ilials. Wines, Hyrnps. < ! iiiid.'<*s, Cukes, I \e. A-e. of nil kinds, anil the very Heal *J pialdies. And hnvitijr made considcro-, I Ide improvements in Ids Confectionary establishment, lie is now pn pared to of ter to ids customers every article that can be desired in Ids line, prepared and put tip in n superior manner. , IMAUTIN FREDERICK, ( .Vo. Ml. Smith SiJc Jlro'i'l Sired ; o April ffs ’lfii—wtf 57 . h Y\\c \ ec IIOITSK, IS NOW OPKN FUR lIIK tI'EI.IVKUK OF ICE. fH(| 1113 I’riee -fur tin* present season is t f .0. Four cents per pound, for all quan tities over ono pound, and fora single ' pound five cents. 11 ICI3 will bo put np in Sow Dust, and ** sent into tin* eoimlry, »A all orders pane- I Anally nttended'to. too Tickets may be, * had of the subscriber, or at the lee House. 1 Hours for delivery on (Sunday from ft t to H o’clock a. m.—and'from sunrise to 1 niinset during the week. a. BEERS, See’ry. April "25 57 f Q ] it 13 ueqnaints the public ®. that he has engaged T. S. Moons. Spoon linker, and that he can now have Spoons, Hadies, and Sugar Tongs made to order, i»f*#ine : Bilv«*r. Work in the llliuvc iilli', he. i'iilllifilSijr IIIU) j on rensoiiahlo terms. Hersons having' j old broken silver spoons, or ether old f nilver nflieles, can Imve them made into , new Spoons, irt \o. 147, Hroad-st. An- | gusla. ■ Aortx EtnniAiirx. , (')!>' Siiver taken in exchange for ~ new .Spoons. t , jMaV 11 If <»l , A|{<)\ of the Qnaki*r made Brooms ti Brushes, and n li w Swifts.—They 1 are sent as samples, and may be seen at the Hook-storetif W. J. HOBBY. - April aft at &i «(j<4Al£ X .«<AIiT. ’ g t Blll.S. pr>in* (Jeorgia Sugar, " vJ? And a qc.amil.y of litKK Salt, 1 l or Sale by ; a. U. HA,MAR. il * et. is 38 _ 1 JAISS> VWaUUA*, • ATTOKM'V AT HAW. « H AS settled in Hxiwkinrsvi-th*, I‘nlnski *[ Ifleounly.UeoftrfH, mill wdll prucliee 8 in Die eoimiie» of-tirt* Snullin'i t Circuit —in ( ll'iikiii.-iii*, ift he Oumiili-'i'C, and Houston ol , tin* Fitnt Circuit. , j (lawkirisvilk*, .liny 2 2(w 5!) Tlie CoivnnlAls Demoernl, .Macon Tele-, graph, vognMa Chronicle, and (Georgia .lonrival, wtll publish ll»c uhovi* twice. Union, FKAV KI A \ 81111 It 11 ’ l*"S SA LE. On Ilf TniKihii / in June. next. ! ry 7 SHH be sold at the Court House 1 j yf Vs ifr/or in Cana-s ride l-Yinililrn'cvnii- 1 | ly. within the usual limns of sale : ) One hundred acres of Hand, more or j le-s. on the waters of Ffigalo river, ad | j iniog Edw’iird-s, levied on as the pro perty ol - Wilimm H. Hall, to satisfy a 11. fa. i:i !i.vor of Frmny Hudnid va. said II all. ALSO, 171 ivcrtjs Land, granted to Blae.kwell, adjoining Newell, on tlie waters of the ■a 11 Idle fork of Broad river; levied oti as; the property ol .lanun Cary, to suli.-ty a li. lit. in favor of Is, nn; ftsewell vs. said Cary : levied on and icturneii to me by a constable. ALSO, • All the Interest of Isaac Campbell in and ton Lease on Robert 11. Cleveland's, , on Tugalii river, levied on as his proper ,' iy. to satisfy aii fa. in favor of Benjamin Tippins vs. said Campbell; levied on A returned to me by a conslalrle. C. W. BOND, Sherifi'. May ‘d wld si> FUAMvI-IN SiIiJRIFF'S MAHE. (hi the fhrt 'TnmJiiif i fL J‘Jy next. f aa f : It.Hoc* soul at the Court House, in ts Cnrnesviile, Franklin comity, be i tween the usual hours at sale : i One Negro Boy named Heorge, taken as the property of Win. satisfy a mortgage ft fa. issued from Franklin. Interior Court, in favor of James 11. IX - tie; properly pointed out in the «lort li. la. C. W, r>ONP> .^herifr. I .May 2 v\M 5» Snowden Sc Shear, Rave Received This Day, by the Georg* Washington, large additiona bvpplies oj STAPLE AJVD FAJVCY DRV GOODS, Which are direct from JVetv York, and triil be. sold at reduced prices—among which are; satin striped and rich -J llernairi Shawls, l)°. rich blond gauze c£. Hrrnmii 'Hdltik Do. J lb, 9 28 and -12-30 rich gauze and satin edge Bonnet Ribbons. Super limey belt & plain tatlMa Ribbons, Do. -needle worked narrow Muslin Edge iinrs and Inscrtings, very neat patterns Do. green Grodenfcp and heavy green Marcel line. Rich furniture Prints and plain -colored Muslins, Super 7-8 Irish blk Pongees, Do. black Dustings and Princettus, very heavy, Extra French blk Bomhazecn, henry Jk very lino for gentlemen’s wear, Do. English do. do. double width, Super fiincy col’d Marseilles Vesting, Do. white and black Corded (Skirts, 4°. cords and full width, Endies super 11. Skin and gentlemen's? brown Thread Gloves, 1 case supe r IV. wide braid Dunstables public are respectfully reques led to call nnd-cxaifiino the assortment. April 28 5 8 IOTICE. W.wJNT The subscriber, ns A pent fur the State, wishes to Purchase 25 Negro Fellows, from 18 to 25 yew-s of age, for Which the cash wifl be paid. THOMAS GLASCOCK. Jan 7 If 20 Notice. * ON T the Ist Monday in June next, ap plication will he made to the Court Lit* Ordinary oil* Rieomond county, f<rt leave to sell the real estate and negroes of Levi Florence, deceased, for the bene lit of the heirs and creditors. J. J COHEN, Adm'r. Feb. 4 4lrn 3-4 NOTICE* Ttjhree months after date, application will he inado to the Merchants’ & Planters’ Bank at Augusta, for the pay uient of the following described hills dt mid Rank, viz; The left hand half rs Rill No. 4(>. for SIOO Oft, John F. Lloyd, Cashier, also, left hand half of Bill No. 10. fors2o 00, John F. Lloyd, Cashier, the right'hand halves‘of Said bills being destroyed or lost. ROBT. GRANT. Darien,&)lh Feb. 1832 40 i: \ ti: itTAi\ii k \ s’. _ . THE undersigned respectfully informs Iris twfiSlfjMM <SF f , '' vn^s i mul the public L generally, that be link ..I;' ■'not closed ids House, ■ V.-.. in Lexington, or re moved, irs lie understands has been re ported by sonic evil disposed persons, hut si'll keeps it open, and w ill corrtwue to do so. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto conferred, and takes this opportunity of informing them, that his establishment has lately undergone considerable repair, and & now in excellent order for the reception of HOARDERS and TRAVELLERS, who may rest assured (bat every possi ble dibit W ill he made for their Comfort and satisfactory aceoiirmadnCion, in ev ery respect. His stables arc large, in line order, and provided With attentive Hostlers, and tlicta-fd of provender. JAMES WELLBORN. Lexington. Feb. IKI2. 38 “tax notices* WE Will attend at the office of J. W. Mv-rhuith, Esq. on iMwiduylhrlWi and 83d of April, and 7tb *t'Muy*-al the I i i.oiii; Hutkj., on Tuesday ffie lath and 2-lth of April, and Bth of May—at the Pi,,varans’ Hotkd, on Wednesday the. 1 lib and 251 h of April, and Dili of May--- and at the Bu lIoTiiD.OM Thursday the 12th and 2tilh of April, and 10th of May—to Receive the Returns ol'Toxnldr properly for the year 1838, and Collect the Tawes tor Ore year 1831. All per sons interested, are respectfully required to attend, between the hours of 10 o'- clock, a. m. and 1 o'clock r. m. on tbo-e days. OLIVER REED. T. V. M. F. BOISCLAIK, R. T. R. inarch 24 tIOM 48 At\iuVmsVf aVr Vx.’a Notice. I7HHH months afterdate,application ; will he made to the Honorable P.i - lerior Court ofColumbia county, while allllug Tor ivrtlinury purjiMW, tots leave to sell the Negroes and Heal Estate, he longingio John Burch, deceased, laleot said er/unty. OBBDIENCfiD BURCH, Adnt. y March 10 4tm 41 UwaX'tilau’te Notice. S.NOIJR months aftei* date, npplirntinr 7 will he made fotho Eonorahle la terror Court of Columbia County, whih sitting ns a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the interest of Jesse L. Bull, and Mary A. Bull, minors of Jvssc Bull, in two hundred and fifty ncres ofland, ly ing in said county, on town creek, ad Joining Thomas Bowdre und others, suhi for the henellt of the heir*. THOMAS DOOLY, Guardian. march 14 4tm 40 GEORGIA, f Court of Ordinary. Franklin County. £ March Term , 1852. B’TPON the petition of DIAL WILLI*. praying to be dismissed from the ad ministration of the estate of John Mills deceased. It is ordered that letters o' dismission will be granted at tlieliex; September Term of tin's Court, uiik-s suilicjOat cause is then shewn to tin* i - tnWV, ami that this order be pnbhshei i ohe of the public Gazelles of thi* "tet-, ' once a month for six months before the sitting of said Court. A true Copy from the minutes THOMAS KING, c. c. o marcli 21 mftiu