Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, May 09, 1832, Image 4

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THE SUBSCRIBER, k Lato Proprietor Os the Globe Tavern, and more recently of the Ittansibn Soaso,) BK(«rs leave to announce Ui'tds friends and the public generally, that he has la ken that dopant and commodious fire proof brick building on the corner ol Hroad and Jackson (Streets, and immediately adjoining the now Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity of the Augusta {Sank, and the Crunch liankof the State ol ttcorgin. This Establishment is known as the globe motel, aind in Rs interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an e . gree,-spaciousness. neatness, and comlort. To the ivmn ottamdy, the mdi traveller, the daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, the GnOKh presents accom modations inferior to none in the Southern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most populm Hotels In this City,he flatters himselfthat liis experience in business, added to the superior •«d milages of situation ,V the resources under Ids confront, will enable h unto give the aosi decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their piW-on«ge. liis :ST V’LKS arc spacious and well ventilated, awl amply supplied with (lie fcest of provender, and attended by experienced unit steady ostlcit—iii ndditionto wldcb. the subscriber will bestow bis own personal unremiltiug attention, Jttiiuu charges, will not foiget the pressure id Xhc-times. J©7* The following .nTAHES arrive at, and depart from, the (jlloiim 'lotki. regularly ns follows; i\liLi.rai<jvvii.r,i{ ftjTAtin arrives every day, at-d o'clock I*. M.—and departs rvtry da;/, at II F. M. Coi.ininiA, H. C". Staci; arrives firry day, at}) o'clock, I*. M.—and departs every day, a 7 o'clock, I*. ill. Atuk.ns Mtaiir arrives rrrry 'J'lfpday and Friday, at 0 o'clock F. Hl.—and de parts nrry Monday and 'PhurMuy, at 10 o'clock, A. M. (iiu-'.UNVii.i.K, S. Sr.urr. arrives firri/ 'l'u p lay and Siihinlay, at 7 o'clock, F. ill. —and departs rvrn/ 'l’liurudiiy and Sunday, at i o'clock. A. .11. Farsusi ili.m, S. C. Hi'auk arrives terry Friday, at (! o'clock, I*. ill —and departs rrcri/ Monday, ul-I o'clock, ,\. ill. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, June IHfll. •JUST RKUKIVKIJ, AT THK Augusta Book Store. TYEUM V \ mill Helmet's Journal, Library of Entertaining Knowledge, Ditto of Religions Knowledge, Sherwood's iScriplnrc Prints, Kirklnun's Grammar, Ladies Class Hook, Mothers Kook, TVngal il msewffe, Gibbons Rome, •Diekn Future Sliilf, Plain uml lino poekot Testaments, I’olymiorinn Testaments, Sacra Frlvntn, ilonry on Prayer, Galaxy of Wit, American Constitutions', (.'lark on llio Promises, Stewarts visit to the South Sea-', Lady oft ho Manor, Edwards on the Mr-etions, "Dales Harmony oft ho Divine Atii'flnites. New American Speaker, F’T'ieli .Spoiling Books, Teleinmpie. Working M in's Companion, (Say on Asti'eminy, Alexanders Ilyinas, Stewart's Helirew <'hristomnthy, llonn Solilario.', iVc. Ac. ninrch 81 Ncjtro V’ov *rv»\Vc. |l man servant, between ,‘iO ami JIM ,/Bl years nfage, an excellent Carriage Driver, and first rule house servant. Ap ply to 1.. HULL A Go. in ireh 10 It Dlt, aiU VITJC. fj’TO WHOM I T MAY CO-VCKk.V.jT) BV the use of Dr. Hunter's im-stmi; Ida Fills. persons of either sex. Ii they enrefnlly follow the very valuable plain, and copious directions accompa nying tbem. are enabled clll-i-taallv to e radicaloA CERTAIN DISEASE. am •o restore lost health, with ease, si if, '\j and whiinty,i» a f>w days. (r/" l’he extensive sale and unexam pled success «,f this Medicine, in lltis \ [ otlicv* cities.and principal towns through-! out the Union, for the Inst lUV'cn years, I during which ii was satisfactorily pre j pared hy Dr. Conway, incontestibly | prove, ilint when useil with the O'.mt* TIO.N POWDERS. it edectsn thorough and speedy cure of that ilrendfnl disor der, denominated the Scourge ij the Jtlu til,in Hi ice. Pills are nocom ,ncd, when the ease requires it. vvi' thoINIEC-' TION POWDERS 1 CRu V I'F. these constitute a mo*; power) u .nab ( cine, ii|iplicalde toll., various «',ig..< o, j tliis Protean disorder. Full and plain di rvc/i >•: , with h popular treatise. erpl.ii dun the v i ioussiftnplo ns, anerthe ttibdt of I rent mem, accompany each box, so that per son-- of either-sex may earfc themselves. (Pi ire of thv Pills $1 a Lor; the Injection PoHnl r. a at Cerate oil cents inch ) For sale by TUKFI.N A D’ANTIGNAC. Druggists, ml.igusUi, G,o that hone are genuine nn ess signed P. Kiddkr, Oq the outsideprin ted w rap- •. march til 47 AT PRIVATE XXX. \ iUO WOMAN, „ nrst rntr ‘, \v iiMirr and Ironer. \ •out 11 years old, likely, n ni | j, * a l ! rst rate house servant. man—a first rale seamstress, ' n .M’. and not to beexeell 'si »te, with her femuh ; ears of ago. 53 EDIJCATIOI WWW MAXVAV. \iAV»OU. raim: subscriber having purchased * •« small plantatiuii near Eatonton. proposes to fake six orciglit young' men ol good moral elmrneter, hetween (lie ages of Pi and I'To provide for their in struction in (In* various hrtmclies of Ed iicalio.n, in Agriculture, and in the Me chanic Arts. Apparatus to illustrate the sciences oft Ihcmistrv, Astronomy. Nat arul Philosophy, Ac. will he procured and a Mccbaiiic shop erected. Schools id’ this kind established in IVnnessee and In (In* ,Middle and North ern States have nourished beyond the ex pectations of the most sanguine. Him deeds of applications to enter students have hcca rejected during the year for the cf accommodation. The writer, Inis been urged by several respectable am! lilcr-m y gcnllciiien, who have prom ised their sons, to open a similar one in Georgia and lie now design* to make (he 1 experiment. Mo many months have o -1 ipse I in fixing on a site, since lie formed ih<* determination, that ho has not time to stale all the particulars of his plan: aor will lie make high pretensions in re gard to his qualifications nor tin* amount that shall be learned. He will endeavor however to impart instruction ns far ami as well as he is able. Assistance will be procured in (caching (lie mechanic arts and some of common the branches of Education. The older I is to snake' practical men and quality them to be come good teachers of schools. In government, he will endeavor to act the part of a parent and (real the pu pi's as Ids children ; hut he mast he obey ed. lie desires no parent to send his son who is unwilling to have him submit to the regulations of the school. Each stu dent will labor Pro or three hours it Ike dm/ or about one day and a half in the i.-ivtt,— fare wifi betaken, as the weath r grows warm, that they be not exposed :o a mid day min. till (hey become inured to at Ido tie exercise, by employing the in irniugs and evei.'ngs. Mo many hours w ill not |be requisite all the year, but in a busy '■ season, semew hat more. I Each student will protide himself with j‘•beets, towel- iV blankets—and it would ' I be economical for him to have a coarse j *»it to went* during llio hours of labor. Hooks, stationary, oil, Ac. will be far niched those who need the.a at the low est price. The times ofexautiamions ami vocations cannot now he named, lirli j gioas service will be alien led every sab i bath in Eatonton, a little more than a mile j IMtant. Those who wish to enter (their sons j must give information an I secure places hy the Iflh ofdammry. The school w ill he opened on the £)d. Iletters post paid, addressed to Eaton ton. will receive attention. WcgwtatUm* wu\ 'Venn*. 1 The coarse of instruction will occu py three years. -• Board lodging, washing, tuition Ac. lor the Ist year w ill b,> jjPO; for the t'd s#til And for the IM tjO'd, Favnietits. ndi yearly in ndvnnee. ADIEIi SHERAVOOD. Eatonton. Dee. Id, imi, o ( * 1/AND I OK MAI.JK. A GREAT BABGAN is now offered in the sale of n tract, or •<t ofl, VNU. in Cnrrojl county, which is discovered lobe rit It in the Gulden proper '>/■ The owner Haiti;: on the eve of a long ourney io the North, will now sell it inr ’• *x <pi;e.k npplie ition is made. Imfispu fable < !> ' tv delivered, APPLY AT THU* OFFICE. June 16 73 ft MRMSta PROSPKCTIS. THIS Prospectus respectfully in forms the Patrons ofthe WASH* INGTOX KUEW3, ami public gener ally, that Capt. Thomas A. Pastkur, hav ing resigned the publication ofthe above ( named paper—it will continue to issue under other sUpcrintendaWfe. i Its proprietors will not ♦enst any re flection on its past, nor will they vouch I unequivocally for its future character I and nsetul ness. Nevertheless, from a de cent regard to.public opinion, anti injus- I <ice to their own feelings, they must dis* ' claim that, unhallowed proscription by. which innocence is often ’condemned* wilhoufa trial, the motives of ov.r lust public inea ntir-representei!, and their i characters arijnstly defamed. ; The party spirit w&ich runs so exces sively high in our State, has carried n ' long With it the most baleful consequen ces. Like the wily serpent in Paradise,; s it has long since wound its way into our r , Legi-lalive assemblies—'ltself a poison,- ♦vf'.d'its ■bite death. Under the cloak ol v patriotism it has retarctcdthe prosperity r ofthe State hy distraeXingllie cornsolsol'- 1 its political wisdom. • ! Tlicy cannot support 'tire rash enlhu ■ siasici rtf a heiftcd pftrttean, any more i thftfi'itbey can the mistaken zeal ol blind ed bigotry; who worships man more than principle, worships un idol. (Such a devotion they can never join. “ Mea-; sures and not men ' is l their motto. I They support the Constitution of the 1 V. S , nfltt declare Willi their vorferablc Chief** ugUtrale that'“’The Federal L’n iorntmist he preserved. ’ They-support the sovereignty of the: States in all those powers not grunted to 1 the Federal tJovcil.inetit, find ttcknovvl I edge the suvetWgnl y ofthe Federal (lov eminent in all those powers grunted hy i the (’oustitutioß, and trot reserved to tluv .■Slates. Tlie columns ofthe- phprtr wnl be open.’ to judicious essays on all subjects, origin a I ate I select—which may tend to inlbrni the head, or correct the heait, Morals. ! 3 'Education, Politics, Agriculture, Ace. will 1 claim frequent at lei.lcon. design', j is. rather to he useful than Ostentatious.! Truth, consequently, will he their Polar Star; nnd though they may sometimes veer from the iiiugiief, they will always., endeavor to sail within its Itoppy intlu enee. As they feel themselves nt liberty to express any opinion which day believe Will advance die public or pciv ale inter * est of their 'fallow-citizens, so will they he free, hy temperate discus-ion. to ex pose any policy of an opposite tendency , _ With fliere feelings mid views, this pa per is submitted to the patronage of u generous & enlightened public. 11 oping, that—(hough it may not he a luminary ol t . the llrst magnitude, yet, for moral and li I entry woith, it may shine liken lixed’ tl -iliir, with pare and sternly bistro, i. This paper aHI continue to he forward 1 od to its present patrons, unless hy them e; Instructed to the contrary. The terms • will remtdn as heretofore. All letters and coiTtmauieiilions in re - lotion to IhisolMre, will meet with prompt ’ attention. H'postpaid and addressed to the : Pmiirictors. . . I The Editors ofthe Georgia Jour-? mil, Chronicle an*! Cohrier, A itgustit, and i \iheiiiuh, sire requested to give the above Prospect us four insertions, and forward their accounts to the proprietors for pay-, meld. Jan. 11, IHJL 'S?7 4t THE ’ HA UjY U A A 18 ITBLIBHED ill the City of Sav annah, and under the lute improved arrangement of the Western Mail, de parts for the interior, Mobile, New-Or leans, iVc. each day, a few hours alter it is issued, arriving at Augusta ia 28, at .Millodgeville in -H, and at iMadon in 01 hours alter its departure. Terms *B«S 0(1 per annum in advance. THU COUNTIIY GECKOIAN Is published three times a week and con tains all the intelligence, including new advertisements, pTildtshed in the llaily - paper. Terms #■> 00 pt-r annum, paya hie in advance. The Georgian, daily and lid weekly, contains theiatest Commercial, Political: Domestic .Miscellaneous intelligence, and particular pains are lTt*slovvcd upon the .Marine depart meat, where also will j be foautl all that relates to Darien and' Charleston. A Price Current, eareliilly eorrteted trout staiciiieirts of buyers and sellers, together with remarks oil the transactions of the week, is published every Saturday, the foreign Exports noted daily, and regular tables of the Exports of oar principal fStaples. both foreign anil Coastwise, published once a month. Advertisements from abroad will he conspicuously inserted in both papers at 75 i ts. per square of 11 lines for the first, and J7A cents for every succeeding pub lication, when daily, or 50 cents when twice or three limes per week. Legal notices carefully published, sons to com ply' with the requisitions of the law. Jan II 28 1 —i— . i New Family Atlas. ; AN KCOXOMIC.U. ATf.AS, for die , iA. use of families and young persons, i eoutiihiingdt .Maps, with VUrioiisTables ' of Population and Extent ; heights of ■ moaataiiis. lengths of rivers, canals roads ■ railroads, vv it li \ lews of buildings, dress. \ il*c. in the various countries. tSoitie i work id’tbis Kiini is almost indispensable in every family—and none lias ever been published so cheap ami portable, as this. Price#l 50. This day published by ICIIARD3ON, LOUD A HOLBROOK, Boston. April 11 ,">1 ' 'V\u‘ VuU’ovVuelovs Wiscmu’so, A Nl> the Lectures delivered before the • iSL American Institateof Instruction in Boston, Aug. iSll. To which is adiled, | an Essay on the construction of School . Ilfttsses, iv itli plates. ALSO, In pamphlet form, an Essay oh the J constructionofSehool Houses, to which 1 . was awarded the prize offered by the j ‘ \m. Ins. of Instruction. \ag. ISM. Ja«t j* published hy HICIURDSO.\. LORI) ,)• ‘ HO Ui ROOK, School Hook Publishers. Boston. April II -51 ’ FOR SALK. OK 1,200 AURJES of LASI>> WITH Saw, Flour, and Kite Mills on it; situated in Barnwell Dis trict, S. C',. 5W miles from Augusta and 10 from the Village of Barnwell, about on n line direct from ‘Charleston to Augusta therefore-it is<j»rt-SV»nrtl the rail road will either )»«€.? through it or not fur off.— Price #2,000; one-tilth cash or approved endorsed-paper at lit) ami 00 days, the ba lance nt 1. S. 3. and 4 years credit, with interest and mortgage ofthe premises. Titles indhqmtuble and warranted. IT/ 5 ’ Apply to w JOHN GT IMAIUN. 'Watchmaker, JVb. 147 Btoail'Stretf, Augustn. July}) < !) Savannah River Navigation G'&x&PAM'K'* f IfE affairs rtfSfeul Company,having B been brought to a close, with the exception of pitying the Stockholders, the undersigned gives notice to all con cerned, that n thud Divktend of Obe Dol lar and Forty-Six Cents per Share, (on all Shares on which #22 has been pn-t) will be paid to the Stockholders or their legtd reptesontati ves, accompanied by the proper vouchers, on application at the first Brick Building West of the New Met&et, Broad-street, Augusta, to J.-VV. BRIDGES. Augusta, Oct. SO, ISOII. wtf 8 Till? Weekly IVlorniiLg Courfor AM) \E W* A" OIS I£ E N<l L IKER . On Saturday, the tSth January, inst., the Proprietors ofthe Meriting Courier and New-York En(|itirer, intend pub lishing on tlicliirgest folio sheet ever is sued, a Weekly Newspaper to contain nil that appears during the week in their daily paper. It will he published on fine paper, with new type; and to place it within the roach of all classes ofthe com munity, it will be a Horded to subscribers at the reduced price of Timi-VR "o'.r.Ai-.s per umiiim. pni/nMi: alien i/n in uihfonrr. In consequence ofthe other Daily Pa pers in New-Vork, determining not to I boat'll vessels and receive (heir news on .Sunday, the Publishers ofthe Courier A. Enquirer have lately invested ntm-mo •nious.v.M) dollai!S in a separate news es iahlishment, consisting of one Sebooner of ninety tons, one of sixty tons, and the necessary ro'w-boaXs. This rstubiish ineitt is supported at the annual expense of MXK TIIOfSA.M) DOT.LAKS, 1111(1 vessels' from Europe are boarded at sea and their news disseminated through live country with great dispatch, long before they reach the harbour. In its politics, the Cotmirn Enqcirku is purely Democratic —-adhering to the principles and Usages ofthe Bepiibficuu Party, nftd >.d vacating the re-election of General J ackson to the Presidency. Its columns'tiro alike devoted to Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, .Miauls, Li tcratare and the Fine Arts. In murids, however, it does not act upon IhecVectl ol'Panalics or Bigots, hat on the contra ry, in«-iilf»te» those prim lidos of morali ty and religion only, winch are-fonitih-i! upon pence and go >d will to all mankind —the fruit of which is tolerance anti liro tberly uHeclioii instead of “.persecution, for opirtion'T) sake.” llpwitrds of ro'i:a Tii.orsAM) coi>ies of the Courier and Emptircr are ptthlislied Daily, and more than thiikk thousand , iSemi-weekly ; and in the City of Ncw- Voi'k its daily circulation is known to be more than un hundred per cent, greater than any olher pom-r. Tltese facts are releri’etl to, as alfording the only com mentary the Proprietors can with pro priety oiler on the ({utility of the mutter which will he found in their contempla ted weekly pablient-ion. It is intended to publish 17,0ft0 copies of the first nrtinlKT ofthe paper, which will ho distributed in dilferent parts ol the country, and one copy sent to each Post Master in the United States, in or der (hat a spedmeti of'the publication may be examined. TERRIS. Daily PopWF #lO per ann, } Semi- .Vet-lily vlo. -4 us aim. ( . WEEKLY do. :lperann.S" l "‘ /|,(,na ' Uy 3 Any person who may obtain eight subscribers to the weekly paper and re mit the amount, shall be furnished with a copy gratis; and to companies often subscribers, who associate anil remit twenty-live dollars, it will be sent for ijjrJ 50 each per annufa. Post Mat,runs who have no objections to act as our Agents, are requested to receive subscriptions and remit the mo ney at the risk of the Publishers, at the time ol 'ordering the paper.—lt is expect ed thill they will retain in their hands 10 per cent, ofthe amount received, as a re-' mlitierntion for their trouble. LAW NOTICE. ! 1811 A LL hereafter regularly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond ' County, illy olliee and residence are in j Grcenshorough. Persons residing in | Augusta, having business to transact, i requiring the services of a Lawyer, in , the counties of Gioefie, Morgan, New ■ ton. Clarke. Ogletorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, j Tullitilerro, .Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to entrust it to me 1 will have an opportunity of conferring j with me personally, twice in a year. I in reluttiou to it. ' i FRANCIS IJ. CONE, j Deco ts IS W ?l, J . HOKKV Is appointed Agent at Augusta, for THIS fiAHV’S HOOli, The Reprtsitory of A H i*, LITEIiA TVRE \ t'ASUIOX i'his valuable work is issued in monthly mnahers. each number containing sti large octavo pages or more, printed on fine super royal paper. Every numbei contains a piece of .Music, one copper plate. Engraving, nnil at least four wood Cats, dluslrntive of some ofthe contents; i and every three months a Colored Plate ofthe latest fashions—and js furnished at the moderate prieJ" of #3 a year. A specimen ofthe work may be seen at the Augusta Book, where subscrip tions are received. Dee “ 1 K at ! RECEIVED at THE AUGUST a | BOOBWSTOREy fEMHE IstlVuiLber of " The American, Jg Journal of Improvements in 1 1 »e f Useful Arts and Mirror ctftlie Patent Of fice, containing 1 authentic descriptions ami illustrative drawings of the re cords, specifications nml models of tl>c Patent Office, l>y permission of the SetSfctnry-of State, being a faithful rep resentfttldn of the state of the arts in America, Ac. IV. I*. <’oor and Win (freen A Vo. Editors rtitil proprietors: J. L. Skinner assistant Editor, with an appends; containing the Patent Laws” See. Subscriptions for the above work will, he received at the .7-gii,s tn Hook-Store, •where the first number ran be examined it will no doubt contain much useful information of the state and progress of the mechanic arts in our country. Oct 20 H ' THE SC’JTKEBit Sn&ALD, AUaper. to bo Published Weekly, at MONTGOMER y, A I HA ALL IN issuing proposals for the tSoiii'HKii.N IIiiRALD, the proprietors disregarding those appeals usually made to the kindly ■ and patriotic feelings of the Public,deem' it barely necessary to state the political j principles which shall guide its course, i The excitement which lias spread throughout the whole Southern country, in cousequnce of the unrighteous Tarill of 1828, has created a marked dillerence" in the polittfaH'l sentiments of the citizens of the South, as touching the pow ers of the Generwl Government—which dilil r ) cnee, it fe our candid belief, will in a I great measure be removed, byiayinghc -1 fore them, in as clear and intelligible,; I form as possible, the principles and cor-, reel policy of our entirely new and expe | rimentat governmeii*. The course we 1 thiuli lias not ln-eti pursued in as direct 11 1 /inr, as might have been wished. The disputes of parties lane Us-uped too j largely ihc columns of the few orthodox < papers in our country, to allow a candid, 1 sober and •investigation ol I our national policy—mid. of the delicate | relations which exist—and which were I intended by the framers of the United .States Uonsdiudon t*> exist—between these-, oral States and the federal Go v i uraitif nt. We would not indeed by the I expression ol this opinion, he supposed to license those prints of dereliction ol 1 i duly, but merely to slate a fact, which must be apparent to the Editors them ■ j selves of those papers. To present, therefore, to th’o public, at ’ sheet upon w hich shall be inscribed the ' j cult; i-ui>-cr»ia-» of the- Constitution—to, ' exphnn the object and aim ofotir l'Vderul ! I Union, and the only means by which it 1 may, at this imminent crisis, he "saved 1 at its last gasp,” and forever alter perpet -1 anted—and to maintain and defend the reserved rights, powers and privileges ol the Males, as severally -independent and sovereign in regard to the saio rights, powers and privileges—is the purpose of the publication of IK* JK:u AM*. The pro;Victors bind themselves ti the support of no individuals li t- tin f residency of ihcse-Uiiifed Mates. A\ ( hold reserved to ourselves the right ol commenting upon the public acts iff pub lic mm, whether fur approbation or re proof—esteeming it the highest and mes sacred duty and privilege of (lie Press', b descant upon the acts and proceedings, w bethel- of one ollieial personage, or of 1 constituted body, freely, fearlessly and iinframmeied by pledges. Men are place* ' in oftice to transact the business of tlu People, and a watchful eye should b« kep't over‘them. No Viian has yet beet, found, so unbiassed by bis own interest, asto give bimseifup wholly to the per formanec of public dtitieSj solely for the public good—none so pure, as to Induce Ids constituents to confide to him then [ interest altd Art (fare, blindly, and with | cut a stated and periodical revisal of his acts, for these reasons, no promises j are made, no pledges given, to inconsid erately reprehend (he course and con duct of this one pilhHc functionary or to blindly applaud the sentiments and deeds of that other minister of the nco iplc. T.nv\u,ii, E f. IJIIAN i inVAITE. [ TERMS.—The llnuAui will he print ed w'eekly on a large imperial sheet w ith new type and line paper. Subscription, (ft! CO payable on Tito re ceipt of Ihe first number, sf- 1 CO u t, (heex piration of sit months, or ijj-’o 00 at the cad of the year. holding Subscription pa j pers will confer favor by forwarding i 1 1 'em to tlu* proprietors tit Columbia S. 1 C. by the 2oth April next, j Editors of News papers are requested ' to give the above a few insertions. | J-Vh2l» Jf 41 HR him of L. A Co. w ill In ’ : .H. dissolved on the’ Ist of April next ■by mutual eonsent. The business of tin !' 1 eoneern will he settled at their store b\ 1 ’ j L. Hull. All those indebted to them will be good 1 ’ , enough (o call and settle their bills, crbi I ; prepared to do so when called on. amlali | 1 those to whom they are indebted will I 1 hand in their accounts as soon as possi ' ' hie. S. 11. Oliver will attend at tbeston [J I during the w hole of the present month to • ; make settlements, and it is to he hoped ‘ 1 that all with w hom they arc to he made. 1 ; w ill come forward. L. HULL. 1 S. 11. OLIVER. it. iiriji. has uniformly experienced, inlonm lias friends and the public, that ho will continue (he AUCTION AM) GENERAL COMMiXRION i At the same on his omt account. { ami w ill endeavor to merit a continuance i . their favors by promptness and alt 11 "on. _ , | lie w ill be prepared through the means ot his Inemls to make advances as usual. ] march 21 tp 47 •11 «t isix! 1:1 vli n. ; A UHLS, No. .‘I .Mackerel, and I will be sold low by ( I.IST OF LETTER*. Remaining in the Post-oniee J a „ Georgia, on the Ist e*f "May is* before advertised.) Persons wishim from this list will p-Uase say they are ad ■ -.’TV A Adams Malinda Autor Peter 1 > Anderson Jno jr Ardis Mathias Allen Horatio Arinstions Abm Alldcidge A Atwell Jas 1! Bailey B Bonn Sir; hen C Barney I. AV BnisclaiiT-F Baker ’Daniel Boyce Ruber t Bacon Win Bongs rev Joins Bamth Peter Bolter John Babbit C M Bradley Wm A Belcher Collins II Basset Marshall Belcher Isabella Bushnell Ahimr Bell Thomas Bush Mason it Black mrsMary Arth Butler Andrew Bluir James I Burrilt Isaac Brown Milton A Bosh miss Marla I), own Amelia Burton mr Brown Archibald Burgess Johh C '•Carter Wm A Clayton mrs Es a Calvin James Cooper PVjI-j Campbell Collin Cox Matisun Campbell Samuel Colii.-r niisLm-mtii Cary Wrn li Coates miss Mary Garter Charles ’Cook it Cheat ham Jose; h B Cra'-Toi il Charles As ChovßS l.angitbii Coshy John 11 Chades N Collins John Chew Benjamin F C.-unip Philip Clarke SurnUel D Davis-Cha.lcs D -Xter Andrew Alfli-j Davis S W I M k William Day -Richard Dickson mrs Maty f Darling JoSutih Dilhngiiain Geo W E Eldiige Wm ill Eve John P Eh y Horace Evafis John M C Evans John F Ferguson William Foyol miss Eliza. Trazee John T Foster Thomas M •Ford ni ssEra*-,- sF Fuller Thomas care of dr Fo r ij Oillpliin masftr T M Charles Mahnnn ) Gardner Jfdin M 'Patch Mr Knight ( m Gamble ord H ofjo?m 11 (.nay Garner John Gray JMin J Gdibins .Stephen Grimes Alexander Glover Samuel Grey Iniss Hidiecca Gleason Charles Guy mrs Elizabeth Godbehere inis Mary II Han is Walter Jfeoth Jerd’n Hampton Wylio Hill Br-njamin I I.'rUinvav Jritiii lliggitibolham mrs.Tuf.l Harley Edwanl Howard rev John llartridge miss Emilia Hollister Julian <r Harrington 1 lorlge-Sanmeri’ ll.atlield'C Hood Allied J llairis Lewis Howard mis Sin Harley James E Howell mrs .'f i ll . Harris George A Hughes .Mieajnli Heckle John llnngertord Amo- I 1 Heard Thomas N I toil Nathan J Jamos-Jnsei h Jewett Nathan Jackson John Johnson James Jones Charles A Johnson Sarah Jerinan Thomas Jones A W Jones Hardy Junes Wiley K Kenney Mn-garct Kelt! rs H. I*. Kelly mrs Mary Kelly Thomas !’ Key TI10: (4 I, I.avantitro air I.r.f-, : m Lawson 11 Lamkin G W F Lovell I, Laey F eoinanW I.ikreCF Levy Clnipnian Layless Nam y I! Lamar T (1 LyticsJnnes t.di'U Hart Aiid'Oi'So'ii Luhhuik n -1) M Martin Clement Me'CaHiiio ■ MaiPhal Wm MeV>i„i John Martin John IMayzer David MiTyni Jr dm Marshal C aioliint Mr Keen Giney M ush -! Master Jacl.s I MeCoomlis 11 M il., , , Dr 11111 s M. Dow»!l Williard IM.-nitsT II McCan Pirilio IM.jrino Wm P MoGiii Geo W MisMaiiey M.rhm.lh Minims B,iiton, Morriman Man>llcld Mo.gan James Musta or Samuel • N Xeiiman WilliamSdS, Nail—— Newton James Newberry John 0 O I.lizaheth O’Cmnier o: Juliana McDaniel OusWult llvram P Pnuhnieur Francis Penn J & Cd. Person Isabella Phelps Jeremiah Pockham Paris Pike Cyriis Ponder Ej hruitn Piimrose Eliza Atm Polhili Josiq h I’ve Utnrjaniiil a M lleuslin, cave of Charles tpiina K Heed John Kohorls Tlinmas K lb-oil Ur.hort B I.oherts Wm .M It B Rice li’im.iv Litriinlti ttoycc Jnsepli I. iioss.- It Mr A\ m Uoheits Susan Russ j L Itobc; ts Win. !{ S Schley George H SmiiS Leonard C‘ Scott Alvin Smiih Jnsins Scott Eliza J nit) Smith Miiseh SheiitV Charles Smith Moses Shinlu-lder Haniel S Siililh J.-rnn-» Sotmnes Caroline Shftry John \V : Skinner Williain Sifinei A Simmons Asa P Strirglellow William Sibley G .Starnes Ehoni /.i r Snead Hamilton Spehnnn Sara!* Smith Marky Spehnan It P Smiih Calamine Sullivan A Smith To: ncr T fa) hi- fsane Trimble Janiea I ante Elizal-.eih ’ldoh l Luke TalliOrt Jofeei (1 S Tudorer James 1 or be I Joe S Turpin Geo P I'honiiiS Rohoif Tin ner S;neK> Icy Tinlev James VV U'nrd A Wallace AV'alton Mary E Walker Alexander Walker Daniel \\ alher Caroline G Whitlock J W Walker Martha Werlmn- Isaan Walker Lliznhfclh Winglii.ld Catolia--- Nancy Godfrey, ea o oT.Vitliuiiis S.-nah Chasr-n Watfiini Williams Isaac AA all Thomas AV.ight Ann AVa;en Mary AA’oodwtud AA’m V A (rung I.ticimla Varboi-cugli James At \ oung Theodoro avw. c. Micor, r. v. acav W\\ Ac CvnumeiAUivv. Mlf H \RI).«ON. LORD ami IH>L /HRUOK, Hostca, give notirn lltif they n ill soon have ready for ptihlit-niior •A (IcinitiMitary on ilia Holy Bible, frojii Henry anti Bcott, with addition!' ex jiianatf ry fioles li Doddriilge, I*ti trie. Poole, Lowth, and otlu-f eininn)' writers. The above work is mw in jn-ogre*-- I.ondon, from the pres-t of the Relig’i: Tract JSociely, and will he issued lu'* as tlie paits are received. The winih conveniently arranged lor family •>-*' Re-edited with improvements try sevtr< - Clergynien in whom confidence niav be placed. Apt-illS -'j