Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, September 08, 1832, Image 2

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■ J J? 1 , ; EY AUTHORITY- ', i.XVfI OK TUB fSfTKU HTATBS Fa'K 111 AT T!ii: , kihii Hi/KiioN o( 'run »-am;uM> j C0.T,11i'..->S. , [Pi nnr No 17 ] A V \CT irr.mtiiur to tin- Territory of . ArUmiMi", one Ihonsnriil n< - re« ul limit, lor I tin erection <il a Court Houne nail ‘ .lull lit I«il1 Ic Mock■ I I It it eni'h U 1,1/ the Senate am! I low of I' Ylepra iitutiii.: of I'i I'nitfd ■ \ i,J ./nu | n ('< t y/evs <I >nntiled That tliere tie If, ,iiii'il to the Territory of /VtUuti -hr a j 1 ijminlity ol’luml not exeeeiliii^one thou j ' aural ai re.H, conti/t ion* to, anil adjoint, it?' the lovx n of, (.title I toe h for the creetion j /ifa eonrt-hoiise mi l j ill in paid town . ] rvhicii Inrnlp shall he seleeteii hylheCo-j a ernoi'of the Territory hy let? il stih-ili visioiiß, and iliuposed of in sui'luinunner I as ftie lii'fri-lntare tuny hy law direct ;j mil the proceed,* of the lands so tliispo.s-1 nl of, ahull he n|i(i!ied towards hnihlim? j n eoui't-hoiipe anil jail in said town ol I.iltln flock; and the surplus, if any. limy he applied t o such id her objects ns the IrngUlutut'ii of said Territory may deem jiroper. A STMVF.NSOV, S/ieafer of the lin niff of It- jin <rnt,ilii<) i s ,i < < vcnoi \, *1 /'/<.( I, lit of till lulled Sir V .in:! I‘i •; i Iml us l it S’ 11. ll' Approved, .June Id. luTJ, AMIIIKW .1 VCJv.StiN. f I’ No. d 8 I AN’ ACT lor the re appropriation of ,i ertan mien pended balances ol ha mer appropi ialioas, and for other pur poses. Ih il in olnl hi/ th S, n i'r iluil lln > f liijll'UiintiltlffS if tin' I’lllhil Shltr.i if. ‘line fe i 111 CmUfies .■ iii'nniM'll, That the follow in;’ Slims, la in/? unexpended hah.liec- „( hu utcrappropi i ition . he, and the saint Hie oerehy, n* appropriated to them if?, Hill ohjeetn id' a , ppropl mlum, speed lically. turn y Torihee., ... el x isifs of Indian do ' pa ilions to llie sent of (Jovernmcnt th t o hundred and ninety-four ilollni, si id forty two rents, !'m expense iaeiirred by the ninrphui in’ :>tiehifim Territory, in proseeiiliu;. N\ mnehiif; » prisoners, one hundred aid twenty nine dollars and lifty eiyht eenls for cm ryitii}' into rll'cet the treaty wit a llie Florida Indians, according? to tin' net ol fmt- nty i i\lh ,May. one thousand ei>?hl him Iced and tvventy-f.air, one hundred smd ninety-five dollars. P o' carry in/? into i ll'eet the Crook tr« a ty. lecii itnif? tv» the appropriation to Tam eifeel in the net of twenty second .'is . on liions.ind eijrlil luiiiilnul ami to i nly aix, and therc appropraition of th ' hui mice thereof, hy tha not el .Mm ch ■ c.mii I, one thou sand eipht hundred and twenty 1 niae, tea thousund eight hundred nud j I forty five dollars and fen For eompensatiou to Cherokee cm! 1 , fft'ants from («Vor;?in, lu eordin.? to the 1 , net of second .March, one thousand ci<?hl * * hundred and twenty nine, ten thousand five hundred and /il'ty one dollars and thirty cents. i For curry in;? into ♦Tcct llie treaty with i the I'oKowutainics. hy net of second f ■Mar di, one thousand e);?ht hondre.l end twenty nine, ei<>hi hundred unit sixty live dollars end ninety two cents For compeiisj.ili n lor improvement.- * nhiei hnied hy the Chcruiu- sos Arkui) c P e ! , hy act ul second .March, one tie u 1 sail eight hundred and twenty nia, ‘ mi vciitei a Ihniisaud t,ve iiuailceil au.i tor,y om* dollars and thirty three cents. I or provisj. ns tor the (('.uiptiM s |,\ act of second »l nreh, one tnoasainl eif?lu hundred and twenty nine, otto thpu.saiui dollars ■ Fornhliiipecrtnia Creeks in their re * inovnl. hy ni tot ninth /May,onethuusaiuf' ’• <■ islit Imndred and twenty eicht, •t\ him- » dt'cd and i or dollars ami three cents. I\>re\lint?ni-hment of the title of the ( Delaware Indians t> their reMi'vi.iilon ' in Ohio, a . net of .. ol ul March, one 1 lli.nis.iii , < i.?ht him .red cad twenty pin, 1 one th ■us:in,| )ou him,lre * a>,,| en;nt\ j i Seven dollars nr.d -;t\ seven eciit'i'. i Ni.c y’ ./>;./ - t - / t.,r//- ,• enochJ. That , the Mia, oil fir llmosand d dial's, hereto fore pppr ol inti ! for contingent i'\pea M's of the Vo jopi'tipliical Li’ l a hy the " |a »>"l nt.illin,'/ npp.'ep. 1 Itions - ar ..up- 1 W "ort ei T i -i'll>:,ent lor th >nr I n tiionsiiad ci,?lit aiinrtrjd unu ..arly two. | g he, ami the a i no is hV cht, trat's(Vncd ! h n ol :ipi>rttjirii 'ed to the eonlimc. t ex ! oen as oj'the oilier of the Chiftliiifpiiecr ; lor the suit!.' y car. j 1 'S'hiit the lidloivinc sum he, cm! the 1 nine i- livrel.'y :t , pi, jaiulrd • ! 0 ? .a* delravit.jc th,- . xeeien s of thi A v yandotl i t e’efrat ioi. £e the t’it' 0 ,; «' V\ ae!dti(?ion in d tnt asy, one theusnml j if r; d’ht I’l.tid'eii and thirty two. four h'.tit- I T di ed dollars, and ford, ir.uui,? the ex [ peases el t!,»’i . • .d, a I•< Ic;? ition. west ~ oi t!u> .Missis- ipjii. novv in the t ity <>i WashiiiKliloM. seven liutidr, J and seven- n , ty-l'vo duiiris. -p Sac.,!, .t hui in it fii'tier' i'hiicl.' 4 !. That for the purpose ol puyim? the .Mdilia of tlie tk Ntule o! Illinois i tilled into the pn ice el oi the t riled Slntes by competeni nuthori c . T\, and (or pax int? the expenses incurred 1 ? in det’eudiiif? the trontier from a recent i I nsmii hy .several hands of hostile ln-! c ' • and im. It ilim? llie pity oiTJi t > inilj. ca a a-'t called out ter tin* same pur- !d iron the in irhhoriiiff Mates mul tk IT .. . lev eI. md -ed llioU«,1Ull dal- to Us. niU' hhe lie, , ssaiy, l.e/nnd the u , at pfomialed, to be pan! _ ' dr' iue muhority r: tl, v of r *'"■ 'Kfenmy ti t '.eseaftnil seem,nof a a.a m dun;? nporoprf itl , n s for the . top o*i ot ihe linnv for the rear one by tao-i .0,1 him tree! and thirty two. ] u > ' 1 •'< Hj '- -Ihir ,miluThnttlie .a. sum oi tweniv thousand dollars he ami l a s me •«! In h v aapropriale l. to he ~ ■x.e i.'led under»hedirectii n ftltr Fres lent of the t niud Slates, for the relief ll,f >' stieii Iriendly Jn iiuas as may seek l an 1 roU.-fien X'iihin the Indian agencies oi ; >b iiie ii-ath western Irontlnr. a , Anpr <"'■ f w is. w k \s we'cipwted, the triumph <d thf - d cmi— is derisive, I IA) < HARWiSTON OM*' j i Carolina city—the city of tiio lice, ; I,e home of ttie Moullrit S. the Huy ne-, j »< liaiirco-'s. the <hidsdens, tae but- , C !pe- mid the I'inrkney -uusoded bv ; a mission.—"faithful V, their fires, and ( mrtliy to coiTata. their heroic ashes, lo , our friends in the country. wo rejoice to a ocheill 111 it ' hHI lestollhHH bn ll lw; to their can-e •• vV ii 11 \x f. MI < I | f .; 1,.„i; MV. AM) T!U!Y A!U! Ol l{> 1 he •> dim tto limitin' has been e.-fahlish dda I and earioi I he stmken. CM Al.- LI>FO\ VVllh nil the nsii ul well linoxvn tiiscoimwrements in tin defence ufttiisi ut postal Carolina prin ci les, and V'itli tiie -nperfidded disad vantage that llie prevalence ut peslilcm e at tin' naith tins prevented tlie annual migration of many redtiern voters »e have pat d ixx’l, ep iositi.)ii xve trust . ever. FntriofH of the interior! il is new your (mu. We siiatl now uuh maloiiM mi? confidence and renew ed v iyor man h on witli you to the geaernl battle in *'e tobet I'u form your il'ity THlixi o~ Charleston I,as diset.arged f.ers in tills preliminary encounter, and t .rolina is hersi If again Free Trade vindicated, aid I.fKI'JUTV.IheCONSTITF I’SON. INK fN.onee iran e restored. —'■ ".iti'h .ton Siiiith irn I’ih do' AMwii'j iT \ I H Vl’i'IUJA V. SKPTKMUKII H. • :• ll.**l, JWl'l (t.'III* litil." to Tiio (V >m rik'.iliie-ition as '■ ,1 th or f{i it .\:dlfu.r, Cairn At.ia'Vill*!, .a,,1 “ t'nlumhiu," iin* im * ivrd, (uni-hall api-iar as eaily as xvu can iiml room T-t ilti.m. Judge Lomistm k.t’s l.fittrr N'". 11. to Fine Cits in uni next. rn ut! .msto.v t i t v m.Ci'TidVi \ •• line irctavi'il tiio result of tin; Fliadion in I ‘liai Instim. far nu Inlcarhint mnl \V iiriltais. — d in' ivliali saiaigdi of Uath i.arties xxtas brouglit ta lu-.a mi dlls clcctiaii 'l’iai *' Snluiiissiallists wen siiiipiiini'of success, briu i mlly, ;.s so ma ny uftlnai allies had hern drlaineil Irani aeilig to the Nuiill, on account of llie t'lndera. d'ln victory of ihu Stole flights mid Fie'. Trade l‘nr hj. 1 1 .ih la-L'D must signal and gloiinus. Ma:c votes vveie given ut, tii.iu ever rera.ded on any former oeeasi. n. Tlie uvuraao Inajinilj of Iho iXulldii is ovci liieir nntigamst, i- almut Id voles, winch is huger than tin y ever had hefure. We trust tfi it this mc jeri.i is Inn the (in lade Ur ath. i vuto ies, r um t . lie olilaiueU throughout tlie plant uii.n Hi;;'., p. CU VUI.CSKVV Cl I V (. V.II TTi;, Tlie editor of the ChtlrUslon (!u\f.ttc, is (into fun nous upon the concluding reiiti'!i,:-.! of Judge I.omcstk) kt'j Speurli Willi all Ihu deliciioy (vo ( 0 sess xvo wall da ju lice lo the Judge, without roiling in tiio e.a I, the chaste ami ,-isie wit of the learned editor, hy simply ipiutin,; hodi curie, ll "These ai, try sent'incrtr,’’ says lie Judge, "and ilTliehnuimi exile uni far tlicm, I know that I dt il! not have to unit no nalivo laud (i e O'koiu.ia) ta limi a countn (not ‘Vnun/r /f •Mr. f'aoMi) whirl, will receive and wricann: mo, with na attn r passport t" her heart am! af fectiati.s, than I'mso very acntiincnts."; "rrom the lcragimi.r" says d:e talentededitar, ",l would aj.j car, that the would ha spcurhiliiir conlcir.'i 1 \tcs ;• removal to this Stole, in th" event of failing in ins diction &o. Should the ge’nlleinan liml it",ry to ijuit i'.euiyia, tin w oul.l without rpiestian,hc hasjdiahly : ia"i cd in aur blate, hut il ids depend, t • c a a cl!. iu—fhat i- another rpttuition —tin re is now: lo uru 4 « so al just now." Will some euitor of t 1 Sion, wlio ear. read, lie good enough lo pubhah l .m foregoing, injustice to tiutli and wit i Korrif. x AItOMN.V AM) OICOKCIA it V i ION. w ith tile intent* HI of Siiu’.ving llie exact simi litude between orgia and Saudi Carolina Nulltfl diop, in aur \vo gave a del oh d view t.l die taiinui , and we now proceed ta shew die Operations of ilia latter. Small Oaialon, like Deorgia, finds a law of die 0 iicral Cover,imoni operaiing xx itliiu her limits, xxh'eh is not only oppressive, hut pal, tdv uneonsutufcmal—a law Wm.-li .he ti is , liliane i, protest,-,1, and n'ouui-trati.d against, re an and ag iin and liat only have her appeals been tieitfd with neglect, contempt, and ihai ei ui, but die c|■ f cc- n h-i ih, t n rtmtiau I!v in crease.l and strengliiened. S.tli -slid, ai len'glh, dial there is no hope but in he- ewn means m„i eri'Tgic.!, ■ tie determines to inilhfv a. ,-u dear gia d.d the ir;t,' laws, leuffi-vI euffi-v how i in, of proving the ju di.-j of her ease, a 'iin" openly and deliberately, and with il • consult afherovvn people, and meeluiiy ;l IJ •es. onrihililies which may ju-'lly aii.uuta : , L'uudllct, till! subject IS li St aigilej i '• )]>le far , ■ a. , a:,,| a convc ntion w ; he i'd, for l! a people themselves to de.vitnine ! d'erem, on "die in ode and mea-m e of red, ers." I Thai she lias the light to nullify at once, hy i!;u ! i.egislalmo, as Ueorgia did, xvithout calling;;: Convention, theie can he ru donh;; hm, I esneet for her j cople and public opinion, and to I've addiiiaii.d moral weight to (~,,- e.:iis 0 , and eve no giound fur cavil, s!ie detcni’inos that he people shall first plainly express their \ ieu ’ ui the subject, through a Convention. Well, a ! '<invention will he called hy two ihirds of lli. j ege I.uine, accoi ding to tlie i rav isians of her I (institution, and the people, in their sovereign 1 aj.av.iry, will therein, ifd.ey deter,nine to rid | ly, declare the'fa id law nncon tiuuianal, and I iiereforc nn.iuthcrii.vivc, null, and void, und di "Cl thei■ legislature ta pass tilth a law , iS day ill dictate, la piolcet them from i,* lawless op resst n This law will daclure that the pra ‘etive Tin iff shall no lancer ho eafoieed within it limits, g,id that any attempt to enforce it, y e.ny person, or persons vvha'soever. shall be ui shed in such way as may be thought stilT, ■lit, | rub a lev l.y imp, uaument; and its opoi»-j an vvid na doubt be delayed till the -lib of la eli laod, to give the next Cangiess, w ith all ! is eonsoquc .es of nvgleet fiiily befoto it, 1 auili,-r opp , to provide for the entire handonment ,ae protective pnaeiplen, with decimation and ee tain pioviston to licit c», Jar with nothing sh-.-t 'f this, will t’-r, % 4lt j£a %i■ rJ *i * y & -v ; ’ ggggggM^^^ South ho satisfied. If thia ho not done, whon 1 1 the 1 ivv g OO3 into operation, the first importer ot | £ goods, thereafter, designing to bring them in ( 1 under its provisions, if slopped by the collector, > with u demand for the protective duties wil* re- ' fuse to pay them, telling the collector that ii ho 1 persists in the demand and stoppage, he wm ap- j j jmal to the law, by which he will oblam them, , ! and have him, the collector punished. What if j the Collector, like thh Missionaries in Georgia, Jon es the authority of the law, and declares that he will not obey it, and that ho is not a citi zen of the State, and not subject to its provi sions—will he not he told, as were the Mission aries. that the jurisdiction of S. Carolina extends lover all persons whatever, within her limits,| | whether they are citizens of the State, or con-I ■ side, - themselves so, or not; and that it ho is^ unwilling to submit to the laws, ho may remove | bevond her limits, and if ho does not, ho must . I obey, or he punished ? And Will he not ho tried, I and convicted, as woie the Missionaries, by a; i i law made under oath, and by a .ludgo and Jury; ■ | acting under oath? Alter conviction and im ; prisontnenl, still asserting the constitutionality of tho Tai iiriaw, bo will ap, cal, like Iho Mis-i Monaries, to the Supremo Court, which will, of | course, re verso the decision, as in their case, and : ~ issue a Mandate, directing the State Judge to correct Ids decision, and turn the Collector out s of Jail. The Slate Judge, as did Judge IfooGM erirv, will disregard and disobey the Mandate; and then the Stale of S. Carolina will occupy a position of resistance, in relation to tho Geuo rd Government, previse!-/ sinu'ur lo that ichirh (ijconoiA occupies mowl Is not this so plain, as I to he ncccsfarily uln'inns, even to the most ig norant or prejudiced reader! i If, then, the present comae of Georgia bn right, 0 bow can that designed by Carolina, possibly be wrong? —or the means she uses’—which are precisely alike iu principle, ami more pot feet in practice, because can led out more completely by the people themselves. What course will then Im left to tho General Government, but, as in the case of Georgia, either to leave the mat ter to itself, (which from the operations of the j law ilsoit will ho next to impracticable)—to re peal the .aw—or to call u Convention of tho Stales—(tho whole of the States themselves, in ’ lle-ir original sovereign capacity, being the only umpire)—either of winch will ho satisfactory to Carolina—or, disregarding all legal, moral, ci constitutional authority, to proceed to force, 1 which, as In the case of Geoigit, would neces su.ily be met by foico. I | \V by is the nullification of Georgia right? Vo- I cause thu laws she nullified were infractions of the constitution ; ami eiudi Slate, never having yielded it, retains the full right, “to judge fm it. sell, ol mliactions of the constitution, and of the mode ami measure of red. ess.” If ili e Inter , course laws were are not the fj I “rill' laws equally so! If any Stale has llio light to judge of. ami nullity any one uucoiistiiu i tt'-' law, has nut any other State the right to , judge ot and nullity any other unconstituli ini' I i\vi And if Georgia has the undoubted right to Judge of, mid nullify, any law of the General , Government, which sho decades to be uneonsli . tutionul, must not Carolina have that right also' | And, what if tile eons... 'jucm-Joo Ire ilitiiiiiijt ui ■ the one ease,to what they are,or would be in the . olio r as not tho WyA.( and tho principle, exact . ly the same? and must not tliu eoiisciptciiccs be nillcieut, mmu or less, in evoiy ease ot nullities , 11 according to llm differences of Uio uncon r sunitional laws nullilicd? Tim dillinence in the . conserpioucus, cannot interfoio with the right i. . j mill fy, any more than thu right to refuse, j uy . j i,lent of an unjust aOommr, must b- regulated , | by tic* consequences of tho refusal to thu man l| u : ‘c .h niund.s it. In one care, tho sum may be ~ I s . small, am! the person who demands it so rich, . | that it can do him no injury, and besides, tho ms 1 1 lie. knows, from hi s conduct a~| gmarai bis osnrnn, that he will not attempt to enforc ri—while, in the other case, the sum may bu 1 lur 8 , ’> "»d ''in mm poor, and bis family starving, ami he a violent and powerful man, generally regardless of right or honesty, and sitsfaim I •>; others of similar dispneitir.n; and to nullify it, ' I w..01d proh .My camui the mtilifier to be brutally u heat, ami m timed, regard!-- -s of fil I law, or jnstici. Hut, does that in’torfero with ‘ ~i!* ">•' K.refn e; and. if | lt . does „ r is he not then still more liable to s-,-|, e)u , 101.1 pe seen lions, and extortions, i„ fi...„ - op, orients, regardless of right, being. ~r ss!1:; , ly emhol.lene.l ii, wrong, (,y s„ t .c, aihJ ‘, !v s ' tuhnti-sion of their victim t ~ ~ | M , "' 1 " ■■‘■•■.’d "> pay the domanl new m!ide • j i»t '■hiongli the Tariff, or rend - ,-.| ,|fi ,j I elide to pay it, either directly vr in ;V in i any way. And while tin. man, ns a p.rlv loins i 'hate constitution. V >ti:n»:i-iiy vH.le.l't,, thy j Court, the righMo judge, in the ease of tmllifi. cation between him an I (lie parsiea who ! j font* the unjust account, the Sta*« which nol.i j i iuiimjiKt d. mand ma le by the t.eneral G j vert,rm nt. never yielded l , any , ewer on earth I , the i m 111 to judge bet ween her ami it, and there | lores!.' inn.-t ot right, and necessity, “judge tin j 1 1111 decide (hr herself the “mode and ; . measure ofrodre.r," This right ;ho man would i ! rc,l!s, h o,|| .V that In has voluntarily yielded 1 j ll: a '"' ,; “ s 'T l ' l •'‘ e State would not letain, if j I sho bad volt: ntat ily yielded it, and that she has) not yielded i', is c'.idrnl from the impossibility 1 of showing it as yielded, in the constitution, J, ■ prohibited to In i : and. “all powers (or rights) : ! n,H d“h f >:ed to the United States, m thereon- J stunt..-a, nor prohibited by i; to the jftairs -oe 1 reserved to the .States, respectively.” The tight ol nullification—that is, the right of “each ■ Statu to judge fin- itstilf of infractions of the con- I dilution, and of the mode and measure of re ; dress" .nut, iu case of any judged infraction, to adopt nullification, as the mode and measure I ol redress, is not “delegated to the U. States in • the constitution, nor prohibited bv u ; 0 t , u , I fctalc*:’ end therefore, it is “ref~ ved to die i t*9, rospci lively,” s. , a Holy, •••.,. ’ - ', August %Vih, lA';>3. !• H 111). At' ii V •T A CJlttONH'Lr, I TO AUGUSTUS R. I Tr -o j ! , P ; ,IT *^*' r Tour I.el ter,addressed to nmihrif ' | the last t'.iroTiicle, though an unexpected alien ! t.on, Claims, from its friendly aspect, and more ' I titanurdinaty civility, my acknowledgements.- ! i Whether you arc right or not, a vo;ircoi>lee 11 In • sas ’ tit “rr ... r * J ■ ■ - . - v;mj • < » ■ ' ffTH3Z.mrnt a ~ : that writer feels for you a friendship as ardo n- ’ , s and a regard as sincere, as any you can enter- ; ' tain towards any individual whatever— and so j. uniform, and leng continued has boon tins friend- j j ship and regard, that 1 feel confident no ordma- J ry circumstanoeß can change them. I certainly did not contemplate this corns-; s ' . omlence,’when I wrote the article for the;' i Courier, which seems to have produced it. 1 f > Stated in the introduction to that article, what; i ' was the fact, that I had supposed >•"« alld ! 1 jelf “ agrcefl in opinion on lin? eulijects, wiiii ii, * at the present day, seem to agitato the public mind,” &o. and 1 think your letter furnishes, ample evidence, that I was warranted incom ing to this conclusion.—For you observe, that. j you believe “wo do agree upon every subject, iof | üblic interest, except one that one is, 11 suppose, Nullification—the last one of all others, nu which 1 should have supposed we could have differed. I have never hesitated, whenever the Nullification doctrine was the subject of convor- I cation, to express, unequivocally, rny opinion, 1 that it was, m principle, radically erroneous, and I that in practice,it mustinevilahly bn tniscliev ions. Your letter, I think, contains sufficient to juti •j fy tho opinion I onteitained, that you thought ; with mo, for you -a y, that when in your ” last interview with tleneca, lie addressed you as ! unc ,l lie stijiposud accorded with him fully, that you did not undocoive him,” am! of course you left him under the impi’cssion, that you and he ; perfectly harmonized tti sentiment. Under these ciicumstnnous, you will not, I cunsid er the opinion '1 unteituined, hastily formed, or made up without any reasonable ground. It was natural for me to suppose wo agreed, when in various conversations, no intimation of a dif fcrcnco had been given by either of us; and thu will, ! trust, sutlicien ly justify the remark ! made <m lii» subject. That I regretted to find a difference existed, which had not “been sus pected, is most certain, but 1 had no idea that thu dificronco resulted from any improper views, or selfish considerations in you ; I had «o belief that you were to be operated upon in that way. Therefore, the remark 1 made, in relation to ma ny individuals,, both of talents and influence, la boring at popular mrcetings, and iu declamatory ■ addresses, to urge tho people to a course des tructive both to their happiness and peace, and these “doclaimora no doubt expected to continue as they began, leadens themselves, and to obtain office ami retain influence," cnuld have had no application to you, as I had not known of youi laboring at any public meetings oi dehvering addresses, for the purposes mentioned. I meant to convey tho idea, that it was to bo apprehend ed, that much of the excitement of the piescnt day, had its origin in clcctionooiing views; , iho real object of many of the speakers ni popu i lar meetings wore concealed from ihe pci ,ous , ! ilicy add esaod , and that the substantiM good | of the country was eften overlooked, in tho cf forts made to advance individual or party ; urpo , H, ' s - This is no new thing—it lias been tho i pinct’.ce of arllul inci in all ages. “And Ah } salotii said. O that I wore made judge in'he j land,” when ho was undiorvoi ing to steal the . bear’s of the Israelites, ami to excite an hellion , against tho government of his father, David. , V.’ii.-u J'.d i!i.s.;-goii,rj men-ttempt, by irrcatilar , | moans, to client iinporlant political changes, . | ivithout an nfluotalijn of great regard for the , dear people on whom they in!ended to trample ? \V heo vve consider the subject now disttact . ing our country, and look at those who are cn s ■ "raging tho disorder, what scones and what vinges do wo vvi'ness. Many of the areal .1 ** ailing, politicians in a neighbm ing .Stale, have ) j ,IJr ” 0 ' 1 * n reality, a complete political fammorset, I I " ,at ,!ic doctrines they now advocate, are di rdy k at variance with iho sentiments they , | U rniesrly avowed: and how can the people do i j t-imme vviieihcr their former opinions, or those , | they now express, are must to by v 'lied upon ? | Ii you will refer to the. fifes efthe Chronicle and ; A'Kenhmr, for the year Jfiil. 1 believe you may t !uid conclusivo evidence of what 1 here state, of the var anee in tho sentiments of curtain | olili . j mans, as expressed at that day, and at the ; rc , ! J 1 111 ‘ V ‘ r ’ McDuffie, for instance, in an ar ticle written by him, observes—” Ambitious I “"''t °f inferior- talents, finding they have-no hope , ba disiing;,i-ijed iu the councils of the Gen’l Government, naturally wish to increase the ’ j power and consent,.boo of the Slate Govoin . m, ets, the theatres in v, itioli they expect to ae i ‘i 111 "* distinclinn. It is not, therefore, a regard , j h" Urn rights of llm people, ami a real appro [ li' Usion iliat those null’s are in danger, that have | caused'so much to be said of prostrate Stale 'i ' “ ’ ‘itt'-’s, and consolidated ernpire.” ' i " id endeavor,” s ,ys ho, “ from our actual j 1 t l ”‘t'ciicc, to show that vve have mote cause fur j usiotr from lie St ,tcs, than from the Gen. Government; or, mother words, that there is in our a greater tendency to disunion j than to (vnstdidatiorj.” | “He must liavo read the lessons ofilistory to . I flaw s:! ys ho again, “ who does not I 1 ere: ,v e v.ut W people of pm licular States, are ■ f “' ! oocasronally into a dangerous and i “tentupon partimla. subjects; and I -i:' U’ldor this excitement, t!vy will iinpuli I til. , rulers ;itr. ;he adoption of measures, in j then tendency .Instinctive to the I ni,in. I Mnjer, in v. f.ov’r Hamilton of {South Carol. I'"’ was so pleased with t o sentiments expun '*' ' ! m • l "’ --srlicl..* from the ma-Ucrly pen of Me- ) I>uli l “'"‘ v.i 'di the above extracts arc taken. | that he hnl them republished in a pauiplilei i lo ill in ( h-irb-s ton, as in preserving them, he j said, fin i n the fugitive pages of a nows, aper, he I c- 'ironed he was “paying no more than a J-m 'mm-utn m the s.ierod principles they inculcated - llie truths tin; unfolded we,r, in the..- nature, he said, essentially imperishable." i With such authorities before me, have I any j ro; ‘ stm l|,,ubt tl,u correctness of m V o- miun- ? ; Id,-so gentlemen, to besu.e, seen latterly to , t'.vo cnattgail; In.tlhave not.-1 adhere to the principles Gov. Hamilton deemed s.rced. and lb ® ,lul ” s ijU -cousidcifcd imperishable. | u ,| io d ■ . I , -ement of these principles and tiulhs, it w„i. 1 trust, ovtmualiy bo Joint 1 that you and r-gM .• sentiment, for I kuovv’ihat the ■n.''o 01-j. ot we both have in view is the ' - .. . SEN’LL'A. ' MMtMiUM mi. dfr. r.ilitor .-—You will please rn«ert this recipe, for the good of your eilv. It l 3 yyui| known,that Diarrhea, is 0n.,0f the premonitory svmt.tmns of the Lheleia. Let me wrommend as a corrective of this disease, a preparation, | * whoso efficacy I have often attested. Take a j quart of water and make a strong decoction of garden Mint by boiling it down to a pint. Dis- 1 solve salt in half a pint of Vinegar, by tlio aid of t a gentle heat, until tho vinegar is completely ! satarrated ; pour this solution into tho mint tea; j - one wine glass full to he taken every two hours, j ( until tho disease is stopped. Two doses are j v usually sufficient. A dose of Castor Ud, wil' t rctnovo the ofiensivo matter, and restore tho . 1 system to health. ; A STRANGLE. FCR THE AUGUSTA CIIUONK EE. TUG TIMES—OH A FEW SHORT RE | FLEE S ION'S. The Tariff is unconstitutional: —ln this sent'.- j nieut all - i ” i ing? If nay, what evil can or ought to result i from a disobedience to its demands ? Is resist- | anco to an unconstitutional law proper ? If yea, • bow will you resist it ' By Nullification, seces- I J * Bion, or petition ? f ri»e last lias been tried and 1 as often failed. Tho first lias been adopted in ! several instances with success ptlic second has 1 never been tried. All arc State Rights—Anti tariirmen; but unfoi tunaloly, a large portion of j llio South, aro only so with their lips—their uc- j tions denolo lliem all to bo anti remedy, or sub- j mission men, of the worst sort. This kind of in- j consistency between their actions and llicirpiro- ; fissions, roiniiiils ue very much of a pack ol dogs, 1 which aro stationed to guard a house—they are j more opposed to each oilier than to tho thief.— ! No sooner docs one raise bis baik against tho ) thief, ihun all the rest jump uu him, and attempt j to whip him into silence. And so far do they ; carry their ridicuh>us conduct, that, while they j arc thus worry ing each other, the thief finds no , difficulty in plundering tho house. Now, how- ! overmuch such dogs may profess to hate the j ihiof, ami to love their master’s property, yet, it is plain, they arc tho vogue’s best lUcttds. So i it is with the submission men,—They make j many professions,yet, from their great clfinls to ; overthrow tho Nullifiers, and tho friends office- , dotn at the fourth, it is plain they aro thu best ; friends of our oppressor l !, tho ’manufactures j I’roof—All their speeches attd proceedings, arc- j sought and published will, the greatc t avidity, by all the papers engaged in their suppot t.— Trie manufacturers rejoice over every meeting, misnamed “ Union Meeting," at the fiouth, as thu’best security against their future plunder.— We i.pjiual to the eominou sense of every tea 1 suitable suhmissioii man, and candidly ask him, ] ' if tiie Nuliiliers were, at tho present time, fur j ' ■ i-d into silence, if their submission course u* j proceeding, would •vur remove another cent of j ', tliu 'farin’( On the contrary, would not tlu-J j mamifucdurura presume on tlieir submission so j I far, as to increase lire lintros, instead of iesseu- I ing them ? Cut those aro sat!, (iflice hunting , j Mif'U aro ready lo dotiownno nny ;<u> 1 C'C’V.ryihih'f, ! J that will holdout a prosjiocl of hol(,ju«f them fur- • ward. Our aro iniotlncay, our' lannciS are in debt, tiuius grow worsu and i ■ ! wo so at the -South; and yd, because wo aic ; ( I out hainlculled, and drove riboul the streets, we . 1 aic told wc me not oppressed 1 1 ' j Charles Eaton UaynCS, can w rite one thorp • j Hamburg, and another to suit the people of! •j Richmond. Ho is not deserving the .station he j ; socks, at any time ; Iml iu these times of suh j mission or liberty, rl fits talents were equal to! . his deed * q for office, he would never again rc ! ccivc our support. Those are ’no times . | for pliant ollieo-seekors. Let our joalrlio , men have more ■of Brutus in them. Lot thorn fie : made ol sterner stujj. Let them love t .-ru ar ! v, i.'i'A but unless ilt.ry love their conniry and Jn - | I hh’orty mere,-let them sink into the shades ofobli j vion. As to I /iu wll S r 11. Harris, it does not rc- 1 quire a man with ••half tin ounce" of common ■ [ sense, lo know Ire has changed as often for otfi- , ciii! pios’pects, as tire w ord Jrcquentlv docs itr ;r i moil tit. Wo will not dwell upon lus merits, ns J we presume lacy are but littlu known bevond i the limits of his own county. Many terms atu used by the submission men ; at (he South, such as ‘'Union now andfurcrcr!" j j .So cried the Tories, (bran everlasting union be- 1 : tween tho Mother country and the colonies. If' j ( ’>mgrc t -3 was Iu declare they should not sell ; j a bale of cotton to anybody but tlrcNorlhorn [iku- j ■' pie—or, that they should make a surrender of all ' personal properly, wo suppose their cry would ! , still bo, “ Union now and forever.” This would ' boa kind of Union that exists on the West India Plantations, between tho slaves and tlrui. mas- 1 lers. In all Republics, Cuiiatilulions mu.-liulu, ! and whenever they cease to rule, whatever ma | Jonty nniuiucs say lo tire contrary, lit,, u_ v | s at mi utid. I look to my finite 'Government for n protection of my liberty— and not to Washing * ton G uy. How is my Stale to protect my per son and liberty, against a phmdermg, uncon ; siitulionul law of Cong, ess, unless she haspow- ■ jer to authorize me to dis.,bay said law. The I Slate that f< fused prelect my liberty, aids to i.n i r’avc me,or if sin; quietly pencils me to be phi,.- ' dci-cd by a I iw, she never gave her consent in the compact, ti have , assed. If she has no pow er to lice me from a plundering law, passed in | violation and defiance of the agreement she i made, for the security of my liburly— then woo ; is me and mine, for my liberty is gone forever! I i I or, from ibo first hour we are to look to Wash j mitten City far our liberty, wc look to a consoli ■ ’la'ed Government, without limitation of,,owes j -w hose lawless majority may, nt pleasure, cm- I press me forever, under the deceptive title of J ‘ L.iron,” and iho Inrthcr the subject is from iho throne, the farther lie is removed from ail iu=:i"c, While i should continue iu slavery, !' ™«nd in my ears, about like ! lac invocation of God and Religion, to the hero 1 '-G expiring in die flames ,it the stake, by H, c ; dm .'cos of the Orthodox j, rofessors. j 'J uo frenzied Federalist editors, may endenv- ' or to lull their countrymen into the arms of ty. , rarmy,as n.uca ns they pi, asi'.TlroAthensGr.iiner, 1 may go mi w illi its “ fuolism ,” o ul the Geo. Gr. j zmie with hs federalism, and the Connor, Fed’) | c-'iuon, Democrat, Constitutionalist, and Gcor- j gi.m, with nun-remedyism, and nun-ism, as much ns they ploaso ; yet, if tho people know ) theit rntorert, u <y • '. to tree., in spiteof them j rdk APPITVG ‘ ravii? iw ~£* ■ ~■ r' ltJ, T’ UIVe ’ in PWd H lln-ir ( imiliir; they ■ notice the (i.Uf M«K-n,eu. ■ B| (ions <>l anonymous w .-\ H wonlcj only add. f or (h e j T ■ .■Medical students, that, at’, course ol Ilectures in the < t . tute, they will ht» eligible p.,‘iT''’,"* the degree of 31. I). on ul! course m any other (Sl!y’"® mteil Staten. ,J ‘ Uy order of the Fan, itv. ■ _ A _’l’:L: H' 'j■ i; I Medical CJollcgc ofir: I “ in !i bourse Os Ue,s & 'B A*- tins Institution will rerm on the second .Monday in huv'r"B next. 3 -'U'tiv,™ On Anatomy, I. E Hnlhrwk *.t r fl On fMirgery, John Wian,,- yj ■ On Obstetricsnnd n> ■ and Infants, Thomas O IVioh,,, Mnß On Institutes and i’raelh ,• t ,t On Materia Aledicit Hni.- u ' ■ 31. U. y K ‘‘KB | M °g Chl ‘ mist,, y- i-iltmtnd ICnvernl Demonstrator of Anatomv, T O l r ,in-1 linger, 31 D. --‘-Dr..* THOMAS (2. PlUOl.r.Vf I ~, ... JJort "J ilu y. I | H Imn ‘ 'j;..-' ■ I Projmsalsfcrs,, v ! v ;, i 1 •’«<«>!"s tit the li. r«. Aisenrl '{l ;rustn. Georgia, with Fresh lio.-f tor wl 1 months, commencing ihcti,>, (l , v/ | i October, ■l’Sbi, uiiii rll (11 jj o' (>u j| 1( . I ' day of September. 1H:W; will l.c - c .-ivol | i>y I »i« subscriber. mail iho I7ih .'I *l’ ‘■‘m' I'’ 1 '’ *'■ •’'*■ ' v lirn they will hen».| j ««• 1 lie beef to he ~1 a •fominr.l , I I some quality, in quarters, with ; , K | I portion of cadi, (\eehs and d m C' h ‘ be excluded.) The days of i |me probable quantity of f',-ef i.i; V ,..| | the terms and conditions us ibVe.i,' | tract, can lie ascertained on iiiuilicmi.'i j to the subscriber at Augusta A raw ; Georgia. i A i L’OWi.iht : and . i Cui t. ■ s u \ 1 | > s «‘|d *’ Id ' ;,.i r A\ riMj i '.ruEiTVTiLv, ~i | f Y This Olli a first rate j MdV.M AN I'idVl lit;, Ui wages w ill be give it, j Aitif IS !X JDHI* iFOIO' C-AKTfr)i{ i BS St <V\ i.\(j Keturm d a IK 1 the N n ihern (I do , I dri u, . will , estnne bis i*i dcssiunai ■. il | Auptii 2t | I* ISiHVJ.% I his V, dnmn / i ' v ttn citiK.'iO' ,;l ,\u , o,' -r . , « ■ ■ cin-iy. Hi. »"iii'u cis t.t '.« i."..i > ! I’m ui' r'ly (ecu jut ■! I.y E.u. I t'ornt rol \\ uslimgtoii (.‘id j where lie iimy I*, li iiiul o - h i.m.i , i<, r | sioruilly c to. agi d July I- • ■ i rr~: Dr. EDU'D. f Ju.* Ij-.vly I minty, Is tt ; idlce.tor ol President aid \ i-. e hi. i-n ii f . . —as bciay li ictidlj o< the i , <■!, a . j V.viiia-m J ,ck o-, and tin- ,l< ;-d in d j I'm i,: F. If »t.i n! li, ol V~y i < . ■■ U ■■ i \ ii »>- !'r< sidency. \ !»■£_! I j'jl .» X't <• are mdlmi'ised i » ■ UALfin; if?.\ '■ 11 f '■= a*.. t'aiulidctlc !■ ir <! <• il■ (ni. s ■ i of the Si.Hi r.e-":-t',lmv - ■■ clt’cii >n. ia {Jicbiti.m.lf.ntnt > r) r? ’We are tmtlnii'i/rd r.’i m. • ;LL^ 1 lIK\ ii VMM I:--; > I 'uiididate for Fo->e!ccfi>a» to ii •-<•«( ’’ l | Senatorial llraiic-b ofibe "):m tin e, on lh« first iMoiida;. in Del- ! 'er j All! 1 ' I Id '- 1 Ep \\ e are •,etherised to nnm m 11 ■ Oen. VAf EX S'SMi V as a I humiliate for the St Hide of.. •< ■ o, for S«iilimoud county, at lie < If. tober next. July til _ ! n- —We arc million; < d M sii. 1 *llll ! Li-J 1 EDVVAffD J. lli-Atb., ;■ : j a I 'undulate to I.('present il.e ( Ikiclimomi, in the Representative bnnm ! off fie State l.ejjisluiure, at the ! de.lion in October i Jul v 21 . ' I u(Vk ,u ..skCirfft, >«, pi > ;h, . j i* %P P * ft' 1,1 ■'■ * ji> ei\ Jiff Copaptnorsfiip tf | to | e . [ J1 isliiii; between '1 uoa I • > ; sox and .John A'.-v; i s. was disr ■>• • Ihe 1 til It of June Inst, by ua" ■ •' TOd ti.lf AVDiliiS*’ JOHN ns XIM.fX „ Franklin Cttnn'i/, sii ■.••. ■’■ n _ MISCHA.JI T IC 15.1^ Aiui'si.i. July2-Uli- l '-’- 1 /\ \ IXSTA D.M EXT of b 5 l' l ’ r pC I! | tm on the Capital Slock ol thi* will Ire required to be paid, on (*’• ’. ' , niumluy tiie otfi So\. next, bj - ut,lU p GEO. \V. I. V3IA R, IXt-'h'i'. July 23 mtd Xw5SL_ DUSiIA " tjn'' rv absmee Iren • i: ' M*y ' - ;i ,_ ri»nl to attend to any biH>n -1 ail. interested. . ... A. Ts. rr.-MF p .{■; ■ AnarstTA. Jiqy Ss’th. tv I'oifTl’bA .Cl! FrankiiM Shorrff'- . (Ju Tin-:da'j O IWIU- fcc cold, wididi V V iiours off a! tno ie-‘ perty, to ivii ; One negroe bry, by tbe uaitt 22 years of ayte, to sa'.-ty J - 1 Hcinuel Knox, . Xa; i’K-» /. y. One neproo womitJi, • y ' ijf . K , Hannah, aitout uft years r ’ , us the property oflillluba Dytn •; T . , , fy two ii. fits, in favor ol Sun;”- v 3. said i>vn.- K , - r\ '.V, j3l>- •' ’• C, <trv% \