Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, October 24, 1835, Image 3

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Our French Relations. — Every thing remains Undecided. —Despatches arrived from France the bther day, but they contained nothing leading to any decisive course. It is not yet determined whether the message shall sound the trump of war, or breathe the halcyon notes of peace.— U. S. Telegraph, 18 Ih inst. A Southern paper ridicules the mistake of an Alabama candidate, for saying, in a public speech, that ho “was in favor of the late Baltimore Con vention held in IVasKington City,” It was not however, so great a blunder as the Southern edi tor supposes.— A'ational Intelligencer. eoMMEitr i a i/. LATEST U*T£ FROM LIVERPOOL, SEPT. li). LATEST DATE FROM HAVRE, SEPT. 2. AUGUSTA MARKET. COTTON.—The late accounts from Liverpool arc so very discouragiag that the article fell fully 1 cent per lb.—the sales yesterday, having been made at 13 a 14, and fine 14 J cents. —If the frost has done as much injury to the crop in the Gulf States as it has in the Atlantic ones—and from the accounts from Alabama, we arc induced to believe it has been much more extensive than first expect ed, —the present rates for Cotton may be consid bred low enough, particularly as the quality is su perior to any previous crop in Georgia; and it is thought that the Georgia and South Carolina Col ton will this year be in most favor in the Europe an markets. GROCERIES. Sic. —No change in prices, and \ve therefore omit our usual prices current to make room for other matter. FREIGHTS—to Savannah, 1 cent per lb. to $2 per bale—to Charleston, j cent per lb. Extracts from a letter rec’d in this city, dated Liverpool, Tuesday, 15th Sept. 1835. “As we approach the opening of another sea son, in our great staple Cotton, it may not be amiss at this time to say a few' words on the sub ject of our future prospects as to prices, &c. We commenced the present year, with a small stock, and the promise of a good and extended Trade—provisions were plenty and cheap, and peace and quietness all over the land, in a word, we had every thing in our favor, —so that the Manufactures throughout the country, during the spring and summer months, proceeded with in creased means, without interruption of any sort, realizing all the hopes which had been previously entertained respecting them. The spinner, do ing a large and profitable business, was naturally in good spirits, and, through several months of the year, bought Cotton freely, for which he gave lib eral prices; but it is proper to remark that, how ever good his trade might have been, he would not have pursued the course he did pursue up to the end of May, were it not for his being spirred on by an apprehension that there might by possi bility be something like a scarcity of Cotton felt before the end of the year. The apprehension, while it lasted, urged him to purchase largely, through which we advanced in price, between the Ist January and the Ist June, about id on lower and middling, and 2d on the better qualities of short stapled Cotton. But the moment the spin ner shook off the fears respecting a short supply, he commenced a system of buying only as com pelled by his wants. The profits of his own trade at the moment being curtailed, assisted in produ cing this determination. For a lime our market remained tolerably steady, though very dull we think in our recollection we never knew the hold ers, as a body, display more patience and firm ness, than they did for several weeks through the months of June, July, and part of August, and we thought ourselves on the eve of ending the struggle favorably through the wants of the Trade, where, just at this moment, accounts came of a laroe crop on the ground in America, and, as it is known, broke down our prices from the highest point in May, 1} to 14 in the lower and middling qualities, and J to i on good and prime Cotton. Now, with respect to the extent ol the con sumption, it is not easy to say how it may be, with reference to that of last year. Wo believe, owing to the large production of fine numbers, it may be somewhat less than it was expected to be some time since. Nevertheless, we believe in an increase, and we would hope that this increase will amount to some hundreds of bales weekly over the consumption of last year, and which, naturally, leads to the further belief that we shall begin the next year with a smaller stock than that with which we commenced the present. But, if the reports of the crop in the United States be realized, any deficiency which we may have on this side will be amply compensated for. And here we would again remark, (and to which we would direct particular attention,) that we were indebted to the belief in a short supply this year for a great part of our advance in the spring; and, should reports, such as led to that advance, come forward, after a while, respecting the present crop, the question is, urlt probable the Trade will be induced to act as they did last spring! Wc think not, the error they committed in taking a larm is too recent, to expect them to pursue the same course again without better proofs as to the probable extent of supply. From the foregoing view of the subject it will be easily seen that we are opposed to high prices being given in America; and if there be one quality of Cotton more dangerous than another it is good Cotton, —at present, owing to a scarci ty here, it commands a high relative price, and perhaps the very five 1 arrivals of the new crop ’—even though pu.o> seJ a ‘ “ Wgh rate A ' tncrica—may secure a profit, but tuC moment the supply increases, that class of Cotton to a certainty falls in price, and supposing our quo tations, when the first of the new crip comes to market, to be the same as they arc at present, the quality now quoted at a shillling, will proba bly drop after the arrival of a few cargoes to lid, whilst the lower and middling qualities may main tain their ground. But, above all others, we would ciution our Mobile friends against giving the high prices winch may be demanded for godd Cotton in that market. It may bo expected that his description of Colton will again take the lead of Upland in our market, and command higher rates, and so it will, if wc have another crop of the latter as inferior as the last crop, but as this is not likely, the probability is the price of finer qualities of Mobile Cotton will bear a lower re lative value to other sorts than it has done during the present year. We are aware of the improv ing quality of this Cotton, and fully appreciate it, but we wish to guard against the mistakes which might arise out of its position this year, owing to the failure in the quality of Upland, and which may not happen again. Our market last week was in a still worse state than it had been previously. The sales a mount to about 11,600 bales as follow : 3830 Up land a Hi; 3160 Orleans 8J a 13j; 1760 Alabama and Mobile 7j a 12J, Ac. Ac. s The imports of all sorts of Cotton into the King. ! dom since the let Jan. amount to 860500 bales, I against 828000 received during the same time f last year: and of American, separately, the supply . has been 565000, against 676,000 bales. The stock of Cotton at this port, as now estimated, a -1 mounts to about 289000 bales, against 243000 at ’ the same time last year, and of American it ap . pears to be 233,000 against 210,000 bales. Sept. 10.—The sales the last two Jays arc a bout 2500 bales—the market flat.” New York Market, Sept. 17. Cotton. —lmport from the 10th to the 17th inst., 585 bales. Since the 10th inst., the date of our last report, the transactions in this article a mount to about 2000 bales, consisting of 1100 Uplands at 14 to 16Je. (new crop 17 a 18c) 550 New Orleans at 17 to 18c, and 350 Alabamas at 15 to 17e, the currency before established having i been well supported throughout. ■ Flour . —The supplies arriving this week have [. been quite limited, and the demand has been very firm, with a tendency upwards; they loft off a 1 shade higher than last week, viz; Western 6 12 *a6 18 ; Fancy 625 a 6 31, Georgetown and Howard-st. 6 50 a 6 52. Sugars. —The improvement in Europe has put up the price here full a quarter of a cent, and ■ there has been a very active demand. Sales with i in the range of our quotations. White, box stuck on hand 500 ; Brown do. 9000, Muscovada 2000 hhds ; New-Orleans 2000 do. Freights. —Vessels for some lime since have been crowding South, after freights to Europe; and have generally got full. Freight to Liver pool for Cotton are sd. per lb, in square, and jJ. per lb. in round bales. Exchange Foreign. —By' the last packet went up—A very extensive business was done in Ex change on England at 109 at 109 J per cent for cash, up to 1094 a 110 for papei. Bills on France for 5 224 per cent for cash, to 5 20 for paper. Liverpool Market, Sept. 14. Our Cotton market has become exceedingly depressed, and the prices of all descriptions have given way considerably. The better qualities of American are fully j to 4 per lb. lower, and the inferior, which are much pressed upon the market, are scarcely saleable at the reduction of sd. Sept. 15.—Wc had scarcely any market for Cotton to-day', consequently we are without change. Sept. 16.—The demand for Cotton was ex tremely limited on the part of the trade, and as holders generally evinced a strong disposition to sell, the market bore a dull, heavy appearance, throughout the week, for although prices of the lower descriptions of American declined fully 4 a gd per lb. the trade were not any more dispo sed to purchase than previously. Speculators were also very inactive; not taking over 200 bales, all American. For export, however, there was a good enquiry, and 1150 bales American and 50 Surats were taken for that account. The imports of the week were 28,017 bales. For the past four days the sales are estimated at 8000 bales, of which 500 ha»e been taken on speculation, and 1000 for export; the market con tinues depressed without alteration in prices. Sept. 10.—The sales of Cotton last Saturday, were 1500 bags; Monday 2500 bags; and yes terday 500 bags—of these 700 are for export, and 200 to speculators. The sales this day are esti mated at 1500 bags. Extract from a letter received in Charleston. Liverpool, Sept. 16.—The import of Cotton into the Kingdom, from the Ist January to this day,has been 668,000 U.S. 110,000 Brazil, 6,000 W. India, 66,000 E. India, 20.000 Egypt, &c. Total 870,000. MARRIED* In this city, on Thursday afternoon, by the Rev. George Pierce, Gabriel S. Clark, Esq. to Miss Eliza Gibson, all of this city. In this city, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. George Pierce, Mr. Seaman P. Hopkins, of Alabama, to Mrs. Maiialatr Brno, of this C'ly- To (Use Ladies (/it iilli Hit-n. I civ Mis I a h lisle ment. 4 HE subscriber respectfully announces to if. the citizens of Augusta, that he has this day opened, and will Continue to do so during this month, until he has completed his assortment of the most fashionable JEWELLERY of every article in that line. Having selected them him self from the cities of New York and Philadel phia, at the lowest prices, ho can afford to sell them as low as any other establishment in this city, and respectfully invites the public in general to call and examine. Ho also manufactures a variety of articles of Jewellery, and the work manship of any thing ordered, if not approved, may not be taken. Watches repaired by a first rale workman, and every thing warranted—hop ing by the most prompt despatch and attention, to merit a liberal share of patronage. J. B. MURPHY, 1 No. 251, North side Broad-street, opposite the United States Hotel. 1 Oct 24 3t 7 fJ&Y a young man, well known throughout J) the city, a SITUATION in some respec table Dry Goods or Grocery Store. Satisfactory ( recommendations will be given, if required. Ap ply at this office. Oct 21 4t 7 LOST, ' A LARGE Red Morocco POCKET BOOK, ! containing some papers valuable to the j subscriber, and of no value to any other person. ( Any person returning the same to the subscriber, ( or leaving them at this office, will receive Five Dollars reward for the same. The letters and j papers will recognize the owner. WM. SHANNON. ' Oct 24 Btw 7 S2OO B 8 ISW All EL ’ LOST, on Friday the 9th instant, in the city of Augusta, or between that and the Sand 1 Hills —principally in 100 dollar bills, the 1 balance in 50’s-au «n the Bank of Augusta. The above reward will be given for the money, —or if returned through the posi-dlicc iu ..-I* city, to the care of Edward Thomas, Esq. the ii.!- der may retain the reward, and no further enquiry Shall he made. J- TERRY. Oct 24 3t 7 $l.O ISKWAIKJ*- LOST, OR MISLAID, in this city, within a few days past, four NOTES OF HAND, drawn in favor of the subscriber, by Aaron Smith, Esq. Mr. Henry Gary, Mr. Bcnj. Harper, and Ro bert Billion, Esq. all dated Hancock county, Geor gia, October Ist, 1835, and made payable on the first of January, 1836.—A1l persons are cautioned , against trading for the above Notes, and the ma kers of them, against paying thorn to any person but myself.—'The above Reward will be paid to any person who may have found the above descri bed Notes, by leaving them at the office of the Augusta Chronicle. JAMES STEWART. Oct. 24 H 7 , The Southern Recorder, will please gWC the above one insertion. Administrator’s Sale. 1 On the first Tuesday in January next, WILL be sold, at the lower Market House, in Augusta, by permission of the hon orable Court of Ordinary, of Richmond county, all the Lands belonging to the estate of John T. Low, deceased. 1 GEORGE L. TWIGGS, Adm’r. Oct 24 wtd 7 ‘ ___ TABLE OF ELECTION RETURNS FOR 1835. • o g ? ’ ? 3 ? f pi i COUNTIES. „ r'5 r f a woJ3sp Senators. Representative*. P 3 . 2 ► * ? H * * ■ - -1 I I a . Appling, 59 us 57 521 53 58 TuT ili Tli llTi Leggett u ' Hall u Kr 7 3 Jo 28 7°t 77 320 311 313 316 i Kenan! „ Jordan. „ Burk!’ J? 9 9 73 73f 73 73 60 60 60 GO] Hines. , Bird. , Bulloch ° 2 ‘m J/ ? 571 i 584 578 318 296 296 312 l Lawson, < Burke, s Attaway, s Burton, i Bibb"* q 7 n r a™ so, ao, 344 343 342 301 l Conc.« Wilkinson. * as -s Ssz ! i »a a a %su ssfffl: a a s a in a * s a a sr.“ aii’ saaaa a s a a a esk? ajr.osa.’ia?.* Camden 990 999 ??» 3 8 333 322 492 452 448 4-17 Crowell, u King, » Colbert u Campbell 137 ill I'?! 48 42 173 17 4 W 4 173 Brown, u Clark, u Nightingale, t Coweta ’ a O7 As Ai Ann' im , 9° 483 416 428 Cochran, u McCoy, u White, a Carroll ’ 139 43R 999 , 9 999 At 644 642 644 Echols - “ Wood > “ B,nit1 '- u Cherokee 163 toi }99 ia! fa! ft® 439 334 447 449 Boggess, u Rogers, u Hamilton, u Cass, ° 0 ’ Igo 0 34 140 144 151 146 199 204 195 199 McConnell. « Candler, u Cobb, 137 265 120 120 119 140 266 285 258 266 McAfee “ S’! 1=; aaaaaa aaa a| st- a a 111 aaal* “a s srr sac*. gl a 5 « « nl .2 .2 .S ml SSt*. r&- £3« a 1 £S S s s >■“='" aa. Forsyth 202 ! IA Z Z fax 499 306 498 4fls! K '"S- Landrum. Alien. FffiyV 10 312 309 310 Barker -.“ Greene, 728 29 728 723 730 728 03 nr. na oJ Hemphill, it Lumpkin, « Gwinnett 754 st7 irk H, 10, I?? 23 23 28 '1 Dawson,* hosier,* Janes,* Glvnr ' 85 ia m to ‘A 873 878 896 87l i Blackmon, u Rarnbo, u Ezzard,« Hamilton, t< Martin, t< Gilmer 19 inn ?2 99 ? 8 43 40 45 «| King. * Dart, Houstoun. inner, 19 100 18, 16 20 18 100 100 100 100 Cooper, u Burnett, u ££* 723 to* 660 661 1 662 tA sA 389 394 393 | Go " dcr - 4 Vinson - * In S™n, * Smith, * Houston 177 A; !!! 95} 91 91 441 443 448 44 4 ) While, * Read. , Henry, * Henry ’ qo.> 7 ni fin 431 VA lor °®® 033 654 643 Hemmingwuy, u Kelly, u Engrain, u Duncan, U Hall 407 7,1 4 5® f 3! tit 195) 739 744 752 751 Sellers, « Camp, n Pettit, „ Beck, n Habersham °37 rns km 170 on! ? !> o 727 923 721 729 1 Dunagan, u McAfee, u Clarke,« Sanford, u Bates, 11 ir -aisisaq aasi a sat td a a sii aa™ia aa a as: jsl «' a a a a ssz. SF a a a a a sat • {as, a“saa aa u s u i m , u i yr— * iT"*' 52 52 52 515 552 552 201 198 »■! ww?* Lumpkin, aaaa aa a a 1:1 a as? • sd; m3S’ 853 817 gpo 111 4 1 8 4 !9 2 !9 209 219 299 Nisbet, * Rb.yd, * Vanlandingham,. Leonard,. srr 7 ii s n i 7 h i 4 994 397 799 sssv Macintosh, 1f36 C 60 64 62 0 U7 “ Carson, h SSLry, Z 7 ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ 288 “ Memwcthcr, 556 681 1 543 540 546 551 691 OB7' 682 680 Sentelhu j!l',!oTi/ PhUl'K u 99? ?f}i 398 393 399 399 323 336 325 335 Burkhaller, * Bivins, , offip. lss { 155 In 199 199 I9 7 915 310 311 312 s Harris,* Loyal. , Luckie,. Pu narn r,!s( rtn 1 tlr 999 156 133 133 1341 T “y |or . • Landrum, . Hubbard . M’Kinley,. ?2S 261 ?99 220 234 l 233 l oordon ' * ■ llud9 '>''- 8 Mcrrivvcther, . Pike 7 i?? > 2B 299 »«1 262 262 Clayton, u Bracewell, u Howell, « > rulding 99' 3 m I 3 92 3 ! 3 3 99 99 582 328 329 327 Harris - “ Baker, n Williams, « 1 auldtng, 65 Jll 97 48 60 58 97 101 911 96'l Walthall, u Bryson, « Rahun° nd ’ 9 282 I 44 9 ®‘9i 499 620 330 5 ‘4 551 V. Walker, u Staffing*. G. Schley, u A.Rhodes, u n . 1 ..9 2 ?5i 5 5 5 5 254 260 244 278 1 Mosely, u Kelly, u Coffee, u Randolph, 148 306 143 137 144 145 307 300 300 305 ! Canfp, 9“™"' 999 ?l!l 237 23 1) 234 231 228 219 219 21oi McCall, * Black, » Green, * Stewart, 423 574 , 427 426 518 533 573 567 587 572 Robinson. Dismukes, T,it Cr’ro 991 V.l TV, 320 383 279 278 274 Howart, » McCrary, * Twfts ’ nfa .f 9’ tal 9 9 199 406 13 11 13 13 , Moore,* Nelms, s Jeffries. , Twiggs, 314] 453. 397 310 310 308 585 456 435 453 1 Smith, « Tarver, « Solomon, u bornas, 275, 64 281 27 276 274 CO 55 49 58 Newman,* Reynolds. * Mclntire, * t' 1. 199 V 1?1 19 104 j 194 197 1" 1" 164 Rogers, u Hatten, u lattnaH, 217| 59j 218 -,11 213! 215 05 53 54 56 Surrency, s Sharp,* i albot, 739| 843 730 730 744 729, 847 846 844 847 Powell. I Towns, Riley, n r ° up ’ 999 99 9 9 11 9I8 I 913 299 239 237 249 , AI ford, * Lewis,» Dougherty, » Upson, 507 417 501 500 503 501 423 424 422 424 Holloway,* Davies,» Collier, i wT’ ® 999 ' I Chastain, u Thomas, u | Ces ’ 939 349 993 927 "2 526' 518 519 551 551 1 Willis, u Brown, u Bolton, it Bradford « Walton, 341 603 308 305 307 311 641 001 696 60G 1 . Echols, u Early,«Bryant, u Hill, it Warren, 540, 410 537 536 544 543 441 430 429 4451 Gibson. Harris,« Chandler, « Wilder, Washington, 5«3 583 531 508 517 516) , 585 574 677 582] Robison, « Harris, n Whitfield, it Wayne, 5 | 88 57 53 59 60- 89 83 851 88 Sheffield, it Robson, it Ware, 11 181 Wilkinson, 143 455 130 231 129 130 4501 446 448 461, Little, it Rivers, n Hatcher, U Walker, 78|19() 78 73| 78| 7?| 1711 171 160, 17a 1 ) Tanner, it 4 1.0T418,\G E,TII»OK t I U ! l*ricc 4* * fin fieri/, Men’s M EKCERS, DIIAPEIIS & ’I’aILORS, Between the United States and Globe Hotels, Are now opening a Splendid assortment OF Fall »nd Winter («ooiln, SELECTED by one of ihe firm from the latest importations at New York, and which will be made to measure, at short notice, and in the most fashionable and approved stylo. Among them are: Superfine West of England, > „ Black, bine, & fancy colored 5 BnOiDCLOTIIS . Double Ribbed, Victoria,?,-. And fancy colored Cassimeres, Comprising new and splendid articles. Figured Quilted Silk, V Plaid and Figured Velvet, C Vestings, Figured and Plaid Valentia, j Including some entirely new patterns. The above Goods are equal in fabric and qua lity to any ever imported, and will be disposed of at moderate prices, on the usual terms. CCj* Orders from the country promptly attend ed to. October 24 103 Splendid and Modern Household Furniture At Auction, BY 81-lAIiD A FITTS. ON WEDNESDAY, the 28lh inst. will be sold at Public Sale, the entire Household Furniture of A. P. Pillot, Esq. at his residence, facing the River and near the Bridge—it comprises: Mahogany Chairs, Italian, Marble Top Cen tre and Pier Tables: Italian Marble Top Side Boards, Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Mahogany Wardrobes, splendid Mahogany French Bed and ■ Furniture, in room to match—Bronze, Molcau, Clock, do. Candle Sticks, Chandeliers, with ex tra shades—Bronze Figures, Pier Glasses, Car pets ami Rugs, Beds, Matrasses, two splendid Prints from Byron’s Mazeppa—and numerous other articles 100 numerous to mention in an ad lisemont—the principal part of the above Furni ture was manufactured to order without limit to price, and executed by the best Mechanics of New York and Philadelphia, Ladies and Gentlemen can inspect the Furni turc previous to day of sale, by applying to John V. I Cowling, or to the Auctioneers. B. &. P. October 17 5 olsncrican Tetri’ MSegislcr AM) SPORTINO MAGAX 1X E . Contents von October, 1835. Verlinan/. NOTICE of Autocrat. Peformance of Oli vette, (dam of Autocrat.) Lottery, Vani ty, Breeding in-and-in, Diomed, Sir Archy, Tiillc, &c. To breeders of horses. Liberal and judi cious purchases of English horses, by Col. Wade Hampton. Sale of the Royal stud, Eng. Prices of hunters and hacks in Eng. Wild horse of the West. The racehorse —once more. Fair Forester. Doy of Algiers. How blood contri butes to longevity. Autumnal sports and pas times. Rifle match in Tennessee. Archery—the United Bowmen of Philadelphia. London horse auction. Rifle shooting in Tennessee. Trout fishing in New England. Emancipation, im ported. Animal instinct. Sporting Intelligence. Central Ooufse —prospects for fall races. The Kendall Course: Tayloe’s Quicksilver. Colum bus, (Miss.) face course. Imposture delected, Colt race near Charlestown, Va. Trotting match at Pittsburg. Travelling pigeons. Anecdote of a dog. Death of Purlon, Dolly Dixon and Don Carlos, 7 lacing Calendar. ! Races at Christiansville, Va. Tree Hill, Va, Crab Orchard, Ken. Madison, Ken. Bellficld, ) Va. Fayette, Mo. Turf Register—Pedigrees. Enbelushment—Portrait of Autocrat. Oct 21 9 HAMER’S HOTEL.! On the square fronting the Market, and adjoin- [ ing the Court House. fwfgigmA. THE subscriber announces to his nTiOl ft Bat fr‘ on( ' 3 01 >d the public gencral ly, that he has leased that large Hli s SI aI) an j commodious establishment re mnpaaa ccnlly occupied by James Rush, j where ho will be happy to ac | cornodale all who may favour him with their pa '{tionage, and assures them, that his best efforts shall be used to please. His table shall at all times at all lime be sup , plied with the best the market can afford; his Bar with the choicest liquors ; and his Slablcs, with an abundance of provender, attended by faithful Ostlers. From the superior skill of his Mother and Sis ters in this line of business, from the many ad vantages which his house affords, together with his unceasing exertions to please, he flatters him self that he will be able to render to all, the . most ample satisfaction. WVI. H. IIAMNER. Columbia, S. C. Sept, 30 1835 1 J\'ecdle Worked . fin si in CAPKB AND COLLARS. Snowden & Shear HAVE received this day, from New York, a very large supply of Ladies splendid NEEDLE WORKED MUSLIN CAPES and COLLARS, of the latest Paris styles, and of very superior work—the assortment is very large, and will bo sold at reduced prices. They have also received, a supply of NEEDLE WORKED BODIES for infants dresses and infants Linen Cambric Caps, very handsomely worked. Also, Needle Worked Muslin Edgings and Inserlings. The Ladies are respectfully requested to call and examine the assortment. Oct 21 6 ■ Splendid MS!nek Silks. Snowden & Shear HAVE received this day, from New York, a very large supply of splendid Black Silks, of a superior style, and very rick lustre, (single and double widths.) Also, expected to-morrow, I by the Rail Road, new stylo fancy colored and figured Silks, for Ladies dresses, (very neat pat terns,) to which they respectfully invite the at tention of the Ladies. Oct 21 6 CABJPETM.YG, Snowden & Shear, HAVE received this day from Now York, a very large supply o. superior Ingrain and Venetian Carpels of new and splendid patterns; also, 5-8, 3-d, and 4-4 rich striped Carpets for Stairs and Halls; also, 7-8, 9-8, 4-4, 5-4, 0-4, 7-4, and 8-4 superior Oil Cloth Carpeting, and a large supply of printed floor Baizes; also, a very large supply of Hearth Rugs of rich and new patterns to match the Carpets. Persons wishing to purchase the above articles, will do well to call and examine the assortment, which is now very large and will be sold at very low prices. Oct 21 6 A € VRH JOHN B. GUEDRON respectfully Informs the citizens of Augusta, that he still conti nues to run his OMNIBUS to the Rail Road De pository, in Hamburg, Bail*, expressly for the accommodation of the public. It will call for Passengers from any section of the city, and take them to any place desired, within its limits—and, in all instances, will run through Broad street, to the principal Hotels. lie feels thankful for the . very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, , and solicits a continuance of the same, Oct 7 _ 3 LAW BLANKS Xcull } Executed ut till* (titles. MMK. MtOBEMSTSOJ\ * HAS REMOVED his OFFICE permanent ly to the Plantliis’ Hotel Out 3 6tw 2 IMM HV.Vfx .IT Mt.g.ViP. lIItdIILST PICIKL, < 30,000 DOLLS. 7 t tillilledgeville Street Eotlery. 1 DRAWING ANNOUNCED 1 The Fifth and LAST DAY’S DRAWING of this SPLENDID SCHEME. WILL Positively take place on TUESDAY ( the 10th us November next, ALL IN r ONE DAY !!! When the following Prizes will J be placed in the Wheel, viz : 1 Prize of 30,000 Dollar*. 1 I “ “ 1,000 do. [ I “ “ 900 do. 1 “ “ 800 do. I “ “ 700 do. I £c “ 600 do. I “ “ *SOO do. I “ “ 400 do. | 1 “ ££ 300 do. 1 ££ “ 200 do. ALSO, On that day. the FIRST NUMBER drawn from the Wheel, will bo entitled to one ol the Ca pital Prizes of 5,000 DOLLAICft, In addition to such Prize as may be drawn to its number; ami the LAST DRAWN NUMBER 1 will also be entitled, in the like way, to another o ; the Capital Prizes of FIVE THOUSAND DOL- j LARS 111 So that the Wheel, on that FINAL DA Y, will be much richer than at any previous J drawing. Tickets ate now selling rapidly, and , we invite adventurers to make their investments as early ns possible. WHOLE TICKETS, $lO 00 HALVES, 6 00 QUARTERS, 2 50 Orders enclosing Cash or Prize Tickets, will receive prompt attention. When Ton Dollars or more is remitted, the postage need not be paid. WRIGHT & COSNARD, Managers. “ Apply in Augusta at the AUGUSTA JOB PRINTING OFFICE, ROBERTSON’S, 193 a Broad street, next below Dr. Wray’s, or to T. G. 1 SCOTT, agent, Globe Hotel. 0 Oct 10 ts 6 aiATIiSA cV LVAVS 1 »Wisb to inform their former customers, and the public gen erally, that they have on hand, a Large Assortment of HATS, of every different description, of their own Manufacture, - Which they offer at prices which 1 they arc confident will satisfy the buyer, and on J terms the most accommodating, 1 They have, also, the most Splendid Assortment of CAPS, for Gentlemen, Boya, and Children, | probably ever offered Itl this market, also, ; Ladies BONNETS, of the latest English and American Fashions. * (fj“Tho highest prices given for Hatting Furs. Oct 7 8t 3 ftold Lot For Salt*. LOT No. 17, in 17th District, Cass county— , said to be a rich lot, and entered as first quality. It is well watered, a large stream run ning through it. Apply to the subscriber, at the 1 Eagle &. Phoenix Hotel, Augusta. 11. W. IIAMNER. | Oct 17 it* 5 — l * l — l —g—bbj^-rb ; f% FARM *3L& fok sai.,e. /■'IHE subscriber offers for sale, his FARM ii ■*• Columbia county, sixteen miles abovi _ Augusta, on the Euchee Creek, containing 901 acres, a portion of which is first quality Oak am Hickory. The Farm is in good order, and 01 the premises is A NEW SAW AND GRIS’I M 11,1,, built within the last twelve months. Th Georgia Rail Road runs within two miles of th Mills, which will make it veiy convenient to dc liver Lumber to the Contractors. It will be soli a bargain, it applied for immediately; For fuithc particulars, apply to Dr. Edmund Tucker, on th premises, Holcombe, Peck & Co. Augusta, or th subscriber, in Charleston, S. C. „ , JOHN Ci HOLCOMBE; o°* If wlm 5 •I TEACHER rpHL Commissioners of the Watnesro ■- nocou AcAiiuir, in Burko County, tah this method of informing all those who are en gaged in the instruction of youth, that the fund: of the Institution are amply sufficient to allow o a salary of four hundred dollars, which will, whet added to the tuition money, amount to eight hun dred or a thousand dollars. The Building is largo and commodious, bavin; six rooms for tho accommodation of the Tcachc and family, besides the Academical rooms, witl all tho necessary out-buildings. Its situation ii retired, and one of the most pleasant in the vil lage, rendering it a very desirable residence for ! Teacher. None need apply for the Rector ship of this Academy unless possessed of the fol I lowing requisitions, viz: n thorough knowlcdgi of the English, Latin, and Greek languages, am an Unblemished moral character and reputation. By order of the Board, THOS. M. BERRIEN, President, J. G. BADULY. Treasurer. WILLIAM URQUHART, Dr. I. P. GARVIN, J. C. POYTHRESB, G. H. HARRIS. JAS. W. JONES, Sce’ry. To Board of 'Trustees. Waynosborough, Oct; 17 w2m 6 PLAATATIOA FOR SALT, In Lincoln Family, Georgia. fMIHP Subscriber offers for sale, a Valuable H Tract of Land, lying on tlio waters of Soap Creec,in Lincoln county, about three miles below Lincoln Court House, on the main road from Au gusta to Petersburg, and on either side of the rood. The tract consists of about 500 acres, more or leas, with about 150 acres In cultivation, and in good repair; with u good Dwelling House, Gin House, Colton Gin, '1 hreshing Machine and Fan, good Corn Cribs, Stables. Meat House, Kitchen, and other outhouses ; and an excellent Spring conve nient, It is a healthy place, and well watered, in every respect. Apply to the subscriber, on the promises, and if by letter, direct to LiuooJnjAin, Lincoln county. RICHARD POWEL. Sept 30 3tw* I iiivatßi.Uj voeeege Os South Carolina, QUEEN STREET—CHARLESTON. raiHH Annual course of Medical Instruction in JK. this Institution, will commence on the 2d Monday in November next, and terminate on the Ist Saturday in March ensuing, Anatomy.— By William Hume, M. D. Surgery.—My Elias Horry Dcas, M. D. Theory anil Practice of Medicine.— By Thom as V. Simons, M. D. Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medlca —By Henry Alexander, M. D. Chemistry. —By Charles Davis, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of IVomen and Chil dren—By Francis V. Porchor, M. D. Anatomical Demonstrations. —Bv H W Ctouch, M. D. (CJ*Olcnicol Instruction will bo daily afforded at the Marino Hospital and City Alms House, which are under the Medical direction of this Faculty; also, in the Infirmary attached to the College, which is appropriated (o negroes. FRANCIS V. PORCHER, M, D. „ Dean of tho Faculty. William Hume, M. D.Scc’ry, of the Faculty. Aug. 15 (Ej” The Savannah Republican, Augusta Chronicle, Montgomery Journal, Columbia Tele scope, Mobile Register, Raleigh Star, ai d Green ville Mountaineer, will publish the above Adver tisement once a week ti l Ist November, and send their Bills to the Secretary for payment,— Mer I y. Adininlstrntor’s On /'nesday, the 17 th of November next, WILL ho sold, within the u-ual hours of Sale, at the late residence of William C„i ke, bile of Jefferson county, deceased, all the personal property belonging to the Estate of said deceased, consisting of; Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, one pair of Mill Slones and Mill Irons, 1 Cotton Gin, and many other articles to tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. LEWIS LAMPP, Adm’r. October sth, 1835 wtd 4 A«lmiiii*fraJop’s Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Wil liam Clarke, late of Jefferson county, de ceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment; and those to whom tho Estate is indebted, are requested to present their accounts, properly attested, within the time prescribed l>y law. LEWIS LAMPP. Adm’r. October 5, lft3s Pfv 4 Btiirkc Sherill*’,* Sale. On the First Tuesday in November next, WILL In;Bold, itt the Court House door, in the town of Waynesboro*, JJurke county, within the usual hours of salci One Tract of Oak and Hickory Land, contain* ing thirty acres, more or less, enjoining lands of Jeese Knight, and others; levied on ns the pro perty of Holland Red, to satisfy one fi. fa. in favor of Lewis Whitfield. Levied on and leturncd to me by a constable. WM. D. DOUGLASS, Shff. d. c. October 3 wtd ‘2 Aaimuiastmlos*’* Sale. On the first Tuesday in Juan try next, A,'ILL be sold, at the Court house in Lin w * oolnton, Lincoln comity, within the naual hours of sale, agreeably loan order of the Honor able Inferior Court of said county, while silling for Ordinary purposes, 100 acres ofJLand, on the dry fork of S >ap creek, adjoining Rcmson and oth ers ; and one Negro Man named Charles ; Sold as the property of John W. Turner, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors. Terms made known at sale. SHADBACII TURNER, Adm’r. Oct 3 Stw* 2 Administrator's Sale. O r /fir first Tuesday in November nrM, AGREEABLY to an’order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Richmond County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold, at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the usual hours of sale : The following NEGROES, belonging to the Estate of Charles Williamson, deceased, late of said county, viz: Charles, a man ; Harriet, and Dicey, women; Julia, a girl; and Jacob, a child To be sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms, cash. E. C. WILLIAMSON, Adm’r. August 15 wtd 92 Insurance Bank Stock. ON the first Tuesday in November next, at the Lower Market Hou=e, in this cily, the undersigned will offer for Sale, from Two to Three Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock of the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC. Oct 10 wtd 4 8 CIRCULAR. THE Facultt or thk Mebical CotL^Hjii OF TUE State op South Carolika^B * "“““co to the Public that the exercises of IBS® in Institution will be resumed on the second vo day in November . )0 In issuing this, their Circular, they canß- Vj id but congratulate themselves upon tho hi winch has attended their exertions—tho 'i ly increasing Classes of each succeeding lie They proceed to state what has been doneß • W lie the advancement of the interests of the CullcHSj e- as well as ihc opportunities which arc afforded^BßS Id the acquirement ofa Medical Education. or The Public need not now be informed of ;ic new organization of Pm College, and of lie tulilisbment of a Broard of Trustees of highly pectable gentlemen, who, free from and opposing interests, can more directly _ | welfare of the Institution, and secure its wH| | being mure effectually. Nor need they upon the cominodiousnose of their building o- experience lias proved fully equal for all the iv poses ot lecturing, and the convenience and n- commodatiun of the students. BHH ds In the several departments of the ol the opportunities for improvement have n much extended, and exertions made to place n- Institution upon as respectable a fooling as other in tho Union. ig the Libuart established a year since, or bers upwards ol 2.000 volumes of useful, th ry and valuable books, is Additions have boon made, by contributions I- purchases, to the Museum, of Specimen* in a turn! History, Phrenological Casts, and AiuuHS r- micul preparations! Orders were sent during d- past year to France and Italy, for Anatomical ;e paratiuns, ol which some have been received, id oibors expeclcd. Among the first, very mg Specimens of the Absorbent sysiem, from anchini of Pisa, which he has stated to be than any ever sent to this country. Jsj All of these arc subordinate to the very opportunities afforded for the acquirement of knowledge of Anatomy in its dctsils. Os branch, it may truly bo said to constitute foundation ofa Medical Education, and in part of the Union are the facilities for its full i. comprehensive understanding more extensive, oiHl more available ; diligence on the part of the dent being alonS necessary to perfect him in > very essential department. fl| An Infirmary cslbblishcd by the Faculty, been in bringing to the notice the students, diseases and morbid affections , most interesting character. By reference to records during the past winter, it will be how necessary on addition it forms to a mcdicalßi L> education, where not only the most important ’ eases are exhibited, but the most skilful and ' ccssful methods of relieving them. Being under ■ the eye of the Student, the Curative • are witnessed, and nn opportunity is afforded inH| • surgical cases especially, nut only of ' the disorder, but of conducti. it through its • sequent stages, to a benllhy issue. In The OPERATIONS performed before the B| * Class during the past year, were—Lithotomy ‘ for Hydrocele, with tho several modes of treat-HI 1 ment, by incision, acton, and injection; for Cate- Bt nact, by depression, puncturing, and extraction (HE ■ or Si'rvniiulateii Hernia —ExriuPATrOH Cancerous Mamma and Tumors of various sizes — Amputation- of the Leg, Penis, &c. M Opportunities fur Clinical Instruction, are fur nished by attendance upon the Marino Hospiu H and Cily Almshouse, the Wards, of which, by • H resolution of the City Council, arc open to all Students of Medicine in the city. B j The following comprise the Faculty, and Iha Hx I Branches that arc taught: Wt 3 Anatomy —J. Eiivtabiis Holbrook, M. D. M Surgery — John Waonlr, M. D. S Institutes and Practice of Medicine —S. Him- H nr Dickson, M. D. in . Physiology — James Moultrie, Jr. M. D. 18 Obstetrics —Thomas G. Phioi.eau, M. D. B r Chemistry —Edmdnii Ravenel, M.D. B Materia Medicu — Henry R. Frost, M. D. H Demonstrator of Anatomy — John Bellinger, H I. M.D. ■ Tho Candidate for a Diploma of the College H must have attained the age of 21 years—bear k H good mural character—have rtudied Medicine H j three years with some respectable practitioner,— H . have attended two full courses of Lectures, one of H N which must he in this Institution—and one course B e of Uemonslrations in the Dissecting Room, and E must off r n respectable Thesis or Dissertation H upon some Medical subject, 9 Good Boarding and Lodging lan be obtained in H the Oily at four dollars per week. The healthiness of Charleston during the win.' H , ter reason, with its moderate climate, may be ari fl . inducement with many to resoil to this Institution H . | fur health, and tho prosecution of their medical H pursuits. 9 HENRY R. FROST, M. D., Death 1 Charleston, Jane, 1535. 89 m * The Class in 1832 and ’34, numbered 104 9 Students, and 39 Graduates. The Class in 1834 9 and ’35 numbered 127 Students and 38 Graduates. 9 while they have inspirited ihemin their under, fl taking, have also reminded them of the extent of 9 their obligations, and excited them to renewed di- Is ligence in the performance of their duties. The 9 experience often years lecturing, has brought to 3 their knowledge much was to be learnt, and H also funishoJ them nn opportunity of correcting S much that was defective—of testing what waa 9 doubtful, and of presenting the results of their la* IS hours and researches in a mann r most easily re* I ceived and comprehended by those who honor fl hem with their attendance. ■ RIWARD I t RAN A WAV from the snbscri* % her, living in Columbia county, 6 a miles below Wrigbtshoro’, a fiee 1 bright mulatto NEGUOBOY, by 9 the name of William Corbin, who is bound to him. His color is so light, that it is supposed ha may pass, without close observation, for a while j boy. S lid boy is about IC or 17 years old, with light hair, and has a downward look. It is very probable that be is Unking about thecitv of Au* gusta, as ha has rels ians living there. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and deli* very of said boy to me, or lodging him in cither the Augusta or Columbia Jail, so that 1 get him ; and any infoi motion respecting him will be thank* fully received. GUILFORD ALFORD. Columbia County, August 17 4t<m 96 \ Wanted Immediately, FBI wo first rate JOURNEYMEN TAIL- J 9. OHS, for which liberal wages will be giv* cn by the Subscribers. HOWLAND, MERRITT & Co, Hawkinsville, Oct. 4, 1635. 4tw 5 , We are authorized to j*'*"* announce Captain AARON I j RHODES, as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, at the ensuing election in January next. Oct 17 wSl—2tD 8 Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in January next t WILL lie sold, at the Market House, in the town of Louisville, agreeablwto an or* der of tho Inferior Court of Jefietsoiß county, m when sitting for ordinary purposes, L ind, lying in said county, containing ionr““e. dred acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Joseph Price and John O. Lyons. ALSO, At the same lime and place, One negro woman slave, named Cresy, sold at the property of Wm. Lyons, deceased, for the I purpose of division amongst the heirs. Term# on the day of sale. JOHN O. LYONS, Adm’r. t 17 wtd 8 TO PRINTERS RANKIN & EVANS keep constantly on hand, a large supply of PRINTING PA* c PER. of every different size used by Printer* int * this Slate, which they will sell at as low prices. frs an article of L cqual quality can be laid down here, from any of tho Northern Paper Manufacv lories, Augusta, Oct 7 St 8