Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, November 07, 1835, Image 1

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■ ■■■n '" ‘ ‘ '~mm,, ' ■ ll■ i■■ H.i I i ■** U‘li ■M ■ ■ ■!■■■ n ■■■'■ I ■—n in i ■■■■■■■ ■■» ».■ f—.t— m ■wiiii BY A. If. & W. F. PEMBERTON• AUGUSTA, SATURDAY, iVOVFMBFIC T, 1833. VOLUME 50— ■YO. O. I’ii lil islicil every SATURDAY Morning So. 231 Broud-Strcel, opposite the MASONIC HALL. thumST SEMI-WEEKL# TAPER, FIVE DDL LARS pci i.inum, payable in advance, or SIX DOLLARS at the end of the year. WEEKLY PAPER, THREE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance, or FOUR DOL LARS at the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued (except at the choice of publisher,) until all arrearages are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS arc inserted semi-week- | ly at 624 cents per square, for the first insertion, | and 43J cents for each succeeding insertion— I weekly, at 62 # cents per square for each insertion, I and monthly (when not exceeding one square) at j $1 for each insertion. None, however small, is ! charged less than one square. Those intended to he limited must have the number of insertions, tcmi-wcckly or weekly, written on them, or they 1 will be inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and char i ged accordingly. The publisher takes upon himself the risk of, all remittances of money made to him by Mail—• the poison remitting, first paying the. postage, and | obtaining from the Postmaster, a written or verbal j acknowledgement of the amount, and of its depo ite in his office, to be given to the publisher in I esae of miscarriage. To Executors, Administrators, and Guardians SAXES of LAND or NEGROES, by Admin istrators, Executors, or Guardians, arc required by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon, aud three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of the county in which the property is situate.—No tice of these sales must be given in a public gazette, SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property, must be given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinaiy for leave to sell LAND or NE GROES,must be published for FOUR MONTHS. AVGUKTi S WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1835. “ Be just, amt fear not.” HEALTH OF AUGUSTA. The City Sexton reports the interment of hut eighteen persons in this city during the month ending Ist inst.—l l whites and 7 blacks. c FATAL ACCIDENT. On Sunday the Ist hist, a horse run away with our fellow-citizen, James, threw him j and fractured his skull. lie survived the accident | about eight hours, aiid died. Mr. McAllister was 1 a man of family, and its only prop. —Sentinel of' yesterday . APPRENTICE’S COMPANION, The Till No. of this very excellent and cheap 1 work, is received, and its table of contents may ho 11 seen in our advertising columns. We earnestly j 1 recommend it to the attention and patronage of | 1 . . 1 all who have apprentices under their care. It is published monthly by D. K. Mixon, Now York, j at the very low price of 50 cents per annum. ' — i r DINNER TO MR. CHANDLER. ' A Public Dinner was given to Daniel Coax- ( i iiler, Esq. by the members of the Bar, at Lex- 1 ington, on the 21st not.—the proceedings of which we publish to-day with great pleasure— confident that those of our readers who are ac- j quainted with Mr. C. either personally or by i character, will he equally gratified as ourselves, 1 at this distinguished and well deserved tribute of j respe to one, who is, in every respect, an orna- , raent and honor to his State; ami whose intend- 1 ed departure from it may well be deeply regretted. ! NEW PAPERS. Wo have received the first No. of a now com mercial paper, published in Columbia, S. C. un der the title of the “ Commercial Bulletin ,” by Mr. E. F. Biiaxtuwaite, former editor and pro prietor of the Columbia Times. It will be pub lished every Friday morning, at the very low price of $1 50 cents per annum; and we hope it will receive sufficient patronage to ensure its suc cess. We have also received tire first No. of a new daily paper, published in Mobile, Ala. by Messrs. E. D. WAsimvitx and 11. M. MeGuinE, under the title of the “Mobile Daily Commercial Transcript,” The No. before us is exceedingly neat and handsome in its appearance, and is pub lished at the low price of Five Dollars per annum. LECTURES ON PHRENOLOGY. We are gratified to learn that Dr. RoaEitr sox’s proposed Lectures on Phrenology, have met with very warm encouragement so far, and will probably be very numerously attended. It speaks well for the liberality and judgment of our citizens—many of whom arc fully conscious of Dr. R’s ability to do full justice to tire subject, and render his Lectures highly interesting—and shews that they areready to encourage the lau dable efforts of their own citizens, and thereby improve the literary and scientific character of their community, and the intellectual enjoyments of its society. Every one who thinks tliese ob jects worthy their consideration, cannot hut take a warm interest in the praiseworthy example of Dr. Robertsox, and we trust will do so—and thereby pave the way for similar efforts, hi other sciences, on the part of others of our literary and scientific townsmen. ( tj’ The first Lecture, we understand, will lie delivered at the Masonic Hall, on Monday even ing, the 16th instant. JUDGE DOUGHERTY, AND NULLI FICATION. The National Intelligencer, in setting forth the principles of the two candidates for Governor, at the recent election in this State, says of Judge Docouertt, “He professed the doctrine of State Rights, hut eschewed Nullification;*’ and the Raleigh Register of later date, declares the same thing, (we presume on the authority of the In telligencer,) and accompanies it with a homily I on the impropriety of charging all State Rights men to beNullifiers.—We can assure them they arc unquestionably wrong; and how such an im pression could be obtained we cannot conceive, since we not only know Judge Dopghetly to he an open and avowed N uHificr, but never before heard it questioned, doubted, or denied, that ire is so; and can assure the Register that he is as j proud of tire term Nullifier, as some psnedo State Rights men are afraid of it, and disposed to I eschew it. j LATE WORKS ON SLAVERY, &c. “ The amenability of Northern Incendiaries, as j well lo Southern as to Northern laws, without j prejudice to the right of free discussion ; to. which j is added an inquiry into the lawfulness of Slavery, i under the Jewish and Christian dispensations; | together with other views on the same subject: j Being a series of Essays recently published in the j Charleston Courier: By Richaiio Ykaiiox, jr. i principal Editor. Charleston : Printed by T. A. | Hayden, 44 Queen st. 1835.” “The Cbisis: being an enquiry into the ! measures proper to he adopted by the Southern Stales, in reference to the proceedings of the Abo litionists. Charleston. Daniel J, Dowuxo, Publisher, 83 Broad street, 1835.” “ Vixdex, on the liability of the Abolitionists to criminal punishment, and on the duty of the non-slave-holding States, to suppress their efforts. Charleston. Printed by A. E. Millek, No. 4 Broad sL 1835.” “An Appeal to the good sense of a great people. Charleston, S. C. Daniel J. Dowling, Printer, 83 Broad street, 1833.” We tender our sincere thanks to the authors nf the above works, for their politeness in furnishing us with copies, and regret that we have not time or room to refer lo their contents more particu larly at present. As far as wo have had time to glance hastily over them, they appear mostly very able and eloquent, and B'fc(/' , ejfserve the attention of tlie Southern people, v/tj shrill peruse them carefully at the first leisure moment, and then refer to them again, and publish such extracts as our limits will permit. Persons who take a proper interest in informing themselves on this all important subject, should procure copies, as they ! may easily do by writing to the publishers, or some friend in Charleston.” SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. Wo have received the thirteenth No. of this beautiful aud able periodical, which is the last of the first Volume, and is accompanied by a hand some title page and copious index. Its contents, (the tabje of which will be found, as usual, in our advertising columns,) arc delightfully varied and interesting, and fully sustain the high character of >the work. We have neither lime nor room to refer to them more particularly at present, but may perhaps do so hereafter. The following flattering notice is from the able editors of the National Intelligencer; and wc are gratified to perceive that the work has elicited the highest encomiums from many of first journals in the country. Tha.Sruthcrn people ought to ho proud of it, arid encourngj improvement of it, by the most liberal patronage. “We received a few days ago the thirteenth number of Mr. White’s Southern J.iter ary Mes senger, From i cursory perusal of its contents, it strikes ua as one of the best, if not the best, of the whole scries. This is honorable to the spirit of the contributors who have so far successfully sustained the work, as the work itself is creditable to the literature of the South. This elegant and entertaining periodical may now be considered as having established its claims to the p,ublic sup port, and we cannot doubt that it will ho support ed with increased liberality. Many of the best pens in the country are regularly employed in imparting interest and instruction to its pages.” REV. NATHAN S. S. UEMAN. In recently publishing a statement, from a Northern paper, of the infamous Abolition con duct of this Reverend hypocrite, wc intended to add the following remarks of the Georgia corres pondent of the New York Evening Star, who forwarded to that paper the copy of his bill of sale for three,negroes, hut inadvertently omitted and forgot them, till the paper which contained them happened just now again to meet otir eye. We recommend them to the perusal and remem brance of the reader, and hope the writer of them will favor the public with a full statement of the conduct of the Reverend Judas, as a slave-holder in this Slate: “It is also true, and which he will not deny un der his proper signature, that whilst he lived in Georgia he purchased at least two negroes in another Slate, and brought thorn to Georgia, one of whom by such transfer and sale Was entirely separated from his wife. And further, I am credibly informed, that du ring his residence here, he was one of the hardest of masters, so much so that his severity lo his slaves was a common neighborhood talk. When ever the Doctor shall think fit lo deny these charg es, (through the New York Star, or some paper printed in Augusta or Milledgeville, Geo.) they will be proved upon him—and a more extensive list added, which he will dislike very much to see in print; and ho is hereby notified that the list will look very curious on paper, and the proof will be exactly curious enough to establish every cllar;jo . A GEORGIAN.” MEETING IN EFFINGHAM. At a large State Rights Meeting in Effingham county, on the 21st ult. the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted r “Ist. Uesolved, That we retain the most on diminished confidence in the State Rights’ Doc trines as announced by tire State Rights parly ol Georgia, at Milledgeville—believing that they are calculated to perpetuate freedom and happiness to our beloved country. ■ “2nd. Uesolved, That the principles thus an nounced have so far secured the Stales from the • oppressions of the Federal Government, and wc believe are calculated to prevent its further cn ’ croachments on their chartered rights. ’ “3rd. Uesolved, That we look with alarm a.rd s regret at the efforts which have been made, and . arcslill making, hy Northern Fanatics, to abolish , slavery in the Southern Stales, as a base and un principled attempt to ex cite domestic, insurrection and that wo wilt use every effort in our power tc r resist and punish such unholy attempts. "•x s “4th. Uesolved, That if such measures arc attempted lo be enforced against ua, wc will resort " to our own Slate for protection, and look with ■" confidence for relief, to the Sovereign State of i, Georgia. c “sth. Uesolved, That he who charges cilhc party of Effingham County with participation in e aiding the designs of the Abolitionism, is a base s and unprincipled slanderer, who justly merits the $ fate of an Abolitionist at the South.” o After the Meeting there was a large Public 0 Dinner, which was attended by many highly res pectable invited guests, and speeches were de livered hy Col. Joseph W. Jackson and Col. Levi S. D’Lrox, of Savannah, and 6nr talented s’ I and excellent friend, Edwauu J. Black, Esq. of 1 Seriven, whose address is noticed ns follows, in the 1 official publication of tire proceedings: ’ “The company were most agreeably enterlain i cd by our worthy and talented friend and coadju tor, in the cause of Stale Rights, E. J. Black, i Esq., of Seriven county, an invited guest. I for bear, Mr. Editor, making any comments, or oven giving the outline of tire subjects embraced in his speech. I feel myself quite inadequate to the task, even though f had leisure, to do either of the orators justice. Our friend, Cap'. Black, ful ly sustained the high character which he bears as a powerful advocate of our cause.” i Wo yesterday saw at tho Bookstore of Mr. Richards, of this place, a beautiful delineation of the Union Rail Road, by William Bonner, one of the assistants of Mr. Thompson, the Engineer, It exhibits in tasteful drawing tiro course of the road, the relative position of tlie nearest villages, the distances between the remarkable places it passes, with a handsome profile of the whole ground over which it runs, adjusted to a scale of elevation, witlr distances marked in miles on tho base line. We would have been pleased with it from any draftsman ; hut we are much more . pleased with it as coming from a native Georgian. We hope the day is not far distant, when wo need not go beyond the limits of our State, 1 lo find skill and talent for any and every public work. —Sentinel of yesterday. New Yduk, Oct. 27. FROM FRANCE.—Parts dates of the 23d Sept, and Havre of the 24th, were this morning received by tho packet ship France, Capt. Funk. The political intelligence which the Journals brought by this conveyance contain has been an ticipated hy the last arrival from England. S I M ill A It Y. Wc learn from tiro Knoxville Register, that the resolutions introduced in the Tennessee j j£! _ gislaturc, recommending Judge White for the Presidency, passed the House of Representatives by a vote of sixty to twelve, on the 10th oil. Wc understand there was a culpable piece of negligence on the Rail Road on Tuesday last, which may have resulted seriously. Tho Pas sengcr Car, after leaving Branchvillc for the city, overtook and tan upon the Baggage Cars attache d to another Locomotive ahead, arid' knocked three of tire Baggage Cars off tire road, causing great consternation, but fortunately no injury to tire I’assengers.— Charleston Jtlercury, '2d inst. The Mammoth Hog. —This enormous animal which arrived in our city from Norfolk, a.few days since, died on Friday morning last. It was of Russian breed, hut was raised in Warj’cn county, Ohio. This animal was 9 -feel 2 inches in length, ,3 feet 11 inches in height, and measur ed round the. body S feet 3 inches, weighing 1400 pounds, and 3 years 4 months old. We under stand that the Carcass was purchased hy Dr. Strobe!, for 10 dollars, and that he intends mak ing a prepared Skeleton of the bones .—lbid. Duel. —The Providence Journal of 24th nil. says,—“Wc Icam that a duel was fought in Southfield yesterday morning, near Scott’s pond, by two officers of the Navy ; one a Lieutenant, and the other a Sailing Master—who arrived in the steam boat tiro night before from New York. Both were wounded ; one severely, near the groin, and the other in the thigh. Wc have not heard their names.” General Hamilton was invited hy a portion of the citizens of Norfolk on the 13th inst. to a public dinner to be given in compliment to -him. He declined the invitation, assigning as one of his reasons a desire to “ seek in future his occupa tions in domestic duties, and private engage ments.”—ll 'inyaw Intelligencer. Last evening an individual named Laribcau was killed hy one Marceau, in tho course of a drs -1 pule, which took place at a.grog shop in the hack part of the city. The assassin having inflicted two wounds on his victim, lied, amt has net ns yet* been apprehended. Officers are in pursuit of the desperado.—.V. Orleans Courier, Oct. 23. A meeting in lavor of ihoTextans, was Held in , Mobile on the 20lh inst, at which' 81,500 was subscribed, and a number of volunteer., raised.— Lb. More than a hundred thousand dollars a month have been received at the land offices of Chicago i and Quincy, in Illinois, in pa; nicia for lands ta- | ken at the minimum price of f 1 25 an acre,since, I the public sale* in the summer. There is aft im mense tide of emigration selling into that as well as tiro other States ol the Wort.—Constitution all si, . • • Facts for the Globe, —“ Tho Ohio Monitor, aI i Van liuren paper, has come out for the aboli tionists. The New York Post, tiro leading ami most aide Van Loren print in the country, advo- i calcs lire cause of the Abolitionist-, The Hamp shire Republican, a Van Boren papier under the i patronage of George Bancroft, is an Abolition i journal.”— Boston Jlllas. ' The report mentioned in one < f the morning 1 papers that George Thompson, the foreign agita tor, had left the country in the ship Hilfth, which sailed on Friday afternoon, is, wc are inclined lo think, incorrect. ’l'he owners are ignorant that any person hy the name of George Thompson, sailed in the ship.—.V. V. Jour, of Com, J ( O fOIFfiSFIA li. LATEST DATE tiro .I LIVEUFUUL, SECT. 20. LATEST DATE THOM HAVAS, HEFT. 23. AUGUSTA MARKET. COTTON.—This article continues in fair de mand, at 13 a 15 cents per ll).—general sales are made at from 14# to 14# cents. FREIGHTS. —To Savannah, ?2 per hale for : Colton —to Charleston, j cost per lb.—Wo are ’ still without rain, and the River is very low. AiimiAfa Bank Vale tc E^xclit-ngcTuble. ’ All the Banks of the State, par. 3 South Carolina Bank Notes, par. American Gold Coin, prar a Georgia Gold, 63 a 95c, I' Carroll Co. do. 66c. I’ 1 North Carolina Gold, 85c. EXCHANGE. i, Checks on New Vorlt, piar. 0 Charleston, pur. Savannah, par. c Bills on tire North, 78 days .inlerest. t Charleston, 60, days, interest off. Ii Savannah, 60 days, hit. f U. S. Bank Bills, J pjjsr cent preru. stocks. Worth paid 1 Augnsla Bank, 8129 8100 l! Mechanic’* Bunk, 130 100 B Insurance Bank, 60 30 Stale Bank, 121 100 -■ lee Company, 60 50 Wharf Company Stock, par. Savannah Market, Oct. 29. ■ Cotton. —Arrived since 22.1 inst., 1903 haloi I Upland and 23 hales See Islam!; and cleared in f the same lime, 3352 bales Upland and 25 baler , Sea Island; —leaving a stock on hand inclusive of all on ship-hoard not cleared on the 29th inst, of 3823 hales Upland and 233 bales Sea Island. . Immediately after our last publication, Liverpool ■ dales to the 10th lilt, were received, via New , York, representing that market as in a depressed , state and declining, in consequence of which am market declined fully #a # cent. Several lots of prime were sold at 15#. Our market at pre sent has very little animation, and the principal sales we have to report were made previous to tho late European accounts. Owing to the low stale of the river, our receipts continue small, and the stock for Sale light, 'l’ho sales of the Week will amount to 1040 hales at the following prices: 184 fit 13#, 11 at #, 31 at 15, 10 at l-sg, 160 at 15#, 168 at 15#, 76 at 16, 7 at 16J, 394 at 16#, ■ 37 at 102, 63 at 16.1, arid 10 at 16#. Freights —To Liverpool, 4 a 0-10 J—To Ha vre, none,- —To New York, 50 cents for square and round per hale; for Rice, none—To Boston, SI 80 per bale—Providence, 1 25—To Phila delphia, 1 60 per hale.— Ship, ii Com. List. Columbia Mahket, Oct. 30. Cotton. —Since our last notices, 1983 bales have been sold in this market, making in all this season, 10,618 bales. We quoted, last week, at 14# to 15 cents, as tire prices of the 22d. The unfavorable nows front Europe hy the mails of the morning of tho 23rd, (tho data of our last pa per,) caused a sudden fall of half a cent. Since that change,, tire prices have ranged from 14 to 14J. We quote to-day at 14# to 14 J (some few bales arc Selling as low as 14. Times, Mobile MAnkET, Oct. 26. Cslton. —Tins article, as yet, cornea in slowly, and until the rivers get lip, there is no probability of any activity in the market. From the Ist inst. up to ibis (hue, 1057 bales have been received; about 288 bales of which have been exported.— On Friday between three and four hundred bales changed hands at 15# to 17 cents; and mi Sat urday about 70 hales were sold at c7 cents. Con siderable apprehensions have been expressed that prices would decline, hut tho last advices from Liverpool are rather favorable; in lact, the heat descriptions of Alabama cottons are quoted as high us at any time hist season. Pil’d (hero Is niucli distrust and little disposition lo buy freely, even if the stock was large. —Daily Transcript. New-Oblsa.vs Mahket, Oct. 24. Cotton, —Arrived since the Ifirli instant, 6161 bales-. Cleared in lire sarin-lime 3179; making an addition' to stock of 2982 bales, leaving on band inclusive of all on ship-board not cleared on tho 22d Instant, a stock of 19,677 hales, Tire market continuer! inactive from our last up to Wednesday ; since then a very good demand has been experienced,.and all who wa re disposed to sell at the present vales, have had an opportunity of doing so. Some, however, are still holding back, and all are looking forward with much anx iety for later adviebs, from (he English markets, for they generally have a controlling influence hero.- Wc have again postponed the adoption of of quotations for the present; indeed, lira quality of the Cotton received so fur, will_not admit of it. No inferior, and but very little that could be classed a choice has yet been received ; much the largest, in (act nearly all of it, has been of w hat is termed Liverpool fair. 'Fire sales have been chiefly of this last description of Colton, and will give those at a distance a lair opportunity of judg ing of the situation'of our market; they are as follows, viz : 2000 halos at 16, 300 at 16,630 at 16, 314 at 16. 900 at 15#, 468 at 16, 1000 at 16#, 300 at 17#, 60 at 17, 174 at 17), 1620 at 16 cents per lb. Sugar. —The quotations previously given for New Orleans Sugar, 9# a It) cents, continue cur rent, and upwards of 200 birds, have been dispo sed of this week at those rales; hut wc would not he understood to say that the demand is good, as it is only the urgent wants of buyers that forces them into the market. Brown Havana is selling for 9# a 10 cents, and it Is scarce; White is more plenty, and is held qt 12 a 14 cents. Molasses,—We were disposed lo think that there was no longer unv in the place, hut we heard of one or two small sales the other day at 38 cents per gallon Price Current. UoLUMBi s Market, Oct. 30. Colton is coming into this market briskly, and sells, readily at'from 13 to 13# cents. But few planters store their Colton, most of it is sold from tho waggons.— F.uquirev. PtiiLADEi.riria .Mahket, Oct. 27. Coffee.—, i, a better finding existing in the floflee market, and holders are firmer in their demands. Sales of about 400 bags Bin, at 12 lo 43 cents, 4 and 6months; 130 St. Domingo, at 11 cents cash; 100 Java, at 13# a 13|c; small sales of Laguyra, at 12) cents. Colton. —The stock is much reduced and the demand limited. The week’s sales amount to only 245 hales; nearly ail old crop Upland, and Tennessee, at 14 to 19 ecu’s per lh; new crop Georgia Upland, at 19 to 19# cents. —UickneiCs Reporter, ITtvn■: Market, Sept. 23. Cotton. —Tire occurrence; of our market for I this article, have presented the same features this j Week as the preceding,; that is lo say, the dq | mand on the part of the trade has continued good, but the hollers having also continued to evince, the desire of selling, a further reduction of one to two centimes, according to kinds and qualities, has ftfken place in our rates. The sales amount to 5197 bales, consisting of 2913 hales Louisiana fit f. 123 to f. 170; 2160 hales Upland, Mobi!o ( Alabama, and Tennessee atf. 121 to f. 150. DIED* In Cassville, Cass co. Geo. on the 17th of Oct. MissCAROLiNE Henry, daughter of Wm. Hen ry, Esq. late of that county, Columbia County Academy. THE Trustees of this Academy will meet at APPLING on the, third Monday in No vember next, for the purpose of employing a Itic xon, and an Assistant Teach eh, for said Aca demy, for the ensuing year. Applicants for both places would do well to meet them on that day, and none should apply hut those well qualified. K. BOWDRE, J URIAH HA (IRISH, NATHAN CRAWFORD. Nov. 4 wld 10 I NOTICE To Stock Drovers. THE subscribers having made urrangementi with Mr. D. A. Sayre, of Lexington Kentucky, are now ready to furnish Cheeks at short sight, on that place, in sums to suit ap plicants. ALLENS & PADDOCK. Off United States Notes usually for sale, or will he supplied at a few days notice. Nov. 4 . 10 CHEEKS, ON New York, Lf.xinotox, Ky. n Philadelphia, Fayetteville, N. C. , s Charleston, S. O. Baltimore, Hd. , c Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. . May. be had of ALLENS i PALDOCK. ,J Novi 10 j A CAUI) 1 To The Sufflies. f. Ill’s. C. Hoffman. THANKFUL for the pat. 9 arunago she has received, ros ’. J? peetfully informs the Ladies of Augusta, and its vicinity, that she Ims opened her SHOW ROOM OF MILLINERY, and t hopes to merit a cull from the Ladies, and to Ire , worthy their further patronage. (F);'Orders from tho country will he attended . to promptly, for any kind of Work in the Mill]. > nery or Dress Making lino. , Mrs. Id’s. Store is one door above W. C. Way, - Agent, Broad Street. Nov 4 5t 10 Columbia Mlici'ilf's Sfilr i On the First Tuesday in December next, 11 - 1 ' “*• Columbia Court House, V w within the usual hours of sale: ■ A I.act of Lhnd, containing two hundred and ■ fifty acres, more or le-s, adjoining Few's old place, . Cobb, and others, known as the Cluster, to snlis ■ fy a li. fa. from Richmond Siqierior Court, Wil i liain Ruffin against Robert R. Reid. RICHARD 11. JONES, Shff. c. e. Nov. 4 wld 10 MSatik State of 4*corgi u. • BRANCH AT AUGtLSTA.J November 2tl, 18-Jj. ) THE Board of Directors will, on Friday next, elect un assistant Clerk in the place of Mr. •Summers, elected Book Keeper. Candidates may know the Salary and amount of Bond required, on application at the Bank. 1. HENRY, Cashier. Nov. 4 U 10 I ___ _ Apprenticed Uoitipanion, ’ Published and for sale hy the proprietor, I). K. ■ Minor, and also T. & C. Wood, No,, 35, Wal atreet, New York; and hy S. Blydenhurgh, No. 90 North Pearl street, Albany. Contents of,Yu, 7, for October, 1835. Specification of iim Patent grunted to John Aston, for an Improvement in the Manufacture or Construction, of Buttons. Willi Engravings. Mechanical Improvements-—Novelty Works. Progress of Civilization and the Arts. • Durable Whitewash. To set out tho Holes in the Circles of tho In dojt to a Machine for Cutting the Teeth in Geer- i Wheels. Franklin Institute. Science in Russia. South Boa Island Tides. Volinnescopo. Hydraulic Blast Wheel. With engravings. Shooting Stars. The Volcano of Popocatepetl, Laughing Hyena. Hoop Snake. African Serpents. Female Education. Fanners ami Mechanics. Manual Labor Schools. A Domesticated Panther, Checks and Balances. A Letter to Dr. Franklin, hy a Seaman, many years ago. Locomotive Power of Oysters. Nov. 4 __ 10 Georgia, Columbia Comity. WHEREAS, Jesse S. Walton and James CniHidge, Executors‘of the estate of Sa rah Walton, deceased, late of said county, apply for Letters of Dismission from said estate. These are, therefore, lo cite and ondmonUh all ' and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de- 1 ceased, to he and appear at ray office, within tho time prescribed hy law, to file their objections, if any they have, to shew cause wiry said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Appling, this 27th of Juno, 1835. GABRIEL JONES, Clerk, July 1 Ctui 79 ii T4IK4H BJJI, Itttrhv CoHlttf/: 'ffljß/HESAS, Edward Blount, applies fori 1 7 Y Letters of Adrainistration on the estate us j 1 Eliza J. Wynn;, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and odmonifdr, all | ’ and singular, the kindred and creditors of said * deceased, to he and appear at my office, within | the time prescribed by law, to file their objections, 1 if any they have, to (drew cause wiry Raid Letters should net be granted. Given under rny hand, at office, in Waynesbo reugh, tills 30lh September, 1835. J, G. BADULV, Clerk. Sept 20 I .Idn i in islrt:tor’s .Voffcc. I .'OUR. months after dale, application will Ire ’ mark; to tire Honorable tho Inferior Court j 'of .ir (fersorr county, while sitting for ordinary-put-1 j pose;, for leave to sell the real estate of IsapotW. j Mulling, for tiro benefit of the heita and creditors.; WINIFRED MULLING, Adm’r. July II 4tin 82 ] ,Idmi Notice. FOUR month* after dale, application will lie made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court ol Burlccoounty, when sotting tor ordinary purpo-' sen, for leave to sell 135 acres of land in the said county, adjoining land* of Geo. W. Evans and others, belonging to the estate of Benj rutin Beggar, deceased, for the benefit of said estate. V/. ROLLINS, ’Administrator. Ang. 5 4m 89 IeXECIzTKIX’S notice. jrNOUIi months after date, application will be , B* made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol Jefferson county, while sitting lor Ordinary , purposes, fur leave to sell the Laud aud Ncgmos belonging lo the estate of Sion Pennington, late o braid county, deceased. ELIZABETH PENNINGTON.ExVx. August 29, 1835 4lot 96 c THE SOUTHERN LITEKA.ItIT MESSENGER ts DEVOTKb TO RTKHT DEPARTMENT OF "■ LITERATURE 13 AND THt! FIND ARTS. RICHMOND, VA : >r T. W. WHITE, PRINTER AND PROPRIETOR, vol. i.—September, isss.—No. 13. CONTENTS. Original fir licit* in Prose. SKETCHES of the History and present Con dition of Tripoli, with some account of the other Barbery Stales, No. VIII. Introductory Lecture lo a course on “Tho Ob stacles to Education arising from the peculiar faults of Parents, Teachers, Scholars, and those ■ who direef and control our Schools and Colleges,’’ delivered before the Fredericksburg Lyceum, by James M. Garnett. Loss of Brcftth .' A Tale a la Blackwood—By Edgar A. Poe, _ Cupid’s Sport, My Tongs—-By —-—, p General Warren: Stories about General War , ren—A Review.! r Ring Pest the First: A Tale containing an I Allegory. By——. , Early Adventures. Shallow : A Fable. By— Letters from a Sister. No. 21, No. 22, No. ' 23, No. 24. Tho Door Latch, Recollections of a Married Miqr, Another Visit to the Virginia Springs; or, the Adventures of Harry Humbug, Esq. (Vitical Noltccn, Meplristophelcs in England, or tiro Confessions of a Prime Minister. The District School, or National Education; hy J. Orville Taylor. Tiro New England Magazine for September. % Tire Western Journal of the Medical and Phy sical Sciences. The Classical Family Library,Nos, 15, Ifiand 17. Euripides translated by the Reverend R. Potter. The Early Nnvul History of England; hy Robert Southey, ],. L, D. Poet Laureate, The Gift ; A Christmas and New Year’s Pre sent for 1836. Edited hy Miss Leslie, Original J'otlrt). The Victim of Disappointment, To Mrs, States Navy. On seeing her in a gay company. Litres written in nu Alnunr. To Christiana. Tiro Friends of Man—hy Mrs. Sigourney. Thoughts. Curse of tho Betrayed One—A Fragment Ity Hugh Utah. To Mr*. U. G. 8 1 Tire Sea Bird’s Revel. 1 Mel. The* by Moonlight Alone. Scene between Hector and Andromache, a Tran-lation. Desert Grief—hy Lucy T. John son. Song of the Pirate’s Wife. Josephine. To Claudia. Cantilena Amatoria. ■ INDEX TO VOLUME 1. Nov 4 IQ fncorgria, Jrflrrauu County: WHEREAS, Ashley Phillips, Administra tor on the estate of Robert Garvin, de j ceased, applies 1 for Letters disrniasorv from said es tate. 1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular, tiro kindred nod creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed hy law, lo file their objection's, if any they have, to shew cause why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my Hand, at office, in Louisville, tlris 19th March, 1- '5. D. E. HOT! I WELL, Clerk. Mareh 1 1 61m 50 Admiaislrntor’s Sale. On tin: firul Turn Ini/ in January next, WILL be sold, at tho lower Market House, in Augusta, hy permission of tire hon uablo Court of Ordinary, of Richmond county, ill the Lands belonging to the estate of John ’l’, le w, deceased, GEORGE L. TWIGGS, Adm’r, Out S 4 wtd 7 UH’orgia, Jdfri-Non Lociuly. WHEREAS, Littleh'erry Bostick, Admiiiis Inner on the estate of Nicholas C. (ion nelly, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular, tire kindred and creditors of said deceased,,to be ami appear at my office, within th'O time prescribed hy law, to file their objections, if any they have, to shew cause why said Letters should not he granted. Given under rny hand, at office, in Louisville, tlris 2d day of May, 1835, D. E. BOTH WELL, Clerk, may 6 6lrn 63 ! *■. ~a - -a.. - ■ — 1 '' (xfoi’K'iii) Jclßnon Coimty. WHEREAS, Ivy W. Gregory, applies firr Letters of Administration on the estate of Hardy Gre .-.ory, deceased. Thesqare, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred end creditors of said deceased, to isi and appear at rny office, within tig) time prescribed by law, to file their objections, if any they liave, to shew cause why said Letters should no', he granted. Given under rny hand, at office, in Louisville, tire 9th September, 1835. D.E. BOTH WELL. Clerk. Sept. ,12 100 iiMlOitiiIfi, lliirkv, i onntff: WHEREAS, Jeaso Cox applies for Letters of Administration on lire estate of David Wooten,laic ol Alabama, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite anil admonish, aft and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear ut rny office, within ] lire time pfesqribcd hy law, to file Jruir objections, If any they have, to shew cause why said Letters elrbhld hot he granted. Given nridci my hand, at office, in Wayticsbc rough; tlris 80th September, 1835. J. O. BAD ELY, Clerk. Sept 30 1 I — j Georgia, 15ichniondCounty: i WHEREAS, Wester i IJ. Thomas, Admin istrator un lire estate of Michael C. He*. ' sion, deceased, applies lor Letters of Dumission from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to he and ap|rear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to file their objections, if any drey have, to show cause why said’ letters should riot he grunted. Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta, this Ist day of September. 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, c.c, o. Sept 4 6tm 98 J OB i*l£l .\ Tliv«7 Nearly executed at thifUlUcvr s «EN£RAIi 6 STAfiE OFFICE RFjJISOVJEO To the Globe Hotel. Arrival nnd Departure or ike differ* out Mail siaKCii. 10NG8TREET <St Gtrr.naox’s, anti Mu si UK, lloutom, & Go's, lino of Four /forte e Couches, for Mnnlt'oincr}’, via Wnrrrntou, Spar la, Millodgottllo, Macon, Knoxvillo, and Colum bus, is now in full operation, nnd clop,iris daily at r C h o'clock, r. m. giving paisongcrs by theClisrle,- c ton 1 tin I Uuad cars sufficient time to secure their scats fortlic west; and arrives daily at & a. u,,be lt mg in time for the Charleston Kail Load cars. Passengers by tbis'lino going north, have a pre f fercrice at August a, over nil Others,'on the days it brings the great New Orleans mail. Jelly Mclisjy’s line of four horns Coaches for Washington City, via Columbia and Oaindem, 8, ■ C., and Fayetteville and Uulcigh, N. C. deports daily at 10 o'clock, a si. and arrives daily at 3 * o’clock, p *• Tate A. Newland’s ,ino of four horse poaclws for Gninsville, via Appling, Wrightsuornugh, Washington, and Athens, deports Mondays, ■ Wednesdays and Fridays, ut 2 o'clock, a. m. and arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, I nt 7 o'clock, p. .n. (in.aniiT Long tern cut's line of4 hoist; Couches 1 fur .Savannah, via Milllluvcn and Jiickscmboro’s departs; every other day alternately, at 10 o’‘ clock, *. h. and arrives every other day, nlteV (lately, by 1 o’clock, p. >i, being in time, and connecting with the Montgomery line of Moil con lies. . ■ i John McLean's line of four horjp Conches for Greenville, via Aiken, UdgefielJ, Abbeville, An derson, and Pendleton, departs .Sundays, Wednes days, and Fridays, at 10 o’bloek, *. m. nnd ar rives Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2 o’clock, p. vi. This tine lias bean increased, and tpu route changed Drum u two horse buck, twice u week, to a Four Horse Port Coach, three times n week, which will preyept any detention to pnl songeriPliavelling'frnm the lower country toGreen-' villc,S. C. or the Warm Hprines, N. C. as it eon neels at Greenville with a line of fppr horse cnacft es, throe times a week, direct W Aahville, and the Wurtn Springs, N. C. G. T. BCO J T, Agent. Augusta, May 13,183. r > (IS Ailminiviralor’a Aalc. On the First Tries lay in lief ember next, Wild, he sold before the Court House, in the town of Llnoolnton, Lincoln countyi ’ agreeably to an order of the Honorable Interior Court ol said county, when sitting fen Ordinary purposes, the following trac t or parcel of Land, to wit: two hundred and 'sixty-two acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Thomas Dallas, senior, George W. Dallas, Thomas Florence, and Olliers, whureon James York now lives. Kohl as the pro perty of the children of Janies , Vorkeftir their benefit. JAMES VOUJC, Guardian. Sept 14 (tivv IQ I iw. in. DTE Se v«.y, ' Upper tenement of Pox’s iVfW b felt buildiAg, and opposite Dr. Winy’s Drug Store, ,Ire now receiving ami opening a lurg'o 'itofcfe of MTAPLF £! V’ D , Wliieh they gro di ,posed to sell ul moderate pri ces, tor cash or guild paper. Tiieir si ,k is en lirely new, and they invite purchasers to give them a call. amp 6 T itiiivu v^, S' £ FOR SAEE.J^ offers for sale, liv6 hun tired acres of LAN D, more or less, where on ho now lives, which is not inferior to any up l.ind in Lincoln county, either for Corn or Cotton. Any porsm wishing to puicbuse, will do well so call and examine fir themselves, when he will show the surno, and te ll the term*. NEWMAN 8. MATTHEWS. Lincolnton, Geo. Oct 98 Btw 8 - , ~14 (ir('oi'i, r ia, $ j oiinl v. Daniel L. Mitivm!) of Dirt —smk trict No. 11, lolls he/ofe rno. .fo»cph > G. Marshall, n Justice of the Peace t O Pv// ■** and for said Disimt, one e*»ray 8() ft HE L JIOUftE, thirteen or fourteen years old. Mind in one eye, shod all round,supposed so he fifteen hands high.—Apprais ed liy MicJiael Smally and Laac Lucas, to thirty five dollars. ' c, / ' A true Extract from thq Estray Book, this 17th Octohbr, WUo. : 1 , WM. 1.. BLUNT, Clerk. O-t 2d : guv (i JfflfJfj jyiTMVJE. « Brought to Jail,in Jaeksonbofongh, Bcrivon county, on the 12ih of An gust last, a Negro Boy, who says his.nnino is JACOB, and that bo belongs to James McPherson, of Beanfnrt district, 8. C. Said Buy .~«t ig live feet six inches high, of yellow complexion, nnd a Blacksmith by trade. Tlie owner of spi.l Negro is reiptostod to come forward, prove property, pay. and take Liiii away. Si JACOB lift IAN, S.S.C. , U(J Sept 20 IVif 1 ’ ; UA>l|;o ~ 0 BY a young men, well known throughoii- O the city, n SITUA TION in some respect table Dry Goods or Grocery Story. Satisfactory recommendations will beigivap, if required. Ap ply nt (bis oificc. Oct 21 4t 7 Man in Han and ,Vegroes. FOR " rgi»E Subscriber offers for sale, a PLAN* H. TATION, c ntaining 574 acres Land, ,4 lying in the county of Burke, on tie Savannahs^# 1 River, of which a ctnjsideiaWe low grounds. On the pmnises with two Saws—coii 'en; nl Partis and Stahlss. and negro tiMtses far one hoodred priirn.;-——afr k ’’ nearly now—with* large portion ol new fencing. About SOQ acres of the Upland recently claated,' lain tine order for Cotton. With the Plantation, the slock of Corn, Fod der, Hogs, Sliecp and Cattle, and 20 Mulca; and all.plantation utensils will be included. 'The purchaser may include also, 03 negroes, ns likely and valuable ns any in the Slate—or any part of them in fain Urea. To an approved purchaser, who could pay a portion in Cash, the terms, for the balance, would lie made very easy. Apply to Joirv Phi-vizi, in Augusta, or to G. B. LAMAR, Savannah, Geo, Oct S 8 3t # —~