Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, December 12, 1835, Image 1

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- • ' ■ - ... , m ■ . BY a. 11, &w. F. PK«BEItTO\. AUGUSTA, SATURDAY, DEUERBER 12i IS3S. ___ VOLUWU 50—-AO. 11. \ Published Every WEDNESDAY St SITI'RDAVMO IIXIXG Mo, 281 Hroait-Streel, opposite Hie MASONIC HALL. TEkmST” SEMI-WEEKLY TAPER, FIVE DOL LARS pei i.,num, payable in advance, or SIX DOLLARS at tile clad of the year. WEEKLY PAPER, THREE DOLLARS nmilihi, payable in advance, or FOUR DDL ARS at the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued (except at the choice of publisher,) until all arrearages are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted ssmi-wcek *ly at 05) cents per square, for the first insertion, and cents for each succeeding insertion— ■weekly, at 63J cents per square for each insertion, and monthly (when not exceeding one square) at *#l for each insertion. None, however small, is charged less than one square. Those intended to be limited must have the number of insertions, temi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or they will be inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and char ged accordingly. The publisher takes upon himself the risk of all Remittances of money , made to him by Mail— the poison remitting, first paying the postage, and obtaining from the Postmaster, a written or verbal Acknowledgement of the amount, and of its depo ts in his office, to be given to the publisher in crae of miscarriage. To Executors, Administrator*, and Guardians SALES of LAND or N EGROES, by Admin istrators, Executors, or Guardians, arc required by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of the county in which the property is situate.—No tice of these sales must be given in a public gazette, SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. , Notice of the sale of personal property, must be given in like manner, FORTY days previous o the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell LAND or NE bßOES,mustbe published for FOUR MONTHS. AUGUST I : i t. , WEDNESDAY, DECE.MIiKIt Q. 1H35- • “ Be just, and fear not TO CORRESPONDENTS. The communication of “W,” received through the Post Office, cannot be published unless the huthor leaves his name with us. HEALTH OF SAVANNAH. The Sexton of the city of Savannah, reports the interments of twenty-five persons in that city, during the month of November—9 whites, end 16 blacks. EXECUTION. ' Quotum R. Maude*, the individual who was convicted of the murder of John Wise, (and for whoso pardon a petition was presented to the Legislature, but rejected) was hung in Savannah, at 6 o'clock, on the morning of the 4th instant. CENSUS OF COLUMBUS. The Census of the town of Columbus has lately been taken by order of Council, and the total number of inhabitants amount to 3,034 —of which number, 1,951 arc white persons; 1,064 slaves, and 19 free blacks. ■SOUTH COLLEGE. On the 3rd instant, Rodeht Barnwell; Esq. was elected President, and the Rev. Bazil Manly, Professor of Sacred Literature and the Evidences of Christianity, in the South Carolina College, at Columbia. The Faculty of this Institution, which is now complete, consists of a President and six Professors. AUGUSTA JOCKEY CLUB. A meeting of the Augusta Jockey Club was Jrcld at the Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, on Saturday evening last, when the following officers were elected, to serve the ensuing year:— John Piti xui, President; J. G. McWiiouteu, Vice-Presi dent ; John J. Btitn, Secretary ; and Joseph 11. Townes, Treasurer. NEW PAPER. “ We have received (says the Ncwnah Palladi um of the 28th ult.) the first number of the De- Ki.m Gazette, published at Decatur, by one of the oldest veterans of the corps editorial, Viz: SamvV.l Wbiout Minor, Esq: He contem plates increasing its size. For his old services, and large family, we wish him success.” 9. C. RAIL ROAD COMPANY. The following Resolution was passed by the board of Directors of the South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company, at a meeting held in Charleston, on the 3d inst: “ Resolved , That in compliance with the pe tition from the Merchants of this city, the use of the Rail Road to convey the Mails between Charles ton and Hamburg, and the intermediate stations, Vic tendered to the Post Master of this city, until the first of January, free of expense.” INDIAN DISTURBANCES. The Columbus Enquirer of the 4th instant, sayai—“The disturbances in Stewart county still Continue. On Wednesday of last week a parly bf Hitchatce Indians 16 in number, and a hand ful of white settlers (15) had a skirmish on the Georgia side of the river, in which two whites were slightly wounded. The Indians escaped unhurt, with the loss of two ponies, which were killed during the fire. Wc understand also, that a party of these marauders were a few days since delected in killing cattle, in Talbot county, and when discovered, made battle upon the whitesi” NEW AND VALUABLE WORK. Wc have received from the publisher, through the hands of Mr. John W. Stot, Agent for the work in this city, the first and second Numbers, (together with a supplement to the same,) of the New American Edition of Blnckrwood’s Edin burgh Magazine, published in New York, by Mr, Tbeobobe Foster, proprietor, at the very low price of $5 per annum —each number con taining about 160 pages. The Supplement which accompanies this work, contains upwards of 100 pages, and is furnished to subscribers free of chdrge. This is a most valuable and cheap work, and is highly deserving of patronage. It may bo i seen at our office. ; GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. 1 .Senate, Thursday, Dec. 3.—On motion of j Mr. Wood of Mclntosh, the Journal of yesterday I* was reconsidered, so far as relates to the rejection of the bill to drive the Cherokee Indians from the I small remnant of their lauds allotted for their >. use, in March next, t, Mr. Rutherford reported a Bill to incorpor ate the Literary Bank of the Slate of Georgia, at ’ CuUodcnsville, Monroe county ; which was read s the fust time. 1 On motion of Mr. Dawson, so much of the ’ Governor’s Message as relates to the Fanner’s Bank of Chattahoochee, together with the report of the Committee appointed at the last session, f to examine into the condition of that Bank, was j referred to a select Committee, consisting of | Messrs. Dawson, McAllister, and Hepburn. • The bill was taken up, to authorize the State 1 to subscribe for stock to the amount of $750,000, in the Central Rail Road Company, and the ’ , Branch Companies to Forsyth and West Point, J j and a like sura in the Georgia Rail Road Com , pany,and its branches, in sums of SIOO,OOO each, , ; as soon as similar sums have been expended in : j the construction of each road ; the question be i ing on the reception of the substitute previously offered by Mr. Baber, “to create a public and transferable stock for the encouragement of the construction of Rail Roads in this State.” The J substitute (as afterwards amended,) provides, that when any incorporated Rail Road Company in the State, shall have expended SIOO,OOO on the construction of a Rail'Road, over and above the expenditures for surveys and implements of labor, the Governor, on a shewing thereof, by commis sioners to be appointed, issue and deliver to sUeh Company, a certificate or certificates of State Stock, in sums of not less than $5,000 each, to thrcc-follrlhs the amount of the sum so expend ed, tearing an interest of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and not redeemable in less than twenty-five years ; and, in like manner, certificates to the amount of SIOO,OOO, for every $200,000 so expended, and shewn by the com missioners—tile Company to give a bond, in a penal sum of double the amount of such stock, for the payment of the interest, and principal as each becomes due, and a mortgage of the entire Kail Road, and all its implements anil appurte nances, which are to be forfeited to the State, if the Company fail to pay said interest or principal as aforesaid. It was decided to receive the substitute, in lieu of the original hill; and, the question being then on its passage, after a long debate, on the part of IMcssrs. Gordon, Nesdit, Kino of Glynn, Walker, Hepburn, Liddell, and Dawson, in favbrof it, and Messrs. Wood of Mclntosh. Saffohd, Alford, Crowell, Powell, and Floxd, against it, it was rejected —yeas 29, hays 50. House, Dee. 3.—Mr. Jeffries reported a bill to add a part of Wilkes county to Talliaferro ; which was read the first time. The bill to authorize tlic raising of $30,000, by Lottery, to build Masonic and City Halls in Co lumbus, was rejected —yeas 9, hiij's 119. On motion of Mr. Black of Scrivcn, the re ports of die majorily and minority, of the select Committee on lire depredations of the Creek In dians in the S. Western section, were taken up; and Mr. Dismukes, (one of the majority of said committee,) offered a substitute for both reports, much to the same effect as the report of the mi nority ; which was read, and Mr. Burner moved to recommit both reports, with the substitute, and the documents, to the same committee. Mr. Davis of Elbert, then occupied the floor for more than two hours, in an exceedingly able and luminous speech in opposition to the motion to recommit; in which he reviewed the whole subject, read the documents, clearly sustained the report of the majority thrdugliUUt, and severely attacked and exposed that of the minority, and also the vascillaling and imbecile conduct of Gov. Lumpkin. Repeated attempts were made to j silence him. by erics of “question,” a motion to ; adjourn, &c,; hut he coolly and dctertninatcly stood his ground, declaring that lie would not lie put down, and that if the motion io adjourn sue- j cccdcd, he would proceed in the mßrning, when he would be entitled to the floor. The reading! of the documents by the Clerk, was reffsed him ] by the Chair; the reading of the report of the ' majority, by Mr. Black, was endeavored to be drowned and silenced, by coughing, scraping, &c.; and Mr. Kenan again made a noble hut ineffectual appeal to his parly. Tire people will be enabled to judge pretty fairly and correctly ro m this, and the previous and subsequent pro- • i ccedings on the subject, of the true nature and 1 object of llto opposition to (lie report of the ma ’ jorily, and the enquiry into the official conduct of • Gov. Lumpkin. Those who have mahilcstcd ) that opposition, have been challenged to the en -1 quiry again and again, and dared to a disproval of 1 the charges,by a free examination of the (acts; 2 and told that those charges could and should be 1 proved, by those facts, to their very utmost ex e tent—and that though they might muzzle enquiry 1 there, and choke it dawn hy brute force, they | could not and should not do it elsewhere. In- j deed every thing has been said that could have . aroused their pride, and prompted them to the | 1 issue of an investigation. e After Mr. Davis concluded, the question to '» recommit was decided in the affirmdtivo—yeas e 76, nays 61. - Mr. Buhnes then moved to print the docu f ] xnents, only, and Mr. Fiounsor, to amend that V motion, so as to print the reports and substitute, i- also ; which was" negatived—yeas 61, nays 77 h and Mr. Burner's motion was adopted, and 300 0 copies were ordered. fj Senate, Dec. 4.—The Senate, on motion, re considered so much of the Journal »f yesterday, . as relates to the injection of the hill to create public and trahsferrahle stock, for the encourage ment of the construction of Rail Roads. The bill from the House, to amend the net in corporating the Central Rail Road Company, and give Banking privileges to that Company, was taken up, and after a long and animated discus -1 sion, which occupied the remainder of the sitting, - was laid on the table for the present, r House, Dec. 4.—The bill to reduce the num ber of Justices of the Inferior Court in each ’ county, from five to one, and compensate that 1 one, was taken up, and Mr. Holcombe offered a * . substitute for the sixth section, providing that I the salary of the Judge should be S2OO, and ten 2 per cent on the county Tax, when not over * $3,000, and five per cent when over that sum, 1 , which was received—yeas 76, nays CC. After | , which, and some discussion, mi the part of Messrs, I * Hill of Jasper, and Merhiwethkh, in favor of j I the bill, and Messrs. Strickland, Douurkrtt, * Davis of Elbert, and Tarver, against it, it was ) rejected— yeas 62, nays 81. , | The Report of the Select Committee on so ! | much of the Governor’s Message as relates to the ,! new Georgia Justice of Messrs. Gsekne and ■j Lumpkin was taken up; and tlic Resolution ae , companying it to subscribe for three thousand i copies of that work at three dollais each, to he sent to the offices of thej Magistrates, Sheriffs, Clerks. &c. throughout the Stale, was adopted— I yeas 115, nays 25—after some discussion, on the t part of Messrs. Davis of Elbert, Hudson, and i Tauter, ia favor of it, and Mr. Meuri wether, against it. i The bill to amend and explain the law of ’3l, authorizing tlic City Council of Augusta to con vey to the “Athens Rail Road Company” ten acres of the common of that city—so as to cor rect the er or as to the mime of the Gooigia Rail Road Company—w as passed. Bills rejected —to reduce the legal interest of this-State ID six per cent —and to relieve Samuel Buffington from his liability to the State as se curity—yeas 62, nays 70. Bills were reported, hy Mr. McKinlet, to ex tend, to the Superior and Inferior Courts, tlic provisions of the act of ’27, for the more speedy collection of open accounts —and to make origi nal papers on record always stationary, and all copies thereof to lie read in evidence. The hill to provide for the election of Clerks of tlic Courts of Ordinary by the people, was re ferred to a Committee of the whole in June next [From some circumstance or other, unknown to us, we have not received the proceedings of the Legislature of Saturday last, having received no letter from Mdlcdgeville since the one dated Friday evening—and wc are at present wholly at , a loss to account for our not receiving them.] I Correspondence of the Constitutionalist, I Millbdoevilee, Dec. 5, 1835. In the Senate, today, tlic hill to charter the Central Rail Road Company; was taken up, and ( its consideration resumed, which occupied that body, without intermission, fiom nine o’clock this morjiing, until five o'clock this evening. Im- , mediately after tire bill had been taken up, Mr. McConnell olfcred an amendment to the original ( hill, winch provided for hanking privileges to tile Georgia Union Rail Road Company. This a- , inendment was takeh up, and read. Mr. Gordon of Putnam, offered a substitute lor the original bill | and amendment offered liy Mr McConnell, liy ; ihis substitute the slate was to subscribe to the , stock of the rail roads in coiiteiiipliniun, to the a mount of $750,000, under conditions specified in , that substitute. In this stage of the proceedings, , Mr. Steelman moved (or Ihe previous question, j Before it was put, Mr. McAllister addressed the | Senate in support of the original bill; Mr. Wood . of Mclntosh followed i., opposition. Mr. Steel man then took the floor. Mr. Alford then su - •ceded in opposition as well as Mr. Ncsbit, Mr. Jordon ol Puinain, and Mr. Dawson. Mr. Pat terson then ( ok tile floor in favour ol the bill. Aftei McAllister and Mr. Alford had again ad dressed the senate, the vole was taken on the mo- 1 don for the previous question. This motion was ‘ sustained by 42 yeas againsi 34 nays. Then the * main question was put, on t he passage of tire on- 11 ginal bill, the previous question rejecting all a- f inendments, and it was decided in tire negative, ' 33 yeas, 44 nays. The following arc the two bills reported by the j I Anti-Abolition Commiticc, wiih the Resolutions already published, and a bill reported hy Mr. ] Bates to lay off tlio State into Congressional i 1 Districts: A BILL ( To be entitled "An Act" to amend the ffti i | section of the third division of the Penal i I | Code, Sec. Ist. Be it enacted by the Senate and I House of Ueprescntulives in the ,Stale of Gear- j i gia ia General Assembly met, and it is hereby 1 enacted by the authority of the same, i hat hour j and alter Uie passing ol tins act, n any pei.on ; 1 shall bring, introduce, ui»nculateyor caused to bo I bruugot. lulioduced, ui circulated, or hi , or as- 1 j sist,or lie many madder in hi brnig , ing, iniroducmg, or ciiculaung within tins Sham, I any primed or written paper, pamphlet or circu- < la painting or prints, cab mated to excite insur rection, revolt, or conspiracy, or resistance on me 1 pa tof the slaves, negroes, or lice persons ot co- 1 lor in tins Siale, against tiro citizens of tins Stale, ■ or any part ut them, or snail print, write or puli- g lislr any suen matter, or snail niter or pulihsn by speecn or otherwise, language calculated to pro- 1 three such ellcct, such person so uifending dial lie I guilty of a ingir misdemeanor and on codviclhin i sirah be punished with imprisonment 111 the Pen itentiary for not less -ban one nor more than I twenty years. A UlLt ' To be entitled An Act, to amend the several \ laws now in fore*: in relation to slaves and I free persons of color . | Sec. Ist. Be it enacted by the Senate and i House of Representatives in the State of Geor *. . gia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby t enacted by the authority of the same , That from and alter the passing ol Huh art, it shall he lawful I far the cle<k of any county in this (Stale, to regia t itr uh free persons of color, or to grant a certifi cate of such registry to any person of color who ’ shall establish try proof to the satisfaction of ” the Inferior Court of said county, that he or she [) applying so to be registered, is bona fide and truly a free person of color, according to, and under the ’ laws of this State, or has been registered in tbi j State and has exercised all the privileges as sue , j for five years before the passin of this act—Tha *it shall be the duty of such clerk, to file in hi ! office the evidence on which he Khali grant sue! application, am! that any clerk violating this lav shall l>e guilty of a high misdemeanor, and 01 conviction, Khali he •o’ jeet to a tine of five hun dred dollars, to he paid one half to the informer the other half to county purposes. Skc. 2d. Be it further enacted, That from am after the first day of next, it shall no be lawful for any person of color, other than i slave or a free person ot color, duly admitted l( register in the manner aforesaid, to remain in :hii Stale, and if am- person of color, other than a; aforesaid, shall be futind in this Stale after tin said first day of next, he or she, stud be arrested and tried, and if convicted of a viola tion of this law, he or she shall pay a fine of om hundred dollars, and in default of such payment it shall he lawful for the Court to bifid them oii ss laborers, and shall moreover, be liable and sub jeet to a repetition ot such conviction, fine unc punishment at the end of thirty days alter any such conviction, until he or she shall actually de» | part this .State, ami that it shall be the duly of I each and every civil olllccrof this Slate to carry into effect this law. Sec. 3d. Be it further enacted, That from and after the pa-sage of this law, it shall not he lawful for any free person of c- lor who shall leave this Slat*’, other than to go to an adjoining Stare, again to return to it. and any and every f ec person of rotor enti’lod i rider the laws of this Male to re gistry’, who shall idler the passage of this law. go out of this State to any place other than an ad joining Slate, f r a temporary or oilier purpose, he nr she, so leaving ibis S ale, shall thereby fa - ever forfeit and lo*e his or her light to registry as aforesaid, and all rights to reside in this Stale, and if thereafter found in this Slate, he or she shall he dealt with and subject to tin punishment described in tlie second section of this art. Bin;. 4th. And be it further enacted , That when any person of color charged with lire vio lation of this act, shall he claimed hy any individ ual as a slave, such claimant, or his, or her agent, shall depose on oath, (hat such person is hoiia tide and actually the slave of such claimant, ami not nominally held as such, or in violation or evasion of the fourth section of the act of 1818, or other laws of this State, and in default of such oath, such person of color shall be deemed and adjudg ed liable to the pains and penalties described in I lie second section of this act Sec. stli. And be it further enacted , That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not he lawful for any male slave who shall after the passage of this act have been in any State usual ly know n as a non s’ave-holding Slate, or in my foreign country, to come or be brought into this State, hy his or her owner, or any other person, and any and all slaves who shall come or be brought into this State, hy his or her owner, or any other person, and any and all slaves who shall come or he brought into this estate, after the pas -age of this act in violation thereof, shall on con viction thereof, he forfeited and sold as a slave, and the nett proceeds of such sale shall be paid one bail* to the informer, and the other half to county purposes.—A d the persdn or persons bringing or aiding quell slave to cable into this State, on indictment for misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof he fined and imprisoned, or either at the discretion of the Court— Provided, that nothing in this act sh nil prevent the owners of fugitive .slaves from reclaiming them wherever found and hiinging them ha k to the 8 utc. Bkc. Gib. And be it further enacted t That the Inferior Courts of the several counties of this j Slate, shall have jurisdiction of tlio several offen ces created or mentioned hy this act, in nil eases ‘ in which hy the constitution of the .Sidle, juris- ( diction may he enleitained by them. Skc. 7lh. And be it further enacted, That the , provisions, prohibit ions mid penalties of this act, shall not cxlehd to any American Indian, free Moor, or Lascar, but the burthen of proof in «U cases of arrest of dny person of color, Khali he on such person of color, to shew him or herself ex empt from the operation of (his et. Sr:c. Bth. And be it farther enacted, That the Inferior Courts of the several counties in this Slate, shall have power and discretion to refuse and deny to any free person of color of had char acter the right to register his or her name, and fueh free person of color shall then, after such re fusal he deemed and held as a fiee person of color in this Slut'*, in violation of this law, and tie lia ble and subject to the pains and penalties herein prescribed, A BIIL To be entitl'd an act, to lay off the State into Co ngressio n a I JJi strict*. Be it enacted by the Senate uitd House of Representatives in Genera! Assembly met. and I it is hei ehy enacted' by the authority of the same, That from and a ter tlio passage ot thin act, the Stale shall lie laid off* into nine Congres sional District;} to bo organized as billows, (to wit/) The counties of Walker, Murray, Floyd, Cass, Gilmer, Cherokee, Union, Immpkin, Forsyth, Hall. Habersham, and Kahun, shall compose and constitute the first Cungirs*ionid District. The eoi nticsot Franklin.. Madison, daek*on, j Elbert, dglcthoipe, Clark. Walton, and Gwdn nett. shall compose and constitute the second Congressional District. Tae collnties of DeKalh, Newton, Hehry, Fay ette, Campbell, Cobb, IV.ulding, Carroll, Kraid, and Coweta, Khali compose and constitute) the I third Congress onal District. The comities of Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliaferro, Greetiv, Warren* Columbia, and Nonets k, shall roiiij-osc and constitute th fourth Coiigrcbuibnal District. | Tho counties of Morgan, Jasper, Putnam, I Ba’dwin. Jones, Twigg , Bibh. Wilkinson, ami But s, shall compose and constitute the fifth Con grC'Si'UMl Distiict. The counties ol Monroe, Pike, Mmiwether, ! Up*on. Troup, Harris Talbot and Crawford, shall | compose the sixth I 'ongicssional District; The countms of Mu-cogec. Marion, Houston, Pulaski, Dooly, Su i pier, flu wait, Randolph, Lee, Early, Baker, D ’cmur, Thomas and Lowndes, shall compose and constitute the bcvcmh Con gressional District. The counties ofiVlfoir, Appling. Ware. Wayne, Glynn, Camden, Mclntosh, Liberty, Talhull, Bryan, Chatham and Bullock shall compose and j cdristitbtc the eighth Congressional District. The counties of'EfHngliam.Scrfvcn, Bnrko, Jef ferson, Washington, Richmond, Laurehs, Irwitl, Emanuel and Montgomery, shall form and con stitute the ninlji Congressional DhtHct,. Bcc. 2. And be it further enacted by tht nil thority aforesaid: That at each general election throughout this Stale, to which the citizen# there of, arc now hy law entitled to vote for memliera to represent this Stale in Congress, it shall he law ful for the citizens resident in each Congrcsait nal District aforesaid, who may hy law be entitled to vote for member* <>f tho General Assembly of this State, to elect one preservative to Congress in each Congressional District: Provided, never theless, that no person shall he elected to repre sent any of the aforesaid Congressional Districts, who docs not reside within tho limits ot the di§- tric* which he rrv y b: c!c ted to represent at the time of such election—and that no person • n i t'cd to vote for members of the General Assembly, shall ho entitled to vole for ReprewmtatWcß in iis Congress in any other than the] Congressman eh District in which such person may reside, tat Sec. 3. And be it further enacted: That i iis shall be the duty of tho several presiding magis ch ' tralea throughout this State, at each and even ivv j such election to transmit the returns thereof C >n ; his Excellency the Govern s, who shall procec n- ; to declare the person elected in manner and font ir, now pointed out hy law. | Sec. 4. An Ibeit f urther enacted, Thai the id elections afore mi I, shall h * held at the lime heie< ot t »f»re app dined hy la v and shall he held at the a several pla hm now pointed owl by law, or which to may hereafter be app tinted, for me in'ten of the is Stale Legislature, an I tho same penom who are as authorized to conduct and manage the elections \t of members of tho General Assembly, are he c ill authorized to conduct and manage lUoelo ti nH a- for members of Congress. ie Sec. 6. And be it further enacted. That if a it, vacancy should occur in the reprenuitation of lit i this State, in Congress, by death, resignation r 1). otherwise, of any member or in *mher. who were id elected on the first Monday in October, in the y year eighteen hundred mid t lirty-fonr, (he elec .. , lion shill he held to fill su h v i m i v or vacm >f cies, in the manner he etofo c provide I by law, y Sec. 0. Aidbe it firth t enacted, Tint n'l laws and parts of laws militating against this act n he, and llifc same are hereby repealed, ie e Froth the Charleston Courier, Dec. 7, FROM THE NORTH. The Steam Pack* l South CaruLna, Rol -0 lims, arrived at this p> t on S.itu diy last in 46 h urs from N j folk. By this arrival we received , from our attentive corre-pendents copious files ol Northern papers. s At New V »rk on the Ist inst. 130 shares U. S. , Bank Stork sold at 11*2}; 36 do. do. p ’ The N. V. Courier & Enquirer of 'I ucsdtiy t says—•• Considerable feeling w s evinced throng - out yesterday, in reference t » the state of our ic t la ions with Franco Private letters, Hnd from the most respectable noulc 's, received hy tliu pran ces Ist, concur in stating that the letter of Mi, Livi.vasTON, approved by the President, will not B bo considered n satisfactory explanation** ol the ( Message hy the French Government. They do 1 not, however, seem to expect that this would r lewd to a rupture.** The Jter. Advertiser vnys: “ There was some ’ advance in the price of Flour yesterday. It is I supposed the quontity in market is not more limn sufficient for eighty or ninety days consumption, t estimating the daily consumption of the city at t 1000 1200 barrels. The quantity detained from e market hy the closing of the canal, is believed to |. exceed CO 000 barrels.” The same paper says: “ Copt. Delano, of the j Roscoe, informs I hat the Despatches he brought were put on h >ard hy Mr Oodev, our consul at ’ Liverpool, who told him they were from France. r These Despatches, wc understand, were foiward j cd from (his city on Saturday afternoon, hy ex press, and probably reached Washington on Sun . day.” The Journal of Commerce, 2d edit ion of M an- J day, aaya— ■“ The letters from France ara various , in their prognostications. Wc have seen one H from a noble Duke, member of course of the H Chamber of Peers, wild sbertis to understand the ~ subject. His Grace-says ho does not see how tlio r nob* from Mr. Fotsytli to Mr. Livingston ran he r considered an explanation, for ho dues not per s ceive that a Idler fom u Minister to n recalled • | Envoy, tia-i any diplomatic character about it j which can lie recogn zed hv another nation. But I he says there need he no difficulty respecting the I I mtillor, ns it is a mere point of etiquette which I ought to he easily adjusted, and that tlic Govern- I ment of France entertain now the same senti ments of friendship towards this couri'ry, and the I same disposition to pay the money, as were ex pressed hy the French Ministers, on presenting 1 the bill in the Chambers, 'flic story o*’ an expla nation being demanded for the recall of Mr. Liv ingston, is of course Unfounded.** S |I ill ill A R Y. Gov. Gay le says in his Message, that he has made a tbrmal demand on the Governor of New York, for tho delivery ot Williams, (Editor of the Emancipator,) to (he authorities of Alabama. Good Luck. —Wo understand that Willidm T. Burk, of Talbot colinly, Geo is the tiwner of half ticket No. 8,022, which drew the Capital Piizc ot S2O,OUU, in the Miltedgeville Ftreet Lot tery, on the 10th ult.— Georgia Journal. Large and V /liable Cartro.—T he ship Washington , sailed from this port fur Havre )es terduy, dad a cargo of 2720 hales cotton, weigh ing 0*10,776 lbs. and valued at $141,471 11 cent*, being the largest cargo ever taken hum this port. 1 —Charleston Courier, I J\uvul. —Extract from a letter from an officer of tlic U. 8. ship Constellation, dated 81. Tnurn as, Nov, 12. leeeived in this place: J*. ti.— We are off*in ha-le for Puerto Cahcllo, where we leUrn there has been a serious military | insurrection* and much American property de stroyed, and lives in jeopardy. The sloop, have not yet joined us, or wu would he sa'ed the ne cessity ol running down there ’* 1 < O.R .vi i'.»4<i • ,vt/. | LAI LIT UAlh IMOil LIVE a pool, ocn 24. ' < ' rr r ~,,rr mi mm hvi-hk. ocr. 2l Alii’!’* r l tIAUIiRT. COTTON —This article continues in good demand, at 12 a 14] cents per lh.—genoiul sabs me nlade from Waggons at I3j ebau, |.»r h ( loads; FREIGHTS—To Savannah, for Cotton, |1 per bald—to Charleston, J cent per lb. Ga\:vn Gulf (M s*.) Mvtikkt, Nov. 17. Cotton,-—' The arrival of Cotton for the past I week has been only tolerably hri k. Sales averag ing from 15 to 1C cci U. Shipped since the Ut October, 2233 bale A IverUn r. Coi.cmmuka MmKtT, Dec. 4. The demand for < 'otton continues good, and sales ire readily effected at our quotations—-13] aU) cents lor lb.— Enquirer, Nkw-York Market. Dec. I. In roriscqliehrfe of the limited sliptily of Flour , in this market, since the closc of the canal navi gation, (his ar iide has taken an Unexpected Hse. i It has been gradually advancing, and is now held as high as SB, at which price sates have been ef fected. In Fr. nch Silk Goods wc hear of no ad • ■ van cc since Saturday. Brandies remain in the 1 hands of (he purchasers of last week, at advanced - prices. Ol olher articles, the following sales have I come to our knowledge : sto 000 nelv crop Cot • ton. Uplands, brought 16$ to 16c; N. Orleans i and Mobile. lßto 18]; Florida HJ] to 17]. Kx i change on London 0] to 9$ —on Paris toM- CiiAtir.r.sTov Market, Dec. C. , Cotton. —At rived since our la-.i to yesterday • morning inclusive, 5031 bales of f plsnd 1 <> Im; i cleared in tho Fame lime, 8b92 hales; on ship - I oard not. cleared, 8064 bales. Th*. sales have , been 9083 halos of Uplands, as follows: 147, » Iff]; GO, 16] ; 1207, 16; 04, 15 11-10; 125, al 16]; 2601. 15] ; 870, 15}; 2102, 16]; 733, 15}; 1023, 15] ; GB. 15; 28, it cts. It will l*o seen hy our report, that !arg*.* sales 9 , have been made in Uplands during the week, ry The market on Saturday last was linn; und.lG] to • IG] cents were readily obtained for choice Out j | tons. On Monday, purcha era vv mid not operate m without a reduction of ] cent, tinklers readily came into their views, and the principal *d!cs liavo Ie been nlade since that peri *d. From the trails p. actions of yesterday in iniing, we thin that the , e market has g.ven way $ cent more, and at this I, rate it closed heavi y ; mi no and choice CutloiM ie ttlC in most request. Wo quo'c U. lands, into e ri r 14] a 14 J ; fair, 15; good fair, 16] a 16] ; m prime, 15) a 0 •Mercury. H ' Nkw.Om.kv h M iirkt, Nov. 28. a Cottor..~~* Arrival nlnre the 2()<h inn . 12 0(4 hales. Cleared in the sime tim •, ?;L3 bale*; r in kng an nddi i nto -loik of 4692 h.des, and t . caving on hand iiedusive of all on ship hour I ~ not cleared on the 26th inst. a stock of 54.80-1 .. hales. The week’s hu inesi hi-* been much hea vier th n we have yet hid re* rd this scuon, a mount tig as it does to about 14,000 hales, and the 1 slock on sate is reduce I very small; rout) I lots t have brought very full pri r<, an lin cons • pience iof the great carcity of fine co t ms. half a cent advance has been obtained f»r tin* parcel* tint were olfcred. 'The «u! j im disalm of the sales, in the order in which t .ey were nude, commen cing with the week vizof t7>ui«innn ami Mm •. «issipp| 400 hales at 10 cents. 7* at 15] 53 at 16 J 18 a* 16]. 250 at 16 600 at Iff. 500 al 16] 315 1 at 5/ 450. it Iff, 1200 at Is*t sffo at 10. 20 I I at 16. 30 at 17. 382 at 15] 3 lit at I6g. at 1 15], 40 at 16], 76 al 11 A 46 at 14 j. 1057 at . 16 5 16. 1 67 at 15} 21 4 at I7j. H 8 at 17. 50 j «i 10}, CO at l(y.sCnt 15}. 41 at 15 51 at 161. I | 36at IGL 04 at 15], 050 at J 5 ;40at 1 j 52 • at 18. 169 at 18 rents—of Tenues ee (Western District) 120 at 15}. 121 at 15], 222 at 16}. 6 5 • at 15} cents per lh. Except for good and fine • Cot ons, our quota ions have not licet! molested.—• ■ Levy's Prices Current. Haviik MvRKrT, Oct. 11. Cotton t.—-We have ho srriviiis of Colt »n this week. The packet ship from New York of th •I ( Bill Srpr. has brought none and the advices from i the IT, S ales state, that they do not think there i of making any shipment for this port, and that the ~ i crop will come, in very late thi * ycsK Thi* new*, i , a d tlic wants of manofa infers, has gived more L confidence to buyers, an I some large parcels h ive i been sold this week. The total amount of sales ) this week, is 6825 hales, viz: 3 *sl Louisiana. I2()fn 167 f5O ; )96.1 Go .rgia and Florid*. 1.17 f • 50 a 153 f 50 ; 2236 Mobile, I3ofa 150 f; 125 A Ilhams, I3of a II Os 50; 3P4 Tennessee, 117 f 50 a 130; Ac. Arc. Cottons of an ordinary qua- < lily arc still neglected, the heller descriptions, on | the contrary, are in much better demand, and j of these kind** our “I ak h daily dimishing. Our } p r eM»nt stork is 38 000 hales. - j Oct. 14.—Since our last of the Bth inst. there • has been no muterinl change in o r market. For i Cottons, oAr prices are fullv supported that is, for middlin’! nod n , *e*-ior qualities; for ordinary and a inferior, t’ ere is Unit 4 nr no demand. Ie- of the J6'h Ors. r«»rM»>:--130 hides j • Louisiana. I4fff a 153; 2>7 Mobile. 131 f a 147 • 50; 112 Alabama. 128 f a 15') 206 'Tennessee, I • I2lfa 124; 73 Georgia, 123f50. I A ’efer from Havre of Get. 21st. (received via Liverpool) says; “ Our stock of co'lon is about 32,000 hales —ordinary qualities without demand, (even al If to I 10. Fine Louisiana’s as high as 1 75. and fine Uplands 1 57]. MARRIED, In this county, or. Thursd iv by tlie Rev. 1 M'. Holcombe, Mr. Thomas Wilds, to Miss Ann ■ Buoo, both of Richmond eoyn(y. On the 20th tilt, hy llib Rev. Mr. Kennedy, I Thomas J. W. Kkstisov, cif Rirhmorid, to Miss I • Martha A. Brow, of Columbia county. ( In Washington, on Sunday evening, the 29th ! 11 nit., hy the Rev. Jesse Mercer, Mr. James W. Price, (Printer,) to Miss Subax 11. Johnson, n all of that place. In Lincoln county, on Monday evening last, hy £ the Rev. Jesse Mercer. Mr. William A. Mkh- r rh, editor of the Washington to Miss Maiit Axx Walker, daughter of the Rbv, John If, Walker. * 1 In Wsneu Countv. on the Hi in«t.. hv th© Rev. Patrick N. Maddux. Mr. Winofirlo Whioht, to Mi«s E "R'.’xr. Ftkt.t v n. daughter ofVlr. Barnard W. Pickling, all of Warren Conti ly. On. k On Mrnidnv uvenini. 29d nil., in rVnm'im county. I>v the Rev. .Sound J. t’niffih th" Rev. John B. ('ahf.i.j. of Lihnrtv county, to Mins Lu- j cinda, ilnugliler of Judge Magrudcr. lo this city, on Sunday morninr, of Aino. nluxy, It ir.l.i Ol ibfeaii, Eiq. .Merchant of New ! York. Go the 29th ult. at hi* p'*i ience in Uailown, VVillm* countv, Mr. Thon** Tun let, a native of the county of Galway, Ireland; | i.ovr, «>«( Taoi. ON the 2lal of Octoher la I, B large HAIR TRUNK,.with the direction “.I//*. . t ■ ,| netly, A übunta.” w incii on aca d ami lacked on the op ol it. The color of ho hair on the t j Trunk "iH daik, and l« much eaten hy mo h . v Tliere i* iraadn to liclicve ilial the above de«. rihed q Trunk waa alolen, either fro n the O rulnia. or fiom the Piazza of the G ohe H >d. A liberal reward will he | aid for the rod very of the Trunk . and it* eontantaj aid any infiroial on reapfeeting i,lft at tiiia oltlco, will he thank ully received, I Die 9 4t 20 1 I’OB Sill R. I fftlUß raharritor offers for .ale Uia FARM, Jg in 8 riven county, fifty miles above Bu- c vaunah. containing five and Idly acres, £ a portion of whidi ia lir*t quality pine and swamp LAND. Tho Farm i* in good order, and on tho premise* i* a convenient D veiling, and out hud dingfl. It will I e so d a ti.irga il- it apj'licd lor immodialcly. For further particular., apply to tho Eubacnbcr. EDWARD W. WILLIAMS. Doc 9 4iw 2° CAITIiIX J STOLEN from Ilia Siilwtcriher, on the Clh in- j slant, a largo hlac k Terrier DOf«, that, answer, to the name of Herlvr. '1 his Dog wa* j .te en hy a man flamed Philip Buiicr, a musi- ~jan, who i* supposed to have tell here for Macon. The public are cautioned again*! haying anything to dri with thi* Philip llorck, who will no duuhl endeavor to injure any person who will give turn the power to do so. F. W. MONROE. Dec 9 ■ , It . 20 . ~ Fi'SLYS* ! A PM ALL iiument of MONEY, whe h the t owner can have by identity ins it. and pay-1 | ing for this adv'ertisemtut. Enquire of W. WHITING. Dec. 9 2t ao I. OFFICE AUCD3TA INS. & BANK’G CO’T. Bra 1 iciMnm. 1635. “ MONDAY :4- it n turn, the Annual *Lr Election foi Dhaclnra will he tbi* I olfice; between the huua »A. M. and 2P. M. HOiiout WaLION, Cashier. 5 Dec. 9 20 * , iVilHitg-fon teaiieniy. rMIHE E crri e< of this Institution will b* . , ten timed on the lirst day of January, 1836* The «uh-MTiher, ha-4 horn ofirfdnnta as to te-en* ih • services of Edwin Kursk, M. D. a gen tlemnn veil mid iiiltmitHgi lunly known in both ’ South C ipolinn and • irorgin, as an instructor of youth. T*» * IVnnawill vary from eleven dollar* t • twelve dol’ar-j per iiionth 101 Heard and Tut* j iton. The mu ccshv arK has attended the ctforta of t •« Tenrhers during the past year, while it wil diohtiess ti nula!o them to continued zoal, vi | ir l Hoped, encourage a continuance of pub* lief patronage | JAMfcS Pi .WADDED, Rector. tCj'T'ie Siijte Rights Sentinel, Columbia Tel eß'.ifip, nn I 8. C. Herald, will iinert the above ill er lime* each. I Dec 9 4t SO .1 VtJ fj.ST.i MUICE9, ! iril.l. commence on the necoml Tuesday V V in Junuaiy next, the 12lh of the month. The good j»i rm-«. and great mnnhur of horse* that Will ho oil 1110 ground, promise rare and in leteiiiing spurt—tho piirsas km t- as folluwa; Firm day, 3 mil* hauls, SIOO 00 Second day. 3 mile hciits, 500 00 T drdihiy, 4 mile healn, , 800 00 Fourth day. hem 3 in 8 mile heats, 400 00 The day preceding ihn first days race, a aweep atake, for Colin and Fillies • yaara old, S2OO en trance, half forfeit, two mile heals ; 3 or more to m ike a race, to name and clos* by the Bth day u t Jan mry. On the name day, a two mile heat race, fraa for ally horse mare or gelding carrying their ap propriate weights, tweiity dollars entrance, to be j added to the purse, and one hundred dollars given l-y the proprietor*. Oil Saturday, the 1s t day,* roll post taken, free (or 2 and 8 year old colts and fillies, fifty did firs entrance, play or pay—to which two hut dred dollars will he lidded hv the proprictoi* one mil* heals, 4nr more to make a ra*. A person wish ing to outer for the shore race, cun do so at any time previous to tin Brsl of January ; beta is not hound to name hcfoie day of the rauos; two en tries already made. The proprietors will give on the first and second day, a purse of fifty dollars, a die entrance money, which shall he ten. after I e main ra c one mile heats on one day, and two mil s out on die other. The htles Hf the Atifnxis (liljil, til jjdvern in nil Cases. All app'icatiims for entries to lit* nweepntakes, must lc in de to J. J, Byrd, E-q. Sec’y of the Club. T epr prlelors l ave exerted 1 cmselven in proriding the best means of enjoy ment and sport to their frh mis and the public,— they have added a large number of first rate new nn I well arranged ntahles. Their booths will contain upwards of two thousand spectators, se cure front the weather. Their Turf has been made piecisely one mile, three feet from the in side railing, and is in excellent order. Tho Lv dies they have not forgotten, who give a zest and vivacity to every pleasure; their parlour shall b* provided Willi byery delicacy, and proper arrange ment made for their comfort. The great number of first rate horses that are expected, .be spirited and intelligent Turfites that will meet in honora ble "Tug of War,” great amusement and sport may he expected. Those who prefer to board at the course can Jo so. as arrangements are in pro gress foi their accommodation. THE PROPRIETORS. Dec, 9 20 FOlt SilsK* OK l l KENT; J.. X Tito 01,0 UK TAVERN, in 'lfrisja Montieello, formerly occupied by •SJJjF&f Ueorgis sttovull. anil more recently by Mi . tioo shv; This house is 100 well knowtl to require a , drtlcular description. It ia h nldsd oeiy furnished with every thing necessa ry to carry on tile business. Posssessisn givati i umediatoiy. Apply to Messrs. HILL Hr , ft A RUE I. FULTON, Esq, Montieello, or M 'KENZIE & BENNOOH. Augusta. Dec. 2 IS 1M »SSI Vials’* Sy% L E. On llicji n' 'lunlay in Jutntnry next, n he s.M at tho lower Market House, in Hie city of Augusta, within the legal It urs ill' sale : Two .Vccross, one a Oirl. named Zelcen, and the Ollice a Hoy, named Daniel: levied on at Ilia propony of (ieorg ■ II lillio, fir satisfy a fi. fa. from Lite Hilt Circuit (I.atri, District of Georgia, in fa vor of II trie. \V irdrohe, vs. said George Baillie. Forms Ca-li. E. li. GLASCOCK, Sjiecial D. M. D. 0. Dec* 18 • Itlinhi istr/itor’s Hale. On the first Tuesday in February next, PUHSt ANF to an Order of the Inferior won ll ofl'olumhii County, silting as a Court ot'Or. inary, will tie sold, within the usual * hours of sale, Injure tho Court Houso in the vil lage of Appling: A ribitro til m tinned Fawe, belonging id Bill ' estate ol S.ifalt C He. deceased. Bold for the bene fit of heirs ami creditors. ISAAC RAMSEY. Com. Test, on, Nov. r 6 wld 16 Executor's Sale- On the first Tuesday in Jdntiary next, AGREEABLY in the last will and testameni of Wm. GiUrap, late of Burke counlyj .leu ased, will lie sold, at the Court House doorjtri the town of Waynesboro’, tho following negroes, viz: Edmond, Dave, Hetty, Lindy, SaraK, Aup" chy, Synthia, Hannah. VV illis, longing to the Mole qf said deceased. —Term* of sale made known on the aiy: .. . . . REUBEN CHANCE, Ex’r; Oct 31 9tw 9 aXbtice. A Tali person* indebted to the Citato of John VV. Reynolds, hub of Burke county, decea sed, a-e hereby requomed to make immedletb pay ment ; an.l tuuse having demands, will render them in, properly authenticated, within the timo prescribed by taw. JOSEPH REYNOLDS, ; v J AS, M. REYNOLDS, $ Ndv. SO, 1800. &w f»