Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, August 27, 1836, Image 3

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- ** . A ■ ■— - - 1 — ■ - - - - - - - ■ ■ -- - - - - - . ' . - SUMMARY. ■ A slight shook of an Earthquake was felt in Willedgeville and its vicinity, on the Morning ol I 'tiel7th inst, , Mr. Secretary Cass returned to Washington on I Mie 18th instant, from his visit to Michigan. One hundred and ninety sick troops from Mi I Vanopy and Black Creek, are expected to arrive ner'e daily in the steam boat Santee. — St. Angus- IH ‘ring Her alii, itfA ih'f. General Court. We learn from depatohos re ceived from the Governor, that a Court Martial lias been ordered for the trial of all offences that come before it.—lt will assemble probably in this city.— lbid. A military post is to be established forthwith at the plantation of Philip Weadman Esq. on the Picolata road, and Major Putnam has been di rected to dispose ofhis command in such a man ner as to give the most perfect security to the in habitants of the country. — Ibid. Military. —On Saturday last, Alexander Drys dale, Esq. was elected Lieutenant Colonel, to command the COlh Battalion, Ist Itegimant—and Jos. W. Jacksori, Esq. Major, to command the Ist Battalion, Ist Regiment. —Savannah Jiepubti can, 22 d inst. The National Intelligencer, alluding to Presi dent Jackson’s letter to Governor Cannon ofTeti sscc, which we published in our last, says—“ We consider the Document to boos an importance scarcely- inferior to that of the Proclamation ot of the first President of the United •States in 1793, which prevented this then young nation from being ingulfed in the wars of the French Revolution.” ■ , Attempt to break Jail. —A daring attempt to I break Jail was made in this city, on Saturday ■ night last, by five prisoners, viz; T. Livingston, ■ John Spcmllove, and L. June, confined for Lar ■ ceny, and two foreign Sailprs, for desertion. The I prisoners succeeded in nearly effecting an open ft ing through the wall, when discovered by the ■ Jailor in time to lie foiled and secured.— Charles ■ ton Courier, 2ith inst. There was a white frost in Boston, hn Wed ■ nesday the 11th ol August, “ TEXAS.—The San Jacinto from Galveston, Vug. 9th, brings information that a Moxicanschr. alied the Matilda, arrived at Galveston as a prize o the Texian Man-of-War Terrible. She was aptured at Sisal bound to Campeachy—Cargo ; •‘mens, Flour, Corn, Beans, &c. The Terrible ud chased on shore and destroyed one other chooner (name not recollected.) The Texian army commanded by Gen. Rusk ■with 3000 men, had marched lor Matamotas.— U. Pee, Uth inst. NEAPOLITAN INDEMNITY. The Washington Globe says—“ We undcr n stand, and feel happy In communicating the fact, that the third instalment of the Neapolitan In- S demnity was punctually paid at Naples when due; dl and that a part of it has already arrived in this Bsountry in gold, and the remainder is expected by ■ the-next packets. - As soon as it reaches here, ■ and the nett proceeds ate ascertained, public no ■ tire will, we presume, be given, and payments be m made by the Treasury Department. r Ship '.Majestic. —The arrival of this vessel late ■ on Tuesday night, has quieted the fears of num- H I'crs of our citizens who had friends on board, as fi; well as of our merchants, who had large amounts h. in specie and merchandise in her. She met with • a gale of wind on her passage and carried away , some of her spars and sails, and was forced to put Main to Foyal for repairs. On Tuesday morning Jour hundred thousand dollars premium was of fered, to any person or persons, who would issue » her for two millions. It was not taken up and the ■premium is saved. She is safe now, and we are jfVglad, although we cannot help thinking that the ■ fears of the owners and consignees w ere prema- Aturc, as she was known to be a first-rate vessel, and her commander a No. I.—.V. Y, Herald. The Birth Place of Gen. Hamilton. —A para fP graph, originating with the Philadelphia Senli siel, and copied into this paper on Saturday last, SS incorrectly stated that Gen. Hamilton was born w. iu Pennsylvania. The mistake no doubt arose H from confounding Gen. H. with his father, who § was a native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and H came to South Carolina after the sutrender of i Yorktown, in command of a regiment, attached to I Wayne’s distinguished brigade, which formed a E junction with Gen. Greene’s Southern division. | Gen. H. himselfwas born in Charleston about live | years after his father became a citizen of this I State. The great moralist, Dr. Johnson, remarks, I “ that even the most tr ivial error, for (he general i purposes of truth, ought to be corrected and in | the spirit of this wholesome maxim, as well as to ft vindicate the right of Charleston to the nativi i? ty of one of her distinguished sons, we make the I above correction of an error, which we have aided 7 in circulating.— Charleston Courier, Uth inst. i SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. CONSIGNEES. August 2d.—E Bustin, Stovall, Simmons &co, | Rowe & Smith, E B Beall, B Baird, V Durand j & co, Clark McTicr & co, Webster Parmc lee & co, W C Way, P Golly, G \ Wal or, R Barber, R Malone, U S Qr Master, A Frederick, i M Kemp, W Hcwson, F Lamback, .1 Norton, S Kneeland & co, Rathbonc & Baker, J P Seize A co, M Anthony, R Philip, A Gumming, Geo Parrott, U Anderson, Benson & Urquhart, J Sale, H Huchison, Young & Green. i August 2fi.—J P Seize, J B Murphy, Stovall , Simmons & Co, S Kneeland & Co, A Johnson, C A Greiner, W C Way, Stovall & Hamlcn, Ro bertson <Sc Benedict, A R & C E Latimer, Geo Lott, B Baird, Mr. Dawson, B W Force, T Da vis, B Bustin, G A Walker, W Hcwson, Havi land Risley & Co, R C Baldwin, Kerrs & Hope, W E & J U Jackson, J & J Mcßride, Allen & Ellis, B Winding, M R Smith, Geo Parrott, Young & Greene, L Richards, Benson & Urqu r - < nti.. Latest hate fiki.m Liverpool, july IS LATEST HATE FROM HAVRE, JULY 7 AUGUSTA MARKET. I’rices Current. Corrected Weekly. BACON.. - . Sides & shoulders, 12$ a 14$ per Ih Hams, per lb. IS a 1(1. BUTTER .. Goshen, per lb. 375. BRANDY .. Cognac, gallon, 1 25 a 2 00. Apple, “ good 18 a 56. BALE ROPE, 12$ a 15. t BAGGING . Hemp, 24 to 28 • ,Tow, 17 a 20 Flax, 18 a 22c. tjj. 1 COTTON . Prime and choice, 17$ a 18$. A-*- Et Inferior and Middling, 14 a 16$. Iff vORN bushel, 85 a 87$. COFFEE . . Prime green, per lb. 15 a 16. fair, “ 14 a 14$. Inferior to good,l2s a 13. ' CASTINGS Ih. 5 a 6s. CANDLES Sperm, per lb. 37$ to 40 Northern, 18c. a 20. Georgia madc r 18c. a 20. FLOUR . . . Canal, bbl. retail, fresh £los a 11. GIN Holland, 1 85 a 1 75. I Northern, 50 a 53. HAY Northern, £1 50. IRON Russia and Swedes, lb. 5$ a 6c. INDIGO . . . Spanish float, 1 75 Carolina, 87$ a 112$. LEAD 8$ a 9. LARD per lb. 18 a 20c. MACKEREL, No. 1, bid. slls No. 2, $lO. No. 3, 8 to 8$ scarce per yd Cotton, 12$ a, ijc. RUM Jamaica, gal. i 25 a 375. N. England, 49 a 50. RICE 4$ a sc. SALT Liverpool, bushel, 75. SHOT .. ~ ,2 25 per bag. to 2 50. SOAP Yellow, per lb. 8 a 9c. 1...U . . tarr- — SUGAI! .... Havana, white, 12$ a 10. 1 do. brown, lb. 10c. a 10$ bxi f Muscovado, 11$ to 12$. St. Croix, 13 a 14. i N. Orleans, 10$ a U $. , TEA . . . . Hyson, lb. 75 a 112. Gunpowder, 112 a 120. TOBACCO. 12 a 40c | WHISKEY . Monongahe a, 70 a 75. Northern, 4Sc. N. Orleans, 50 • WINES .... Madeira, 250 a 3 00. Malaga, 56c. a 70. Tenerilie, 1 00 a 1 50. Bat.timore Market, August 19. Coffee. —A parcel of 1625 bags Rio, just hit -1 ported per brig Win. Price, was all sold at auction to-day, at an average of about 12$ cents—the prices ranging from 11$ a 13J cents, as in quali ty. We note sales by private contract of 700 bags Rio at 12 a 13 cents; lots of La Guayra at 13 cents, and of St. Doin'ngo at 11 $ cents, i Cotton. —Sales at 18$ a 21 cents—the Utter for Louisiana, Howard street Plow. —Sales of parcels of fresh ground, or subject to re-inspection, were made at the begining of the week at $7 75 per bbl. Sales of lots, subject to re-inspection, have since been , made at the same price, and lots of fresh ground . have been sold at $7 87$. A small lot made of , the new crop, was sold at $8 25. The wagon ■ price early in the week was uniform at $7 50, I but it now ranges from $7 50 as7 625. ■ City Mills Flour. —A sale of fresh was made '. early in the week at SB, and more recently a par eel of the same description was sold at $8 12$. Some holders refuse to sell at the latter price Susquehanna Plow. —Sales at the begining of the week, at $7 75 for fresh ground, and yesterday ’ at $8. — American. New-York Market, August 17. Cotton is selling to-day, ordinary to middling Uplands 13 to 18$c; fair to good 10 to 22. Ala bama and Tennessee 14 a 19c. Louisiana and Mobile 20 a 23c. The late and favorable news received this morning from Liverpool via Boston, must materially affect our markets. In other ar tialcs no change. Exchange closed for the pack ets at rales previously reported.— Express. LtvEni’Oor. Market, July 16. Taken on speculation this year, hales 101,600 Same in 1835, 100,500 Increase of import this year compared with the same date last year, 35,274 Increase of stock, 59,400 Increase of quantity taken for consump tion, 29,100 Decrease of quantity taken for export, 10,460 Comparative view of the imports and exports of Cotton into and from the whole kingdom, from the Ist January to the 9th inst., and of tile im ports and exports for the same period last year. Imports in 1836. American, bags 511,578 South Amir'can, 75,774 West Indies, Dematara, &c 3,019 East Indies, 107,952 Egypt, &c. 10,112 Total of all descriptions, 709,435 In 1835. American, bags 518,986 South American, 75,786 West Indies, Dcmarara, &c. 3,019 East Indies, 49,325 Egypt &c. 9,886-657,902 Increase of Imports as compared ) , ~ with 1835, 5 l ’ agS 51,533 Exports in 183 G. American, bags 10,207 Brazil, 2,849 East India, 20,070 West India, • jJo Other kinds, 20 Total in 1836, bags 42,976 Same period, in 1835, 57,863 Stock', July 15, 1835, bags 213,590 Same time, 1836, 287,870 Itoitsis FOR SotElE, A person wishing to pur lAjPs—*—. chase a first rale Saddle and Har- M ness HORSE, can be accommoda ted by calling at the Planters Ho tasPSaedSa tel. Aug. 27 95 STORE TO RE.VT. The Subscriber being about mm 1° leave this city, oilers lo rent 'III* his store, No.-243, Broad Street, Jsg&sSsrlL which he now occupies as a Perfu mer and Hair Cutter, for the balance of his lease which will expire on Ihe Ist of October, 1837. The Store is well calculated for a Dry Good or retail Grocery, and is in the centre of business.— Possession given Ist October next. He will also dispose of his stock of Hair Comhg, Brushes, Perfumes, Gentlemen’s Wigs and Perukes, Ladies Curls, and Braids of most approved descriptions and latest fashions, at very reduced prices. RICHARD WICHELLO. August 27 95 Beware of the Swindler. A MAN calling himself CHARLES BEAR MAH, or BURMAH, camo lo this city sometime in April last, from Charleston, So. Ca., and was employed as a Clerk in my store, till the end of J lily last, when he entered business for himself, and on yesterday lie absconded, lea ving me in the lurch. I set him up with a stock, &c., and he.has been caught buying stolen goods from negroes. Ho is about 5 feet 7or 8 inches high, thin built, dark hair, and pale countenance, and withal a very sweet tongue; can speak the French and German language well, and also well versed in the English language; he pretends lo be a gardener by occupation, and I hope all per sons will be* on their guard not to be duped by such a Villain and Swindler. JOSEPH FREDERICK. August 27 3t 95 GEORGIA & CAROLINA ALMANAC, For the year. *1837. Compiled bij Thomas P. Ashmore, of Lincoln County, Georgia, - HIS ALMANAC will lie ready for delivery JH, in a few days. Country Merchants and others, who wish lo purchase, will please send in their orders before the Ist October. This Alma nac is compiled by a native Georgian, a young man of promising talent in Ins profession; it is printed in Georgia, and from the following table of contents, it will bo seen that it is intended for Georgia, und that part of Carolina, whose trade is principally through Georgia. CONTENTS. The Anatomy of Man’s Body, with explanatory Signs, &c. Solar and Lunar Eclipses for 1837. Chronological Cycles for 1837. Moveable Feasts. Calendar of the twelve months of the year, giving the usual information, as also tho time ol high water at Savannah. . Principal Officers of the Federal Government. Government of Georgia. Sessions of Supreme Courts in Georgia. Ditto Inferior Courts. Customary Freights between Savannah and Au gusta by Steamboats. Rates of Storage and Commission in tho City of Augusta. Rates of Dockage, Wharfage and Storage at Sa vannah. Customary freights between New York and Sa vannah. Banks, &c, in Georgia. Corpora> : oii. &c. City of Courts of law and Equity of OsMina. Times of holding Courts of ScsSw r-d Com V mon Pleas, for each Circuit in Soutl 'arolm 1 ffi’imes of holding U. S. Courts in NottUatoliiu ' South Carolina and Georgia. Price —For three grocc or more $4 9 ccn r * per grocc; single grocc $5 ; half grocc $59 ; o > cents per dozen. Constitutionalist Office, j Augusta, Aug. 26, 1836. 5 5 Adiuiii|*fi>a(oi>% Sale. On the first Tuesday in November next , be sold at the Market House in the v * town of Louisville, Jefferson county, be tween the usual hours of sale. 1297 acres ol pine and mixed Land, situate lying and being in the county of Jefferson, on both sides ot Dublin's Creek, above H. Jenkins’ Mills, being the place on which William Clarke resided, at the time ofhis death, and sold under an order of tlio Court of Ordinary of the said county of Jefferson, for the purpose of a division bet ween the distributees of said estates. On this tract there is a portion of fine farming land, for corn or cotton. The tract, if desired, will bo di vided to suit purchasers. Terms of sale made known on the day. LEWIS LAMP, Ad mV. ’ Aug. 37 , wid 95 1 To Temperance Societies. THE Secretary gives early notice, that the anniversary of tire State Temperance So ciety will take place in Milledgovillo, on Thurs . day after the Legislature meets. He would sug gest that all auxiliaries call an early meeting, and , discuss the propriety of adopting the pledge to abstain from all intoxicating drinks ; as well as from ardent spirits. From sonlo cause, the in ■ terest in Temperance Societies is flagging, and some means should ho used to ro-excitc it. It is hoped there will be a full representation in the State Society—men who are willing lo make sac rifices for the cause—men who will relinquish wine ami cider, that others may cease to use whiskey. ADIEL SHERWOOD. • August 87 95 "pEeaSAMT" UUa7 for s.iffff. jw-j. The Subscriber oilers for ft*sale, tho prciffiscs whereon he now 1S • 1 Pfflß bves, on Murder Creek, Jasper coun eight miles North of Monticollo, on the road loading lo Madison, Morgan county, containing seven hundred acres; three hundred and (illy of which are in u stale of cultivation, and promises a reward worthy the attention of the farmer. The production of tho lands on Murder Creek, l»3 r those acquainted, are known to he equal, if not superior, to any in this fertile country. The improvements are good, and well constructed for the convenience and accommodation of a large family. Attached to the promises are two Grist Mills; one appropriated lo tho grinding of wheat, and the other corn; both under one roof. Also, a Saw Mill that cuts one hundred and twenty five feet per hour, Fronijdic location of these Mills, much interest is secured ; there being a point of rock.sixty feet above, which defends them from the heavy and swift current at jjdl times. It is unnecessary lo speak of their value, as those wishing to purchase such property are solicited to examine for themselves, or by an agent. At the south end of tho dam is erected a new two story Gin house, supplied with a now Gin of seventy-five saws, propelled by water. Tho seed Cotton is deposited on the first floor, and con veyed to the Gin on the second floor, through a box, which enables one hand to attend said Gin, when ginning, with } of the labor when on the former plan. Near at hand stands it screw fo r packing Cotton ; this screw was cut at the Fac tory of Mr. Wilson, in Morgan county; The performance of these screws are greatly admired lor their great pressure, and quick operation ; ha ving square threads which are preferable to the V. thread. On the north side of the Creek, near the Mills, stands a largo and convenient Store House; the first story prepared will! counters and shelves formcrchanJising, or storage; under neath is a good brick cellar—two brick chimneys and two fire places in each. The second story is adapted for Clerks, or an Agent. It is a good stand for the purchasing of Cotton or merchan dise. Convenient is one of the best springs in this section, known for its purity for hundreds of miles North and South of these Mills. Tho DWELLING stands on a beautiful emi nence on the South side of the Creek ; half a mile from the Mills, and there is a well out water in the yard. Tho place has for sever al years proven quite healthy, with a few excep tions, from which no section is exempt. Convenient to this residence is located Consti tution Hall Academy, now in operation with u full school. The stock of Hogs and Cattle, with the crop of Corn, Fodder, Oats, farming implements, and a set of Smiths’ tools, can be purchased with the farm, if desired. N. D, Tho erection of a Cloth Factory, ad joining (he Mills, would insure a source of in come ; as there is a convenient spot, and a suffi ciency of water. QCj* All persons wishing lo examine the pro mises can apply to the Subscriber thereon, or to M. Whitfikh, Esq. at Shady Dale. LAWSON S. HOLLAND. August 27 05 The Augusta Chronicle, Federal Union, and Southern Recorder, will please insert the above once every fourteen days, if not otherwise direct ed, for three months, and forward their accounts to M. Whitfield, Esq. Shady DaleFosl Office, payment. LITTELL’S sa iff s a 's m OF POKEICx IV fa IT ER A TIJ I4 E, Science and ,‘Brt. Price —$6 a year, in advance—seven dollars and a half, if not in advance. Postage —Eight sheets, under 100 miles 12 cts; over 100 miles, 20 cents. C} ’ This work will he sent to any Post-office in the United Stales, carefully wrapped up, upon receipt of Pive Dollars, in part payment. Published Monthly for E. Litteix. Contents for August, 1836. AMERICAN Notions—Examiner. Ccrubc’s Physiology of Digestion—Spcc -1 talor. Look Forward—do. 1 National Education—do. The Dublin Review—do. i Willis’s Inklings of Adventure—do. 1 Joint Slock Banks—do. i Life of the First Earl of Shaftesbury—do. The Duke of Wellington compared with other ; Commanders—United Service Journal. « Pericles and Aspasia—Examiner. 3 Anglo-Indian Society in former days—Asiatic r Journal. s A few days at the Head Quarlcrs of Don Car los—United Service Journal. State of the Canadas—Hceenl Events—Montk ■ ly Repository. Memoirs of Captain John Crciclitor—Retros pective Review. Missionary Voyage to the North-East Coast of China —Asiatic Journal. r Florence O’Brien, an Irish Talc, (Concluded) a —Tail’s Magazine. • Song, They Tax Our Bread—do. St. George’s Saunter in Belgium—Spectator. A Journey from Lima to Para—do. Snarleyyow; or the Dog Fiend, Chapters XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVll.—Metropolitan, i- The Young Pretender, (Concluded) —do. Life of Dr. Radcliffe—Retrospective Review, if The Planter’s Talc—Dublin University Ma gazine. i- 'l’he Oldest Inhabitant.—New Monthly Maga zine. i- Autobiography of Archibald Plack. By John Galt—Tail’s Magazine. Tho Wreck of the Quail —United Service Jour nal. Head’s Tour in the Manufactuiing n- f The Expiation ; or Ttmeiit 1 roughton, the la. Vretched Merchant— Metropolitan?-- - ia, 1 Henry O’Reardon, by Mrs. S. C. Hall—New Monthly Magazine. . its Kev. William Lisle Bowles—Frazer s Maga -50 zi»,., Francis Place, Esq—do. •Hiort Articles—The Examiner. _ Aug. 27 IJ S J. W- & I- T. HEARD) n\ißi:-nonsMi ’ AND Commission ]?lcrclian(s, , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, 1 continue to transact a general ’ VV WARE-HOUSE AND COMMIS -3 SION BUSINESS, in theirJWare-house, upper r end of Broad-Street, and beg leave lo tender their 1 services to their friends and the public, i The buildings being Pire-Proof, present an ! equal inducement for Storage of Colton, with any ■ similar establishment in this City. All Colton on ■ Wagons, directed to their care, will be sold free ; of charge, aiid Cotton in Store, at twenty-five cents per bale. (Pj 1 They also offer on the most favorable terms, a general and extensive assortment ol all articles in the GROCERY LINE ; and would feel thank ful for any patronage conferred, iu either branch : of their business. They will make liberal advances Upon produce in store, if desired. August 6 89 JflEiUCotL COLsEEiAE. OF GEORGIA. THE fifth course of-leclurcs in this Institu tion will be commenced on the third Mon day (17th) of October next, and continue as usu al six months. —-The College edifice is completely finished. Many valuable additions have been made to tho Museum and chemical .apparatus since the last course. The Lectures will be de livered by L. A. Duoas, M. D. on Anatomy and Physi ology. A Cunningham, M. D. on the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Joseph A. Eve, M. D. on Thcrapeulics and Materia Mcdiea. M. AntonVjM. D. on Obstetrics and diseases of women and infants. Paul F. Eve, M. D. on Principles and Prac tice of Surgery. Lewis D. Ford, M. D. on Chemistry and Pharmacy. In addition to the above each Professor will, in rotation, deliver Clinical Lectures one month. The terms are—Matriculation 'Picket, lo he taken once, $5. Ticket for the full course SIOO. Ticket for Practical Anatomy, to ho taken at least once, $lO. Diploma Fee, 10. JOHN W. WILDE, President. L. D. Font), Secretary. Augusta, August 20 93 ffj’ The Journal and Federal Union, Milledgo vi()e, tho Whig and Banner, Athens, Georgian, Savannah, Herald, Columbus, Intelligencer, Tus caloosa, (Ala.,) Journal, Montgomery, Register, Mobile, Stale Rights Banner, Columbus, (Miss.) Bulletin, N. Orleans, Mountaineer, Greenville, and Telescope, Columbia, S. C. will publish the above to the amount of Five Dollars, und forward their accounts immediately to the Secretary. FREJVCU (*oons. THE Subscribers Have (his day opened a few packages of FRENCH GOODS, which they have imported from Paris, expressly for this mar ket viz: Fine and extra fine jot Black Bombazines, Grass bleached Linens, Fine Linen Cambric hhdkls. plain and hem stitched, Very iuio do do do a point de. denscllc, 8-'4 Linen table Cloth, ouvro croix de Malle 10-4 do do do damasse ill 11-4 do do do ouvro damio fil 12-4 do do do Oil do perdrix 14-4 do do do do do 16-4 do do do do damasse fil Jet black and assorted Sewing Silk Ladies and Gentlemen’s best lloskin Gloves Do. long white Gloves Bead Bags, white and black Silk half Huso Bilk Oil Cloth ; Scissors Assorted Hair Brushes Fine and Superfine Linen Cambrics Ladies Silk Cravats and Shawls Assorted Nos. Lustring Ribbons A large assortment of Cotton Fringe Ivory and Horn Dressing Combs Do do fine tooth do • Very best scented Hair Powder Very best Cologne, Lavender, Rose and Orange flower Waters Very best Almond and Rose Soap Creme de Pcrsse, &c. ALSO, A very choice collection of Paper Hangings and Bordering. J. P. SETZE & Co. July 27 86 Parasols and I'inStroilas. A CASE of ladies’ and children’s Parasol and Uriibtcllslßi Just opened by john P. Seize &. co. April 16 57 1 * NOTICE. SAMUEL CLARKE, surviving partner of the firm of W. & H. Bryson, lias taken into partnership Francis MoTeir and Rouert H. Lawrence. The business will bo continued at the old stand, under the firm of CLARKE, McTEIR & Co., on tho same liberal terms as , heretofore. The undersigned will give his per sonal attention, and solicits a continuance of . fonder favors. All debts duo to, and claims ’ against W. & Hi Bryson, will be settled by the new timii SAMUEL CLARKE. t WARE-HOUSE AND Ho nun iss ion Bus i n ess. THE Subscribers inform their friends, and those of the firm of W. & 11. Bryson, that they will continue the business under the firm of CLARKE, McTEHI & Co. at the Store occupi ed by W. H. Bryson ; all Cotton stored with us, will be insured from tire, free from expense to the planters, which will make our Ware-House more safe, than any fire-proof Ware House in tho city. Tlie rales Os Storage will he customa ry. Liberal advances will ho made on Cotton and Produce, and all Cotton consigned to us by customers, will be sold free of commissions. The receiving and forwarding business will bo confirm ed as heretofore. We hope that a strict atten tion to business, will merit a continuance of the patronage, so long extended to the firm of W & 11. Brysonr CLARKE, McTEIR & Co. f Who have on hand and offer for Sale on their usual liberal terms, the following, and also I a large assortment of every article in the GUOCEIIY LINE, winch business they continue on the same extrusive scale us con ducted hereto fore by 11. Cf //■ ISry son; 1000 pieces best Hemp Bagging, , 50 do Osnaburgs, 150 do Colton Osnaburgs, 700 lbs Hemp Bagging Twine, 110 hhds Sugar, 40 do prime Mplasscs, 500 hags prime Coffer, 100 do Green and Wlrilc ,lavd Coffee, - 200 kegs Cut Nails, assorted, , 5000 bushels clean Liverpool Salt, 550 sacks do Salt, in good order, 700 bbls assorted Damnific Liquors, 0 pipes Cognac Brandy, 4lh proof, t 5 do pure Holland Cin. 2 hhds Jamaica Rum, e 100 bbls and quarter ertsks of different kinds of Wine, ,- 10,000 lbs Rock Salt, 10,000 lbs Castings, assorted, A largo assortment of SHOES, of every cription. Also, a full assortment of Smiths Tools, Twenty tons of Swccdes Iron of all sizes. July 27 3m 86 i,[ Uotfon ltag'£iii£. ■ iWk PIECES heavy Dundee BAG f GING, 42 inches wide, for sale by J. & S. BONES. August 13 ts 91 ~ NEGROES WANTED. t- rBF 1 * highest cash prices will bo paid for 50 •r ft or 60 likely negro fellows, from 17 to 35 ir years of ago. Persons having such to dispose of will do well lo call or send a line to the Eagle and n Phoenix Hotel. y FOSTER FOLKE. n August 16 98 " Fire Proof WARE-HOUSE. Com tn ission tSasin ess. ! > (gJTOVALL, SIMMONS, & CO. tender their S sincere thanks to their friends und the public for the liberal patronage conferred on them, in 11 their Ware House and Commission Business for years past, & respectfully renew the offer of their c services, promising their continued efforts, for tile promotion of the interests of their patrons; They are prepared to afford the usual advances on cot ton, &c. consigned to their bare as heretofore. Aiig. 84 . ISt 94 . NOTICE. ~ . fTniTE Subscriber,residing in Hamburg,South . ft Carolina, at the second house from the , Bridge, has on hand a likely parcel of Virginia , NEGROES, and receives now supplies every 15 3 days—persons wishing to purchase, would do . well to give mo a call. I also wish to purchase 50 likely young fellows, for which I will pay One . Thousand and Fifty Dollars a head, or more if the property is worth it. 1 ’ JOSEPH WOOD. Aug. 24 6t 94 S3O KI AVA B2 l>. _ Left my plantation near Augus la, in November last, a negro fel low named HAMPTON, from 25 to 30 years of age, rather dark (vvL* complexion; low and stoutly ft built, and has a pleasing counten -1 anco when spoken to. Having bought said follow some years since from a gen tleman living in Union District, S. C., it is pro ' liable he has, or will make his way lot that sec -1 lion. The above reward of SSO will be’glven for his delivery lo me, or $25 for his apprehension and lodgement in any Jail, so that I got him. B. 11. WARREN. Augusta, Aug. 23 4t 94 The-Columbia Telescope and Charleston Mer cury will insert the above 4 times und forward their accounts for payment. New Arraiigviiipnist. I* EotJVTEW S no TEE , Illarion, Alabama. M 'J’he undersigned having pur chased the above Establishment, begs leave respectfully to inform the pub lic at large, that ho is ready at all times to accommodate those who may favor him with their custom. The house is at present un dergoing a thorough repair, and he hopes in a short time, to make it present an appearance in ferior lo none in the country. The health and location of Marion, make it a desirable summer retreat for all those who may feel disposed to seek a healthy residence daring tho prevalence ofsick liess iu the lower country. Tho house shall, at all times be supplied with the best that ibis and the Mobile markets afford, and no pains nor ex pense will bo spared lo render comfortable those who may call upon him. His Bar is inferior to none in the Southern country, and shall always be supplied with the choicest Liquors. His sta ble shall be constat illy supplied with plenty of provender, and good and careful Ostlers. Persons travelling can bo accommodated at all times with HACKS kept for llmt purpose. Tlio Office of the Northern and Southern line of Klu ges is also kept at the Planter’s Hotel, where per sons wishing can procure scats. There is also a Barber’s shop attached to the establishment. , ASA WHEELER. August 24 0m 94 iVoTICK. f OL fer to shippers unusual facilities for trans portation of goods and produce, between Savan nah and Augusta. Having three first rate steam ers of speed and light draft of water, with a full set of tow boats, the Company will bo enabled lo despatch three sets of tow boats per week with a navigable river, and in the event rtf a low river their new iron steamboat CHATHAM, it is ex pected, will be enabled lo reach Augusta at all limes, if there should bo three feet water in the channel of the river. Their ether steamers, < IHEROKEE, and GEORGIA, drawing not over three feel six inches, can, at any lime, other than the lowest stale of the river, ascend to Augusta. Willi those facilities for tho convenience of tho public, tho Steamboat Company rely upon a eon - tinuaneoof the patronage of the public, with ait assurance on the part ol the Directors of the Steamboat Company, that every attention will 1 ho paid in the protection of property and giving 11 despatch to the same. ‘ WM. TAYLOR, President S. B. Co. of Georgia. ’’ August 17 5t 92 H ■ Oilier. AaiK’iiNla Insurance A s Hans*iiis Company, C SOfil April, 1836. rpTUE Board of Directors of this Bank have .EL determined to allow 4 per cent interest on Deposits oil all sums of money not less than five hundred dollars which mav remain for a longer period than thirty days. Notice dull he required at the time the deposit© is made, shoulil tho De positor wish to avail himself of this arrangement. In reference lo the Insurance department, the business will he conducted as heretofore, the rates y of premium will lie fixed'in accordance with u liberal view of the hazard propped, and the ■ principle {idopted by the Board of Directors from ** the commencement of the Institution, —“ to do 0 business on as good terms as oilier good offices,” The agents of the company arc fully autbor !l ized to pay all losses promptly where the ritsh is l " taken, when there is no objection to the nature of 11 the claim, and every effort will be made, consis- V lent with equity and justice, to reinstate the in c Bured, whether at home or abroad. 1 By order of the Board, KOUKKT WALTON, Scc’y & Gash’r. ® April 29 59 Adaifeini*traloß*’s IVdfiee* A IjL persons having defhands against the V Tift. Halite of Win. W. Simpson, deceased, o will present them duly attested, within tho time e prescribed by law ; and those indebted are re- U quested to make immediate payment to t- C. 11. SHOCKLEY, Adm’r. A ugtist 13 \Uv 9 I NOTICE; Subscriber respectfully informs the in- B habitants of Augusta, that the exercises of his sehortl will be resumed on Monday the 15th ol August, at his present residence on Broad street, and from the first of October, on Telfair street, near the Presbyterian Church , where he will teach the Greek and Latin Glassies, and the various brandies of an English education, radi cally and fundamentally. lie feels thankful for the patronage he has al ready received, and will expect, from his nil tuition, not only (p the literary acquirements of his pu pils, but also to the cultivation of their morals', a t continuance of the same. The school will he divided Into two terms of five months and half months each. Charges of Tuition during each term, viz : «- Classics, S3O 00 English senior class, 18 00 Junior class, '0 00 DANIEL MAIIONY. August 19 2m 90 II \IttE~EiOVSE y COHHISSION BUSINESS. rm\ E undersigned considers himself porma- SL Hntly located in lliiscilv, and will con ■ tinue to transact the WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, j All business confided to his charge will meet j with strict attention. f His Ware-House and Clean Stores, are all 1 Fire-Proof. EDWARD BUSTIN. Augusta, July 8, 1836. Btw 81 Eire-proof Warehouse. rgIHE Subscriber feeling under strong obliga- H lions to his friends, for the patronage gi t ven him since he has been iu tho Warehouse and . Commission Business, and being determined to , continue tlio same, takes this method of soliciting . a continuance of their custom and friendship. His Warehouse and close Stores are entirely . Fire-proof.—He is prepared to extend to his • friends the usual facilities in the way of Advances, . or filling orders for Goods, &c. Strict attention will be paid to receiving and forwarding Goods for country dealers, and lo the sale of Produce or Merchandize entrusted to his care. BENJ. BAIRD. Augusta, July I, 1830 w3m 79 Tla^MloF limit for s.iee. , MM stdSLs fBF HE- subscriber oilers for sale, his PLAN ES -TATION in Columbia county, ing 1025 acres, nearly half of which is cleared, and in a stale of cultivation, the balance embra ces about 150 acres of good pine Land, and the remainder is oak and hickory I.and. The place is well improved, and supplied with a number of good springs. For farther particulars, application can bo made lo tho subscriber, on the promises. R. Y. REYNOLDS. July 10 wtO 83 TE.KTiIIR IIVI.VTE BP. A TEACHER is wanted to fake elutfge of a School in Columbia county, about twelve Hides from Augusta. Ho must bo capable of leaching all ihe branches of an English Educa tion. Application can ho made to cither of the undersigned. JAS. BURROUGHS, WM. THOMAS. _Jnly 30 4tw 87 I'oliiiultla (iumily. WILLIAM M. LUKE, of lAyk —-... Cap l - -lobii Foster’s District, No. Tolls before me, Alexander Pea- YI ''i t> , a Justice of the Peace, in and lor said county, nbrty horse MULE, four years old past. Appraised liy Jqines Luke Ac James Fleming, to S9O, this 25th June, IB3ff. ALEXANDER PEARIE, J. P. A (rue Extract from tho Minutes, D. HARKIS9, Clerk. August 6 3tw 89 NilniiiuiMlralor’M Sale. On the first 'l'uendai/ in October next, BY virtue of an order of Iho Court of Ordi. nary of Columbia county, will be Hold, a 1 the Court Houhc door of Carroll county, a lot o* Land, No, dO7, ill tlio 7lh District of Carroll county". A LKO, On the first Tuesday in November next, Will be Hold, at tho Court House door of Co lumhia county, 389 acres of Lund, known an land lying on the head of White Oak, in Colum bia county—*aold for the benefit of tho heirs of Elizabeth C. Allen, late of Columbia county, de ceased. WM. O. ALLEN, Adm’r. July 30 wtd K7 BAROUCHES, CHARIOTEEB, TIL BER RYS, GIGS, SULKIES, FANCY, PLEA SURE, AND PBDLER’S WAGONS, Os the latest style, and of every description, or dered, manufactured, and selected expressly for (Ris market, and for sale by lil TRER ROLL, at bis extensive Fire Proof Carriage Ware-House, corner of Washington and Reynold streets, near the Eagle St. Plitnuix Hotel, Augusta, Georgia, and at the very lowest prides. 1 fj;) ' Persons wishing to purchase fashionable ami durable Vehicles,have only to call at ROLL'S lo be suited. Also, for sale, all kinds of Harness, Carriage Furniture, &e. Vehicles of all kinds, made to order. Repairing done at short notice. | August 13 6iu 91 m AHBCONDED on .tfwK t the 10th June, 1834, from aOTgf tho subscriber, a mulatto fel / low named BEN, stout made, n * ,out fife feet eijfht of nine' pi inches high, lliirty-livc years old. Ho resembles and shows Indian blood, a* i! bis father was an Indian and bis mother a dark i mulatto, Tlie only visible marks,are a scar across a the bridge of ins nose, (when he absconded, the r scar was quite black and had been so for several 1 years,) which was occaeiofieil from his falling on -a pot; the other mark is a scut on ono of his ears, , lam not certain which, but it is rjbite visible if e examined. Ho lets his strong black hair grow s long lo hide it, end generally wears largo wliis u kora, and keeps a large chew of tobacco in Ins c mouth. The above reward will be paid to any a person who will deliver liim to Ihe subscriber, or o secure him in anv Jail, Unit I may get him. JOHN MULLIGAN, Beaufort District, So. Cit, s Pi S.—The above fellow BEN, most likely f passes for a free mull, und is a jobbing Carpenter, i- or ho was perhaps curried off and sold. The Editors of Hie Augusta Chronicle,and Mo bile Mercantile Advertiser, are requested to insert the above twice a week, for three months, unless countermanded, mid send their accounts to Messrs. Martin & Walker, factors in Charlesloh, fqf pay ment. July 9 69- c i’i. i). cookiaT' • Vr>. Blroad street, TWO DOORS ABOVE HIM ODD STAND H H AS received, and has now nu band, a very ftp}, extensive and well .-elected Stock ot Goods, consisting of every article ot Ready Made clothing, suitable for the prrseut and coming '. season, of the first quality and latest fashion, , s among which are many lino goods, ol new style- I all of which lir* oilers (or sale very, low, and in . ivies bis friends iliul tlio public in general, tocall „ and examine. v Nov, II ” IS. K 8.% LSMVIN. £■* \NCV AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, at Wholesale. 234 Broad-sheet,Augusta,Geb, , Jan. 13 I.Y 30 r Fresh Tua'iiap Seed, - LBS. fresh Turnip Seed, ropsis ling of Flat Norfolk, Flat Dutch White Globe, While Tankard or Hanover Ruta baga, and Dales now Hybrid Turnip Seed, just received and for sale by ROUT. PHILIP. Aug* d 13 ts 91 ' AAAIJAE RACES. THE Annual Karra ovtor the Newberry Jockey Club Course, near Newberry Court House, South Carolina, will commence oil Tuesday, the 22d November, 1830, and con . inuc during the week, Us follows : On Tuesday, three mile heats. I Oti Wednesday, two do. do. , On Thursday, ono do. do. , On Friday, the best three in live. On Saturday, one mile out. . ... The Club will, make an appropriation, each . day, (the entrance money to bo added,) for a second race. The number of subscribers to this Club is in , creasing very rapidly. All the Purses will bo . very respectable. R. STEWART, Scc'ry: J\'ewberry C. If., aist 4tm ~ wtd 87 A<liiiini*(i*a(or?s Sale. On the first Tuesday in September next 1 , Wild, be sold at Appling, Columbia coun ty, all the personal properly belonging to the Estate of Win. W. Simpson, deceased. C. H. SHOCKLEY, Adm’r. August 0 Ul 8B I*o AC EE SI IK COATS, _ ROUND JACKETS AND PANTALOONS. BLACK BOMBAZINE; Black and Figur ed SILK, ■ Figured Chally, and BulT; White ond Figurdd Marseilles Vests, Linen and Colton Drawers, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars and Bosoms. Just received and for sale by PRICE .V MALLERY, Merchant Tailors, •, 258 Broad st., between the Globe & U S Motel’*. July 6 .TJGir MB O.V.VMITS. Snowden & Shear, HAVE received this day from New York Ladies superior Straw Cottage Bonnets, also Ladies very superior English Straw Bonnets of new shapes, and Nun’s Bonnets of largo sizo or Misses. The public arc respectfully request ed loculi and examine the assortment. May 25 fiß .v/; h • MjM vine i* ESTAB EISHMEAT. '•c. ar « to 11. WILSON , RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, apd the public generally, that he has taken that extensive Establishment, hr the rear of tho Exuti: it I’mi'.Nix Hotki., (which has recently, been fitted up in a superior manner,) and will bo happy to accommodate his friends, and those who may favor him with their patronage, with VEHICLES of almost every description, and of superior workmanship, generally new, and HORSES which are not surpassed by any in, tiro southern country. Every exertion will bo made to give general satisfaction, arid the propri etor trusts, by strict attention to business, and making, in all cases, his charge* mont reasonu bUt, to receive encouragement and patronage from tho citizens of this place, and the adjacent coun try. V , Qjr'lle can accommodate, and wilf (.chappy to receive from I to 200 Horses on Livery. Drovers will do well to give hiiil a call. June 22 ts 70 EYE WATER. DR. ADAMS’ Cetehrnled Eye IValer, war ranted an (‘fleeted remedy for all diseases 1 of lire eyes, such as soreness, weakness and in flammation. I'rleo, *JS Cunts per viol. • , This celebrated article lias been invented by one of the most eminent Physicians of tho age, and during an extensive practice of 30 years, ho invariably resorted to it in all cases of sore, weak and inflamed Eyes, that came under his notice, and so great a celebrity did he acquire thereby, ■ that they came to him from all parts, and in no ono instance was it ever known to fail in*jlrodtfe i ing the desired effect. A short lime only has e lapsod since this article was first introduced to ' public notice, and during that period, upwards of ’ three thousand bottles ha Vc been disposed of and the demand for it is rapidly ihcreasing. So sure 1 and speedy is the eflcct produced by the use of tins article, but ono single vial has completely cured an inflamed eye, though various various remedies had been assorted to for a long lime pre vious in vain. Ample directions accompany tho article, us well as letters of recommendation. from the most respectable Physicians in the country. With a view to insure its usefulness in a more 1 extensive way, the proprietor has appointed Wx, ii J. Honey, Agent for the sale of it, of whom the - public may rest assured of procuring the genuino i, article. s d Country merchants and others supplied on It s be nil terms by tbe Agent, or the Proprietor in s Philadelphia, where rill orders for Chemicals, < Paints, Oil, Glass and Dye Stuff, will be thsnk s fully received and promptly attended to. „ JOSEPH FISHER, Philadelphia. I A supply of the above mentioned Eye Water, i just received at tbe Augusta Book Store, and for i, sale by f WM.,J. hobby. v July 23 ff 85 ' ' A REMEDY FOR rheumatism: HE excruciating pain—the decrepitude and deformity, and riio prematpre old age, which arc the usual attendants of this disorder, f are suffered by many from a despair of « cure, or '> disappointment in the efficacy of the pretended antidotes vised to effect this purpose^- i- But those who hav;o maJe <1 fair trial bf t DR. J EBB’S CELEBRATED LINIMENT, ,s even in cases of long standing, apd of the most ; severe character, have received certain relief, and many have been Cured in a few days, some in 21 Hours! ts a number of persons in Boston and vicinity, who were formerly afflicted with the Rheumatism, have very fully testified. Cpitifi cates are in the possession of the Proprietor, pro ving the most thorough and surprising cures by means of this powerful LitiimeiU, in cases where , other approved applications had utterly failed. _ J lit Liniment‘ s also used with success for bruis )■ es, sprains, numbness, stiffness of Ijic joints, cbif , Mains, &c. Price 5() cents a bottle. Dumfries’ Eye Waf*’! B7JOR sol dor inflamed Eyes,gives nnmydiatjW**** rase and relief. On recent soroV*o*M" l died in most salutary.—Where the complaint ha* hren of years standing, and in somo exr c». mg hud cases, the most unexpected and deana > o lief has been found in the use of this WiR A teb, after every other remedy ha u ; 1 - . ‘ 1 persons win. have used it, pronounce bo be. [.reparation for these coinp nuts they bSff t\*T e v especially in eases of sorenerri cr mfla u nion of lone landing. Pfieo 25 ecnft « Ulle. genuine unless signed mitUe.out.Wp primed wrapper by the P. KEB OEU, immediate successor to («-■ .fate Dr. ■ T. Cov wav. For sale at his Counting RooM luver No. 99, Court Street, near Boston, and also, by his special appoiid™*" *> i TURPIN &. D AM ItrNAt-, / Augusta, Georgia, / tnr / , Dec 33 /