The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, April 16, 1845, Image 3
i’c might bA more ic, but from tttotndont emu ion we say ms to us—tl:at tlu: editor of the Ros ily >vns very angry when lie n'loto rticie announcing! Ite iMwange of tlie i Resolutions. When no gets cool he discover that, his endeavor* to fear na- rjhc bonds of union between throe i will end in only tearing his under uyu—a rent which we arc happy to J - can - be mended with the help of a oft linen or perhaps a small piece of .If our memory serves toy Massachusetts luts opposed. the admission of every new Stule that ha* come into the Union since, lie adoption of the Constitution—we arc confident that she has objected to every tell ndnussion since Maine become nmcm- ler of the Confederacy. Util because she booses to take the veil, it is no reason the world should not be .peopled. The Old Constitution will have children bom to it as jong os Liberty continues to be prolific, which we trust,' is predicting a verv num erous progeny iti time to come. Talk a- imttt a State’s leaving the Union, forsooth! Where will such Slate go? She must Commercial. Onr cotton market is at present dull, on account of the low stale of the river. Several crabs arc now lading at our wharves, where they will await the first Ortr tier, tepk rant. Classical Antiquities : rim. The stock now oh hand, is about 3,000 bales in warehouse* and on ship board. We «|Uote 3) a fij cents. Freights to Apalachicola, $1, per. bale. /Our Merchants are preparing for a good supply of groceries and other goods for the summer trade. Domestic Markets—Cotten- Apabchirob, extremes Favannab, “ Charleston, “ New York, * tjibmd The domestic, as well as foreign markets are bouyant, the demand good, nnd the late advance well maintained. VERY teacher becomes apnbliehenefactnr in iiack oITto some other «|iinrtcr of the glclie, for as iong os she is within tlie boundaries 4) to 41 to 4] to 4| to 71 4} to 8} I adapting the higher branches of literature and science to the circumstances and to the wants of those from whom they bare ordinarilv^een excluded. Hat of the works in nse, which treat of tlie antiqnl- ' «i inter- tie* ofGreeceard Rome, are so copious and so and Ktorroan Dames Security. Property pointed HORA & McGWIER. bv attorney. — — — — — —* - - —* 1 — ^ 7 GEO. \V. CQLI-IER, Sli'ff At the same time and flare. One Negro boy named Hany, about 12 year* of wvfnu u UUi train tiio onpenor i _ _ rt one In favor of Shadracb E. Dickey Mitchell, e sec utors of Henry Atkrascc, deceased, and others, vs John Montgomery. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. Also, pne JerseyWaggon and harness: levied an M tbs property of William Brockett to satisfy one fi fir from Baker Superior Court,,Win. McMullen vs Wm. Brockett Property pointed out by plain tiff’s Attorney. Also, twenty-five head of stork rattle, marked with a crop ana slit in the left ear and under-bit in in die right ear, and twenty-seven brad of stock hogs in the same mark: levied on as the property.of Thomas McCuUnm, to satisfy afi fit from the , they ai- to file classical tuvil as cornu-on text books. On this aecoant, the study of classical antiquities to* hero mostly confined to the higher classes. The present volume is designed for general use in onr ccmmon schools : hot it is believed to he so compre hensive and elevated in its character, as to be nrcep- tablo in Academies and High Schools as well as Colleges. The present volume, we consider a valuable intro duction to the study of Roman and Grecian Antiqui ties in a form more attractive than the other works now in use. Tlie work wall be found eminently use ful in schools nd aether seminaries of learning. Protestant Churchman. T|KAI.ER8 hi Groceries, Dry Goods, IWj, JLr Shoes, Hats, Ch illing Ac. lGtb.Ws. I tf. HARNESS SHOP. w prepared to execute their orders with r ad drsjwtch. Retiring nt the sbartest Mfiee, nd prices to suit tic tittrS. SAMUEL d. iryik. Afcany, April 10th,184P. i tf. NRW SPRING GOODS. PROSPECTUS. OF THE tlie Uttion ns established by tlie no) ion’s II, she is a part of this Union. Site can- 1 Iks in it ami out of it at the same lime, jtml'ns Iter whcteabculs iu’:st be determin ed Ivy her locality, she should not talk of leaving until she contrives a conveyance of sufficient capacity to take her—mountains, rivers, farms, towns, mines, people, chat ties, nil—afar off. Massachusetts opposed lire admission of Iowa and Florida with nearly ns much 7.cnl as she did the admis sion of Texas. Ferlinpsvsltc likes them as little; vet they arc her legitimate sisters.— She ought not to turn up her nc:c at her poor kin in this fashion: it is not decent in'Covtrnmc iiortofioso. Younger brothers arc twisted nnd prosperity sometimes cruelly ; hut sisters are on a footing. These 'Stnlcs arc all feminine, nnd good breeders- at that. We notice rymploms of another ncronchcmcnl in the North-West. Wisconsin is (restating very fast. Perhaps the Allas thinks Texas tin's not torn honestly come by. She is the daughter of thw Union, and there is no i.huliling off raVmsibilitv on the mother’s side. The Atkis ought to desire the whole globe to be annexed—its.namesake sup ported such a burden for many thousand years. * Pic. ALBANY PATRIOT. —:0000.— “ ll’in&gr, Justicr, Moderation.” —:0000>- Tho Pathiot will to edited hy Nf.lsox Tift anrtS. N. Houghton, and published weekly in the City of Alton)', linker County Gcorgin, commencing ou Wednes day tli'e lGth day of April, 1345. Our Political Principles are Democratic: and wc shall advocate and defend them in the spirit of the motto which wc have a' depted; hclievir.gtlint wc shall thcrchy best secure the Blake’s Biographical Dic tionary. ^LEXANDER V. BLAKE, Bookseller, 77 Ful ton Street, K. York, publishes the following standard work, Sixth Edition. A GENERAL Biographical Dictionary, Comprising a Summary Accrual i/ llmwl Dio- Persons of all Agrr, Satuais, and Profusions including trnre than 1000 articles tf AMERICAN BIOGRAPEY, BY REV. i. L. BLAKE, D. D. Washinutox, Mnrch 23,1845. Office seekers seem very dull in comprehending the character of the President. If they knew his re- id feelings and disposition, tliey would not lave an- Tinycd and harmsecd him os they have done. Their constant obtrusion unon'liis time and attention, have la-on outrageous and indelicate, and wholly linto- jlhr u caning thecharacter which Americans elioulit evince. Does tlio i President quietly seat himself to write on sumo matter of importance, he has scarcely conclu ded die first sentence, before the door keeper pre- cents him with a card from an M. C., a General ora lYlonollroin diis or tint Slat", who earnestly begs a moment’s interview on business of the greatest im- ;<nrianee, viz. the asking an office for himself or tirieud*. The interview is granted. In walks the office Mekrr, who, seeing the President is not alone, but Ins his Secretary a? hand. says, “ Sir, can I have *i few lontnrnts private conversation with you I"— *.* Certainly, sir. replies the I’resident bowing with loiitene**; “wu'k to this corner of die roora,-it is cold ra die hall.” They step aside, sit down togetlirr, when die office seeker enters into the merits and claims of himself nr friends for office. His few moments run on to half an liour or throe quarters. In tliisdme a dozen others have reached the outskleof the door, and each anxiously waiting to see tlie Presi dent “only fur a fete mr.mrntt," earn on business of the same character as ylmt of die :ian who has the President l-y the Initlon.f ndearh cf wliom lave pnb- uUy Iroqmntly seen hluf before on tlie same business, id lave come to ii > importune him for the fifth or sixdi lime. As fast as one has set out his “few moments'' to >1'half an Imur or so, another takes his place. The President anxiously looks nt his unfinished letter on die table, ami pantingly desires to lie rid of such an eternal round of annoyance, that lie may lie able to recommence his tabors; but liow is he to refuse an * interview “ of a fow moments” with an M. C. or a Oen. Blunderbur, from the State of litis is his daytime heseigement. At 8 o’clock P. M. be appoints to receive’thc social calls of his >, when it might 1st supposed office seekers, not ■ -* . IwlOT 11 UUI 1 1 1 It t ti WJ intlll t » UXltue l«llf . punty nnd Fcir.ianaiuy cf our --j-n- E( >u for seventy live cte. actny. nt, anti tlie liberty, happiness m ufit Kerf-tea tfccratd SIs ■tily of ottr fellow-citizens. from the whole rest of the l-cok, that .floriculture:—That great source of our National wealth and independence, shull have that space in our columns, which its iinportiilfcr demands. It will to- cue of cur first object* to dcvclopo the resources and advantages efthe fertile country by which wc arc surrounded, the soil ana climate of which will bear a favorable comparison with that of any section of the Unit n. To Commerce, Jilanufaclurct, the .Arts, Sciences and till those industrial pursuits which are in some sense the cause and ol>- jecl of civilized society, wc shall give a warm support, whilst wc shall not neglect to promote by proper menus, the cause of Education, .Morals and Religion. Wc shall endeavour to give to our rea ders tbi earliest information of interesting domestic and foreign uetrs, and weekly cor rected intelligence of our own nnd oilier markets. Wc shall also, publish a synop sis of the Slicrifls sales, for all the counties in our vicinity. Asa Family paper, the Patriot will to rendered interesting and instructive. It will to our object to convey vnlunhlc infor mation—to foster nnd encourage the virtues nnd correct the vices of society. No per sonal animosities or parly rancour, will find vent in our columns—but wc shall promul gate and defend Trul b, for I lie sake of Trut It, with that independence of spirit which fears no consequences. Terms. $ 2 pr. Copy pnynblo in advance or $ 3 a*, tlie c'iiu of the year. A litoral deduction will lie made to Agents who forward cash. NELSON TIFT. S. N. HOUGHTON AVtr School Books. H ISTORY (if the American Revolution, with Maps ami oilier Illustrations, by tlie Rev. J, ” Blake, D. D. Hie Young Orator, and New York Class Book. By J. L. Blake, D. D. Classical Kjs*!ling Book, Containing rules and reasons for English Orthography and Pronunciation. ~ “ in, A M. friends, plated with a tisufof brass, would have the delicacy not to annoy hhk with their applications for office.— But I am sorry to add it is not su. Tliey go bite to his room, wlicrr himself and lady receive company, in order that they mar be the last to come away, and able to find the President alone. Tliey “sHitout” till all the buiics retire, then open their battery upon tho President for office. I have been credibly inform ed, that several nights last week he was unable to es cape from them to go to lied, till from 12 to half past 12 o’clock at night!! Such treatment is more than flesh and blood rim bear. If these importunate office seeker* knew the l’resident, they would nt once desist from this outrageous annoyance. For lie has deter mined that thow who thus perseveringiy annoy him shall not he selected for office. In one case, the oilier dny hognvean office to a man inNew York nbo bad never been in Washington, cr spoken to the President on the subject in person, in preteTCnce to a man who had come i n to Washington for it, and had greatly bored the President to obtain it. last week a man who bolds an office in the Cos- house in Baltimore, sent r. fine horse, saddle and nnMe to the White/fossr, as a present for Col. Polk, accompanied hy a man, it is raid, who was to hare made a speech at the presentation, and to have Us- frairal to Mara to —- 1 I ’ al a 2-1 a _*» rior Court of Randolph County, in favor of Robert S. Hooks vs raid McCiulutn anil " Richard H, Dyer— Property pointed out by McCollum. Also tbe following Jots of land vis. Lot No. 2W5, in the 2nd District of Baker county, and lots Nos. 2R2,264 and 223, in the 7th dist. of Baker County, levied on as the protc-rty of Thomas J. Holmes, to satisfy a ii fit from Baker Superior Court, the Central Bank pTGeoigia v* Thomss J. Holmes. Property uinted out by John S. Thomas, sole Director of the 'entral'Bank. IL B. GUNNISON, D. EhTE R.K.&J.B.DINES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Offices ts Macos & Alt ast. Geo. They trill practice in the foUtnring Cormtiet. Thnnaif, Thcmanillc. Decatur, nainlridge. Stewart, Lum/lin. Tins work contains ahont eleven hundred pages royal octavo, and tLc matter in it is sufficient to make from fifteen to twenty volumes 12mo., which As there appaient :jc ccetof csch article is only Isll of one mill—or twenty ar- ticks forme cent. The following are seme of tlie opinions from the |-ericdica! press of this work: From, tie Albany Daily Adrertlscr. TLc vchiicc is creditable to American literature: and the learned author has furnished us in this work, with a forge portion of wltat is diffused throughout the ihunemus biographies and cncycloj c'dias which arc too expensive lor common use. From the Sew York Commercial Adcertiser. On tlie whole, we commend this work to tlie pub lic tlte most ccnvcnk nt and useful work of the kind to he found in our language. From the United Stairs Cazettc. Bibli, Macon. Houston. Perry. Dooly, Vienna. Macon, Inrnirr. Ix-e, Slarksriltr. Early, Blake!./. Baker, Albany, And in the Circuit Court cf the United States for the Sumpter, Americas, .ndolph, Cutbbert. Ran Pulaski, ilmckinsxilie. TT wnttrfDRV GOODS adaptedtoth* season, widch they ( lag to PYJCCUON. Albany, April, 1C, 1845. I 3t Just Received. T>Y the stdvcribrrs.a huge assortment of Ladies I) Slippers, Gents. Gaiters, CaKShoes, die. HUNT & PVNCHOX. Albany, April 1C, 1845. I 8t Summer Mints. P ANAMA, Leghorn and Palm Inf Ilots just i ceivsd to HUNT to PYXClfo.Y. April 16,1815. GROCERIES. T HE subscribers w ill receive to the Steamer Florence, Sugar, Cofli-c, Mohses, Whiskey. Florence, Sugar, Cofli-c, M< Port and Madera Wine, Pbiladcltdiia and London “ - - - - Nalls, I Porter, Flour, Mackerel!, Iron, Kafir, Puteware,&c, HUNT & PYNCIION. April 16,1845. 1 St District cf Georgia. They will attend any other Court, not conflicting with the above, when c rgagrd specially to dun-. The attention of lwtli partners will be given to all business entrusted to their cate. Letters may be addressed to tin- firm at either place. Rhiiapd K. Hines. John B. IIines. April 16, 1815, 1 3m SALT! SALT!! ' CAA Sacks Liverpool Fait for rale to □UU HUNT & PYNCIION. April 16,1 3t TOBACCO. rjlIIE subscribers offi-rfor sale a fine asaorbnent April 16. very choice. HUNT to PYNCHON. 1 3t Wc have lookeil with much pli a sure over many of the articles in this volume, and fold that the work appears to he unusi ally correct. April 16th, 1815. 1 Butler’s Analogy Simplified. B EING Hobart's Analysis of the work, inQm tir.ns, with brief Answers for e.vouiinatir-ns, a a Summary of the whole subject. By George 1 bridge. With Additional Itu| E. West, A. M. Principal the City ol New York. Bntler interesting to young ladies, ami I class of toys, in tlieir course of education. It lias la-en recommended by i teachers and scholars; and it slioi erv young ladies school, especially, in tbe country. 'April 16, 1815. 1 w 1 , Raker Klorlgage Sale. Two negro slaves: Rachael, 35 v Elvira, 11 year* old; levied on as tlie property of 1 fa f ~ John Graves, to satisfy oue-mortgage fi la from Ba ker Inferior Court: John Alexander vs. John Graves. Property pointed out in said fi fa. Also, one negro girl, called Mariah, to satisfy Mortgngo fi fa from Baker Inferior Court: Ja tened to roe la reply. Imagine the astonishment of itfelW lent sent him word that he the man, when the wouldneither receive the horse nor liear a speech! He radered his private Secretary to adopt measures at once to have the man removed ‘ - - - _ from tho Cnutom Iksmo in Bahimov*, stating to him that he had no nse foetbo boras, or hi* sendees as sa officer in the Cwtau bam-at Baltimore any fongrr! Will the — t never foam “wno Jamies K Pmjcjs T” If. Y. Jour, tf Commerce. . rT,«MiD treats him «rant,*ad tfcafoey one else in thr room, when the company is . wiflalaaywtnro out to be the man of idl oth- toffivelumaelfair*. ejthrrby rank or intelligence, rate toe conscious of irritability or bn- sane civility—their civif- - blockhead or coxcomb, ■ty msracrespect; but tbe fi*J***»tlnt something more than ordinary is criwiry <e produce an effoct, b sure, whether in clubs •***tc^**eitb* a&1utUUe» and cap- timis m the community; the most restless and trrita- tut U6et Us xuperier*. By Rov. A. B. Ctopin, [We lane received copies of the above valuable School Books from Mr. Alexander V. Blake, Pub lisher and Bookseller, 77 Fulton street New York, and after a peroral of their Contents, recommend their use in our Schools. We are authorized by Mr. Blake to order my Books which itiay be required for the use of Schools or Libraries, and it will give us pleasure to confer such favors.] April 16, 1845. in raid fi fa. GEORGE W. COLLIER, Sh’ff. Baker SherifPa Sales, FOR MAY. President Jllttxey’s Remains. J UST ptiblislurt by the subscriber, in on-- la-anti- ful octavo volume, the Literary Re mains o! the Rev. Jonathan Maxcy, D. D. the Second President of Brown University, Providence, R. I. ami Sulsa> qutntly of UnionCbllegc, Sche-noctoday, K. Y. and Turtlie last sixteen years of his life, of South Caroli na College. '. Maxcy was one of the most distinguished pul pit orators this country has produced. Although a Baptist, such was his reputation as a scliollar and - divine, tliat in 1802, he was called to succeed, in foe Presidency of Union College, the Rev. Jonathan ' *\ D. an Institutionalwaya under thecon- Edwards D. trol of another drnoininatian. From the Protcsta it Churchman. The collection of Iftera-y remains now publish ed, in the language of the venerable Pmudcnt of ‘lege, will just 1 justly be considered “ a treasure his who Union College, by those pupils of lus who remain to reverence hi* memory, as well as “a valuable contribution to our American literature.” w From the Baptist Memorial. lie was imsurjAsaed, in his day, for elegance Uo other denomination won Id have allowed ouch a star as Maxcy to have remained so king in obscurity. Although it may he supposed win be sought and read with eagorness by American Scholar* and clergymen generally, yet aa he waa a Baptist, and at one time presided over the trincim] Baptist University in this country, every Bsp let cler gyman and scholar should posses a cony of it. Price TUto Dollars. For Ten DMars, forwarded by m or.ttherwi»r, six etmes wiU be sent. For rale by Alexander v. blake, . 77 Fuhoo street, N. X- April 16, 4845. J JOB WORK of all Undo executed at this Office with nratfoeq* and despatch. April 16,1845. County tbe Five Chairs, 3 Ii _ to wit: trays', 4 wash stand, one tub, 3 tin buckets, 2 keeiers, one jn Kendrick nisi Allen Finley for ten dollars. tedious to mention: all lev- sundry other articles too t A. B. Higgs ami Alexander Smith. ed out by S. B. Grimmett. G. Carrington, to satisfy one fi & from icrty c Bake Property pointed cut by Plaintiff”* Attorney. Also, one lot of Briclc, and the interest of Davi as the Ham brick i yard. Nos. 1 street containing { acre each. ing-j rcreeaeh: all levied on as the property ofl vid and Daniel Ham, to satisfy sundry ii fes ban Ham, principal, tfccnnoe*. Also, one Property painted oat to N- honeeand lot in the City NebonTift. to satisfy sundry fi fes from Baker Superior and Wi keraon Superior Court, John P. Gaulden, admins trator, and others, va. Jesae Lott. IVopietty printe out by phintiffs Attorney. re and lot, situated on Broad strec hany, No. not known, but known i Awn Gage, to satisfy sundry fi i erior Court, John Chrutian vs Joh in the . of Alban} the residence of from Baker BnperiorComt, John Just RociFcd, 20 Sacks Rio and lnguiria CoUee, JOHN BILBO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABBASY OA. i Will practice in tlie seveml Courts of. the South- 1 Western Circuit, and Thumat- and Stewart coun ties. April, 16,1845. 1 tf. RICHARB H. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aeb.ixy, Georgia. Will practice in the Counties of Baker. Icc, Deca tur, Dooly, Sumter, Randolph and Early, of the Soudi-Westent Circuit, Stewart, of the Chattahoo chee, and Thomas, of the Southern Circuit Bj‘ OJice under the “ Courier" Offer, Broad st. E. U. PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Auuxr, Georgia. April 16, 1845. 1 tf JOHN LYON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Albasy, .Baker Cocxty, Georgia, Will Practice in all the Counties of the South-wes tern Circuit April 16, 18t;. 1 tf D. &. J. VASON, ATTORNEY’S AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Albaxv, Georgia. April 16, 1845. 1 tf BICHARD F. LYON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSE1XOR AT LAW, Albany, Georgia. April 16, 1845. 1 tf THOMAS PINKNEY SMITH, ATTORXEY AT LAW, Albany, Georgia. April 16, 1845. 1 tf PETER A. STBOZ1ER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Georgia. April 1G, 1845. 1 tf CITY HOTEL, BY SAMEL BAKER, Comer of Broad and Front Streets, A leant, Geo. April 16 1845. 1 . tf. DR. T. D. MATTHEWS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACOUCHER, Albast, Georgia. April 16, 1845. 1 tf SIMS 4 CHEEVER, jfactors General Commission Merchants, \ ArALACWCOLA, FLORIDA. Wm. W. Sims. Wm. W. Cheever. April 16, 1845 1 tf ALBERT G. OSGOOD, . Blacksmith, 1 Shop remand to Broad S, next door to Mr. Bong's Carriage Shop, nearly apposite the City Hotel, ’ TS prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work, 1 J. including Mill Work, Carriage Work, Planter * too work, Horee-ahoeing. Making and repairing “ Edge tools. Axe* 4c., allot which vnll to warranted. " Albany, April 16, 1845. 1 tC 400 Sacks Sait, 40 IlUs Ok! Rectified Whiskey, !> do. American Brandy, 5 do. N. E. '1 Pipe Superior Otard Brandy. and Sweedes Iron, Trace Axes and Ilullow Ware. Albany, April IC, 1845. GROCERIES. sidecribcr has now on I land, arsl will to r> - living from Now York and New Orleans, the Groceries, be puU CASH, Mic ger as can to bought in this market; and respectfully solicits of tho public generally. Among his assortment can to found in said city hy tho lotand improvement known as the Printing office, at present ocropied by J. Jones: iev- Socurity, D. Goode v» Thomas Barrett, SAl»PINGTON’S ANTI-FEVER FILLS, A Certain and Effectual Cure for FEves axd Ague, For rale by W. E. SMITH. April 16. I tf Rio and Cuba Coffee. Manilla and Ky. Twine, Sugar, Refined Loaf and Kentucky Bagging, West India. iCottcn do. Flour, Northcmand Wes. Nail* nnd-'Spiices, tom. Powder and Shot, Bacon, Country and We* Percussion Cap»&Flint, tom. looking Glasses, lard, Vinegar, Coffee Slills, Scap (varieties of) Shinglinghatchots, Snuff (bottles to bladders] IK Tallow Candles, Table Fait and Brooms, >, Bu*ter, Mofosea and Unices 4. E. Ind. Ragging Mess and Pr Manilla and Ky. Rope. Whiskey 4c. 4c. JOHN JACKSON. Albany, Geo. April 16,1845. 1 tf Tobacco, (various brands) Collins’ Axes, _ ..... |) Weeding 4 Ifotcnt IIt<s, DRY GOODS. J OHN JACKSON offers for rale at his old stand at general assortment of DRY GOODS. Alsu Cotton Yarns, and Cotton Osnabnrgs, which will to sold for Cash only at Factory Prices. Albany, April 16,1845. 1 3t SALT. QAA Sacks Liverpool ground Salt in fine order OUU now in Stare and for rale hy JOHN JACKSON. April 26, 1845. I 3t MROfY. LBS of assorted widths and qualities DUUU now to hand and for sale low by JOHN JACKSON. Albany, April 16, 1845. 1 3t AMEBMCtAL. D R NELSON takes this method of informing the public that he is still attending to the PRAC- pnblit _ _ TICE OF MEDICINE, in its dlfft-rent branrhev, in this City and ft* vicinity, together with that of 8VK- OKR Y, lor which be has supplied himself with a full set of instruments. Hcmaybe found at all times st his office over die Drag Store, arat the American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo., April 16, 1615. 1 tf Paints, Oils A' Glass, Brags ft Medicine*. WELCH & EPPING, have on bond a. No. 1 White Lead, . iperm, Train and Castor Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, Varnish of all kinda, Red and Bbck Lead, Vermillion, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Lamp Hack and Patent Black, Chrome Yellow, Spruce Yellow, Chrome Green, Litharge, Terra do Sienna, Leaf Oad, Glue, Red and White Chalk, Sand I’m per, l'umicc Stonb, Window Glass of a su- periot quality, Paint Brushes, all sises. Hair Brush es and Perfrmeiy, as liah and American, C Ehcubrjb. Ensom SUtn, Spfee, Gitieek, SUltfo. Salt Peter, 1 _ * " o, Annette, Madder, Sasraparilb, Lemon, Rasbcrry BynjoCnrifle. Sharing and School Books, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Red and Black Ink, Quill*, Stcd Pena Letter Stamps, Ink-stands, 4c. J Albanyd Yood, Indigo, Aoirdo,') Ginger mid Ra Fancy Scfcp*-. ,4c. any April lB, 1815. 1 tf THOMAS BARRETT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, opposite tho . on customer* who will do him tho fiivor to call— life* work will be warranted, and cutting doce in die latest and mart fashionable stylo. All tboso who hove garments (o make, and wish them to fit, canto accommodated. Terms. Cash, or its equivalent April 16,1845. 1 tf ”K*rsfif5W< fa-