The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, May 14, 1845, Image 4

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FntaflrfsAithCTB CdtMur. The conttpuneet oj anabmdante oj Bread SZTJXeX&VJSftSi’Z chtapne$$. Any one who has'occasion to visit the tfgttbcm States, observes, on returning heniowud, a fact that startles turn, m the difference presented to the eye. in the two sejsttarafa emmtry. There, he eeee an # comfort;; men of very mo- j'hVe in neat houses; those of e .v~—. wealth in splendid ones; there seems' to be a place for every thing, ana every thing is in'i's place. «crr, lltepic- troeTs altogether different ; people W la one of his letters to Jfrthur Young, lOT<Wtlfa hfo Amirfanr Revolution, wWtl gmmSy* h |o eI L Wa4liingtbh i*rd the following Ian- u am the meat dependant on otbef*, of afa I cultural aflaire, the, better lam MlMflp B,j, • t. • . *;*< people within our knowledge; and the face with them; insomuch, that 1 can no spelling Book, Containing rale* end SnKe land presenta to arranger the most find so great ratutfaetion as in heir EngUsHbthograBhy and Pronunciation, povcity-etrieacn aspect ot any^hat meets cent and useful pursuits: In indulging SfK^. A. BTCtaplm a! it. his eye anywheie^r^his U a humiliating these feelin™, I ,em r e fl to j^S? 1 , [Wo.lwre received copie* of the above valuable confession from a son or the soil, “one to much more MtjWMJf ■■ -Sdieol Bookafara Mr.Alexander V, Blake, Pub- the manor bom,” but however disagrees- mtnd,is •*'»»?)* itorTwhich Usher and Bookseller, 77 Fulton meet New York, Me, h is a truth that must be known and on theearth.cbnnaHthc vain glory which. ) ^ felt by aU before the evil can be obviated. I can be acquired from ravaging it by the We scourge oar lands by continuous crops | most uninterrupted career of conquest, of cotton, without a yyar of rest or rotation I ===== ' aild buy every thing ; while others improve ■seni* their hide and male every thing at home rpWO Store* m the lower rtoiy of the to™* USTt** r&.zzsxllLs^SSSgSB^** toe regard their places of abode as necessa- re i' aw i other like articles of necessary use, akaitf pw os little attention to ma- e * one of w bich, coarse and fine, it ’ theta" either neat or comfortable as made elsewhere, and is a -outxe of drain possible. They seem to esteem a boose to thc ''indusiry of this section. But look I Lumber and Mealy and its fixtures like an Arab does his tent, qjq your tables and see if your meal does w^OB rale «t the Kinrhstsme falls, two mile* as somathtag that farto be occupied for only ^ come from Tennessee; look at your JC rath cf Albany. Order* for Lumber promptly • brief moment, and any pains and expense rfowa and see if every mule that draw* | attended to. TIFT fa BRISBANE. inAdaptiag. il to comfortable living, as an is not bought of Kentucky; even the 11 A l* g >6 < 1845 - SlSmSlu fcw*«V whkh *° w your carnages come PresidentMaxey’s Remains Mca fr0rtl ,herc - , ,. vu&r paMfehnl by the Subscriber, in one beenti- ^ not^ to hiv?^*UnS to“ e «- •>?“» .P Ur8Ue a ,me « ocUvovoluS.Jte Literary M.: ofthc CU & tf; yew have occasion to wop at a ****» house,in the country, you find at the table, food prepared properly; and butter, milk, and seasonable vegetables are set before you. ’ Here, you have that eternal dish— me4 > 6aco^orpork,if it is in winter, swim* mingin grease, “and nothing else,” except •‘long coUcrdt” and bread. The owner may .have ter principal Wealth in cattle, to the amount' of many hundred, as is the case in'koine places, and if it » winter or swing, be has not an ounce of butter to oner you, arid rarely eVcn milk enough to •put in your coffee. , inquire the price of building a house there, and the amount is tiriall. Here, the cost is so great, as to deter any one from building a good one, any where else than in a large town. It would be thought ex travagance to entertain the idea in the country. There is a cause for this disparity in the condition and appearance of these two sec tion* .of the same country. What is that cause t • This question has been often ask cd in oitr presence, and the answer has al ways involved some abstrusity wholly ir relevant to the subject, in our view of the case. ArO wo less intelligent than our neighbors 1 Has a genial sun rendered us ics3 capable of the use of our mental fa culties than theyf This will hardly be admitted. The real cause, from it3 very obviousness, seems to have been overlooked in searching after remote once. It i* be cause they produce bread and meat m abun dance, and vie do not. That there arc other auxiliary .causes, in the way of unequal revenue laws, &c., which lend to raise one Gccliott and depress another, we .doubt not; but the radical cause is the one we have elated, we bclieVc. In order, to seo. its effect readily, let us cuppbse you have a house to build. You must have lumber, brick and lime; a car penter is to be Crripfoyed to build the house, a bricklayer to make the chitnnies and plaster the walls. The sawyer asks you a price for the lumber that appears nigh, when taken in connection with the plenty and cheapness of water power ana pine timber, but he solves the difficulty very soon, by telling you the price he has to pay for corn, to subsist himself, his hands, and his mules, which haul the stocks to the mill and the lutpbcr away from it. Each mule purchased from a Kentuckian, costs him £75 or $80, and the com to feed them costs Him, to assume the ament rates in Macon at this date, 75 cents per bushel. It is ea sy to see the effect of this on lumber. The o be completed by the 1st day of June, sprite, 1845. N. TIFT, tf and after a pent**] of their Content*, recommend their a*e in oitr Schools. • •• We are authorized by Mr. Blake to order any Bpoka which may be required for the use of School* or Libraries, pod it will-give us pkasnre to confer such favors.] April 16, 1846. , April 16, VT! SALT!! ’hVNT^^yXcuon; subject, the very reverse of their own inter-1 Kev. Jonathan Kaxry.D. D. the Second President eats, from a mistaken idea of what their I of Brown Uahreraity, Providence, R. I. and Sutwe- true interest is; others do so from sheer quentiy of CiiionCqUegc:8chenectaday, N. Y. and inertness and a want of reflection; some fcrthe tad **t<*it year* of hi* hit, of South Caroh- from being deluded by maxims applicable “SM^wtetWaeftlairBoWdhtlBgaHrfpal. to particular stations and necessities, and I* w , t0B ,'3*, ha- produced™ AlthoEph not capable of general application. The * - - —• —• J Island of Malta imports alt its bread stuffs, and why 1 Because it is a rock, and inca-1 the Presidency of Unioa College, the Rev. Jonathan t table from its want Of soil, as well as sire, Edward* b. D. an Inrtitntioo always under the coo- o raise them. Is that the case here ? Eng- trol ofaM^denominyon. land imports bread Bluffs and yet prospers; ^ now jmblfeb- and what is the reason I By her gigantic Mthe>enei*We Preeideiit of K wer having, through a credit system of Union CbU^vSljuiw be considered “a treasure r own, made herself the heart of the I by those pupils of h» who remain to reverence hi* monetary world, she can display an appear- memory,*‘a* well a* “a valuable contribution to our once of prosperity, in despite, and not by American literature.” reason, of that deficiency, in the capacity __ Prom tkeBvptiu Memorial of the realm, to produce prjvisions sum-1 cient for its accumulated population. Some u.-’t-j—'r mav with of the West India Islands, and some plan- propriety ^to^mteJPiteAmerican Robert Hall, tations on the Mississippi, do not raise their No other demmunatton would have allowed sueh a provisions, but the reasons which may be ataras Maxcytohavemnained so long hi obscurity.” good there, do not hold here. We, to be Although it may be supposed that thi* volume prosperous, must make bread and meat •f® "ought aad read with capemea* by American plenty and cheap. Turn the question as Scholani ami clergymen generally, yet as he wa* a “ou willjt ^lvea itself into thi's. ' y In. succeeding article, we discu^ the auestton of raising our own meat, and en- ? iv» Datum. For Ten Dollars, fonmrded b v mail deavorto show that it is the present, as lor otAertrire, six conies will be sent. For sale by well as prospective interest of the farmer ALEXANDER V. BLAKE, to do so. J. B. L. 77 Fulton street, N. Y. Macon, Go. I. A P n1 IC - I815 - 1 Baker Mortgage Sale W ILL be sold on the first 1 uesday in June next, before the Court House the town .of Newton, Baker County, Un- following property to wits Two negro slaves: Rachael, 35 years ok), and Elvira,» years old; levied on as the property of John Graves, to satisfy one mortgage fi ft from Ba ker laferior Court: John Alexander va. John Graves. Property pointed out in said fi ft.- Also, one negro girl, called Marinh, to satlaly one ge fi ft from Baker Inferior Court: James Mortgage —----- Walker vs. Asa Sinquetiield. Property pointed out insaidfifiu GEORGE W. COLLIER, Sh'ff. GROCERIES, fflHe subscriber lias now on land, and will be.... X cciving from New Yoric aad New Orleans, fi,, following articles of Groceries, which be ofibra to his customers, and the public per., crally, on as reasonable terms, FOR CASH, » m, be bought in this market; and respectfully soliriu the patronage of tho public gencrafy. Among hi, assortment .can be found. Rio amMbba Coflee. (Manilla and Ky. Twine, Sugar, Refined Loaf and Kentucky Bagging, West India. fcotten do. Flour, Northern and Woe. Nails and Spike*, tern. Powder and Shot, Bacon, Country and Wee- Percussion Cap? i. Film.- tom. Ixmking Gbesvs, lard, Vinegar, Coflee Mills, Soap (varieties of) Sliingling katchct*. Tobacco, (various brands) Collins’ Axes, Snuff (bottle* &. bladders) Weeding & l’atei t line Sperm A Tallow Caudles, Tabic Sait ami Brooms, Cheese, Butter, Molaacs aad Syrup, Spices A E. Ind. Bagging Mess and Prime.Pork, an ilia and Ky. Rope. Whiskey Ac. Ac. JOHN JACKSON. Albany, Geo. april 16,1846. ’ 1 tf Baker, ShcrlfPu JSalcs. ro* JU.-IE. W nX be sold, before tho court house door in the town of Newton, on the first Tuesday in June next, tho following property, to wit: The south half of lot of land, No. 343, in tho 3d district of Baker county, well improved, and lot of land No. 139, in the 7th district of Baker county, with improvements thereoc; levied <*i «s the prope> ty of John C. Sutton, to satisfy a fi-la, from Baker Superior court, Josiah Pope vs. John Sutton. Pro perty pointed out by Sutton. Also, three lots of land adjoining, in the 3d dis trict of Baker county, No*. I9S, 81,301; levied on as the property of Marion M. Skaggs, to ratisfy a fi-fa, from Baker Superior court, Francis M. Ruse, v* Marion M. Skaggs. Property pointed out by DRY GOODS. J OHN JACKSON ofler* for rale athi* old stand k general assortment of DRY GOODS. Also Cotton Yams, and Cotton Osnaburgs, which will 1.; ■old for Cash only at Factory Prices. Albany, April 16,1845. . 1 3t From tho American Farmer. - I Classical Antiquities Washington’s Opinion of A*ri- 'jSSTaSS *$&■ cultural Lite, J ■ Salkeld, A. M. I8mo. Handsome Sleep, 63 It is refreshing to us. and we hone it is cents. carpenter and bricklayer . price Of .building a house rad a chimney and of plastering at the North, and ask U^em wby they cannot afford lo wotk at the some .rate*. They will tell you that living ta cheap at .thp North, it is dear here. And . you have a solution of the Whole mystery, and build your house at twice the cost which would be neceknry, if you lived in a country where provisions were plenty and cheap. But bera the fanner turns upon ua, and askfi, What into become of me if 1 can get but S5 cents.for my .eomt We answer, that with an abandonee of corn at that price, and every thing else at a proportion ate rate, you Will five more plentifully, more comfortably. and independently in every respect; yourself, and the whole face of tbc country and its population, from the pettifogger to the pig, inclusively, will be tftuer off.and hojtpier. What is the differ- cncefo.thh fatmerin dollars and cents, if he gets 25 cents for his com, and can build a house > for'$400, or if he get* 75 cents, and the house coMs faim 1200? It is as broad at h is long, so for as costia concern ed. But as to hits comfort and the general pro*parity of the country, there is a great tiiflfercfice. There is tins :c3Setitld difference in the haWtsAfA Nfarfhern and 8outhem man.— The,one, whether in Connecticut or in Oiof- if be'rettdveafiere permanently, thinks tWCHMttBiff Walflag himfidf: ak Bail. TOcol JorVfe shyk, “what he callscotn- kecnly as m- ilSa!r H 2? I A ». York,,h» Ibc OS«u* if gams they tnakc, arc realized amidst the wo,! goth Edition, cares, anxieties and tortures of the mind; for their’s is a life of hazard and unccr- uponthe subject of Agricuiturc. tu tne: I Most or the works in' use, which treat" of the antiqui- bolief then, .that the following opinion <>f tic* of Greece and Rome, arc so copious and so intcr- the farmer’s life, from tbo Father- of his I mingled.with Greek and larinquotations, that though country, may serve to reconcile overy tiller they may bo highly valuable to tho classical scholar of the soil to his lot, WC give it insertion. 08 works of reference, they arc rendered less useful But why need wc ray, that it may serve to '?.^ clarawd tmpttas common text books. On purely there is no man owning a farm tvho present vdiume is designed for general use in our is discontented with his position; for, of a common schools; but it is believed to be so compre- trulh, if there be one condition more than liensivc and elevated in it- character, as to be accep- another, which any man might desire with- table iri Academies and High Schools as well as out incuritog the sin of covetousness, it is Colleges. to be the owner of a good farm, well slock- The present volume, we consider available intro- ed, to be out of debt to have a good wife, K Drt !° n to the study of Roman and Grecian Antiqui- and a family of children around him!— hea m a form more nttractive thra tho over works I now m use. The work will he found eminently uso- There are other SltuaUona where a 52?I* ful in seboob nd aotber seminaries of learning, may possibly make more money. Tbc 1 - — * merchant, for instance, may realise more trofit in a mouth, than a farmer would in talf a life time. But then, where one mer chant diet rich, (here are nincty-niue who Also, the lot of land whereon Sparkman Bowen lives, in the 3d district of Baker connty. No. not known, and one black horse; levied on as tlio pro perty of Bowen, and ooc sorrel horse, levied on as the property of John L. F. Kemp, to satisfy a fi-fa, from Baker Superior court, William Smith, vs. John L. F. Kemp, and Sparkman Bowen principal, and John roiley, security on appeal. Property pointed out by Colley. Also, lot of land No. 63, in the 7th district of Ba ker county; levied on as the property of Hampton N. Dozier, to satisfy a fi-fa, from Baker Superior court, John C. Sutton, vs. Hampton N.Dozier. Pro perty pointed out by Plaintiff ' Also, lot of land, No. -145 in the 7th district of Baker connty; levied on as the property of David Hudler. to satisfy a Justice court fi-fa, Daniel B. Sheffield, v*. David Hudler; levied and returned to me by a Constable. Also, one Brown and one roan mule, and one small road waggon and liarncs*; levied on as the property of Thomas T. M’Collum, to satisfy several u-fas. from'Randolph Superior court, John N. Bledso, and others vs. Micnjah Bateman, and Thos. T. M’Col lum. I’roperty pointed ont by M'Collum. Also, oiio negro girl about 13 years old, by tho name of Jane; levied on as the property of Benja min Johnson, to satisfy several fi-fas. from Baker Superior court, Garay Kitchens, and others vs. Ben jamin Johnson. Property pointed out by Johnson. Also, one Jeray waggon and harness, one bay horse, bridle and saddle, one sorrrll horse and two mules; levied on as tho property of James Chance, to satisfy a fi-fa. from Houston Superior court Orran C. Horn, Adm’r., Dr bonis non cum tcstamcnlo an- naro, of Aaron Low, Dec’d , vs James Chance. Pro- porty pointed out by defendant. II. B. GUNNISON, D. Sh’ff. april, 30th 1846. tds. SALT. 2AA Socks Liverpool ground Salt in fine onk: OUU now in Store and for sale by JOHN JACKSON. . April 26, 1845. 1 St IROJYi ^,nnn lbs ofassotted width* and qnalkics UUUU now on baud and ibr saJe low by Albany, April 16, 1845. JOHN JACKSON. 1 3t MEOICM,. D R NELSON takes this method of inform in, juiblic tliat he is still attending to the PRAC TICE OF MEDICINE, in it* diflerent’ branches, is this Citv and its vicinity, together with that of SI R. QER Y, for which tic has supplied himself with t full set of instruments. He may be found at all tiarn at his office over the Drug Store, or at the American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo., April 16, 1845. 1 tf Protestant Churchman. Blake’s Biographical Bic- lionary, ALEXANDERS BLAKE,Bookseller,77Ful- Paints, Oils 4* Glass, Brags A' 1 Medicines. - WELCH & ErPING, A RE constantly receiving, and havo on haul a good supply of Extra and No. 1 White lead. Pure Linseed, Sperm, Train and Cantor Oil, Spirit, of Tnrpentine, Varnish of all kinds, Red and Black Lead, Vermillion, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Lamp Black and Potent Black, .Chrome Yellow, Spruce Yellow, Chrome Green, Litliarge, Terra Sienna, Leaf Gold, Glue, Red and White Chalk, Sand Paper, Pumice Stone, Window Gloss or a siv periot quality, Paint Brushes, ail size*, Hair Brush es and Perfumery, a good assortment, Quinine, Eng lish and American, Calomel Cream Ikutar, Jalap Rhcubarb, Epsom Salts, Ceppcras, Allum, Pcpp.:, Spice, Sal-Erotus, Ginger, Starch, Salt l’eter, wood, Indigo, Annctto, ftladder, SossapariUa, Lemoi. Ginger end Rasberry Syrap, Ca-tOe, Shavir Fancy Soaps. ALSO, Blank Books, School Books, Epolscan and letter Paper, Red ami Black Ink, Qul®, Steel Peas Lot hr Stomps, Ink-stands, &c. Sic. Albany april 16, 1845. I t, TO BEJVT. f|tffO Rooms in the upper story of my office on -*■ Washington street, The room* are well plais- tered and neatly finished, and are suitable, and con veniently situated for Offices or Lodging rooms. For terms apply at my Office. II. G. NICHOLS. arri' an. i8ifi. THOR AS BARRETT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, street, opposite the Hotel,' where be will be ready at all times to wait up on customers who will do hun tbo favor to rail.— His work will bo warranted, and cutting done in the latest and most fashionable style. All those wlu have garments to make, and wish than to fit, can lc accommodated. Terms, Cash, or its equivalent, april 16, (846. 1 tf - A GENERAL tainty, dependent upon so tnray contingen-1 RioSff»pl»icaI Dictionary, cies for success, as in numerous instances, Coayifiring a Summary Account cf the most Dis- to make even the most brilliant success, < -■>-> -» dear price for the wear and tear of mind and tne laceration of feelings While the owners of a fertile farm, unless avarice be his besetting sin, has everything around him to gratify all the aspirations of bis heart, sweeten tho pathway of life, and 1 _ B „ make him happy. Come what may— I royal octavo, and the matter in it is sufficient to sin j,— J1 — - ’ * — 1 — ’—“—* - -—■— 1 —* —— * ! l tfnguishcd Persons cf all Ages, Nations, and Professions ineluding more than 1000 articles cf AMERICAN BIOGRAPEY, BY REV. J. L. BLAKE, D. D. ‘■.MJuju months alter date application will be made M- to tho Honorable tho Inferior Court of Lee county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part or all of the real and personal estate of James Roby, hue of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of sail estate. B. O. KEATON, admr. april 30,1846. Tma work contains shout eleven hundred page* . . . yal octavo, and the matter in it ie sufficient to drought or rain—luxuriant crops or short I make from fifteen to twenty volumes 12mo., which ones—high prices, or low ones—if. he be sen fiw seventy five Cts. a copy. As there • little to spare, either to be laid by fora opinions from the. periodical press of this woik: d T !Me<f to j»« fcUoW man, ffa «te Alban, Doit, Advertiser. i tog ifo tno wottridetLheart, or ptl-'i vsjumA « pwdit,w- m American hteratnre; lowing j he aching head;V and whnttnorc.l^V famed author hasfhmfaM^ta aSsreS; pray let US ask, does man want while he with a large portion of what is diffused throughout may bejtermitled to remain on earth ? He I the anmenxs faroenphies and encyclopedias which that wants more is not imbued with that are too ezpeaove fa common use., becoming sense of gratitude which is duel From the New York Commercial Advertiser, to the author... of bis being, Richea, wej. On die whole, we Commend this work to the pub- are aware, have their attractions, and often Be as at cnee the most convenient and useful work wekve around the brow of the undeserving of foe kind to be found in our language, chaplets which, {but ill become it. We are fy ° m *** VK,lei State * Oazets. aware also, that eminent phU- ' We hare looked with much pleasure over many osOphcr hath raid that “knowledge is now- M* fo® articles in thh volume, and find thatthe work tt,* it would Have been much nearerthe HARNESS SHOP. m HE subscriber begs fare to inform the public, X that he is still carrying on the hantora business at hi* old stand, on Broad street, where he ie at all tunes prepared to exeente their orders with neatness and despatch. . Repairing at the shortest notice, and prices to suit tin times. SAMUEL D. IRVIN. Albany, April 18th, 1848. 1 tf. HORA A RcGWIER. D EALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boot*, Shoes, Hats, Clothing Ac. Albany, April, 16th, 1845. 1 tf. R. K.&J.B.HDVE8, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Omens is Macox & Albany, Geo. r They uritt practice in Ike following Counties. Bibb, Macon. Thomas Thomasvillc. Houston. Perry. Decatur, Bainkridgc. Dooly, Vienna. Stewart, Lumpkin. Macon, Voder. Sumpter, Americas. Lee, Starksville. Randolph, Cuthbert. Early, Blakely. Fulasu, Hawkinsvillc. Baker, Albany, And in the Circuit Court of die United States for the District of Georgia. ■ ' They will attend any other Court, not conflicting with the above, when engaged specially to do so. The attention of both partners will uo given to til business entrusted to their care. Letter* may. lie addressed to the firm at ettiar place. Ricaaxn K. Huxs. Joia B. IIlves. April 16, 1846, " 1 3m 18 power- 16th, 1846. truth, had he raid, Lli “P 0 "! Butter’s etnalogy Simplified!,* ourmind, by the dady evidences of tame | -wjeING Hobart’s Analysis of the work, inQucs- aubmiraontothc power ofmoneyby which 1 If ^ ^Ibrieffl^^for ex^Stfa^Sd tve arc smTOnndcd—Still, wc would not a Summary of the. whole subject By George W. exchange that glorious state of indepen- 'Craufuid, A. M. FeUow of King’s College, Com- acncc which belongs to ;he, thrifty owner I bridge. With Additp^l Improvements, by chaxfa of a homestead ortwo'or thiac hundred acres of good, land, for any other condition. .. fliLi Although such on one may atriara wealth nfaTto%faTSS aS mux alowiy .and moderateJy-fhough he may ourCoEgS^ aS^ ofST realise but a competent^, still that Wealih, *artabfotojhf>jmd in connection wit or tliat competenipy, is eartidd 'by the most |*el^aiid; fa reviewing the same aftt ri of Rutger’s Institute, in Tleol^ect nrffifaworkistiDo/aU; First, to far- - — - - - fa in work, ... . — with the work it- by the most self, arid fa reviewing the same after St has been and virtuous of all din* studied. Just Received, T>Y the subscribers, a large assortment of Ladies Alkony.-ApiB 1 16, 1846. 1 3t Summer Bats. P ANAMA, Leghorn and Palin Leaf Ifats just re ceived by HUNT fa PYNCHON. April 16,1846. I 3t GROCERIES. rPHE subscribers will motive by the Steamer X Florence, Port and Madera 1 Porter, Flonr, 1 April 16,1846. Coflee,'MoJases, Whiskey, ', Philadelphia and London I, Iron, Nails; Pot-ware, fac, HUNT & PYNCHON. t • .v TOBACCO. T HE subscriber* offer for sale a fin* assortment rtf Triteern cnrnn i«i*n X of Tobacco, some very choice HUNT april IR t*7T fa PYNCHON. 1 8t NEW SPRING GOODS. rihe never blest.— in his personal aU r* have just received an assort. GOODS adapted to the ohvays slovenly in the arrange- ra Agriculturist. ,, lfad»ewrid^r,to'‘rend«f fae profound argnment of FTVHE Babscrtbers have But as wcflltd ourselves romiing riot un-1 Butler mBwifag to young Mies, and the oldest X mentofDRY GOOE^ . dsrthwfateiMraa fa enthusiasm"we rowt el th. wUchthe y«» r ‘ ,to »I«^v i . ^•Sfa’xrt^'*I Albany, April, WMhfnfftcn ummstOW am HMi of lay young ladies schoot ,e*pecirily; m the'country. ——• - -—-— ■: 1 1 1 '.n ''. ufafai'ii 1 April 16, 1845. 1 ™ 7 \Lau> Blanks for Sale at this Office, ; JOHN BILBO. - ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY QA. Will practice in the aevenl Courtis of the South- Westorn Circuit, nod niomas aad Stewart coun- tfa. ' april, 16,1846. 1 tf. RICBARB B. CLARK, I , ATTORNEY. AT LAW, — Aiianr, Geobcia. Will prapti^te the'bounties of ~Baker, Lee, Decs- •rarnter, Randolph and Early, of tbr uuiu-Yi cnerq Circuit, Stewart, of the Cbattaboo- hec, and Thomas, of the Southern CircaiL jD* Ofkc under the u jtt,itrier", Office, Broad st. turv E. ». PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aibastt, Geouou. 'aife: april 16, 1846. l tf -iL- , ''SAPPINGTON>S ^syaffaipjBvisEi tpobiEsSb :: FWxx'.'! w. e. siinH- l t tf