The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, May 28, 1845, Image 3

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., i lie most despcmlc purposes, anil prepar-1 D .atu has been in our midst! Dr. W.B.Ectob, for “ to tlio knife.” We place no 11**® a proprietor and editor of this paper, to no wore. fesBlS3r.!£} tr&he 5 ^ r . c 0 i. In 0r<W *"°|j-.*^P”’hrent- Su/weaU^ventnred 6 ^'^* UeSi-culd ^eapared'to oiling Texas or rcp< llmg the Lonianchc |,is numerous friends for many year* to come. Bat Indians.—N. O. Pic. he to gone and baa left upon earth no better man. . /ill it.. , t.n p,:„ vtn..<: This is indeed a consolation to his bereaved wife, his Late from llaylI.—Bv the I;rig Hnyti children and friend*. ,vc arc in receipt of files of the ftuille Dr Ectoe was buried with Masonic honors, and tic CohimcrcCf published ol Pori Ropub- ( every demonstration of sincere regard web abundant* liran, up to the 27ill ulr. They nrr prin- ly manifested.—Columbus Enquirer ted in mourning for the dentil of President Guerrior, whose death hnsbeen before an nounced, and whose funeral look place w jih iiiueh pomp on the 2Gih. The place of ilie deceased President was supplied by Cell. Louis Pierrot, who had been unani mously called on to fill the office. The "ijrj.r Grenndina, with Riviere livrard and . . ... hisliltle band of adherents on board, was '* * *° alioiut ever}'967, in tiiropc, 1 in 1637 :Uni- I.i'i hovering around the const. %%*** a000 ’ In Ul ° wolld ' *» ftr *» The Population of Canada a^ the present time to 693,G49. Of these are, natives of the count!}’ of French origin, 618,666: natives, of British origin, 86.076; England, 11,886: Ireland, 44,012; Scotland, 18,311 ; Continental Europe, 2,353; United .Stator, 11,941.—The proportion of deal and dumb to the whole population if greater titan in all other conn- trie*, except Switzerland and Baden. In Canada it .Yew l’crik Herald. known, 1 in 1666. Be tr this in mind.—“ Mnny n good Deni- ecral docs not reflect that it is of importance wlint paper lie takes, or .whether lie takes a pa per at all. It is all important. A sin gle subscription may seem a small matter ; a single number of n newspaper may have bin irifling influence, yet the sum of such trifles sways the political faith of the coun- trv ; ays ! the destiny of the world. Let no mail, then, hold back, imagining that die little* lie cun do is worth nothing^” \Ve have rarely seen n more important truth conveyed in as few words. The migh ty ocean is composed of drops—t lie globe iifclf is made up of atoms. Les every Dem ocrat read reflect, and govern liiinsclf ac cordingly.”— U. S. Journal. Electro-magnetic Clocks, which never run down, and never re.pure winding, have been invented by a Mr. Drain. A writer ia lire Polytechnic Review says :—“He set up a ciock in my drawing-room, iho pendu lum of which was in the Imli, and both iusirumunts in a voltaic circuit, osfoiiows: On iue north side of my house two zinc plates, each a fool square, are sunk in n hole, and suspended to a wire. This is passed through the house, to ilic pendulum litsi, and then the clock. On tlie south- easi of the house, at a distance of about forty yards, a hole was dug four feel deep and two sacks of common coke hurried in it; among the coke another wire was cured, and passed in at the drawing-room window, and joined to the former wire at the clock. The hall of the pendulum weighs nine pounds, hut it was moved en ergetically, and has eversinev continued to do' so with the self-same energy. The time is to pcrlcciion, and the cosi of the motive (lower was only 7s. 6d. There are but three little wheels in the clock, and neither weights nor springs, so there is no thing io lie wound up. -To another friend in lialcrsea he 1ms given three clocks, two small ones, and one a hall clock, all moved by one current, and regulated by one and the same pendulum. This is all he lias completed in England, having just reach ed Edinburgh, where he is to establish a manufactory of these clocks, which, for ac curacy, cheapness, and utility, will I be lieve, surpass every time-piece hithertocon- trived.” Terrible Hail Storm.—The W»tchmin of the 1ft inst .published at Denture, DoKatb Cn.,Gco., Faya: The injury done by tlie tote bail storm in thto coun ty ha* scarcely yet been ascertained. In some por tions of the county, it fell in lumps to the fixe oHargo goose eggs; breaking out glass, 1 s ating tlie com, cot ton, Sc. literally into the earth, stripping the trees of their fruit and leaves, and in some places tlie ravine?, at the !«sc of steep, hills were covered to the depth of lour feet. In a word, DeKalb has net wifncsivri in a long time so large and destructive a hail storm. Emigrants To Oregon—In fpite of John Boll’s pretest against the occupation of Oregon, that coun try to rapidly tiling up with emigrants, and by the time John gets ready to thresh the United States for i hunting its own, he will have quite a little army in that country to rout also. The following paragraph, in a Western paper, shows how the tide is setting. An Army of Emigrants.-New's from Independence, Mr., informs us that the emigrants now near that l>oint number about seven thousand, alt destined for Oregon nti4 California.—They will start about the •tune time, divided into convenient comjanies for trav eling with ease and safety. The Indians will not attack a party of live hundred. Of course the emi grants, tills season, will stand in no fear of the red skins. It is astonishing what a tide to setting toward the fertile lands on the Pacific. Peterson, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Early Supe rior Court, Alexander MeDougaU, vs 1 iardee and Peterson. Land pointed out by Peterson. Also, one half of lot No. 214, in the 28th district of raid county; levied on as the property of John A*. Wood, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Early Superior Court, Seaborn Hays v» John A Wood. Also, 140 acres lying in (he northeast corner of lot No. 165, in the 28th distret of Early county; le vied on as tiro property of David Howard, to satisfy a fi-ta issued from a* Justices court of said county, Edward Roe, vs David Howard and George W. Stewart. Levy made and returned to we by a Con stable. . Also, one small Waok horse, ami one yoke of oxen; levied cn as the property of George W, Stewart, to satisfy two fi-fas issued from Early Superior Court, Win. Decs xs George W. Stewart and Win. Sutton. Samuel Gainer, for Die. use of Marion J. Philips vs George W. Stewart and David Howard. Property pointed out by Howurd. Also, one negro woman named Pender about 34 years old; levied on as the property of II A. Per sons, to satiwly a fi-fa issued from Early Superior Conrt, Uriah Trulock vs R. A. (c B„ C. Persons. Proporty pointed out by R. A. Persons. JOSEPH COLUER, Sli’ffi May, 28th 1815. 7 tds. The «(a(c of the Wars. It Iws been announced Halt lie London creditors ef Illinois have leaned the $1,600,000, to that State, for the prosecution of tlie Illinois canal. When it is remembered that one tarty to this loan (Mr. Baring) is a member o: Sir Koliert l*ee! r * government, tlie fact oi tlie leans being decided at this junction, is very* significant of peaceful intention*. The Mexican ac counts are equally peaceful. That States lias not made such demonstrations as was r.vj'ccted, and tlie tact t hat she has oticred independence to Texas on conditions ot her remaining so, narrows down the question to the mere fact, whether tlie mere ditler- ente between a distinct independence, and a confed eration with the Union, is of itself of such importance o Mexico, as to involve her in a war to prevent it I h would seem that it is not, and that the oiler is a mere step towards abandoning the whole question. The New York IVesi/w Early Mortgage Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Angnst * ” next, before tlio Conrt bouse door in Blakely, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: - One negro woman named inliano, about 25 yean old, as the property of Jonathan Roach, to satisfy a mortgage fi.fa from the Inferior Court of said county, Bpling II. RobiiJbn vs Jonathan Roach. Also, tlie following negroes, Celia, 65 years old, Mary 38, Ben 36, Jack 28, Oscar 2U, Ellen 24, Deck 5, Olive 2, Keubin 24, Martha 20, Edmund 4, Rach el 18, Charlntt 16, Phillis 40, Dow 22, Henry 20, Jane 10, Bill 7, Booker 28, Maria 22, Howell 6 months old, Phill 35, Bob 30, Fanny 8, Essex 26, Harriette 24, Frank 1, Peter 60, Jude 40, Tom 24, Caroline 19, Polly 17, Jackson 12, Ilarrv 10, Anto- nett 8, Arm 6, Judo 2, with their increase since the 22d April,, 1841, as tlie property ofWm. ATennelle, to satisty two mortgage fi-as issued from Earlv Su perior Court, llenj. 8, Jonrdan vs said Tennelf, and Green II. Jordan vs said TenneDe. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sh’fK May 28th, 1845. 7 tds. Th: Transit of .Mercury.—We learn from tlie Astronomer? ol the High School Ob servatory, that that the transit of Mercury, fulfilled their pi dilutions in a most remark able tmnner. The bog-inning and end look place about a minute and a ball later titan the time specified in the United States almanac. An ingeniiis contrivance \\ ns resorted to, by which the disc of the suit was thrown Upon a screen, with the plaint Mercury as a round black spot on it, after the fashion of a solar Microscope, so that the numerous visitors at that institution were enabled all at tlie same time, to watch the progress of the planet from its entrance to .(s depar ture. This shows the progress of this science foxvards perfection. Such announcements in the last century were liubic to nu ertor of a tju ir cr of an hour. As an .lluslration of the precision attain able in this science with the perfect instru ments now in use, we are informed dial the diameter of Mercury, as measured by the Fraunhofer Filonnicromctcr, diflcreil from that given in Dow lie’s almanac only in the hundredths of n second.—Phil. U. S. Gas. .Mercury—Spots on the Sun.—The tran sit of Merc ry look place yesterday os cal culated. It was clearly ’perceptible thro’ the telescope with a power magnifying 25 times. With a power of 2110 it had the ap pearance of being about four inches dinin eler, and less than any one of the ftpols on the sun that has been noticed in this paper. There have passed over the disk of the sun no less than 18 spots : there tire three at present perceptible; which makes the number 21, und by comparing these re maining spots wiHi the size of Mercury, they would cover an era of 15,UtKl, tniles, supposing them to be about the same dis tance. All these spots have moved in the some direction (from East to West,) retained their relative distances—undergoing but 'cry little or no changer—nor have any rc- ''trued, which would nave been recognized is having made their nppearance at any previous time. Mc.tLIMTER’S CARD. DOCUMENT No. I. In reply to a Card signed IV. G. McAlister in the Courier of flic 24fh tmf. ■ This is to certity that I am well av'muiintctl with Wesley McAlister, now in Albany, mid late of Eu- !aiila, und havo known him for many years. I know him to he tlie Fame ;>er*on who was accused of. and implicated in stealing money, $600) from E* & VV. Young in Eui&u.'a. 1 wm» at Eli inula when lie was brought from Columbus hv the orticem having him in custody. He was com-iwnd guilty of stealing the money hv mopt oi the community, and looked upon with coni cm i it by all who knew any thing about the tiansartion. lie was dt. carded m;d «ii«roun:cimnce<l by bis lather, and he rannvwiy from Etuan’a and was gone about tuoyears. His lather will not non* allow : in to conic about him or his house, owing to his bad conduct, 1 was in or me.’ he runaway irom Mr E - me re at or e time, and again Horn Mr. Ilodgcs. Said McAlister told me within a few days, that be had run* away from Etifanla, and requested me not to tell any person (except his i’apa) in Rufatda, tliat T saw him here. K. VV. MclNTOSH. Albany, May In, 1845 When Mr. McAlister proves to the a- bove to be false and slanderous upon him, he shall from um‘ again. K. VV. M. May 25 * 7 “democratic MEEiiSiar . THE Democratic Party of Baker County, are requested to meet at the Court House, in Newton, on the first Tuesday, in June (the second day of Baker Superior Court,) at 7 o’clock P. AL, for the following purposes. 1st. To appoint Delegates to a Con vention to be held in Mificdgcville on the 3d. monday in June, to nominate a candidate for Govcnor. 2d. To nominate a candidate to re present Baker county, in the next General Assembly. 3d. To arrange for a Convention with Early county, to nominate a can- didateto represent this Senatorial dis trict, in the next General Assembly. Many Democrats. May 14th, 1815. Baker Mortgage Sale, FOR JULY. B Y the order and decree of the Superior Court of the county of Baker, for closing a certain Mortgage (feed,'bqaring date the 13tli of October, 1839, made by Warren Jounhn, to the Georgia R. R. a-id Banking Co., and by tlie said Co. nssigned to Parish Carter, a* appears by the records of raid Court, and tire order aforesaid, and in and by virtue of a fieri facias issued upon the foreclosure of the same. IMILL he sold on the first Tuesday in July nrxt * * Iwtween the usual hours of sale, and at the Court house door of Baker county, tho lollovving tracts or lots of land, to wit! Nos. 271,272, 273, 274, 275, 179, 180, 219, 220, 285,28C, in the second, and lot 181, in tlie third Dis trict of Baker County, containing each 250 acres more or less; sold pursuant to an order aforesaid, and to satisfy said mortgage Ii fa of Faruli Carter, assign, ee. Scc. vs Warren Jourdan; property pointed out in said Mortgage li Si. GEO. W. COLLIER, Sh’ff. May 28, 1845 7 4 td THE PATRIOT OFFICE, ON BROAD STREET. 0PP081TE THE . AMERICAN HOTEL. U now supplied with . Materials necessary for the prompt, neat, and economical execu tion of every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTINO, LABELS) CHECKS, WAYBILLS, CIRCULARS, SHOWBILLS, DRAY’ RECEIPTS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, BILLS OF LADING, RAILROAD BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, STAGE BILLS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, CARDS, NOTES, FOX—— THEATRES, EXHIBITIONS, Ac. See. Tlie facilities of thto establishment for executing Printing,, cannot be surpassed in South - Western Georgia, the office con. taining a large and ra ped assortment of Type, both all of which is new and the most modern cast. The attention of those who require fancy or com mon work, cheaply and expeditiously executed, will give us a call. A LARGE ASS0RTM2XT OF S/oaiv, inmeuia/ one/ of/toi, kind of BLANKS utiU be kept constantly on hand. Any * Blanks not on hand will be printed at short order, XT Orders Horn the country, for cither Job Printing or Blanks, will receive prompt attention. Albany, Ga. May 1Cth, 1815. DR. T. D. MATTHEWS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, Albas?, Georgia. april IC, 1818. I THOMAS PINKNEY SMITH,. ATTORSBY AT LAW, Alsast, Geosclv. «f«ai«.iMs. : ‘i : ' r JPETElt /. STROZMEn, ATTORNEY AT UAW, april 16,1845. Albast, Geobcia. . tr. RICU.1RO JT. CMjJtRR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Alsast, Georgia. Will practice in the Counties of Baker, Lee, Deca tur, lJnoly, Bumter, Randolph and Eariy, of the South-Western Circuit, Stewart, of the Ctott&K- choc, and’ntomas, of the Southern Circuit, IT OJiet tinder the <* Courier*• Office, Broad ft. R.E.&J.B. HINES, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OrrttEs ls Macox & Albast, Geo. . They will practice in Ox following Counties. Bibb, Macon. Thomas, ThmaasviUc. Houston. Perry, • ~ Decatur, BaMrUtgc. Dooly, Vienna, Stewart, iMmpIfn. Macpn, Lanier. Sumpter, Americas. Lee, StarksrSle. Randolph, Culhbert. Early, Blakely. Pulaski, Hackinscilte. Baker, Albany, And in the Circuit Conrt of the United States fqr the District of Georgia. Thoy will attend any other Court, no* conflicting with the above, when engaged specially to do so. The attention of both partners will oe given toall business entrusted to their care, U-ttvre may be addressed to the firm at either place. Richard K. Hixzs. ’ Jons B. Hikes. April 16, 1845, 1 3m 6. &. J. VASON, ~~ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. april IC, 1846. Albast, Georgia. Religions JVttiee. THE second Quarterly Meeting of Methodist E- piscow'. Church in this City, will commence on Fri day the 15th of Juno' next. Several Ministers from Other stations are expected to attend. E. L. T. ULAKE, •i Preacher in charge. May 28 7 V . JV&C0 QUARTERS, j 2nd Hkioade 13th Division G. M. J Albany, .May 16iA, 1845. Some of these spot* were round, and as ^T IS ORDERED, That tlie time appointed sharply cut as Ihe planet of Mercury; oth-fe, ,he reviews of the Milittoofthe Counties of «rs were of irregular shape, and some had 'he appearance of being very much broken. If Mercury be 3umT miles in diameter, ( hc six last spot* noticed in this paper ''■ottld have covered an ere* of not leds 'nnn 50,000 miles. . J. D. C. Newark Daily Adp. JBskiT and Lee, be postponed tiD some more sppropri- “'"‘“’gMos. p. smith. 1 JOHN G. FLAPPEY, Brigade Inspector. May 91 ,»6 It Early Sheriff* Sales. lbr Britannic Majesty’s Surveying steamer Gun- TXfILL be *t)d pp the fiyst Tuesday in Julv it Pp Bello arrived at Boston cm Thursday morning *' be fore tlie Court House door in Blakely, What right has a British steamer to be ‘‘surveying’’ twoen tho usual hours of sals, the following proj &a§iF“ f’&'St .i». £ j I county; levied on M tho property next be- proper- Caroline Belshar h LIBEL FOR DIVORCE, v*. > In Sumter Superior Court. Woody 6. Belshar. } W hf-reas it is made appear by the return of tlie ShurilT that the dciendant is not to be found in tho county of Sumter: It to Ordered, that the said Woody G. Belshar do appear at tlio ig-xt Suporii-r Court to lx* hidden in and for paid county on the third Monday in November next, and then and there an swer said libel; and if is further ordered that service be per|iorlpcted on tlie said Woody G. Belshar by ihn puhiraiifin of this rule once a month for three month* in one of the public gazettes of thto State, said publication to be had before Uie next term of this Court. A true extract from tlie minutes of caul Court, this oi -r Mr- 1045 MANESSEH M. GUERY, C. S. C. May 28 7 in3in ADMINISTRATORS SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of tho Ilcnmble, the Inferior Court of Eariy county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day in August next, before the Court House dcorin Blakely, w ithin the legal hours of rale, lot of laud No. 103, and half of let of land No. 137, in tho 15th district of said county. Also, two negroes. Bill, a man. and Lucre! ia, a w oman; sold as the property of Elijah Fena, late of Early county deceased; soid for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Wm. GRIMES, Adin’r. Blakely, 23d May, 1845. 7 tds. NOW IS THE TIME, For Planters to lay in their shp ply of Medicines for the coming Season. W E have just received asplendid assort- intent of Fresh and Genuine Drugs and Medicines, which we will warrant to stand tlie test of the most skilful Chemist. Among them are the foliowimr: Csstor Oil, Alcohol sp Turpentine, Epsom .Salts, sal .‘iods, Sahratus, Rotten-stone, Gum Myrrh, Cay enne Pepper, carte Magnesia, Spices, Hon, Allspice, Eng. Calomel, Jallap, Rhubarb, Oil Peppermint, sulph Morphine, do. Quinine, Blue Hass, Cubebs, Citrate of Iron, Camphor, Pocket Instruments, Ocu lar Instruments, Injection Pipes, Stomach Pumps, Gtpping Instruments, Breast pipes. Nipple Glasses, Nursing Bottles, spring and thumb Lancets, &c. &c. ALSO, A splendid assortment of Perfumery, to which we call the attention of ladies ' and gentle. mem—such as Cologne and Lavender water, Otto Rose, Extracts; a variety tor handkerchiefs; Rose, Almond, l*ahn, Orange, MilleBeurx soaps of tho choi cest quality, Oleophan and Verbena Cream for sha ving, Jayne's Hair Ttonfc, Hair dye. Balm of Colum bia, Toilet Powders, Powder Pulls Sec. See.—togeth er with a supply of Intent Medicines, of which the most popular kinds, and snehas are of any meriVwfll will be offered always be kept on hand .-^-nane other to our customers. We have also received a new (dock of School Books and Stationary, which may be examined at any time at our establish ment Please give us a call. t| WELCH Si EPPIKG. May 28 7 tt CITY HOTEL, BY SAMVEL BAKER, Comer of Brood and Front Streets, Albast, Geo. april 16 1846. » tf. J OB WORK of all kinds executed at t^ja QjBce with neatness and despatch. April 16, {846. ■ MEDIC. fJ&. D R NELSON takes thto method of informing the public that he is still attending to the PRAC TICE OF MEDICINE, in its different branches, in this City anil its vicinity, tqgstlier w:ith that of .S'UR- GE11Y, for which he has supplied himself with a full set of instrument*. Ho may be found at all times at tils ofliro over the Drug Store, prat tlie American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo., April 10, 1845. 1 tf DR. WILLIAM L. DAVIS, C iONTINUES tho prartico of hto Profession, / qnd may bo found at all times, when not pro fessionally engaged, at his office on Broad street, next door to Mr. J. Jackson's Htoro. April 23, 1848. 2 tf MEDICAL CARD, PRA CTICE OF PHYSIC, SVRGER Y AND MIDWIFERY. DOCTOR SLAPPEY, I S permanently settled in thto city, (where he ex pects to remain through all seasons of tbo year.; He is dirrnied to his Profession—anil it is tmj.haF.eeUy tho hobby of his heart. Ho will do a general prac tice, anil exact a fair equivalent, when his patrons possess pecuniary rosismsibility. Ho would add, that ho 1ms had thirty years constant intercourse and observation, with almost every disease which poor man is heir to, and he knows well ti nt it to no light matter to deal in the principles of life and death. It ineoh es a weighty and special accountability, IT To Scientific professional brethren of true honor, worth and’inent every wlicre, he extends the ready and warm hand of fellow ship; and would say, let us be united to elevate tho standard of Medicine. His residence to in Mr Randall’s new house near Col. Tomkins’ _ Office in Mr. Harris’ Range, third door from the river. April 23, 1845. 9 tf TO THE AFFLICTED. DU, HENRY G, NICHOLS, „ ALBANY, GBORGIA. WAKES this method to inform hto friends that h-., still resides at tho above place, and will give his attention to persons afflicted with chronic ami supposed incurable form* of disease. From hto suc cess heretofore in the management of such cascc, persons afflicted will fits! it te their interest to give him a trial, for if he does not permanently cure, hu uiay at least mitigate their sufferings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Bron- clietl*, Cough, Erysipelatous affections, Scroffuiu, leprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhea Gleet, Tic Dou loureux. Hysteria,'lmlrev, Epilepsy, Chorea, Drops}, Amcnorhen,I*rokvpsns Uteri, fire, fie., Files, Hernia, Calculi of tl.o Bladder, Ulcers, Hydrocele, die-,would do well to consult him. Dr. N. will remove all cases of Syphalitie taint the system, and warrant them, no cure no pay. Persons living at a distance, who are afflicted, Would do well to call in person, if not convenient, by communicating, post paid, with Dr. Nichols, giving symptom.*, &c., and enclosing the fee, 810, can re ceive directions for the management of their cases. Albany, Gee., April 23, 1846. 3 ly To Gentlemen of Fashion, T HE ndersigned respectfully inform* the Citizens of Albany and the sur rounding eonntrr, tl*t he has bought the latest Pat ent for cuttingGentiemcnsGarments, which he war rants equal to the best New York style. He will regularly receive the latest Fashions. Ax he has no partner with whom to divide the pro fits, bn is enabled by strict attention to business, t > sell and work accenting to the pressure of the times. Tim latest style of goods will be found at bis store, and Ready-made clothing, Hats, Caps, Stc. Sic. All work warranted to be made to the satisfaction of his customers, as regards taste and fashion. A. G. WEAVER, Merchant Tailor. May 14,1845. 5 ly JOHN E.S. JONES. Saddle and Harness Maker, AND REPAIRER ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY GA. April 23d, 2 tf. SIMS & CUEEVER, FACTORS & General Commission Merchants, Apalachicola, Florida. W*. W. Sms. Wh. W. Ciieevtr. April 16, l8l5 1 tf RICHARD F. & J. LYON, ATTCfRNIES 4- COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ALBANY, Baker Co., Ga. H AVE recently entered into a Partnership in the Practice ef lease, and will continue the prac tice in the several Courts of tho counties of Baker, Macon, , Lee, Dooly, Randolph^ Decatur, Sumpter, Irwin. All matters submitted to their care in any of these counties, will meet with prompt attention, and-be bronghtto a speedy conclusion, april 30th 1845 8 ly. JOHN BILBO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY OA. Will practice in the several Courts of the’ South. Western Circuit, and Thomas and Striait coon. april, 16,1846. tf. E H, PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, april 10, 1845. -Auubt.Gumu. - 1 tf GEORGIA, Dooly County. RULE NISI to Fbrcdtte Mortgage, in Dooly Superior CourtJUay Term 1846. Sarah Dozier, Executrix of the last WiU and Testa* mentof James C. Dozier, Dec. r». Erwin Sutton Si Daniel Mashbnra. I T appearing to tlie Conrt upon the petition of the plaintiff, that tlie defendants, on tne second dav of June, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred Daniel jointly and severally promised to pay one Wil liam \V. Taylor, or bearer, the sum of eleven hun dred and fifty dollars for value received of him tb» aid Taylor, who afterwards, to wit, on the day awl . ear first aforesaid, transferal and delivered said no to to said James C: Dozier, he being then m life, in a fair course of trade, and for a valuable consideration. And afterwards, on the eighth day of May, eighteen hundred and forty, the raid Erwin and Daniel, the bettor fo secure Uie payment of the said promissory note unto the aid James C. Dozier, bp hong then still in life, and the bona fide hearer and owner there of, executed under their hands aqd seals, and then and there delivered to the said James C. Dozier, thc-ir certain Mortgage Deed, thereby mortgaging to the said James CIDoaier ate lot of land, known by tho number two hundred and twenty-three, in the third District of aaid county of Dooly, with a grist and raw mill tiicroon, and all the appertenances thereof; and whichsaid mortgage was duly recorded iguana of the statute in such cases made and provided; and it further appearing to the Court, that the note herein before described, to the identical note, the paymratof which said mortgage was indsafied to aecuap, al though the same to not described in said ipoftgagc, except as to the amount ef priprjpal, and the ’time when the same became doe and parable; and that there to stiii remaining due and unpaid, upon said note, the sum of nine hundred and ninety-three dol lars and forty cento principal and the further sum of two hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirtjMtight cento interest thereon, up to thto date; and tire plain tiff having prayed, the foreclosure of said.' mortgage: It to therefore, on motion of Kflly Sl KUIen, Plain tiffs Attorneys, Ordered thgt the said Erwin Jtpd Daniel do pay into this Court, enor before (ha first day of the next Term, the prfrwipal.and intend due, and the interest hereafter to accrue upon said noto and mortgage, or shew good and suffiftigot. canse to the contrary, and that service bf this Rule be per fected by publication of the sapw once a month'for fourtoontha ia some public gazette puhlisiied in fjus titate, or by service of oopics thereof sppp |ba said Erwin anq Daniel, or their agents errepeesoqtatiyeg, three ntws before the irMiifft Term. ■ ■ A trae extract from tho Minutes of tho Court, this ‘“^'’^IOMAi lf, KEY, C1 k. ’ May 31.184ft. Law Blanks for Sale at tkisOfficF,