The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 02, 1845, Image 1

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THE ALBANY VOL. I. ' MVsdom, Justice, •moderation ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIA, JULY 2,1843. NO. 12. THE PATRIOT, rx-nlJOTED EVESY WEDNESDAY MORNING, BY fJELSON TIFT & SETH N. HOUGHTON, Editors and Proprietors. TERMS. -wo T>.«1«nr.= per annum, if paiil in advance, or -gX Dollars at the end of the year. ‘ \,| vt .rtifom?nh! not exceeding twelve linen, will ■, ,'inj'rted at One Dollar for the fir*t insertion, nnd ivtv rents for each continuance. Advertisements 1 0 , l, av in" the number of insertions vpeciticd, will |S published until forbid. Sili-s of Land and Negroes by Executors. Adnunis* Irators and (luardians, are require! by law to he : drertised in a public gazette, sixty days previous to t's-dav of rale.' ’ 'fhc sale* of Personal Property must be advertised M ir. like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors c.f an estate | r published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court ,f Odinary for have to sell I .and and Negroes, must ir published weekly for four inontlis. Monthly Advertisements, One Dollar per square f.reach insertion. jtAU letters on business must be post paid. MISCELLA Y. I'rum the Washington Union, ICtlh ult. A DIARY ABOUT GENERAL JACKSON. Hermitage, May 28ih, 1845. ,Mij Dear Sir:—Aware of your desire to know the condition of the patriot of the Hermitage in the closing scenes of his life, I write down, from day to day, during the short visit 1 make him, what occurs of in- L. rued ss— ions to a will very ami is of | and pose , the jOV- have rrity men :om* c all 'r an i;tho well l tills cular i tind rrent lions intry Do* cur- I also 1 and ;uish urge- ms of fand tfully r con- 12 00 1 00 6 00 0 00 to the lyfcr riUta 60S i who '& On my arrival, I found cx-Prcsidcnt Jackson 'more comfortable than lie had been, although his disease is not abated, and his long and useful life is rapidly drawing lo its close. He has not been in a condition to lie down during the last four months. His feel nnd legs, his hands and arms tire very much swollen with dropsy, which has invaded his whole system.— Bandages arc drawn light around the parts most articled to prevent, as much ns possi. jilc, the increase of the water. He Ims scarcely any use ol his hands. The ban- tlagcsare removed several times in 24 hours, ami lie parts rubbed severely to restore ani mation and the circuln'ion of the blood, lie has not strengtli to stand, llis respi ration is very short nnd attended with much tlilficiilty, and the whole progress ol the disease accompanied with great suffering, lie eels no sleep except by opiates. His left lung was ruptured many years ago, dining the Seminole campuign in Florida, and is entirely destroyed, nnd the other much diseased. When the dropsy com menced, the cough was extremely severe, and exiicctoralioii profuse. These symp toms which hud contimtid for years, now gradually gave way nnd almost entirely ceased. This was followed by loss of ap petite nnd constant nausea and prostration. This change took place early in April; and atioii' the first of May a diarrhoea com menced which seemed to threaten an im mediate dissolution. This continued for a few days with great suffering but fortu nately reduced the swelling of the whole system. The abatement of the dinrrhmn was succeeded by the swelling in nil parts, with violent pnih and extreme difficulty of breathing, when nature would ngain re lieve itself as above described. Thursday, .May 211.—(Jen. Jackson is rather more comfortable, having obtained from opiates some sleep. This day he sat awhile lo Mr. Hcnly, who had been sent by Louis Philippe (tnc King of the French) to paint his portrait. Mr. Hcnly told me that it was the design of the King of the French to place his portrait by the side of that of Washington, which already hangs in his gallery—the most celebrated and in teresting historical gallery in the world— to surround them with the pictures of the most eminent of American generals and statesmen. Mr. Hcaty is commissioned by the King lo paint the portraits of some twelve of the most distinguished revolu tionary patriots, lo surround those of Wash ington and Jackson—the greatest and best men our country ever produced; also some of the most prominent living politicians of the day, Messrs. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay were named by Mr. Hcaly to me. Mr. Henly was enabled to make much progress'in his work to day ; and, as usual, the General received many visitors, more than thirty. All were admitted, from the humblest to the most renowned, to take the venerable chieftain by the hand nnd bid him farewell. Among the visitors was General Jesup, an old friend and compan ion it, arms. The meeting of these most faithful and gallant soldiers and servants of the republic was deeply interesting and affecting. A reverend gentleman called to inquire in regard to the General’s health, his faith, ana future hope. The General said: “Sir, I oin in the hands of a merer ful God. I have foil confidence in his goodness and mercy. My lamp of life is nearly out, and the last glimmer has come. I am ready to depart, when called. The Bible is true. The principles nnd statutes of that holy book hove been the rule of my life, and I nave tried to conform to its spir it as near as possible. Upon that sacred volume I rest my hope for eternal salva tion, through the merits and blood of our blessed Lord nnd Saviour, Jesus Christ. Nothing further was said upon the subject. Friday, May 30.—-The General passed a bod night; no sleep—extremely feeble He felt grateful to a merciful Providence, that had always sustained him through all his struggles, and in defence of the contin ued independence nnd prosperity of his be loved country, and that he could now give tip his stewardship, and resign his breath to God who gave it, with the cheering re flection that the country was now settled down upon a firm, democratic basis; that the rights of the laboring classes were res pected nnd protected, (for, lie adds, it is from them that the country derives all its prosperity and greatness,) and to them we must ever look to defend our soil when in vaded. “ They have never refused. No, sir; nnd never will—Give them an honest government, freedom from monopolies or privileged classes, nnd hard money—not paper—currency for their hard labor, and all will lie well." 1 ’ At 2 o'clock, p. m., his distress became suddenly very great, and the water increas ing to an alarming extent. An express was sent to Nashville, twelve miles, for surgical aid. An operation was performed by Doctor Eslcman with success; much water was taken from his abdomen, which produced great relief, although extreme prostration. Tuesday, June 3d.—Much distress thro’ the night. Opiates were freely adminis- States to sow the seeds of Christian fovem ‘^X? ’ g * i “ tttU,ho r "*“ ce this morning. Mr. Hcnly, with considcra-| “ Right on Iht tide of the American pto-, merica planted Liberia for the same objects. . ' , hie exertions on the part of the General, | pie, end firmness in maintaining it, he con-! and also to afford an honorable home and n * taT *”y‘ , **'*«ke**»Me,a>e 10* Roman legion was enabled to finish the portrait on which tinned, tcilh trust in God alone, still secure 1 an open field for those of the colored race 7*? P r * #en ‘. wml! * * re •'■'It he labored with great care. It was pre- to them the integrity of the possessions of ! who aspire to the character of free and self lnt ^ ?*!!! sented to the General. After examining i which the British Government mould now de-' governing men. They saw in it the means 1101 °*^ er exteno *’ defence*.— it for some minutes, he remarked to Mr. price them. I am satisfied that they still as- of raising Africa from the bloody mire of li but wo *I h3r *° Won * b. an ago Healv, “1 am satisfied, sir, that yon stand a-. V ... .i t. 9 ■. “ - 3 - ■ l “ *-'**- at the head of your profession ; it I may he allowed lo judge of my own likeness, 1 can safely concur in the opinion of my family ; this is the liest that has been taken. I feel very much obliged to you, sij, for the very great labor and cure you have been pleased lo hrstow upon it.” The family were all highly gratified with its faithfulness. I consider it the most perfect representation 1 have ever seen, giving rather the remains of the heroic personage, than the full life that made him the most extraordinary com bination of spirit nnd cnetgy, with a slen der frame, the world ever saw. At 9 o’clock, ns is the custom, all the General’s family—except lh<- few who take their turn to watch by liis side—took their leave of him. Each of the family ap proached him, received his blessing, hid liitn farewell, kissed him ns it would seem an eternal good night—for lie would say my work is done for life. After his family retires, it is touching to witness this heroic man, who has faced every danger with unyielding front, offer up his prayers for these wl>( nt | rrtidtree I as ccn niilud to his care, that Heaven would protect and prosper them when he is no more—pray ing still more fervently to God for the pre servation of his country, of the Union, nnd the people of the United Slates from all foreign influence nnd invasion—tendering his forgiveness lo his enemies, and his gratitude to God for his support nnd suc cess through a long life, nnd for the hope of eternal salvation through the merits of our hlcssrd Redeemer. The General exerts himself lo discharge every duty, nnd with nil his nnxious care that is possible ; hut his debility, und the unremitting anguish he suffers, has almost extinguished every power except that of his intellect. Occasionally Ins distress produces spasmodic affections ; yet in the midst of the worst paroxisms of pain, not a murmur, not even n groan escapes his lips. Great nnd just in life, calm and resigned in death. Saturday, .May 31.—The General pas sed a distressed night ; no sleep—extreme debility this morning attended with in creased swelling of the ahdotmn, nnd all his limbs, and difficulty of breathing. lie said “ I hope God will grant me pnticncc to submit to his holy will. He does all tilings well, and blessed lie His holy and merciful name.” His Bible is always near him ; if lie is in his clmir, it is on the table by his side, when propped up in bed, that sacred id l>v hi the rank wilderness, had no thctighi of en countering the spile nnd envy cf England. She pretended to l>c engaged" in the'same cause, nnd was always reproarhing tlie Americans with lukewarmness. See her sincerity, her honor, her humanity ; our colonies prospered ; for three hundred miles along the coast, once the drradlttl centre of robbery and murder, cn which no unarmed man, white or colored, was safe for an hrur, all is peace, prosperity nnd hope. Deeper nnd deeper into the heart of tlic country, beautiful and flourishing settlements nic springing tip, one hundred thousand souls, each of whom in its way, will he n mission ary of civilization to the most interior re cesses of this continent, nre living in cheer fulness nnd hope, under the shadow of the American eagle, learning the language, the promises and the spirit of rcpidilicanism, nnd preparing soon to return the blessings they receive by sending the fruits of their industry to enrich the markets of the pro tecting Slates. While we were too ignor ant to understand the value of American generosity and friendship, and too poor nnd lecble to influence the savage tribes about us to honor it also, the English in scortls were kindly, (never Ico kindly, however, „ , , to accept for their ships, the products of our tend, hut sleep appeared to have passed labor, without return;) hut when they from him. Calm nnd perfectly resigned to found, os we gathered strength and intellt- the will of liis Redeemer; nnd prayed to genre, we turned with more nnd more nf- God to sustain him in his hour of dtssolu- fectionatc deference to the United States, lion. and enlarged with increasing fondness cn At 1ft a. m.—Drs. Robinson nnd Wnl- the practicability of building up here in icrs arrived from Nashville. Doctor Esle- Africa, through her fostering care, a rrpuli. man having remained with the General lie which should imitate, no mailer how through the night, a consultation was held, I humbly, the noble freedom of her instiiu- nnd all that had been done was approved, lions, they turned to enemies, nnd all that could be done was to conform “Above all things, we wished to main- to the General’s temporary wants. tain', what even in slavery we had been At 4, p. tn., I left liis house for home.— permitted to enjoy—the "widest religious He expressed great solicitude in my behalf, freedom. The English always sneered nl hut I was silent; the scene w as loo affect- the poor colored race, pretending to tindi:- ing, nnd I left this aged soldies, statesman stand, vnluc and enjoy what their highest and Christian patriot, with all the pious and nobility had been so slow to comprehend, hospitable inmates of the Hermitage, with- what their parliament had found too large out tne power of saying farewell. and noble I ar ils understanding to grasp— Yours, truly, I liberty of conscience nnd equality of citizen WILL'AM TYACIC ' " * ” ' volume is laid by him, and lie often reads it. He has no "power, and is lifted in and out of his silting posture in lied to the same posture in liis clinir. Nothing can exceed the nffectioiinte care, vigilance, nnd never- ceasing efforts of his pious nnd devoted family to administer to liis relief: nnd yet, in the midst of the affliction which calls for so much attention nnd sympathy, kind ness and hospitality to strangers is not omitted. June 1.—“This day,” the General said, is the holy Snhbnih, ordained hv God, and set apart to be devoted to his worship and praise. 1 always attended service at enure!) when I could: but now I can go no more.” He desired the family to go, as many ns could, nnd charged them to continue the education of the poor at Sunday school.— This new system of instruction, he said, which blended the dutiep of religion with those of humanity, he considered of vast importance ; nnd spoke with an emphasis which showed uis anxiety to impress it on the famiiy. Mrs. Jackson and her sister Mrs. Adams, regularly attended to their instructions on the Sabbath. A part of th family went to church. The General look ed out of tite window, and said, “ this is ap parently the last Sabbath I shall be with you, God’s will be done; He is kind and merciful.” The General’s look is often fixed with peculiar affection on his grand rlniiglit°r KacUol, named stftor hio wife, or beloved nnd whose memory he has so ten derly cherished. The young Rachel has all the lovclv and amiable qualities for which the cl'der, Mrs. Jackson, was so re markable. Monday, June 2.—The General passed a bad night. No sleep. An evident in crease IT water on the chest. He read many letters, as usual. Some of them were from persons of whom he had no To Paul T. E., Esq., City of New York. From the JiaUimort RcpxMican. LIBERIA—BRITISH AGGRESSION. rights.' We, poor benighted ones, retorted by saying ihnt the meanest one horn tinder the light of icpublicnnism felt that an in fant, or a crazy man, or a girl whose only thought seemed to be showy dress and the atric display, was a government not rcspec We published a few days since, an ac-1 table enough for emancipated men, lliougl count of British interference and aggression they were black. with the American Colony of Liberia on “Thisis the real dfficully here. The the const ol Africa. It is a fact which English nre resolved to annoy and dierotir- scarcc needs the repetition, that England, age us, until we, whose freedom nnd terri- hnving failed in her many philanthropic lory have been bought with American mo- schcnics elsewhere, has now turned bcral-lney, who were brought here nnd cherished tention to rite civilisation of the. benighted I by American enterprise until we could sup- inhabitants of that quarter of the globe, port ourselves, nnd send bread to our font- nnd in her assiduous nnd unrcmiitiug cn- islied neighbors, surrender our bright pros deavors to pul nn end to the slave trade, peels ana pass under their yoke. Our col has succeeded in injuring, to a great de- ony is isolated and our government set at gree, the American trade and commerce on I naught, studiously, in order to encourage that coast. Many slavers have been cap- the barbarous native tribes to attack us, lured, nnd the unfortunate beings found perhaps lead us prisoners down the const to oh board conveyed to her colonies, and np- be sold to slavers, intercepted in turn by prcnticcd out for a term of years, in n bon-1 British cruisers, and carried according t'c ■luge worse than that endured by any slaves custom to British colonies, there to pass in on earth ; and yet, with the most shame- to that horrid, hopeless servitude which less hardihood, she dares assert that in this their hypocrisy gilds with the deceitful she bene tilting the poor African. But not I name of apprenticeship. Ask the freemen content with ull tins, she is now endeavor-1 of America if they will sell us again ns mg to encroach upon the colony of free their English fnthersdid ours, into slavery, blacks from the United States at Liberia. If they will not, they have hut to raise the They, in her opinion, are not properly gov- innnlv voice of the Union, nnd the pliindrr- crucil, or, we opine, art governing too much ing lion will be too glad lolcnvc Liberia in ol the const of Africa to suit her avaricious pence. The papers you were kind enough und grasping desire lo possess every foot of to send to us crcatcd’quite a sensation ” land not claimed by some power able to' raaintuin and defend it. The English cs- JERUSALEM, tablishcd Sierra Leone for the same pur- The following account of Jerusalem, from tLc yen pose that the Americans planted Liberia; I of the editor of the Savannah Republican, will he jured the growth of their Colony, that of I “ Modem Jerusalem is a staunch, strongly built the Americans has caused Liberia to be I city. The walla of the houses are very substantial prosperous, and rapidly increasing in wealth and are built of a very compact limestone which is and inhabitants. This accounts for her mostlyofalightordarkcreameolor. Itbasanap- conducl—jealous of the rapid increase of a I pcaiance of great solidity, which is increased by rivnl colony, destined as she knows, to have the flying buttresses which every where spring over a prepondcring influence over the African the streets. Tho streets are filthy, and no where continent. have I met so many wretehed deformed beggars— The following extract of a letter to the so many blind helpless things—ill asking alms, from N. Y. Sun, dated Monrovia, March 31, will I early dawn to set of son. The exterior of the hou- knoivledce 'asking for autographs, nnd be read with interest, giving, as it docs, sea toward the streets is most forbidding; jail-like making other requests. The letters were some important views and information : and gloomy; but entering the courts, you see more ™«fby^meKfamily. Mrs. Jack- “I imffqre you totum your eye, .owardsldmerfuh^mal^the^mT^Te.^ or Ajre Adams were constantly with Africa, and when you have satisfied your- manding look-out. Domes appear eveiy where.— son or Mrs. Aonnis were cons_< *» J ,, _ geJf ||w nccesg ;,^ caH upon . our fe |i ow Themodem town does not cover the whole site of citizens lo protect the work of their hands the ancient one. Mouni Zion itself, on the south from being contemptuously trodden under side, is without the present wall. On the north,or loot by the pride of England. On the const j more directly oo tho northwest side of the city, the of America they know better; but here the old limit must have been beyond the present one. English cruisers treat the republican flag I The whole ground is eaTernoas with ancient co- witn no more rcsscct than they would an terns themselves probably more recent than those old cotton handkerchief, unless, indeed, it I of the town taken by the Roman Legions. “C«pt flics over an armed deck, and then they are an a part of the aontfawert side, the limits of «ha an- willing to go through the forms of polite- dent city are well defined. The mountains are ness, and chink wine with the Yankee of- “roundabout Jerusalem, «ha fcmtixre^of fleers. The English government professed i scenery are all bold and grand. On three sides, tnc lo see, with horror, the forcible exportation! preeipatous steeps ofthc valleys impose boundaries of human beings from this coast, and estab- beyond which no buildings could evertaro (um. lishcil the colony of Sierra Leone, to watch, It is said, snd is doubtless tn *> over and civilize the inhabitants of this porting Solomons Temple oni|he aide of the valley coast of Guinea. him. He looked over them; those of im portance were opened and rend. Among them was one from Major Donclson, charge d’afiairs to Texas, giving an account ofthc almost incredible proceedings of the British agent, Elliott, to prevent the annexation of Texas to the United States. The General said, “ we have made a disgraceful sacrifice of our territory ; on important portion of our country was "given away to England with out a shadow of title on the part of the claimants, ns has been shown by the ad missions of the English ministers on refer ring, in Parliament, to the King’s map, on which the true boundaries were delineated, of which they were apprised when urging their demands. While in Jerusalem wo attended the Episcopal church, which is n small temporary building. Tfco handsome structure, which is partly finished, is now- interrupted by an order of the Sublime Porte—pro bably at the instigation of the French: a shabby re turn to the English, for their services in driving Ib rahim Pasha out of the country. Tho traveller re grets at every moment that the ron of Mehemit A'.i does not now occupy it still; for when tic was here, every inch of giound was as safe as an Ameri can fireside. Ilia name is the only one except that of Mahomet, that is respected by the natives of Pal estine. Bishop Alexander, the Episcopal Bishop cf Jcrnsalcm, is assisted by four clergymen. . Having a letter to the Bishop, I called to pay my respects to him. A katass with gilded staff admitted mo into his library. The Bishop is a fine looking man arul ell reported of. Ilo thought it strange that Amer ica had done nothing for the mission, and talked a- bout some half-crazy countrymen of mine who had been there. In one part of the ronrersation he ash ed me if Americans were not fond of passing for citizens of Europe while traveling 7—whereupon I answered him, that it was not the ease and that wo had nothing to bo ashamed of—and must confess that I felt somewhat indignant While in Syria, I learned to my surprise, that wo had a consul at Jerusalem—a Mr. Cresson of Phila delphia. I called upon him and found him very ill— so much so, that his recovery was somewhat doubt ful. His situation was a mojt unpleasant one, for appears he liad not the means of making himself crmtoitable. As he was without proper attendance, Dr. McGowan lire physician of the English mission, had kindly taken him to his own house. Mr. Cles sen is evidently a good man, but an enthusiast, and, if I mistake not, lias strange fancies about the im mediate return of our Savior to Jerusalem. He pointed out to me the 43d chug ter of Ezekiel, asking me if I had seen a gate which was walled np on tlm east of the town, which gate he said he did not be lieve that gunpowder or any physical power could overthrow: his condition is a sad commentary on our consular system. The following account of the Dead Sea equals any thing of the kind by other modern travelers: “ Tho descent to the sea was painful and difficult, is horses tis'sff Iwl wmt of (tip n-«r Wo f-„-.l the water of the sea to be nearly tho color of chlor ine, or of a yellowish green. Inrrustations of salt, in beautiful clirystals, sparkled around, and we amu sed ourselves in examining the shores. There was some drift-wood lying about, hut so impregnated with salt tluit it would not hum. Wo saw none of tho bituminous substance—asphaltum—that rises from tho bottom and is cart ashore. Numerous liand- ronic pebbles lined the beach; and here and there locusts, stiff with the salt, and three nnd a half inch es long, were observed, as well as some Final] fish which had been brought down, probably by the Jor dan. No living tiling can exist in the lake, a^l net a beat is on its waters. The taste of the water is more acrid and hitter than any thing that can be con ceived of. Not far from die beach, the shore consisted of a verticle rock, where wo saw the high water line—at least seven or eight feet above the present one.— Oils fact sets at rest all the speculation about subter ranean passages; for my readers will remember that the Dead Sea has no ondet. But in this cli mate the evaporation must be immense. The sea is 70 miles long and die evaporating surface must be increased a great many acres by rising a few feet in die level. There are seme fictions about no bird hc- ing able to fly over this water, but we saw several eagles balancing themselves in the air far above it. Dreariness, solitude and desolation, presided over this lone sea; and in another than a bright day, I cannot imagine that die world presents a more per fect picture of gloom and horror. It is a curious circumstance, diat the Arabs still call it 1 Bohr at Lot//,’ (the Sea of Lot.) It remained for the gentiemen of the party to take a bath; and now we observed die moat curious phe nomenon. Attempting to dive, we popped np to the surface like corks.- I tried to sink as any swimmer can in fresh water, but could not. Some old trav- verticle position, that the upper port of my shoul- d4t was out of d.0 water. To swim was difficult, not so much from the density of the medium as from the inability to sink deep enough in it The sensa tion was curious enough, so lighdy does one float. Lying on my back, without any effort to balance my self, I found that I invariably turned over, with my lace downward. We came out of tho water much gratified, but our eyes smarted terribly, and wo car ried off a most uncomfortable under-shirt of delicate white salt. I have seen an analysis of this water, which gives the specific gravity 1-311, and the com ponent parts, the muriates of soda, magnesia and lime. I am persuaded that the analysis is wrong, and that not only is the specific gravity greater than 1-311, but that it holds other salts in solutico—pro bably the chlorates of soda and lime.” A Hint to the Passionate—Dr. Caldwell, an American writer on physical education, contends that a well balanced brain contri butes to long life, while a passionate and turbulent one tends much to abridge it— and if persons knew how many dangers in life they escaped by possessing mildness of temper^ instead of ibo opposite disposition, how eager would be the aim of all men lo cultivate it. ■ • , The Mormons get rid of a disafieealjfe brother by whittling, whittling and ydUng ljp ha. Benevolent men in A- 1 ofJehoeaphat, were 450 feet high. On tks west, or I the holy city. Office