The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 02, 1845, Image 3

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' . i s-utcj, to be guarantied by Frence and Bn- for all the ncccssarieshc consumes—instead MT 1ST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Poet l : n , ol gaining, then, be is a loser 1 JLd Office at Albany Georgia on the lst July 1846. e! inu ' — tfeit this is all true, but it is certain iiut whence comes ilm rnmnniiinn . - .m*. e- snr c that this is aD true, but it is certain iiut whence conics the competition, 1 ""mins well informed, who converse daily with which proves so destructive to t he small! j w Allen ‘ ’■•’’iwidont and members of the Cabinet, assure. mechanic 7 Our stores are full of innnufac- 1 Ariine tic !"t wc shall have no war. I believe we shall j tured articles brought front the Eastern. B u,t “ | w |,»t renders it more certain, is the fact that cities, which come ill competition with our! Miss M. Boggs * this time vie have scon no preparations made lioine mechanics. Under the operation ot CaptT H Blair t; ' '‘•’••n.-ivo operations. j the tariff law large tllliounls of capital are Wm Beasley : iVh' fl ilcmcnt are discredited by tbo Picayune concentrated in the eastern manufacturing JG Blanco* 3 uUriy tlic stipulation about the 320,000,000. | csiublisbinont?, and hence the small me- B u ot j cr || H . V lx- true, the consequence of Uiis inter- chnnic ul the. West lias to Compete with the ! Henrv Brnen lM " V. -I.rl’ 1 J Inrrrn anniiakSol ol I l.o Wool 1% oUJ I.'—. ,*■*«*/ o:i tlio |«it of England to defeat this favor- large capitalist at the North and East. n ,„ ct a f Annexation may yet be very serious. The consequence is that the rich nianufitc- 11 «t,ift« negotiations eventually succeed (and, turers can afford to make the goods and u> the Texans is a most tempting one,) the j undersell the small mechanics nt their I States, after committing ourselves as wc j own floors. The tariff first secures the ‘ 1 , ( | ( ; n0> would be.forfeiting every claim tona- Eastern capitalist against foreign compel!- •^jl r,.,pMt, and would bo jeopor fixing her honor lion, and secretly enables them to emliark 1:1 - •— ■— u -i— -..n:.-v.n..ia~t «k„. heavy capitals fn innntifitctiuing—having sucli'an advantage over the smalt tnechnn' I illinitr, should she sutler England thus to in- j,jJlc M» eeu her and Texas, and wrest from ^.territory which botli government and people ^ to l"' annexed. Thu interference on the ~,t ot England, is officious and insulting, and can- i Vl«‘ toh rated- The diversity of opinion lliat exist ' , n j us on the policy of Annexation is altogether eoiuestic matUT. It is a family difference, in , we will suffer no one to interfere. Hands : V what we require of nil by slanders. And En- '. and France too, if she is disposed to take a ' ii! in it. <><li soon find that on a question touch er National liouar or interest they will have no " itcictts among American citizens. Macon Messenger I'-tan the Savannah Georgian. Oar tiunliilate. j)v the correspondence which follows, ,-.ur readers will perceive, that the cnmli- i! itcol the Republican party is fairly before speed (lie riglitoous cause”— the cause ol Democracy—ol F ree Govcrn- |U ,.„t—of well regulated lihcity—the cause •ul tin' happiness of the greatest number.” Mri.LRDcvn.LE, Jnnc 1C, 1845. Pear Sir—The Democratic Convention quldcd in litis place lias with singular iqqtuiinliv made choice ol yursell as the Vindid ate of iltc Democratic party for the iiiiccol Governor of the Slate, ai'iiicclec- jn October next, and to us lias been . oiiiided ilie pleasing duty of informing you u win nomination. And ululsi discharging this agreeable dim,allow ns to add that considerations jiigli piditicnl importance, ihc opinions riiiniailied, as vve believe, by llie great i-i.iss ol the people, of your eminent liiness i rihe office, nnd ihc extraordinary unan- :;:iiiy which has attended the noniinntion _:t!l combine in inducing us to ho|>c that ■.hi will no; feci youself at liberty to refuse ilie use of your name at (his most intercst- jn-riod in the history of the Republican arty. Very respectfully, your friends, nnd obedient servants, JAMES H. STARK, 1 VAL. WAl.KER, ! .HIS. JONES, > C ERAS. MURPHY, { its nnd being protected ngainst foreign competition, they nre able to command the home, market and limit the trade of the western mechanics. Wc think such consideration as these ought to satisfy every mechanic that, in enacting high protective tariff laws, the ob ject is to benefit the owners of large capi tals, nnd not the daily laboring mechanics. The law operates upon them in the same way that it does upon the agriculturist. It raises the price of ltis necessaries of life, nnd then subjects his labor to tho compe tition of the rich capitalists—Constitution. B M Brantly C A Bradley James P Belk Geo Boycd Jas L Byington Mrs JaaeC Byington John Bryan J C Barney C. J W Coppcdge 3 J W Cumbly Clk Baptist Church E Crawford In Amoru iin.iin the morning of the tilth ult., bv the Rev. Mr. Seig, Mr. JAMES C. BARTLETT, -it Jasper County, to Miss FRANCES C. I’Ol’E, o; t:.e former place. JVotlee. M ESSRS HORA Si McGWIER, will act as our Agents during the. temporary absence of our Mr. Cbeever frem Albany. SIMS Si CI1EEVER. July 3, 1845 12 tf. •Ibtfce. I liereby forewarn all persons from removing any • iinber from, or trespassing in any way upon 1<1' No. 316 in the 2nd District ol Baker County, as I in tend to enforce the law against all snch trespassers. SESSUM FAIRCLOTH, July 2 12 tf (st-orgia, Early County. W HEREAS Robert W. Sfictlirld, AdministRitor of the estate of Jesse Brown, deceased applies lor letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite summon and admon ish all and singular, die kindred and creditors ol said deceased to shew cause (if any exist) why said let ters should not be "rank'd. Given under my hand at office, this 26th day of June, 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. Lily 2 12 6in JW'Joiner J Jbhiston i: K. J.’J. Kcath Jas Kelly B Kimnv ' Jv FDffcab M James McClivcr L Mulky ■' Thos Morghon J Matlock W A Mallory Jefferson Mercer , DrMeals 1 ( C McCaroy ’ ‘ . James McCombs Lake Manning H Morgan W WMannd I Merchant E Miller " N. New Fire-proof Ware House. MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned, having erected a Fireproof Warehouse, situated nt the head of Cotton Av enue, tenders his aervices to hia friends and the pub lic generally, for the storage of COTTON and MEK- CHAKDU3E, and die transaction of - Commission Business* in all its branches, pledging himself to use every ex ertion to promote the interests of, render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to bis charge. The Storage and sale of Colton will be under the direction of Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known in the tho Vare-house business, and will give -articular attention to the safe of cotton, and the fili ng of orders for goods. Liberal advances will lie made on cotton in store, or to be shipped. Bagging, Rope, ft Ttcine, together with any other articles will be furnished customers at the lowest market pri e. N. B. Storage and commission at customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, June 25,1845. 1) w6m Tilman Cook IIA Nash F G Carrington Hardy Nelms II J Cook* Wm Newsom R II Clark O. John Colley John Oliver D. Miss P C Outlaw Abraham Dyson 2 Mrs E R Osgood Dr R Q Dickerson 2 P. A B Duncan John Perry Jonathan Davis James N Phipps E. R L I’ayne Lonon Evens (colored) D A Pcttist F. R. BMFluker 3 Thos Ruckett R Fairclotk Bcnj Floyd Miss E Ferguson Miss E A Folkcr II O’Fcrtill G. . Jas Greenwood Mr Giilion John Griffin A‘Gage Miss Nancy A Goddin William Griffin Daniel Gricec (col’d) Miss E Greenwood II. Rev R Hamilton ! Dr F Holt John Hcntz Wm Henderson 3 Milner Ilolladay A R Harry i E G IIoll C Harden Committee. JAS. M. KELLY, ) lion. Matthew Hall .McAlister. Savannah, June 2u, 1845. Gentlemen—Your note of ihc lGili inst. dvioing me of my nomination by ihc Deni- vatic Suite Cimvenlion as a candiilnie for lie office of Governor, ul the election in •ember next, lias just been received Con- ideralions of "high political importance” I' • ■ i lie m- •! til.. H\ |..V roiiisc the II winch has been made by liic ltepubii- ins of Georgia. I therefore accept the vvillia pi .found sense of the lonor it confers, and the rcs|K)iisil.ility ii •tings u iih it. The Republican Sianihud, uiniiiiiical lempomrily lo my charge, shall unfurled with a confident hope that the M'lo of Georgia will rally to its support. , Gentlemen, Victory perch noi on that aniiard, it shall ncvcrlfieless, lie recom pil'd >o those who have entrusted it to c ini-lamed by dishonor. The issue of ie coining conflict will either place our ■me by the side of Republican Virginia, 'luck ber in the unnatural embrace of feral Massachusetts. Onward then, •v friends! As for myself, contentling for ascendency of Democratic principles, :rt ory will be hailed as truly glorious, and •feat will have its consolations. Accept my thanks forthc very kind man- Cf in which you have conveyed to me the idles of you constituents. Your friend nnd fellow citizen, , m. ii. McAllister. James II. Stark, Valentine Walker, Jo- I'b Jones, Charles Murphy, James M. veiiy, Committee. Tlie Tariff and our Mechanic*. One of the deceptive artifices resorted lo i be advocates of a high tariff policy, is f peuk ot the protection to home mnnti- aciurersns protection to our mechanics. Indeed it is common with many Whig or- ‘lors to treat manufacturers and mcclian- cs as being one and the same class of per- kins. The single mechanic who carries bis shop in one of our villages or towns, persuaded that the tariff law is intended protect his labor and his trade a^ninst -reign pauper labor. Tiiis is a delusion ■ndcr which thousands of honest mechnn- m have labored, but which may be dissi- tticd by lire application ofamoderate share ,f common sense operating upon wcll 'es- abbshed fnets The western mechanics are generally ngaged in the manufacture of a single ‘tticle of trade, such as shoes or hats—and bey arc generally men of limited capital, •{'lie tariff law has a tendency to protest (is shoes or his hat against foreign compe- ■bon, and thereby enable him to get better 'rices for his labor, nt the same time it rai- ** *bc prices of the salt, sugar, iron and lotliing which he necessarily uses, and Early Niter ill' Sales. VKHl.r. Ic m.IiI ci.tlic iirstTiiciwlay in August next * * before tl;o Court House door in BUuiely, be- tween tlic usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: One negro woman named Linda, about 30 years old, as the |.ro|ierty of William C. Loath, to satisty two Ii fas, one from Troup Superior Court, Kinchin Little vs. William C I .rath, |irinci|ial, ami Sankey T. Johnson, security: the other from Troup Inferior Court, Rufus Brown vs. William C. Loath, Property ; ointed out by loath. Also, Lots of land Nos. south half of No 432, rout): half of 409, south half of No 392 and 410,391. 414 390,411,412,428,439, nil in tlic 28th District ot Early Countv, levied on as the property of Moses Grier, to satislv cue Ii fa issued !rom Early Superior Court, David Howard vs Moses Grier Lands poin- ;.xi out bv defendunt. Also, lot of land No. 97 in the 25th District cf En r ly County, as the property of Nivut Mi iityde, to sat isfy sundry li fas issued from a Justices Court of said n ntv. the Trustees of Blakely Academy, vs. Nivin teifryde, and John Roe. V. li.iani Tilly nnd A..i * ■’ i. Property join- Y’ G Rust Messrs Cock &. Roby R Ryals B M Roberta R Reynolds . S. MrsP Strozicr Mrs E R Strozier John Spence Capt J Y Smith C F Smith Miss Maiy Stuord H Sims . Samuyl Smith Mark f Scott Mrs C L Strozier n _; t Dr Tuggle Mrs E F.Terrel I Thom' Charles Tiusly * John Taylor JW Tindall W M E Williams Geo E Warren Noah'Wilcox John Willis James Williams Jas Wade F White Mrs Martha G Wilkins M Welch W Woolbright Wm Walker. CT Persons calling for fetters! from the abovo list will plcaso call for advertiseil letters. S. T. MALLORY, P. M. July 2, 1845. 12 Ilolladay Herring Hall Hatcher Iligdon I At J. S Jones Mr J R Johnson John Jones Wm Janes Tim* C James James W Johnson lxing, security on stay of Execution. . , , led out by Edward Roc. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also six negro slaves, viz: Sarnia, a woman 30, Hosier, a bov 14, George, a hoy 8. Sinda, a woman 22, Eliza, a "girl 3, and Claries a hoy 8 years old: to satisfy a ti fa from Baker Superior Court, John Mat- lock, vs. William G. Pierre and Ix-tnuel B. Skaggs. JOSEPH COLIJER, Sift): July 2 1845 12 30d Baker ShcrilPM Sale. W ILL he sold before tlic Court House door at Newton, Baker county, on the first Tcusday in August next, the follow ingproperty, to wit: Three lots of land in the 3d District of Baker coun- y* Noe 139, 140 and 1 11, levied on as the property or Lemuel B. Skaggs, to satisfy Sundry fi fas, Ciyru* Robinson and others, vs. Lemuel 11". Skaggs and Marion M. Skaggs and Newton II. Skaggs, Admin istrators of L. B. Skaggs. Property pointed out by Administrators. Also one lot of land in the 12th District of Raker county, No 85, levied on as the property of James Robinson, to satisfy a Justice* Court ti fa, William West, vs. James Robinson. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Property pointed out by dc- fendenL Also, the Steamboat Louisa, a* she now lies on Flint River; sold by an order of the Superior court of Baker county on an Attachment at the instance of James IocMa,"vsHngli L. Rusk, as the property of defendant Also one negro boy named Harry, about 12 years of age, levied on as the property of John Montgome ry, to satisfy several fi fas from the Superior Court of Baker County; one in favor of Shadrach E Dickey and Richard Mitchell, Executors of Henry Atkinson, deceased, and others vs. John Montgomery. Prop erty pointed ont by defendant Also, lot of land No. 62, in the 7th District' of Ba- kcr county, levied on as the property of Hampton N. • Vizier, to satislv a ti fa from Baker Superior court, John C. Sutton;* vs. Hampton N. Dozier. Property pointed oat by plain tif£ Also lot of land, Na 145 in the 7th District of Ba ker county; levied on as the property of David Hud- ler, to satisfy a Justice Court fi la, Daniel B. Sbef- fdd, vs. David Holder. Levied and retained to me by a Constable. Alsa one Jersey waggon u* 1 harness, one Bay horse, bridle and saddle, one sorrel hone and two males ; levied on as the property of James Chance, to satisfy a ii fa from Houston Superior Court Orrau C. Horn, Adm’r. De bonis non cum testamento an- nrjeo, of Aaron Low deceased, vs. James Chance. Property pointed ont hy defendant H. B. GUNNISON, D. Sh’ff. July 3 1845 12 tds JYoticc. hereby he loses more in the cncliancecl „ KPY mnr ,. r _n_ j ricc 4 received for his hats or shoes. His HT^HOMAS IL KEY.respectfuBy anommero '“Ject DR. WILLUJI L. DATsS, - C 1ix.«i'i.\f/ES the practice oi jji i;toteaaion, > and may be found at «H times,-when- not -pro fessionally engaged, at hia office on Bfutd street, next door to Mr. J. Jackson’s State. April 23,1845. 2 tf JOHN BILBO.' : ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY GA. Will practice in tlic several Courts of the South- Western Circuit, and Thomas and Stewart coun- aprO, 16,1845. 1 tf.‘ april 16, 1845. . HENRY MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GEORGIA, Will praccticc in all the Counties of the South-wes tern Circuit June 18,1845. 10 tf WAGGONS WANTED! ■g K OR 20 WAGGONS wanted immediately, JL *3 to Haul Cotton to Macon and Baiubridge, for which liberal freights will lie paid. Api ’y to Jane 18 SIMS or to HORA Si McGWIER. 10 St 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, haring opened a Cigar Manu factory in ThomasvilTe, Georgia, is prepared to furnish his customers and the public witii any quantity of Principe Cigars, on (lie most liberal tarmx. His cigars are made by superior workmen, and of the lest quality of IM- POR TED TOBA C CO, and for beauty of exteri or and excellency of flavor, will challenge a coiiq<ir- son with the finest imported Principe. He lias also on hand 10,000 Cuba, ISroirn, and halt Spanish, AH of which arc put up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting the place arc invited to call and exam ine for lliemselvcs. All orders by mail promptly attended to. II. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. Thomasville, May, 18th, 1845. 10 ly GUEAT DISCOVERYl DR. WATSON'S UNRIVALED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS! A CERTAIN and permanent cure for AGUE nnd FEVER, in all its various form*, in four hours. For sale in Albany, Ga„ by Welch Si tho Drug Store, and by Agents generally throughout the Southern part of Georgia nnd Alalamn. Price only Jifty cents—one Ikmc to cure two cases. Allany, June 11,1843, 9—5m. E. H. PEATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Geoecia. THOMAS PINKNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■■ AuAst, Georgia. tf april 16, 1S45. RICn.lRMHaTcii.iRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - ; Albasy, Georgia. " e. Will practice in the Counties of Baker, Lea, Deca tur, Dooly, Sumter, Randolph and Early, of the South-Western Circuit, Stewart, of the Chattahoo chee, and Thomas, of the Southern Circuit. ID* Office unfa- ihc “ Courier" Office, Broad rt. K. K. Sc J. B. BINES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Oitices ix Macon Si Albany, Geo. They trill practice in the following Counties. Bibb, Macon. Thomas, Thomasrille. Houston. Perry. Decatur, Bainbridgc. Dooly, Vienna. Stewart, Lumpkin. Macon, Lanier. Sumpter, Americas. ■ Ixh 1 , Starksrille. Randolph, Cuthbcrs. Early, Blakely. Pulaski, Hawkinsuuc. Baker, Albany, And in the Circuit Court of the United States forthc District of Georgia. They will attend any other Conrt, not conflicting with tlie above, when engaged specially to do *a The attention of both partner* will be given to all business entrusted to their care. Letters may be addressed to the Ann at either place. Richard K. Hlnes. John B. IIixes. April 16, 1845, 1 3m D. &. J. VASON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,* Albasv, Georgia. april 16,1845. 1 tf Tailoring Establishment. fJVHE undersigned haring formed a co-partnership LEWIS & SIcliEWESI, tender their sen-ices to the citizens of Albany, ami Me generally, and respectfully solicit a share oi then custom. With a perfect knowledge of their business they feel confident that their work will be exeented in a style and mannor tliat will give gener al satisfaction. They are always in receipt of the Fashions as soon as they come o.ut, and from tlieir experience in the ornamental brandies of their busi ness, they ran assure the Beau Monde of Albany that all fashionable work entrusted to their hands wi!l be done up in first rate stylet They have also on ban ], a liandsome assortment of CLOTHS and Tit IMMI.\ G'.V,_which they would be glad to fur nish their customers. - D. Lewis, one of the "firm, takes this occasion to return his thanks to the gentlemen or Albany and the roniitry generally, for the vcry liberal patronage they have heretofore"extended to him, and respectful ly solicits a continuance of their’favors to the new concern. All work cnlrnstcd to their care, will be despatched with promptitude, and fidelity. Their simp is near the corner of "Brrad and Washington streets in the rear of Mr. John Jackson’s store. DAVID LEWIS, LAMUEL McKEWEN. Albany, July 2,1845, 13—ly. Synopsis of Thomas fticriirs Sales. THO.HAS BARRETT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, T akes pleasure in notifying Ins numerous |«itrons and the public gcnepally, that he still occupies his old stand in Broad street, opposite the American Hotel, where lie will lie ready ut all times to wait up on customers who will do him the favor to call.— His work will lie warranted, uml cutting done in the- latest and most fashionable style. All those who ave garments to make, ard wish them to lit, van In’ accommodated. Terms, Cash, or its equivalent april 16,1845. 1 tf MEDICAL CARD PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, SVRGER Y AND MIDWIFERY. DOCTOR SLAPPEY, I S permanently settled in this city, (wliere he ex pect* to remain through all seasons of tho year. He is denied to his Prtf ssian—and it is emphaticaVy the hobby tf his heart. He will do a general prac tice, anil exact a fair equivalent, when his patrons possess pecuniary res;ionsibtlity. lie would odd, that he him had tliirty years constant intercourse and observation, with almost every disease which poor man is heir to, and he knows well that it is no light matter to deal in the principles of life and death. It imolres a weighty and sjrcial accountability. ID* To Scientific professional brethren of true honor, worth and merit every where, ho extends tin- ready and warm hand of fellowship; and would say, let us he united to elevate the standard of .Medic ine. His residence is in Mr Randall's new house near Col. Tomkins’ Office ill Mr. Harris’ Rnnge, third door from the riTcr. April 23, 1845. 2 tf FOB AUGUST. ONE hundred acres ot land, more or less, with an improvement on the same—lying in the S. E. ,corner of No. 83, in the 14th district, originally Irwin, now Thomas county: Anson G, Horn va.Isaac Dugger. Also, two lots in the town of Thomasvillc, with improvements on the same, kntnvn as kits 1 and 4, in square II: Hardy Bryan vs. : William Hunnowcli. Also, all that parcel of land lying ou the west side of Mule creek, being* part of kit No. 476, in the 13th district of originally Irwin, n6+ Thomas county, containing Soo acres, more of less: Lara Adams vs. Chas. R. Nesmith. - ■ Also, 4 negroes, viz: Edy, a woman, Caroline, a girl, Frank,aboy,and Betsy,a girl: Smith Si I’atu rn- re vs. Chas. R. Nesmith. “ * Also, 1 negro boy named Isaac, now in possession of Daniel Komcgay; 1 negro man named Windsor, in possession of Wm. E. Willey; and 1 negro girl named Hannah, in possession ofTbos. Adams, sen.: Jesse 8. Everett vi. Michael YoAnir find Jna Slater, Ezr., and Daniel Komcgay vsfMichacl Yotmg and John Slater, Ear’s, on the estate of Jesse Slater, deceased. ft" JOHN MeAULA Y, D. S. RICHARD F. & J. LYON, ATTORNIES <f- COUNSELLORS AT LA IF, ALBANY, Baker Co., «a. H AVE recently entered into* Partnership in the Practice af law, and will continue tlie prac tice in the several Courts of tlic counties of Bakery .Huron, Bee, Booty, Randolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Mrtrin. All matters submitted to their care in any of these counties, .will meet with prompt attention, and lie brought to a speedy conclusion, april 30th 1845 3 ly. DR. T. B. MATTHEWS, . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, ALBAxr, Georgia. april 16, 1845. 1 tf TO TIME .ifCLriCTED. DR. HENRY G. NICIIOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. rpAKES this method to inform his (fiends that he * still resides ut tlic above place, and will givn his attention to persons afflicted With chronic aud siip|«sed incurable forms of disease. From his suc cess heretofore in tho management of such cases, K orsons afflicted will find it to their interest to givo ini a trial, for if he does not permanently cure, ho muv at least mitigate their Sufferings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Bron- chetis. Cough, Erysipelatous affections, Scroffula, leprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhca Gleet, Tic Dou loureux. Hysteria, 1’aJsey, Epilepsy, Chores, Dropsy, Amcnerl.ea,Prolapsus Uteri, Sic. Sic., Piles, Hernia, Calculi of the Blander, Ulcers, Hydrocele, ic., would , do well to consult him. Dr. N. will remove all cases of Syjhalitic lair.t from the system, and warrant them, no cure no pay. Persons living at a distance, who ore afflicted, would do well to call in person, if not convenient, by communicating, post paid, with Dr. Nichols, giving symptoms, &c., and enclosing the fee, $10, can re ceive directions for the management of their cases". Albany, Geo., April 23, 1846. 3 ly To Gentlemen of Fashion! - T HE ndersigned respectfully informs the Citizens of Albany and the cure rounding country, that he has bought tho latest Pat ent for cutting Gentlemens Garments, which be war rants equal to tlie best New York style. He will regularly receive the latest Fashions. As hc'has no partner with whom to divide the pro fit?, he is enabled by strict attention to. business, to sell and work according to the pressure" of the times. The latest style of good* will be found at bis store, nnd Ready-made clothing, Hats, Caps, Sic. tic. All work warranted to be made to the satisfaction of his customers, as regard* taste and fashion. A. G. WEAVER, „ .Merchant Tailor. May 14, 1845. 5 ly . PETER J. STROZIER, ATTORNEY AT £aW, Albany, Georgia. april 16,1845. .1 tf , JUEBMCM. I X R NELSON takes this method of informing the I public that he is still attending to the PRAC- TICEOF MEDICINE, in its diderent branches, in this City and it* vicinity, together with that of SVR- QER Y, for which he las supplied himself with* full set of instruments. Hemaybe founds! all times at hia office over the Drug Store, or at the American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo, April 16, 1845. 1 tf ... ,, V J. his friends that lie is a candidate for the Clerk-, At.HA J«t in making hats or shoes isl08ell; ghip , 0 r t hoSuperiorandInfcriorCourtsoftbeCotin- firm, in order lo buy other .necessaries of! ty of Dooly, at the ensuing election on tho first Mon- April 23d, f by the tariff he gets more for his (Uy in January next. . ‘“is oi shoes, by the same tariff he paysj Juno 25. . H tf JOHN E.S. JbflES. Saddle and Harness Maker, AJTD REPAIRER ALBANY, BAKER BOUNTY GA. ■I2- tf. Law Blanks for Sale at this Office. GEORGIA Early County. fXTHEREAS Peter Lee, Administrator of the ea- TT fate of Jesse Tail, deceased, applies to me for fetters of dumissian from the farther administra tion of said estate: These are therefore, toeite, summon and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of saw deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have) why •aid letters should not be granted. Given under my j which may be examined at aw hand, this 6th day of June 1845. moot. Please give us a call. l lut , JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c.-o. WELCH & EPPING. Jnne 25 11 m6m | May 28 7 tf NOW IS THE TIME, For Planters to lay in their sup ply of Medicines for the coming Season. W e have just received a splendid aasort- tinent of Fresh and Genuine Drug9 and Medicines, which we will warrant to stand the tost of tlic most skilful Chemist. Among them are the following: Castor Oil, Alcohol sp Turpentine, Epsom Salt?, sal -Soda, Salcratus, Rotten atone, Gam Myrrh, (Xy- enne l'enpcr, curb. Magnesia, Spices, Hops, Allspice, Eng. Calomel, Jallap, Rhubarb, Oil Peppermint, sulph Morphine, do. Quinine, Blue Maas, Cubebs, Citrate of Iron, Camphor, Pocket Instrument*, Ocu lar Instruments, Injection Pipes, Stomach Pumps, Copping Instruments, Breast pipes, Nipple Gileses, Nursing Bottles, spring and thumb Lancets, dee. Sic. ALSO, A splendid assortment of Perfumery* to which we call the attention of ladies and gentlr- meo—such as Cologne and Lavender water, Otto Rose, Extracts; a variety for handkerehieb; Reap,. Almond, Palm, Orange, NOfefleurx anus of the choi cest quality, Ofeophan and Verbena Cream (far sha ving, Jayne’s Hahr Ttcoic, Hair dye. Balm of Colom bia, Toilet Powders, Powder Pufis &a&c.—togeth er with a supply of Patent Medicines, of whjch tbe most popular kinds, and such as are eCaaynnerit, adll alaraya be kept on band:—none other will ba ofiera! to our customers. We have also ireceived a new stock of School Books and Stationary* ■ be examined at any time at our establish-*