The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, October 08, 1845, Image 3

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Tbo w«' tha “m****"*’ «* Priew>w ' I 1 ... New York, for the murder of the Sbcriig Geor 1P*>1>ir procuring an Act to bt vassal. authorL L-.iintf. urainst the lawn, promises to bo ***& **m (being a minor) to practice Law in Au r«7.» ^ Uwne will Dotbe of^o The principal * ch.cfs are on tnal,and ^ ^ JlB04lyj ^ ^ I wd patriotic of all parties will maintain ; , Kow inhere was a fraud per. fcJU-- •*» JSSSTvSTSSiSSSStt . coritctiog Its errors at the ballot box, by for they knew the facts as they existed, bat upon |oK e of truth and reason; sod they will frown consultation it was not considered necessary to in- , - or forcedown if necessary, those Anarchists i tro duce ftin tht body of the Mil. Whilst the bill ‘ "L base and sordid motives wonld set the laws !!?* j f * T ? ? iU .‘ ,tin ^* ,Uhcd gentleman, • »~--t B» JaSZSiSJ?£UU3 ZSZ RBTStSJC*!*•—«* ., government wlicre the people enact their !in<nvn - B,,t ,1C founi1 **•■* h°*h Whigs and Demo-1 Affine John , w* that any should he found traitors to the cr f*’ mana **» U,e T Ucr “ dcrraod P™per,, Anstun, F • in nnnn . tors u> me. and it is really amusing to think that now, this poor: Abbott, JssOH * .mount, and in open rebellion to the laws, miserable whig should begin its shameful attack up-| Adams, Jas ; : l!4 the ba’let box remains pore and free 7 Let on the private aflairs of so high minded, respectable <r f (itixen learn to feel that every wilful violation j an< ^ honorable a gentleman as John L. I/twrie, and ■, mblic law Is not only an insult and an injury j C *“JP"E **•? menofits own party witli a fraud. ittack u|ion his individual rights and seen- very early age be acquired a considerable reputation uOT tv preserved and the highest happiness of the f , r!a anity promoted. ‘Diitoxery </ Mosaic*.—Three vnluablo mosaics ■ l iicca discovered at Ansc, France, in addition jihe fine one discovered there last year. They JVC lieon in part only uncovered yet, but sufficient- to induce their entire design to a commission of ...iiuand artists .who recently visited them. “The r.:rl iir'•air,” says the account, “ was the object prat admiration. The utmost luxury of dccora- rolors of extreme beauty, aud designs infmite- i,J. have been expended on it. Figures of fishes of many kinds, rloljdiins, fruits, roses of forms, See., are multiplied over its surface, MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. t'\ ■■ — ■ ai}k\ IORTBEK5 fiAit^. Dm—Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Sundays at 11 o’clock, V. M * Cfo »“—'Monday’s, Wednesdays and Saturday’s at 8 o’clock, P. M. i • aiulaciiicola xxn Due—Tuesday’s, Thai halt' past 4 o’< CZoxes—Tuesday’s, Tharsda^a aud Sundays at ' BT All fettm mu* be deposited in the Office one half hour before the time of dosing, or they will hot be forwarded until the next mail thereafter. S. T. MALLORY, P.M. Albany, Oct. 8,1845, , a mcuilier of the community—so shall the j as an author, as by reference to sundry pieces pub- Blair, Capt TII lisked in the Magnolia, and other periodicals, will more fully and at large appea r. Wo have lately seen several exquisite pieces from bis pen, published in the “Philadelphia Saturday Courier,” aud the last number more especially contains a piece which might reflect credit on any one, entitled “ Columbia in Cordoia," and several other exquisite pieces, such as “ Ruins of Greece," “ Twilight," “ She it not dead, but ilcepeth," all published in the same ta per. I do not think Mr. Lawrie will condescend so low as to take the slightest notice, or allow liis feel ings to be the least wounded by so infamous an ar ticle, as was published from the pen of “ Decatur.” To the fourth interrogatory, the wifnrsx answering, eaith “ that the gentleman (meaning Mr. Lawrie) is ichat might be called an amphibious animal, though Atkins, J D Adams, Mrs E Arline, Jas Blalock, Mrs E Bush, Jas A Batclilor, Miss M A Bryant. Mrs L I, 'lit serve,” it is observed, as “magnificent ino- , , - , the ornamental painters. Sketches of some | falu W t element that keeps ha eye met" qwemainwit* were made for the purpose of|f t fllov ^ e 1 ,t * , ? cl,>i> .D»tyter’»ppca»tohe,(lfow ini* transmitted to the minister whose department ^ ^ ™ " "* ** ’ * * etiarge of the art.-; and monuments of the king- COMMUNICATION. 'I trs. Editors rf the Albany Patriot:—In looking ,.r die “Courier,” (I think) of tho 13th ulL, I was raip’.ctcly surprised, nay, I felt as tlioogh I had been lunlrrstrack, when I beheld so mean, so disgracc- ml ;,nd so scurrilous a piece signed “ Decatur,” in terrace to John 1.. Lawrie, Esq. of Thomasville. I rsturprhcd, because I thought our country was a c cw\ and that every in:;n had a right to entertain •iplcs he pleaded, and also a right, if bought proper, to advocate those principles in crornSy and at any place he desired. Mr. “De- ratur,’’ (I say .Mr., but I doubt very much, upon ro r he is entitled to Air. or net,) says •cd to answer the several interrogato ries pounded by’’ one “ l’anl.” Those interrogato- s I have never seen. “ Decatur” says Mr. Law 1 is “neitherthe Lion or Champion of Dcmocra. .’’ Ido not suppose that any member of the Dem- ratic party evert barged him with being the lion or the article he lias written) had been kind enough just to duflno “ an amphibious animal,” and also give the definition of “ the clement that keeps the eye wet,” ignorant men might liave been thereby ena bled to reply to it. He must have meant by “ the clement,” 4c. that Mr. Lawrie was fond of drink, and if so, I would merely ask by what authority he would question the right of an individual to do any tiling ho pleased, and also ifhis own name has ever been placed at the bottom of a pledge, and if so, whe ther or not it is still there, and if not, is ho not very fund himsClf of living in thnt element tliat kee|»s the eye wet ? Oh “ Decatur,” “ Decatur,” how very inconsistent thou ait! One more charge Messrs. Editors, I will refute, and then 1 will be done: To the filth interrogatory the vitness answering, saitli “ that it is difficult to famish an answer," anil then goes to to ray that “to say that he (meaning Mr. lawrie) is not a man, irovld mortify his sanity, and to ray he seas a man would be doing some violence to the truth.” If “ De catur” had said tliat Lawrie was not a man mcrciy, lie could not have been blamed much, for really lie has not arrived at the age of twenty olio, though old enough to make “ Decatur” dread him. “ Decatur” appears to bat" the idea of doing any violence to the truth :—how very particular he is; how very moral n man he must lie; how temperate, how pious, how Bellflowers, John Botnwcll, Dr J J Bedell, M Jicll, L J Bryant, Baker Byreri, John Brener, Henry Brantley, Z Cock, 1 F Cowart, John W Crawloid. J Crawford, \V B Comniiugs, John N Cooper, William .Cleiton, William Clark, U 11 Campbell, \V II Clark,J M Clayton, 1* P Cojipage.W Davis, John Dickerson, IIII lk'tiard, G 1, Krnii|), VVm J Duncan, FielJen (col’d) Smith, Jai&es II Ployed, Caj 111 *3 Smith, John Pinny, Allen Smith, T P. i ■ Purge;soil, Miss E Smith, David. rliamjiun of the party, hut he is lion enough to make ” IK’st'ir'' crouch at the sound of his “ roar,” and champion enough to drive him to the wilderness (or i kind, how atlcctionate, how lio loves his fcllow-diti- lomo other dirk corner, where he should of right zens, how honest and upright, and what a great pol- lelongj whenever lie taw him approaching. But ‘ itician he must be. I should like to know if there ‘ Decatur” cays “ his friends have assigned him the ' arc many such men in tho same community to which position of a small animal that harks well, and in- he belongs. cues larger animals to do mischief.” Who knows '.at “ Bccatnr" is acting in tliat very capacity; who Iw r> hut what hr is a fee dog of the party to which It is not worth my while, Messrs. Editors, to follow “ Decatur” any further. .Suffice it to say that Mr. Lawrie is in truth a uoung and gifted orator, to which he pretends to belong ;~wbo knows but what he is j hundreds can testify. “Decatur” rays, however, ; a: forward merely because he could write a pretty I that “ Lawrie has a family—that he supports them by ... ..... . . .1 l n 11 i. i i* piece, and being small of stature himself, riit have been considered able to combat with Mr. lawrie, h,,. if he was so considered, it was al- his eloquence." How much more honorable is his railing than thnt of Mr. “ Decatur’s,” for I presume if he has a family at all, he supports them by bis in- Tjgctbor a mistake. “Decatur” washover bom ever' famous articles, and in endeavoring to degrade gen- tj iy* able to compete with Mr. Lawrie; no man ! tlemcn, when instead of that he is degrading him- -ore principles are of so low an order as to resort | self- Bull am done—enough lias been said: I will b’je writing of so infamous a piece, containing so tliercfore notice no farther remark that tho gentle- tssr bar,- falsehoods, as the piece over the name or j man (if one he may be) may have made, or may " Kcatur.” was ever intended to be even good e-: hereafter make. It is only a wonder to me tliat the - ?!i to lihck the boots which are worn by such j very hairs of his head did not stand erect and turn tea as Lawrie, and lie know it, is the reason why j gray from shame for the wearer, whilst writing that >l»aM be guilty of so mean an act.' If Lawrie I piece. CHATHAM. King, H B Lemack, Junius Lawson,FA ' , Lampkin, T 2 laggon, John Lewis, M.F Luidsdale, Sims ttrlaord, N E McCcmb, Alaj Samuel Meals A Casey, Moore,Capt Merdaot, Isaac Mercer, Ilcrmen 2 Morgan, William 2 Morgan, Henry Newman, Cai>t Jas A Nunn, IIH 2 Odain, A 2 Oliver, James Odam, W H l’bipps, L Peter, Tins F I’almcr, A B Perkins, Isaac Puckett, James C Puckett, Thomas Poland, W B 3 Reynolds, JF .3 Roby, C Vf Radl'crd, licit Ricks, Bt-.. Rou land,.Col I B 3 Rutland, R.O Rogers, JII Tailoring Establishment, SEAR THE CORSER Or BROAD ASD WASH- “;>fr IttCTON STREETS, j * In the rear of Air. John Jackson's Store. davidTewis, R LSCGCTreii.VUlTO.lhejUM.kAl. bany and the inhabitants of Baker and abo those of the adjacent raanties, that ha will rixatly make Such a choice addition to his present assort ment of ’ ’ < oiht&QBio &aa> Qiatiaiaiaaiaa# that he will ho enabled to fill and execute any orders, “at maybe entrusted to his cars. D. L cannot boast of having made the Grand To«r either of Enrope, or oven ot our own Universal Yackeokloodie-dom—bat he can >ay, without flatter ing himself, tliat he is a MAST HR WORKMAN, —and that although Le has not graduated Crocs such splendid shops as Beau Brsanmd or Cuoxt D’Ossay loved to patronize, yet bo pledges that alt who may honor him with their custom shall receive a regular built Sourness'Frr. m either TIGHTS, ASTI- TIGUTJS, dr MEDIUM-1TE8. He will also wMtantaU work that goes from his shop as being faithfully executed, and made up in workmanlike style: ud as he is in the receipt eftho earliest fash ion., D.' L. wiU be enabled to tickle the taste of the most fanciful fastidious—Nuf cei—except, that he returns his most grateful thanks to a generous com munity for the very liberal encouragement be has al ready received, and respectfully solicits a contin uance of its favor. Albany, ScpL 10,1845, 32 tf. tlay.ord, J W Greer, A P Grady, J N Griffin, B M Giliion, A Greer \V A Green,J II Gorge, Airs T Harney, C II llarriscn, C T Hill, Jus H i lamiltcn, J Harris, J B Dossier, William llonard, W II Harvey, A II, James S "nos. Jc.'in Jones, Jolm 3 Janes, David Key, F D Keaton, B O Keaton, J J Kerse, W J Kitchens, G 2 Smith, Airs Susan , Spradiey, t) Shores,'D 3 StuatsJT Sellers, A SinqiieJie d, Asa 3 Smven i n, Jus T Sbuflicid, Anther Speed, Miss C (eol’d) Sneed, Dudley Sutton, Franklin Tison, W Tuggle, Thomas S Tucker, Jesse 2 Taylor, J C Watson, J II West, Thomas Wright, A Wagand, IIII Wilkins, J H 2 Wenack, Miss E 3 Waters, James U Witherspoon, James II Wimberly, Thomas Young, W AI Notice. A LL persons arc cautioned not to trade for the fol- lowing described notes, and the makers are noti fied not to ruy them to any person except myscit, as they were fraudulently obtained from me—viz; Une for forty-Rve dollars, 1st day of January, 1845, dated tho 9th day of Alarcb, 1844, made to E. F. Strong and signed by Sparkman Bowen, endorsed by J. W. Tindall, with a credit of twenty-five dollars some time in February, 1845. One on Isham Turner and Edwin Slawn, for seven dollars and ninety cents, made Dth day of June, 1846, one day after date, paya ble to J. P. Read. One on J. W. Tindall for eigh teen dollars, payable to J. P. Read, dated 13tli June, 18IA, duo from date. J. P. READ. Sept. 17, ’45, 23 tf. | ...,GRtijQRRja£&iu“ T Hc subscriber has now on hand, and wifi he r- cciviog from New York and New Oficaas, tLv following articles of ■ r I . ■ Groceries, - ■ - ’-i/y whicfabeofientohiscustomore,andthepuUie , drr- erelly, on as reasonable terms, FOR'CASH, af aiu ba bought in thiu market: and reapectfbfly- Mlki'. ^SSSS^foJ^^ 3 "” ly>: HadMAUm Sugar, Refine West India. Flour, Northern and Wcs.| tern. ... . - Bacon, Country and We Lard, Vinegar, Soap (varieties of) Tobacco, (various brands' Snuff (.bottles 4. bladders' Sperm & Tallow Cheese, Batter, & &. E. U landKy. Albany, Geo. april 16 1845. Hoer, Salt and Bpoomr, es and Syrup, and Prime Pork, Kc. 4c. JACKSON.- 1 tf Just Bedred, ()A Sacks Rio and Irtguiria Cotter, flU 400 Sacks Salt, 40 Bbls Old Rectified Whiskey, 6 do. American Brandy, 6 do. N. E. Rum ' 1 Pipe Superior Otard Brand r. 70 Coil Manilla A Heap Rene, Together with a huge assortment of India and Ken- tncky Bagging, English and Sweedea Iron, Trace Chains, Weeding Iloes, Axes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purchase will do well to giro mo a call. W E. SMITH. Albany, april 16, 1845. 1 tf OnnER, .VO. 1. - Head Quarters. 2nd Brigade, 13th Division, G. M. j Albaxt, ScpL 10th, 1845. 1 O RDERED, That on election be held in tho county of Lee, on Wednesday, !5th ol October, for a Colonel, to command the Regiment of raid roimty. As there is no military organization in Lee, it is desirable that said election lie held by Justices of the Peace. And the law makes it their duty to do so.—[ Fide 2nd Edition, Prince's Digest, page 5!>7, th- amended Act, passed Dec. 92d, 1819.1 By order of T. P. SMITH, Brigadier Genera! Commanding. JOHN a. SLAPPEY, Inspector. NERBER 9. I T is likewise Ordered, Tliat an election take place in tile county of Thomas, on Friday, the 17th October, for a Colonel of that county, to till tho vacancy occasioned by the death of tho late patriotic Col. Toivlbs, of which the Captains will give due lie! ice, and superintend as the law requires. By order ol T. P. SMITH, Brig. Gen. Com’ding 2d Brigade, I3th Division, G. At. JOHN a. SLAPPEY, Inspector. ■ Albany, sept. 17, ’43, 23 tdo. f New Fire-proof Ware House. MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned, having erected a Fire-procr Warehouse, situated at the head of Cotton Av enue, tenders his services to his friends and the pnb- lic generally, for the storage of COTTON and MER CHANDISE, and the transaction of Commission Business, in all its branches, pledging himself to use every ex ertion to promote the interests of, render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to his charge. The Storage and (ale of Cotton wOl be under tho direction of Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known in the the Vars-honsc hraihtui, ml wul giro i articular attention to the sale of cotton, and the tili ng of orders for goods. Lilieral advances will be made an cotton .ill store, or to be shipped. Bagging, Rope, » Twine, together with any other articles will be furnULd customers at tlie knvest market pri ;e. K. B. Storage and cominissiunat customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, June 25,1815. 'll wCm STEVEN T. AIALLORY, P. M. Albany, OcL 8, 1845, 26 3L D. I«. SEALS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KNOT, IT Will practice in BjlBbocr,, Russell and the adjoining counties. Euou, Ala., OcL 8,1845, 26 ly. F OUR months a Her date, application wiil lie made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baker county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to Sell tlie lot No. 228, originally Lee, now Stewart county, lying in tlie 18th district bf said county. The property oi Albert G. Godwin, lateof said coun ty deeM. KEDDIN FA1RCLOTH, Adia'r. OcL 8,18J5, 26 4m. cay*.- -j-!» 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, having opened a Cigar Mann- factory in Thomasville, Georgia, is prepared to furnish liis customers and the public with any quantity of Principe Cigars, on the most liberal terms, liis cigars are made Is superior workmen, ami of the best quality of lAi PORTED TOBACCO, and for beauty, of exteri or and excellency of flavor, will challenge a compar ison with the finest imported Principe. He lias also on band 10,000 Cuba, Brown, and halt Spanish, All of which are put up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting tlie place are invited to call and exam ine for themselves. All orders by mail promptly attended to. II. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. ThnmasyIle,May,lSlli, 1815. 10 Iy •'•-•lever injured him, why did he not like a man of futon rage, go and tell him of it ? From the know- Wjj I lave of John L. Lawrie, (and 1 have known tea wvi-nd years,) he could have got any satistac- !«i ho desired; hut no! he preferred sneaking at kii.1 uroiigii the columns of tho Courier, and tbere- ■7 (if possible) provoke him to wrath, or expose him 3 public hatred, contempt and ridiculo; but how IBnc b more contemptible and ridiculous has “ Doca- **• rendered himself in the eyes of the public, than ~ did Mr. Lawrie. It is possible that he thought *»Wrie hail nn friomla nnrl tfint im urntiM run ncor - The latest <fates.from Turks Island, represents the' weather as highly favorable to the manufacture of salt. The product will be large. EOIHHEBCIAL. Cotton market* The European news brought by tho Brittannia has liad a favorable effect upon tho Domestic Mar kets. Cotton has advanced from J to i of a cent pr. twiio had no friends, and that he would run over lb-, with the prospect of a firm, and w e doubt not, a still advancing market. In our opinion there is no danger tliat cotton will ever fall in price below what j 1 ® reugli-shod—or what did he think 7 Was it •realise in would thereby elovate himself in the es timation of tho public, and have Lawrie d—d 7— . an Attorney, and afraid that Lawrie-will break into his arrangements, and by bis talents and elo- 'lasnce, deprive him of a great deal of business 7 I tmnk not. Attorneys are more brotherly and allec- tioaatc to etch other than thaL Docs he evorex- pvt to oppose Lawrie, os a candidate for any lucra tive office 7 If so be is mistaken, for lawrie has no' . .. . . „ ■ nm.TO.rire “Icaot seeking any office for years to come, and may ting prices, PP » P l f ei ^ A LL persons indebtrd to the estate of Albert G. 2m. Godwin, deceased are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having demands against the estate to present them in terms of the law. REDDIN FAIRCLOTII, Adm’r. Oct. 8,1845, 26 Gw. ALBERT G. BUTTS, WAKE jgjjg HOUSE AND COMMITS ON MERCHANT, IHACOV, GEORGIA. Macon, October 1, 1345, 25 ' tf. Stop the Thief! 30 BOEIeuSRS REMMRDtl it 1.1- lately been. The rapid IncreMeofmschhrtvy j t TO.nnr„.lM.u Kelli an lunenno rand A na/tPIPfl flirt a a a/vaa cat* * -• ... for its manufacture, both in Europe and America, tho j . orr( ,| HORSE, common size, blind in the right eye newly opening markets, and its growing nzo and and rides well. I will give the above reward for the , * , , * f ... j, Imrse delivered to me at Snnfitcrville—or FIFTY adaptation to every condition of life, will cause its D0LLAR3 Beward for the Horae and Thief, with sufficient testimony to convict him, if a white man. WILLIAM II. GREEN. Oct. 1,1845, 25 lm. consumption to keep full pace with its production. We think the cotton planter may expect remunera te never; hut if it was the esse, according to my tliinking, “ Decatur” has forever sunk him- fc “ ia the estimation of all who read his pioco. Again, to tho second interrogatory, the witness an- Wering, saith that “ the gentleman himself," (allu- '•; c g ■» Mr. Lawrie) “ answers that he hails from Scotland, anddeclares that if the United Slates were J* ’hclart war against Great Britain he could not ■•he up arms against kit own country." Now 1dm L. Lawrie arrived in this country when he quite a child, and therefore the statement in re- PM to his unwillingness to “fight against that "uintry” or “ for Tats,” I know to be base falsehood. *> Hu from it, I have betid him declsre that he would 'fill the last drop of blood in his veins in defence of the toil fast yielded him his bread. Til true that •■iwrie was boro a foreigner, bat here let me ask, if ‘owe of the noblest names that grace the annals of °ar country were not foreigners 7 From whence •prang La Fayette and others that 1 could mention. To the third interrogatory, the rmlnets, answering •>Hh “ that the gentleman (alluding to Mr. Lawrie) sad rays that helot after bten naturalized, Liverpool, extremes, Upland, - New York, - “ Charleston, - “ Savannah, - “ Apalachicola, “•--“-*--•**** Albany. - - - “ “ 6^ a 10 64 a 9; 6 a 8 6 a 8 a 7 . Raker Postponed fiherllPi Sales* roa novEMEK. W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in November next, before the Court House door, in the town of Nowtoo, Bsker county, between the usual hours of sole, the following property, to wit: Three lots of land, in the 3d district of Bsknr county, No’s. 239,240 and 241; levied on as the property of Lemuel B. Skaggs, to sstirijr sundry fi fas from fiaker Superior court : Cyrus RriUnson and other* vs. Lemuel B. Skaggs Marion M. Skaggs and Newton II. Skaggs, adnrts of L. B. Skaggs. Pro- Noted out by administrators, two moles and one small road waggon and two harness; levied on as tho prqportyof Top’s. T. McCollum, to satisfy onu li fa from Randal] or court: Nathan ii. Christie For Sale or to Bent* THE CHEAPEST HOUSE/X TOWN! The subscriber wishing to remove into the Till country, will cither Sell or Rent his present ijiLresidcmm on favorable terliis. Aitany, sepL 17, ’45,3L L, M. EPPING. CBS A , FIRST R.1TE PLANO, alihost new, and in fine tune, is bfiered for sale on reasonable terms.— Those wishing to purchase a good Instrument will never have a bettor opportunity. For particulars, inquire at This Office. Albany, sepL 17, ’45, ,2* rjlHOMAS H. KEY JWtlee. Iris friends that he is a eandkhte for the Clerk! ships of tlie Superior and Inferior Courts of the Coun ty of Dooly, at tlie ensujng election on the first Mou thy in January nexL rdolriiSupc-ri- Jane 25. J! tf _ vs. saU McCollum, j — hTb; GUNNISON, Deputy Sheriff IT BILLS OF LADING neatly printed and j OcL 81845, 26 Ids 'for eela at this ogee. . HOB A & IdcGWIEB. D EALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, BcoU, Shoes, Hats, Clothing &tt. Albany, April, 16tb, 1845. 1 tf. JOHN SPENCE, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, I s prepared to execute all orders in his line of busi ness, with despatch, and in the most superior style. Watches cleaned or repaired will he warranted to keep good time. Gold wrought into Rings or other ornaments, and silver into spoons, will be warranted in workmanship equal to that of any establishment in Georgia. ; Terms Osh, and prices tosuit the times. Shop situated on Brood srtcet, next door above the ‘ Patriot’ building. May 14th 1845. . 6 tf .VJ5IP COJVCERJV. T HE subscriber* have assoc fat*-d themselves in tlie TAIIXJRING BUSINESS, in tho city of Album-, under the firm of ' BARRETT 4c McKEWEY, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. An intimate acquaintance with tlie different branches of their trade will enable them to execute all orders confided to their care in a workman like manner.— Having been employed in some of the most distin guished and extensive establishments in the Union, they feci confident that they will give general satis faction in cither ordinary or fashionable workman ship, particularly where a neat fit, cornet taste, or elegance cf style is required. All orders from town or country will bo thankiully rcceivcd, aud attended to with promptness and punc tuality. Their shop Is on tlie north side of Broad street, second door above the Patriot Office, and op posite the American Hotel. THOMAS BARRETT, SAMUEL McKEWEN. Albany, SepL 10,1845, 22 tf TO THE .IFjFEICTEB. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. IPAKES this method to inform his fricnda that ht A still resides at.tbe above. Macs, and -Will give his attention to persona: afflicted with chronic and supposed incurable forms of disease. From his suc cess lieretotbre in the management, of such casca, persons afflicted will find it to their interest to giver him atrial,' . for if he does not may at least mitigate their lay at let Those ( Iy cure, ho ipecialTy laboring under Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splonilisi Bron- clietis. Cough, Erysipelatous aflhntions, Soroffufa, Leprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhea Gleet, Tic Dou loureux, Hysteria, Palsey, Ejdlejwy, Chorea, Dropsy, Amenorhea,Prolapsus Uteri, fitc. fee., Piles,Hernia. Calculi of the Bladder, Ulcers, Hydrocele, &c>,would do well to consult him. Dr. N. will remove all cases of Syphalitic lair! from the system, and warrant thcm. no cube no pay. Persons* living at a distance, who ate afflicted, would do well to call in person, if not eoqVenient,by communicating, post paid, with Dr. Nfebota.j'irinj; symptoms, Ac., and enclosing the fee, flio, can re ceive directions for the management of their cases. Albany, Geo., April 23, 1845. . . 2 Iy JlWke. 1|/f ESSRS IIORA Sc McGWIER, will act as our IvJL Agents during the temporary absence of our Mr. Cbcevcr from Albany. SIMS &. CHEEVER. July 2,1845 12 tC SAPPINGTON’S ipaaiLSs, ■ ■ A Certain and Effectual Cure for Fevee asm Ague, For sale by W. E. SMITH, april 18. 1 . tf Medical Copartnership. DOCTORS DAVIS A MATHEWS R ESPECTFULLY infonn the citizens of Albany ami vicinity, that they have this day associated themselves in the practice of their profession, and hope thai their union win prove satisfactory to their '^TVyavSfgivo prompt attentfoe to all caB* cither in the city or country. Their office will be eontltmed at tha one, 8t pres ent, occupied ly Dr. W. L. Davis. , Dr Messages luff eHber at their office on Broad . sL,ofat the reridenca of Dr. Mathews v corn»t of. JDST RECEIVED! A FRESH supply of articles m our line, someef which have never before been bfiered in this market: Amobg them may be found, Sirs. Betts’ Utero Abdominal Supporters, far superior to the Use of the Pessary. Also, Foxe’s Tooth Keys, U and 8 ox. Syringes, Huffs patent double and single Trus ses, Sand’s and Currie’s Sssssnsrllb, SnTph. Qui nine, Jodide of PHasa, Iodine, Musk, Carmine red Ink, Kreosote, Oil Leman, do. Cloves, Tamarinds, (fresh) Verbena Cream and Hair Brushes. ' —ALSO- a variety bf school and other books, viz: Bancroft’s History of tire Unked States, Combe on-the Consti tution of man, Comnlete practical farmer, Gunn’s Dctoestie Hsdicine, Jacob’s . Gr. Reader, GouMV Adam’s latin Grammar, Folsom’s Livy, Testament*. Horace, (translated) Emerson’s Arithmetics, Smith's do., ML Venron Readers, N.Y. dfa, Walker’s Dk- tionarics v Mitchell's TrarelUng Mags of Georgia, do. mess, Count D Orsiys 1 tt^Ls 1 waa%a«L-A - cXOCK 8 1 fill OSOUtVs l _ _ Mnnkv*8 Exercises, SpeDinn Pookt. Southern Har mony, English Grsiinmarr large Quarto Rmfly Bibles andlmaU do. • . Fbq!« Cap and Letterp^Bfarik Carfe.Vskstouds, Letter Stamps, Ink Powder, Jfockct Books, Steal Pens, Quills, fancy colored Sealing IVaz.&cwA.t