The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 12, 1845, Image 3

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*£tW Committee, viz: Dr. LB. Mercer, I On Sunday evening a rumbling noise as n, Bri»l*ne> Copt B. M; Griffin, rad Col. of a heavy carnage, lasting about half a ^Butler. , minute, was heard at nearly the same time ■°**jjon of Col. John Tompkins, it was Remit*/, [ (about quarter past six o’clock) over a lari T;. the Chairman appoint a committee of; district of country including this city, il * ;,rt in conjunction with the Secretary, as a 1 -* '* ■ s -— ’’ 1 coding Committee, and to superintend the awl circulating petitions. The Chairman Col. J. Tompkins, Cap*. J. A. Newman, » .Morgan, to which, on motion, the ... ax* added. frotion, Rrsohed, That the proceedings of " <in « together with the petition, bo publish- ■ ^ Vliioay Patriot and the Courier. oUon, the meeting adjourned. tror. THE ALBANY PATRIOT.) To M. A. H. ,Vtra Aurora flings open the portals of light, , jiijilorious Sun uprising in ' -folhcir dark caverns drives the shadows of night, '"plants bis bright flag in the far-flaming East. \,i« "low the hill-top* all burnished with gold, ,hnr> hells are tinkling the vallum between, 'jets swarm forth, the waking flowers unfold, I pastures rejoice in their-vestments of green. in the sweet-scented breeze of the mom, crim-*on-tipt clouds float lazily along; [horn, I ,„'| burst the shrill notes of tho dcor hunters .tinj in echoes the wild woods among. Trc Heavens arc mirror’d in tho unruHTd lake, here the house martin ia laving her breast; "tc cat bird’s sweet descant is heard from the trike, harp-notes adown from the home of tho blest. „„ her proud breast in tho wide-spreading -leant, 7h- mocking bird rarrols her sweet matin song imr* of the morning are dried in his beam, Aid the gay laughing ltouru come dancing tilon; thou, fair lady, like the snn, dost rejoice oJ heart, and drivest all sorrow away; s transport me; at the sound of thy voice, lj giad |>u!scII beat witn a livelier play, Through my bosom thou pourest light, joy and lore; rth, else had no charms, life no pleasures for me; Wheresoever thou art, or whitlier dost rove, heart, like the sun-flower, turns ever to thee. L. B. M. Fnm the MWrdgetWe Recorder. Georgia i cgiilaSure The General Assembly of tliis State commenced first biennial session at the Capitol On yesterday 10 o'clock, A. M.—reduced under the amended a-titution, to 47 Senators and 130 Rcpresenta- es. , Tuc Senate, (every member present—25 demo- awl 22 whig*.) proceeded to its organization th Gen. tone in the Chair. Hon. A. 11. CtlAP- , Senator from the district of Bibb and Twiggs, chosen its President, and Thomas R. R. Conn, of Clark county, its Secretary, " . ffr0 perato with them upon the subject. 1 Cbsinnra appointed the following FnmOeJf. Y. Journal cf Commerce, Oct. 28. For President, A. 11. Chappell, (Dcm.) 1 . 94 J. S. Calhoun, (Whig,) 21 Fur Secretary, T. It. ft. Cobb, 28 D. J. Dailey, 16 Aycock, 1 Blank, 2 .-y-E west end of Long Island, and Westchester county, and perhaps farther. A gentleman from Norwich, Conn, says the shock was ouite severe in that village, “the noise was (ike the rolling of a cannon ball over a chamber floor. The whole earth seemed to shake so violently that a gentle- mnn standing near his house was nearly thrown oflT his. feet. Wholo families ran in to thc street in consternation. The peo ple in the church (for evening service) supposed the bell had fallen from the stee ple. The steamboat lying at the wharf was moved, and the motion sensibly felt bv the hands on board.” . At the hour mentioned, (quarter past six), one of the editors of this paper wns at a quiet residence in «he outskirts of New Haven, but no unusnl noise or motion was perceived by himself, or other members of the family. The editor of the Evening Post-was nt a place called Roslyn, Long Island, and thus describes the phenomenon: “The building began suddenly to shake with great violence, so that the windows rattled and the rafters cracked. Our first impression was that somebody was endeav oring to move a heavy stove on the floorbe- low ; then it was suggested bv one of our companions that a violent wind had sprung up, but ns the shaking ol the house wns soon followed by a deep hollow sound like the rolling of thunder under the earth, il became evident that the phenomena were the effects of on earthquake. The tremb ling and sound must have lasted about two minutes. ' The movement of the sound was a very deliberate one, and seemed to us to he in a direction from South to North, or perhaps n little to the East of North. We afterwards fanned that the shock had been felt in all parts of the village, and tho per sons who spoke of l he noise, compared it lo the rushing of heavy chariots along a hordstony street. Some ofthose who were out of doors pretended to say that the shock was accompanied by a brief electrical ex citation of the air, but of these appearances we could get no confirmation from others. “Coming along the line of the railroad this morning, \vc ascertained that the shock was distinctly experienced in several of the towns onLong Island. At Oyster Bay a friend informed us the agitntion was so perceptible flint the people in his house ran out into the yard, under an apprehension that the building wns falling down, and the women and servants uttered shrieks of alarm. At Glencove, Hempstead Branch, Hempstead, Jamaica, &c., similar impres sions were produced. “In Brooklyn the noise was also heard, though most persons supposed it to he the rattling of carts or heavy laden wagons passing through the slrcc'ts.” Judging from these accounts, this must have been the most violent earthquake felt in this vicinity for a greaPmunbcr of years. We'fcnr we shall hear disastrous intelli gence from tho West Indies or South Arne rico, or both. THE “JEW STORE.” Fresh Goods Cheaper Than Ever. H AS Received, and is now opening in the store one door East of that occupied by him tat season, a large stock of _*3-STAPLE AND FANCY ORV GOODS, Ready made Clothing,' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockerv, Cutlery, Jewelry, &c., Among his Dry Goods arc the latest and most Fashionable styles of MeOtUes Cotton nitrated, and Silk Bress Goods, Are. Ladies and Gents Cotton Worsted and Silk Hosiery and Gloves, Straw, Silk, Gimp and Velvet Bonnets und Trimmings, Broadcloths, Cassimers and Vestings, Sattincts, Negro Woolens, Blankets and Flannels, Gents’ and Youths Far, Cloth, Oil-silk and Velvet Cape, &c. Among his Ready Made Clothing are Supetfine Dress Coats of the Latest Style, Over Coats, Business and Huntings Coats, Pantaloons, a variety of styles, Black and Fancy Sattin, Marseilles and Valentine Vests, Linncn and Cotton Shirts, Drawers and Under Shirts, An assortment of Gents’ Scarfs, Cravats, Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, &c. Gents’ superior Calf-skin Boots, extra heavy do., Men’s and Boy’s Kip and Russctt Brogans. Among his Cutlery may be found a variety of Pen, Pocket and Hunting Knives, Table Knives and Forks, &c. Among his Jewelry, arc a few Gold 'Watches, Chains, Keys, Ate. ID* The subscriber return* his drinks for the liberal patronage extended to him hut *rwon, and invite* those wishing to purchase any articles usually found in Country Stores, to call and examine bis stock, and if desirable Goods and LOW PRICES will give satisfaction, they will go away pleased. Don’t mistake the door, but call under the Sign of the ‘■NEW YORK CASH DR Y GOOD STORE. Albany, November 12,1845, 31 tf. ■ Medical Copartnership. NS DOCTORS DAVIS &. MATHEWS R ESPECTFULLY inform,the citizens of Albany and vicinity, that they havf"'" themselves in the practico of t hope that their union will prove satisfactory to t mutual friends. . Thty MriH gttoprompt.attention tp aB codseither in the city or comatry. * • - .* . j KT Messages left either at tbfit effee on'bifofcl * st, or at the resale nee of Dr. Mathews, comer -if - ~. Pine and Jackson st’s., will be promptly attended to{. ,. . Albany, Aug. 27,1845, SO U. t " Boots and Shoes. T HE subscribers have on hand, which they offer at very low prices, a large stock of Negro Shoes, (some very superior) Kip ckx, ladies fine Walking do., Kid Slops, Gaiters, Women’s Leather FORT GAIJVES Wharf and Ware House. (OLD STAXD.) T HIS Largo and commodious establishment is again open for the reception of COTTON and MERCHANDIZE. The suliscriber takes this method of returning bis thanks to tlic Public, for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, and respectfully solicits a con tinuance of tlic same. He wiU Store Cotton at the W prte of TVenfjHfre Cr«r per Me, for the sea- U Broad Cloths, American and French Cassimers, on: and will ffve hts personal attention to the Umck silk ^ Satin Vesting*, rich Wool do., corn- king do., Kid Slope, Gaiters, ’ Sliocs, Gent's line Calf pegged aud scucd Shoes, fine Calf pegged and sewed Boots Water-proof do., Ac., Ac. HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29, 29 3m. Joit Received I^Y the subscribers, pieces fine black and col’d Whcighing and Shipping or Sale of cotton Stored with him, witlioat any extra charge. ID* He is prepared to make Liberal Advances, cither in Merchandize cr Cotton’.' '■ .■ Bagging, Rope apd Salt, constantly on hand,-and for sale low. Should ray planters storing cotton with me, wish to avail themselves of the Bay Market, I have made arrangements with some of the’ First Class Steam Boats, to take them with their cotton (where they make from thirty to filly bales or more,) free of cliargc. In fact, I am always at home, ready and waiting to render my services to ail who may need them, either personally or by order. CHARLES F. BEMIS. Fort Gaines, Nov. 5,1845, 30 tf. ■non do., Kentucky Jeans, a great variety of cheap Pant Stulls for common wear, all of which they offer on good terms. HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29,1845, 29 3m. New Goods! New Goods Ml*.-; HTOSV <23 IFmSIHIOSF ' A RE now receiving their supply of DR 1 DO.ODS, suited to the nil and Winten Trade, embracing an extensive assortment of Ne-. gro Cloths, Blankets and other Plantation Good*, which they offer at low prices. Albany, Oct. 29,1845, 29 tf. DaviJ Walker, of Washington, was elected door- ’eper, aud Lawson Field, of Cherokee, Messenger. Tho Senate adopted tlic rules of the last session r tlic government of this—admitted editors and potter* to seats within the Chamber and then ad orned to the usual hour this morning. Ia the House of Representatives, Mr Staple- Jdfcrson, was called to tlic Cliair, and the Ibme organized by the election of Charles J. ' ! «w, Esq., of Richmond, as Speaker, and Jons Word, Esq., of Cass county, as its Clerk. For Speaker, , C- J. Jenkins, (Whig,) 64 John W. Anderson, of Chatham, (Dcm.) 53 Cud:, 1 For Clerk, 1st ballot. 3d ballot. 64 SO UTRERJY STORE (^NORTHERN PRICES.X8 91. Wnitzfcldcr, Ac Co., A RE now receiving a large and well selected as sortment of e’&ss-s'jt Em? From the Northern Markets, consisting in part of Prints, latest style, all qualities; _ Laces ; COMMERCIAL. Cotton markets. The Foreign Cotton News is again unfavorable, which has had a depressing effect upon tho Domes tic Markets. Tho reduction in price is quoted at [dornearly j cent per pound. Wc quote: i .iverpool, extremes, Upland, - -.--.-6 Sew York,' - “- -- “- -- -- -- -- 6 Charleston, 5^ a 7- Savannah, . “ - - 6) a 7j Apalachicola, Albany, - - 4| a 6) Cashmeredes- etts; Broadcloths; Bomrazuies ; Cassimers ; CitrsANs; Mi-suns; Hosiery; Tassels; IS withdrawn 10 Mr. Word, of Cass, 39 Mr. Sraythe, of Wilkes, 25 hr. Gayton, of Laurens, 15 Mr. Cahaniss, of Monroe, 18 Mr. J. C. Johnson, of Clark, 6 Mr. \V. S. Johnson, 21 hr. Broivnson, of Troup, 3 hank, 1 Mi. L. 8. Stewart,, of Hancock, was elected —l^’CRgcr of the House, and Mr. Davis, of Heard, toor-koeper, on the 9th ballot. On this day, up to the hour of receiving the Gov- Message, no important business has been unacted in either branch—preliminary business ^ ooc engaged both Houses. A few bills, exclu- hvcly local, have been introduced, and a resolution ‘Hd on the table in each Boose, for bringing on tho Action of Judges on Thursday,-the day after to- "orrow. At 12, M., the Governor’s Message, which we vc on the preceding page, was transmitted to the cnate and House—after the reading of which, both “joumed to the afternoon, when the votes for Gov- *411 be counted in joint assembly. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN MAIL. Due—Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Sunday’s at 11 o’clock, P. M. Closes—Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s . at 8 o’clock, P. M. APALACHICOLA AND TALLAHASSEE MAIL. Due—’Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Saturday’s at hair past 4 o’clock, A. M. Closes—Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Sundays at. 7 o’clock, P. il. ID* All letters must be deposited in the Officer one half hour before the time or closing, or they will not be forwarded until the next mail thereafter. S.T. MALLORY, P.M. Albany, Oct. 8, 1845, Marinoes. different qualities! Also, a well selected assortment of WINTER SIIA WLS, at all prices, Boots, Shoos, Hats, Caps, and all other articles usually called for in a Dry Good Store. also, “f A targe and well selected assortment ot EADY HADE CI.OTUIXC, consisting ot COATS, VESTS, PANTS, Ac. All ol which he sold as CHEAP asAhs CHEAPEST; those who are deslraae at pure basing will please cal I and examine lor themselves. Mr. W. being desirous of permanently locating himself in Albany, for the purpose of transacting a general mercantile business, las purchased his en tire stock of goods from some of toe most respecta ble bouses in the Northern chips, he feels justified in .ying to the public that they art the true grit and no nustake. Having paid cash for his goals he is enabled to sell at a small profit for CASH. He respectfully solicits a reasonable portion of public patronage. *.* Store first door East of the Drug Store, at the Sign of the “ New Cheap Store.” Albany, Nov. 5, 30 tf. Strayed, NROM the plantation ot flic subscriber, ELEV- . EN SIIEE1’, one black one among them, mar ked with a crop and two splits in tho right, rad an nn- derbit in the left ear. Reasonable compensation will be paid for information relative to said estrays. Nov. 12,1845. 31 3t] E.H. PLATT. iv-» WE are' authorised to announce JOHN Me COR QUOD ALE, as a Candidate for Tax Collector and Receiver or Taxes, for Early County. [Nov. 5, 30 tlj. Th® special election in Madison oounty, to decide c tie that occurred in October, took place in that “*”*>• last Friday, and resulted in the election of ’ Ir - Ware, the whig candidate, by thirteen votes ■"» Mr. Bollock.—Sou. Recorder. Acte Shells and Grenades.—Capt. Bil rite, of tho French navy, haa recently in terned new shelle and grenades, which are E jtiU lo l)ave greater destructive powers •tan any hitherto known. These projec ts, when fired at a ship, do not pans through her side making a simple hole, but •*ploae in the act of striking, and cause a jhtge rent, apd spread a combustible mat- |' r tn every direction, which it -is impoaei- '•c to extinguish, ana the ship struck can- pot escape from being burnt. Capt. Bil 'ri'c Ims beeu appointed to the command *hc Meleager, in which he is to go into r ‘I 1 ® ports of France to form depots of his a, , , a, td grenades, and give instructions 'he mode of naiag wem to tho marine EAJynS FOR SAKE. T HE following named tracts of I-AND will be sold on reasonable terms, and good Titles given: No. 228, 3d district of Baker County, “ 198, 15th “ Leo “ “ 248, 16th ” “ “ “ 71, S2d “ Randolph county, “ 354, 16th “ Decatur “ “ 318, 15th “ “ “ • 870, 15th “ Early “ “ 626, 6th “ • 881, 87th “ “ “ For ferthcr particulars, apjJyk^ ^ CLARK, Oct. 29, 29 tt) Albany. Ga. T HE subscribers have now ia store. 600 sacks Salt, 25 bbls. Whiskey, Moneogaheia do, Ctw. Brandy, HoUaad Gin, Port Wins, (a fine article) for sickness,' Molasses, Sugar rad Rio Coffee, Soap, Cutleby; Alfaccas; Domestics; Sattinetts ; Fancy Cord; Misses Cloaks; Muslin dc Lanes ; Casidiekedecoose ; |r jaf WE will make liberal CA SH A D- VANCES on Cotton Stored in any ^^^ilRWarc-Uonse in Albany. SIMS & CHEEVER. Albany, Oct. 29,1&»5, 20 tf- Tailoring Establishment, near the corker or broad and Wash ington STREETS, In the rear of Mr. John Jackson's Store. david Tew IS , R ESPECTHJLLY informs the citizens of Al bany and the inhabitants of Baker and also those of tlic adjacent counties, that be will sbrrth- mako sack a choice addition to his present assort ment of a&Quiaa &ui2> Qaasosiasj®9* drat he will be enabled to fill and execute ray orders, that may be entrusted to his care. D. I- cnn'Jrt boast of having made the Grand Tour either or Europe, or even of our own Universal l ankecHfoodlenfom—but lie ran sav, without flatter ing himself, that he is a .VASTER WORKMAN. —and that although he has not graduated from snclt splendid shops os tteau Brummel or Count D’Ossav loved to patronize, yet he pledges that all who mar honor him with their custom shall receive a regular built Southesn Fit, m cither TIGHTS, ANTI TIGHTS, or MEDIUM-ITES. Ho will also warrant all work tliat goes from his shop as being faithfully executed, and made up in workmanlike* style; and as he is in the receipt of the carlwst bull ions, D. L. will be enabled to tickle the tuts of tho most fanciful fastidious—Nuf erd—except, that ho return* his most grateful thanks to a gcncmna.ooai- munily for tho very liberal encouragement he has al ready received, and respectfully solicits a contin uance of its favor. Albany, ScpL 10,1845, 22 tf. H UNT.& PYNCHON have just received Car penter’s Tools, full setts Smith’s, Tools com plete, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving do., a large assortment of Pen and Pocket do., stock and rim Locks, Butts and Screws, cut Tacks, Cotton and Wool Cards, Iron & Nails, together with a full assortment of Hard Ware generally. Albany, Oct. 29, 29, 3m. JYOTMCE. T HE organization of the COUNCIL makes it necessary to notify all, that hereafter, the City Laws in relation to violating, disturbing tlic public peace, Ac., will be rigidly enforced. JAMES A. NEWMAN, Clerk. Albany, Oct. 29, -29 3t. WARE ROUSE. 3f THE subscribers have the past Snm- mer built a new WARE HOUSE, fur the Storage of Cotton, and solicit a share of tho |iatronage of the Planters generally. ID* Liberal advances made on cotton in Store. HUNT St PYNCHON. Oct. 29, 1845, 29 3m. CITY HOTEL; CORNER of BROAD and FRONT Streets, AEBAJW, GEORGIA. MRS. BERRAN,. R ESPECTFULLY informs the Public that she has taken this large and commodious establish ment, (recently occupied by Mr. Samuel Baker) and is prepared to accommodate Regular Boarders and Her Table will at mil times be supplied with the beet that the market will afford, and every attention will be rendered to the comfort of those who may favor her with their patronage. Excellent Stables well supplied with forage for horses, and good Ost lers arc connected with the establishment. . tT Terms will be made to eorrcspondwiik Ike times. The Orr Hotel occupies a delightful shnatioo— commanding a fine view of the River, and is only sufficiently removed from the centre of bossiness to avoid its bustle and noise without foregoing its coo- New Fire-proof Ware House. MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned, having erected a Fire-proiy Ware-house, situated at the head of Cotton Av enue, tenders his services to bis friends and the pub lic generally, for the storage of COTTON and MER CHANDISE, and the transaction of Commission Business, in all its branches, pledging himself to use every ex ertion to promote the interests of render satisfection to, those who may confide business to his charge. Tlic Storage and sale of Cotton will be under tire direction of Mr. JOHN JONES,.who has long been known in the the Vase-honse business, and will give articular attention to the rale of cotton, and the tili ng of orders for goods. liberal advances will be made on cotton in store, or to bo shipped. Bagging, Rope, Ar Ticinc, together with any other articles will be furnished customers at the lowest market pri .e. N. B. Storage and commission at customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, June 25,1845. 11 w6m IVolicc. A LL persons are cautioned not lo trade far the fol- lowing described notes, ami the makers are not:- • fied not to pay them to any person except my self, a* !!»y were fraudulently obtained from me—viz: Om» for forty-five dollars, 1st day of January, 1815, dated the 9th day of March, 1844, made to E. F. Strong: and signed by Sparkman Bowen, endorsed hy J. w. Tindall, with a credit of twenty-fivo dollars some time in February, 1845. One on Istiam Turner and Edwin Slawn, for seven dollars and ninety cents, made .9th day of June, 1845, one day after date, paya ble to J. P. Read. Ono on J. W. Tindall for eigh teen dollars, payable to J. P. Read, dated 13tb June, 1846, due from date. J. P. READ. Sept. 17,’45, 23 tf. 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, having opened a Cigar Manu- factory in Thomasvilfe, Georgia, is prepared 1 to furnish hts customers and the public with any quantity of Frlncipe Cigars, on tire most liberal terms. . His cigars are’ made by superior workmen, and of tho best quality of IM PORTED TOBACCO, and for beauty of exteri- or and excellency of flavor, will challenge acompar- son with the finest imported Principe, lie has also on hand 10,000 Cuba, Brotrn, and half- Spanish, All of which are put up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting the place are invited to call and exam ine for themselves. All orders by mail prompth- attended to. r ' H. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. Thomasville.May, 18th, 1846. 10 ly - • ' •Volicc. tPHOMAS H- KEY rcspectfnBy announces to his friends that he is a candidate for the Clerk ships of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the Cook ty of Dooly, at the ensuing election oo the first M oo- day in January next. Jane 25. 11 tf SARREERJT. T HE sabecriben have now a very extensive sortment of SADDLES, embracing even shape and quality, some very fine, Side do. of snpen- ir quality, Waggon dm, Bridles, Martingales, car tage and waggon Whips, sulky and buggy Harm >cs, Ilames and Collars, Blind Bridles, ore. HUNT & PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29, 29 3m. *,* The subscriber solicits a share of the t patronage. E. T. BERRJ Albany, Oct. 99,1845, 99 tt BORA At IWcGWIER. D EALERS in droceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing dtc. Albany, April, 16th, 1843. S ft NEW GOODS! riiHE snbscr ber is now receiving his supply of X FALL AND WINTER GOODS, suited to the market which, with his present stock, he now of fers at aucb prices as camfot’fefl to pleaae his cus tomers, among which are q . Bagging Rope Ar Twine, Boots and shoes of even description, Clothing, Os- naburga, Domestic and Jeans; a large assortment of Calicoes and Ifcncy DnGoods; also an excellent tot of Hardware. Iron and Nails, Crockery and Glua ware; with a foil supply of GROCERIES, each as Sugar Tea and Cofiee. WM. a SMITH. , Albany, Oct 89, 29 3cl The undentgned will continue to transact a general COMMISSION BUSINESS AT APALACHICOLA, under tbx nan or Howard & Rutherford. They bare also determined to establish a COMMISSION HOUSE at New Orleans, the ensuing season, where one of the firm will al ways be found. Their personal attention will be given to all business with which they may be en trusted. The usaal advancer will be mode upon goods in rtor* or Cotton consigned to them. THACKER B. HOWARD, ADOLPHUS S. RUTHERFORD. Apalachicola, Fla., Oct 22,1845, 28 tf. JDST RECEIVED! A FRESH supply of articles in our line, eotae of which have never before been offered in this market: Among them may be found, Mrs. Betts* Utero Abdominal Supporters, far superior to the use of the Pessary. Aim, Foxe’s Tooth Keys; 13 and R OZ. Syringes, Hull’s patent double and single Trur- i, hand’s and Carrie’s Sassaparilta, Sulph. Qui nine, Jodide. of Potass, Iodine, Mask, Carmine red Ink, Kreoeote, Oil Lemon, do. Cloves, Tamarind*) (fresh) Verbena Cream and Hair Brushes. —ALSO— a variety of school and other books, vis: Bancroft's History of the United States, Combe on the Consti tution of man, Complete practical Fknner, GrainV Domestic Medicine, Jacob’s Gr. Reader, Gould’s Adam’s Latin Grammar, Folsom’s Livy; Testaments Horace, (translated) Emenon’s Arithmetics. Smith’s do., Mt. Vernon Readers, N. Y. do., Walker’s Dic tionaries, MitchelPs Travelling Maps of Georgia, do. Texas, Count D’Orsay’s Etiquette, Copy Slips, Com stock’s Philosophy, Southern First Class Books. Hurray’s Exercises, Spelling Books, Southern Har mony, English Grammar, Inge Quarto Fbtnilv Bibles and small do. ALSO, Fools Cap and Letter paper, Blank Cards, Inkstazxis. ,nk ™ r * r i. p «*«* Books, Steel Pens, Quills, fancy colored Sealing Wax, &c., St., for sale low by WELCH «L NELSON. Albany, Sept 10,1845, 22 -tf. J UST received by HUNT fc PYNCHON, a large assortment of English, French and American PRINTS, entirely new styles, Ginghams, Muslin do Unet, Cashmere, (new styles) pwm and figured Alpaccat, eoUored do., black and col’d Silks, fancy NeckTies, Mitts, col’d and black Girdles, do. Cor* and Tassils, new style Gimp Cord, ka, dtc. Albany, Oct 89,1845, 39 ««. Crockery. J UST racejyed by HUNT dt PYNCHON, cheap and fine Crockery, white Granite Tea and Din- ner Setts. Oct 89, Jfelm. GREAT DISCOVERY! OR. WATSON'S UNRIVALEO FEVER AND AGUE PILLS! A CERTAIN and permanent cure for AGUE and FEVER, to all its various forms, in four hours. For sale in Albany, Ga., by Wxlch & . _ _ T , Go.,!* Wxlch dt'Emitc,at