The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 19, 1845, Image 3

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b*d bcen I**" 00 '' 1 * W,toT and pr °- Th< * 8 WgW“ndod, arbitrary and Uml measures '**’ vr a l*® 50 ^ ^ b>® from Mr. John were carried oat without my consent, and mn .-'■*** The printing materials of the Albany without my knowledge until after their transpiia- ■ r %. owned by Henjy Morgan, Esq., who tkm, so covertly were they executed. ■*. ijjom to Mr. J. Woolbright, who covers In the illegal and gratuitous publication ot aisao- ^winstand, in reversion for the former indi- lution, the publishers caution the debtors of Kean * 'subsequently to my becoming sole Editor, ft Co. against making payment to any one, without *• wa s the rituation of the property of i an order from Jones ft Dickinson. To shew the *7 j uselessness and absurdity of such acouree.Iap- j «t been two months in the Editorial Chair' plied to eminent Counsel, who at my request gave rj Jones died. The Counsel for the Estate their written opinion that either of the fiem of Kean - Vj, continuance of the Courier by the! ft Co. was fully authorised to collect and receipt (or %itrix as publisher and proprietor, and my-! debts duo said firm, until the partnership was legally l -n ug a t a stated salary. This arrangementf dissolved, and, 1 feel no hesitancy in saying that dr in presence of witnesses, and a notice ! there is not a professional man in this community li nblished in the colimna of the Courier. or any other, who would be so silly or reckless as Thomas B. Donnelly, torney at Law, VIENNA, Dooly County, Georgia. ET Practicea in all the Courts of the South-west- era Circuit—Pulaski of the Southern, and Houston of the Flint Circuit November 19,1845, 83 ly. opliuary form. This connexion, however, '.j tat ior one week. ^'nt having thus retired, without the in- ‘*L 1 of an objection on my part, a proposition ^ me to take jointly with Jones and Dickin- c .vtoUnce of the lease, ior which the Estate of was responsible. After much importu- '■ . fhn reirt rtf InnM nml Hielr. to haxard his reputation as a lawyer by giving a contrary opinion. In the last Courier, the publishers not content with their first cautionary notice, came out-with another caution, equally uncouth, offensive and un warrantable, bath in style and assertion, as were its predecessors. The publishers allege that I “would 'jitfhiationa on tho part of Jones and Dick- n °t corae to a settlement” This assertion ia alto *7, foe? would bavo nothing to do with the getber gratuitous. The truth in relation to the j,,, 1 edited it, I consented to take jointly proposUion for a settlement, is simply this: The Artro the time for which tlic lease had to run. preposition came from them, after they had made ® interview with Mr. Woolbright who ac- ^fr illegal publication of adissolution—they then jike terms upon which we agreed to take the proposed to submit the case to arbitration, to which I m *-• » ” *— promptly and cheerfully responded. The arbiters wore selected by themselves, and on the evening of the meeting all the parties attended, with the excep tion of the senior publisher, for whose absence no cause was assigned. No .contract was written by R. F. I.yon, Esq., '^1 for Adm’rx. The contract was signed by ^ Jones awl Dickinson, and our note given to VVoolbright us a consideration for tho remaining j tie lease. A notice of partnership between _ _ . _ 1 Joies and Dickinson, under the firm of Kean arbitrating the case; and, finally, the very reference iv was then formally announced in the Courier, proposed by Ike publishers themselves eras by them q r VVoolbrigbt resides in Leo county, and was rejected! Verily, verily, this lodced very much like —ent when the contract was written and the » disposition on my part to avoid a settlement, civrn, it became necessary to wait upon him in If may be well enough here to observe, that the • r ,L * ren.:- circulation and general business of the Courier in creased considerably under my superintendence, notwithstanding it was during the dullest season of the year—its subscription list and other custom are more extensive I believe than they ever were at any previous period. For myself, I have nut derived from the establishment any pecuniary advantage ft consummation of the agreement This performed by U. F. Lyon, Esq., into land* were placed by N. C. Jones the con. ;i ., IkH ! by Kean, Jones and Dickinson, as also gu in satisfaction of the lease. Taking it for J. I that the Counsel for tho Estate bad con- r=ited the contract, and that its duplicate was to cither Jones or Dickinson, I made no ■xr enquiry about it until some months aftcr- .a w ).i n 1 .curat that Mr. Woolbright had refused vdeetthe agreement, and that the written con- ttnd onto signed by Kean, Jones and Dickinson the possession of 11. F. Lyon, Esq., who hold* them. sow becomes necessary in self-defence and in Ratification that I should more partic ularly speak jyiclf—it is an unpleasant, but imperitive duty set I am compelled to perforin: Fran May last, the time when the Editorial De- pHLt of the Courier was confided to my hands, to the period when my name was illegally ab utted from its columns, the paper was solely and lasively conducted by myself, not only as Editor, lector, l’rool Reader and Book Keeper, but occa- isillj is Typo Setter, and liar tho larger portion lie time from -May to October as writer upon the ,1 papers. In addition to all this, I attended in Printing Office almost every morning previous the day of publication instructing the Senior dislier, N. C. Jones, in the making up of the ■per, or to speak less technically, in the arrange- jct.i of Hie articles prepared for the paper. During time, die regular mechanical force of the Office sisted of the senior and junior publishers, and > i journeyman, all of whom profess to be ‘rimers—this is a force sufficient to get out a semi wily paper. The addition of the Journeyman I nsiderod altogether unnecessary, but as my asso- t» thought otherwise I reluctantly yielded to ®- McKewen, :r opinion. It may be well enough in this place say, that the Northern Mail arrives in Albany ry Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights at it II o'clock, and that on each of those nights I attended tho Post Office, received the letters Ipapen, made my selections and answered cor- andents, which occupied my time untill about •clock, A. M. After performing those duties I -’■'I to a lew hours sleep, and almost invariably «*at sun rise, and frequently before, and cither ffied or sent my work of the night to the Office my associates slept. Their hour of rising * «t the ringing of tho bells for breakfast—after v«li they went to work, and continued industri- CEORGIA, Dooly County. To the Honorable Superior Court vf said County. T HE petition of Nancy Caldwell, respectfully sheweth, that on the 33d day of July, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-three, Jacob Watson executed his certain Mortgage to Robert N. Taylor, wherein be conveyed to sard R. N. Taylor, certain lots of land, to wit: 136, one hundred and thirty-six; 163, one hundred and fifty- two; 153, one hundred and fifty-three; 168, one hundred and sixty-eight; 169, one hundred and six ty-nine, each containing two hundred two and one- half acres, mote or less; the cost half of lot number one hundred and fifty-four, and the south half of lot number one hundred and seventy—each of said half lots containing one hundred one and a fourth acres, all in the third District of said county. For the consideration five dollars to said Watson then in hand, paid by die said Taylor, as well as the better securing the payment of a promissory note, given by said Watson to mid Taylor, or bearer, for dm payment of the sum of twenty-two hundred and for ty dollars, one on or before) the first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, (last past) and which note was dated the twenty-second day of July, 1843. ^ Your petitioner further shews, tint afterwards to wit: on the day and year aforesaid, said note and mortgage were transferred to your petitioner for a valuable consideration, by said Taylor, and that the same hare never bcen pud, nor auy part thereof to CITY HOTEL; CORNER of BROAD and FROST Stmts, AEBA.W, GEORGIA. MBS. BERRAN, R ESPECTFULLY informs the Public that she has taken this large and commodious establish ment, (recently occupied by Mr. Samuel Baker) and is prepared to accommodate Regular Boarders and Travellers. ■Her Table will at all times be supplied with the best that the rasrket will sflurft and every attention will be rendered to the comfort of those who may favor her with their patronage. Excellent Sables well supplied with forage for hones, and good Ost lers are connected with the establishment. ■ ICT Terms will be made to corresamdwilk the tin's. The Citt Hotel occupies a delightful situation— commanding a fine view of tho River, and is only sufficiently removed from the centre of bossiness to avoid its bustle and noise without foregoing Us con veniences. |%* Tho subscriber solicits a share of the public patronage. E. T. BERRAN. Albany, Oct 39,1845,' 29 tf. your petitioner, nor any one else legally authorized to receive payment. Wherefore, your petitioner prays a perpetual fore closure of said mortgage, unless said Jacob Watson shall, on or before the next term of this Court, pays the amount of principal, interest, and cost on said note and mortgage. THOMAS B. DONNELLY, PlJTs Att'y. GEORGIA, Dooly Cockty. Aoccaher Term of the Superior Court tf said County, 1845. In compliance with the' foregoing Petition, it L ordered that the said Jacob Watson ao, on or before the first day of the next term of this, court, pay into whatever, as the amount of money collected by me 1 *a<d court tie principal and interest due upon the has not exceeded twenty-five dollars. mortgage mentioned in said petition, or his equity sat rml.iiuntiAn 4ai.m1.imm mLI * 11■ at La I beg leave, in addition to the foregoing facts, to! 01 touching said property, will then be T h ‘V’l°E7 ** KS&f’S&Itimt service hereof be shew how far I have invaded the interests of the I perfected accord inc to law. IVhlJM nf finnlk »- ..ikn - I * -» a _ m _*» . _ * November 19,1845, 33 4m. FORT GAMJVES , rin , KtrxrSK.“IWharf and Ware House (OLD STAND.) Whigs of South-Western Georgia, ortho interests of any individual in existence: Albasy, October 27 th, 1845. Tho undersigned feel no hesitancy in saying, that since ------ Albany, he has conducted himself like a courteous, orderly, and industrious citizen. As Editor of the Albany Courier, although some of the politically differ with Mr. K., they can, say, that ho has as tho conductor of a public print, I The subscriber takes this method of returning his made use of every opportunity to advance the pros-1 thanks to the Public, for. the very liberal patronage perity of Albony, and of South-Western Georgia, heretofore received, and rwpcctfully solicits a con- r * „ * ® ” I nnittinen rtf lK« Mm> ITn Q4a«a Pnllnn nt llin generally: ‘“ j 0‘ uio yrqinS Large and commodious establishment is undersigned X again open for the reception of COTTON and nevertheless MERCHANDISE. John Tompkins, John Jackson, E. H. Platt, Nicholas Long, R. J. Osgood, John Bilbo, Wm. L. Davis, J. C. Harris, Lowis S. McGwier, Daniel Ham, David Lewis, A. J. Swinncy, * B. Adams. Loft Warren, Robert Ltmday, Geo. W. Collier, Thomas Walker, W. H. Campbell, John K. Stimson, R. K. Hunt, Richard H. Clarke, H. B. Gunnison, H. G. Nichols, Asa Sinquefiold, A. P. Greer, John G. Sloppy, F. M. Thompson, .iilblOrt ji Strayed, ■ If’HTlffgf’ * F ROM thejjantaticn of the subscriber, ELEV EN SHE] EP, one black otic aaioHg thorn, mar ked with a crop and two split-, In 8m right, and an un- derbit in tlic left ear. Reasonable roinpeni-atiaii wtfiP be paid for in formation relative £o raid cstrays. TT Nor. 12,1845. 31 3t] .E. IL PLATT; BORA & McGTPIERq ‘ D EALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boo:.- Shocii, Hats, Clothing &e. Albany, April, 16th, 1845. .1,. •• ; . Crockery. J UST received by HUNT &. PYNCHON, cheap? and fine Crockery, white Granite -Ted and Din-" nor Sett*. Oct. 29, 89 3m.." TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. rllAKES this method to inform his friends that he still resides at the above place, and will give his attention to persons afflicted with chronic and _ ised incurable forms of disease. From his suc cess heretofore in the management of snchcascs, •croons afflicted will Cral it to their interest to give dm a trial, for if be does not permanently cure, he ay at least mitigate their sufferings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Bron- chetie, Cough, Erysipelatous alfections, Scroffula, I-eprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhea Gleet, Tic Dou loureux, Hysteria, Palsey, Epilepsy, Chorea, Dropsy, Amenorbca, Prolapsus Uteri, Sic. Ac., Piles, Hernia, Chlculi of the Bltdder, Ulcers, Hydrocele, Ac., would do well to consult him. Dr. N. will remove all cases of Syphalitic taint from the system, and warrant them, no cure no pay. Persons living at a distance, who are afflicted, would do well to call in person, if not convenient, by communicating, poet paid, with Dr. Nichols, giving symptoms, Sic., and enclosing the fee, $10, can re ceive directions for the management of their a Albany, Geo.,, April 23, 1845. 3 ly Just Rccixed, nfk Sock* Rio and Laguirix Cottce, JhU 400 Sacks Salt, 40 Bbb Old Rectified Whiskey, 5 do. American Brandy, 6 do. N. E. Bum 1 Pipo Superior Otard Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla Si Hemp Rope, . Tsccther with a large assortment mlndiaand Ken. tacky Bagging, English and Sweedes Iron, Traco Chums, Weeding Hoes, Axes and llollow Ware. ' Boots and Shoes. T HE subscribers lmvc on hand, which they ofibr at very low prices, a large stock of Negro Shoes, (some very superior) Kip da, Ladies fine Walking do.. Kid Slops, Gaiters, Women’s Leather Shoes, Gent’s fine Calf pegged aud sewed Shoes, fine Calf pegged and sewed Boots, Water-proof do., ., Sic. HUNT A PYNCHON. Sic., Albany, Oct. 29, 29 3m. F. ■ ■ >8jf WE will make liberal CASIIAV- Y.iXCES on Cotto:. Stored'in in:' SmamL Ware-House in Allusr, t ... . 8IM8 ^ ’CHEEVEB -. Albany, Oct. 99,1845, 3ft I tC V ' TTS5 *7o -tl — .1 i ■ iret gA.f-ftfc-ai fa Jaii Jflarsc Persons desiring to purchase will do wait to giM m« a call. \X- E. 8MTTH. Albany,april 16, 1845.. - I tf - Just Received B Y the subscribers, pieces fine black and ced'd Brood Cloths, American anti French Cassimers,' black Silk and Satin Vestings, rich Wool do., com mon do., Kentucky Jeans, a great variety of cheap Pant Stufis for common wear, all of which they oiler on good terms. HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct 29,1845, 29 3m. tinuancc of the same. Ho will Store Cotton at the low price of Twenty-Sre Cents per bale, for the sea- I son, and will give his personal attention to the I Whcighing aud Shipping or Sale of cotton Stored I with nim, without any extra charge. XT He is prepared to make Liberal Advances, I either in Merchandize or Cotton. - . ■ Bagging, Rope and Salt, I constantly on hand, and for sale low. Should any planters storing cotton with me, wish to avail themselves of the Bay Market, I have made I arrangements with some sf the First Class Steam Boats, to take them with their cotton (where they | make from thirty to fifty bales or more,) free of charge. In fact, I am always at home, ready and waiting to render my services to all who may need them, either personally or by order. CHARLES F. BEMIS. Fort Gaines, Nov. 5,1845, 30 tf. Tailoring Establishment, NEAR T1IE CORNER OF BROAD AND WASH* INGTON STREETS, In the rear tf Mr. Join JecksorCs Steer- davidTewis, ; R espectfully informs the citizens of ai- ■ bony and the inhabitants of Baker and tbo those of the adjacent r«Rnties,that he will sbertlv make such a choice addition to Ms present assort ment of 'B&QQ'Hd aos> aaasasaaoa&i t'uat he will bo enabled to fill and execute any orders, tlmt may be entrusted to his care. D. L. canid* boast of having made the Gland Tour cither orEurope, or even ol our own Unhwnat Yankec-doodtodom—but he can say, without flatter ing hiun-clf, that b« is a MASTER. WORKMAN. , —aud'tliat although he has not graduated from euelr splendid shops as Beau Brummel es Cweir ll'Ckux' loved to isttronizr, yet he pledges that.alt wbe auy honor him with their custom shall receive a regular built Mouthers Fit, in either TIGHTS, ANTI~ TIOHTS, or MEDliM-ITES. He wiU also warrant all work that goes from bit shop as being faithfully executed, sud made up in workmanlike style; uid as he is in the receipt of the earliest fash ions, D. L. will lie enabled to tickle the taste of the most fanciful fastidious—Xuf eed—except,that be returns his most gratefbl thanks to a generous com-, inanity for. the very liberal encouragement he has al? ready received, and respectfully, solicits a contin uance of its iaver. Albany, Sept 10,1845, 23 t£ H UNT A PYNCHON have just received Car penter’s Tools, full setts Smith’s, Tools com plete, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving do., a large assortment of Pen and Pocket do., stock and rifllCncks, Butts and Screws, cut Tacks, Cotton and Wool Cards, Iron A Nails, together with a full assortment of Hard Ware generally. Albany, Oct. 29, 29, 3m. The unceasing efforts which have been made to force me into a false position since ike result tf the late election, have made it indispensably necessary that the little history of my connexion with the Courier Office should be known in detail, for the purpose of enabling the public to judge understand- ingly, and pronounce their verdict accordingly.— After having forborne, u until forbearance ceased to I - IS. Wattzfclder, Sk Co., be a virtue,” tho first law of Nature demands the A RE now receiving a large out well selected as- alteraative 1 bavo adopted. I hero then rest my A aortment of case for the present, and shall not again obtrude ISIS'S’ ©'©©©So nnnn flu. niihll, hv a fnrtllPP notice nf ttl— I n .. —r .. V. _■ . .• » . SOUTHERN STORE rrNORTIIERN PRICES.^ *v it it mail about an hour or a half before sun? sbameful violation of my personal righto. myself upon the public by a farther notice of the ^ pfosTHERX Masiets, consisting in part of pubhehere, until I receive ample redreas from the | ^ ^ ^ qaalit ics ~ Laces ; CuYLsar laws of tho State, which have been outraged by a -% never worked at nights, except on one occuinns, and then it was at toy urgent request, 'die purpose of presenting our readers with Ex- * «important news. My day work consisted in critical review of our exchanges, in the pro -■‘dmief Editorial articles, and in tin outdoors ■'■*« of the Office—and during the entire time I ax engaged, I laboured, as I now do, under Wily affliction. JOHN E. KEAN, Editor Albany Courier. Albany, November 19,1845, 33 1L Cautionary Notice. rpHE remainder ot the lease of the Courier Office | 1 Ip* Panrrs, latest style, all qualities; CasHMEBEOES: .etts Broadcloths ; Auaccas Domestics ; Sattisetts; FascyCoed; Misses Cloaks; Mosue de Lases ; Casbmebedecoose ; ■ Martsoes. difibrent Qualities! Also, a wdl ^fertcd assortment of WINTER Cbcsaes; Mcsuxs; Hosiery; Ta nyTnt^t to ft ex^ ’ ^ | ®ti*s usrmlly criW for in . 3^ .• for the purpooe of informing the public Good Store. A large and welt selected assortment at month—the lease ends the 7th March, ensuing, at I SHAWL8 t at all prices, Boots, Shoes, Hata, Caps, „ which time mj Id will recollect, and that too viridly, that tho ment is made 'J political canvass was close, fierce and fiery, narctau^ I “KADY MADE ei omne, con.Ut.»x at fading the most studious attention and the most w ”L^imtKSSfe srifl COATS, texts. PANTS, Ac. All of irtalch vigilanco of toe Journalist, who -dotted -m to. mUJa. CUtoAP - nare ot the rival parties. How for and how c f sale of tbo leaso above mentamed was not publish- * rcfcaslng wiU -l «>At attention and that vigilance were dis- ed j n citheir ol the public Gazettes of Albany, u* »I F by me, the files of the Albany Courier will ***• Suffice it to say, that the battle waa Sought « won after a severe' struggle, which was gmllant- JiostaitK-d by both Whigs and Democrats. It is to be regretted however, tint false bounds v-ooM lave come in after the death, and bayed and '™J ed » furiously over the dead Lion—or, that ‘*™* u ffi 0 f 0 ur time, should have exalted over the ^hnt tvmiins of llarvy Hotspur, as in the following from the inimitable ShalTspcare, such things ^ iosleej ouch to be lamented in this age at politi- Fufatriatism and modem chivalry: JW^-There is Percy: IThroict'iig the body V™;1''your Cither will do me any honor, so; if not, ; l *uu kin the next Percy himself. I look to be ^K^ting the abov^I^ve't^^oodI ^^wJLcment of ti-lre-owm ported Mr. W. being desirous of permanently locating " ' for thepinpaseof transacting a ‘hia " that at the Post Office. November 19,1845, JOHN E. KEAN, 33 It. Having paid eas enabled to sdl at a small profit for CASH. He respectfully solicits a reasonable portion of public at the k., „— — — Percy Lari or Duke, 1 can assure yoa. "('aistaff.—Didst thou? Lord, how this world is P® to lying!—I grant you, I wa& down, and out rj'rtth, and so was be? but we rose both at an and fought a long hour by Shrewsbury’s ^•WM 1 revrard°vaSm^brar tile 6in tfpon their it,I hlmeata pieeo of my Strayed or Stolen, i- £?sr NEW GOODS! tor’s Sale. in the third! * FALL AND WINTER GOODS, the market which, with his present stock, be now of fers at such prices as cannot foil to please his cus tomers, amonj which are -.afterthe close of tho Bagging Hope Sr Twine, BEFORE tho Court House door, In the town of a^and shoes of W Amcricus, between the rural hours of sale, nl f (ur _ Doourtie _ on the find Tuetday m Fcbruary next, will be I Fancy Dry Goods) Also an offered to the highrat Udder, a negro boy by tj® fet of Hardware, Iron and Nails,^Crockery and Glass name of Morris, abont twelve vests ware; with a full supply of GROCERIES, sueh „ of making a said t^iatc. To % 1 W sent in, were ooritted—and again' fafthe tor tide at firif tffet. a divirion among the distributees of 'onus Cash. LITTLETON P. DORMAN, Mm’rde boms pan. November 1ft. 1846. 38 uU- Albany. Oct 29, 39 3m. WM. E. SMITIL p- BILLS OF LADING neatly printed cral sperm Candles, Starch, ~ ' * Oct. 29j 29 3sz. WARE BOUSE. THE subscribers have the past Sum mer built a new WARE HOUSE, for the Storage of Cotton, and solicit share of the patronage ol tho Planters generally. CT Liberal advances made on cotton in Store. HUNT dt PYNCHON. Oct 29, 1845, 29 8m. Yew Fire-proof Ware House MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned, having erected a Firc-pronj Ware-house, situated at tlic head of Cotton Av enue, tenders his services to bis friends and the pub lic generally, for the storage of COTTON and MER CHANDISE, and the transaction of -' Commission Business, all its branches, pledging himself to use every ex ertion to promote the interests of, render satisfection to, those who may confide business to his charge. The Storage and sale of Cotton will be under the direction of Mr. JOHN JONES, who has loop been known in the the Varc-house business, and wiH give 1 articular attention to the sale of cotton, and tho ngof orders for goods. liberal advances will be made on cotton in store, or to be shipped. Bagging, Rope, S Twine, together with any other articles will be furnished customers at the lowest market priie. N. B. Storage and commission at euatemary rati JERRY COWLES. Macon, June 35,1845. 11 wGm 50,000 CIGARS. ffMlE subscriber, having opened a Cigar Manu factory in Tfaomasviile, Georgia, is prepared furnish his customers and tho public with toy quantity of Principe Cigars, • the most liberal terms. His cigars arc made bv iperior workmen, and of. the best quality ef Mi-, ORTED TOBACCO, and for beauty ef exteri- und excellency of flavor, will challenge a com par ti with the finest imported Principe. He 1ms also on liand 10,000 Cuba, Brown, and hall Spanish, All of which are put. up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting the place are invited to call and exam ine for themselves. All orders by mail promptly attended to. II. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. Thomaaville, May, 18tb, 1846. 10 ly Jtbtice. • fPHOMAS H. KEY respectfully announce* to his friends that ho is a candidate for the Clerk ships of tho Superior and Inferior Courts of thc Corn- - ty of Dooly, at the ensuing election on the first Mon day in January next. Jane 25. II SADDEER V. T HE . subscribers have now a very extensive as sortment of SADDLES, embracing every shape and quality, acme very fine, Side do. of snpen- quality, Waggon ikx, Bridles, Marti ’ riage and waggon Whips, salky and bw ses, Ilamee and Coibirt, Blind Bridles, Ac. HUNT ft PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29, .39 ta. Dress Goods and Trimmings. J UST received by HUNT ft PYNCHON, a large assortment of English, French and American PRINTS, entirely new styles. Ginghams, Mudin ’ Lanes, Cashmere, (ntw styles) phun and fi paccas, ccllored do., fatsck and col’d Silks, Neck Ties, Mitts, col’d and black Ginfles, do. Cords and TasaUs, new style Gimp Cord, &c n ftc. Albany, Oct. 89,1845, 39 3m. E.WDS FOR S.1EE. fpHE foUowing named tracts of LAND will be X sold on reasonable terms, arid good Titles given: No. 328, 3d district of Baker County, “ 198, 15th “ Leo “ “ 248, 15th “ ' * “ “ 71, 32d “ Randolph county, • 254, 15th “ Decatur “ “ 318, 15th “ “ “ « 370, 15th “ Early “ . •• 526, 5th “ « 361, 27th - “. , 93, 9th “ For farther particulara^l^ Oct. 29, *9ttJ KOI _ IL CLARK, Albany, Ga. Jl'ST RECEIVED! : A FRESH supply Of articles in pur line, rente el which have never before .been offered hr this market: Among them may be found, Mrs. Betts* Utero Abdominal Supporters, for superior to the-ase of the Pessary. Also, Foxe's Tooth Keys, 19 aad-8. os. Syringes, Hull’s patent doable and smile Tros- ses, Sand’s and Currie's.6assapariUa,SuIpb. Qui nine, Jodide of Potass, Iodine, Mask, Carmine red Ink, Kreosote, Oil Lemon, do. Cloves, Tamarinds, (fresh) Verbena Cream and Hair Brushes. —ALSO— a variety of school and other book*, tf*: Bancroft « History of the United States, Combs on the Consti tution of man, Comulete practical Farmer, Gunn's Domestic Medicine,' Jacob’s Gr. Reader, GcnldV Adam’s Latin Grammar, Folsom’s Livy, Testaments, Horace, (translated) Emerson’s Arithmetics, SmfthV do., ML Vernon Readers, N- Y, do., Walker’s Die- ?_ ihs-l-u«- m - „ w ' ■ - — iiomncit, aiiicneii m mveiiniyiiiini c Texas, Count D’Orsay’a Etiquette, Ccq stock’s Philosophy, Sautbetn First Murray’s Exercises, Spelling Books, Southern Har mony, English Grammar, large Quarto Famil;. Bibles and small do. . . \ Also, Fools Csp and Letter paper, Blarit Cards,Inkstand,. Letter Stamps, Ink Powder. Pocket Books, Stee Pern,Quills, frincy colored Sealing Wax, tic., ft.-, for sale low by WELCH ft NELSON. Albany, Sept 10,1846, 33 tC To Gentlemen of Fashion. ; T HE ndersi^ . . the Citizens of Albany rounding ceonl ‘ ent for cutting 1 JBSSSIgSff ‘ sell and work according to The latest style of id Ready-made cl J OB WORK of all kinds executed atthizOEw with neatness and fttnfMK >7 April 16, W«.