The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 26, 1845, Image 4

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SHERIFF'S SALES AND CLERKS NOTICES. Baker Sheriff’s Sales, FOR DECEMBER. •MTlLLbosold before the Court House door *t fV Newton, Baker county, on the.first Tetwtoy in December next, the following proj*rty,to wit. One h»lf interest in one city tot, in the city ot TCtot a?bmi No!l75!n the 8d district ofBaker county, levied onaa thej-oiwrty Ro- Georgia, Baker County. \A7TIEREAS, William G. Howard applies to me V* tor I letters of Administration on the estate of Samuel J. Howard, late of said county, deceased:. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at t mideneeof Thomas Howard, deceased, hastSst^sszJs^ as the property of Maiachiah Roby- Atoothelrtof land whCTeoo Robert Hardie now lives, levied on as Ids property. Levies ori to satisfy all fafrom Baker >M»1. Roby and Franklin O. Welch, Tnistees of the Haris Academy. Property painted oat by plaintiff’s Attorney. ' Oct. 30th. 1845. Ono lot of Uod in the first district of Baker coontj, No. not known, but known as the residence of Mr. Robert Hamilton, adjoining lands of Spearfit Griffin; levied oa as the property of Phillip p - Cta y t ®"i®' satisfy sundry fi (as man the Superior Court or Ba ker county: John Jackson and other* vs Phillip P. Glayton. Property pointed out by N. Nut Also, the undivided half interest in three lots of land in the ad district of Baker county, nnmbera not known, but known as tbe oM John S.W ptoce; levied on as the property of Benjamin jl. Griffin, to satisfy one fi to from the Superior Court of said county: Samuel S. Bailey v* Bcnj. M. Griffin.— Property pointed out bydetatont. Also, one city tot in the city of Albany, on Broad street, No. not known, but tarawn aa the Carrington lot; levied on as the property of Felix G. Curing- ton, to satisfy one fi to from Baker Superior Court: Wm. McLendon va Felix G. Carrington. Property to be and appear at my omce wiuun tno. tune pre scribed by tow, tlicn and there to slicw cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, this, 35th day of Oc- tober. 1845. SETH C. STEVENS, c. c. a Oct. 39.1845. 31 30d. Fodder, — , Waggon and one Yoke of Oxen, and other articles too tedious to mention. The sale will continue fromday today till all is sold. Terms on the day of .jafisgtri*#*. November 5, 30 tds. sale. fwrnrcia. Karin County, MTHERBAS, John McCorquodale, Administrator * V of the estate or Halbert Gregory, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission. . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to drew cause, if any exists, why said tottera should not be granted. day of August, 1845. «piW my hand, .fins 5th JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. August 30,1845, 30 6m. AdmiButrator’a Sale. a GREEABLE to an order of the Hooorable the A inferior Court of Lee county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday fa January nmrtthe following valuable tomb, via: Lot No. fourteen, (14) and fifteen, (15) in the 15th district, and one half of lot No. one hundred and ninety-three, (193) imtho 14th district of Lee coun ty. Sold us the property of James Jackson, late of nid county, deceased. [The above lands are very valuable, and persons wishing to purchase a good settlement would do well to attehd the sale.] Terms pointed out by pliintiff. , .... Also, one lot of land, No. 347, in the 10th district Georgia, Early County. IXTHEREAS, John McCorquodale, Administrator “ of the estate of James 8. Friereoo, tote of smd county, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dis- mission. These are thereto© to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any exists, why nid letters should not be granted. Given under my band, this 5th day oi August, 1845, JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. August 30, 1845, 19 6m. Georgia, Early County. •*mniEREA8 Peter Lee, Administrator of the i V » tato of Jesse Tull, deceased, applies to i of Baker county; levied on as the property of Enoch Byne, to satisfy ooe fi to from llurke Inferior Court: for letters ol dismission from the further administra tion of said estate: , These are therefore, to cite, snmmon and admonish Isaiah Cuter rs Enoch Byne, principal, and Elijah rty pointed out by R K to J Byne, security. Property B Hines. Also, the undivided half interest in one house and lot in the city of Albany, No. not known, but known as the house and tot formerly owned by Meals to Casey,‘on Brood street, and one negro woman colled Lucinda, about thirty-five yours old; levied on as the property of Abner 8. Greenwood, to satisf^sun- diy fi (as (rum Baker Superior Court: John and others vs A. S. Greenwood, the same being Properly pointed encumbered under a mortgage, out by D. A. Vasari. Also, one negro woman, called Mary; levied on as the property of William Segur, to satisfy one fi to from Henry Inferior Court: John II. low vs Rich’d M. Fletcher, principal, and William Segur, security, property pointed out and kept in the possession of ^ Also one tot of land known as the residence of Robert Hardie, to satisfy one fi to from Baker supe rior court. Richard Kidd vs. Robert Hardie: proper- yjointed out by plaintiff’s Attorney. i one lot of land, no. not known, situated in the firstdist. ofBaker county,adjoining thoBlue-spring lot, owned by Col John To hand, this 5th day of June 1845. Jane 35 iv or June lo4o, JAMES G. COLLIER, - 11 m6m Georgia, Early County. fXTHKREAS Robert W. Sheffield, Administrator V V uf the estate of Jesse Brown, deceased applies for letters of Dismission b * These are therefore to cite summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to shew cause (if any exist) why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 36th day of June, 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c., c. o. July 3 13 6m . r ompkins,and known as the residence of the tote John Sikes, dec’ll; levied on as his property, to satisfy one fi fa from Baker snpc rior court, Bishop Clements, Executor dc;, vs Mary Ann Sikes, Executrix of the last will and testament of John R. Sikes, dec’d: property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. Also one city lot in the city of Albany, No. not known, but known as the Office of H. G. Nichols; levied on as the property of H. G. Nichols, to satisfy one Justice court fi fa, Woolbright to Stimpson vs II. G. Nichols, John Jackson and J. F. Merrill: pro perty pointed out by John Jackson. Levy made and Georgia, Early County. \JAT HERE AS Ethcldred Hays, Administrator of »v tlie estate of Robert A. Gaulding deceased, ap plies to me for letters of Dismission. These are therefore, to cite, summon and admon ish all and sihgnhr, fife kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 9th day of July 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, C. C. O. July S3 15 m6m Georgia, Early County. \*THEREAS, Silas Wilson applies for Letters of » » Administration on tho estate of Henry. Gee, tote of Muscogee county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ngular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, returned to me by a Constable. GEl day of lORGE W. COLLIER, Sheriff. At the tame, time and place, Will be told. Ono negro woman, by the name of Dinah; levied of John ” on as the property of John Montgomery, to satisfy i from Baker ~ ~ r Superior Court: one in tovnr 'o. vs John Mont other in favor of Simpson to Wake! of E. Simpson to Co. vs John Montgomery—one tkeneld vs John Montgomery. Property pointed out by plaintiff. GUNNISON, D.Sh’ff. II. B. GUNN Oct. 39,1845, 29 tds. Early Sheri IPs Sales, FOR DECEMBER. -^ylLL be sold on the first Tuesday in December text before the Court House door in Blakely, Early county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lots of land, No’s 113, 113,140,141,143,153, 154 and 151, all in the 4th district of Early connty, and 30 bead of stork cattle, more or less; 70 head of stock hogs, more or less; 45 head of sheep, more nr lose; 3500 bushels of corn, more or less; 10,000 11a. fodder, more or less; 60 bags of cotton, more or less; 80001b*. cotton in the patch, more or less, and two 40 saw cotton gins—all levied on as the pro perty of William A. Tcnnill, to satisfy a fi to issued from Washington Superior Court: the Georgia Rail Road to Banking Company vs Wm. A. Tcnnill, F. T. Tcnnill and Nathaniel F. Harris. Also, a lot in the town of Fort Gaines, No. not known, lying opposite' Wilson’s old Tavern, now occupied by J. D. Slayton, having thereon a two story building with other improvements; as the property of Silas Wilson, to satisfy a fi to issued from Early Superior Court: George G. Miller vs. Joseph P. Hardee and Silas Wilson. Property pointed ont bv Silas Wilson. . Also, one black bone and one sorrel pare, and fifty bushels of eon, more or less; as the property to issued of Benjamin Hawkins, to satisfy one fi from Early Superior Court: Thomas Muse to Co. va Benjamin Hawkins. Property pointed out I plaintiff. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sheriff Oct. 39,1845, 39 Ids. Early Mortgage Sale, FOR DECEMBER. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door in Blakel; Early county, within the legal hoars of mle, the towing property, to wit ft Reuben, * negro man 65 years old, Celia; 55 years ‘ ■' ‘ ‘1; Jack,38; Oscar,26; Ellen, dd; Mary; 88; Ben, 36; . . 34; Dick, 6; Oliver, 3; Reuben, 34; Martha, 20; Edmond. 4; Rachael, 18; Charlott, 16; Phillip, 40; Dow, 33; Henry, 20; Lucius, 15; Jane, 10; Bui, 7; Booker, 28; Maria, 22; Anderson, 3; Howell, 6 months; Phil, 35 years; Bob, 30; Fanny, 65; Hetty, 88; Gilbert, 30; Maria, 30; Gilbert, (Uttie) 12: Isa ac, 10; Fanny, 8; Jordan, 7; lahmaeiO; Hannah, 3; ham, 1; Essex, 28; Harriett, 34; Betsey, 4; Caw, 2; Frank, 1; Seaborn, 23; Peter, 50; Jnda, 40; Tom, 24; Caroline, 19; Polly, 17; Jackson, 13; Harry, 10, Antionett, 8; Aim, 6; Jnda, 9, and their increase • April, II iw cause, if any.exists, why said lettera should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 30th Octo' :tobcr, 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. November 5, 30 30d JjlOUlt months after date, application will bejnado the Honorable the Interior Court of Baker count v, when sitting for onlinaiy purposes, for leave to sell tlic lot No. 238, originally Leo, now Stewart county, lying in the 18th district of said connty. Tiie property of Albert G. Godwin, tote of said coun ty dcc’d. REDDIN FA1RCLOTH, Adm’r. Oct. 8,1846, 36 4m. STORE.u Fresh Goods Cheaper Than Ever. of sale node known cn tl^da^ Adm’r* . J. W. ■ SUSAN JACKSON, Oct. 33,1846, 28 tds. . . . £3* The Savannah Georgian will please insert the above (weekly) until the day of sale, and forward their account to the administrators at Sumlerville, Lee county, for payment. Administrator’s Sale. -^ylLL be sold at the late residence of Daniel Sasser, of Early county, dec’d, on Saturday the 6th day . of December, next, all tho perishable property belonging to the estate of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Corn, Fodder, Cotton, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c., toe. WILLIAM McMILLAN, Adm’r. Oct. 23,1845, 28 tds. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door, in the town of Thomasville. Thomas county, Ga., by an order of inferior court whep sitting for ordinary purposes, following property, to wit: One lot of land, No. one hundred and thirty-seven, (137) in the 18th district of Thomas county, (originally Early.) Sold as the property of Simeon Sellars, tote of Thomas county, deceased. PRIOR LEWIS, Adm’r. Thomasville, Oct. 15,1845, 37 Ufa. &. &w 9 TTAS Received, and is now opening ia the store one doOr East of that occupied by him !*« , large stock of jj-STAPLE'AND FANCY DRY GOODS, «£t Ready made Clothing, Boots, Shoe*, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Cnilery, Jewelry, «c., Among his Dry Goods arc the latest and most Fashionable styles of Cotton Worsted, and Silk Dress Goods, At. * or J Ladies and Gents Cotton Worsted and Silk Hosiery and Glorcs. Straw, Silk, Gimp and Velvet Bonnets und Trimmings, * Broadcloths, Cassimers and Vestings, Sattijicts, Negro Woolens, Blankets and Flannels, Gents' and Youths Far, Cloth, Oil-silk and Velvet Caps, &c Among Ms Heady Made Clothing are • Supctfine Dress Coats of tho Latest Style, Over Coats, Business and Hunting Coals, . Pantaloons, a variety of styles, Black and Fancy Saitin, Marseilles and Valentine Vests, Linnen and Cotton Shirts, Drawers and Under Shirts, ^ An'assortment of Gents’ Scarfs, Cravats, Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, &c Gents’ superior Calfskin Bools, extra heavy do., ^ ' Men’s and Boy’s Kip and Russelt Brogans. Among his Cutlery may be found a variety of Pen, Pocket and Hunting l Tabic Knives and Forks, toe. 8 1 Among his Jewelry, are a few Gold "Watches, Chains, Keys, 4'c. IT The subscriber returns bis thunks for the liberal patronage extended to him last season, those wishing to purchase any articles usually found in Country Stores, to call and examine if desirable Goode and LOW PRICES will give satisfaction, they will go away pleased. Don’t mistake tho door, bat call under the Sign of the “A’EIV YORK CASH DR Y GOODSMi Albany, November 13,1845, 3| tf. T 1 Thru A< be in Fifty not i Administrator’s Sale. be sold on Saturday, the 29th day of No- "* vember next, at the late residence of John R. Parramore, tote of Early county deceased, all Of the unsold perishable property belonging to the estate of said dec’d—consisting of Hogs, Cattle, Corn, Fod der, Potatoes, Peas, &c., toe. JAMES G. COLLIER, Adm’r. Oct. 1,1845, 25 tds. Administrator’s Sale. V17IL1. be soldon the first Tuesday in December * * nex Tuesday u next, before the Court House door in Blakely, Early county, in the usual hours of sale, agreeable to on order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Early comity, sitting for Ordinary, purposes, lot of land, No. 91, in the 28th district of raid county, (reserving the Widows Dower) slid the following negroes, to wit: Peter, a man, about 35 years old; Charles, a boy, about 16; Virgil, a boy, about IS; Richmond, a boy about 9; Ellen, a gift, about 7; Rose, a wo man, about 30, and her three children: Delia, Denny sad Diannah. Sold as the property of John R. Parramore, dec’d, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased. JAMES-G. COLLIER, Adm’r. Oct. 1,1815, 25, tds Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Lie county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, lot of land No. forty-nine, (49) in Irwin county. Sold as the property of James Jackson, dcc’d. J. W. BRYAN, J . . , SUSAN JACKSON, i Adm ™ Sept 17, ’45,~ 23 tds. Tj'OUK months alter date, application will be made x to the Honorable Inferior Court of Early county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of J. C. Kirkland deceased. JOSEPH COLLIER, Adm’r. July.30,1845, 1G, 4m. fjKlUR months after date, application will be unde to the Honorable the Inferior 1 Court of Early conntjr, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lind and Negroes belonging to the estate of James Ward, late of raid county deceased. A. P. COWART, July 30,1845, JOSIAH VINSON, | Adm ‘ l 16 4m. 4 Ui perrons concerned, arc desired to take notice, that the following lot of land, via: one hundred and one, (101) in the second district of originally Early, now Baker county, has been returned to me as a defaulting lot for its Taxes for the years 1841, ’43, ’43, '44, and '45, therefore the owner will come forward and show cause why raid Taxes should not be paid; and in defonlt I shall proceed to tax and double tax said lot in terms of the tow, and sell the same within the time prescribed by tow. CHARLES W. ROBY,niton Oct. 15,1845, 37 90d. A LL persons concerned, art) desired to take notice, "■ that the following lot of land, via: two hundred and eighty-eight, (388) in the third district of Baker county, Ins been returned to me as a defaulting lot for its Taxes for the years 1841, ’42, ’43, ’44, and ’45, therefore the owner will come forward and show cause why nid Taxes should not be paid; and in default I shall proceed to tax and double tax said lot in term* of the tow, and sell the same within the time prescribed by tow. . CHARLES W. ROBY,ststore. Oct 16, 1845, 37 90d. A LL persons concerned, are desired to take notice, that (Im UlMrim* U Und . r that the following lot of land, viz: forty-eight; county, las (48) in the eleventh district ofBaker been returned to me as a defaulting lot for its'Taxes for the yean 1841, ’43, ’43, ’44, and ’45, therefore **• OJ"" S*" *"*»"• show easse why raid Trass, shouldnot be paid; and in defoult I shall proceed to tax and double tax raid lot in terns of the law, and sell the same within the time prescribed b* tow. CHARLES W. ROBY,xtb&tc. Oct. 15,1841V 37 90d. since the 33d day of of April, 184t.' All levied on ^ i the property of William A. Tennille to satisfy ~ ” i issued from Esrfy Superior Inn vs William A. Tennille; a William A. Tennille. Pro perty pointed out in said fi fes. ^ JOSEPH COLLIER, Sheriff 35 tds. Oct. 1,1845, to the estate of Samuel j of BakeT county, deceased, are re- pcsted to make payment, and those holding demands ■gainst said estate am hereby notified to render »em in, in terms of the law. SETH C. STEVENS, Adm’r. Newton. Oct. 15,1845,' 27 6*r. Administrator’s Sale. r f pursuance of an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lowndes county, while sitting “ » Court of Ordinary, will Jie acid, on the fim Tuesday in January nert, before the Court House door in the town of TronpviBe, within the usual hours of salo—Lot of land. No. 424, in the 12th dis- triet of orjgnaHy Irwin, now Lowndes county, con taining 480 acres, more or lea; a part * , , . ,l»>t of -which is ■and. With 60 or 70 acre* , lyinj; in the fork of-Oco- good Oak and cleared land, cabbins, piko and Male Creek—being all the reaLcstate of Thomas Carlton, dec'd. Sold for the bene&t of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the dav. 1 ALDERMAN CARLTON,) . . , . JOHN W. CARLTON, < A * n ra Oct. 23,1845, 28 tds. Administrator’s Sale. lXjnX be.sold, on the second Saturday in Dc- * * cember next, at the late residence of James cember next, Roby, deceased, in Lee connty, all the perishable property belonging' to said deceased: consisting of Cotton, Corn, Fodder, Hogs, Uorsos, Mules, one Road Waggon, one Gin ana Running Gear, Plows, Plow-gear, House-hold and Kitchen Tnrnitnre, and various other articles too tedious to mention.— Terms of the sale Cash—any legdl demands against the above estate will be taken as cash, if presented on the day B. O. KEATON, Adm’r. October 39, g9 tds. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the “ Inferior Court of l Lee county, when sitting ft the Corn CARRIAGE MAKING. Medical Copartnership. VTIHE snpseriber is at length able to announce to ^ MATHS 1 his friends and the imbue generally, that he is T> ESPECTFUILY inform the citixens ef \ well prepared to do all kind* of *1# and Vicinity, that t well prepared CARRIAGE WORK, having on hand a first rate stock of SEASONED TIMBER, together with a complete assortment of Coach Trimmings. He flatters himself from bis long experience in the | above bssiness, and well known attention to the same, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. ^ *** All work done on liberal terms, and at the shortest notice. NICHOLAS LONG. Albany, Geo. July 9 1845 13 tf and Vicihity, that they have this du themselves in the practice of their prol hope that their union will prove satistoctarr ua mutual friends. 1 “ The nnderslgned will continue to transact a general COMMISSION BUSINESS AT APALACHICOLA, mn>Ea the firs or Howard & Rutherford. They have also determined to establish a COMMISSION HOUSE at New Obleaes, the ensuing season, where one of tho firm will al ways bo found. Their persona) attention will be given to all business with which they may be en trusted. The usual advances will be .made upon goods in store or Cotton consigned to them. THACKER B. HOWARD, ADOLPHUS 8.-RUTHERFORD. Apalachicola, Fto., Oct. 33,1845, 28 tf. . They will give prompt attention to all calk in the city or country. Their office will be continued at the one i: ent, occupied by Dr. W. L. Davis. ’ CT Messages left either at their office a st, or at the residence of Dr. Mathews, Pine and Jackson st’*., will be prwnr*' - Albany, Aug. 37,1845, 20 t? WM. K. de GKAFFENRIED, Attorney at Lawj BLAKELY, Early County, Get Practices ei tiie South-westers i Nov. 6, 30 tf. ALBERT 6. BUTTS, WARE RICHARD F. &, J. LYffl ATTORMES 4. COUNSELLORS AT tin ALBANY, Baker Cci., H AVE recently catered into a PartnenhifeA Practice af Law, and will continue the d tice in the several Courts of the counties of Baker, Matott, Kee, Dooly, Randolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Irwin. AU matters submitted to their care in any of d counties, will meet with prompt attention, r broughtton speedy conclusion, april 30th 1845 3 l£ HOUSE AND COMMISSON MERCHANT, MACON, GEORGIA. Macon, October 1,1845, 25 tf. BUSKS & ©IS SIEVE IB a Factors and General COnniBION MERCHANTS, Apalachicola, Florida. \V*. W. Sims. Wm. W. Chsevxb. April 16, 1845 I tf NOTICE TO PLANTERS. e county, Onfisny purposes, will he sold before House door, in the town of Starkville, Lee county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, a part or all of the land and Ne groes belonging to the estate of James Roby, late of Lee county, deceased. Terms of the sale will be cash in part, if not all; but more particularly mode known on the day of sale. B. O. KEATON, Adm’r. October 29, 29 tds. Bill for Diteotem/ and Injunction. GEORGIA, Baker Connty. Superior Court June Term, 1845. John Timnlint. ^VS. . Andrew Y. Hampton, LudweU Evans and John Singleton, copartners, under the name, style and firm of A, Y. Hampton, to Co., defendant*. . IT appearing to the Court tost Andrew Y. Hamp- JL ton, ono ot said defendants, has been served by the Sheriff of Ianrens county, and no service re turned us to the said Evans and Singleton. It ia therefore ordered by the Court, that said Lndwdl Evans and John Singleton, plead, answer or demur to'the said Bill at'the next Term of this Court, or that said Bill be taken pro confeuo. And it is or dered that this Order be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State, for the sptco of four The shore is a true transcript tan the of raid Court, this, 33d day of Jnly, 1845. SETH C. STEVENS, Minutes Jnly 30,1845, 16 4m. Clerk. A LL pereons indebted to the estate of Albert G. •Is. Godwin; deceased, are requested to mako im mediate payment, and those having demands against the estate to present them in terms of the law. REDDIN FA1RCLOTH, AdmV. Oct 8,1845, 26 Gw. - New Goods! New Goods!! srcrsrc? & ifvsssEK&sy A BE now receiving their simply of DRY DOODS, suited to the'Fall and Winter Trade, embracing an extensive assortment of No- gro Cloths, Blankets and other Plantation Goods, Oct. 29,18 29 tf. BT BILLS OP LADING neatly printed and for rale at tins ofec. ' , THE subscriber would respectfully inform his Old Cnstomera, and the _ Planters generally, that he is now ready to Receive COTTON in STORE, and will be prepared to make Liberal Advances on Cotton for shipment to his friends in Apalachicola, New York and Liverpool. A. a GREENWOOD, sept 34, *45, 34 3m. COMMISSION & FACTORAGE. -•WAP VBBmWB*L THOMAS DOWELL, One of the late firm tf A. Wood tf- Co., Sar., Ga., H AVING gone into the Commision and Factor age business, will attend to the sale of Cotton and other Produce sent to him, and will also attend to the purchase of Family and Plantation supplies. His charges will be as moderate, as any other per son’s doing bossiness in this place. ' References. Messrs. N. B. & II. Weed,’I Mr B (k^. P Hendrickson, } Sarannah, Ga. Mr. Hiram Roberts. j 1 Savannah, Ga, July 30,1846, 16 6jn. JOHN SPENCE, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, J n prepared to execute all orders in his line of base ness, with despatch, and in tht Watches cleaned or repaired will be warranted to keep good time. Gold wrought into Rings or other ornaments, and silver into spoons, will be warranted in workmanshio equal to that of any establishment in Georgia. Terms Crab, and prices to suit the tiroes. Shop situated on Broad irteot, next door above the ‘ Patriot’ building. May 14th 1845. fi tf J OB WORK of all kinds executed at this Office with neatness and despatch. April 16,1845. D. M. SEALS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENON, IT Will practice in Barbocs, Maces, 1 and the adjoining counties. Enon, Ala., Oct 8,1845, 36 ly. E. H. PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Georgia. april 16, 1845. | tf ALEXANDER A. ALLEN, | .1TTORJYEV .IT LAW, Bainbridge, Decatur Connty, 1 Jnly 9,1845 13 y PETER A. STROZMEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Georgia. april 16,1845.1 tf THOMAS PINKNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albaby, Georgia. april 10, 1846. SM11 1 RICHARD H. CE.IRE, ATTORNEY AT LAW,, Albaby, Geoxgia. Will practice in the Countiesof Baker, tur, Dooly, Sumter, Randolph apd B South-Western Circuit, Stewart, of the < chee, and Thomas, of the Southern Circait tr Office under da-Courier” C ~ ~ rot * n tratc ailvc the 1 T in li N be® 8 0 rc for t D. &. J. VASON„ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AfU’] Albaby, GioaciA. april 16,1845. 1 tf JOHN BILBO. ATTORNEY AT LAW-1 ALBANY GA. _ WQl practice in the several Courts of the Westor? Circuit, and Thomas apd Stewart ties, april, 16,184 . 1 tf. J. LAW, JlTTOMtEY AT LAO, Hirinb ridge, Decatur Cotuity, CSX Will attend punctually the Superior Coaitt"! Counties or Early, Bakei and Debitor, of the S western, and ofthe County of Thomas of thee ern Circuit. July 9,1845, Jil imwmm Trouppille, Ga. August 13,1845. ' 18 . tf SAPPINGTO'N’S ^sysEai?isviam A Certain and Effectual Curt for Fever and Ague, F 7« , *#•'