The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 03, 1845, Image 2

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From the MUledgrtille .'tomot. Legislature. 'SENATE. | The Senate also passed Ur. Miller’s bill relative Guardians, Executors, Administrators, and ordering to insolvent debtors. the same to record; and 81 for each verdict, con- The Senate sire pawed Mr. Haler’s bill, amend- fcsalon or judgment, Ac., Ac. __ „ mulct I mil, unii/nu- iksiuu ur juugincni, ow.., Oic. ‘“8 that portion of the penal code for tbe punishment Ur. Smith, of Cass: To create a new county Ic tor senator at any election precinct m tno dii* qJ gainhling, r*n>n ti>a enuntma >,r ««ui \fm . ■«« Aa. vote far Senator at any election precinct frict in which they my reside. from the counties of Cass and Murray, Ac. The Senate rejected the bill to reduce the rate of Mr. Ledbetter: To alter and amend an act to To compel persons owning taxable property ta interest oo money, in this State,lo7 percent On “provide for the indigent deaf and dumb of thi* State. the county of Murray, to pay tax on the same with- of tbj bill tho yeas were til; nays 81. in tbe county of Murray. The President voted against the bill. Nov. 31.—Bill intrvducrd.—Mr. Bell: To allow persons applying for grants to reverted lots to make affidavit oftheir intention to settle tbe same, and to give preference to such applicat ions. HOUSBi OP REPRESENTATIVES, Nov. 87.—The House rejected the bill to compel Sherifb to advertise their sales in tome Gasette within their own Judicial circuit. Bills passed.—Exempting Judges of the Inferior Nov. 30.—The balance of the day was taken up Courts in this State, from road and patrol duty. ~ To prohibit lessors in ejectment being made par- ■ i m i . i stated in our last) in tho consideration of tho 1 ,u ..««. ...... v Bills passed—To provide for the service oforigi- bill relative to itinerant traders, die. Tbe substance tie* plaintiff without their consent ml process on corporations* From Tampico. The Mexican schooner Luna, eight days from Tampico, arrived here yesterday. ' " S3 The Administration of Mr. Polk. Never has an Administration been marked with mote signal and unpretending ability, firmness «4 The Captain of the schooner represents toccn8| of Mr. Polk’, op to the ence of our fleet on the Mexican coast had '«* ft*end». «»> forth spprotatwo from hi. done serious'detriment to lire mercantile most bitter opponents. His practical abjuration<( intereetii or that country, as shippers thither (actions, or party cliques, bis wisdom iutbechcic. from the North could not effect insurances ofacabinct , hi , moderation mid ducriminatioa b thnf lh*» niprrhnnfn lijtvincr Inin tliPM ^ m lint the merchants having laid these facts before their government, and it hav ing, through its Special Agent, Don Luis deArgo, made representation of them to al process on corporations. . i of the bill as panned, is to this effect. It provides To give persons employed by owners of uteamlioats oni'sjii Washington, icd to the withdrawn! To extend the corporate extistence of the Bank of that license shall bo obtained'by citizens of tbe I on Flint River, a lien upon said steamboats, until of the fleet, as a step preliminary to tile lugosta; and to continue in force certain acts of j United States, from the Cleric of the Inferior Court I paid. resumption of pacific negocintions.—Delta. Augusta tho General Assembly in relation thereto. i ol ^ coullliea in wtl i c h t, ie traffic is carried—tlio Resolutions laid on the Tbile.—Mr. Jackson sub- i n | er j or Court to assess tbe amount of tax at their! out that portion of the oath of Members of the Le- nutted the following preamble and resolutions, which discretion, not less thin *50; and tho penalty for i rfslatnre, which requires them to swear that they were ordered to be printed: I trafficking in any county withouta licenso from and ; ' Whereas, the settlement of many important qnes- l for the same, to be tine or imprisonment, or both, at tidna will devolve upon tho session of Congress of 1846 and ’46, among them the adjustment of tbe Tariff and the perfecting of the Annexation of Tex as, stand forth pre-eminent. And whereas it is the the discretion of the Judge. Nov. 21.—A communication was received from the Governor on tbe subject of the State’s debt to Reid, Irving, & Co (informing the General Assembly which reference was made in bis message at the opening of tbe Session, had failed.) Bills introduced.-—Mr. Guilford: To repeal the act of 1839, for compensating jurors in certain coun ties, so tar as it relates to the county of Randolph. Mr. Cunnon ~ right, as well as the duty.of the representatives of tf,,, tbe BcpDtiltion for a to pay this debt, to the people of this State to express tbeir opinions up- - - on these great questions—questions, also, deeply and more peculiarly affecting tho interests of the Southern country: 1st. Be it therefore resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, arid it is hereby resohed by the same, That the Tariff of 1842, approved Au gust 30th, 1842, embraces a system of snjust, une qual and oppressive taxation; and that a modifica tion and reduction of tbe same to a purely Revenue Standard, looking only to Revenue, are demanded by the people of this State as acts of sheer, and ne cessary justice. 2d. Rcsolced, Hint the interest, happiness, and honor of oar country require' that tho annexation of Texas .bo consummated forthwith, by such Con gressional action as may remain to be done for such object. 3d. Resolved, That His Excellency the Govern or of Georgia be, and he is hereby, requested to transmit to each of our Senators anil Representa tives in .Washington a copy of these resolutions, that they may be placed before tho two Houses of Congress at an early period of the session. Mr. Smead presented tlie petition of sundry citi zens of Marion county, for the formation of a new county, from parts of the counties of Marion and Talbot; and that parts of Stewart and Muscogee lie added to the county of Marion. Nov. 23 Mr. Lewis laid on tho tallo n preamble and resolution instructing the Joint Committee on tho Penitentiary to enquire and report on the pro priety of taking incipient steps for the future re moval of the Penitentiary to Atlanta, or seme point higher up on tho Western and Atlantic 'Railroad On motion of Mr. Jackson, the resolutions on Texas and the Tariff, offered by himself, were made tl-.c order ofthc day for Thursday, the 4th of De cember. Bills introduced.—By Mr. Ilardcman : To amend the several acts relative to tho Monroe Railroad and Hanking Company—to change the name of the Com pany—and to authorize them to construct a branch road to Columbus. [Tho new name is to bo “ Ma con and Western Railroad Company”—the Bank ing privileges of the old company to be relinquish ed—and tho branch road to be completed in six ycarj from the passage of the act, or tho right for feited.] By Mr. Ridley: To grant John Douglass and others named, the right to build a railroad from La Grange to West Point Mr. Calhoun: To incorporate the Ladies Educa tion and Benevolent Society of the M. E. Church of Columbtis, and to vest in them certain public lots in said city. Mr. Miller: A bill Li relation to affidavits of ille gality. [The bill provides that when an affidavit of illegality is interposed to stay proceedings on an execution, the property may lie lovied on and sold under other executions—tho levying officer retain ing from tho proceeds an amount sufficient (in the judgment of tlie Court,) for the eventual satisfac tion of the exeention stayed by the affidavit] Mr. Milltr: A hill in relation to proceedings to recover debts not due. [This bill authorizes the creditor to commence action on m debt not due, and to hold lo bail where the debtor is removing from tho State—a remedy cumulative to that now ex ulting of attaching his property.} Mr. Miller: A bill in relation to insolvent debt ors. [This makes certain new provisions relative to the surrender of tbe insolvent debtor’s property, (not of general interest)—asd (which is an impor tant provision) dccl ires that a debtor surrendered by his sccerity shall not ho discharged for want of paymeutof jail fees, without at least ten days pre vious notice to the plaintiffor bis attorney.] Mr. Miller: A bill to amend'the 11th section the 10th Division of tlie Penal Codde, [making ‘three vp' seten vp,' and ‘other games played with cards,' when bet at, punishablo (on conviction) like faro, brag, Ac., with fine not loss than 9-0, nor more than $200. Nove 24.—Mr. Miller introduced a bill to explain tho 10th section of the. act of 1792 to protect tlie es tates of orphans Sic. Tho bill provides that in the payment of the debts of tlie deceased, no debt secu red by mortgage shall he entitled to any priority over aay offier debt of equal degree, except so far as re lates to tho property mortgaged. Mr. Calhoan’s resolution to divide the State oT Georgia into 2 Judicial Districts for the United States Court was adopted. A message was received from the Governor, in reply to a call made on him relative to the debts of tho Penitentiary—also, stating the number of Luna tics in the State. The Senate then took np'the bill “ for the protec tion and preservation of the rights and property of married women”—and the some being upended, was passed—yeas 23, nays 20. Nov. 27.—Mr. Murpbey introduced a bill to re quire the Tax Collectors in tbe several counties to uxsoes and collect all county and other extra taxes ordered by special acta of the Legislature or Inferior Courts. Tbe bill altering the Constitution so as to strike From Texas. ^ The sicntn-hip McKim, Capt. Lewis, have not obtained their election by ’treating’ and I three days from Galveston, arrived al a ’canvassing,’was taken up—and on the passage of l a,e hour last night. We find no news in the bill, the yets were 90, nays 21 Thirteen days inter Iron Europe. our files. The dinner to Gen. Houston, which took ARRIVAL OF , THE URITTANN1A. |fe»,X.' iiiS i lie Slearaer tlnunnn a arrived at Bos- hag eyer come off in ci( „ T , „ il? ‘ 11 8 ltf L,ver P°° 1 Mayor, John M. Allen, presided. The on ihe 4tli inst. . , . American, French and Bremen Consuls The accounts brought by this arrival are wcre p re9 ’ en ,._ The NeWs marches into rather discouraging to the advancement Gen . & rathor savagely, on what it deems of the of cotton. The Rati Road hjf| 8horUcom j Bge0 * y ’bo Xls subjects, par- re r . , ■ . Mania, has at last received its quietus—the,- ,i i„ ae n n.lio 1 r,i ,• f T r, „ nc Y°“ nty from P*** whole bubble having bursted, and broken I " Cl,,nrly mnexatton.-JV. O. Delta. of the counties of Cherokee and Gilmer. „u „r h„i.i„2, on Mr. Jackson: To amend the 3d section of the second article of tlie Constitution of tlie State, (by striking out tiio property qualification for the office of Governor.) Mr. Howard: For the relief of the City of Colum bus, (from a certain execution on the bridge debt.) Mr. Cannon: To amend the act of 1824, relative to the trial of claims for slaves levied on by execu tions from Justices Courts. (Making tho claim case stand lor trial at tlie first session of the Superior or Inferior Court in tho county where the levy is made.) Mr. Rowe To remove and prevent obstructions to the free passage of fish in Flint River; and to appoint commissioners, Ac. Bills passed.—To extern] (till 1st Jan. 1849) the .time for taking out grants to lands heretofore sur veyed on head rights and bounty warrants. Nov. 22.—A bill to compel superintendents of the general elections to deposite in tho office of the Clerk of tlie Superior Court, two lists of voters. To amend the 4th section ofthc act of 1830, rel ative to precinct elections, consolidation of returns, Ac. [Prescribes the hour of four o'clock, P. M. on tlie day after election, as the time at or before which tlie managers shall convene to consolidate tho re turns.] To provide for the introduction in evidence of certain copy executions in cases specified. To amend the act of 1837, to protect the citizens of this State against tlie unwarrantable and too frequent nse of deadly weapons. [In lieu of tlie penalty now prescribed, tbe Court may substitute imprisonment in tlie jail of the county—for the first offence from one to two months—for the second and every subsequent offence, from two to four months. To authorizo tho Inferior Court of Marion county to examine and pass upon, tho insolvent list of the Tax Collector (To which were added by amendment the counties of Macon, Habersham, Crawford, Cass, Paulding, Randolph, Cobb, Ware, Lumpkin, Union, Camden, Coweta, Decatur Warren, Forsyth, McIntosh, Wayne, Putnam, Jefferson, Glynn, Hen ry, Montgomery, Rabun Columbia, Monroo and Baldwin. Bills lost To amend the 5th section of the Judi ciary act of J8II, relative to the jurisdiction of Jus tices’Courts. [Among other amendments, extend ing the jurisdiction to amounts oi $60.] To exempt presidents and professors of colleges, teachers of academics, and all others engaged in the instruction of youth, from militia and jury duty.— Laid on tlie tablo for tho balance of the session, by yeas 61 to nays 43. Nov. 24.—Mr. Howard introduced a bill to a- inend tho act of 1841, imposing a ‘‘special tax on the persons and property of the city of Columbus”—And also, to make provision for tlie poor residing in said city. Bfr. Gauldcn of Stewart, introduced a bill to change tlie time of liolding Stewart Inferior Court, so that it may be held on the foarth Monday in Jan uary and first Monday in July. Mr. Jackson of Walton introduced a bill to pre vent the issue of a ‘capius ad satisfaciendum’ against defendants, until tlie plaintiff swears that he believes tho defendant lias property or money fraudulently concealed, Ac., and that he believes the debt cannot be obtained without a writ of “capius ad satisfacictt- dam. Also, to reduce tho taxes now of force in this State 25 per cent The House passed a bill to enable Executors, Ad ministrators, Ac., to sell in either county they may think pro|icr, where a county line passes through the land of ostalcs. Tlie hill to prevent Attorneys from receiving $2 tax fee, was laid on the table for the balance of tbe session. The bill to prevent Sheriff! from receiving of defendants in execution, more for advertising than they pay the printer, was also rejected. Nov. 24.—Tbe House reconsidered its rejection all of the last holders of stork. The crops in Gieal Brittain are very inferior, and fears are entertained of much suffering. A Rllne of Historical Riches. The library of David B. Warden, form- eraly American Consul at Paris, which The failure of the polalo crop becomes wa8 'bought by the New York Legislature, more and more disasi reus, and in Ireland has reached Albany. The Journal savs especially it will cause a general and dis-1 die collection embraces the full history of tressing misery. It will be 6cen that so the exploits of the only Jesuit missionaries, pressing has the necessity for a remedy, 0 f the first settlement of our Northwestern and n supply of other food beerme, that territories, now States, by the French ad- Cnbinct Councils have been held at which ven\<irert), and, in fact, that of nearly every the proposition of opening the ports of the State and Territory in the Union, from its Kingdom for the admission of Ikeudsiuflfc [discovery.—JV*. 0 K Delta. duty free, has been discussed, and il is very ; probable that it will be carried into ef- TAe Opium Trade.—The New York Sun * eC rl: q . , ' - . ... . sa>«: “Tlie Emperor of China last year Trade, in the manufacturing districts, is offered England an annual tribute of WKlrated. In Liverpool, the Colton »jar- [ j£l,5Ul), 000, on condition that the culture set was qmeL .. American Cottons had 0 f opium should be prohibited in the Brit- not varied essentially in price. In Ainc- uh possessions. He implored the English nean provision there were not important | 0 have compassion upon his people and changes. were wailing the nc- sa Ve them from the demoralizing influences non of rite Government upon the duties. „f the drug. The British authorities re in American wool, however, there were plied in simsinnce—“Our profits on the opi. some buyers and the trade was apparently!,,,,, i ra ,r e amount to .£2,500,000 annually- improving.—Georgia Journal. - I He cannot relinquish il for less than that Latest From Rio. sum.” T c Giuperoi couldn’t afford to There were two arrivals at this port yes- W ,he additional million, aud his subject terday Irom Uio dc Janeiro. The .|,ip| are now reaping the fruits. Uoscoe, UicKcr, and the ship Louisiana, , _ Dew hurst. They bnug dales to the 3,. thi. Important Decision.—The^ice.Chancel- September. The following, abridged from * or ^ J ,as decided in the case of tlie circular ot a mercantile firm, gives all ["• “• ^ ar J r > n § a ,‘"^ “• 1, wntc' * * news, political and commercial current when those vessels left: Kto os Janeiro, Supi. 26ib, 1845. In political matters nothing has iriins-fe_ a “ u 'wp^a jurisdiction over a sovereign piled worthy ot note, TheClia Chambers were State, which it did not ppssess.—Delta. closed on illc 14iti insl. liusiness has remained extremely stag nant; large stocks ot all kinds ol merchan dize on hand, aud much complain- of the scarcity ol money. B is (eatetl that tlie Minister ol Furnace, urged by ihe necessi ties ol i lie government and by the calls of O* Tbe article which appeared in our paper last a small part of the commercial community, week * entltled “Elections by the legislature,’ wilt resort to further issues of paper, liiul | should have been credited to the Georgia Journal, ruinous system of money making, ihua de preciating our cuu-nicy sidi lower and giv ing a corresponding increuse of value to! public document* specie and foreign exchanges. Montevideo advices to the 8ib inst. state the exercise of bis power to dismiss and appoint ok Seen, tbe ability, promptitudo and energy which has characterized hit conduct of our foreign refo lions, al! mark him as a man eminently qualified fc r tbe responsible station to which he has been called. An important crisis is approacbiiig in the history of the world, in which the United States will bea principal actor. To tho President and the Coogress non- in session, is committed the rights and honor of the couatTTi together with tbe question of pesce war, and we fees* 5 conviction amounting to cer tainty, that they could not !?* placed in more faithful hands. Tbe Message of the President it looked far with intense interest, as. that which nil probably foreshadow the action of Congress, and the foreign and domestic policy of the Government Text, annexation will be consummated, the Tariff will b) reduced to the revenue standard, no Bank win h. chartered, nor will any distribution be made of tho public land funds. The settlement of ourdfficnliir, with Mexico, and our controversy with F.ngi 1m >. concerning our right to Oregon, are the qncstinu which threaten our peace, or our righto and hooor. If onr right to the whole of Oregon la clear and an- questionable, then no concession will, or ought to bo made, and wo believe that war will ensne. But” is better to fight for the first inch than the last” Or the other hand, if onr title to any part of tlie terri tory is dodbtful, it will, and ought to be settled by compromise and concession. England has ippropri- a ted more than thirty-three millions of dollars hr her naval service for the current year, and she hu for some mouths past, been making the most active preparations for war. But she eanfiot drive tbe Uni ted States from her rights—she most do justke, peaceably if she will, forcibly if she must Tie course of our Government towards Mexico hu ever been ope ol conciliation and forbearance under repeated injuries ; but there is a point at which for- bea ranee, even towards imbecility, ceases to be a virtue—Mexico too, will be required to do us justice. If war comes, it will be in defence of our rights and onr honor, and every true-hearted American will be found ready to do battle for his country and her in stitutions. The Croat Pacific Rail Road. Mr. A. Whitney hu been for some time employ ed in an endeavor to convince the American people of the practicability of constructing a Railroad from some point in the Atlantic States through Oregon to ‘the shore of thi Pacific Ocean. He estimates AIjBANY PATRIOT, tlie cost of tho read when completed at $65,000,000. He uks that Congress will grant him a-strip of lud on the line of the road amounting to about 92,000,- 000 of acres, with the proceeds of which he propose, to build the road. From personal examinations be reports that a favorable location may be had. The project begins to be received with much favor—cot We are indebted to Mr. Colley, our Senator, for u an individual, but as ngoiernsnenl work. Hon- 8. A. Douglass, member of Congress from tclt was | f° r Stale of Indiana,!icing a motion to make- that Slate a party to the suit, that the making of an order to that effect would WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1845. The Superior Court held at Stark villc, Lee conn- thc capture of Colonia by the Oriental, I ty, adjourned on Friday lut, alter a session of four English aud French forces, and il was said I and a half days. The dimnnition of litigation indi- thai Lucnos Ayres would be blockaded, in ^ toproTtog pecuniary condition of tbe consequence ol a decree of that govern- During our .tay at Court we l-nd the pfea- iiiuiii prohibiting all communication be« ^ m,«« fuij si u«j pin ween its porta aud the Eligilfh aud French * likening to one of the best lecture* on Tern- vessels ot u ar. pc ranee which we have ever heard. It was deliver- lllinois, has written a letter to Mr. Whitney, ia which he objects to entrusting an indVridnal with a work, of this kind, and proposes that Congress should grant the lands to the States and Territories through which the rued would pass, on the express condi tion that the proceeds thereof shall be faithfully ap plied to the construction of the rued, and that tbs United States mails, troops, supplies and munitions of war shall be forever transported over said road free of charge. Upon the subject of this propor tion, the N. O. Delta says: “This, in onr opinion, would be to defeat the project forever. The States would not or could not act. The lands entrusted to them would be sold— the money invested—and upon the first extrtordiia- e- , i , „ . ... ..... ry exigency .would he diverted from tho purpose Hour, nominal, minority oftbeSenate who voted against the biUfor whjch wu (fee « ezprcn condition” of the Duenos Ayres-dates to the 26th August ed by Blr. Dudley, a member of the Bar, from Arner- state that, as the ppiitical question between this government 'aud Ihe English aud French Minister, .qtill remains in a manner! Mr. Chapman, Reporter for the Savannah Repub- undecided, business is at a complete stand. iican,of tho proceedings ofthc State Senate, has No sales are making except for •coney, ^ 1M b of ^ ^ for « tav . which is very scarce and hardly to be had . . ” ' , . ,, , ' . . even at a high fate of interest. While >ngmht. report eftheproceedmg. of this body this stale of things lasts it is useless to give ployed language disrespectful-and insulting to the nny kind of quotations. Flour, nominal, minority oftbeSenate who voted against the biUfor So, on board. | the establishment of a Supreme Court for the Cor- The Unifed Slates frigate IWUan, one of It seem, that hi. explanatory lintish frigate and three brigs of war, and L . . .. e . one Spanish frigate, were Ijfin^at Rio j ettcr *** 001 aatwfeetory. when the Louisiana sailed. Della. The Fanner’ll Library, And Monthly Journal cf Agriculture. ■' From Havana. By the brig Emprcsario, Capt. Collins', I Edited by John S. Skinner, and published by Greely we have received Havana papers to the A McElratb, Tribune Buildings, New York. 12th inst. The news of the city is not of ^ and ttul ^ great interest; • 1 grant. These things have been too common in oor past history, to give us the hope of better things for the future. We remember that a surplus rerenae, sufficient- to place onr navy in n condition to meet any enemy, and effectually to fortify our coasts, wu once deposited with tho States, but we never betel thatanyofit was or is.likely to bo returned. Soil would be with the appropriation of lands which Mr. Duuglas* advocates. They will be sold—their pro ceeds will be applied to other wants -end where id BaroU Atieye de CipreV, late French I ric "l‘ u '«l *‘>‘ ch “ poUisbed in tho Union.— the power to compel them to refund T .V J . as / J 1 l .i... V««l. LwhJmuI .f Thii rlsirtrinn ftf fstntrt rirrhta ia lil charge d’affaires ul Mexico, arrived on the Each numbe contains about one hundred pageaof 5ih inst., on board the uriltsh steam packet matter, which will serve aa a textrbook for tho Plan- of the bill to exempt Presidents and professors of Medway. The M. had on board $26 ;,- tc r and Fanner, and will form two volumes of 600 Universities, Ac. from militia and jury duty. 000 in specie from Vera Lrttz. lire each, at tbe end of tbe year handsome en- 3 tsh steamer Tweed arrived the same day, "7 ^ t - ........ . . from Jamaica, with 55-t flasks of quick- Usings accompany the work. Ewrry Farmer, ertrayfaw of | 823,retaUve to the tuneof advertr- ^r. -. 1 aud especially, every Agricultural Society, ohould sing and tolling horned cattle, sheep, goats, Ac. bo- - — — - 1 fore they are (old. Mr. Guilford: To amend the road lawa of Ran dolph county. Also, to authorize tiro Inferior Court of Randolph county to levy an extra tax for county purposes. Bills passed.—To give executors, administrators and guardians discretion in selling lands in certain cases. Nov. 25—For the 'correction of errors in plats iod grants. Nov. 26.—Bills introduced.—By Mr. Howard : To reduoe the number of Justices of the Inferior Courts—to prescribe tlie duties and foes, and to The Bishop of Havana, Fray Ramon I avail themselves at once qf tbe solid practical infor- Cassares y Torres, died on the morning of w bich is ■—t ; Q each number of this the 10th. Me was to have been buried | wwk may be menu this office, whm. and there is no effectual This doctrine of State rights is likely to be car ried to an absurd extreme. It is the duty of tbs United States to protect the whole of onr territory from foreign aggression; it is ha doty in the t*^ place to establish "post routes and post road_=- The'road to Oregon, under this first duty, it h te ' perative upon the United States to construct-— “ Troops, supplies, and munitions of war,” wffl al ways be required upon tbe Pacific coast, unless it-' intend entirely to abandon onr Western territory- wilh great pomp and ceremony on the 12ih. opec.uwu.uro, By 8 an Older from tlie Governor, we aee I “ul-criptions will be received and forwarded. Price but by railroad. The Cumberland Road that the port of Sagua la Grande will be for one year, $5. seriously been supposed to inter f* ro "T opened to foreign trade froth and after the ~ ' St f t ^. n 8 ht ». though it traverses aome of the pri*** lit January next, under the same cundi- R * ADES ' *“** thoa ob iect in view worthy pal States of tho Union. It ia considered a lions aa those of <Cardenns and Mnriel. of thy being and destiny ?—eome great end to which ^t'onalwork—a penary military rood. [jYeto Orleans Della all jm, d&H. tcndl U net, matt.oat a cawie Il has been decided by Judge Woodbury, for ‘b® pursue it with unbending firm- in a case of marine insurance in Uoslon, object always to the dictates of an enlight- uuris. - that distinct and separate losses on the ves-ened conscience. How much of the flmo which is Mr Hardeman introduced shill to explain and authorize tho election n „„ d 1 , “®° ,| sflotted to man on earth yet remains to thecT Ia pamed and old age approaching f no time to lose. Let every moment .tir 11.ire, iniiuauccu a uiu to Rxnum uuu uuut—- — — —. —- , , « . _ auaueii ia man amend the 1st section of tho ut of 1826, to define. and revenue, in each county, and to prereribo their up five per cent., and that 'he assured tho liability.of securities on sppeal on rtay of Exo-dutic^ which w« referred tothe JudicUry Commit- could nolrecover tmlcas he proved a single cations, ^ for the protection rfbaB on recognU too. [This bUl propoaea to elect one instead of/bar loss lo that amount; but that it was a Thin there Is i mnce”Ac. This bill proper to protect securities. Judges, to serve for (bar years, and to allow said i question for the jury, whether the losses mark thy pro(. _ . tnorp fully from damage, fay giving them control of' Justice $2 for letters testamentary, or of guardian- here were distinct or not; that where one | dortriotto, be charitable, be virtuous, and trpinthe great Pacific railroad. As a means of communicating with par fl*** ® the Pacific, aa a means of protection for onr p**P and property in Oregon, it ia absolutely indfap^ ble. These are the strict national reason*» which it should be undertaken. But in addit***^ thaws the contemplated railroad would real* ■*** America tho arbiter of tite world! Placed l»* PATltPBl noeifi/tn knia.-n ... tlm Wn. tAMi rnfl-tt ® CLVecntiohs against tho central position, between tlie Wobtcrn coasts tbe Europe and tbe Eastern coasts of pal and security, no ship, or of administration, including the necessary loss was consequent upon another, however a j,appv immortality, eo shalt flam be that they mdy be able to remunerate themselves out orders and hoods: $2 for probate rf a Will and or- remote in time, it was lobe taken ns pan - _ . ■ . Ottbewincipal dcring It to reeonl; 60cents for each order Niai, or of the antecedent low, and if both amount- l”? 1 ™™*:* . •™‘ nbutin ir .8“^ n ™~ tIiy 'ofboth. Thesnblimo The Senate passed Mr. Miner's bill, relative to; order absolute; $1 for examining and passing up- cd to five per pent., tho assured would re- ], fe fdiall he happy, thy death peaceful, and Mess- idoced by such a | command thou the affidavits of illegality of executions. ion the annual accounts, vouchers and reports of| cover. I inga shall follow thee. the dcstW which would be « vj anvil awuiu, »j» vuiomuuicntion bet nations so difihrent, and separated by so many S''-