The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 10, 1845, Image 4

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SHERIFF'S SALES AND CLERKS NOTICES. Georgia, Early County. ontmrr \\T HEREAS, John McCorquodalo, Administrator ” » of the estate of Herbert Gregory, deceased, Early SherifPs Sales, rot JANUARY. W ILL be eotd oo the lint Tuesday in January next before the Court House door in Blakely, Early county, within the legal hour* of sale, the following property, to wit: . Lots of land as follows: south half of No. 432, south half of No. 409, south half of No. 392, and Nos. 410, 391,414, 390,411, 412, 428, 429, all in; the 28th district of Early county; as the property ol Moses Grier, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Early Superior Court: David'Howard vs Moses Gner. Lands pointed out by Grier. Also, lot No. 62, in the 28th district, and No. 259, in the 8th district of Early county: as the property of David F. Ward, to satisfy one fi la issued from Earijt Superior Court: James H. Martin vs Davul Also, iot No. 181, in the 4th district of Early county, said Malinda, a negro woman, about 36 years old, and Fed, a boy, about 18 years old, and Hannah, a girl, about 13 years old; as the property of John Buchanan, to satisfy two fi fas issued from Early .Superior Court: Alexander Fryer, Adm’r. of Wm. Y. Fryer, dec’d, vs John Buchanan, and Samuel Gainer vs John Buchanan. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. . Also, lots Noe. 206, 216,216, in the 4th district of Early county; as the property of William Nor wood, to satisfy two fi fas, one from Early Superior Court: Jesse B. Key & Co. vs William Norwood, the other from Randolph Inferior Court: Mills Jud- f on vs William Norwood. Lands pointed out by defendant. Also, lot of land. No. ,400, in the 26th district oi Early county; as the property of J. C. Silvey,to satisfy sundry fi fits issued from a Justice Court ol DeKalb county: Willis Carlisles vs J. C. Silvey. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. „ Also, lot No. 341, in the 28th district of Early county; as the property of John Mctanc, to sati-ty two fi las issued from a Justice Court of said county: James II. Trulock vs John McLone. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot No. 108, in the 5th district of Early county; as the property of Allen Barelicld, to satiety one fi fa issued from a Justice Court of Early county: John Flowers vs Allen Barelicld. Levy nude and returned to me by a constable. JOSEPH COLUER, Sheriff At tie same lime and place. Will he sold. The north half of No. 340,-in the 2StJi district of Early county, ami 200 acres on tlte north side of No. 303,"in the 26th district of said county; as the pro- portv of .Hoses Weaver, and half of rile south half of lot No. 340, in the 28th district; as the property of Wm. Weaver, to satisfy a ti lit issued from Early * .Superior Court: Enoch Renfro vs. Moses Weaver unit Willim Weaver. JOHN C. BUTLER, Deputy Sheriff. Dec. 3,1845, 34 tds. applies for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, it any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given' under my hand, this 5th day of August, 1846. JAMES G. COLLIER; c. c. o. August 20, 1846, 90 6m. Georgia, Early County. \*7'HEKEAS, John McConpiodale, Administrator ” oftheestateof James S. Frierson, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred-and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any exists, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 5tli day of August, 1846, JAMES G. COLUER, c. c. o. August 20, 1846, 19 6m. Administrator’s Sale, a GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the A Inferior Court ot Lee county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the firm Tuesday in JsnuaVy next, the following valuable lands, vix: Lot No. fourteen, (14) and fifteen, (16) in the 18th district, and one halt of lot No. one hundred and ninety-three, (193) in the 14th district of Lee Coun ty. Sold as the property of James Jackson, late ot said county, deceased. [The above lands are very valuable, and persona wishing to purchase a good settlement would do well to attend the sale.] T erms of sale made known on the day. J. W. BRYAN, I Adm’rs SUSAN JACKSON, J Adm ” Oct. 32, 1845, 28 tds. . . gy The Savannah Georgian will please insert the above (weekly) until the day of sale, and forward their account to tho administrators at Sumtervillo, lie county, for payment. IBB “JEW STORE.” Georgia, Early County. W HEREAS Peter Lee, Administrator of the es tate of Jesse Tull, deceased, applies to me for letters ol dismission from the further administra tion of said estate: These aro therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to allow cause, (if any they have; why- said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand, this 6th day of Juno 1846. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. June 25 H • tnCm w : Baker SherifPs .Sales, FOR JANUARY. II.L he sold before the Court House door at Newton, Baker county, on the first Teusday in January next, the following property, to wit: One lot of land, No. 258, in tho seventh district of Baker county; levied on as tho property of Thomas J. Holmes, to satisfy one Tax fi tit: the .State of t ieorgia vs. T. J. Holmes. Property minted out by C. W. Roby. . Also, two negro slaves; levied on as the property of John T. Simms, to satisfy sundry ft fas, viz: John Lanamim and ethers vs. Joint T. Simms. Also, the undivided half interest in one house and lot on Bread street, number not known, but known as tire house and lot formerly occupied by R. F. Lyon: levied on as the pro|>ci1y of Alden Gage, to satisfy sundry li fas. viz: Ashley Phillips and others is. Alden Gage. Property minted nut by plaintiff GEORGE \V. COLLIER, Sheriff December 3, 1845, 31 tds. Georgia, Early County. -nrilEREAS, William II. Wade applies to \ u tor letters of Administration on the estate of Lewis Everingham, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my otficc within tho time pre scribed by law, then and there to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should.not be granted. Given under my band at office, this, 28th day of November, 1845. JAMES G. COLUER, c. c. o. Dec. 3, 1815, 34 30d. Administrator’s Sale. -WY7ILL be sold at the late residence of Daniel » * Sasser, of Early county, dec’d, on Saturday the 6th day of December next, all the perishable property belonging to the estate of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Com, Fodder, Cotton, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Sec., tie. WILLIAM McMILLAN, Adm’r. Oct. 22,1845, 28 tds. Administrator’s Sale. B EFORE the Court House door, in the town of Americas, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, will be ottered to tile highest bidder, a negro boy by the name of Morris, about twelve years of age, be lieved to be healthy and sound, belonging to the es tate of Allen Dorman, deceased. Sold for tlie pur pose of making; a division among the distributees of said estate. Terms Cash. LITTLETON P. DORMAN, Adm'r de bonis non. November 19,1845, 33 tds. Fresh Goods Cheaper Than Ever. H AS Received, and is now opening in the store one door East of that occupied bv him !•». largo stock of * ca *°n,*l r3* STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,-Cf Ready made Clolhing, Cools, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery,' Cutlery, Jewelry, &c., Among his Dry Goods arc ihc latest and most Fashionable styles of I Colton Worsted, and Silk Dress Goods, arc. Ladies and Gents Cotton Worsted and Silk Hosiery and Gloves Straw, Silk, Gimp and Velvet ilonnets and Trimmings, * Broadcloths, Cagsiniers and Vestings, Sattincts, Negro Woolens, Blankets and Flannels, Gems’ and Youths Fur, Cloth, Oil-silk and Velvet Caps, &c. •among his Heady •Hade Clothing are Supcifiric Dress Coats of the Latest Style, Over Coats, Business and Hunting Coats, Pantnloons, a variety of styles, Black and Fancy Sattin, Marseilles nArl Valentine Vests, Linnen and Cotton Shirts, Drnwcrs and Under Shirts, An assortment of Gents’ Scarfs, Cravats, Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, tic (vents’ superior Calf-skin Cools, extra heavy do., Men’s and Coy’s Kip and Russett Crogons. Among his'Cutlery may be found a variety of Pen, Pocket and Homing Kniv., Table Knives and Forks, &c. “ vt? ’ I Among his Jewelry, are a few Gold Watches, Chains, Keys, A'c. ID' The subscriber returns his thunks for the liberal patronage extended to him last season, sad i n ;, I those wishing to purchase any articles usually found in Country Stores, to call and examine lia sfe-v i , if desirable Hoods and LOW PRICES will give satisfaction, thejr will go away pleased. | . Don’t mistake the door, but call under tho Sign of tho “NE IF YORK CASH DRY GOOD SftIBr* Albany, November 12,1845, 31 tf. **’- Early Mortgage Sales, FOR FEBRUARY. W ILL lie sold, before the Court IIonRC door, in Blakely, Enily county, on tho erst Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following property, to wit: Ben, a negro man, about 50 years old, ond I’ctcr. a man, about 45 years old; levied on as the property of John T. Henderson, to satisfy a Mortgage Fi Fa issued from Early Inferior.Court: William Ashley vs. John T. Henderson. Property pointed out in said fi fa. GEORGIA, Dooly Conuty. To the Honorable Superior Court of said County. T HE petition of Nancy Caldwell, respectfully sheweth, tliat on the 32d dav of July, in the year of our liord eighteen hundred and forty-throe, Jacob Watson executed his certain Mortgage to Robert N. Taylor, wherein'hc conveyed to said R. N. Taylor, certain lots of land, to wit: 136, one hundred and thirty-six; 152, one hundred and filly- two; 153, one hundred and filly-three; 1G8, one hundred and sixty-eight; 169, ono hundred and six ty-nine, each containing two hundred two and one- half acres, more or less; tlie east half of lot number one hundred and filly-four, and the south half of lot number one hundred and seventy—each of said half lots containing one hundred one and a fourth acres, all in the third District of said county. For the consideration five dollars to said Watson then in hand, paid by the said Taylor, as well as the better securing the payment of a promissory note, given by said Watson to said Taylor, or bearer, for the payment of tlie sum of twenty-two hundred and for ty dollars, ono on or before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, (last past) ’arid which note was dated the twenty-second thy of July, 1813 Vour petitioner further shews, that afterwards to wit: on the day and year aforesaid, said note and mortgage were transferred to your petitioner for a valuable consideration, by said Taylor, and that the same have never tan jaiid, nor any part thereof to your |ietitioncr, nor any ono else legally authorized to receive payment. . Wherefore, your petitioner prays a perpetual fore closure of said mortgage, unless said Jacob Watson shall, on or before the next term of tills Cjurt, pay tba amount of principal, interest, and cost on said note and mortgage. THOMAS B. DONNELLY, Pljf's Au’y. GEORGIA, Dooly Coustv. November Term of Ihc Superior Court of said County, 1845. In compliance with the foregoing Petition, it is ordered that the said Jacob Watson do, on or before' the first day of the next term of this court, pay into Administrator’** Sale. VS7TI.1. be sold, on the .second Saturday in De- * * cember next, at the late residence of James Roby, deceased, in Lee county, all the perisitable property belonging to said deceased: consisting of Cotton, Corn, Fodder, Hogs, Horses, Mules, one Road Waggon, one Gin and Running; Gear, Plows, Plow-gear, House-hold and Kitchen Furniture, and various other articles too tedions to mention.— Terms of the sale Casli—any legal demands against the above estate will he taken as cash, if presented on tlie day B. O. KEATON, Adm’r. October 29, 29 tds. nerior Court: Jchn H. Jones vs. Daniel Dcmnsev. forever tarred and foreclosed. „ Early rwrior Court: John 11. Jones vs. Daniel Dempsey. Land pointed out in said fi fa. JOSEPH COLUER, Sheriff Dee. 3,1845, 34 tds. Baker Mortgage Sale, FOR FEBRUARY. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House duor in Newton, Baker county, within tlie legal hours of sale, tlie fol lowing property, to wit: Four negro slaves: Dareas, Sophiah. Eliza and Isaac; levied on by virtue of a Mortgage Fi Fa from Baker Inferior Court: Daniel Pynclion vs. John Alexander. Property pointed out in said fa fa. GEO. W. COLLIER, Sheriff December 3,1845, 34 tds. Georgia, Early County. V«nii;RKAS, James (5. Coilier applies for Let- V * tors of Administration on the estate of Benja min Collier, sr., Hite of said couutv deceased. These are therefore to cite, anil admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew* cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this, 28th day of November, 1815. JAMES G. COLUER, a c. o. Dec. 3, 1845, 34 3Ud. Georgia, Early County. 'l^’iirfREAS, Silas Wilson applies for Letters of * * Administration on the estate of Henry Gee, late of Muscogee county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 30th day of October, 1846. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. November 6, 30 30d. Georgia, Early County. 'WHEREAS Robert W. Sheffield, Administrator ** of the estate of Jesse Brown, deceased applies for letters of Dismission: These aro therefore to cite summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to shew cause (if any exist) why sold let ters should not be grunted. Given under my. hand at office, this 26th dayof June, 1845. July a' JAMES G. COLUER, c. c. o. 13 Cm Georgia, Early County. "U7T1EREAS Ethel died Hays, Administrator of the estate of Robert A. Gaulding deceased, ap plies to me for letters of Dismission. These aro therefore, to cite, summon and admon' fthaU and sihgular, the kindred and creditors of said .deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 9th day of JulrJ846. 1 *5* forever tarred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered tlmt service hereof be perfected according to law. A true extract Uom the minutes of tlie Court, this Nov. 19th, 1845. TIIOS. II. KEY.Clk. s. c. November 19, 1845, 32 4m. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lee county, when sitting for Ordinrry purposes, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Starkville, Lee county, on the first Tuesday in Jan-ary next, within tlie legal hours of sale, a part or all of the Land and Ne groes belonging to tlie estate of James Roby, late of Lee county, deceased. Terms of the sale will lie cadi in part, if not all; but more particularly made known on the day of sale. B. O. KEATON, Adm’r. October 29, 29 tds. Administrator’s Sale. \V7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in February * * next, before tho Court House door, in Blakely, Early county, within tho usual hours of sale, agreea ble to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, lot of land. No. 46, in the Gtli district of said county— sold as the property of J. C. Kirkland, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of stiid deceased, together with tlie following property, to wit: one set measures, one looking-glass, one set scales and weights, one case bottle, one book and ono bureau. JOSEPH COLUER, Adm’r. Dec. 3,1845, 34 tds. Administrator’** Sale. 'RMTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January V " next, before the Court House door, in the town of Thomasville. Thomas county, Ca., by an order of tho Inferior court when sitting for ordinary purposes, the following property, to wit: Ono lot of land, No. one hundred and thirty-seven, (137) in the 18th district of Thomas county, (originally Early.) Sold as the property of Simeon Sellars, Into of Thomas county, deceased. PRIOR. LEWIS, Adm’r. Thomasville, Oct. 15, 1845, 27 tds. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lee county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold'before the Court House door, in Milledgeville, Baldwin county, the first Tuesday in February next, between the nsual hours of sale, lot of Land, number seventy- nine, (79) in Baldwin county, belonging to the estate of James Jackson, late of Lee county. •A LL persons concerned, arc desired to take notice, tliat tlie following lot of land, viz: two hundred i , , _ ,. r . .- and eighty-eight, *288) in the third district of Baker | for the benefit i county, has Sen, returned to me as a defaulting lot I *5? deccascA Tcnns of “•*» for iu Taxes for the yeara 1841,’42,'43, *44, and known on the day. ^ j ^ ’45, therefore the owner will come forward and show cause why said Taxes should not be paid; and in default I shall proceed to lax and double tax said lot in terms of the la w, and cell the same within the time prescribed by law. CHARLES W. ROBY,mkic. Oct 15,1845, 27 90d. LL persons concerned, are desired to take notice, that the following lot of land, viz: forty-eight, (48) in the eleventh district of Baker county, has I icon returned to me as a defaulting lot for its Taxes for the years 1841, ’42, ’43, ’44, and ’45, therefore tlie owner will come forward and show cause why said Taxes should not be paid; and in default I shall proceed to tax and double tax said lot in terms of the law, and sell tlie same within the time prescribed by law. CHARLES W. ROBY, a t a &. t c. Oct. 15, 1845, 27 90d. A LL persons concerned, ore desired to take notice, “ tliat the following lot of land, viz: one hundred and one, (101) in the second district of originally Early, now Baker county, has Veen returned to me as n defaulting lot for its'Taxes for tho years 1841, ’42, ’43, ’44, and ’45, therefore the owner will come forward and show cause why said Taxes slmuid not be paid; and in default I stall proceed to tax and double tax said lot in terms of tlie law, and sell the samo within the time prescribed by law. CHARLES W. ROBY,mtic, Oct. 15. 1846, 27 90d. Administrator’s Sale. I N pursuance of an order of the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Lpwndes county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in the town of Troapville, within the nsual hours of sale—Lot of land, No. 424, in the 12th dis trict of orignally Irwin, now Lowndes county, con taining 490 acres, moro or less: a part of which is good Oak and Hickory .land, with CO or 70 acres cleared land, cabbing, tit., lying in tbe fork of Oco- piko and Mule Creek—being all tho real estate of Thomas Carlton, dec’d. Sold for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on tbe dav. ALDERMAN CARLTON, >.. , JOHN W. CARLTON, ( Adm ra Oct 22,1846, 28 tds. JOB WORK of ell kinds executed at this Office with ncatiw and despatch. April 18,1845, SUSAN JACKSON, j tds. CARRIAGE MAKING. rpiIE snpscriber is at length able to announce to his friends and tlie public generally, that he is well prepared to do all kinds of CARRIAGE WORK, having on hand a first rate stock of SEASONED TIMBER, together with a complete assortment of Coach Trimmings. He flatters liimscit from bis lung experience in the above business, and well kuosrn attention tothe same, to merits liberal stare of public ;iatroiiage. %* All work done on liberal terms, and at the shortest notice. NICHOLAS LONG. Albany, Geo. July 9 1846 13 tf E. \V. WAIiltEX. THOS. B. JOSBIX. Warren & Jordan, ATTOBjrnirs dir I STARKVILLE, Let County, Georgia. " December 3, 1845, 34 tf. b wa. K. dc>, ' Attorney at Law, BLAKELY, Early County r Georgia,I Practices ix the South-westeex Cmcrrr Nov. 5, 30 tf. The nudentgned will contlaac to Arausact a general COMMISSION BUSINESS AT APALACHICOLA, uxder the firm or Howard & Rutherford. s They have also determined to establish a COMMISSION HOUSE at New Orleans, the ensuing season, where one of the firm will al ways be found. Their personal attention will be given to all business with which they may be en trusted. Tho usual advances will be niado upon goods in store or Cotton consigned to them. THACKER B. HOWARD, ADOLPHUS S. RUTHERFORD. Apalachicola, Fla., Oct. 22,1815, 28 tf. RICHARD F. & J. LYON, ATTORMES <f- COUNSELLORS A TLA IT, I ALBANY, Baker Co., Ga. H AVE recently entered into a Portnershiphtht I Practice of Law, ami will continue the pne-1 tice iu tho several Courts of the counties of Baker, Macon, Ksce, Booty, Randolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Irtcin. All matters submitted to their care in any of Aim I counties, will meet with prompt attention, and be brought to a speedy conclusion. april 30th 1845 3 ly. ALBERT V. BUTTS, WARE Ca3f HOUSE A ND COMMISSON MERCHANT, MACON, GEORGIA. Macon, October 1,1846, 25 tf. E. H. PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Alb ant, Geobgia. april 16, 1845.1 tf £2£C£ ti (SSI IS IS VIS IS a Factors and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Apalachicola, Florida. Wm. W. Sims. Wm. W. Cheever. April 16, 1845 1 tf NOTICE TO PLANTERS. Nov. 26,1815, 33 Administrator’** Sale. TUIIL be sold on Satniday, tho 17th day of Jan- ~ ~ uaty next, at the late residence of Benjamin Collier, sr.. late of Early county, dec’d, all the per ishable proportv belonging to the estate of said dec'd, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Corn, Fodder, Potatoes, Sugar, Syrup, Sugar Cane, Plan tation Tools, Househmd and Kitchen Fnrniture.Tkc^ Ac. At the same tune, negroes will bo hired, and land rented. JAMES G. COLLIER, Adm’r. Dec. 3,1845, 34 tds. F OUR months after date, application will be madc to the Honorable tbe Inferior Court of Baker connty, when sitting for onlinaiy purposes, for leave to sell the lot No. 228, originally Lee, now Stewart county, lying in the 18th district of said county. TJlie property of Albert G. Godwin, late of said coun ty dcc’d. REDDIN’ FAIRCLOTU, Adm’r. Oct. 8,1845, -26 4m. GEORGIA, Sumter County. 1 HEREBY give notice to the heirs and Legatees of Samuel Bevins, dec’d, and all it may Concern, tliat I shall apply to the Inferior Cotut of said coun ty, at the January term ol said court, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to have a division in a certain lot of land in the IStli district, (No. 142) of said connty, as I am interested in the same. JOHN J. HODGES. December 3,1845, 34 46* JYOtice. I hereby forewarn all persons from trading for any note of bond given by George Waters to David Davis, as the consideration for which said notes were given, has entirely tailed. GEORGE WATERS. Thomas connty, Dec. 3,1846 44 3m Boots and Shoes. T HE subscribers have on band, which they ofier at very low prices, a targe stock of Negro Shoes, (some very superior) Kip do., ladies fine Walking da, Kid Slepe, Gaiters, Women’s Leather Stara, Gent’s fine Calf jM^ffteuLaewel Start, fine Calf pegged and &c M dee. Albany, Oct 29, HUNT & P 29 3m. THE subscriber wonld respoctfully inform his Old Customers, and the Planters generally, that he is now ready to Receive COTTON in STORE, and will be prepared to make Liberal Advances on Cotton for shipment to his friends in Apalachicola, New York aiid Liverpool. A. S. GREENWOOD, sept 24, ’45, .24 3m. COMMISSION & FACTORAGE. THOMAS DOWELL, One of tie laic firm of A. Wood cf- Co., Sar., Ga., H AVING gone into the Cosnmisicn and Factor- age business, will attend to the sale of Cotton amt other Produce sent to him, and will also attend to the purchase of Family and Plantation supplier. His charges will bo as moderate, as any other per son’s doing bussiuess in this place. References: Messrs. N. B. Si II. Weed,') MrMSeo^E?Hendrickson, [ Oa. Mr. Hiram Roberta. J Savannah, Ga, July 30,1346, 16 6m. CH.9BXeES S. IT.IWJLJEI* Attorney at Law, HawkiiiftTillc, 6a. Will attend promptly to any busmens in the Southern ana South-western Circuits. Nov. 26,1845, 33 tf. Thomas B. Donnelly, Attorney at Law, VIENNA, Dooly County, Georgia. IT Practices in all the Conrts of tho Sonth-west- era Circuit—Pulaski of the Southern, and Houston of the Flint Circnit ^ November 19,1845, 32 ly. BORA & McGWIER. T| BALERS in Groceries, Diy Goods, Boots. JLa Shoes, Hats, Clothing dto. ^ Albany, April, 16tb, 1845. i tf. D. M. SEALS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , EYOY, Alabama. IT Will practice in'Bannova, Macon, Rvsreii. | fin; and tho adjoining counties. Enou, Ala,, Oct. 8, 1845, 26 ly. ALEXANDER A. ALLEN, •1TTOHJYEY AT LHP, Batiiliridge, Decatur Connty, Georgia. July 0,1815 13 y JPETEB JT. STBOZIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Geobgia. april 16,1845. 1 tf THOMAS PINKNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LA VV, Albany, Geobgia. april 1C, 1845.l tf D. J. VASON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS ATLA'V. | Albany, Geobgia. april 16,1845. 1 tf RICHARD U. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - Albany, Geobgia. Will practice in the Counties of Baker, Tee, Dctf- tor, Dnoly, Sumter, Randolph and Eariy, of d* South-Western Circuit. Stewart, of the Chattahoo chee, and Thomas, of the Southern Circuit. O* Ogtee under the “ Courier*' Offer, HrMI f JOHN BILBO. ATTORNEY AT LAW* ALBANY GA. Will practice in tho several Courts of the South- Western Circuit, and Thomas and Stewart cm»- april, 16,184 . |. t£ J. LAW, . ATTORNEY At LAW, Balnbridge, Decatur Conuty, Gcorgi* Will attend punctually the Superior Courts of** Counties of Early, Baker and Decatur, of the South western, and of the Connty of Thomas of tbe South ern Circuit. July'9,1845, 13 y HENRY J. STEWART, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Troupville, Ga. August 13,1846. 18 tf SAPPINGTON’S A Certain and Effectual Cure for F£Vee and Ague, For solo by W. E. SMITH- april 16.i tf '