The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 24, 1845, Image 3

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ai to r*y ricj* v * n *' to iebt'dmJ by the State to Peter December 12th. gvigMO, of Early, kU on the table a mo- ^'.^MthoSe *** GoTen “ r »» have a durable erected deer the grave of John Hcntz, k iMinu mttoduoed a tail to of Baker, provide fora ’‘-urrtein of education.. ft™ Lfsed—Tho bill of the Senate to reduce Interest in this State to 7 per cent. ^oM_MVW1CATIOWS. Fresh Drugs and Medicines f - Just Received andfor Sale t By .** i-,v * WELCH & NELSON. articles. Mra. Betts’ Utere Abdominal Soppotera. Fax’s Tooth Keys, Epsom Sfotts, Uetalic Syringes, Balaam Cops via, Glare do Castor Oil, HuR's Double Trustee, Sp. Turpentine, ' “ Single do Macaboy Snuff, ^ Our JIails. -.-.Us from Apalachicola, doe every Tuesday Ts. w ri.y morning, does not teach us until ‘t «hv night, and we would respectfully cad the of the Post masters below to the ttUrnlion < of the Post matters below to the ^'request them to send our maifto us when *t»1 not throe or four days after, as has been the n* h theUj,tm0Pth ' A MERCHANT. Hew Obleabs, December 6th, 1848. Vnirt Tift f Bovghton Itf* stimnlating to energies of a businessman to walk along the u,!Tof this truly great city. 1 say great, because ■ » hi* placed within tho control of her com- yt ° ,^,,1 than one balfofthe territory of this re- ■rju Run your eye over the portions watered It the Miioirsippi* Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee and Irkams, and you are struck with the grand design r -J>c trreat Creator to place in the hands of science Id enterprise-the most extensive and productive ftuntry’in ^ world. Upon the Levee you see piles ■ (ru - titty to five hundred hogsheads of sugar, L hundred to five thousand bales of cotton, inter- ..ifd with smaller piles of firkins of butter, bar- 1, of Uni, apples and potatoes, coops fall ofchick- „ turtles and ducks—now and then a “small "rinkling” of cabbage, tnrnips, pumpkins beets, irrou and sqaashes. Then there are the “ floating jhrees” ofthc West, arranged in beautiful array, tf trro miles along tho Levy, some puffing steam, ac emitting a dark, dense smoke, some ringing tir belli-, some crowding in to the Levee^nd others iT-ting oil from it—added to which is the merry 0 °“ the boatman ho!” sent forth by some jolly *4 of steamer or ship, rendering lightsome the ia „ mule of the drayman’s cart as he rashes post. I could but call to mind the poetic soliloquy of the Oirio backwoodsman, uttered while he was seated cwn » high pile of country produce at Cincinnatti, .•irvcying the operations of the boatmen upon the it ban cs • Commerce with her thousand boats, O what n din! tome s tootin’ on it out, and some a toatin’ on it in!” Upon the Levee you find in tho hands of the plo tter, the growth of every civilized clime. Noth- n« can prevont the permanent and rapid growth of tiiicity but obliteration from tho face of the earth. Flour has declined m price about $2 per bbl. ...thin the last three days, and but few sales taking • ice. Cotton is advancing, and holders firm, with general impression among merchants, that it ill continue to advance. There is some speculation in tho city as to tho re- ■?nt movements of Great Britain and France, and tlic moit intelligent think it portends war with one loth of those nations, depending upon the action Congress upon the Oregon question, i will write you next from Galveston, Texas. ' P. Sand’s Sasaaparilla, Currie’s do Snlph. Quinine, “ Morphine, Iodide of Potass, Iodine,' Musk, Kreaoeote, Citrate of Iron, Salicine, Jalap, Pulv. Rhenbarb, pulv. Opium, Cream Tartar, Seidlitz Powders, Soda do Com position do Slip. Elm, pair. Alum, Salt Petre, Brimstone, Logwood, ground, j exhibited by the Treasurer’s Books, we find an un. I expended balance of that fund on hand, amounting to $132 67. Alter an inspection of the books of _ our Tax Collector and Receiver,, we have allowed well selected stock are the following him,oahia insolvent list for State, $32 60; Conn* ^ ty, *19 to; I-** Tax, 810 44. , The bridges generally in the County are in very inferior condition. We particularly call the atten tion of the Inferior Court to the bridges aurora the Petchider, and Chickasawhatcbee at Powell’s Mills, and the one on the Itehawaynoehaway. Creek, on the Fort Gaines, and Albany road, (fbe new rood which ha* been recently cut froaf Albany, leading to Fast Gaines, is sue of great importance to. the pub lic, and for the purpose of increasing its utility, we recommend that it be extended; crossing at Grim- mett’s Causeway so as to intersect the Fort Gaines rood at or near Mrs. Keel’ In taking leave of his Honor, Judge Warren, we beg leave to say, that while we tmder.him our sin cere thanks for his kindness, courtesy and attention to our body daring the present laborious Term of service, are cannot too much admire and apprnvejiis imparting feithful, and zealous administration of tbs laws of the laud. * Hie Solicitor General’s indefatigable industry in ferreting out offenders, meets with our hearty con currence, while his politeness, and respectful atten tion to as, deserves our highest encomiums. JOHN JACKSON, Foremen. Reuben K. Hunt, John Adams, Edmund. Richardson, Leri Griffin, Reddin Ftrirclnth, " Malaehiah Roby, Daniel B. Rich, George Colley, Scotch do Mustard, in cum, Oil Spike, British Oil, Bateman’s drops, Opodeldoc* Paregoric, Laudanum, Fancy soap, Bear’s Oil Madssar Oil, Tooth Powder, * Brushes, Hair do Cologne Water, Extract of Roses, Linseed Oil, Fine Sperm Oil, Train Oil, Paris Green, hi oO, Verdigris, in oil, . To Gentlemen of Fashion. T HE ndersigned respectfully informs the Citizens of Albany and the sur- ent for cutting Gentlemens Garments, which he war rants equal to the .best New York style. He will regularly receive the latest Fashions. Aa be butfiu partner with whoa to ffivide the pro fits, he is cabled by strict UtentMn to busmen.'to sell and wotfc according to the pressure of the times. The latest style of goods will be found at hbi store, and Ready-made clothing, Hats, Cape, &c. &c. An work warranted to be trade to the satisfaction of his customers, a» regards taste and fitehien. . A. G. WEAVER, Merchant Tailor. May 14,1648. 8 ly ALSO, A great variety of GARDEN SEEDS; togeth er with a good assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS,, «**“ Foolscap and Letter paper, Ink, Pens, Quills, Black sand; Sealing wax, &c. die. Albany, Dec. 24, 1846. 37 tf Anthony O. Weaver, Henry B. Kelson, TAYLOR & GONEKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CtmiBEBT, Rxxnoun COtnrrr, Gi. Will practice in the counties of Randolph, Early, Baker, Lee, Sumter, Dooly, and Decatur, and Stew art. Tlicy Will also attend the Courts in Barbour and Henry counties, in Alabama. Dec. 17,1846. 36—ly ALL HAIL. r pHE Brethren of the Mystic Tye of the Albany -A- Lodge, No. 24, will celebrate the approaching Anniversary of St. John, the Evangelist, on Satur day the 27th inst., at the Methodist Episcopal Church. All members of sister Lodges are cordially invited to attend. At Oo’dock A. M. those in attendance are requested to meet at the Lodge Room, where the pro cession will be formed under the direction of the mar shall, and marched to the Church to lieu an address from Dr. T. D. Mathews, and witness the instalation of the Officers of the Lodge. On the evening of the 26th inst.. a Masonic Ball will be given at tho American Hotel. JAMES A. NEWMAN, Sec’iy. Dec. 13.1846. 37 It. COnnERCIAL. Cotton Markets. Our Market has eontinned active since our last report, at prices last quoted. The uccounts from Liverpool to the 4th inst, are now looked for to gov- •m future operations. Tho nature of these advi- \« cannot be anticipated, iremool, extremes; Upland, - ------ 6 a few York, 6 a harleston, •“•••“ - -- -- -- --5J a uvunnah, — — - — — — 63 a liaiacliicola, “-..“•--•-----61 a Ulany, ...“.--“--------*5 a n-p, WE are authorised to announce JOHK U-J McCORQUODALE,us a Candidate for Tax Collector ant Receiver of Taxes, for Early “ " 30 tlj, ounty. [Nov. 8, Blacksmith and Wood Shop Wm. W. Wellington, Sugar J. Colley, Coder Price, Nathan Jordan, Jesse W. Gooism, John C. Sutton, Charles W. Roby. Ordered, That the above General Presentments, or so much of them as relates to the public, be pub lished in the Conner and Patriot newspapers at Al bany, in this county. A true transcript from the Minutes of raid Court, this 8th day of Dreember, 1846. SETII C. STEVENS, Clerk. Dec. 24,1846. 37—It CITY HOTEL; CORKER of BROAD and FRONT Streets, AEBAJTV, GEORGIA MRS. BERRAN, R espectfully informs the Public that she bas taken this large and commodious establish ment, (recently occupied by Mr. Samnei Baker) and is prepared to accommodate Regular Boarders and Travellers. Her Table will at all times be supplied with the best that the market will afford, and every attention will be rendered to the comfort of those who may favor her with their patronage. Excellent Stables well *nj$lted with forage for horses, and good Out lers are connected with the establishment. VT Terms will be mads to corrcspoudwilh the times. The City Hotel occupies a delightful situation— commanding a fine view of tho River, and is only sufficiently removed from the centre of burainess to avoid its bustle and noise without foregoing its con veniences. *** The subscriber solicits a share of the public patronage. E. T. — Albany, Oct. 29,1845, 29 tf. B. I. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law, BA1NBRWGE, Decatur Co., Oa. Will practice in the different Courts of the South- Western Circuit, and hi the adjoining counties of the Southern Circuit, and Florida. • ' ’• Dec. 17,1846 36 tf 'ILiii subscriber, at liis old stand, will commence 1 on tho first of January-next, to work TWO J ORf;ES,and will be able to execute all kinds of Blacksmith’)* Work tithe shortest notice, and intho best style. He hopes ly his unremitted attention to business, to merit a ifoetal share of patronage. There will also bo attach- 'J to the blacksmith shop, by the 10th of January wit, a WHEELWRIGHT ESTABLISH- ’f/.’AT, where all kinds of work in this branch of ivsiness, will he done in the best style, ho having I’fncured a largo stock of well seasoned timber, and •nzaged two good workmen to take charge of this '•tablishment, feds assured that he c4n please all bn* who may favor him with their custom. ti' Prices to suit 'the times. NEEDHAM DUDLEY. Dec. 24, 1646 37 tf Msee Superior Court, November Term, 1845. T/KFE the Grand Jurors, sworn, chosen and select- • • cd for the county 01 Lee, in closing our labors beg leave to make the following presentments: The committee appointed to examine the books of the Superior and Interior Courts and Court of Or dinary, report them kept in a neat and business-like manner. We have examined the books of the county Trea surer, and find tiicm correct from the last May Term of the court. But from the irrigular manner in which they are kept, we have been unable to arrive at the indebtedness or assets of tbe county. We therefore earnestly recommend to the lnierior Court the importance ol investigating this matter. The Tax Collector’s hooks we have examined, and find the amount of sixty-three dollars and eighty- four cents on his insolvent list, but do not feel wil ling to allow him but fourteen dollars and filly cents. The books are kept neatly and in good order. In relation to our public buildings, we find them in a deplorable situation, our court house more es pecially presents a spectacle to the minds of the pub lic sufficiently strong to arouse their pride and digni ty. Shall it be said that our county is entirely des titute of pride1 Shall our court house stand as a monument of reproach, or as a solitary instance of careless indifference on our port to the comforts of the court, and more especially his honor at the pres ent term of the court. We therefore earnestly re commend to tbe Inferior court tbe necessity of levy ing a tax sufficient to redeem tbe liabilities of our county, and also to build a court house and jail, and we lee) confident in so doing that every citizen of the county will coincide with us in this, recom mendation. We would further suggest the propriety of a more strict enforcement of the patroll law, as wc find a great remissness 00 the part of the proper authori ties in relation to this matter. In taking leave of his honor, Judge Warren, we feel grateful to him for the prompt and efficient man lier in which he has enf reed the laws, when iabor- under the disadvantages of ill health. To the iicitor General, William J. Patterson, we return our sincere thanks, lor his courtesy towards us, and his energy and persevere nee in the suppression of crime. We request tint these, our presentments be published in tbe Albany Connor. P ERRONS indebted to the Albany Courier Office from the 28th June lust, np to the present time, or who may hereafter be indebted to said Office from the present date np to tbe 6th March ensuing, are hereby cautioned against making settlements or pay ments of any kind whatever to, or with II. F. Lyon, as he is not legally authorized to make settlements or receive payment for any debts that may be con tracted with, or dne said Office during the time spe cified in this advertisement. The undersigned are alone authorized to settle the businessof the concern. KEAN, &. CO., By John E. Kean. Dec. 15,1845, 36 3t Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court Hquse door in Amen- cus, in Sumter county, lot of land, number threo hun dred and sixty-six (366) in thc28 th district of origin ally Lee, but now Sumter county. Sold lor the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of Nancy Newsome, deceased. This the 8th December, 1845. JOEL CULPEPPER, Executor to 16c Will rtf said Newsome. Dec. 17, 1845. 36—tds Georgia, Early County. , W HEREAS, Seaborn Sheffield applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of William McMillan, late of said eonnty, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, then and there to shew cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this, 1st day of De- tember, 1845. * JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. Dec. 17,1845 36 30d Mrs. Bonghton’s School, -yy 11X1,0 opened again on the first Monday in Albany, Dumber 24,1845, 37 td. R- P. Lyon, B*q., TJ AS been legally appointed Agent of the Albany x J. Courier, from the 28th ol Juno last, and is authorized to collect and receipt in our names up to the 6th of March, 1816. JONES & DICKINSON. Albany, Dec. 24,1845, 37 2t. WE will make liberal CASH AD VANCES on Cotton Stored in any Warc-IIouse in Albany. SIMS & CIIEEVER. Albany, Oct. 29,1846, 29 tf. Just Recived, f)A Sacks Rio and taguiria Coffee, AU 400 Sacks Salt, 40 Bids Old Rectified Whiskey, 6 do. American Brandy, 5 do. N. E. Rnm 1 Pipe Superior Otard Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla Sc Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweeties Iron, Trace Chains, Weeding Hoes, Axes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purchase win do well to give me a call. W- E. SMITH. Albany, april 16, 1845.1 tf WARE DOUSE. THE subscribers liave the past Sum mer built a new WARE HOUSE, for the Storage of Cotton, and solicit a share ol the patronage of the Planters generally. XT Liberal advances made on cotton in Store. HUNT Si PYNCHON. Oct. 29, 1845, 29 3m. Crockery. J UST received by HUNT Si PYNCHON, cheap and fine Crockery, white Granite'Tea and Din ner Setts. Oct. 29, 29 3m. New Dress Goods and Trimmings. J UST received by HUNT St PYNCHON, a large assortment of English, French and American PRINTS, entirely new styles, Ginghams, Muslin de Lancs, Cashmere, (new styles) plain and figured. Alpaccas, collored do., black and col’d Silks, fancy Neck Ties, Mitts, col’d and black Girdles, do. Cords and Tossils, new style Gimp Cord, &c., die. i Albany, Oct. 29, 1845, 29 3m. Tailoring Establishment, NEAR THE CORNER OP BROAD. AND WASID IKGTON STREETS, In the rear of Mr. Jchn Jackson's Store, ' f david”lewis, R espectfully informs the citizens of At. ■ banv and the inhabitlnU of Baker and also thaw of the e^aoent counties, that lie will shertiv' make such a choice addition to bis present assort- Trynj of * aiboama &ao> Q&asmjraggo: that he will be enabled to fill and execute any orders, that may be entrusted to his care. D. L. cannot boast of haying made the Gran* Tonr either of Europe, or even of our own Universal \’ankcodoodle-dc m—but he can say, without flatter ing himself, that he is a MASTER WORKMAN, —and tint although he has not graduated from such splendid shops as Beau Itrummd or CotrsT D'Orsay - loved to patronize, yet be pledges that all who may honor him with their custom shall receive a regular built Southebs Fit, m either TIGHTS, ANTN TIOHTS, or MEDIVM-ITES. He will also warrant all work that goes from Ms shop as being' faithfully executed, and made up in workmanlike style; and as he is in the receipt of the ctrticst fosh- ions,D. L. will be enabled to tickle the taste of tbe most fanciful fastidious—Nuf red except, flat ho returns lus most grateful thanks to a generous com munity for the very liberal encouragement be has al ready received, and respectfully solicits a contBl- uance of its favor. Albany, Sept. 10,1845, 22 tf. Medical Copartnership. DOCTORS DAVIS & MATHEWS R ESPECTFULLY inform tbe citizens of Albany and vicinity, that they liave this day associated themselves in the practice of their profession, and hope that their union will prove satisfactory to their mutual friends. They will give prompt attention to all call* either in the city or country. Their office will be continued at tho one, at pres ent, occupied by Dr. W. L. Davis. XT Messages led either at their office on Broad st., or at the residence of Dr. Mathews, corner of Pine and Jackson at’s., will be promptly attended to. Albany, Aug. 27,1845, 20 tf. New Goods! New Goods!! & IPTSyCEKDSJ A RE now receiving their supply of DR Y V 0 01)8, suited to tho Fall and Winter Trade, embracing an extensive assortment of Ne gro Cloths, Blankets and other Plantation Good?; which they oiler at low prices. Albany; Oct. 29,1845, 29 tf. EAJVDS FOR SAJLE. T HE following named tracts of IJYND will be sold on reasonable terms. nr.d good Titles given: Administrator’s Sale. W ILL bo sold on Saturday, the-Tth day of Feb-1 rusty next, at the late residence of WiVdain' McMillan, fete of Early county, deceased, all (ha per ishable property belonging to the estate r,f ^aid de ceased, consisting of one mare, bon, cirtlc, corn, fodder, cotton, household furniture, Ail Sic. SEABORN SHEFFIELD, Adm’r. Dec. 17,1845 36—Ida GEORGE C. TICKNOR, Foreman. James Laramore, Robert Walsh, Josiah McLendon, Owen Kcntday, Wall, Bytbcl Haynes, John J. Sessions, Dudley Sneed, Thomas B. Highc, William Leonard, William Spence, John YY. McLeod, Daniel Wooibright, Sidney C. Dubose, William H. Pope, Horatio Sims. Ordered by tbe Court that the above general pre sentments be published in the Albany Courier and Albany Patriot. A true Extract from the Minutes of Lee Superior Court, November Term, 1846. SAMUEL C. WYCHE, Clerk. December 34,1846, 37 It. Sales at Auction. O N Saturday, tho 27th inst., at 11 o’clock, A M. I will tell at public auction, to the highest bid- ■kr, a great variety of articles, consisting m part of Ready made clothing. Crockery and Gteua Ware, ' law and miscellaneous books, Bedsteads and bed furniture, Glass lanterns. Augers, And a variety of other article*,, too numerous to Oration. Terms CASH. ..... LEWIS a McGWIER. Dee. 24. 37 It TteOCTOR MEALS has returned (hi renewed D health) to Albany, and resumed the practice of JWieine. Those desiring his services may leave kir oetages either at his office, opposite the Amer- the residence of MTStker, on Pine '^opposite tbe new BaptistOmrch. D' 37—ly Oread Jury Present GEORGIA, Baker County. froiE Grand Jurors, sworn, chosen and select- ■ cd for tbe County of Baker, at tbe Decem ber Term of tbe Superior Court, 1846, in closing their very arduous labors, take this occasion to make the following presentment. We bare examined tbe Books of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and from tbe very neat ahd superior style in which they are kept, we have raaeon to con gratulate the people of our county that they bare tbe services of such an able officer. The Treasur er’s Books we find kept in good order, apd cash on hand amounting to $64 24, whilst the number of outstanding ordera amount* to 91284 92; a fi fa in favor of the Justices of lb* Inferior Court, re. B. M. Griffin a* Administrator, principal and interest amounts to 91,358 68. The Taxes lor tbe present year bare not been paid into tho Treasury. SOUTHERN STORE (□•NORTHERN PRICES.«a in. Wottzfelder, Jfc Co., A RZ now receiving a targe and well selected as- . sortment of 1 B’i^KTS'Sr ©IBS’ ©©©JSSj, From tbe Nounum Markets, consisting in part of Panvrs, latest style,all qualities; Laces; Cutlery Altaccas; Domestics; Sattixf.tts ; FaxctCoro; Misses Cloaks; Mosub de Labes; Cashmebedecoose ; Mauboes. different Qualities! Also, a well selected assortment of WINTER SHA WLS, at all prices, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cape, and all other articles usually called for in a Dry Good Store. also, A targe aai well selected assortment at READY HADE CLOTHIBG, consisting Of COAX*, VESTS, PANTS, Ac. All of Wktrb Will he sold as CHEAP aa the CHEAPEST; Ihoaowhoaso deal ran* of purchasing Will lease call and examine far themselves. Mr. W. being desirous of. pannsaeady locating himself in Albany, for the purpose of transacting a general mercantile business, las purchased *' tire dock of goods from some of the most re bl* CashmesEdksuitts; Bboadcloths; Bombazihes; Cassimeks; Chusabs; Mcsubs; Hosiery; Tassels; No. 228, 3d district of Baker County, 44 198, 15th “ Leo 44 M 248, 16tb “ <4 <i 44 71, 32d “ Randolph county, 44 254, 15th “ Decatur 44 313, 16th “ “ 44 U 370, 15th “ Early « 44 626, 5th “ « u u 361, 37th “ « M 93, 9th “ 'u * Synopsis of Sheriff’s Safes, FOR J.1JW.9RY. IXJWNDS COUNTY. 490 acres of land, more or less. No 175,12th diaf. Property of Wm Sloan auk Wiley Belkcom. c. Brinson, sh’ir. MACON COUNTY. One lot of land, 2d dist, number not knovm.-r- I’roperty of Jewo Barefidd. , L. d. McMillan, d. s. One lot of land, No 43, 2Uth dist. Property of Geo W Maitinlecr,. Also, one lot ofiand, No 54; 13th dist. Property of Wm Smith. T. DIXON, D. S. Dooly”county. Lot of iand, No 43,3d dist. Property of Stopbc:* Hawkins, tats Nos 198 aud 199,2d diet. Proper ty of John Butler. Also, 3 negroes. Properly of Geo W Knowles. Also, a lot of household and kitchen furniture, hogs, corn, Sic, &c. Property of Daniel McLeod. Also, a part of lot No 87, Mb disk Property of Thos Mcthvin. Abo, two lots, of land, Nos not known. 9th and 1st districts, and tv town lot in Traveller’s Rest Property ol Daniel McLeod. Y. I>. OUTLAW, Sh’ffi One negro man, Anthony. Property of John M Warren. One lot of land, No 70,3d dist. Pro perty of Geo W Passmore. WM. FARNELL.D.S. Dec. 10, 1815. For farther particulars, apply to RICHARD II. CLARK, Oct 29, 29 tf.] Albany, Ga. FORT GAIJYES Wharf and Ware House. (OLD STAND.) T HIS Largo and commodious establishment is again open for the reception of COTTON and MERCHANDIZE. The subscriber takes this method of returning his thanks to the Public, for tbe very liberal patronage heretofore received, and respectfully solicits a com tinuancc of tbe same. He will Store Cotton at the low price of Tuxnty-Sxx Cents per bale, for the sea- eon, end will give his personal attention to tbe ~ T heighing andShipping or Sale of cotton Stored th him, without any extra charge. O’He is prepared to make Liberal Advabces, either in Merchandize or Cotton. Bagging, Rope and Salt, constantly on band, and for sale low. Should any planters storing cotton with me, wish to avail themselves of the Bay Market, I have made arrangements with some of the First Class Steam Boats, to take them with their cotton (where they make from thirty to fifty bales or more,) free of charge. In feet, I am always at home, ready and waiting to render my serv ices to all who may need them, either personally or by order. CHARLES F. BEMIS. Fort Gaines, Nov. 8,1846, 30 tf. Boots aud Shoes. T HE subscribers have on hand, which they offer at very low prices, a large stock of Negro Shoes, (some very superior) Kip do., I-tdics tino Walking do., Kid Steps, Gaiters, Women’-* leather' • Shoes, Gent’s fine Calf pegged and sewed Shoes, fine Calf pegged and sewed Boots, Water-proof do,:- Sic., Sic. HUNT Si PYNCIION. -. Albany, Oct 29, 29 3m. Extra Cautionary Notice. O N last Saturday I observed tbe following notico in the Albany Courier—as tbe time ana plate of selling are materially altered, for the purpose of giving a more general publicity to the rale, 1 wish, the notice published as it appeared,/or the first time; in a public paper. Here comes the notice to which I have alludea: JYotlce. O N tho 4th Saturday in January next, will be sofd at the Printing Office, of the Albany. Courier, in Albany, the persona) - • • of John * ayiog to the public that they are the true grit and to matalce. Having paid caslr Mb Ms-goods be is enabled to aril at a small profit Ji* CASH. He rcspectfuRy solicits a reasonable portion of public at the NOTICE. BEING desirous of paying np ifiy debts and moving into the country, I ifier mv possessions in the conntY o Lowdes,coos'itingrfFOUR LOTSinthe. Troupville, three of which are Well Improved, anil 215 Acres of Pine Lend, also well improved, in tbe immediate vicinity of Troupville, for rale at tive lowest price for which property can he had. On the Town Lots is now standing, and in goal repair, a targe TAVERN, sailed for the Sign of the “New Cheat Store.” , Albany, Nov. 6, 30 tf. .. . XT BILLS OF LADING neatly printed mi From an examination of the Poor School Fund, as for sole at this effice. dation of Travellers. Purchasers, \n paying a part of the price in cash, can have their time to pay the Tbe above will bo solfl at Public Outcry, an the First Tuesday in January, if not disposed of before at private sale. The house-bold and kitchen furoi- tore will also be sold in the samo manner. MORGAN G. SWAIN. 1 TroupriOe, Nor. 26,1845, 33 tds. • . _ to tint estate of John Jones, late of Baker county, deceased, a* will also be rented tbe Courier Office, its pro*, type, and building, until the 6th day of March nexl, when tbe leaso with Col. Wooibright expiree, with the foes and gain of said office from tbe 10th day of Juno last till day of rale. Terms made known day of rale. SUSAN A. F. JONES, Adm’rx. Nov. 23d, 1815—38—tds. For a proper, not an extrajudicial understand^ 0 f the above notice, I wish yon .weald repnb^hmv ncaaay, ana continue it until too aav vor which tbn rale of the-Coo tier Office is advertised. Amend my notice to this if yon please. ."r\ Nov. 26, 33 tds.] JOHN E. KEAN. T Cautionary Notice* IE remainder of ti* j«ie of the Courier Office • , h “ advertised for rale. Tho I , ““k. U Yomke place the 26th af the present “J" 1 !*—H®. tease ends the 7th March, ensuing, at which t'*e my interest in it amine. This e£itt>- made tor the purpose of informing the pqbSc ttst the sale of the said lease has been advertised without my consent, and that therefore the purchas er or purr berate, if any there ehonld be, will be he'd liable lor the ratisfeetkm of my claim. The notico °f *•!• of tite leaso above mentioned was not publish. , ed in etebturot the public Gazettes .of Albany, as is customary; but was written and posted on the dobr at J. W. Gaylord's store in this place, and, as I be lieve at no other place. I now, formally, forbid the raleefraid lease. JOHN E. KEAV. K^Stneairriting tbe above I have underetocj that one other advertisement of the lease was posted at the Pott Office. JOHN E. KEAN, November 19,1815, 33 tds.