The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, January 14, 1846, Image 3

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1 I Wa copy tho following extract* from the cones- n> copy foik-wlug Rcscdutions which wen pondence of tbo Wilmington Journal, dated Corpus J^d Wo the Senate^ Mr. Ifanncgan, and Chrfati, Texas, Decoder 6tk, IwT ""'^top debate and coooter rcsolationu of- / “The wWe ^ ^ ^ b y Mr. Calhoun, from the National InteUi gen- Texas, is now at this place, with the exception of Kt «f(be 30tb ult. Mr. Ilannegan’s Resolutions wen as follows three companies of Dragoons, which an at San Antonio de Bexer, and Austin.’ ttesoircdi That tho country indnded w.Jhin “ We «o encamped on an open plain along the foHv-two drone, and fiftv-foar de.' ** wlthoot » i^nsstbe Territory of Oregon, is the property, jjj p,rt tod parcel of the territories of the United Sow*- JraUefotf forty4wo degrees and fifty-fourd* «* bteak the ^Ttetrminotes 1 northlittude, and extending ¥***•*’^ Norti ^ ’^uch P reTmil »*» CTthf Rocky Mountains to the Ifacific Ocean, weck * m The ^ n «~ <* tempen- .. . -tv-;,— «r rtnwmn i. tho nwH. t0T# are «• great as they an sodden, the thermome ter falling from 90* to 20 s in Airly hows or tbere- shouts, and I lean yon to guess Us effect upon troops tut m winter quarters, bat in the meanest to transfer iu *“> ,nd lhe •>»**«*»«•of “*■ JoutreK, about day. ,ri£res» the dominion, anthority, control and «° And your way out of your tent, (to Objection of any foreign Power, Prince, State, or ‘ 3d. That the abandonment or surrender of any Foicltown Jlcademy. (Located Six Miles Koetbasest <f Palmyra.) fTHB subscribers having procured the ssrriees of * Mr- MATHEW E. WILLIAMS, to teach in thhi Institution far the present year, hereby ghrea notice to the public that the AcaAsmy wiy bo open far the reception of pupils on Monday the 19th insL We are happy to recommend Mr. WffUams as an experienced and abio Teacher of Cfasuc and Eng- hsh literature, aim aauraformtndffrm dfariptirairian. TERiTB. Elementary branches per Quarter, - ... |4 00 ,J ~~—-‘ny, Grammar and Arithmetic^ - 6 0(1 ^^Dtoftbc honor, character, and the best inter- the American people. .fl* resolutions having been read— Mr. llannegan rase, and said that as the Senate M wt at present fall, he would ask that these re*o- tatiosii be made the special order lor some future *. ^ be would name next Monday week as the of the Territory of Oregon would be an aban* &J , tail be v d»J- )Ir. Archer suggested to the Senator from Indiana (latrufficicnt time ought to bo allowed before the r .-di. t '00» sre brought up for action before tbo Scn- that they might be printed and reflected upon, irtioly by Senators, but by tlio community. He lioc „ht it would bo belter to prolong somewhat tlie roe named by the Senator, and to order that the [Trillions be printed. Sir. llannegan thereupon moved that tire rceolu- i .us be printed, and made the special order far the fcinl Monday in January. sir. Calhoun said he did not rise to oppose this noti-iii, hut to request that tho Senate would permit i/.a to make a few prefatory remarks before submit* ,.j,stlie amendments he intended to movo to tiro res- ,:„;ious now before the Senate.! • Mr. President, (said he) though I cannot give my <cppcrt to these resolutions, 1 am very much grati- j tint tliej’ have boon moved by the Senator from Indiana. Wlialever objection there may be to them, hate at least tlic merit of bring direct, open, :nj manly. Tliey deny, in direct terms, the author- of this’ Government to make a treaty in reference re the Oregon territory, and denounce, as 1 under* •■ir.d them, by imputation, the propositioas that Sr,ebeen already made by our Government to settle tie boundary by the forty-ninth parallel of north iititade. If the Senate should support these rcsolu- lutw.itis dear that the question can only beset* tie) thereafter by the force of arms; and should this hr the case, anti a war be commenced between this country and Great Britain, no peace can ever take place between tho two countries but by our dictation at the cannon's month. Mr. President, the vote upon these resolutions will (raw a broad line, which cannot be misunderstood, i. tween tiiose who are in favor of a more pacific nurse. I myself, am in favor of a pacific course— cfan adjustment, if possible by negotiation; and under these views and impressions, Mr. President, I love prepared a series of resolutions antagonistical tu those of the Senator from Indiana, and asserting i .c opposite principles, which I propose to move by ». ay of amendment to the resolutions of the Sena tor, and ask also that they be priuted. 1 think it is a proper occasion for avowing the sentiments which 1 enlertertain upon this subject. 1 am for peace, if peace can be honorably preserved. I am in favor of »d,o-tingthc didienlty, if it can be adjusted, by ne* goriitsm. if it cannot be adjusted by negotiation,! nm in lavor of lhat course to be pursued by this Go vernment which shall throw the onus of a war from our own shoulders upon Great Britain. • I approve of the course taken by this Government in ottering the IK. parallel, under all the circumstances of the cue,as the boundary. I believo that tho desire of the Executive is, like my own, for peace—for an i .norable peace, but If an honorable peace cannot be presen ce, if we are to have war, I shall stand by my country in every emergency. I shall never ! • found antagonist to her, though overruled by i W who take an opposite view from my own But should a war take place, it is not going to be sn or* entry war ; and while I give every support to my sunnily, I will hold those responsible who rashly precipitate the country into a war. Sir, on a dclib* ' 'de view of the question, 1 hope that whenever it 1 rues fairly before the Senate for discussion, wo 'hall discuss it in the calmest manner, and when ; true grounds are clearly seen and understood, we rjoll come to the conclusion to avert a war ifpoesi* but if not, that’we shall bo united as one man 13 support of the country. Ur- C. resolutions were then read as follows: kerolved. That, the President of the United States • 11 power, “ by and with tbo advice and consent of ’* Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of Senate present concur.” Resolved, that the power of making treaties era- hires that of settling and fixing boundaries be* '•• eentbe territories and possessions of the United •"’itcs and those of other powers, in cases of conflic* "'2 claims between them in reference to the same. Resolved, that however clear their claims may be, their opinion, to “ tbo country included within tho turalleU of 43 deg. And 54 deg. 40 minntos north latitude, and extending from the Rocky Mountain* •v the Pacific Ocean, known as the Territory ofOr- ' K°*C there now exists, and hare long existed, eon* dieting claims to the possession of the same between ihem and Great Britain, tbo adjustment of which h=ve been frequently the subject of negotiation be* t vecn the respective Governments. “Resolved, Therefore, That the President of the l cited States has rightfully the power, under the ''institution, by and with the advice and content of lhe Scute, provided thattwo-tbirds of the members Wsent coocur, to adjest by treaty the elaitna of the ■ Vo countries to the said territory, try fixing a boon* Ur J between their respective possessions. Resolved, That the President of the United States, J 'mewing the eflbr, in the spirit of pence and com* to establish the 49th parallel of north lab- “•fc « a line between the possessions of the two ' *«ries to the said territory, did not “ abandon the the character, and the beat interest of the v** 0 P eo V*e,’’ or exceed the power vested in "*•» the Constitution to make treaties. attend reveille,) tho sides and roof of which are frozen stiff with sleet, the coldest u sort” of a “north* er” striking you in the face as soon as yoa get your head outside, the thermometer at 90 s , and no fire. 1 say, just imagine each a state ol things, and yon will understand why we would like to be farther north.” “The army is snpplied entirely from New Or ion*, by way of SL Joseph’s Island, thirty miles distant from this place, and at which place is the principle depot Two small steamers, (the “ NeT»” sod “Col. Lang,”) ply between the two places con stantly, bringing ns supplies, and the mails, as they arrive from New Orleans, in small sailing vessels, snd of course, very irregularly. Tbe distance from New Orleans to Aransas Bay, is about six hundred miles, the bar at the latter place can only be crossed by vessels drawing six or seven feet of water. All large vessels have to anchor in the open sea, outside, sod bo unladened by lighters in a heavy sea, caused by the East wind, which blows there ** incessantly.’ Yon can well imagine tbe difficulties of landing troops under such circumstances, particularly moun ted irouft, which was done, however, without an ac cident, by two companies of mounted Artillery, and all the other troops, except Dnguons.” “ The Mexican traders that come in here from the Rio Grande, are, perliaps, the most inferior speci men of while men, (if Mexicans can be thus desig nated, > that I have seen, and are only equaled by the horses they ride. You have heard of tho “ Mus tang horses” tliat ream over the immense desert of the same name, that lies between the Neuces and Rio Grande, bat, unless you have, and had a des cription furnished, yon can scarcely imagine how mean that animal, the horse, can become, by run ning wild on the prairies. They are uglier than the mule, without possessing uny of his qualities for endurance—tliey are hard to make manageable, and when rendered so, are worthless, with lew ex ccptions.” It, a ,asl pacer, about 8 or 0 years old—tbo other a long slim horse, about the same age. I will give FIVE DOLLARS each fat such information as will enable me to get them. JOHN H. GILMORE. Palmyra, Jan. M, 1846, 40 t£ A monster steamer, called tbe George Washing ton, was launched at New York on Tuesday last. She is 340 feet long, 40 feet beam, 95 feet wide, in cluding guards, and ten feet hold. She will have eighty inch cylinders, monster pieces of machineryj and a twelve foot stroke. This steamer is said to be tlie largest in tho world. ir brandies of Mathematics and Classics, 8 00 B. Apparatus will be procured as soon as G. & OGLESBY, WM. JANES. Fowltown, Jan. 14,1845, 40 1’ Strayed or Stolen, Georgia, Let County. To the Superior Court of said County: T HE petition of William B. W. Dent, aheweth that on the fourth day of August, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and forty-two, in Heard county, to wit: In said county of Lee Eleaxer Gar ret of Ixe county, made and delivered to your peti tioner, a Mortgage Deed of that date, which is here shewn to the Court, far the better securing of three promissory notsa, also made and delivered to your petitioner by said Garret of said date; two first of which notes are here ready to be shown lo said court, by the first of said two notes by the twenty-filth day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-three, tho said Eleaxer Garret promised to pay year petitioner, CITY HOTEL;’ CORKER of BROAD and FRONT, &eetr, .ILB.IAT, GEORGftf. MRS. bIeRRAN,;^*^ JJESPECTFULLY informs tire Public tha^rjie Willi thirtv cents FROM tlie subscriber, on or about the 15th of December, 1845, TWO ,H O R S E S—one a white horse, heavy secoi of D Said Will tliirtj cent Administrator’s Sale. TXTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February * " next, before the Court House door, in tbe town of Tbomasville. Thomas county, Ca., by an order of the Inferior court when sitting for ordinary purposes, the following property, to wit: One lot of land, property county, deceased. PRIOR LEWIS, Adiu’r. ThouiasviUe, Oct. 15,1845, 37 ‘ tds. Medical Notice. D OCTOR ME iLS lias returned (in renewed health) to Albany, and resumed the practice of Medicine. Those desiring his services may leave their messages cither at his office, opposite the Amci> icon Hotel, or at the residence ol Mr. Baker, on Pine street, opposite the new Baptist t hurch. Dec. 34,1815. 37— ly ami hree and one-third ■waning the due of Aad also, by tbe the twenty-filth day and forty four, tbe pay your petitioner, three hundred and hreo and one-third meaning the date of . nd by which mort gage Deed, said Eleaxer Garret, for the sum of tire dollars, in hand paid as well as for the bettor securing tlie payment of said threo notes as above stated.— Granted, bargained and sold onto your petitioner a fat of hud, No. two hundred and forty-two, in tbe third district of said Lee county, condition to be void and of no eAct, whensoever the Eleaxer Garret should pay said three notes according to the tenor and 'effect of said notes and Mortgage Deed, and your petitioner avows tint raid Eleaxer Garret lax not paid tbe two notes, first aforesaid or any part thereof. Wherefore your petitioner preys a Rule has taken this large and commodious eetaldial)-. meut, (recently occupied t “ is prepared to a Travellers. Her Table w31 at i best that the market will afford, isj-j will be rendered to the comfort of those" who lnay favor her with their patronage. Excellent Stables wrU supplied wdSfcg^gUey, and gafcOst- lets ire connected wjib tov muimmIs ST Terms will he mask to comspandscilh the timer. Tbo Crrr Horn, occupies a tielightful sjtuatiqn— commanding a fine view of tho River, and is only sufficiently removed from the centre of bostiaatii to avoid its butie and noise without foreeoinjr Jts con- Nisi may be granted, calling on said Eleaxer Garret i of to pay into tbe Clerk’s Office of this Court the amount of principal and interest doe on first two said notes on or before tbe .lint day of tbo next Term of Court, or shew cause in- default of payment why said Mortgage should not be foreclosed, and the Equity of Ratemption therein contained ho forever barred, and that service of the Rule Nisi be perfected by publication according to the statute in such cases made, snd provided said Eleaxer Garret residing out of said State of Georgia. IRWIN R. BROWN, Plaintifl’s Attorney. A List of Letters, J^EM.MNIXG in the l’ost Office on the 31st of Ji suspicions Craft.—The editor of the Island Gazelle, learns that Turks Island Gazelle, learns that there is much talk at St. Thomas, of n strange and suspicious sloop in ihq port of Cnrihn- genn, under Urittisn colors, commanded by nn Indian, wjio had exchanged frank dol lars, 17 of which he gave for a doubloon, and was reported to have $15,UOtl on board. Ho fore mailers could lie investigated by I lie authorities at Cnrihngenn, slTc left ’ the port. Many inquiries are being made a- mnng the islands concerning this vessel.— jY. O. Picayune. COMMERCIAL. Our market has been very quiet since onr last report—a few small lots have been sold, at a reduc tion of J a 1c. per lb. from prices current previous to receipt of Acadia’s accounts, snd shippers are not disposed to operate to any extent, even at this reduction. Favorable accounts from Liverpool alone will revive prices—bat little cotton now of fering. Wo qaote from 4] to 6c. Our river is in good boating condition, and we shall, in a few days, see oar New Boat at tbo wharf, ready for business at any stage of tbe river. December, 1815. Atington, Hardy Alexander, Ann O Ankerlcck, Jehu Brooks, Mrs Eliza bilbo. John larlow, Tunslbo brocket, Win Brunson.llarvcy Boon, Nicholas Boyd,Jesse Bush, James A Bassett, Elizabeth Bullard, Moses C Bassett, Fraucis Boon, James Blaylock, Elizaticth Blun, Thomas 11 Boyd, George Borton, Mm Coeton, Eliza Chance, M M Cammack, Frederick Colley, John Clayton, Busan B Daniel, Francis A Dudley, John Driggiirs, D T Davis, John M Fluker, D M Frazer, Alexander Folds, John >.onion. Emily Grilhu, Hardy Griner, Samuel Grosman, Alexander Griffis, Reubin N Harvey, John P I lain, Jesse Hall, Isaac llurin, Michael Henderson, Wm Ilentz, John Jackson, Mrs Elizabeth J if kins, B Joiner, John W Kelly, Janies 2 Kennedar, John laiMlell," Sims Land, Jesse Ledbetter, D W Moreland, John McDaniel, I<evi 2 Mulkcv, Littiebeny AlcAIjiine, Daniel Moore, John W Mound. Wm W McIntosh, John McCall, Tin-mas W Kewsoo, Wm Oolcsby, Geo S Odom, Jacob Odom, Win H GEORGIA, Lee Cocstv. Superior Court, November Term, 1845. On hearing tin within petition and on muliou of counsel, it is ordered by tho Court that said Eleaxer Garret pay into the Clerk's Olfico of this Court, on or before the first day of the next Term ot this court, the amount of tbe principal and interest due on said two first notes mentioned in said petition, or show cause iu default thereof, why said Mortgage Deed should not he foreclosed, and the Equity of Red tion therein contained, be forever barred, and that service bo perfected as in said petition prayed for. A true Extract from the Minutes of tho Su|a.-rior Court of Lee county, this the 29th day of November, 1846. SAMUEL C. WYCHE, Clerk. Jan. 7,1816, 39 4m. ' T"f subscribers have on hand, which they otter Shoes, (some very superior) Kip do., ladies ~ ' Women’s leather Walking do., Kid Steps, Gaiters, 1 “ i, Uc - • - - Shoes, Gent’s tine Calf ppggcd aud sewed, fine Calf pegged and sewed Boots, Water-proof do.. &.C., &c. HUNT &. PYNCIION. Albany, Oct. 29, 29 3m. Perry, Vnstv F "irk A Holden, Major Jin 2 Thiuien, Godson G Tharue, B A COTTON MARKETS. Urcrpool,extremes,Upland,-------6 a 9 New York, - “- .- “....-..--6 a 8, Charleston, - --5j * 71 Savannah, - 5| a 7 j Apalachicola, ---6.j a 7 Albany. - - - - 4 j a 6 Hamilton, James Holmes, Thomas J Hooks, Robt 8 Howard, Wm Heinmick, R Hiii, (engineer) Herrin, Edmund Jones, Goo W Jacobs, Mrs Sarrah A S. T. MALLORY, P.M. Albany, January.7,1846, 89 3t. Jllbany Jlcademy. (THIS Institution is now open far tbe reception of Pupils. The Trustees havo reengaged the services of Mr. Dunlinin, who will, should the num ber of pupils require it, procure tho services of an able Assistant. Ot Mr. Dunham's moral character and example, of his superior qualifications as a Teacher, we need say nothing to (lie former patrons of the Academy, or to tlioso who lave not had tbe opportunity of such information, we say confidently that Mr. 1). is not surpassed by any Teacher in the State. Tho acknowledged health of Albany, its society, schools. Churches, and tlie beauty of its location, conspire to render it a delightful residence for fami lies. Parents residing out of town, who wish to send their children to school, can obtain good board for reasonable prices. TERMS OF INSTRUCTION. Primary class per session of Sire months, - $3 00 Common English branches, - v - -. • 12 00 Higher “ with Latin and Greek, 16 00 THE TRUSTEE8. Albany, Jan. 14,1846, 40 tf. Tbe New York Sun says: “ We. are authorized uT 1 4t defiance any attempt to enter oar ^ Ansppropriatfonfrom Coogri-wUL be Law Notice. T HE late firm of Wieses &. Scxsnoxocoi: composed of Eli Warren and James J. Scar borough, having been dissolved by the election of Mr. Scarborough to the Judgeship of the Southern Circuit, the undersigned have associated them selves together In the practice of Law, under the uamc of Warren A Scarborough, and will constant ly attend all tbe Courts of the Southern and South western Circuits, and of Houston and Crawford, of the Flint Circuit. D* Tbeir Office is at Petty, Homton county, Ga., where one of them may always be found. ELI WARREN, PITT F. D. SCARBOROUGH. Perry, Houston county, Jan. 14,1846, 40 4L TOR WORK of ail kinds executed at this Office V with ncatnms and despatch. April 16,1815. Porter, Mark 3 Platt, W II IVdlock, Patterson, Josiah Perry, Mrs Horn Ann Perkins, Isaac I’opc, Joel Puckct. Thomas Reynolds, Radford Roberts, U M Kohy &. Cock 2 Kicks, Daniel M, or Ricks, Jackson Spradlcy, Dillard Smith, .Miss Louisia Sikes, Mirian Sinquclield, Asa 2 Strozcr, Prissilla Sheriff of Baker Co. 2 Singleton, Wm N Smith, James Y Sailers, J 3 Tyson, Moses KK$I- OA Sacks Rio and Laguiria Cotier, fall — 400 Sacks Salt, 40 Bbls Old Rectified Whiskey, 6 do. American Brandy, 6 do. N. E. Rum I Pipo Superior Otard Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla A Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweeties Iron, Trace Clams, Wctdiiig lutes, sixes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purchase will do well to give me call. W- E. SMITH Albany, april 16, 1846. 1 tf TharpcJ Vac on, D A J Wix, J A Warren, PLD Attention Farmers! THE SUBSCRIBER j^ESPECTFULLY returns thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, and hope by ciose attention to business to merit a continuance from his former customers. He still occupies bis old staud in Harris’ Row, on Broad street, and has recently made arrangements to procure iron of all descriptions to suit the wants of the country. He is also preparing another new forge, and will do business on a more extensive scale. He is prepared to do any kind of work in his line on tho shortest possible notice. ALBERT, G. OSGOOD. Albany, December 31, tC sjtnnMsEnir. T HE subscribers have now a very extrnstvo sortment of SADDLES, embracing every shape and quality, sense very fine, Side do. of superi or quality, Waggon do., Bridles, Martingales, car riage ana waggon Whips, sulky and baggy llarnes- waggon Whips, sulky and ses, Homes and Collars, Blind Bridles, HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct 39, 39 Jnit Received Y the subscribers, pieces tine black and col’d Broad Cloths, American and French Cassimers, black Silk and Satin Vestings, rich Wool do., com mon do., Kentucky Jeans, a great variety of cheap r"urof which they oflfer Pant Stuffs for common wear, m u. wmeu ukv ou on good terms. HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29,1845, 29 New Goods! New Goods! lBHJSn? (2J.2FSTS3’©EK5)5y A RE now leeeiving their sanply -of' DR DOODS, suited to the Fail . 6m! Whiter Trade, embracing an extensive assortment of Ne gro Clothe, Blenketa and ether Plantation Goods, which they oficr it low priooft* Albany, Oct. 29,1846; 89 tt Crockery. J UST received by HUNT A PYNCHON, cheap and fa* Crockery, white Granite Tea and Din ner Setts. Oct 2?,- 29 3a. *•* Tho subscriber solicits a share of tbe-naUfo patronage E. T. BERRAN? Albany, Ort 29,1815, 29 tt JtTedleal Copartnership,: DOCTORS DAVIS & MATHEWS R ESPECTFULLY inform tho citizens of Albany and vicinity, that they hare this day asaociaUtt. themselves in the practice of their profession, and hope that their union will prove satisfactory to tbqir. mutual friends. They will give prompt attention to all egtlf cithqr in the city or country. Their office will be rontinned at the coo, at pep*- .cut, occupied by Dr. W. L. Davis. ID* Messages left cither at their office an Broad st., or at the residence of Dr. Mathews, corner <jf Pine and Jackson at'*., will be promptly attended tu, Albany, Aug. 27,1845, 20 tf. >' ‘ Extra Cautionary Notice, O N last Saturday I observed the following notice in tbe Albany Courier—as the time tad sfccn of soiling are materially altered, for the purpose of giviug a more general publicity to the sale, I affair the notice published as it appeared, for the first time, in a public taper. Here cornea the notice lo wbith i have alladetl: •Votice. ’ i O N the 4tli Saturday in Jatnjaty next, will ho soi.d at tlie Printing Office, of the Albany Coarier, in Albany, tlie personal property belonging to the estate of John Jones, late of Baker county, deceased, as will also be rented U«e Courier Office, its press, type, and building, until the 6th day of March next , when the lease with Col. Woolbright expires,-wMt the toss and gain of said office from the 10th day pt June last till day of sale. Terms made known' on day of sale. Boots and Shoes. very low prices, a large stock of "Negro notice, which appeared in tlie Patriot'of last Wed nesday, and continue it until the day for which the sale of the Courier Office is advertised. Appcihl ■uv notice to this i! you pluisc. "Nov. 20, 33 t<£<.] JOHN E. KEAN. • JTust Recived, 2JMIE remainder o. tlie lease of the Courier Offiefc I pen - - - rcoive has been advertised for sale. Tbp sale, I il ink, is to take place the 29th of tlie present mouth—tlie lease ends the 7tii March, ensuing, «£ v.-idcli ti ne my interest in it expires. This state ment is made lor the purjs^e of informing the public tisit tlie sale of the said lease has been advertised* Mj.i.XBS FOR S.1JLE. rjNUE following named tracts of LAND witt la- sold on reasonable terms, and good ‘1 itlcs given: No. 228, 3d district of Baker County, er or purchasers, if any there should he, will be held liable for the satisfaction of my claim. Tho notice of sale of tho leaso above mentioned was not publish-. cd in ciihcir ol the public Gazettes of Allany, as 14 customary; hut was written and posted on thedotfr at J. W. Gaylord's store in this puce, and, as 1 be lieve at no other place. I now, formally, forbid lb? sale of said lease. JOHN E. KEAN. IT Since writing the above I have understood ' that ono other advertisement of tbe leas* was pastQff at the Post Office. JOHN E. KEAN, ' Novemls-r 19,1845, 33 tds. 198, 15th 248, 15th 71, 33d 354, 15th 318, 15th 370, 15th 526, 6th 361, 27th 92, 9th Randolph county, Decatur “ Early For farther particulars, apply to RICHARD H. CLARK, Oct. 29, 29 tC] Albany, Ga. FORT G,’iIJYKS Wharf and Ware House (OLD STAND.) T HIS Large and commodious establishment is again open for the reception of COTTON and MERCHANDIZE. The subscriber takes this method of returning bis thanks to the Public, for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, and respectfully solicits a con tinuance of. the same. lie will Store Cotton at the low price of Twenty-Joe Cents per hale, for tiic sea son, and will give his personal attention to tie Wlicighing amf Shipping or Sale of cotton Stored with him, without any extra charge. IT He is prepared'to make Liberal Advances, cither in Merchandize or Cotton.* •Biggins, Rope ana Salt, constantly on hand, and for sale low. Should any planters storing cotton with me, wish to avail themselves of the Bay Market, I have made arrangements with some of tbe First Class Steam Boats, to take them with their cotton (where tliey make from thirty to fifty boles or more,) free of charge. In bet, I am always at home, ready and waiting to render my services to all who may need them, either personally or by order. CHARLES F. BEMIS. Fort Gaines, Now. 5,1846, 30 tf. For Rent. THE plsce now occupied by John K. Stim- son, over tbe utoro of Wm. E. Smith. This tenement has been recently repaired and pamtud.undis conveniently arranged for a large or small family, and baa a large Cistern attached with convenient fixtures lor drawing water. For further particulars apply to HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Dee. 31,1846, 38 tt Drew Goods and Trimming*, TUST received by HUNT A PYNCHON, a large «! aarcrtraefit of English, French and American SUSAN A. F. JONES, Adm’rst •’ Nov. 23d, 1845.—38—tds. For a proper, not an extrajudicial understanding (f the above notice, I wi.-.h you would republish .me Cautionary Notice, ithout my consent, snd that therefore tbe purclm^- ha HV1HE BOUSE. THE subscribers have the past Sonv- inor built a now WARE HOUSE, for the Storage of Cotton, and solicit. a siatre ot the patronage of the Planters generally. IT Liberal ad ranees made on cotton in Store. HUNT A PYNCHON. Ot L 29,1845, 39 Sill. s 2 . PROSPECTUS . OF. A NEW DEMOCRATIC PAFEttt THE SOUTHERN JOURNAL* To be published is Tallahassee, Florida. proposes t of 7Ylishassee7a weekly Newspaper, to bo entitkii *—RNAL” To bodenv “THE SOUTHERN JOURN.1 ted to Politics, Literature, Agriculture, tho cease of Temperance, snd Morality eeneraliy. In Politics tbe Southern Journal will attach itrair to the southern school, and sustain those principles which among Southern Democrats are known as tte State Right Doctrines. It will contend for a strict construction of (he Cor*- otitution of the United States; believing that tirtr Federal Government was the result of a compact be tween separate and independent Stales, and that every power not expressly granted, was reserved to tho States, severally. Tlrnt tlie exercise of any power not exprerslr granted, on the part of the Federal Government, is an usurpation, and should be cheeked. The Southern Journal will contend for the doc trine that the Federal Government should take Do money from the people ol the States, except by tbe express grant under the authority of explicit terms of the' Constitution. It will contend that no Tariff should bo imposed, except for the purpose of Revenue, and to defray the of Government. It will oppose the appropriation of the pr Seeds d the rale ot the Public Lanin to the States. . These are some of-the leading topics which wffL gage tbe attention of the " Southern Journal.” . Ut relation to the local affaire of tho 8tato,fl*» Journal will be Democratic, and subnet the poUcy of tho Democratic Party. With tbs past—thextrito and tho bitterness of a by-gone day,-it will bore as little to do ns the ratine of its position w'dl permit. Those questions which have in times prat divide* tbe public mind, which have been rtsnnraert snd set- tied—which are no laager practical questions, s PRINTS, entirely new styles, Ginghams, de Lanes, Orahmen, (new styles! plate and figured which can have no weight with j or enlightened people, it wffi i dod, unices imperiously fore* The “Southern Journal” l. Toosday, and furnished to Dollars per annum, payable invariably i The undersigned has also reads a rear, secure the assisstanrs in the editorial,' Alpaecaa, collored do., black and col’d Silks, fancy {connexion with the Neck Ties, Mitta, col’d and libek Girdtaq do. Coofe time in Janaapy -. and Tastita Dew style Gimp Cord, Ac^ Ac. J WASHINGTON BARTIJETT Albinr, QcC 39,1845, 29 3m. | TrtlMaWW 184ff. .