The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 03, 1846, Image 2

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From Ihe S'nc-OrUan, Della, Sid m*L FROX tiik seat oe war. STILL LATER—AIUUVAL OF THE ALABAMA—TAKING OFBAia- TA—CONDITION OF THF- WODN- bED IN THE ACTIONS OF THE el'll AND 9TH INST., ElC. ETC. "Till! stcftui sliip'Alabainu. Capt. Win-. Jlc. irrivctl at l Lis port about 2 o clock Ibis morning, bringing l itc dates from the Drains, whence she sailed oil the 19lh init. at 5 o’clock, P. M. We have only lime to make brief extracts from our let- j The news is only important as the scat of war. will not 6nd in it any matter of great excitement, as the report was, ih&t there was on the part of both armies a disposition to get stronger fortified* together with greater reinforce ments. Galveston has sent off* to the ar my ovijr three hundred of her citizens, and we can justly say that they are the flowpi and stamina of our city. Others are. preparing to go. Yours, respectfully. J. W. J. Galveston, May 18 The steamship Telegraph was to leave m keeping up a connected fiistory of the e- last evening (I7lli) for New Orleans, vents on the frontier. The sclir. Fraucis Seaward arrived at Capt. Taylor,'U. S. A.. Wm. II. Dun-: Brazos Samingo from New Orleans, on bar, L. C. Hornsbv, F. Fisher, and Mr. Sunday last, with supplies for the army. Barry, emne passengers in the Alabama.! Sclir. Falcon, from New Orleans, arriv- The Alabama reports that ollicjal in-; ed on Saturday lust, formation had licen received nt Point Is- ] — abel that Col. Wilson with four compa- j The Ljim.—Ws were given to mi nis* of regulars and three of Alabama ,dcr*tund yesterday that Gen. Guines has volunteers, had taken Bariia, without the ; declined accepling llie olferof the Legion least opposition. Gen. Taylor was to to proceed to the aid of Gen. Taylor, cross the Rio Grande on Monday morn- • N. 0 Delta 22,1 imt. ing, 18th, for the purpose of taking Main- j . morns. Having beard no cannonading at the Point, it was the universal .opinion Mexicans hud evacuated the The Volunteer Cpmpany of Pike ■coun ty ha* been made, up, and have peered their services .to Uits Goycri'Or, .They are a fine body j)f. men, nnd will do Un cle Sam good service,, if.opportunity be afforded - them.. -Wc ean -assure.- Hoy- Crawford lie will .'find, ,no .bnck-mit-in them, either-httesofswr th»' battle-field.' Griffin Jeffersonian. mimroe; Tcnn-\ ! ?SayKlt,lR46 b.ear. Sir;«-Havfog no acquaintance in your place,, indneed .me to address'a line to you—ihpTsucJi portions pf the in- 1 To BUI HcMm ot Ike Comm -•■■■■■■ a - . ALBANY PATRIOT. Those who are so unfortunate as to hold the bills.of ibis eslabiisinenl, which has closed,doors and payment, are notified not to part with them for a paltry consid eration. as by a little trouble they can get their rights l.y the laws of the land. The Stockholders'nre men of snhstmicc, mid WEDNESDAY, AVNE 3, 1S46. tr The Editor of the Courier of last week, in one of the most reprehensible eiticlee which we have eceo published in say quarter, on the subject of the war with Mexico, and which wo hare noticed elsewhere, erke the Patriot to inform him whether , ... , , “President Polk will continue bis dalliauce or will SE 3fof!^.uiri3^l" h ‘™V n * rU ' in "* * ith 7,7*.^ “■“* »• «*• *. Te»e ii. fruitless- They are liable for evt iy hill W. .rawer tbst If foe sentiment, of tho Volunteer, to bo enrobed but not called into re,, of the (rank. Co“"« f . P“‘ Sw* •» *•» • rt,cle an “ <W to - “ uW | rice until further orders, consist offoirty-niae — Tlie following is n elmisc in the cluitter bare any influence upon the public mini, the Pteei- monte of Foot, numbering total 34,486, ris: Maine Orders from the ■ Wa take the' following nummary from the “Cir. cular to the Governors of the States," issued from the War Department on the 19th ult. Volunteers called from diflerent States far hams- dials service consist of jfr* regiments of Bores, numbering 3949, and ttcenlecn regiments of Foot, numbering 13,308—total 17,133, six:—Regiments from, Arkansas 1$, Mississippi I, Alabama l.Geor, gia 1, Tennessee 3, Kentucky 3, Missouri LDIiaois that the town. Gen. Smith's command had commenc ed their lino of march on the island of Bo ca Clitca, to cross the Kin Grande at the mouth, and ndvance up the river oti the enemy’s side. Col. Mark’s and Col. \\ alton’s regi ments a*re complete; the steamer Sea having arrived on the morning previous in the departure of the Alabama. Officers and men all well and in good ■spirits- -• ; Thcnflicers wounded in the late actions aro doing well. > Dear Delta—* * • This morning tbc steamship Cincinnati came alongside at the aoclmrage and conveyed most of the troops [on l<oard the Alabama] to Point Isabel. "****, Last night Gen. Taylor was to have ; ing to 180 Crossed the Uio Grande, ami this morning 1 r 1 — : - to attack Matamoras. The volunteers arrived before us, have left Point Isabel to join Gen. Taylor at Camp Brown, op posite Matamoras, and we ate ordered to follow, ns soon as we land, without bag gage. Wo have a prospect of warm work. * * '• * Tom. We have here quite a hospital of wounded men, comprising 43 privates, three Mexican prisoners—one of whom has lost Imth legs—and tlic following of ficers of the U. S. Army: Got; McIntosh, fith Infantry, was pierc ed through the mouth with a bayonet and shot in three places. Col. Payne, Insp'r Gen., shot in the tip. Cnpt. Page, 4th Infantry, lower jaw, part of the tongue and upper teeth shot away. He is suffering dreadfully. . Capt. lloe, 6(h Infantry, right arm shot off"above the elbow. Lieut. Gates, Stli Infantry, right arm broken anil shot in the left hand. Lieut. Jordan, Slh Infantry, shot and bayoncited ip several plal-es. .Lieut. Luther, 2d Artillery, lower lip shot off. It is expected that all the above will recover, but most of them will require great care. News has just arrived that a body of marines from ibe fleet anticipated the ar rival of Col. Wilson at Barita, by march ing upon the Mexicans, who immediately evacuated the post. The inhabitants of the town then hailed the marines, and ■forthwith seul them fresh beef and other provisions. We arc going- there never theless, although our fond hopes of a fight are scattered like chaff. formatioqasyou may. deem of'sufficient of the Commercial Bunk S , «tent would not be able to proenstinxto the urxr at; 1, Now Hampshire i, Mxxxxehurettx l, Rhode interest, may. be made public; inthe “The persons and properly ofilic Murk- nil! Our wive* and our children, our firexklca and ^Connecticut A, Vermont New York 7 early part-of April-two scoundrel* past bold* rs in the Commercial Bank at Mu- uur alia™ would alike bo intuited and desecrated! New Jersey 1, Delaware 4, Pennsylvania 6, Mtrr' through thiS-sectinrf inf country, passing con, shall at sail times fie pledged 111.1l by * foreign foe with impunity t What freeman land 3, Virginia 3, North Carolina 1, South r- " counterfeit money ahd ■ stealing and rob- bound, in proportion to the amount oil the | would abed his blood for the “ hirelings of party,” |i u j t n. a, Michigan 1, Florida 4 lowwi* hips, where an ppriorinnitu I&r„l - nns v-iliio <if share or shares that eneh intlivid-! .1 — ■_ —a. .r.i—u. .u. .... . . .. . . ' 1, lo:v» J, offered.; one value of share or shores ihnl each iniliviil-, urged on by 4 the tvwnrd, of plunder, or the excite- -iff, where an opportunity c _ _ ®Ithem alternately i-ii.lWd.his . name Rob- ual or c ompany hold, possess, lire inter- j ^ 0 f n,e huser and meaner passions of human Wisconsin 1, Alabama j. erts,!Ilobinspti', .TfHotnas.and Speed, his ested in.orWuiwI to', In llie said Coin- ]” V“\vhn tiZriZnd’t.^^ld'bo'tolld\oa^J^TrfF^tTn° ° f 789 ~ true, name not known here, he is about Bank at Macon, for the ultimate j to u down „„ Hfe for ||to co „ nUy , if , IC believed I • h. r , u »utuw.Ji^.— -r ..1—. —1 r -11 a, I..II. ......-I .,,1 I in* It seems from the following article, which wa INexicau Preparation. 'Wc aro informed from a reliable source,” says tbe N. Y. Herald, “ihnt within the last year and a half, or two years, the Mexican Government lint been receiving, from time to lime, schoonrrs. powder, cannon, and ball fiotn the city of New York. Within this period there have been built-, by our ship mnster. twelve strong schooners, of sufficient strength and capacity to act ns privateers or vessels of war. These vessels were built with an eye to strength, combined with swiftness of sailing. These vessels were despatched to Mexico under Ame rican colors, and under the captainship of Americans, from lime to time, ns they were built, and were paid for by an ex tensive Mexican house in this city. Each of these vessels carried, likewise, trom eight to ten tons of gunpowder ns cargo, - . . and like wise a number of guns, amount- *eal, tlieWatcft haMhfe name orTJnrtot. I in all, which were cast ot a. fogtoved op *!W,J.osjiJe-. ^e,.,\y«h some thirty or thirty-five years of age, ul^m redemption «d* all notes or bills imued. or , ^ lhi , i. h “monatrou. mrf, . five feet ten inrhe. high, spare foir that may he hereafter issued, by and from 0DdMaksn ln “ unhallowed “ k8 fro “ ^ N - Y - »f Commem,. the skin, sandy hair amLbeard; wohM wergh said Commercial Bnnk lit Maron, vt the | ’ requi»ition far Volunteer Troon. <gii u- '** "bout 14CFpounds;' the -other Culled L ’ T * Couner exaggerate, the’’reccnUp-1wh name Slnplft*;' he is about 28 years old or simple nation or A*.”—PnWf Dig. st. l-mpnation.’’ of Congraa. to fifty million, of dol-, "T JT‘ 10 “■ black eyw and h.air^ alnait 6 freiy 9 or lO puge 102.’ «•«.- nearly four ilmo. their real amount. U ttflsK h »t will ho Wytioned .nxmg , M % inches high, slender*jrlaile, lu,ih profess; Le; profess' Let the bill holders ap|8)int a day to to he physieiaiistjhey ’ staled they'Were; meet each other in Macon, and ngree to from Georgia ; they were arrested in M»n- place their bill in the hands of an ntlor- ticello, Kentucky, for passing counterfeit ney, to bring suit agninsi the stiH-kholder, money, they hail in their possr-ssion at the and they cannot fail to get every dollar of lime, five Gold Watches which were ho!their money as certainly as llicy would doubt stolen, and I think it .probable from ' on a plain note of hand your Sate;.three of these watches they gave to their lawyeis who live in Mrinti- cello, Kentucky, Messrs. Beard and Stone. Staples was committed in Jail, hut In a The day for bank failures to pass off will) impunity is gone. The patience of the community is threadbare, nnd they will hereafter hold every one connected argument addressed to the “ baser and meaner! ® Utea in "““itking like tbc ratio of their popala- pasaions of human nature,” for tlio purpose of check- i uon * ing the patriotic spirit which has been exhibited i V °t-UNTEEBS.—Tlic following it the eo- • . , . ,. r , . . . . . . . ■ rohncni of troops ordered by tbe Execuiiv* throngboul the naUon, mid bunging defeat to our in lhc Mvera | S ^, es> „ nd mLierinKeighty arms? A nation would not be worthy to be railed six regiments and a half. At the average free—Americans would not bo worthy to enjoy the few day. broke out; Jluberls was disclrarg- with one of these fraudulent, mushroom ed.a few days afterAheir arres.t in Mouti- cello. Roberts in company witli anuifier confodrrate, returned thmugb this neigh borhood and otethe night of the 13th ult. broke open my hnns^ and stole from me a very nile G.old; Wptdlr, gold chain' and foundary in this city and proved by an! k'Ucr^or letterx.pracecdiog the name, not American of skill in such matters. recollected; “At one time, it is said, the Mexican government were indebted to this Mexican house in half a million of dollars for these supplies, A ship master lalely from Ve ra Cruz, reports that when he was there he inspeated tlic castle of St. Juan ile Ulloa and saw a cannon of 182. pounds calibre, which, with forty or fifty I’nixhan guns arc now mounted on that fortress. ‘•The beach where the French landed is likewise completely fortified. “We have the names nnd dates of these fucl^whicffwc suppress fur the present,” Exlituirc Pt,parnlions for IVnr—Arms Jar /Ac Gulf Drjcncrs.—On Saturday night and during the entire day of Sunday, says the Pittsburg Chronicle, a large number of wagons were employed in conveying arms and ammunition of various kinds from the Arsenal to the river, where they Hre being shipped on Imnrrl the steamers Talisman and Hatchco Eagle, and di rected to Forts Monioe, Si. Philip, and other defences on the Gulf. Hundreds of hoxes of rifles nnd muskets, together with immense quantities of mounted ar tillery, &c., have licen ordered by Gov ernment from the Arsenal nl Pittsburg to our Southwestern frontier. We under stand further that the utmost aelivity mi present prevails at the Arsenal in order to furnish the requsite amount immedi ately. The workmen are employed day and night in casting bulls, preparing cart ridges, and manufacturing arms of vari ous kinds. on lhe same. night they en tered the dwelling of Thomas Cape; one of my neighbors, and stole from him JM30 in money, vvejiursuM them and overtook them about fifty tpiles from here, and succeeded in takitur cino of them who is now in the Juil at Livingston, his name is Brat-ham, hut he called his name Gordon; Rubens or Robertson made his escape, carrying with him the stolen property, it may lie that lie will-return to ynof sec tion of country, if so, I should lie glad to have him secured, so that he could' lie made to answer for his crimes committed here, if the owners of the watches at Monliccllo,-should, need any aid in recov ering them I will offord them every facili ty in iny-power to effect that object, and I would Irel thankful for similar aid in the recovery of-my wntc-h. ■; I am very respectfully, -Your ob't serv’t. EDWARD N. CULLONE. Post Master, Columbus, Ga. Columbus Times. m. Thomas J. Rusk, Senator from Texas. General tyisk, the ass-iciatc Senator ol Tin frigate "Raritan' sailed versterday I £ en - S “ m Houston, from the new State of for Vera Cruz. The rest of the fleet, Texas, ttofono the very finest men comprising the frigates Cumberland and Potomac, brigs Bainbtidge and Somers, arc in the offing at anchor. Officers and crews all well. in the strong, and perpendicular swindling machines, to a fearful respon sibility. If the’hi II holders are only true to themselves, they will find it so. Thnj have only to bring suit, to get evriy dollar of the money out if which they hurt bean defraud ed. The biw u plain, and public opinion propitious. T suggest that all the holders of bills, far ami near,-meet either in person or by representative, at the Court House in Ma con, on Wednesday, the 22d ot June, and agree to unite and employ an attorney nr attornies to bring suit. “A Sufferer bvtiie late Fire.” Papers sympathising with suffering hill holders, will confer a favor by publishing the above. Tbe two Parlies. It is not without pain tliut, at this mo ment, we write the caption. Wc laid hoped that the spirit of parly would sleep in this business of Mexico. But it bus been fated otherwise. Tbe Whig leaders in the Senate have made their election.— The fiery-eyed head of party spirit is up, and hissing with forked tongue in our high places, even at the moment when patriot ism stretches out its arm to save uur sol diers from threatened slaughter, and to chastise the invaders of our soil, lint let os be just. Wc cannot believe that the whole Whig party in Congress, much less in the country, will follow iisnltemptcd par ty lend. Snell n course to llml parly—to Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, privileges which was bought by the blood of their fathers if they could stop lo count the dollars and eta. which it would cost to defend them. No! American eitixeas are not tbc dupes of hirelings, neither are they excited by base and mean passions, or engaged in an unholy cause. 8uch slanders can emcnate from none but their enemies. They are now as they hare ever been and ever will be, worthy of Connecticut, their Revolutionary ancestors—true to themselves Rhode Island, and their country—capable of conquering their; New York, foreign invaders, and appreciating the merits of j ? ew Jv rse y, their domestic foes. In answer lo the-qnestion propoandod to as by the Courier, as to what will be tbe course of policy which the President will pursue towards Mexico, we answer confidently, judging of tbe future by the past, that it will be neither “ temporising” or “ wild and reckless,” but that it will be lulled to tbe oc casion, calm, consistent, firm and energetic. front The Geography of Mexico, Ac, the Baltic Gronud. The New York Sun contains the follow- ing description of Mjpxico, from Matamoros to the Halls of the Montczumns, which cannot but prove interesting at tlic present lime : “ Tlic U. S. Army is poeicd a on lhc left bark of the Rio Grande, opposite Mutumo- ros, at a distance of ninety miles from the const by the circuitous channel of tlic river, but only thirty or forty miles by the route «the coasi.of Mesmerism, or Animal magnetism. We witnessed some experiments in Mesmerism last week, performed by Messrs. Ilowctt & Wil liams, and shall simply state sumo of tbc results which were apparent, The subjects were two respectable young men who reside in this city. After they were magnet ized they were made conscioua or unconscioua at will. By tlic same power locomotion was given or withheld—the liands wore stuck to an object, or were deprived of tho power of approaching it within a given distnnee, Ac. Ac. Bat what seemed more strange than all olse, was a phrenological expert mont upon one of tho subjects. The Mcsmcriscr related a tale of suffering whilst he touched the or gans of koncvnlcnco nnd reverence—tlio subject of ft re hundred men in a regiment, this w?ll give yon the number of 43,23'». |f the companies arc full, the fotce will l>e equal to, and beyond, the fifty thousand men or dered by Congress: ENROLMENT. New Hampshire, 2 Indiana, 3 Kentucky, 3 Ohio, 2 Michigan. 2 Wisconsin, 1 loirn, 8 Fkiidn, 2 Louisiana, 6 Texas, 2 Tennessee, . 1 Diet, of Columbia, I 3 battalion. 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 43.230 Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois; - 83 regiinenis. 300 men each. 43,00 230 half regiment Coll for Troops. Wc publish below from the Georgia Journal, the particulars of the requisition upon Georgis, for her quota of the Volunteers which the President it authorized to call out for the prosecution of the War against Mexico. The same paper says tint all the Volunteer Corps of Savannah, Augusta, Macon and Columbus have tendered their services and pro nounced themselves ready, and that Capt. Grieve't Company of Milledgoville, tlic “Metropolitan Greys” and many other companies scattered all over the State, have done the samo. We learn from tin Recorder that the companies which may be sr/eefni by llie Governor, (for wo understand that more than the required number have already offered their scr* aiiy party—is sure and swill perdition.— gave him all tho money lie had. A pretext .was; vjcc ,) wiu ^ ordered to rendezvous at Columbus, Heaven be ..raised, the country in tin, mat- , ound for ,,„„ding it buck, when it was again re- .a- „ * To.!: J found for handing it lAck, when it was again re- whcM Ulc Governor will meet them in per son, and quired. The subject extended l.i. hand to give it, j ^ Ult . ln rauftC rod into the service of the U. State*, when tlio organ of acquisitiveness was touched—lie j Ouvcruor’s Call for Volunteer., immediately closed and drew back his band—liisi A requisition was mad-- iasi week h\ die lips were suddenly compressed, his countenance was President pi the Untied Sure, ii(sni v,oi- resolvcd lo defend our true boundary of the j contractoli >nd , l0 couIJ ta iW c.i.or Craw lord lor a .,1 voitfn- Del Aoiie. I lie country will OMiirctlly, , .. .. 1 •; seer* lo proceed lotilitttiit (o Mexico.— • • • • cite i» cent. Ilio organ of alimrntivcnetrft win* .t- . r , . * , . . . , . up have been kiiufh Intend uub tile touched, and then he seemed to crave fond with the j „| ,|, c president's re.jlilstia.ll, and intense desire of a starving man. ■ J«,r lire benefit ol uur readers, preseui llicin ter is sound—sound lo tlio core ! The coun- iry knows itself 10 be wholly right. Il knows Mexico lo be lolnllv, uu’d iiiuai mon strously, in the wrong. Ii rejoices now lo feel dial ilie ndiiiinistr iiion, lioni die first and as wiili one voice, sustain die admilii, ■ ration in that posiiion. Having, ill die niapnunimily of conscious strength, borne niid forborne 10 die very Insi, die American . Many oilier exj erimenls were i lo Point Isabel, A harbor oil Texas about ten mile* norifl of the Rio Grande. The latter liver is the botfndary between Texas and Mexico, as claimed 1>y the United States. Mexico contends dial the river Neuces is the bounday, anil ihai river tvas the boundary of die former Slate of Texas before the revolution. people now knows no iiimuttiii siitmndil I ...... . . , for ilia, false and cruel donm.,.li«,’._Lll 1, ’° ch: ' , * t ' ,cr th ” ^ • a.ieifrirt* sls.aiuvlutii ritv/1 It-.rl » intt iii*aj tin I. ‘Hi Yl*IO- Il Cllltf'P N |jri*{4l In.til, OF 3 | If})-—JltU thio IS ion t* of Senate. He standi full six°feci; n J claimed lo the Rid Grande, as ihe ‘ pro- j sinewy frame; well proportionedLpj r °i’ , h® , d , itri ci wmed her in defending i r,v.y„,, „r » ge II. U . S-.V-Crefr' man by birth and education. H<» s:udi-1 ico . F r0l „ Mntamor** to the eiiy of Mexi- L \TF. FROM THEPF. VTOF WAR. Cl r * aw m f* 1111 Stale, and in 1S24 removed, co, there is n good road, with five or ten v .. , “I* to Georgia, where in the courre ol a ten, military posts along the route. Tbc steamship New York, Cnpt. Phil lips, arrived yesterday f r .. m Brazos St. Jogo, via Galveston. ]|r r ncws , which is twenty-four hour: later than that by the Jas. L. Day, will be found below.— We issued it in an extra vesterdny.— When the Jas. L. Day left, 'Gen. Taylor was at tbc camp opposite Matamoras: When the New York left, he was at Point Isabel ; which shows that the communi cation between both stations, is free and uninterrupted. There is another fact which our readers should note. At tbe time of tbe previous advices, it was re ported that, by order of Gen. Taylor, a bridge, by means of wagons hitched to gether, was being made across the Itio- Grando : l»yilna Wfival, wc learn that ft detachment of one thousand volunteers jnu regolars look up their line of march for the porprwe of crossing the RioGraqde M the mouth of the river, intending to enter Matmnoras. Taking ilicse two facts ;m connection^ would seem that ^tgn or Gen. Taylor is to attack Matamo- ru Irotntwodifferent points, and proba- blcMmAhaneoosly. W e may iherefine emet shortly to receive-probably by • lhc next arrival—exciting news. **«««' *«"•* "nr—Arrival .fyke New Tom; vJr ^ “ r 5I?. l ..° r ,he New *2™* Phillips, 43 hours from Bra- zos tst. Jago, we are ” yeares residence, in practice the practice of the law—he married moved to Nacngdoclies River country,) where practice of his profession, lit the forma- An American nrniv of fiftv ilimifantl military ill-spot ism, and hurl n ta« m-ss mil —which notv .lylea usrll ilie rcpubhi-oi Mexico. A tyrant a liuuu-, anil n H'IiIm i niiriuid, ■ hut goveriiineui bus ci me tu lx the loe of civilizaliuli and ol |ie.iri: on lit: rontinim ; and there is lull too lulu i> r* :i- iitl’t Tex-^ s *' 11 1,1 believe that it is, at ibis iriuiueti! * "lie blind or willing tool of dviigns vast ii. sciqw, and nefarious in tlieir ehnr- bieli have noi yet fully seen ilir Leiliisasir may,thisrecbles. env- erniueiit has sent its muted myrmidons nil bin our borders lo pillage and lo slay. It has done this deliberately—with semis barbarian stealth—and to bloody i-euics ; thus fitly crowning a long nnd trying *e- i Ii • Ii,- following parueulni Tbc reijiiisttion is lorn irgiiiicui ol In- i.m;ry or jtiliemen, in In r.untioscd ol ii» Ci'iiiranits, wliii are iurllmilll lo rcpoO It is cilker * great truth, or a rrrnt . , . , , , , 1 ilt'iiii'iiniu*, win, are n.rilioilli lo retioii llct |.S.,I,- have ls*en frequeatly &-! :Ue.„xelves ready to war,h. U lieu 'h-rt rtiiiid nrCrpied by tilt- iiu-iu.i inry despots governing at ’the Cnpiud, and !°" s > prompt, resistless. Through sm-li m- lion of the Provisional Government «f| the people of vera Cruz and iytLtir 'Sta'ei j-tuck-Nve nitist cut our wav to'speedy nnd Texas, in December. 1836. ol wlllr'h Dll* . ilf f foul rut ‘ tfxrisn fir— —I— mnni..a r.i, , ire ton •, ihey are to Ik- musirrril lo » !io.lii of rendezvous for lhc whole, »title they will L-e inarched into ilir II. 8l»tc» service, nfier being oliicered as, and organ- i/.vil imo, a Regiment. I poti the receipt of this requisition, ill* Gmerwir issued ttie following order, which we have no doubt will be responded to by Georgia Volunteers most gallantly anit promptly. ' HEAD QUARTERS, 7 Milledgcville, May 22d, I84C. f The CoMMAKDER-IN-CntEF, lins bee* required by the President of the tinned Texas, in December, 1806, of which Du- of Central"Mexico^ nre clnnicirdus for. the j permanent pence. Amoiig the American virl G. Burnet wns appointed President,; recall of Sanfa-Ana.(who is now jn.Cuba) people we firmly believe these sintoiuenU Gen. Rusk Was chosen Secretary of War.: nnd the restoration of the Republic. The Hu was present, in this oflkiul capacity- fovdiricsfovinlercoiirse with our a rimy nnd at Ihe buttle ofSan Juncinto, April 21st "' 1 ' 1 * 'he-Mexican people, are favorrUrfo to „.f • “r w* «!* a r:zn ts&ssssA&ssss, woumlcd early m the action, nnd taken off b WWar . New Orleans to Point Isabel tho field, when Gen. Rusk and Major 6l)2 w j| eg . Yucatan to the city of Mexi- >Vbarton headed tho charge upon the on-1 co, 9;MI miles. The po|>ulation of the city ctiiy’s entrenchments and carried iIip dny. 1 of Mexico is about 18'.),'It it). High moun- Subsequent to this victory, General Rusk: tains rise in the distance on all sides of the assumed the command of the army, on its! cityjbutdhedoeaiion, -although under the Southward march in the expulsion of the 1 *1'® Tropic of Canceri* remarkable for its In the Summer of ’46 he was «labrlty, andfo sugtmer the extreme ltrat enemy. clioscn President of a Convention cuffed for tbc ronsitleraiion of tlic resolutions of annexation proposed by the United Slates ami tho State having accepted the terms, and, hat-jug adopted up acceptable con stitution, and having been admitted into .the. family with the clear certificate nfn legitimate daughter, Gen. Rusk was elec ted one of tbe Senators lo represent the new common wealth at Washington.— Ghp. Rusk is a man of 'family, -and of considerable property.' He is a cotton' planter of the Red River couritrv. His bnt thev r° rien,? |’?Jresidence ism Nacogdoches. Hi's hislo- «ut lney contain no news of nifo —.... in. t ... r .i . . l interest. \Vc copy the follow’ng ter from our attentive Galveston dent : e. ' sLVESTov.May 19th, is 4 f,. ■ Rf^rEocloscd. you w ill find an Extra containing such news - a s earn* ; to bind, per sicam'hip New Yor k Jj ry'is moralikc a chapter of llio Arabian jQjf f t> lights than of an Americun politician. . . 11 *■. 1 1 An arrtvakfrom Havana reports that she American squadron, (according to. in-, tclliganee overland,) at Maaatlan, was a- oout toddefare' lhe Me*ie«n const under blockade.. ' - 1 ?-' ' ’ ‘' is lets severe than in.New York or Phila delphia.--' ■ • * ’ ...' The city is approached by excellent roads which branch out in every direction and on whicb-nrulraatmtled the silver ores.and bullion from no hundred of thvicbest mines in the World. Tho magnificence of,the principal edifice*—some being furnished with goM-ond silver ornaments valued at tnaUy millions, and'containing rich :tica». urcs'lild away ‘by the avaricious—bos ex- ciled the admiration of all (favellera.i "Yet with all her'riches Mexico is poor. Her people are-kept in ignorance by the tyran ny of a few; ahd their wealth is carried off to other land*to swell-tlic gamssf trade and cammeree-Which they are not permit ted to enjoy. * The-‘poor Mexican crawls need only to bo made, lobe bailed with acclamations. Wc know that a prompt anil resolute onset with due fotce will at once bring pcrmamenl peace on fair and just terms. .This tyc want, and must have and iliat without delay. Wc know not what events a few months or weeks of de lay and indecision tnny bring nbont: No war is so cruel as n .feeble war. Humanity exclaims against it.. It is always a war needlessly protracted. We have a tvar. It is a just war. Let our vigor make it a short war I In these views, we hail with pride nnd pleasure the mighty vote (174 to 14 a vole full of moral power—with which the House of Representatives hat armed the Executive authority of the country to pun ish the invading foe, nnd lo re-conquer peace.—Washington Union. Tke WticatT The crop of Wheal. in this range of country, ami immediately aliove and be low ns, is excellent. cei** hy I'rrlrn.h’f u» t’j‘» m*'pii r t thrre cun l*n n* •j i flum. I; t \vi» ilo n«it d«>ubt Ihv i :*tr»n ;p :iml rt^/lurici.-*•, .’u!' it n»:s*;n«ti-ra, » r what •.Is** you |iS<hWD) pj-kv, by cvc«ent, be OAcrci.-ed by ^ofdoa over aiioUicr—tn inflm hoc, the calao vf whicb tlolU’A the iCYM>r.itip fao'iitii #. uoii ci»:i oolyi U* accounltU tbr, ♦itv'iaclofily to our own iij>- oii (•>« nipporiitioti tb.u iho spirit or pou! or nun is r.tpablo of thought nnil action, eojKiiatrly, distinctly an^ nt k'peiident of ilit* body, eren here on earth. Forcisii New** The Uriunnhi arrired at Boaton on the ult., aii'J left Liverpool on tlic 5th, bringing 16 day* later Sullen lo 2’urnish a Rcgiuicni of Inhiniry newrv. ! composed of Volunteers, and intended fo •pi* .. . . A - ... . . repre?«siMexicanlioslihtics. Tiiesubjoined The cotton market ws. firm st the previon. sd- „ iK ,. Ilcll , show lhal lhe w veral qo0» vancea. It ix nnticlpated that prices will Mill fur-: which have already niiidc oiTcts of iheir ther improve xhoold the reported dcftcieocy in the’ ' ' ! H» American crop prove to bo well founded. Trade wax improving. Money wax more eaay. Vail quantities of provisions, grain, die., wore arriving from tlio United States. Great distress prevailed in Ireland for want of foqd, which it was foond would bo greatly aggravated before the sum mer was over. The Irish Coenion bill passed the House of Com mons by a majority of 149. That terrible scounge; the Cholera, is again on its march from.tho east. It originated in Northern Persia, and by a route duo west, is gradually ap. preaching the confines of Europe, carrying death and desolation in its path. The attempt made by Lecompte to assassinate Louie PMIlippe, the French King, has. drawn forth an almost universal expression of sympathy aad friendship tarn the notion.’ The formers are now beginning 10 cut; anil if no disaster befals in gathtying; it will be the great est crop ever mnrte in this set linn. It will lie a terrible lime fir the poor chick ens, and still worse for the (in ones, nfter Z. i*., 'I^firet turn or two comes from mill— Cb,cken will he the. ortler of the 'etejfr ire; v 1 Insosethan fifty cents a bushel title'seaaoa, Kh-Th^pekeofUberty a eteraalvig-, instead of thanking Providence-'for the ptwpect of plenty.—fhrflin Grjfetsmian. service, nre defective ia organization. He desires strict nnd prompt conformity there to in all Companies volunteering i» tlii* service, as well as those which arc in com mission, as those which are hereby invited to be immediately organized, nnd report iviilioiii .delay at Head Quarters. Such Companies as may lie selected will be or dered forthwith to the point of rendezvous Within this Slate hereafter to be desifM- ttd, where arms will be furnished to those unprovided, and tbe Regiment fully org**- ized for the required service. ■ Bv order of the Commander-in-Chieft JOHN H. BROWN, Aid-de-camp. “ A Company of Infantry will consist of 1 Captain, 4 Sergeants, 1 First Lieutenant, 4 Corporals, 1 Second Lieutenant, 2 Musicians, 80 Private*;”. , ... (As established by order ej Ihe President.) “No man, under the rank of CotURtrtf* ioned Officers will be received, who 9* year* apparently over fortr-five, or uad“ eighteen, or wlio ia not ia physical*trenf° ' MOVEMENTS IN FLORIDA. TTi* TaUahtssso Floridian of lut 8.turdxy,coo- taiux the following: - ■ - - “-“We loam with satlafactieo that the Secretary of the Treasury has d*ipatched two of tbe Rovenuo Cotters now *1 the north, to the Gulf, to entire on lha Florida Reef, and along tbe Golf caret, for pro- be accepted. The President’s toctfon against the predatory irruption* of pirate* fora Regiment of Infantry oi* cJoipiag the Mexican flag, tbarit is expected will fisd <rar Shores now entirely snpreteetsd and de- ete. K<7 ' VW ‘ T *” , ^ Str nnd vigor.” It will be seen from tha above, fltaj 'jj Governor has railed for a Mei faulty. Neither Cavalry nor 1 forces the necessity of rejecting 'h? cen of one kind of iroope, and *2 other. The call, therefore, has been mn showing'for this '