The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 10, 1846, Image 1

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“WISDOM—JUSTICE—MODERATION.” VOL. n. ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY,GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1840. NO. 9. THE ALBANY PATRIOT, n rcBusnsD nur vrtdxesday houixr, by NELSON TIFT A SETH N. B0UGHT0N, Editors , TERMS. TWO DoUan per uinom, if paid in adnnce, or There Dollar, at the end of the year. AdvertinemrnU not'exceeding twelve liner, will be inserted at One Dollar lor the first inaertion, and Fifty ccntr for each contianance. Adrertirementr .not having the number of inantioar rpeciiied, will be puMirbcd until forbid. Haler of Land and Negroes by Executors, Adminir- tratorr and Guardian., are required by law to he advertiaed in a public gazette, rixty daya previous to thedxy of Bale. The rales of Personal'Property must be advertised in like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditor, of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Odinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must be published weekly for four months. Monthly Advertisements,One Dollar per square for each insertion. IT All Letters on business must be port paid. POETRY. A VALENTINE. BY X raCTTT GIRL. Wasted, a hand to bold mine own, As down Life's vale I glide Wanted, an arm to lean upon Forever by my side! Wanted, a firm and steady foot With step secure and free, To keep its straight and onward pace Over Life's path with me. Wanted, a form erect and high, * A kead above mine own &o much, that I might walk beneath its shadow o'er me thrown! Wanted, an eye within whose depth Mine own might look and see. Cprisingn from a guileless heart O'er flown with love for me! Wanted, a lip whose kindest smile Would speak for tnc alone; A voice, whose richest melody, Would breatlic affection’s tone! Wanted, a true religious soul, To pious purpose given. With whom iny own might pass along The road that leads to heaven! CAPT. SAMUEL H. WALKER. This officer i, one of those rare spirit, which-a state of war will bring out front our citizen soldiers. His lato unequalled conflict with the Mexicans, in which be lost nearly every man under his command, and his daring heroism in cutting bis way to'Gen. Taylor's camp, has excited in the public mind a strong desire to know more of him. He is the same gentleman so frequently and honorable spoken of in Gen. Green’s journal uf the Mier expedi tion. He is a native of Washington City, from whence he went into the Florida War, where in several Campaigns lie dis tinguished himself by his intrepid bravery. Jn 1643 lie went to Texas and during the invasion of that Republic by Gen. Woll, be was marked for his bold and 'daring conduct. Alter the Mexican General had retreated from San Antonio, and when lie lay upon the Eio Hondo, Copt. Walker and Copt. McCullough crawled through his camp one night and spied nut his position, and the next day with the gal lant Hays, led the attack upon his rear guard. He then joined' the celebrated the cavalry, may do very well to fight each other; but in any conflict with our own or European troops, it would not be a battle, but a massacre. The American corps from the superior size of their horses, would cover twice os much ground, and the op position offered by the Mexicans on their small and scrawny ponies would scarcely cause their horses to stumble in riding over them ; to say nothing of the' greater ine quality of the men themselves, five to one at least in individual combats, and more than twice that in battle. The infantry would be found even more impotent. Boston Transcript. A NEW IMPLEMENT OF WAR FARE. ‘ ' Tlio New York Express contuins a de scription of a machine recently invented by a young' man of that city, und which he etuis the “Leviathan.’’ It is to be us ed for the purpose of destroying the ves- selsnfan enemy in time of war. It moves from ten to fifteen inilcs ail hour, fur be low the surface of tlic ocean.. Not a rip ple is seen on the ocean as it approaches the vessel doomed to destruction—no war- ning is given—no. inovingr living thin, with bis gaiden or lot, no man would raise j the eastern pnrt, and the Colorado of the' sent Republican- Constitution was adopt- a colt or a puppy oil such a principle. j West, Geln, Kuaqui, Buenaventura, and cd ; but it exists only on paper ot porch- Takc notice, parents, unless you till the ; Timpnnogns, in tlie western. The. east-' ment, as I have before slated—as the- new soil, and throw in good seed, the de-jorn -const lias no good harbors, except! country lias sinccbccn constantly torn Iiy vilwill have a crop ot poisonous weeds | Vera Cruz; and the mouths of the rivers civil wars. before yotr know what is taking place.— (which disembogue themselves into the From .v superlative degree of “master- . Look at your dear child, nnd think wheth- j Gulf of Mexico, are obstructed by sand ly inactivity” displayed by the Mexicans, eryou will leave his safety or ruin at haz. liars. On the western coast are the few; it seems those sriw'-barbarians, descend- harbors of San Francisco, Guavmas, on' ants of Pizarro, by -the latest accounts the Gulf of Csliliirnia—Mnzntlnn 'San iiavo brought into extensive requisition the Bias, and Acapulco—with u mulatto'cr/c-nror'S/t/ifrflexors of.lhc infeiior.extrrui- popul.'ition of 4,000. .. .• ities, or, in other words, thflirflegsi—and .The Agricultural productions of theil doobt not, at this.moment a Mexican country arc, ■ tlie banana, trmr'rioc, and' soldier, including tlic whole posic commit- • maize, or Inclian corn, of which there' tfre Iotas, Arista ami- Ainpudin,'..ennnot. bo • often' three crops gathered. The Central ; Ibnud within -300 inilcs of Rio Bravo—at Mexico, which nave been consulted with; nucl'-iliu potntoe, constitute-the least', none arc. to'be seen. The example great care embodying much vatuablu j hunts of the food of the inhabitants, Tlie set them by ihcjamcntabhr HitiggolJ ui\A in urination on thei. wealth, resources, mn „ oe „ which furnishes pulque, a re-iliis brave legion of Plying-Artillery men, mineral, agricultural. Ac.; btntes, clue! freshing drink, and by distillntiun, mescal, (bus taught them a‘lesson, of useful-mirth cities and towns, popu.ution, Ac.; which an intoxicating liquor, m.iv bo considered and salutary wo, winch they will not soon at this particular juncture wijl, we think, a4 the Mexican. vine. The sugar cane, j nbrettr, forget. I’aixlians, Peacemakers prove more interesting than any thing we r „u 0 „ t t -ot-c»a, indigo, vanilla, tobacco, 1 Colt’s revolves, the unerring and deadly could give our readers, except the intclli- c<H .| lillcn , t wax , wheat, r .. c> i,. lr |cy, oran ! Western rifle, and the cold steel at the gence tram the immediate bcat of War, g t . s> lemons, tigs, melons, barilla, coffre, 1 point of.thc bayonet uptoilic rim.ttzk and wu “ " , " 1 . *be subject is so intimately am j „|j vc#i f (irn) , )ar | n f || lo vegetable! moults of tlieir cannon, will -compel tlieni -i.t- -i-.l'.. v* ;n.. . .... — vicvieo Milan. aril. From the Columbus Enquirer. Wc have been kindly permitted by oiir frierd Doctor de Grai ikmiiiid, of ibis city, to copy the following abstract from his private Noto book, or “ Gleanings from many of the best Standard works on Mexico,” which have been consulted with | connected. As the information cannot be quarters, of Gen. Ampudi Mexican General questioned him ns to the Texan forces, and when Walker informed him that the Texans had only three hun dred* men, Ampudia pompously replied: “Does that audacious handbill.of men meats—and all on board must inevitably perish. In an instant, tlie “Leviathan” is again on its way towards another ob ject ofdestiuction. It is said to be cheap ly constructed, and can be navigated with very few men, and those as pcrfect- MISCELLAN _ THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Light moves ui (lie rule of about 193, 6'JO miles per second. A rtnj of light mines ■generally in u straight, single line. some luminous point; n beam of light is .ui tiSM-mhhige of rays. Thu nature, or css. lice of light, is unknown.' In 1S01, the transit of Venus takes place. By. the transit of Venus is meant wlttil is generally liidcrslopd by an t- clipse. The planet Venus will pass di rectly between the earth and the sun, during the day, ui'.'l the darkness caused by it will make lights necessary in' the houses. The transit happens only once in a century! The leaves are to be plants and trees, u b.'il the lungs tire to uiiimals. Platiuin is the lieuvcst of all inctals. Oxygen is essential to animal life. There are filly-five known elements, or ponderable substances, forty-two nf which arc inctals, and thirteen are nonmetals. Tlicse elements, by uniting together, form compounds, of which the material world chiettv consists. Most of the elements an; usually solids; but it is believed by. pliil- osphers generally, that by iiileuse beat, all I lie solids might be converted into li quids, ami these into gases; anil that by pressure nnd abstraction of heat, all gases uud'liquids might be solidified you into li—II and attack you there.”— lie vvus, with bis comrades, then nturcli- ! ed a prisoner to the eily of Mexico. ! At Salaudo, with the lamented .Capt. j Cameron and Dr. Brrnncn, he le<l the | attack upon tlic guard, overpowered them, j and marched for Texas, when, after cat- ; ing up all tlic horses and mules, surren dered to the Mexican Generals Mcrcier and Orlugo. lie was again marched to .-hilamlo, where, with bis comrades, Ire was made to liraw in the celebrated black bean lottery, nnd every tenth man wns shot. Those that remained of the Tex- nn» were marched to the Castle of Pcrotc nod the city of Mexico. Here, while working on tlie streets in that city, lie wns si rink liy a Mexican corporal lor not working taster, when with his spade lie kiio. ke.l down lit" corporal, which caus ed the guards to heat him nearly lodeuth. ilis hie was along time despaired of. and . f tiny magnitude, iflhe Mexican steamers shall proceed to the blockade of New York, (as seems to be apprehended by some,) they will fuittisli a capital opportunity for the in ventor to commence bis experiments with the “Leviathan.” Wc tear, however, that they will give him no chance to show vvliat bis “ir.achinc” could do in tjie way of blowing them up. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT TO CAPT. MAY. Wc lake great pleasure in slating that the gallant Cupt. May. of the U. S.‘Dragoons who led as brilliant n charge os wns ever mode on any field of battle, nnd with bis small but brave squadron carried tlie ene my's battery and captured lltcir General on the 9ilt mst., lias been remembered by bis fellow citizens. Capt. May is a native of Washington, I) C., and some of our citi zens from that district yesterday raised n subscription and puichnscd for their brave j —° or MEXICO MUST McDdn- ted pass Alps, .iu if Nnpo- troops—bow long take the no The Mineral productions are gold, sil-less indomitable and gallant General yer, mcicury; iron, copper and lead, 1 Wuitli, ns be only is adequate to the tad: abound. Tlie annual product ufllio gold to inarch 450 miles over the finest and rtvi'PETk M r.-vT7T. V c-r .nwa i ,,,inP8 1,38 l * ec ' 1 4l239 11,8 * « ,f «*»«* silver,j most fertile plains on the earth, and plant , L;„. JlbAILAX »tX I t.8., j 1,430,833 lbs.; total value, $23,000,000,• the Flag of the United Stales upontbe Area. 1 be territory of tins Republic i or , iear |y one half „f the annual value of! walls of Mexico } _ • . 77°., ,, - l ,e 01 " c,a s, y ,8 ’ tlie precious metals, by all the mines of! Answer. From. present nppearance, if Woi/ar ./erroraiM—extends Irom 1«* to ; America. The mint of Mexico lias is- I am not greatly mistaken, the American }j North latitude, nnd Imm SO to 1-5 j su ,, ( |. up isoo, (say* Bonin llumlioldl,) ; Eagle, wiili the glorious Shirs.and Stripes flfetloagiudf, having an area olI l,6J0,-i a | |Oul $;> t o2S,OOO v U<5<), (two billion tvven-''of Brother Jolir.alhan, will 000 square miles. I ' readers further information u|K>n ibis subject, whenever our fiieml shall trouble himself to furnish us with the material. float to tlie ' _ , , | ty-cight millions,) or nearly two filths of; breeze over the Imperial Pulace oftbo Dl\ IdlUNSi Hie Mexican V/OnIt?Ut*l\l* .,11 || l( . nn|,| c i I i'll r \lnni<iwnmne in loco tlinn Itt'n mAnllt I'mni cy is .composed of nineteen Federal district of Mexico, und rilorics—as follows: lii s s i i '31 i i i i i s 51 ’§ “ 1111 _ -i gsl'islliyIg.ls5 ~iiii!ir§iniiiisii^ HP”' «• wi'li.iwn.cmnMu- SSSSKSStTt » ions sealed the walls of Ins prison niter | , la /,| l0 f 0 ,| ovvill!r il)scri inghilafi, and made Ins way to. Texas, , cn i c d la Capl. CImrles L . over n distance of inbru than a thousand { Regiment United Stales Dragoons, by bis! miles. Beliire, however, they got out ol | fellow-citizens of New Orlcas from the - the country, they were twice imprisoned, ] District of Columbia, ns a token of bis gal-! nnd each time effected tlieir escape.— displayed in lire battlei will, the: When be bail reached Texas again he Mexican forces, .lay the 9lh, Iblti. again joined Cant. Hays, who with fifteen otli- ers, ariiietl with"Colt's repealing nistols. fought 9C Comnnches, and defeated them, leaving 36 killed upon the ground.— Here Wulkcr was run through the fexly with a Comanche spear, and bis life again despaired of. To such men Texas is indebted for Iter emancipation Iron Mexico. Few us they are, tliey have won her liberty, and have miraculously maintained it lor ten years against all .tlic boasted power of Mexico. [67o4e. " THE MEXICAN ARMY. , _ , . , i Wadtly Thompson, in his newly publish' Kepler say* that.the globe has Vital(fished work on Mexico, remarks that tlic TO PARENTS. Our future electors anil jurymen, and legislators, and judges, and magistrates are the urchins who are now shouting and leaping around a thousand school houses. Shall their in disregard of the duty they budding minds ? l am half disposed ... undertake a sortol'lecturesbip, from Itouse to bouse, in order to persuade these fath ers and mothers that, with all tlieir af fection they arc not ruflii-iently in earn est in making the most of tlieir children. 1 would talk somcliuw in this way; My good sir, or mudaui, bow old is that boy ? illiIIitiiiliii!i§IiI ??????? = 3 starts ass? £?=srfrfi 1 ; 33=1111 uomeuera- „n ,| ie gold and silver bfouglit into circu- Monlezumns, in less than two month from . talcs, the.; | aI j, m |,y l |,e Ne\v World. The Lord de- this date, Tuesday, the 2Glh May, A. D. 1 lour t er * liver me from the sin of‘covetousness, of* 4S45. (S>«1 sjkuI it.' J which I have licCn so olteu rcininded ini — ! the decalogue! | . BOYS^OF SIXTEEN. e like to sec active and industrious of fifteen niid-sixlcen years of age; know they will jnake smart men..— There are scores of such w thy city, who . tiro learning .the.'mysteries of trades, or Salamanca anil - Eclayn, in Guanaxuuto, j working buliiml u counter. They are about 16,000; Leon, 11,000, Lagos, | cheerful and happy; have a pleasant look 10,000, and Teptc, *8,000, in Xalisco;: und a kind -Word for all. Culeneun, 11,000, Alamos, 6,000, and .But there arc.oilier bovs who arc dull ArtsiH-, 5,000, nt Wra and Stnuloa, Ac. l nn( |lu zy . A t sixteen years of age you Cliomln ami llascoltt, once, seat* of rival i w ifl find them lianguig about the corners, ftlates, ora now . msignihcaut villagesi; or waslill „ tbeir time in idle society.— and Acapulco, st» famous for its They will not work to support themselves cent harboMm lltc l’iicillic, ts a mere col- amUrc obfigd ca |i ,|, eir parenli ‘ ‘ " “ for tlieir clothing auil support. Such boys will turn out miserable tools, • Few men care to lake Ixiys wlm ltavh artived to six- . r,... m»n r- i n *j° toi"-; teen Or seventeen years of.igC—who have 1,600,000 Creoles, (descendants of control ted idfe LaBils nnd partially form- Europeans,) and the remainder mixed : et | thl . ir c | larntlers . ■ Those lads love to ? bleeds: the mixed races are, mulatto®*,; t!res4 wc |i alld mako a '. , apratarancu ■g .descendantsoja while and a black;mus- nill | para j e al(out fl.e streets ia*s!«*w i |. t ll »* 8 - 3 wl '«? i '“‘ 1 an Indian ; za.nljoes, themselves; but they are good fur noth- g S ;of blacks and Indians; Ac. 1 lie mltab- ing toa olct hamc or merchant; nnd nev- | ilants arc all Roman Callajltcs. Slave,y ercan 1k>i Ull | eg s they cast ofT Uteir lazy i lla8 licr11 abolished—though, in tsstj opinion. habits and engage in some busir.css. in name only. engage i . In many instancesqiarcnts are remiss ic is a Confederacy of lie- j in duty. They will neither let their sons managing its own internal I jm to this place nor the other, for fear The head of the federal exccu-; rliey .will soil their hands or dirty their •.•3 *■ .- .me iso- President ami Vice President,lot hes, -npit so thtv keep them dauilling - s ’ . chosen by tlie .State Legislature lor tlie j about lla: house, till ihcv become alti£ Sr j term ol'lour years. Tlic Congress eon- ; griher too old to find ; places. The sea IfeucoU soiTcoUina,consisting merely of those < 8 * 8 ^ 8 of n Senate, chosen for the same;generally brings them up at last, unless tic, with their vicinity. ,er, W b Y ,,lc 8a,no two Senators, they rust out and die ofwliat is politely = — from each State; and a House ol Itepre- called consumption.— [Bert. Bui. seulativcs, elected by the people for tlic, —. ■' " tcruiol'twoyeurs—one member for eve- FILIAL AFFECTION.' ■ Piivsical Features. A wide chain of mountains, called the Cordilleras, Very well; lie is well grown for bis age, j stretches through the centre of the conn-! ry 60,001)—modeled after our own Gov-. ... ,, ! count at the War Department exhibits the accidentally, by the burning of Mount Ida,; nutll i,e r ata i e H, but a largo portion of llicm 1406 years before Christ. Iroti is tbci nre ntctiof straw—fictitious names fraud it tniut useful of all tlio known metals. It is-convertcd into steel by combining it with a due portion of enrbon. Iron was first made in America, in 17761 Severe frost, or cold,- injuries marble. Oak is stranger, than iron—both pieces being equal in sopghi! When Leonidas was ready to go to nki Icntly insetted for the benefit of the officers \ylio pay litem. They ore paid every day, or rather that is tlio law ; but tlio pay is just as fictitious as the muster-rolls. They have moro' than two hundred Generals, most ofiltcm without commands. Every olficur who commands a regiment has the title of General, nnd is distinguished from Generals who ltavo no command by the 1 nrlrtiiinn nfrfirplivo" 'The rule the battle of Tbermopyla*, while taking | n ddliionoP‘Gencral effective.” The rate leave of his wife and children, she reques- of pay is not very different from that of our tcil to know bis lost wishes* and lie re- own army. Each officer hna soldier* how* plied—“I wish you a husband worthy of ever is Ins own co.mmssary, n° rationi l*- you, aniT ChiWren who may resemble tog wed, and I beware well sat tofcdjf bitn!” ■ j The conquest of Jengfais Khan, the Mo gul conqueror of tlic thirteenth century, extended about six thousand miles from east in srest, and about three thousand miles from north to south. This colossal villian caused the death of more than four teen millions'of human beings! ■ Gold and silver ard the only perfect metal* known ; they are called perfect, because tliey lose nothing from tbe heal of fire. Imperfect metab are those which decrease by (be heat of fire, and are easily corroded by acids: such iu quicksilver, lend, copper, Ac. Ac. DEPARTURE OF G£N. YVORTH. The General leR this city on board the Col. Haney* to rejoin the winy, .and we shall roon near of his distingukhingL btratdf. N. O. Bs!ta. • companions. Save turn Irom idle- concentrated most ol tlio population ucss, which is tlie inuck-lteup in which J tlic country.. Alxivo it rise into rho ro- cvcry rank and noisome weed of vice gions of eternal end pcrjtctnal snow, sunl- grbws up. Pul work into his hands, and ’tcred peaks, of which the most elevated make it bis pleasure. Make bitn love arc. Popocatepetl, 17,SS feet high; Ori- home; and by all menns encourage .him zsrd, or Cullulepelt, 17,375 feel; IstuC' they receive enough of their pay to procure their scanty rations, which is very rarely the case. They say they are obliged to have a standing orinv, and that they can enforce their laws only by “the grace of God ond gun-powder.” Is there any mili tary man who will deny that five thousand soldiers, well paid, fed and disciplined, would be more efficient than 50,000 such troopsus they have t It has fcen tbe pol icy. of all great commander not to take doubtful and undisciplined troops into a great battle. I. do not hesitate to any that tf I was in command of 10,000 disciplined troops, and was going into battle, and was offered 10,000 more Mexican troops, that I mold not lake them. As regards the Mex ican cavalry, says Mr. Tliompsoo, I should esteem it from the diminutive else of th/fir horses, and the equally diminutive stature and feebleness of their riders, as utterly in efficient against any common infaqtry.— , The Mexican army, and more particularly to love his parents belter than all hu man beings. Allow tno to beg that you will not fall into the absurd cant which sfttne people parrot like, catch some echo against book learning. Determine that this fellow shall know more thaii ever you Iiavo known; then be will be an hon our to your declining years. Keep him at a good school; reward him with good books; and be will one day repay you lor it. I know men it; our legislature, who were brought up to bard work, and uronow-very neb; but they cannot ul- tcrngingle sentence without'disgracing themselves by some vulgar expression or some blunder in grammar. They know ibis but have found it out too late. They feel that tbeir ■influence is only half what it might have been if their parents had only taken pains have bad them well taught. Now look ahead, and give-your children that kind of fortuno which no reverse in trade can take away. It is a great and prevalent error, that children may be felt to run wild in every sort of street temptation for several years, and that it then will be time enough to break them in. This horrid mistake makes, half our spendthrifts,- gamblers, thieves, aud drunk*f4*> ?» 0 u>Aa would deal so cihuall, 15,710 feet; und Meelicnido of Tolifcu, 15,170 feet high. On the east and west, the surface rapidly descends to the sea, and continual heats prevail iu the low countries. In the cquiuoctial region, tltfi climates arc thus disposed as' it were in layers, one above another, ascend' from t|tc descend from the const, through regions exhibiting the vege tations of die Frigid,-Temperate and Tor rid zones. Much of the table land is arid and destitute of vegetation—but tlio Tier- ra Caliente, or hot country, is remarkable for the luxuriance, splendor, and variety of its vegetable productions. Between 15 deg.'and 22 deg. Norib latitude, the mean temperature of the coast, which is humid and unhealthy for strangers, is from 77 deg. to 60 deg., while that of tbe table land in the same latitude, which is celebrated tor the salu brity of its climate, is from 60 deg. to 62 deg. Tbe most populous part of tbe country is destitute of navigable rivers. A dutiful and obedient daughter always ‘ il and fimbful wife.' Let alucs bis- own happiness, of ati unfilial feature. In i of logo, there- was much . . - — rtSfeark to Othello, when 1’rviitlriii Md oHiop for four year,, o..d 1 ^a’Tin.eorbv ' °' cannot be elected lor four years after.— falll ‘ cl . a|ll , «J* | b bas Jcce, ' cJ hcr Congress sits annually Irom 1st January | J to April lOtlt. -Tbe Federal Government t itero ia no trait of endearment moro since 1931, bas been consolidated into a: R*® ,,8,n 6 , " at ’ confiding tenderness ot Central Government, witlni single I.egisr.j a > HU, ’S maiden mthe care anti vigilance (alive, body for the entire Republic—the °. , motltcr. It she bean only child,- States being liirmcd into Deportments, ; | hu P!{‘ a8Uro with which wc contemplate with sulwrriihtue couucils.' Tlie Anny licr 3l,ci,t ar >d cheecfttl acquiescence iu; consisted in IS39, of tiltout.30,000 men,; c 'j cr ymaternal'dictate, is greatly enhnne- exvluxivo ol'on active militia of about'®. ’* henthe; sentiment of love is first 30,000; but tlio troops arc witltoui sci- i a " akclie< ‘ heart of such a one, it bat in tbe North there are many large streams—of these tbe Brazos 'Colorado and Bravo or Del Norte, (pert belong to the United States,) arc the principal in service, and Cotiscftuenllv tlicv nre really j 8 ' rc . l .! ic lessening of tltat pure-and holy worth very little. The military, Itowever,' , ‘V c<llc “ cr . '' b’th is rite best assurartco of is a fevorita service, from the bigh pay b'* 0 '™ vudurtug felicity. Happy is be ami privileges of the soldier. Thcretirt; w,m “•.wop for Imnscl.t the fond lovo fef fonr fortresses—Sau Juan doUIkia, Cum- a J' ou t l, S' i c reature, whose life has been pcacliy, I’crotc, Acapulco, and San Bhis. £H ar< et * b y.a mother’s praters, and into But we all know that since Santa Anna'! w mj*° •ptni tho gentle mffucncc of a assumed tbu helm of Gevcmmcnt down I 1 * 1 *™ bare descended,^ like dews to the prr*cul*bour, Mexico bas been but a Republic ill name, and probably tbe worst mililaiy 'despotism which exists. Curies discovered the country iu 1619, and overthrew tbe Aztec-Empire. country was then formed into tbe S_ Vice Rpymlrty of New Spain.. In an insurrection broke out, and .in II Mexico declared itself independent. In 1822, Iturbide assumed tbe title of Em peror ct Mexico—but be was *oou after o- bliged to abdi?at?—tptd ip 1394, tbfejpc- into the petals of a flower, which might else have faded in the morning of life, t : DEATH OF AN OLD'CITIZEN. Mr. Charles Hughes, a citizen of Ala* — says the editor of the Marion News, ntal and physical powers. Ho WMAlfiiP* ef&jdspd, but for 90 year* piPaipes ta his death M feri) • thfl United States.