The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 16, 1846, Image 1

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s/w Lsi/JWWW TIE ALBANY PATRIOT, “WISDOM—JUSTICE—MODERATION.” VOL. II. ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1846. ’NO. THE ALBANT PATRIOT, n rctusaiD evxbv Wednesday hobbisc, by NELSON TIFT & SETH N. BOUGHTON, Editor! end Proprietors. that I can make out to understand wbat “ Wynn” says. His meaning, however, is lo my inind not so clear; and I con sider it a great misfortune that such a gem in its way should lie lost lo the world for its ambiguity in expression. 1 would advise “Wynn” to revise it. Whether TERMS. TWO Dollar, per annum, if paid in advance, or Three Dollar, at the end of the year. Advertisements not exceeding'twelve lines, will > W e consider the subject itself, or the bril he insetted at One Dollar for the first imsertien, and; i; ,, ,w. , - Fitly cent, for each continuance. Advertisement, i Jf 'Splayed by Wynns pen in not having the number of insertion, specified, will lie published until forbid. Halo, of Land and Negroes by Executors, Adminis trators and Guardians, are required by law to he advertised in a public gazette, sixty day, previous tu llte day of sale. Tho sales of Personal Property must be advertised in like manner forty davs. Notice to Debtors anil Creditors of an estate must 'be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court •vTOdinary for leave to sell land and Negroes, must be published weekly for four months. Monthly Advertisements, One Dollar per square tor each insertion. TT AH Letters on business must be post paid. COM M UNICATIONS. Messrs. Editors:—In the Albany Cour ier of August 15th, a writer over the sig nature of “ Wynn,” lampoons, as lie doubt less supposes, the Democratic party se verely. As to the language ami style of litis modern “compound of all excel lence," 1 have nothing to say, save t lin t such . . . Wynn' the fine touches and shades of character, or the luminous and logical conclusion to which he finally arrives. That it should ho compared to a Pur rot because its pro prietor will not endorse all its sliinder—it should be. preserved. Whether it muy be the proprietor ol the paper, or of the Purrot, who will not endorse till its slan der, 1 know not; but “ Wynn’s" reason applies to either, and in my humble opin ion, is unanswerable. Is it fair then In say that “Wynn" does engage to endorse it all—or does be prefer the comparison f In addition, fur this is not all that “ Wynn” knows on this subject, he tells From tit Sarawak Georgian. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE FIRST COX- GRESSIONAL DISTRICT. The South, together with the agricul The paper which publishes such stuff, (and for die w»nt of better I presume,) if worthy of your notice, I leave to you, Mr. Editor— for the present my business is with Wynn. 1 will net get into a pas- sion—the individual who has discovered i Uve bren battling for years against the are cnlled, with skills two shades darker ! < f * his crop for' better prices ? Apply to that mint will answer the purposes ol * a cosily paint, deserves some gratitude at least, although it be proclaimed to the world in connexion with the most foul and hitter falsehood. I may not understand Wy tilt; as throughout, I have had much difficulty to do so, nnd I would not inten tionally misrepresent him. But if* he tneuns to any, as his language seems to in dicate, that Democrats, “ burn up their neighbors bouses to while-wash their own with the ashes of the demolished edifice,” although not un Ajax to “ hurl Lack” de fiance and scorn, I would in the most calm mid quiet manner possible, Ug /cure to say, that 1 do not accuse whigs of such crimes—nor do I believe the democrats TEN THOUSAND GIRLS. to buy conveyances for their families to There is a Segar factory at Manilla that; ride to church in ; he turns off an overseer employs ten thousand girls. This heats every few months, and finally laments, , .. __ 1-1 Lowell all to'smash. These girls are all unl '' Be •» weary, over his fate. tural portion of tho North and West, I Indians of the cour.tryi or Malays, as they Should such a man be advised to hold on have been battling for years against the nrc cnlled, with skins two shades darker < ( * B' 4 crop for' better prices ? Apply to system which, under the pretence of pro- than out Indians. These Segars are said 'Be Legislature to give premiumns?— tecting American industry, taxes the me- i to cost in Manilla about three cents pn /run-' Make less cotton ? Build up manufacto- dianical, shipping and agricultural inter- [ Jred. An enterprising Yankee who has ries ? This lias been done again and a- ests, to fatten the princesof the loom, su-1 long been engaged in manufacturing the R a ' n - What then counsel him to do?— gat nabobs and the large proprietors of j l>csl Unvnnn sjegars in Niv-Englard, it is Examine the case well, and let aplanter imp and saltworks. This buttle but a' said had abandoned the business nnd pro- who bus long watched the course of events few years back, was waged with such poses to import the Manillas, thinking 'uci^ as a kind of mentor, whilst you are violence, that many said it was time to calculate the value of the Union. This dangerous struggle was terminated by that the boys will'prcfer them at S30 per, making an examination. Do you not praise, but which, ( when the inuiiufuetU' rers got into power, was abandoned.— Well, the struggle commenced with less violence btu equal determination, and lias that on this plantation the negroes are over-worked, ulthough they are fed high; thousand because they are made by the „ girls.—Exchange Paper. . , _ the Compromise Act, which udopled the ’ . n - A~iT~ Tin _ , you see no small children ; you hear not ad valorem principle, and for the passing p- *i°n b 18 C0 ^ s ' , . ,ne 1 0, . thecheetful song nor the langli that comes of which, Mr. Clay received so much guilty of them—that 1 know ol no such terminated in an act passed by the tccent Boos of dollars, us that Parrot's Bre “frequently unnoticed, • coducl since the days of our Revolution—' session of Congress, which adopts the except by those who delight in pel lap! that then 1 am informed there were those a ,| valorem rule, and the Democratic doge” “ Wynn” would not thus minute-' who did “ burn their neiglilmrs houses,” j principle, „f lessening taxes on the tie. Iv describe what he knows noting about— (hut whether for the purpose mentioned cessuries, and increasing taxes on the assuredly not! “by Wynn I have never hefore been in- ’ luxuries of iiii*. Girnd College edifice, was raised to its I from the happy negro. You will also place on the 29th lilt. 1 he has please i«* oHserve lli e beautiful quality of been thirteen yearn in building the cor-. the |, a y f pm up in handsome square bales; ner stone having been laid in 1833. T he these bnies are from Ohio, and good hoy P™"5r!i.?iiIl!^ elWeen lWO aU<i lhree mil * I il '*• Do y° u (nark the sacks that are ly ing there, they once contained corn that THF crop jy°u will perceitc was from a flatbnnt, if A letter from a respectable planter, who - vou ' viU li!l 3 “ ck *° 5°? r nose ‘ dwell* on the banks of Red River, iu the! s,r ’ , ,i . as " eat an . asc Mv ? ? s .™ s cvc ‘, parish of Naicioches, to a merchant made tn Connecticut; good bridles and August Mtb. gives * c " Ii,rs ’ C°°d back bands all they sad account of the appearance of the cot- '«*ia mere infie. Y ou wdl find excellent ton growing iu that vicinity. It say the Lo " e11 “ ml S 0 ™ 1 “ ^ ,n S Reaper “O wad the power tho f-ifUe c ie u., | formed)—and that the finger of truth, j Thu?, while for the purpose or raising 0 *** o ur, *lve» s« others «e us!" | with unermgcertainly, |M>iuts to some ofL su ffi c j eill revcilue , it increases the tax- u _ YV ith McDonald, relief, and the Centra! their descendants, expressions as, “ should get with posses- | Bank, 1 have nothing to do. I am aware,: ^ ithlacoochib sion,” and “ is not the orator that we find however, that iminy who received what I in others,” involuntarily brings to mind j 'hey considered relief, have Income j „ , he a|u , 8cal .;, &c. which are consumed by the i incessant during the last ten days. ...... ,. . . , . t he necessity lor the services «.t a doctor.; Jowl >" ‘Betr donum lulions. ofler having , hat Lt . lu . r „ f ,| mt sttell I weal.hy, it diminishes those taxes ou salt, is every sign of a miserable bail crop.-! ,e b f lon S* *° ,be " ve ? eer 5 a,,d " e * r at ' e woolans and cottons, sugar, in..., i Not a pound of cotton lias bee., picked, j band > ou .* ee , lhe rua 8 b °V ,side ofa ver y '•’Biel, are consumed by the greal ullhough, m this time last vear, I had six- V** horse con. is too scarce to r - I teed bun with. Ah! and there goes the {planter; he lias just returned from a po- es or duties, on chainpaigne, burgundy, I caterpillars a ; high priced Madeira, Wilton and Turkish j In eight days more tint a leaf will be seen. ! s . ""‘"'"S saveu even Mr. Edilortt:—I take mv pen in hand i‘i ar P e,s * s 'lks, jewelry, sardines, fine No more young bolls. The ruin 1ms been' . , 1 " P rh on . w ^ 1 -V to tell you awl nlmut the ruin and scat-i'"Brick, &c. which are consumed by the j incessant during the last ten days. There 11!!" i * are ravaging the cot.on fields. !° hu V llwn 10 ,aake 5 a "‘ 1 bes,des * ,h ^ p - - — • is nothing saved even by work at tin* You will fin<1 ell condition horse, 1 „ •* • . , . , i| ,| , • • • , . 19 t**rralion that the betn*rol that swell lied! Peculiar s. untions may pnsiuce horr.,| he< > sued by .but ms .tut,on. It ,s a cb , ; Konrier of ll,eS9tli. has made «»■» «o imnci’iJ, and tire choice ot words t«» ex-, matter ol conscience, winch concerns me, • • • ,, . . . which 6 / . • . lover in wiiegrass, lice rites tue the Ld- au W,, . ,UI - . . , . . , i"m i M, «m' era.... . . r . press them is perhaps w.,1, some a mere ! itore of that eontaminnl.le News print,! ^'’“'m people. On the article of! ,y bales in store ■natter ol taste, and while 1 congratulate -As lo v.ol. King, Lis anility, anil llic .... . .* .1...... ,l— .i i.._.u _r ........... O S...... ... IOC J HI * ii ? ,,;, ' ! see us (lie idee enler.l the scull byih«l lne '‘“'essi.y oi raising money lor trial I lielore then, excited. W ith Ins low j « vim certainly alludes to Whig speeches; u ., v „ r l)ie , hB |, rnilleg 8 k en „| ! purpose in the unfair manner prescrihcd nlous abuse ol the Patriot. 1 have «nd I lor one it in not surj.rise.l atthe lact. iU(|(lpn , ip ,, Part , nct . 0 f 8 i ch a mortal i l '.V the act of 1842 ? If wo are to raise lung to do—you are able lo defend ■ A I'‘W year* since, aiiil it was with them, L |r|ln „ idee, tliev all bached r i| H ! money to whip the Mexicans, in which I “Millions lor revenue, and not one dollar | ilimvnm imruer. and letutie idechavealli heartily concur, why raise money c — i, , “ , . i It'll his kname is Plain lawk now lit mv ■ alone die duly under ihe aci ol 1S421 ,, ■ : »— ■ . .• the gentleman on his sale delivery. I course he has ihoiiglu proper lo, • ■ . ' Bill Polls- 1 was S cents , aud has been reduced to 2i Major General L. 1. (.aixks lias lieen hlaral slump harangue, where the planters shall, wherever I can get at his meaning, a member ol Congress, or as a South- i t( { ( . r W1||M , aay> n , |np ' , inl an> . (n(lre cents a bushel. Now to tilts adoption of; ,0 r ,ba command ol the Eastern have Ireet. discussing the merits of the the ad valorem principle, which was the - '' "" 1 " ' - ’ 1 " 1 *" L * " one adopted by tho compromise act; to the introduction of the truly republican! principle which throws the hurihen neces sary lor revenue on luxuries, while it i that die'fool killer is urter him, and that; to . those_on the netvssaries [ . | Mr , es from fbr the inanufac- expects the gain. Have cultivation being similar, the only differ- ] > ou s, “en enough. Can you see what is cnee to be discerned is found in the pin- ' lr ®' requisite f « ,-r dueliveness lit the present time, ol ihe Let the planter set to work himself, and soil throughout the hitler. The tigricul- turn ofFhis overseer; let him make his lurul prospects und the doings of the plan- j Bread, his meat, raise a few colls and hay ter will lie considered more iu rclercucc 'ceil them on; let him increase the forage until lie can 1 lake liie interest in’ at lire merchant or ho expects success; > that idleness is the _ j , - teach his daughters lived in the district and felt a great inter- ; will' that party on principle, have not the ^ •, | |( j f( ( j |e sf ,.ii r «,. cause you see he a,ia » ntrt mistaken, Mr. King iu ] must assuredly have their Inina's heenVf- 'But they are not dolls or miilner gill*, est in the advancement of the party, yet patience to read the “ Jiin Crow" revolt! , ||ol | e |,j, „| ai . e („, r „ s always have bis speeclies during the last Cmigressioii- j feclual. There may not Ik; any very ' ,ul 'Bat 'hey are the tulure makers or he dared not open his mouth ev.-ept to | evinced almost daily, bv the tiious- j |o ^ , w , y |n j ( ( j rv a |; ire ( j, ev are ul campaign, gave the people iu this .iis- j marked change, but their lias lieen iimcli marters »t this bcaotilul republic ; le? some personal friends, fearing the won- | ands ot Whig speeclies which are flood-) ^ Kn,,\ v |,,T i* korrert when be 'rid reason lo believe he was opposed to inipruvciutul in the inode of managing an him ever remember the ottl saying, “the .Irrful vision displayed by the l’atriot.”, ">g 'he country. _ Ssais tliat youim chaps aiislit to listen I ask you fellow cilizens would we|estate, which will in due lime bear an u- ; mas'er s l«>msteps'aremanure tohis land,” This is a happy sentence! as happily! Wynn, towards the close of his article, j j. I1||8e y(1|( see chaps like Imn liaint had have voted for Mr. King had lie told us jbuiidant harvest. That the licsl is mu and\ve think he will have less cause to expressed ns conceived, 1 have no doubt: liecoines awfully iiidigiuiut. W it bout re-1 n ,,||]j„ p, I!lw k aix.ui ill bet a dollar-lies * le ' V!IS tip|Miscd loa reduction of taxes mi j done, that the precepts have not bad toll repine, and more cause to think that 1)13 •vet I cannot altogether km the object of fering particularly lo lift- several t auses s, mi( . tank tnitler chap cause dont vou s: 'b. iron, c.uil, coarse fabricks, sugar, col-1 consideration, any one may see lorlmiiscll; "'°t 15 vast in happy places.” the gentleman's fears. Whether it be Bis indignation, I will say dial among j ,. p U!t( , s t h e mtwo words? bagging, &c ? I think not. Shall j but no reasonable man could expect lo j DikkI, very good, sir; you have now that “avalanche,” or llie •* wonderful vis- | other things, (such ns battle-fields, IiI.mmI, vvoni | er ,p |„, eV( , r oa , anv || K . m fimm. we, by voting lor him, sav, iu edict “ well I change a routineot alumst ball a century’s *' rac ' i at *' ,e ,,M>1 *>t the evil,' and il is to ion,” an intellect ns obtuse as mine can- j ibiiinler-slorins, and all these kind of |,. r |; ( j-nuliers down <>tfthe see koasl, what , '° ,ie thou good and faitliiid servant ?" Ill standing, in a few mouths: lo change the ^ *' hoped that you w ill enter more min- not well distinguish. But if it be dial ; ibings. wbiqli are calculated to frighten j ( , i( , si^v nnn# . r |'„krskall knihbs, ifl.e’liaim, we oy our votes send Mr. King to Con-! habits ofu people requires iilmosi an nge: |'" el y tnto the particulars bow all these •avalanche,” Sir. Editor, I have one re-! women and children) Wynn tells as that t,„ ri . ;i| i...gross again, we do uoi deserve to have > to s*' 1 ' the change has certainly begun, is mailers should be cflecied. publical bail Scurilous nothing yourself, when necessary, against the . ... wm. aorner. u..., slang ol this great “ Ool.ali’ even, who «<" pn.teettnn, Jwstdes. as perhaps W ynn ,,,« apartment tue himself; t seems to read Congress a lesson with as ver .V well knows, many other things which . llll i. ll , nln . 111 t i.: llir i; lr lit the vou see il was i fanle '° enrich the manufacturers i no iiiikoinmaii lliinir itir tli'o.-.j l YV hy make poor man pay seven Mr. Editor, how you get up such things | no'al all limes that control over iBoir ,| |PV |. ar( , n0 |, jist kail on tin- -2. inst., from a cruise in ihe Gulf, iu {Be cannnl a (lord lo make cotton when not lolly in talking ot it. If the remedy be in Albany, nor the elevation of your start- ; conduct which I feared and anticipated. | | lfl | j. ||0( .|. um fiirther than lluin- r searc ' 1 Privateers. The Prrnj touch-1 yielding over Irotp SIOO to SI 40 per hand, not Ibund in diminishing expenses',' 'prat ing point, ns I was never there; but if Qucsiions sometimes rise above party con-: ^ an ,|’|i„(, ln i n knn.'ke.l that chap at the led .rfftlie Havana ou the 14th inst., and : B nml'erTBot bow this stale of ngriciiltii- tising frugality and industry, abd 1 thusof you ar^determitied to visit us in that way, jsideralions, with some—this is one. But nort | 1< w b al |»| a i n t awk kails the Bostino learned that Santa Anna, Viccoinpanicd ■ rid depression was brought alxnit; whetli- course diminishing the amount of cotton and no mistake, I would advise you to] why should Wynn en.leavor to make u hy Gen. Almonte anil Sennr Ilejnii. bad ,,r i'caused by llie lariH, whether by loi sale, then ili'ere is no use to search lor' charter Col. King’s ltuilmad, and lo nil 1 merit ot it? I apprehend it was dicit; ° Y’oui* till delh, j left on the 9th for Vera Cruz in the Eng-] '' l,! banks loaaing freely and thus cauiing u remedyl And if these things can and the track well at that, or you will “ b.ig,” j duly > "nil why all this boasting r There | Sroos the 2nd I fish steamer Anna, chartered for that pur- increased product, or how; the ibipor- ought to lie done, then promptness should that is certain. But spare him! W"hat!‘ i,r, ‘ many Democrats there, 1 have no| j,. ^ || in t chap that he kani eo 1 taut matter .is not to quarrel nimul wlm, or lie the watchword. The merchant who that •• Wynn,” who has the honor of cor- dmibt. We knew they would go, and | l)r ||, p leggislnture, kausc the win-grass! The Perry loond no privateers nor any what caused, but like working men up- 'controls his millions, is found attending respon llie J upon *• Parrot" ns he suggests,) _ lanche!” Let him dismiss his fears, ami; No foreign nation, so liir as I know, de pass for thi3 time, Mr. Editor, even with "'c* 'l |R justice ol llie war on our part; 1 ANNEXATION OF CAI1FORNIA ids « mouth open,” if he prefer it. You «JJ»y “ his concilinto-, |Jnflpr hpad WR have „, p w , will doubtless recollect the famous history 10’ ineu8ur<?d —“ commisgerate lrnmnr(4J ” of a famous Don, called Quixote—his 'B R enemies of hit country—lie may take l_, l i ; n hair breadth escapes, by wind and tide, “ 'Be one step lurther"—the dog barked . »• , • f n ||r orn : a i,_, i lp „ n •and how on a certain occasion he attack-; al ,he ' ,al ,be P ur4ued tbu evi ‘" | M . izPI | |,v one of the vessels of'the Pacific ed a lton in his cage, and the only notice, te "" r °' hcr ' va > • squadron. Another account any, that all he could attract from that noble beast.! Wynn tells us the Whig* B«ve done ^ Cabfnrnin has vielded tn the A meri suing (by lier Consuls, resident in foreign |K.ns,) Letters of Marquemid commissions to Privateers. There was also a report ofa Privateer having been seen in the neighborhood of Key West, nmi another ply the means to etted a change. Can alto Ins business; true, he has his clerks change lie effected ? What means should 1 and porters, but lie is not the less diligent.' be applied ? aud when should they lie The lawyer is busy with his “books" artd applied/ ure questions open fur invest!-1 "papers” all and late at night. The phy- gal ion. siciun cannot spare the “time from his A wrilerinlhe third number of the Com- “prescriptions” and “short hours,” has lo me ruin I Review, answers them at length (examine into the “state of trade,” else he whether satisfactory to the people or nut, will lose his “market.” W'hy then should it is not noeossary to say. To strike at j tho planter nhm/e all others lie permitted the root of the evil, il would he well to i tn pass his days and nights in listless idle- Do thou likewise. Such notice would thing, “ right or wrong.” We have So says the Picayune. amply sufficient for this accomplished knight of the quill. But “Wynn” is a great naturalist, I have no doubt, if the world were only somewhat better enlightened. What ap pears strange in some degree tn us, is ns dear to his far reaching vision, as the noon-day sun—lie is only ahead of the age, that is all! traced to authentic sources. The Perry cauie tn Pensacola for provisos nnd wa- mericans” ,er - an ‘' would again proceed to sea'with out delay. Stand aside, Bufihn! and let “ Wynn” now the authority of a gentleman who and his “Pnrna” come forward. “ Earn I honors several gentlemen by his corres- inclined,says be, io believe that “Parrm” |xmdciicc in Whig nominations, for so will suit the paper, (Patriot) better, lor saying; and the respect paid to'it, de- ..Iways told them that they done wrong,, „ An „ hai , re;ir . h ed the British VOLUNTEERS and Wynn ba* been reading some Demo-, at Vera Cr. lfc with the in-ws of T , Q „ ,, ,u crane,paper. We w.s|, him not a. a con-, , hr nnnrxnlion ofCalifirrnia to the Uni.eil „ Thc „ Su RepM^n aj^s that vert, how long as he corresponds; p 8llp|KW . that thi, means! C ?P U , Koic,8,ow4k '’ * S" 11 ""' Phfc. B'u. with seven. 1 gentlemen upon the .ubjec. |ha , Commodore SUmt had taken posses- 1 Z a t '° m P a . n - V l < ? f l ol Whig nominaiiont for Congret*, an< * i sion of the Country** ^ ‘Mexican u*ar, which is nlmut to he taken * *‘ * 1 -* — : 1 %XT So na\% the Bee * ‘ nl ° * erv * ce * Capt. Koscialoweki is a “The United State, have taken pn*. ^ntrymaa of the noble Kmatiusko; and 1 , like ban, was trained to war in the Acad publishes such pieces as that signed Wynn in tiw Courier—we would vastly prefer hitn to remain where lie is. We bnve the following reason: The Parrot is n bird of many speeches, often speaking of thing* about which it knows nothing; is very apt to speak after, or mock what hat been said; very frequently speaks when not asked its opinion, (indeed!) and lastly, the proprietor'does not engage to endorse •11 us slander.” I believe, Mr. Editor, pends on his standing among his friends. Jn conclusion, Winn tells osthatyoo, Mr. Editor.are “ worthy to be the advocate of a cause which seeks to live and fatten upon the most unfair attacks nppon its opponents; who would burn up their neighbors bouse to white-wash their own with the ashes of the demojishsd edify*” session of the Onlifnrnias. PoSavs the Times. oH'jjtirup Key; but these could not he examine the whole mailer, as the lawyer I ness: Has lie exemption from “by the 1 would his case, or the physician his pa-' sweat ofthv liice,tlmu|slialt earn thy daily tieut, not content to rely on a lew state- »brend," or “he that will not work,.neither men!,. * _ 1 shall be cut." There isone tiling ccrtam The planter i* regretting his peculiar j the planters of the South and Southwest hard lot; his negroes are worked full|must give up sloth and idleness; they hours, and he receives u Imre pittance of; mast take the lesson taught bv Hercules- the returns made to the manufacturer or j to the wagoner: “put your shoulders to te the sugar planter; he plants more ciU- the wheel.” Besides tins, they must pur- ton, works Ins negroes harder, drives all sue a more mixed course ol hushandry,- day and-part of the nigh*, and yet lie core- they have reeled long enough on ibd one plains. Like the nostrum vender, he will, thing, it is bigb time another dourse was not be convinced that calomel is killing pursued . ,• his patient, but lie gives larger done*.— 1 That manufactories would benefit tftis ■ enjy of Cadets al Warsaw. He was five j What is the result i He is compelled to ■ portion ol the<Cnitcd States die re is i m. • u vears in llie Polish army, one vear an j pay doctors larger hills fi»r attentions on shadow of doubt; that Legislative aid, 50 ’ ' officer, and twelve months in actual war; the sick, caused hy over-work ;liehas tn directed lo developing the latent facilities of the country would, is evident! That making less cotton would 'Be price is highly reasonable. But Wdre all these done, and the- present practice ll.ln■, ■ omcer. ana iweive monins in ncuiiii war i uk »«•». vnuiw-., P*P ?r8 S' {service in the strogles of Poland, against pay I” Kentucky larger prices fir mules The new sloop of war Germantown the •‘leogued oppression of Rusiu and ] anil horses, and hemp, the price being ifir was launched at Philadelphia on Satur- Austria, in XS31. He was in a doaen I creased by the increased demand; he different battles, ard at Prague was wants more meat and bread, owing lo hm was wounded three times. Cnpt. Kos- not having time to make them; he has to day, being the last of the six sloops or dered to be built at the different stations hy the late Secretary Upshur. Of the lour of them whose sailing qualities have injgtoirlfkvylkTdi is tijf fotprite,—6i»f. dalowski being banished,' came to this country in 1S34. and was one of the ex- been tested, the St. Mary’s, built at Wash- ifes to whom Congress made an honora ble grant of.Uqd ip 1636. make n greater show of wealth, as' his poor neighbors who makedrsacottoo and more meat and bread, and-etothing, and (g4ts, aodt stobk graoraffyk.are bcgtccing pursued, thf improvement would be de- 1 lustve. The redress to he effectual mUst craMienoeat heme; the improvement to he valid and permanent must start at, the planter’s own house.