The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 18, 1846, Image 1

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“WISDOM—JUSTICE—MODERATION.” VOL. II. ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1846. NO, 83*1 THE ALBANY PATRIOT, i. rcniMireo l:\Tr.Y wedjiesday iiomnr,, by NELSON TIFT &. SETH N. BOUBHTON, Editors and Proprietors. term's! TWO PuRar* par annum, if paid in advance, Tim 1 ** Dollars nt the end of the year. Adverti-'emeiit* not exceeding twelve line*. finement; nndifhe refuses to tell ofwhomi ENERGY. J demos and urges on you to suppress those lie has purchased the drug, he is pilloried ; Look out you ! Who out of the the ten things which areonly the signs of wealth, mifl Iwit.n v.i —<i.- __ 1- .I , , ■ 1 . - 1 1 ONLY A TRIFLE. That’s right,’ said I to ray friend a. Yet opium is secretly used : twenty or fifty that you may meet have as gold, pearls and rich garments, how ■ Simpkins the baker, as the sickly looking extent, and among the Chinese; made the best living, and are now the much more severely does he repiove such widow of Harry Watkins went out of his ”*’* '* *’ “ J - 1 **’*"■ - 1 r ■ ' f bread which be right, Simpkins, 1 be inerted at One Dollar for the first inacrticii,’ and t most important inventions bave origi- any covering In theit feet. Who stand whining voice, and provoking and wan-j lure, for she has had a hard time ot it ,u ‘* '—**“ ~ ... ’ - ‘ minute ansince Harry died,and her own health dress, with failed her. < impression ‘Hard enough Sir, hard enough, and I some agency in the invention of the types with an elbow protruding from their jack- on those who will see you. These are so am glad to help her, though what I give yon use on the “Times arid Messenger;” els, or a patch or two upon their knees.— many things which St. Paul forbids when —-•——i*—~.r.. - "•*■•’ but is certain that many centuries before It was their imdomitable energy that he tells women to be always “ in decent printing was known in Europe, the Chi- made them what they are. The,’ had apparel,” to be clothed “as it becomelh nesc hud invented stone and wooden nothing to expect from friends, or hope women,” and to “adorn themselves with blocks, on which writing was engraved ' for from their enemies, and therefore they egroet by Exec traUir-t nu-1 (iuanlian-t, am required by law to lie ailvertist’d in a public gazette, sixty days previous to thed ty of sale. The uloi of Personal Property mnstbeadrertised hi like inanncr forty dav«. Notice to DclitorK and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will tie made tn the Court of Odiimry for leave to sell I And and Negroes, must l>e published weekly for four months. .Montlily Advertisements, Olio Dollar per square for each insertion. 2 j' All letters on business must be pott paid. POETRY. I'Ll. TimCi OF TZBI-E. I’ll think of tliec when morning light, In rosfuto beams burst o’er the sea ; And when tlio stars make evening bright, HUH, still lov'd one, I'll think of thoe, When flowers hang down their heads in sleep, And song is hushed in every tree, The moon doth still her vigils keep, Ho 1 will watch and think of thee. Ami should a tear my eyelids stain, With all hard fate hath dealt to me, Memory will breathe thy voice again, And smiles will come with thoughts of thee. For, art thou not a star whose ray Alone shines forth fom shadows free? The rainbow in life’s weary way To cheer me on, I find in tliec. Farewell! when free from care thou art, And pleasure's clnvms forgotten In', Give one kind thought to him whose heart 111 weal or woe still doats on thee. And should 1 ne'er behold thee more Until life’s weary years are gone, Meet me on Heaven's hallow'd shore Where brighter joys will on us daw n. mTFcEL I. ANY. and the tissue paper used, the paper, be- ; relied upon their own resources ant! went ing black and the letters white. The!ahead. Areyoujmor? What may you type blocks were then cut, or rather stereo- not become by industry and energy ?— type blocks, and the effect thereby revere- Lei the example of the good and the ed, the paper remaining white and the great induce you to persevere, that you |ettcrs black. Bat I have to observe that may occupy similar posts in vears to inventions in other parts of the wot Id could come. Suffer not the poverty of vour not have been imitated from the Chinese, parents or your own rags to chill the gen- bceause their non-intercourse policy is; emus and’noble impulses of the soul; such that every invention is confined toI but take a high stand and maintain your the country, and not permitted to escape. 1 position, disregarding alike the frowns of For example—they never saw a pair of j enemies and the corruption of friends.— Correspondence of the A’ctc- York Sunday Times. Canton, June 1 St It, lSdO. Many of the discoveries in nrts, in arms, nail in science, that we imagine have bail a recent orgin, have been known to these singular people for centimes. I shall name some of them l<> yon which arc re markable. l’assi.g through one of the public streets 1 saw several pawnbroker’s shops—not the three gilt balls that we sre suspended in Clmlham-slreel, hut hnving a specific sign, which borrowers well understand. 1 learned from one of them that such conveniences are numer ous in China—that they are licensed, as with us, and are under the strictest police giilalion; and nay one loaning money modesty and sobriety.” for nothing is more contrary to chastity and modesty than the inventions of vanity, of which I have now spoken to you. THE WAY WORTH MANAGED. The Baltimore American, of the 2nd. says: “ We are permitted to make the following extracts, from a letter from a brave officer of the U. S. Army, date 1 Camp, near Monterey, Sept. 2Slh. The writer, attached to Gen. Taylor's divis ion in the plain, gives a graphic descrip- spectaclcs before their own were invent- Then, as sure as the sun will rise on the *>on °l Gen. Worth’s movements on the ed, which ate composed of pt hides set in morrow, you will gain a position in socie- j heights, the whole of which, presenting a | circular rims, large ns n quarter of a dol-'ty that your highest ambition never's™”* spectacle, could be seen from below: lar, and placed on the tip of their nose.— in imagination reached. j ‘ “Just before day on llie22d, we heard Die compass lliey must have had in the ... t * ie fifing, and as the mist was dispersed ?nrly periods of history from the com- I st ’ JOIlN CHR ' SOST ‘ ,M 10 CHRISTIAN , ,. ou lj distinctly see the whole of General nercc of the Red Sea. The composition WOMEN. Worth's operations as he stormed and car- >f gunpowder, which was of sulphur and | Horn. Sth, on the 1st Timothy. ried the third height, and alter that the tall pel re and willow charcoal, and which Translated for tiie Cath. Advocate.) Bishop’s Palnce. 1 cannot begin to give lutes hack to about the year 1200, was ! “I will therefire, that men pray in eve- >' ou a laim idea of the seene, which was used fir fireworks originally, and was al- rv place .... in like manner women j d> e mosl magnificent and intensely inter- wavs an inferior article. * also in decent apparel; adorning them-1 es,in 8 0, ’ an .V thing lever witnessed.— But enough of the nets and inventions I selves with modesty anil sobriety, not " e could plainly see our men were gnin- of this singular country for the present.] with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or I ' n S ground from the flash of the muskets, A history nl China at the present clay, if; costly attire, hut as it hecometh women, J a "d then finally the enemy retiring to the it could he faithfully written, would ex-I professing godliness with good works.” i Bishop’s Palace. They made three sev- ile great curiosity. . . . Such are. Christian women, the in- | e ™ 1 attempts to retake the height after There is no aristocracy here. Wealth slructions the Apostle St. Paul gives you they had lost it, and I am told their offi- givrs none—powrr gives none. There is : solemnly—such are the directions which vers could he seen driving the men on with •nlaiiment of property. There are lie wishes us to follow; in order that j 'heir swords; and even the lancers came some great fortunes, hut they make no your homages atTd your prayers may be! ou * an< l pricked them with their lances, display. All rank is blended In talent— acceptable to God. ” H ive you ever re-! hut to no purpose. the man of learning and letters in this fleeted seriously on them, and endeavor- ! “After the height was gained, which is country is always a man of rank. ed to conform yourselves to them? | some 800 or 1000 feet above the plain— There are no political rows—no knock- j easily find the answer to my question, if aaf l *h e assent over the most jagged and down-nnd-drng-ont fellows, ns with us in I hut look around, on the day which reli-| ru gg°d roek3 whose sides are in many America. No attempt lias been made to gi.m lias consecrated to the Lord— on that «"■ change the patriarchal character of the, day on which you should more particular- government. The emperor, like our In- ly appear “adorned with modesty and dian al home, worships the Great spirit sobriety,” and which coming to the tem- and the prolplc worship the emperor and j p!e of your God, you should he rernnrka- conlnr on him nil kinds of ridiculous ti-1 l>1c for nothing hut for your extraordina - . . . ties, such ns “Son of Heaven,” “Brother ; ry devotion and piety. What do I see ?. " ere ,nL ‘h by inch, until the enemy he- of the Sun;” and every possible device You come here to offer up your prayers (;lme encouraged and rushed out with is used to keep up the nwe ami reverence | to the Almighty, and you seem to have strong reinforcements ot cavalry and llt- her don’t cost much—only a trifle. Sir. ‘How often does she come ?’ ‘Only three times a wpek—I told her to come ollener if she needed to, but she says three loaves is a plenty for her and her little one, with what she gels by sew ing.’ ‘And have you any other such custom ers, Simpkins ? ‘Only two or three, Sir.’ Only two or three; why it must he WASTE—WASTE—WASTE! ; Wbni is there man cannot watte i and that too, without a single instance of lav* ish profligacy; but solely by those mi nute, scarcely perceptible squanderings, which, like the constant dropping of wa ter upon the rock, wears away that which seems mosl likely to endure. He may waste his health by little indulgence * of a pernicious habit,—by constant irregu larities, slight in tliemselves, and their ef fects in single instances scarcely percep tible, but which, as violations of the lawa nl his being, will work gradual hut cer tain inroads upon the strongest constitu tion, until the energies decay, the founda tions of life are dried up, and prematura old age sinks like a crown of thorns up on the head of early manhood. He may waste fortune in petty squunderings ; time and talents on trifles, or in lisllcssness and idleness. How many a great mind has beer> frittered away in pursuit of the places perpendicular for many feet— Worth rested his men for an hour nr so and then sent forward two companies ns skirmishers to attack the Bishop’s Palace. Tfiese were met by the Mexicans, before whom they slowly retired, yielding as it quite a lax upon your profits. heliltleing objects oflow ambition! How ‘O no, not so much as you suppose, al „f ton ( | (> wo see powers perishing for lack together it amounts to only a Inifc. i „f g[ lt —shriveling into iusignificanco I could not but smile ns niy friend re-, p or wu nt of intelligence to feed upon, pealed these words, hut after I left him 1-.jjiob ui4) might have polished to the fell to thinking how much good he highest br ;|j anc y t and exercise would mg, with “asly a trifle. He supplies j mve r nat (e rqufal to nchieviug the noblest three or lour families with the bread they | ;Jeg , jj oW many scatter, in idle- eat from day to day; and though the ac-; ness (>r inl fiflp rcnre ,j ie j r value, the lit- tual cost lor a year is but a small sum in minute panicles of timo, till golden dollars and cents, the benefit eonfered >s | |our3 , nm | ( | a ys, and years are wasted, by no moans a small one. A sixpence to j lhe , Ten$ure , 0 f life all scattered, and a man who has a plenty to “ eat and drink, Dea| j, fin<u nn thing but a poor, naked, and wherewithal to be clothed, it noth- and ugelpM ' ot ,h e last, ing, hut it is something to one. who is on i • the very verge of starvation. Ami we | RICHARD COBDEN. know not how much good we tire doing ] t ; , i|)u Uurri||f now travc ling in England when we give “only a trifle, to a good |bu , , a |- 3 of lll0 lasl meeting of tho cause.— A. 1. lleeoraer. ' lea pile : ANECDOTE OF CHIEF JUSTICE MARSHAL “ Coluien arose—not to speak for the —A SEVERE REBUKE. . sptici- of several minnles, hut to slnnd up Perhaps one of the most rutting rebukes in a: fleeting silence before the assembly, ever given to the spirit of aristocratic arro-' who would have drowned the voice of a gance was administered by that great man,, triirt |jet before the swolling peals of ap- Chief Justice Marshall. A gentleman |)lsu se with which llioy greeted the Nnpo- recently settled in Richmond ns a mer- lean of moral Reform. Several limes ho chant, went to market carrying his own J esnved to speak, hut before he could basket. lie observed, however, other fi'U'.Tie his lips to the utterance of a wotd | gentlemen attended by servants, making the mullitue would burst forth anew with purchases, and felt a little ashamed of his | another volume of cheers. J saw his position. Turning to an old man, whom clcxar, spirit-speaking eyes filled with he saw rather ruslily dressed, and tugging ; te nrs, on thus being interrupted the third a well-filled basket, he asked him to take) tit no in efforts to tnnkc himself heard.— his also. “Certainly, sir,” said the old j tlierti stood the meekest looking man Iev- man; mid inking the merchant’s basket er stiw fronting a public assembly, and carried it tn Ids residence. The gentle-1 in the meekest attitude). As he stood with man offered him a quarter for his trouble, j hi a vlight form inclining forward, with which was refused. This created some one of his thin pale hn.nds hanging by tho surprise, and led the merchant to notice fore linger from a hijtton-hole in the left where tho old man went. Passing on, \ lireust of his coot, nt id with tho other res- the old man slopped nt n house which j ting on a corner of the Speaker’s desk ?ep up the owe and reverence _ _ of the people towards the emperor whom ( nothing at heart’ but to appear with dis- j ™" 1 ^. ' ! ‘*,T"‘e S '’^Amlrh-ao I hnd been poinie'loul to 1 as7f for stipporL he lordteTl't he've ry ”pe7- lliey consider a divinity. He is the Pon- tmeiion ; yon come T may sav, loaded ,he height, the whole ot the y * ,nerl ‘; B, | | ( | rnce of Jf u ,|„ e Marshall “Ah" said he, I sonallon of timidity ankl modesty/ His lilix Maximus, or high priest oolite em- with ornaments, having stdtl'ullvrurled ; ^^' nnn< ^ 1 /heTiriefu " c'v^tlem : “'hat accounts for Ids refusal oflhe mon- ) whole attitude and appearnace reminded pi re. No carnage or horse passes m front vour hair, nnd dressed your body with | ® " > n ‘./’Jj l ™ > ey , | ie i s Judge Marshall’s servant." In ; me of some humble member or the Meth- of Ins palace no individual trends the . the utmost care, when you should have B f '°" IB > ' r * le " ; ' 1ae Ja’little while, the merchant received a po- od,»t Church in America, arrising inono smne |>:issago on wlnrli he walks; al* i ihoii^ht only of preparing vour soul.— loi aninpry \ men mey u.iu ragged up . _ tl _ —„ M «n.:« 1 i-hl: j: thongli nit court days, surrounded by Do you come to the Church tn attend at a 1 ropes opening at the same lime.. on depisilc wilhoul a license is snlijecled j uiinistrrs and officers magnificently dress- j worldly dance ? Do you come to cele- ; ^'j s '' a3 100 m,,< 'h for Mexican bravery. to ita; severest punishment. PI in all the ornament that gold and cm- 1 lirnto 11 wedding or any other profane' aud they larned and fled, our men 1 pawnbroker is allowed to cliatge three -|-j l0 ornporvir tippointrs bis suecossor. He I world lint in the temple of God all surh ! hmsted ours in its place. 1 lie poor de percent per month, nnd in winter two | mg a ver „ (..\tensive library, and what is; attire is superfluous. You come to in-, v ! 3 relreatedtnto the town, our batterie percent, in order that the poor may lie a- L ur i„„ 3 ,;„ r Bible lias a place among no-' voke the Lord, to ask him the pardon of, • - v '"p °. n »ue whole time, bio to redeem clothing. These shops, , ln „U». I vour sins, to solicit his merry, nnd en-j . “All lias we could see from our post- however, nro great depositories of stolen] One of inv companions gave me an ac-; deavor to render him propitious to you. i ,,on ' our exeilement when we II..W1 »ci, mi ... " X »||< 111 IllY C IIIII11 • ITI It M1 > JJ-lVl III* illl ill- IH iiVlII (II It'lltK'l llllll |M 1 >[111 HHIS HI • , ... I I 1L I • | | goods. Nevertheless the servants do not count of his “first impressions" on land- , and von have thought of nothing hut of: supposed 01th had been driven back- steal, foras with iistliev are lakenonnwril-| ino at Macao. “The first object,” said adorning yourselves? This is not the ] as n ' ,r SUCCPSS -| m;i y safety say, wtis de- ten character; hut the Chinese compel |, ef u||, a t attracted inv attention, was a ] dress nor the countenance of a suppliant., P p J u ‘ rnt u P on ” ls 5 aa ‘l taen can you un- alicm to give security for their honesty— ( m iliinry mandarin, who wore an cmhroid-, How can you pray with sighs and tears a " ia S our joy when we saw the stn— they are ever in favor of responsibility. ( . re d petiroat with a string of bends round as it cecnmes you, how can you pray e-i^ rl P e8 “ oa,,n g lro,n ™ cmin The legal limit to interest on loans is 30 |,; s nrt l <i nm | w |io besides carried a fan : ven with fervor, being in such friviions ! Never w as there a more joyous slin percent; lull as loans are negotiated nc-j nru ) it was with some dismay that I oh- attire? If you shed tears will not those ■ lao alr lllan l ' 1P one wc S ave lort h. cording to the stale «if the money market, served his mount on the right side of a who witness them laugh at you? For { CALORIC SUPESEDED. they seldom run so high, except for short horse. I was surrounded by natives—all i devotion nnd tears do not accord with j p;,„, ,_i |. PO m Ihv Kefnre loaits. The interest is never permitted 'f wt,nm l,nd the hair shaven from the! vanity and a worldlyspirit; ,a n ditwould our ^ of -^ to exceed the printapal, and compound in- fore-part of the head-while a portion of, be a real comedy if he same spirit were : ^ olhpr an en|irel new , )f ma . terest ts illegal. The regular .merest sel- ,hem permuted .t to grow down their fa- | in you. the principle hotl. of an extrava- j kj common mo | :15 s^ into sugar, without dom exceeds 15 per cent, ami they only c es. On my way to my lodg.nas I saw. gam fondness of va.n ornaments and of a, ^ hpm of kin(J , m s a( , R ||)e dis . loan on pcsonal property. The Chinese ,u„ Chinese Ixays .l.scssing, with much j tender piety Leave In the women of. » whilst engaged in investigating earnestness, who should he the possessor he theatre that pomp and tljose ^ ^ But for ^ c ” of nr. otangc. They debated the point | laltnns—“God is not mocked. Such ( D |. lnat i on ' " ’ ' frivolous sliow f'ecnmes nnlv enmmedians ' . ... .1 1 ake an ordinary sugar kettle, or other give a singular reason for allowing so high a rate of interest. Those, they say,-who borrow are llniflless, and the sooner they are ruined the liclter. . The Chinese government, many years ago issued a paper monev, on finding that bulion had become scarce, which evety one is compelled to receive, and if old or torn you can go to the mint and exchange it Tor new notes. Although there nrc great •quantities of Spanish dollats imported in to China, yet the government issues no other coin than a Imsc tnctal composed of copper and zinc, perhaps some lend.— These are valued at the filth part of a cent, with a sqaure hole in them to string them logelher; but the cArrcot coin has been greatly debased. Every fellow who gets possessions of a Spanish dollar punches a hole in it, and fills the bole with lead.— They closely forge and imitate the Span ish and Mexican dollar, nnd none but freshly imported dollars can lie safety re ceived. They have many offices, like our bonks, where money is received on dc- posite. These cast refined silver into in' gots, receive taxes for government, and nre'iit fact their sub-treasuries. Smoking opium is strictly prohibited yet thousands indulge in it. It is ulways ■ a-smuggled article from British • posses sions In India; and (he magistrates arrest with a vast variety of gesture; auilal;) lite note, requesting the pleasure of his ; of tbeir class-meeting' s to'tell his expert- company to dinner nt Judge Marshall’s, j cnee,’ in a contrite spi rit. And that was On arriving at the door, the very same Ettglands foremost man' 1 Among all tho old man answered his summons, and ] heroes her minals liav'e numbered, that showed him into the drawing room ; hut soft-voiced revolutionist stood the liigest imagine his surprise, when the old man|in the peoples gratitudiVl For England seated l.inia' iron n sola, amt cmniiieiicetl; l.a.t a people nn\d he the people's one of his nnimaled and deliehiful con- j man, nnd this wmnim «wswtmtwm versa lions, with the freedom of a master'The first words he utter*fell upon tho Iimi the wisdom of a philosopher. At listening multitude In tone.'* of querulous first, lie thought it strange conduct in a j modulation. They were uttered with servant; but probably he line! imbibed child-like simplicity, arid were tremulous something of the master, for whose ap-, with the emotion he confessed, penmnee lie was waiting with such exei- ] . \ ling anticipation. But lie soon liegnnto] LlhLI. BERRA MAN. \ see his error. “I owe you an apology, | We understand the correspondent 01*'the sir, said lie to the Judge. “It matters j Baltimore Sun is correct in stating th Xi not,” said the Judge, ‘we will lake a glass Lient. O. H. Berryman, (late of the' of wine, and become better acquainted, j Truxton,) commander of the schooner and less ashamed of helping ourselves.” j On-ka-liy-e, now lying at Norfolk, ha* And thus it litis been, in all ages oftheilieen iustmeted to get his vessel rendy world that the truly wise and great have ] for sea, and proceed with nil possildo dis- sought honor from labor. The apostle ] patch to Pensacola. The object of the Paul tlianked God that he had not lived j special service is to cruise between I’en* an idle drone, thal he had not been a bur-; sacola nnd Keywest touching al Tnmpa, dento any; hut had wrought with his St. Marks. Cedar Key and Apalachicola, own hand':- and his divine Master set the j and ns often as the stale of the weather stamp, the signed of dignity upon labor, will permit, for the purpose of maintain- length without venturing to fightjabout it. j and dancers, and not Christian1 women,,: vf?se| f procllrP an a ; r ;, ig , lt li( |, 1o they sat down and divided it. This was i who should be adorned with modesty and a national trait of character. The Chi-.chastity nose were a reasonable people, and this trifling event made an impression upon me. At that moment my attention was drawn to several old Chinese, who had grey beards, nnd wore large goggling spectacles. A few were chirruping and chuckling to singing birds, which they carried in bamboo cages, or were perched upon a stick; others were catching flies to feed them with: the others of the par ty were delightedly employed in flying paper kites, while a crowd of boys were looking on.” The novelty of the scenes around us seldom tiie. These curious people are anlikc any other people in the world, and retain at this duy the usages of some thousands of years hack. 1 expect to go into the interior with the missionaries, oud shall write you by the next vessel. Adieu. J. H. Do not pretend to imitate those who, by their pompously decorated exterior, win to themselves many and courtesau- like followers, and thus give rise to most injurious suspicions, and finally lose their which lid fix a very small exhausting pump, to pump out the air and form a par tial vacuum; this completes the aparnlus. Fillthe vessel about two-tliirds full of com mon molasses, or sugar drainings, and suspend over it an earthen dish contain ing the best sulphuric acid ; cover it over - _ . 1-1 . , - . . 1 u." rue in-st suinnuric ucio ; cover u over and made it inherent and inalienable.— What arc lands and mines, and forests and streams, until labor has given them value ? Cheerily work on,then, thou man of toil; for although the pride of some, and the indolence of others, may throw an unequal burden on thee, it can bring no d isgrace; that living exclusively on the other side of the house ; lor llimigli alibi ing a mail commuqivntion between tint respective places; affording facilities to the officers of the General and Slate Gov ernments when the same can be done without causing-delay in the trips, and the general duty,of protecting American commerce and interests.’ 1 We had the pleasure of seeing Lieut. Berryman ir. Washington, to-day, and he contradict* ence may exempt its possessor from the j the subject of the conversation in the car, o. narm u. ,.. a ..v ..., "I” j vacuum with the pump, and leave it al necessity of toil, it can give no right to which ha. been going the round of the man, although she pass for chaste, will a fpw |, ou [ s a P n(| on oncoverin ., despise laU.r, or degrade thee. He who newspapers.^*,,,,,. reap no fruit from her labe reputation, . wj| , ^ f d , ’ , - . fulfils the great condition-of existence, to .—— ^ — when the Supreme Judge w.ll make her j ^ in ^ „ rdll f ar y | “eat his bread in the sweat or Ids,” . H A VANA CIGARS. hapnv smile on h?.) @E2. ,he MR. YANCEY’S SUCCESSOR. After all the rejoicings of the Whigs, il turns out at last, that they were prema ture. Mr. Cotrell, the Democratic can- and imprison etttry opium smoker, wbo is didutc is elected to the aeat in Congress, punished oh'boovictioa by blow* and con- j vacated by the resignation of Mr. Yancey. she suffers. But you will perhaps say, am 1 responsible for the judgements of some ill disposed persons? Yes, you are, because,you give occasion to these judge ment* mid suspicions, by your unbecom ing attire, by your affected countenance, by your looks atfd your external motions. 'Therefore it is.lbat St. Paul recommends so earnestly to women to set aside all su perfluous ornaments and to observe strict ly modesty, decency, and simplicity . in tbeir dress. Now, if> the Apostle con- “I say. mister, wbat is butter imday ? “Why, butter ceitainly “Well, I’m darned glad of it, lor the last pound I bought from you was more than half tallow.” The Royal Mail Steamer Thames ar rived at Havana on the 7lh September, having on hoard the lam President of the Republic of Mexico, Gen. Parades. many young women need no longer wear 0 happy smite on ms; |K , p ij al j» n . w i|j *2 approach, nor stndy neatness and taste in , hp rx l p , >r , aliou to u „ jSvrorl* her daily nppatel, hut on the conimre - au » i„ pw«,reF<whfcB wo Ireilulness, aniT with npparel ,n nisorner . , , -.■ iM'n-gw.. mugestwgaul„™r„, 1, vour husband: 'you will ini ver regret it.' -> - •.*£• bHk - tin • T-. (-11 A At id i is: ui-’-Lta