The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 09, 1858, Image 3

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IWalsteM*** Wathikgto*’ Sep** *sSBaB!» rpin^GS Lost ‘ TbRsVrt^Thsrollowifig ff0r j, from the pen of" Lydl* II, Slgoorney are '"[osi'Sh may be re,to'reti ty"jndo«rj.vUip reck of health regained by temperance ; for. ,, en knowledge reatored by atudy i alienated C > n d»hip smoothed Into forgetfolneaa; even r'rfeited reputation won by patienoe and virtue; ' , n .| l0 ever looked upon his vanished hoars, colled his slighted years, stamped them with i-dom, or effaced from Heaven’s record the Liful blot of wasted lime. The foot-print on he sand is washed out by the ocean wave ; and easier might we, when years are fled, find that foot-print then recall lost hours. JB. J. Faulkner, ^.Watch-maker BOOK StOKB dp L. E. WELCH," ' 1 , Alban,, Oeo. ■■>•*** ilk warranted, ’* ■ sep.9--iy. NEGRO BOY FOE SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH. E ofler for eale, at a low price for Cash, « , ** or an approved acceptance on short tints, a Negro Boy, about 26 or 27 years old, able bodietf good size, and well sutler for—» 7 farm work, to which bo ia accustomed. Aoply to HINES & HOBBS. Albany, September 9,1858. 21—4\v " ALBANY COTTON MARKET. Boring the post few days we have to report a more te ,ive market, and o disposition on the part of buy ers lo pay full prices. The enquiry is mostly for die higher grades, of which but little liae-so far been received—the quality running generally from Good Ordinary to Strict Middlings. We qnole extremes »t9} to 11 cents. Strictly Good Middlings would readily command 111 ■ Slock on hand 2d Sept 686 tales. Receipts past week 29!) “ 985 Shipped 244 u Stick in Warehouses 741 “ Albany Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY by GLASS, LAWS &. CO miJGING -Ounney yd Roll litLE ISOPE- BEKSWAX- CAN DLES—S|Hjrm. Star Tallow COFFEE—Rio Java CORN FIS 11—Mackere 1 No. i.!!!. !!!.'! .* “ No. 3. No. 1 kit* Half kits.... \l.\ION—No. 1 kit? FLOUR—Fim—100 lb.sack Supertine Family rNTOWDER— Keg IRON—Knirlish 8 to 10 13 to 14 18 to 20 75 to 8« 30 . bill $18 to *20 , bhl 14 (o 15 , Mil 11 to 13 $3 00 to 3 50 1 75 to *2 00 4 00 to 4 *25 3 00 3 50 5 00 to S 00 LlMC-Tho n, Winter Sfr.incd, j;al.. Sltou'ilors l.UID LITTER—Goshen , : 1 M'.Slv—English Dairy ... 3 00 t«» 3 25 *2 ‘25 ?al 50 to 75 lal 75 to 80 lb 5 to r, 175 to *2(0 1 50 to 1 15 60 to 65 1 15 to 1 *25 GLASS, LAWS & CO., GROCERS, ALBANY-GEO. C ONTINUE to hold torth at their O'J Stand. (at the sign of the and oiler to the public a largo and better selected « AND Plantation Supplies Ilian heretofore. Our assortment is more completed and selected by onr Mr. Spf.ahman in the markets of Baltimore, New Yorfcanrf Boston, with an eye to this market. No effort will be spared upon our part to retain the position we have gained. Our object ia to establish n Fir.-t Class House in Albany. We leave it to the public to decide upon llu* sueress.-- We have the same old motto—SI’LL FOR CASH. Quick Salss akd Small Profits. ID*Thr highest market price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. 33" Lottos Buyers can always Ive found at our "rinse, who will pay the top of the Market. Albany, Sep. 0, 1858. *24— CA CARD.] fTMlE undersigned begs leave to tender his grate- fill acknowledgements to his numerous costritn- ers and friends, who have so liberally patronized the late firm of C. D. & S. J. Pearson in their success ful Clolhing Business in this city. The late firm has been dissolved by the death of one of the part ners, and the Goods disjkosed of to Mr. William II LirriTT. whom we desire to recommend to the favor able consideration and patronage of the public— who will always furnish the most fashionable ai very best supply usually kept in a general Clothii establishment. C. 1). PEAltSON, of the late firm of C. D. & S. J. Pearson. Albany, Sop. 9, 1858. joining Col. James Dean on Spring Creek, and Mr. Warren on the Chickasawhatchee, directly Wqst of the New Bridge across the Chickasawhat- chce Creek, with Two Hundred and Filly Acres of open Land—good water. M r. B. Brown will show the lines to any person wishing to purchase. I will sell my MUD CREEK Plantation in Dough erty county, ten miles West of Albany, known the “Judge Andrews’ Place,” adjoining J. E. Bond, A. H. Cojquitt, Air. Peake aud Wm. Monofion. For price and payments applv to me at Forsytl, "onroe county, or to iny son in Albany. A. COCHRAN. September 9, 1858. 24— $ »«rIjy. Prophy I IJiES & HOBBS; *f LAT LAtf-ALBANT, GEO. _ _ fhfjrtwrty unj ^mfyhimtiin||' CnimtiM. nouKuB,1nmtartj7:<;■;* < •< < ricioudadne.- CUE.1P .1A'D YJHiV'AtthE r,A.^r>. .. • -JW T HE'fubacriber offerS’for sale his set tlement of 980 acres of Land ip thy 7ih district of Worth county—130 acres cleared—togetlier wilh 150 head of Cattle, ___ 70 bead of Sheep and about 100 head of Hog the sum of $3,000 .cash, or good paper with interest from date. THOMAS H. KENDALL. July 22,1858 ; /17— 19w SD" The Columbus Times & Sentinel copy week ly till 1st December, and forward bill to Drr Land’ P. O., Worth county, Geo. | JOHN IT. DEWS, —DEALER IX— Groceries, Provisions and Plantation Supplies. O’ A Fresh Stock always on hand. O'Cash or Goods exchanged for Country Pro duce, at the old Stand of Boynton. Cochran & Co., Albauy, Georgia. August 28,1858. J 22— V* I %. X ©LOTHIM® DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, yy-yy-yy OZONIZED CHLORINE. 100;000^,«& n r* e ^ ,a «p.8. . GLASS, LAWS & CO. Whiskey. \ I GLASS, LAWS & CO. . Flour. \ LBS. FLOUR iu store and to arrive irious brands. ap.8. GLASS, LAWS &. CO. Dissolution. T IIE firm ofT. H. JOHNSON A. CO., was diwnlved ou the first day of April Ia.>t, by mutual consent, (». C. Carmichael withdrawing. T. IL JOHNSTON. G. C. CARMICHAEL. Iu retiring from the Ware-House and Commist-ion bus iness in South-Wi*st**m Georgia, I beg to tender my grate ful aeknowledgementsand thauks to iny numerous patrons and friends, for continued favors for eight years, and take this occasion to recommend to yonr favor and confidence my late partner, T. 11. Johnston, and successoi J. A. Hill as every way qualified, and in ail respects* enmjieteii* * transact your busiuess. June 3, 1858. G. C. CARMICHAEL. ‘25 do 25 do P'<& II Clir 50 qr casks pure and im’lion Malagi 10 bids Apple Brandy (very choice) ind qti Sclicid: fish aud Amei ions brands,qualiti galiela Whiskey Schnapps .11! S K K Y—Rectified M..i.oiurahe!:» ■!!; PIN TURPENTINE. SN.M’d'RGS—No. 1... : rixr; r I5J 1E Undersigned having purchased the entire -*• stock of CLOTHING from the late fnni of C. D. &. S. J. Pearson, is now offering Goods at very reduced rales. 1 shall continue to receive fresh sup plies of the latest, he>t and most fashionable assorf- )i'it!l kinds of Goods usually k«*pt iu a (’lotii- fablishmont.and bv due attention to business, hope to receive a liberal sharo of nnblic pKtro:ia« r e. Mv Stork will consist in part of the folhming: 0 r.'vtts, Pants, Vests, and Over-Coats of every de scription. Under-Shirts, Drawers. Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Half ! hu.r,Gloves, Shawls, Fancy Blankets, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoos, Umbrellas, Walking Canes and Buggy Whips. AI>o Cloth.-and Cassiaiers in the Piece. Fine C .ml Tobacco. Powder and Shot, PowiUr Flasks, Game 'ereiisalon Caps, Sic. Hair Brushes. Sh; Irushos, Wist Brooms, Combs, Pocket Knives. )il, Perlumery. Hair l)y yd 10 to 1*2 HOLCOMBE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, my STREET—SiVASSAll, GEO., H ave in store and for sale to the TRADE ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS: Ks(j: FEE—500 bags lair, prime and choice llio Coffee. 100 do and pocket Java do. 50 do Laguna. S5JGAU—20 hhda choice St Croix Sugar 15 puncheons choice Porto Rico Sugar. 25 nhd< fair New Orleans and Cuba Sugars 2)K) bids A, B &. C clarified and uov.d'd do 50 boxes Loaf Sugar MOLASSES—20 hhds prime Muscovado Molasses 50 bids choice re-boiled N O Molasses 50 do N Y Molasses THE MOST rOWERFCL DISIXFECTAXT UtiUOKS-ioou.i» tavuiiou wi.L-kvy ^ . I »l (In N L Bum KNOWN! | *5 .to Rye 4 1TRIFIES DWELLINGS”AND SHU’S; T>* li'strwvc* aV nfrnsire tutors; IT Jnrahiablc in the Sick liomn; If Cures f t‘ Hums, Iiilts, Carbuncles aud Running Sores; lCleanses the *1'cclh; rr Destroys I'rlid Rrea/h; LT Preeeiits Decayed Teeth proiing Injurious; tMitigates the most alarming sin upturns of Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers; (IRES TETTER auil SCALD HEAD: j Used in Bathing, keeps the skin , HEALTHY. SOFT AN1> WHITE; I Removes Stains and Mildew;; Destroys ail Animal or Vegetable. Poisons; Cures the Biles of Inserts and Stings of Bees; j Remores Rancidity front Butter anil Lard; More powerful than hiiv other agent in preventing I the SPREAD OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, j !D’ Manufactured oidv in tin* Lilmratory nf j. DARBY, Auburn, Ala , From which, or IIAURAL, R1SLEY KITCHEN, N*>. 76 Barclay street, New York, it may be ordered. I For sale by Druggists generally, and in Albany, by i F. O. WELCH, I Wholesale and Retail Druggist. } N. B —This justly celebrated Disinfecting Ageut is pre- ; pared by I'rof. John Darby, formerly u resident of this i Suite—a man well known lor bis scientific attainments.— It stands apnroved by the leading physicians of the South, and is now largely u^ed iu their practice. ScptcmU*r V, 1858 2 l-f.m. Take Due Notice! H AV’ING made such alteratiims and improve ments as enables me to furnish a better article j at less cost than formerly, 1 have determined to re- | dure the price of my WASHING MACHINES to 5 do 25 do Choi *20 qr casks 100 cases pis CIGARS—150 M half tip T(»UACCO—150 boxes v 20 cases do do SUNDRIES— 100 boxes aut! half boxes Adamantine Candles 150 do Colgate’s Fyrnily, Pale and No. 1 St 50 do and half boxes Starch *25 do Sperm Candles, 4’s and (7s 10 casos 4's and f»’s Patent S|ierin Candles 50 do Key's No. 1,2 and S I.eiimn Syrup 100 kegs FG Dunonfs Gunpowder 50 half and qr kegs do 500 bags assorted size 10,000 pounds Bar Lead 50 baskt ts llcidscick Champagne 100 birds Bacon Sides ami Slioulde Baliim r. II. JoHRSTOR. J. A! Hit. JOHNSTON & CO.. W-&RB-HC5USE AND Commission Merchants, ALBANY, GA. W ILL continue ‘ to ..llhuvi H-5H <®tencral abtjcrli^ittjttts. (sUCCKSSOIt TO A. O. OWEN,) WATCH-MAKER, JEWELER XJTD SBiQSa'ai'S'csiPg OrrosiTt Feaos, Haruis & Roberts, , . , Brand street—ALBANY, GEO. July 22,1853 17— Watch, Clook and Jewelry REPAIRING. IK ALL ITS BRANCHES. ' T HE Subscriber would announce to the citizens of Albany and vicinity that he xrill sneered Mr. A. G. Owen I in the Watch aud Jewelry business of® this place, having bought his entire interest in the tame, and respectfully solicits tin* patronage so liberally extend ed to Air. Owen—l< eling confident that with several years experience in the business and n Miperior outfit of Tools and Materials, lie will be able to merit the patronage of the public generally. HENRY II. STEVENS, (Successor to A. G. Owen,) Opposite Fears, Harris &. Roberts, jy 2*2. 17— Broad street—Albany, Geo. tnritake ' — •orliiy person. I regatd him a; Vat oh-Makers in South- W.-tei Albany. July 2*2, 1858 (17- A. G. OWEN. w j and /tale of Cotton. Thankful for the liberal patron; i the past season, they hope to Igeextcndcil to the lat to all the interest of the Plan Usual advances made on Cotton in plies, Rope and Bagging, furiiL-hed c LAND FOR SALE. T HE Subscriber offers for sale his Plantation situated near Flint River iu the 21.->t district of Decatur county, Ga. The tract contains 750 acre?, consisting _______ of lots Nos. 323,277and 2!>2—(No. 323 bein^ known as the old.“Camp Recovery” lot, a most brantiful hnildiujj site.) It has 100 -acres cleared, and some •*f the best quality, of Tobacco Hammock. It is iu a l»ody, lies well, adapted to the production of corn aud 4ton; well watered, good range, and withal, In a ‘igliborhood remarkably healthy. Maj. I*atham will show tlie land to any that wish to purchase,and for terms, &c., apply to Col. N. Tin or myself in Albany, who will make them reasonable and ac- miiioduting. G. W. FAGG. Albany, July 8, 1858 l5--3m. Drop and Buck Sliot and quarts 15 do Ik 100 boxc<* and half boxes t 20 bb!* No. 1 UafLard 50 kegs do do 50 bbls White Wine and Cide 75 do N<« l and 3 Mackerel 30 half bids Nos I and 2 do 250 bates Gunny Cloth 200 coils Kentucky Ro|*e lo bales Twine 25 bids Me.-s I oik 20 half bbls Fallon Maiket B. 25 casks pints Hihherl's 1’e (very choice) \ and common Candy 10 do Jeffrey’* ' ‘ Muir vV. ses Allsop it ale Ale 25 do i ehoict' IB licmorratic .llectius in Raker County. The Democratic party of Baker county are nHjues- •! t i meet en masse in Ncwbm, on Tuesday, 141Ii for I lie purpose of selecting a suitable per- - n to fill the vacancy of our Representative. A. <’ r-'.•«*. K-q. who lies been cut off in the new of Mitch*-11. f’o:r:e all! BAKER. AVe are requested to an- ■ ..'.n-.- lIn* namp ..I WM. It. CURRUY, K.sq . •,' for Solicitor Ocnoral of lire Souil.-We.-t- • ■» C'irmit, at the ensuing election. September 2. 1358. 23 — Mi:. Editor:—Please announce !‘c •nine Oi KOiaai r N. EI.Y, E»q..», • ra.ndi- live f«>r the office of Solicitor (jt-ncral of the South- M'tstern Circnit, and oblige A VOTER. August 19, 1858. ' 21 — t)Sr* We are authorized to an- tiintire the name of Col. JOHN W. EVANS as a candidate for re-election to the office of Solicitor of the SontIt-Western Circuit, at the e.lcc- t‘"n in January next. oug.19 (21) The Judgeship. Wc are requested to an- re Cnl. Rieiri) II. Cl,AltK, ..r tins county, a candidate for Judge *»f the South-Western Cir- r, »t. at the election to be held first Monday in Jan- " : *ry next. jy.29 (18) Our Terms are <\.sii. Quick sales and stnal! TWELVE DOLLARS, Cash, if taken from the Profits. Shop. \\ lien delivered elsewhere expenses must ILT C-iII am! examine before Purrlmsiim Grads he paid hv the purchaser. WM. ll.,LIPiiTT. a r Cotton Gins repaired, and Furniture made to 24— order. JAMES M McDANIEL. Palmyra, Sept 9, 185S. 24— Albany, Sept. 9, 1858. Georgia— Calhoun county. to the Court flit This is therefor#* to notify all and singular I lie kindred, creditors a ml other persons concern- d, io b<* and appear at the Couil of Ordinary of said connt\ .1. or before the Fourth Monday in March next to tilo their objections and shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand and official signature al ..dice in Morgan, the 4th day of September 1858. sen 9. RICH D F. JONES, OrJ. Cl c o rgl a—Calhoun C. w nty. Tl/IIEREAS, Joseph W. Roberts, administrator on * * the estate of Abram D. Smith,deceased, applies io the Court for Letters of Dismission from the said esta.e. This is therefore to notify all and singular the kindred, creditors and other persona concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of on or before the Fourth Monday in March next to file their objections and shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Morgan, the 4th da r of September 1858. sep.9. RIGHT) F. JONES, Ord. Kcuj TUtucrtiscmcnts. Residence to Rent or Sell. \ s',!"-' ?T° R T DWELLING on Broad *PI»lica»i September o, 1858. .Albany, will be rented or sold, by NOTICE! NOTICE!! valuable COTTOX plantation For Sale. T HE Undersigned offers for aale his Valuable OAK and HICKORY Plantation or 1520 acres, '■ti’tted five miles from Albany, on Cooleewahee L'rcek. 'Hiere is 700 acres of Land in a fine state of eul- jivaiion, with a good Dwelling House, frame Negro •Loses, new and comfortable, and all necessary out rionsos that a farmer would desire. i'lie undersigned deems it unnecessary to say Anything of tho fertility of this I,And. Suffice it to >bat it is as good as any Oak and Hickory Land ln (lie 2d District of Dougherty coonty, *u> justly ,e Hrated for its richness and adaptation for the fo-fure of cotton. ”or terms, apply to the undersigned, or to IL A. Massey, Overseer on the place, who will show the P ace to any one \vUhing to look at it. BENJ. It. SMITH. -JMwivy. Sept. 9, 1858. *24—17wr. NOTICE. Mitchell Superior Court,'j 1 , September Term, 1858. ( * appearing to the Court that It ia impracticable to hold this regular Terra,' owing to the unfinish- «Ute of the Court' House, and other causes. . ordered.that Mitchell Superior Court be and *oy adjourned to the 3d Monday in November nufi,t an(1 Umt P^rti^s,* witnesses and, jurors be re- *S9^7t2u l/,« « of th. regalar tare., *.7 *»t thta'orrfef bs'jlamislicd In the Bainbridgc ''SM and Alban* X D’V A li I > >U 6 GfOrgla—Calhoun County. W IlEltEAS, Joseph W. Roberts, administrator on the estate of Lizarus Jackson, deceased, applies to the Court for Letters of Dismission from the said This is therefore to notify all and singular the kindred, creditors and other persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or before the Fourth Monday in March next to file their objections and shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters sliould not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Morgan, the 4th day of September 1858. sep.9. RICH’D F. JONES, Ord. Georgia—Calhoun County. W HEREAS, Nathaniel Hester, administrator on the estate of John B. Wight, deceased, applies to the Court for Letiers of Dismission from the said estate. This is tbereforo to notify all and singular the kindred, creditors and other persons concerned lobe and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or before the Fourth Monday iu March next to file their objection3 aud shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in-Moman, the 4!li day of fc'epleu.lier 1858. Rep .9. RICII’D F. JONES, Ord. Georgia—Worth County. I FOREWARN all persons from trading for a promissory note, made by myself payable Iu Dan iel Baily, (or one hundred and fifty dollars ; said nolo was made on or about the I3lh day of November 1856 and due the 1st day of January 1*58,or near as recollected. Said note was given in part payment ol West half of lot of land number one hundred, (100) in the Kith district of said county. • ( do not intend paying said note to any person except said Daniel Baily, as I have bad to pay off Fi-Fas for said Baily, for the H A YE now i ing, the Ini FALL & WiNTER GOODS, Consisting of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, s Black and Colored Silks, Plaid Grenobles. Cashmere d’Ecosse, All-Wool Defines, Figured Delaines and Alpacas, Robes do Chenille, De Beges, Ginghams, &c, &c.,; the nicest stock of SHAWLS and CLOAKS, and SPRING SKIRTS, all of the est quality, and prettiest and lastest styles. Also, splendid assortment of Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ CLOTHING, of the best materials and best make. A large stock OF SHOES, BOOTS, HITS AND CAPS, Ladies’ Bonnets, Hosiery, F.A.iSrCY GOODS, &C. A heavy stock of NEGROES* SHOES. KER SEYS and BLANKETS, HOMESPUNS and OSNABURlfS, ut lower prices than they ever were sold. Sega vs and Tobacco, Saddleiy and Crockery, And various articles too numerous to mention; which we will sell lower than they ever were sold, as we have bought extraordinary cheap bargains, and are determined to undersell auy Merchant this side of New York. We are very thankful to our friends and custom ers for their kind patrouage heretofore, and solicit a continuance o f the same, as wc shall try to please them harder than ever- To the public in general we have to say that it will be to their own advantage to call ou E. ROSEN WALD &. BRO., IT Opposite Hill’s Stables, and nert door to King& Walker’s Saloon, Albany, Ga. September 2, 1858 23-tf 100 quarter a Ilyson Tea 500 hall and quarter bo? 25 boxes Pepper Sauce s half gallo . Pale Ale s’ English Ale id Oolong Teas, put up tests of Hyson and Young *? Sardines arts and pints Underwood’? , vtc. 23-13v F L.l.TT.Ijr/0.rS FOR SALES. Georgia—Worth County. I OFFER for sale my (.amis and Mills, to wit: Lots numbers HI. 82, 159 1 GO, 158, 183, all amounting to twelve hundred and fifteen acres, and lying iu _ the l5l!i district of said county. Quality—ail ol the alxn-c named lots are good com and cotton making lands. My Mills, to wit: two Saws and two Grists, e newly built and situated ou Abram’s Creek, (a »ver failing stream of water.) Afso, iny Pindertown Plantation, lying on Flint ver and on the old Stage road leading from Macon Tallahassee, and in the 15th district of said comi ty, to wit: Lots numbers 184, 185. 186,200,201, and three fractional lots numbers 189, 230, 229, all amounting to one thousand two hundred and sixty- five acres, on which there is about four hundred acres of open laud and tolerably fair buildings, and as good a settlement of farming lands as there are on Flint river;.all of which are beautifully watered. Also, my settlement of lands in the county of Dougherty, near the old Parker Eland and about 7 miles from Albany, tovvit: Istts numbers 245 and fractional lots numbers 248, 249, all amounting to 305) acres, beautifully watered. Quality—first rate farming lands. Also, my settlement of, lands where I amounting to 200U acres, well wotered, and about 600 acres of open land now in cultivation. There is on this place a good Dwelling House, Gin house, Screw, and other out houses, nil in good order. Auy person wishing to purchase any of the forc ing lands can examine for themselves and make the same known to me at Isabella P. O., Ga. Aug. 19,1858 (21-3m) R. G. FORD SEWING MACHINES. Price from $18 to $150. r llE undersigned has an Agency for the sale of half dozen ditTereut patterns ol these Machines, t such prices that all may buy, however poor, ('nil nd examine them, il will cost you nothing to look. For certificates of their pci formattce see hand-hills. He is also Agent for the sale of a lot of line Cotton Gins, manufactured under his own supervis ion at Palmyra, which are warranted to perform well. J. II. WATSON, Agent. Albany, July 8,1858. 15- , Borrien County Lands for SALE. r*411F. Stitarriin’r olK-ra lor sale FOUR 1 HUNDRED &. NINETY ACRES OF LAND, with (j.v.l Sjw and Crist Mills, g»»od Framed Dwelling. 100 fine Apple Trees, 50 English Mulberry Trees, laden with fruit, beautifully situated and v< thy, on the road from Moultrie to Nashville, Ferry on Little River. For further particulars, ad dress R. N. PARRISH, P. M., July 8,1858. 15- Ava.Ga. HINES’ LEGAL FORMS, t 7V)R SALE, by the single copy, or in quantities with the usual deduction to the Trade. The above new manual lor Georgia is recom mended by many of the most eminent Lawyers of the State. It is expressly designed fur the use of Professional Gentlemen, Justices of the Peace and f the Inferior Court, Sheriffs, Clerks, Coroners, Ordinaries,&o.,and for our citizens generally.— ’ersoiu wishing a single ropy sent l*y mail, should send the retail price, §2 50, and 15 cents postage lamps. Address L. E. WKLCII, aug.o. (19) Albany, Ga. BEHET &. FOSTER i XTA.CTO.ltS Cuueral Commission IVIcrcli:ual$, ‘201 Bay stkuet, Savannah, Giro PATTEN & MILLER, (l.ATH PATTEN, HUTTON it CO.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savniin.ih, Georgia. NOTICE. . M R. JAMES IL CARTER is my aiilhorised Agent during my absence from Albany. my ai i Alba . W. W. CURE VER. 18—3m. 1 pay! _ . note tc any person except said Daniel Baily, a* I hai’e bad to pay off Fi-Fas for said Baily, tor tli payment of which «id i.fd W- , R Sepita&rteMM ,f/ »>’ *t-3.v ion will be'pwd - \aiht HonbHAlre; the Court of Ordinary of Ba ker county, foHeave u> eeU ^ ^ty^w^ed. In Store and for Sale. A SUPERIOR LOT OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PLANTATION WAGONS, HARNESS, WHIPS, &c., &c., A LL of which are made to special order for this market by the best manufacturers at the North. My stock is not inferior in guality to any thing ever -ffered in the South. Those wishing to purchase vili find it to their interest to give me a call, as I am determined to sell low for cash or city paper. O* Special orders filled at shojt notice. R. L. TOMLINSON, Jackson street, West of J. S. Moremenfa. Albany, December 17, 1857. * 38- the GENUINE A. W. ALLEN’S SOUTHERN LINIMENT! A ND every StathMur. will be ratified by tnne one A dollar’s worth that they have no further me for Northern Liniment.. For Funily and PUmalionfeit M*- At tbe Poet Office. Cholic in Mai) or Benet, »nd¥t known for Blind Staqscrain Hoi find it .tart., of time and mpta hand..; For sat. by /I. I Albany, Auj. 5. (19—ly) PLJ1JVTA TIOjYS For Sale. rpilE subscriber offers for sale his Plan- tation on Mill Creek, in Early county, Geo., containing 2000 acres of rich lime pine Land, lying perfectly level, with 800 ________ acres of open land—050 acres recently cleared ami 200 deadened 18 mbntha. The place is watered by a never failing stream running through it.* Health good. All necessary buildings, viz: Gin Mouse, Screw, "ood Cribs, Stables, Shelters, Blacksmith Shop, 8 Negro Cabins with brick chimneys. Dwell ing House, &c. The place can be divided into any number of acres to suit purchasers, and can be bought for cash or on credit. Many advantages are attached to the place that cannot be enumerated within the limits of a short advertisement, but foil particulars may be obtained bv applying to SAMlfEL McCLARY, , Catau'a, Harris Co., Ga. Refers to Rev. Mr. Puden, Griffin, Ga., and B. II. Crawford, Eoq., Cataula, Ga. • * ' ' —1 ALSO OFFER— 1 303} acres lying ou the Ichawaynochawav Creek, in Randolph county, Ga., 100 acres cleared and the balance well timbered with mixed growth, lying about six miles from the-South-Western Rail R«*ad. August 19, 1858 , _ ;0 21—3m. General Southern Insurance Agency. R EPRF.SENTINr.,niiioii(s.>tlMni,thelulluwiiig rust, ci.ass Stock Companies, the high character of which hnil'tetl: CHARTER OAK FIRE Sc MARINE INSURANCE COM PAN Y. of Hartford, Conn. Ciifh Capital and Assets $312,(XX) ./. II. S/misnc, Seen. Jluljih Liillclt. Pres. CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital and Assets §225,000. J. Ii. Eldredgr, Secy. It. IF. Lireene, Pres. MERCHANT’S INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital and Assets .$225,000. Ii. Tho*. Jyiltdcll, Secy. Mark Howard, Pres. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, o/' Hartford, Conti. Cash Capital anti Assets'. $297,000. C. C. Waite, Setfy. C. If. Powers, Pres. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital and Assets OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS. S. II. White, Sec'y. J. C. WaH lcy, Pres. The undersigned is prepared to effect Life, Fire atul-Marine Insurance to any amount, on good risks, at the lowost rates consistent with the security ot the Com panion which he represents. A. WILBUR, Agent. No. Ill Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. August 26,1858. 22—13w. LOST JYOTE O NE note of hand given by W. \V. Cheever, and made payable to Newell Foster, for Six Hun dred and Eighty-Five Dollars ami sixty-two cents, dated April 29ili, 1858, and due January 1st, 1859. The said note having been lost or mislaid by Moses Foster. I forewarn all persons from trading for the same. NEWETT FOSTER* Aug. 26,1858. ’ 22—3w * Albany, July 29, 1858 Hardeman & Sparks, Ware-House anti Commission MERCHANTS, Macon, G-a. ring.of Cotton and lo the FilliugB f Orders for Groceries and Farmers’ Supplies* generally. They solicit a liberal share of patronage. TUmit. HARDEMAN. jy.29. (18) O. O. SPARKS. Agency of the Peoples Bank OF SOUTH CAltOQXA, B ILLS of all South Carolina Banks, and Geor gia Bills bankable at Savannah or Augusta, taken at par. dir For Exchange on New York, A per cent. 3j On Charleston, i per cent. . A. A. ADAMS, Agent. Americas, April 8, 1858. 2— Land and Negroes for Sale. Plantation in Worth Co., . V/ lying on ‘Jones (’reck,’ (aboi 16 miles from A linn v and 12 froi Wooten's Station, K. W. It. R.) containing 800 acres— abuut 300 cleared" tine slate of cultivation. Also, the following unimproved hits, some of which join the above—Nos. 134, 155, 156, 149, 150, 191, 194 and 196,all iu the 15th district, and lot No. 275 in the 7th district of Worth county, also, No. 173 in the 1st and 208 in the 14th district of Lee,also, Nos. 47, 82 and 385 in the 12th of Early county, also, lot No. 290 in tho 3d district and 4lh section Chero kee, also, lots Nos. 3 and 4 iu Block 11 city of Alba ny, also, half acre lots Nos. 3 and (J in 5 acre range city of Brunswick, (known as Acailemy Lots.) Also, several famines of very likely voting Ne groes. Terms accommodating. Apply to A. J. MACARTHY. Albany, May 20, 1858 8— EVANS. HARJUSS & CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAY STREET—S A VANN AII, GEO. R ENEW tho tender of their sei .ices to the Planters of Georgia and the adjoining Stales, and will continue sell Cotton at FIFTY CENTS per bale. £"5*** Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies,filled oniptly and at the knvot market rates, and liberal ad- uictfs made, when desired, on Cotton iu Storo. WM. M. D’ATnG.*4e; WM. E. EVAXS, cn>. W. KVA NS, ROU’T V. IIARRIM*. September 2.1858. 23—13w*. BAPTIST CUTHBjTRT, GA. FALL TFIIM?, 1858. rpHE Exercises of this Insfitution wiB be resumed ot Mota.y, fith of S . ' It Is veiy imp. JL monaiy.w* » taut that the Pupil# r — — , ia order to accomplish the thorough course . » prescribed and rigidly pursued- Parents an eax- ofthetAdnMJ m Ril Cuthbert, July 22,1858. ARY, President.' ’8i South-Western Railroad. Schedule for Passeoser Trains. On and after July 20th. L EAVF. Mavon at 11.45 in. and n.45 A. M„ arrive in Columbus 5.35 A. M. aud 3.45 I*. M., leave Columbus 4 n. m. and 3.45 p. ra » arrive in Macon 9.50 a. tn. and 9.18 p. ip- Leave Macon 11.45 A, M-, arrive at Albany 6.25 A. M. Dawson 6.00 •< * Leave Alb*tny 3.00, p. m. f Dawson 1.40 p. m.— Arrive jh ‘Macon tl.18 p; n».; j Tri-weekly Accommodation Down, Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Up— 1 Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Dawson 5 20 p. m , Albany 4.32 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 a. m., Dawson Arrive at Macon 9;i 1 p. nr, Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee,Thomasville and Bainbridge, &c. connect daily with regular trains at Albany. Also from Dawson tri-weekly to ’Cuth bert, Fort Gaines, &c. At Macon connect with Trains on - Ccnttal rand Macon & Western Rail Roads. FARE from. Albany via Savannah to New York by Steamships in Cabin, $24 *25. Tickets can bo procured from R. Road Agent .‘Albany'. f > n GEp. W, ADAMS, SupV_ July 15,1858. 16— NOTICE. T j. Meldoo would Tc^pcctfuliy inlonnllic pub- , lio gcnqntlly, that he ia still c«fyV>« ohAta. - Carriage and Repairing Bu&ltess, ». also Carriage Illaeksmithiug, aL-io Wood UfWnttni Georgia, UHW GOODS! Fall Goods l \^E are opening a select assortment of FALI« GOODS, just received, and as wc .expect si.met king NEW by every Freight Train coming in, we would respectfully invite tho attention of our r-iIrons and public iu general, to rail and examiue our Stock. D. MAYER & BRO. Albany, Aug. 19, 1858 21.T WHjVJIRMjF FMj.iJVTJlTMOJ\* FOR SALE.:;'" S WILL sell on gom! terms for Cash or . on time,the Platualion formcily own- \ tsl by James J. Keaton, in Baker,county,, five miles West of Newton, on the road _ leading to Milford in said county. If not sold pri vately before the Second Tuesday in November next, it will then be sold at Public Outcry at tlic Court House in Newton. Persons wishing a giynl bargain and a good Plan tation of Pine Land, will do we|l to exaininQ |hc place and apply in time. There are 2250 acres iu the settlement. I will sell a part cr all. to suit,a ( purchaser. There are about 350 to 100 acres in cultivation on the place, with all tlw uecessary buildings. ; , B. ,0. KEAdTON. Albany, St'p i, 1S58. 23—l#w._ ! HOTJEL •'-AT i q GLASS SpRENGS. 5! TTir L. WHiTEHURSTwnuld iaforai tho VUit- at GUm Sprlitp.-, Sumter comity, and tho Travelling Public general!,, Hurt his Hotel. wt- tho Travelling Poblii . . n*io«t<rt nc«r ’ the tart horjeaboeingin-Buntb Western Georgia,- .11 the c«i#t _ . l ^ 44(fovdt AeajtntntaaritarttiMiitaitai^ilMi Albany, Nov. lith, 1857. /• ! 33.—If. 1 Glass Sprin-s, July 22,1833.