The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 23, 1858, Image 3

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K:i wag mm Hog nomi- bv accitnnuoa » fiwwww »r »• i/gi*lit#r8 f Sjich »»• «*>P** < *» hto motion, the Hon. I| Colqwit ni nude the Ooatneg. who, being '^Jat accepted the nomination, in a few approprl- '^remarke. On motion of Elijah Pearce, the reaolnlione pro- __] it the farmer meeting were rcacinded. when they ** re * ilh,1, » wa b JT the mover, John Lyon, Em. , On motion the meetiag adjourned, awe die. C. D. HAMMOND, Ch’n. Titos. Allek, Sec’y, Yellow FcTcr 1b Mobile. The Bond of Health of Mobile report twenty, three cases 0 j yellow Tewr for the twenty-foot hoara ending at 6 o’clock on the 10th inst. There were only two deaths on that day from yellow fe- vtt '_Front the rapid increase in the number re ported, and from the disease showing itself mote generally throughout the city, the Board considers warranted io declaring it epidemic. They sill hereafter report daily the deaths. Jfcri SUmotfsemente. ALBANY COTTON MARKET. Owing to report of a lew cases of yellow fever in Savannah, and buyers, iu consequence, demanding abont one half cent .eduction In prices, but little cotton was sold the past week. The fever excite ment is however, abating, and yosterday aome one hundred bales were sold at from 10$ to I l^c—latter tor strictly middling to good middling. Sales the last week about three hundred bales. .^nck on hand 16th Sept 992 bales. Receipts 6ince 1241 •* 2233 Shipped last week..*626 u Stock in Warehouses 1607 " Atlantic Cable pi AN he seen at oitr Store. We have now in Ay Store, ready for exhibition, a beautiful stork or Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, SHOES, HATS and CLOTHING, at low price*. Robe A'Laize Silks, 15 lug4Q. Black Gro 0e Rhine Silks. Baxadter SfiUts. Robe A’Laize De Lainea. W«M Plaids and Cashmeres. Prints, Homespuns, dtp, Cloth Ctokks, and Magic Brawls. Round Cornered Stell A’Sbawls. Linen Bosom Shirts, Collars ondCrayat*. Brogans; Blankets, Keyset Wool Hats. Call and see oa, aa we.will take pleasure in showing you through. —A LSO— Valenciers, Bare Collars and Sleeves, 5 to S20, Embroidered Swiss Jaet.Sleeves, Embroidered Siviss fact. Collars, Embroidered Edgings and fnserrings. fotdies’ Kid Gloves, IVoal Grttluts. and Cents’ Wool Gloves, dec. FEARS, HARRIS &. ROBERTS. Sep 23, 1853 2ti-4w WATCH-MAKER .... WAKD,>lBftlfc <£ri$r^y£333aES£3a 8 AT The ROOK STORE OF L. E. WELCH, _ Albany, Geo. 1Z3T All work warranted. scp.9—ly. Albany Prices Current. CORRKGTK^WEEKLY*b7gLA93, LAWSdfco. BAO«ilN<i -Gunney yd BALE ROPE— Ib JO toloj BEESWAX— lb 48 to 20 CAN DLLS—Sperm lb 40 to 50 Star lb 28 to 33 TaJJow lb 8 to JO COFFEE—Rio lb 13 to 14 Java lb 18 to 20 CORN bus 75 to 80 Meal bus 00 F1SII—Mackerel No. 1. bbl SJ8 to 20 “ No.2.... bbl 14 to IS 44 No. 3. bbl 11 to 13 No. 1 kits $3 00 to 3.50 Half kite 4 75 to 2 00 BALATON—No. 7 "kite 4 00 to 4 25 FLOl’R— Fine—100 lb.sack 2 75 Superfine 3 00 Family - 3 50 /JUNTOW I>ER—Keg 5 00 to 8 00 MON—English lb 5 to 51 Swedes lb fil to7 Sheet lb 81 f.nfE—Tfaoinatiton pr. bbk.. ......... 3 00 to 3 25 Alabama ....** 2 25 MOL ASSES gal 50 to 75 SYRUP pal 75 to 8u N AILS lb 5 to 6 OILS—Sperm, \Vmt«-.r Strained, gal.... 1 75 to 2 09 1 "50 to 1 "75 t*«0 to KS JSTOTICE TO TAX PAVERS OF DOUGHERTY CO. I WILL meet the Tux Payers of this County ai follows: At Albany, (946tf) district. G. *M.) on 23d and 30th September and 17th October.- At precinct on East aide of Flint River, (1097tb district, G. M.) on, 29th September and 2d and 9ih October. At Lawton’s precinct, (620th district, G. M.) 28ih September and -5th and 43th October. The remainder of the rime I may be found at the Stables of Hilt, VVVipbt & Pearson in Albany. lift am oMy anrtiorrzed to take bills of the fol lowing Banks: Central Bank, I Bank of Suvimna'h, Bank of Augusta, J Central Rail Road Geo. R. R. & Baak’g I Banking Company, at Co., al Augusta. | Savannah. I hope Hie people will be prompt in meeting me at the above times and places, ns I mu>t comply with the law strictly. J I. B. SCARBOROUGH, Tax Col. September 23, 1858. 26— V y^> ^■JhruProphy j ^ne noldl ' I \ V, I RISES & ROBBS. ATfOtOfEYS AT LAlt-ALBANY. GEO. J3F* Practice in Dougherty aod autotmdina CoMto. “WieST CSlEAP .l.VD Wlh U.1ft£jE XjA.3STI>. T HE subscriber offers for sale Ids set tlement of 980 acres of Land in the 7th dtstriclrof Worth county—130 acres cleared—togetlieY With 150 head of Cattle, 70 head of Sheep and about 100 head of Hoys, the sutn of $3,000 .cash, or good paper with interest from d«tc. : THOMAS H. KENDALL. July 22,1868 . 17—19W ID" The Oolnmbns Times & Sentinel copy week ly till 'I December, and forward bill to Deer JLand’ F ().; Worth county, Geo. $ T> A ■pT>‘V , Cl . PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, OZONIZED CHLORINE. THE MOST POWERFUL DISINFECTANT KNOWN ! PURIFIES DWELLINGS AND SHIPS; O* Remote* all offensive odors; O' Invaluable in the Sick Room ; It Cures O" Burns. BUrs, Carbuncles and Runnvtg Sores; IT Cleanses the. Teeth; O” Destroys Ftr.tid Breath ; (O’ Pfev-ents Decays Teeth jrrming Injurious; IT Mitigates the most elm ming sipnjd. JOHN H. DEWS, —DEALER IN— Groceries, Provisions and Plantation Supplies. (D* A Fresh Stock always on hand. 3T Cash or Goods exchanged for Couhtry £tt>- dotr,%t tbe Stand of Boykton, Cccbra* St Co., Albany, Georgia. August 26,18£8. 22— MBAS! SGHO0I,. E JF. ensuing. Academic Year of this Institution will commence on tho First Monday oi October next, and i on the First of July 1859. Claries and Higher English Branches.........$&0 Primary Class. 40 Tbo following conditi*jn«,upon which alone Pupils wul be received into the Inuitction, wo desire to be noticed: 1st No Pupil will be received, whose moral character 13 known to be bad, and if, after ndraiarion, it is found to be so, he will be dismtoed, and the fnu charge? of the term made against him: ~TBe‘re»Bon of this regulation is, that a Pupil, whose conduct-is so dtordeily as to requite his expulsion, does the School furinprt pecuniary compensation can ripair. ble that he never enter, -4 V i •* 2d. No Pupil will fie retained, who violates the rulesatid regulations made for the gove:Cti.ent and discipline cf the Institution. 3d. Pupil? enterin'? alter the explmtfon of tkefirit month will be charged, pro rata, from the-time of entrance, to the close of the xcsmou No deduction will bo made for ab sence, except from Providential causes, and'than at the '“scrctio.i of the Principal. . . • * S'. r 3 . INGP.AHAM Albany, September 16,1853. * * lrn.‘ Dissolution, T HE firm of T. H. JOHNSON Sc, CO , was dlsnU on the first day of April laat, by mutlul consent, C. Caraichad wirndrawiLg. HOLCOMBE & CO., WHOLESALE ‘GEOGERS, BAY STREET—SAVAiVXAH, GEO., Taken Up B Y the eubscriht r. in this pjsce, a small light dun colored Milk Cow, with a*mo>th crop jand two splits io the right ear, and an underbit in j the left ear—brisket cut down—brand unintelligible —about three years o!d. The owner can have her by proving property and paying charges of adver tising, &e. JOHN DREW. Albany, Sept. 23, 1858. 26-3w Summer Liuaecd 15 AGON—Hums Sides Shoulders .... LARD fit' TT ER—G«dben r.ll BES E—Sn "liVh ’Dairy . . . ” SALT SHOT V.'MSKKY—Rectified Mh>M! 1h 14 to P5 20 to 25 15 to 1 50 2 25 Dissolution of Partnership. fJMlE Firm of Glass, I,aws it Co., ia this day di* solved hv mutual consent. The hnsinesa will be conducted io future by JONES, LAWS & CO K. T. JONhS R R. LAWS. T M. WELLBORN, U. T. «i'EAR.MAN. Sep 23, 1858. 26— JONiS. LAWS Fear SUCCESSORS TO GLASS, LAWS & CO.) 6R0CERS, TRADE ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS; COFFEE—500 bag? lair, prime and choice Rio Coffee. 100 do and pocket J»vn 50 do Laguira. SUGAR—20 hhda choice St Croix Sugar 15 puncheons choice l'orto Rico Sugar. £5 nhd^ fair New Orleans and Cuba Sugars 2i>0 bbls A, Li & C clarified and powd'd do 50 boxes Loaf Sugar MOLASSES—20 hhda prime Muscovado Molnssos 50 bbls choice re-boiled N O Mola»ea Scarlet and Typhoid’ Feven?;! u « B0 ^ 1 5g , £ i: S^ ?B T CURES TETTER aitit SCALD NEAR: ! s»*. Ry.Gto (SVCLESSOS TO a. O..OWE3,) WATCH-MAKER, JEWELER Orposin ilyiiicis <v.'Rosfbi«. ‘ErotJ ttwa-ALBAKY, ULu. July 22,1SJ3 I7- Watch, Clock and Jewelry REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. T HE Subscriber, would annoocce to • the citizens ot’Albany aod vicinity that ho will ancccfcd Mr; A. G. Owen J in the Watch and Jewelry business ©f® this place, having bought*hi» entire toterest in the-ante, aod respectfully solicits tie pl\rohope w> lihrrelly extend ed to Mr. Owen— fueling confident tr.nt with several years experience in the turibers and ti mpcitor outfit of Tool* and Materials; ho will to able to rntift thopaUccegc of the public generally. : •HENRY IT. STEVEN?, r. • tSocci-.ror t<» At G. Oven.) Oppo'Uo l'eatr, llariis & Rolxits. 1 jy 2V ' ' 17 -' Broad Jticct—Alk.iy, Gci*. l take ?rcat pleaaujeinptatinp that tire timo Mr. Stevens has boon employed by*me be basvvhictd h thorough acquaintance with hi* trade, vlml ! have no hi^i- taticn in aseuiinc my foircer patrons and the public geacr- alJy\hnt\hcV cannot employ a more oonjpetont imd in^t- w'6rthv berFOit. I regain him ns one of Uw moft ikiMlu* Watch-Makers in Si• mh-NSVetcfriTIcjj Alfianv, July 52,185^ \ A. a-I)WEN. w (UU.> 3 , ga fil’llUTS TURPENTINE g> SUGAR—' Ih I’taritied Ih Croehed R KICK V- TALLOW lb « to V HIDES ...4b 9 to 10 Do.MF.ST10 GOODS. OSSABURGS—No. I ^ 12 to 121 No. 2 vd H to 111 Virginia yd lOitoll SHIRTINGS yd 5toi0 SHEETINGS yd 10 to 12 special Notices. Macon Circuit Judgeship. Wc arc authorized to announce tie name of Hon HENRY G. LAMAR, as a can didate for election to tire office of Judge of the Mh» c hi JudicMil District. [sep.23. 26— tks=* We arc requested to an- nounce the name of JOHN W. SOLOMONS, E»q, as a candidate foT lire office of S«»licitor General of the SouihAVctncra Circuit, at the election in Jan uary next. aep. 16. •' t}Sr* AVc are requested to an- bounce the name ol-WM. B. GUERRY, Esq., as a candidate for Solicitor General of the South- West ern Uircait, at the ensuing election. September 2, 1858. 23- A.ITBAJSTY—GEO., tffll continnc bu>incss at the old stand of GLASS. I.AWS-& CO., | tsniERB they HTH „ow ,.ffi ri„ fc r i u the.public ** r* larger mml better self>< t>’H STOCK OF GSOCEEIES AND Plantation Supplies than heretofore. Our assortment is mure complete, being selected by nnr Mr. Speai;Mak in the markets •<t Baltimore, New York and Boston, with an eye to market. No effort will be spared upon twi part f tain the position we have gained. Our object t establish a Fir.-t <5lass House io Albany. We e it to the public to decide upon the success — We have the same nhi motto—SEIX FOR CASH. Quick Sales and Small Provits (U* The highest market price paid for all kinds ot Country I'-odure. O’ CottoSI Bivect can always be found at our Ilonic, wla* will pay the Tor of the Market. Albany* Sep. 23, 1858. 26— Mr. Editor:—Please announce the name of ROBERT N ELY, Esq., as a candi date for tire office of Solicitor Geueral of tire Sovtli- Weatern Circuit, and oblige A VOTER. August 19, 1858. SH — tSS 2 * We are authorized to an- nounce the name of Col. JOHN W• EVANS as a candidate for re-election to tire office of Solicitor General of the South-Western Circuit, mt the elec tion in January next. aug.19 {31) Used in Bathing, keeps the skini HEALTHY. SOFT AND WHITE; | Removes Stains and Mildew: Destroys all Animal or Vegetable Poisons ; i Cures the Biles o f Insects and Stings of Bses; • Removes Rancidity from Bulter and Lard; ! More powerful than anv oilier agent in preventin'* i the SPREAD OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. " j £5* Manufactured ««ulv in Hie Lihoratury of J. DARBY, Auburn. Ala. j From which, or HARRAL, RISLEY & KITCHEN. No ; 76 Batchy street, New York, it may bo ordered. For sale by Drug-data generally, and iu Albany, by i F. O. WELCH, Wholesale and Retail DrngaL-t. N. B—This justly celebrated Disinfecting Agent is pre pared by Prof. John Darby, for met ly a resident of this State—a man well known (or his scientific attainment*.— 1 It stands approved by the leading physicians of the South,! and is now largely U3ed in their practice. i September 9,1858 21—Cm. { WHOEVER i HAS THE MONEY,! L et him come and buy freely AT LOW : PRICES. j Bacon, Flour, Bagging, Twine,! Tobacco, Window Sash, j Af Ibc Lowpsi Factory Prices for Cash, i 400,000 isnacic Fur sale in small or large lots, to suit purchasers, i NEGROES j Always on hand tor sale. | iVTl will |«y fair prices (or Dry Hides. Wool, Reeswax. Tallow, &C. Al! the above at the Store of J. m. COOPER & CO’S., Am Iron &. Commission House, in front of Johnston &. Cos Ware House, Albany, Ga. September lfi, 1858. 25—4m. 2*» do P&HGin 50 qr cadts pure a 10 bob Apple Br* 6 do Peach do 25 do choice old Monongahel.v Whiskey 20 qr ca>ks P<irt Wine h)0 cases pts and qts Sehei lam Sehnapps CIGARS—150 M hnlfripaniah and American Cigars TOBACCO—-150 boxes variotM brands,qualities and ti/cJ 20 c aualiu SUNDRIES— 100 b do «.cd Tob: do rl hall boxes Adamantine Candles Family, Pale and No. 1 S*n$ • and Cider Vinegar FINE TOBACCO, A T the following prices per pound; Katy Darling-, $1 50. Colorado Rolls, 1 50. Kiss Me Quick, I 00. Pan Cake, l 25. Frank Weston, 75. Plain Twist, 80. O* For sale by JONES, LAWS & CO., (Successors to Glass, Laws & Co.) Albany, Sep. 23,1858. 26— l The Judgeship. BCs^AYe arc requested to an- noence Cof. RJCH’D H. CLARK, of this county, " * candidate for Judge of the Soutb-Weatern Cir cuit. at the election tuTje held first Monday in Jan uary next. jy.29 ’ (18) BROUGHT TO JAIL, A NEGRO .MAN, who says his name is FRANK, dark complexion, small statue, will weigi* about 135 pounds, and has a scar •on his wrist, and says he belongs to John D. ■ Twiggs, who resides near Augusta, and owns a plan tation in Baker county, where lire boy has been at work. The owucr will come forward, pay charges, prove property, and take him away. T. P. ARL1NE, Jailor Dougherty Co. Albany, Sep. 23,1858. 36—3w Nero 2Mtoertisement0. A Card. ^HE undersigned tenders his grateful ncknowl- A edgements to his fellow citizens, and the newly or gaoi*ed Fire Department, for their prompt and energetic assistance in saving his dwelling and ost huilding8 from destruction* daring theAtme of the burning of his stable on yesterday afternoon. F, O. WELCH. Sep. 23, 1858. . i ;V - —Dougherty County. jfilXTY dan alter mite,' application will be made v^tothe Honorable the Ordinary of raid county, <°r Ian to pell *H the real date of Seth Ballon, ofnidooaoty,deceased. r< Tbit ia to notify aQ persons concerned, to file Si KVERbcfcnnfiSSlw swUhk' tbeU^Mdlte CHEAP. Hf’ jA. Card. T HE undersigned W*t reopen his School nn Ihe first Monday in October next. The cclraoi is maioly designed lor families, and is confined to » limited number. It is the ohject of the Proprietor, not so much to make mooey, at it is to give a I ho. rough training to the mind morally, intellectually, and socially, giving ample time for physical exerciae The terms of tuition for the scliolastic year of nine montha, will vary from thirty to forty dollars, payable quarterly. ' ! > JA3. H. GEORGE. ISep.23,1858. 26-2w H AVE n.»,v oil hand, amt are cnmnantly rect-iv- itig, tire largest ho'I best Stork of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consiftin? of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such af? Black and Colored Silks, Plaid Gtenobles, CashmiT** d’Ecnsse, AII-W(ioi De'aines, Figured Delaines and Alpacas, Robes de Chenille, l)e Beges, Ginghams, &c ,&c ,; the nicest stock of SHAWLS and CLOAKS, and .SPRING SKIRTS, all of the best quality, and prettiest and fastest styles. Also, a splendid assortment of Mens’, Youths? and Boys’ CLOTHING, of the best materials and best make. A large stock OF SHOES, BOOTS, HITS AMI CAPS, Ladies’ Bonnets, Hosiery, FANCY GOODS, &C. A heavy stock of NEGROES’ SHOES. KER SEYS and BLANKETS^ HOMESPUNS and OS A A BURGS, at lower prices than they ever were sold. SlSWSCsIB'ir & WAVOSQBb Sega r s and Tobacco, Saddlery and Crockery, And various articles too numerous to mention; which we will ae.ll lower than they ever were sold, we have bought extraordinary cheap bargains, d are determined to undersell any Merchant this side ol New York. We are very thankTul lo our friends and custom ers for tlieir kind patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same, as we shall try to please them harder than ever- To the public in general we have to soy that it orill be to their own advantage to call on fi. ROSEN WALD 6i BRO., 0 s Opposite Hi IPs Stables, and next door to King & Walker's Saloon, Albany, Ga. September 2,1858 23-tf Take Due Notice! H AVING made such alteralioiu and improve ments as enables me to furnish a better article at lets cost than formerly, I have determined to re duce the price of my WASHING MACHINES to TWELVE DOLLARS. Cash, if taken from the Shop. When, delivered elsewhere expenses must be paid by the purchaser. , 'I ID* Cottou Gins repaired, and Furniture made to order. JAMES M McDANIEL. Palmyra, Sept 9,1858.24- Notioe. Georgia—Calhoun County. 1 WILL apply to the Hod. Court of Ordinary of said county 00 the Fourth Monday io November tor leave to sell negro woman Jalia, belonging to the estate of Abner/Dyson, lata of sold county deceased. Tbit Sept. 7th, 1858. “£“3. *WILLIAM PRICE,Adm’r, 150 d . . 53 do. and luilf hox«sStarch 25 do Sj«fin Gandhis, 1\« and C’a 10 crises 4‘s and tV* Patent Sjvnn Candles 50 do Key's No l, 2 and 4 Lemon Syrup 100 kega FG Dupont’s Guiqiowrier 50 half stud qr k«g3 do 500 bar's aborted .«"i2c*3 Drop Buck Sliot U t 00f> pounda Bar IsCad 50 bucket- Huidseick Champagne, pints nr.d ounitv loe hhfla Bacon Sides and Shoulders 25 casks Baltimore ILir.t-i 15 do Lewis's do Kory 1(K) boxes and half boxes extra and coir.luon Candy 20 bbh No. 1 Leaf Lard 50 kt'L’s do do 53 bids White W. 75 do Nos 1 and 3 Mnekerel 30 halTlibls No? J and 2 do 250 bales Gunny Cloth 200 coils Kentucky Ropo 10 bales Twino 25 bbls Mef> i oik 20 half bbls Fulton Market Beef Co casks pints lliblieil's Porter 10 do Jeffrey’s Palo Ale 25 do Muir &. Son's Pale Aft* 50 eases Allsoii & Sons’ Cngli-h Ale 25 do extra -choice Uyson and Oolong Teas, put up expresnlv for family uhj ^ 100 quarter and eighth chests of Ilyson and Young j., Hyson Tea *500 half and quarter boxos Sardines 25 boxes Pepper Sauce 50 caf-t-s half gallon, quarts and pints Underwood’s Pickles, &c., kc., See. September 2,1858 23—13w InretirlnpTrom the Waie-House and CothmSreicr. bus iness in South-Western Georgia. I uegto tender mv grate ful scknowledgementt and thanks to my nunreroti? patrons j — A TVTTb t<At) qat fl and friend-*, for continued favors for eight years, and take j llilrl U X Ult OiLLlL. this occxaiou to recommend to your favor aiid confidenooj firqjiE' Subscriber offers for Rtk‘ Lis’ Tny late partner, T. H. Jobnrton, nndsoccessoi J. A. Hm,, , 9 Pu,vtv,hinn «?:.•,attni nnr F*:i» * River natvery w*y qualified, niht in all raspaala rcmpoioni lo ■ ,, M . ji . / V n f ‘trinsact yotirhuainosa. O. U. CARMICHAEL. ! hi tho 2lsi dn.iict ..f Dm-ulurcounty,La. JuueS, 1853. in- I Tho Hart contain. 7io aucc. cnnuLtiitp '■ - ol htr. NJa. 2J5.27T -tnd 292- (WS23 fh-l,,- known T. II. Johnston*. J- A. IIii.j.. \ h* i !»r* old “Camp Recover}’* lot, a tnnat KrAtiftri^ TrATTATfimfYiVT 0 \ i hnildinp site.) It h*« 100 ncten dtnred.iiml «»mf- I I I H \ S I I I \ AT I .1 I of ihe bwi q-aiitv of T.daicco Hammock. It is inn p * -L.JLi.-i k J _L yj J-1 Lv \J •« | luniy, Bps 'vtyJl, tulipied t» the protluciiiMi of core ami AND Commission Merchants, ALBAMY, GA, ILL eor.Umte to give prompt and faithful filtr-T-t: \ V to all business on trusted to their.,}.ait:cularls i nioraee and s tie ot Cotton. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to inch firm the past reason, thev hope to merit, by rtiict nttenti t«» uII the interest ot' the Planter,it cont'>ornnrooUhp.> v. Usual advances made on Cotton in store. Family St plies, Rojh* and Bagging, furnidied on the bcit terms < market afiorJa. Albany, June 3. 1953. 13 - SEWING MACHINES, Price from $18 to $150. 'SMlr, alt?{td, giH’d range,-nnd wilbnl, i l ‘:iei”ii'U;r:.u( d . icioaiLabJy iit«iilu%. Nlwj. ^arlnttn wBI'sRftW l ho fa ml lo nnv th'al n’ish ft* f.urcLyt^UVuI her TOrnr., *c. f apply to'Od. N. Tit? or myself h\ A!b*nv.-.w!iO.’\Vi11 make thnn rM»onftb?F hhd no* , cftninodatirf*: CJ. W. FAGG. j AI bn ny, J ttly8, 18.*JS 1 .*>--3m. I3EHN &, FOSTEB, .T FACTORS ak» Gt'iioi'.'ti ComiiiitfKtuin JicrchaHls I iJOl 1»AV STKKET, 5?AVA\XAJI» Gi:0. July 29.19*8 ot til at such p i and ex-t'ni For cerii.'ii rsigno.1 1ms n •n cliff-rent p: s that al! may buy, how them, it wi'l ooct yon : i\s of ib»»ir pm formance PATTEiXi &, MIItliSBy (i \ti: I'viTr.v. litTTox v rr».) . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savttnutth, lit'crgis. ■ ' - r tllf Albany, July 8, 1S.VL Berrien County Lands for SALE. f It I IF, Suhsnril^ oilers l..r s-,!e FOUR * HUNnRF.I) & NINETY ACRES OF LAND, with good Stw and Grist Mills, good Framed Dwelling, 100 fine Apjd'O'ives. fid Eiigli*J> Mulberry To e laden with fruit, beautifully situated and very heal* j j>’ "‘.b thv, on the road from Moultrie t*> Nashville, neai i Ferry on Little Riv NOTICE. ^jJR. JAMES II. CARTER i« my uutlu.ri.scJ ' °*‘ K “ " ' \v‘ , \V."i.'l’lKBVKR. AiiotSy, July tit*. IR.’-S 18—3tn. Hardeman & Sparks, n\ire.WtoHse. am! Commission MERCHANTS, Macon, Ga. to tin* .1 to the Fillin' linnets' tfiippli. 1 .-bare, ol paU^mp 3S July 8. 1855. U. N. 1‘AUlil.Sil, 1>. .Si , 15- Ava.t: PE.ajvT.aTr6.vs port SAL>£i. Georgia—Worth County. 1 OFFER for sale tny Land* and Mills, to wit: Lots numbers KJ, 82, 159 160, 168, 183. nil amounting to twelve hundred and fifteen acres, and lying in the 13th district of said county. Quality—mini above named lots are good wto and cotton making ; lands. My Mills, >o wit: two Sa w* and two Grists, j aro newly built and situated on Abram’s Creek, (u never failing stream of water.) Also, my Piudertown Plantation, lying on Flint river and on tire old Stage rood leading from Macun to Tallahassee, arrd in the 15th district ot yard yr*mi- ty, to wit: Lot* nutntiers 181, 185. 186,200,201, and three fractional lots numbers )89, 230, 229, all amounting to one thousand two hundred atrd sixty- five acres, o« which there is about four hundred acres *of tsperi land and tolerably fair buildings, and as good a settlement of farming lands a* there are on Flint river; all of which are beautifully watered. Also, my settlement of lands in the county of Dougherty, near the old Parker Stand and about 7 miles from Albany, to wit: Is>ts numbers 215 and fractional lots numbers 243, 249, all amounting to 309 teres, beautifully watered. Quality—first rale fanning lands. Also, my settlement of lands where I now live, amounting lo 2*)0U acres, well watered, nnd about 600 acres of open land now in cultivation. There i this place a good Dwelling tfoflse, Gin house, Screw, aira out houses, all 1n good order, Ar.y person wishing to purchase any of the fore going lands can examine for themselves and make the same known tome ut Isabella I*. U, fla. ug 19,1868 (31-3irt) It. G. FORD. HINES’ LEGAL FORMS, NOR SALE, by the single copy,or in quautiri the Trade. ; Agency of the Peoples Bank ! or south CAiioONA. j jg£!LLrt of all South Carolina Banks, and Gcor- al for Georgia is most eminent I.a* mended by many of the the State.* It is expressly designed ti* the use ol Profcsstnital Gentlemen, justices t»f the Peace and of the hrioriur Court, Sherd&, (Clerks, (’nroners. Ordinaries, &.c , nnd for our ciriftens generally.— Persou* wi.-hing a single cojiy scut by mail, should semi the retail price, $2 5U, and 15 cents postage stamp*. Address L. E. WELCH. aug.5. (19) Albany, Ga. i Bills bankable at Sav ; litkon'tit pr. i if c |\,r E i J.i OnCIi :chnn:rO i , l per . April 8, 18.')? A. A. ADAMS, Agent. liaud and Negroes for Sale. J X lf~vNE riantathm ill Wi.rlli C.r, . ' D iyitt-m •.>,««» t:revU,’Citl«.ul4 ^ Hi mile* frirtn Aihtnvaml 12 from t —• WiMirii’s station, S. \V. K. U.) CLOTHING EMPORIUM. rilHE Undersigned having purchased the entire * stock of CLOTHING from the Into firm of C. D. & S. J. Pearxon, is now offering Good. «l very reduced rates. I shell continue to receive fresh sup plies of the latest, best and most fashionable assort ment of all kinds of Goods nsotllj.kept iu a Cloth ing Establishment, and by due utlention lo business, hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Mv Stock will consist in patrol the following: , Coats, Pants, Vests, and Over-Coats of every de scription, Unde^Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Half Haee,Glovea t Shawls, Fancy Blanket!, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoes, Umbrellas, Walking Canes and Boggy Whips. Also fine Cloths and Quslmere ia the Piece. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. ..r..*.. Powder and Shot, General Southern Insurance Agency. R ErRESENTING, v flt,I u ll class Stock Compamls, the high charuc id undoubted: CHARTER OAK FIRE at MARINE INSURANCE ; COMPAN Y, of Ilarttord, Conn. Ca.’-h Capital and Asset* 931?,000 . J. //. Spratue, Sec’v. lla'p.'i C,Uctt, i’rci. CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 cUv of B r.f Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital and A-.-rt: $225,000. J. D. 2d dredge. Seen. B. IF. t been* Pres. MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital and Asset? §225,000. E, Thos. lAibd-ll, Sec’y. Mark Ho,card, Pres. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Kill hr,!. :l Cn-h C.ipitsl and Asset.- W.C.W0. C. C. I Vaite, Sec’y. C. If. Hoicers, Free. i—ubotil -309 cleared ; tine stale of cn!liv;;ti<Ht. Also, Ihe following vjiiwprnrrd 1.1-. sre>ioof wlill’ll join the above—Nos. 13 4, I.>5. 166, 1 W, |5i>, U»l, 191 and 196, ail in lh.> loii. m.-dricl, and lot No. 275 io Ihe 7i!i tlislrict of Worth cuunly, al.-o, No. fill iu ,Util ; the 1st aT*J fi08 in the 1 fin slLtrict of Lre.aLo, N«»s. 17, 82 and 385 in the 12lli of Early coftnty. also, bit No. C90 in the 3d «iisJrii:t and tCi .-'eVlloti Lliero- kro. also, lots Nos. $ and I in RW»< 11 t-fty «f AIKt- iiv, also, half acre lots N*v*. 3 and t* iti ti .:crc range rk.(ki al lau.iliu Acad laOts Albany, May 20.. 1858 likely v-ui.g N. Itug.' Ap:»!v i«* A. 1. macarthy. 8— EVANS, HAKKISS & CO.* iMtfOUS & C0HH1SSICX HEEfllJSTS, CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,' ! i MV O^tonu, of Hartford. Conn. i J lP± 0T r™ «»d Uw Cash Capital and Asset* tiVER HALF A MILLION BA V STREET-SAVANNAH, UFO. services to tli«*. I’lanM • Slau-.aial will cotiV PLJIjYTA tiojys For Sale. fpHE .subscriber offers for sale his Plan- lation oti'Mill Creek, in Early county, Geo., containing 2000 acres of rich lime CKfraP pine fjdild. lying perfectly level, with 800 acres of open land-~650 acres recently cleared and 200 deadened 18 months. The place is watered by a never failing stream running through it. Health good. All necessary buildings, viz: Gin House, Screw, good Cribs. Stables, Shelters, Blacksmith Shop. 8 Negro.Cabins with brick chimneys, Dwell ing House, &.c. The phice can be divided into any nnmlrer of acres t6 suit purchasers, and can be bought for cash or pn credit. Many advantages are attached to the place that cannot tie enumerated within the limilo 6f a short adVertLetneht, but full particulars may be obtained bv applying lo SAMl/JiL McCLARY, Catau a, Harris Co., Ga. Refers to Rev. Mri Padenr; Grfffin, Ga , aud B. 11. Crawford, Esq., Catania, Ga. •' l * i ,-IALSOUFmtr ,1 303J acres lying on tire Icb.twayuochaway Cfleek, in Randolph county, Ga., 100 acres cleared arid the balance well Timbered with mixed growth. Iy»o» about six milts from the South-Western Rail Road. August 19,1858 . ) . -.. 21—3m. DOLLARS. S. II Whiter Secy. J. C. ti'aUle* Pita. tjT Tho undor^ignetl Is prepared to off et Life, Fire j and Marine Infuranco to any amount, oil ^ood risks, at | , iKO * J tho lowest rates consistent Willi the seeuniv ot tho Com-j ^ crtL . patties which he represents. A. WILBUR, Agent. ! ' No. Ill Bay iftreet, Savamiab, f»a. I August 26,1853, “ ('off £*>’• Order: ij.itplly and and ottri filial BAPTIST OUTHBERT, GA. FALL TERM. I85A South-Western Railroad. Schedule for Passenger Trains. On and after Jehj 29M. 1IW GOODS! Fall Goods! W E opening GOODS. ju*t Ivct assortment of FALL fried, and as wo ♦\vpev.t lelhing NEW hy every Freight Train oreting in. would respectfully invite ihe L EAVE Macon at 11.45 p. in. and 9»45 A. M'., !, n J public ii» general, t<» call are!. arrive in Columbus 5.55 A. M. and 3.45 l\ M.. cur Stock. 1). MA\ER & l»Rl>. r Stock. Albany-, Aug arrive in Columbus 5.^5 A. M. and 3.45 I*. M„ leave Columbus 4 a. m. and 3.-15 p. In-, aYriVo iu Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. »u. I^ave Macon 11.45 A. M., arrive at Albany 6.25 A. M. Dawson 6 00 Iaeave Albauy 3.00, p tri., DavVsnu 1.49 p. in.— Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. in. Tri-weekly Accommodation Dowrt, Mntulav,. Wednesday attd Friday. Up—* I'ucetlav, Thursday,! by James J. Keaton, in Baker county, and Saturday. ' •' five miles West of Newton, cm. tiie road Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive of Dawadn 5.201'' adi "-' Milfor.l =-- III, 1858 V.MJL l.nir!: p&.i.vt'Juito.v FOR S WILL sell < on time, the p. m , Albany 4.32 p. nt, Iaeave Albany 6.20 u. m., Dawson Arrive at AfacoU 9.11 p.' rn, Mail Stages lo and from Tallahassee,ThnmasVillc and Balnbridgy,&c. connect daily with regulufc trains at Albtmy. Also from Dawson tri-vveeitly Ip Culh- bert, Fort Gained,’&c. At Macon connect with Traihi op Ccnlial ateJ Macon <& Western Rail Roads. FARE from Albany via Savaftnuhto New Yori by Steamships in Cabin, $24 25- Tickets can be procured from R. Road Agent. Albanv. GEO. VV. ADAMS, Sop't. July 15,1858. . 16^. NEGRO BOY FOR SALE. CHEAP FOR CASH. W E „ ofibr for salc^ at * low price for- Ci ■ HINES t-l AISabju'Geftfinber 9, ISJ8. 3i*-=tw >f >na «Mild prr- alely before the SecondTwetday iu November next, it will then be sold at Public Uu’.cry at the CtHirt House to Newton. Persons wishing .t good* bargain and a good Plan- lion ol Pine loind, d>* well Kj examine the pluco and Hpply m rime. There arc 2230 acres jt» tlic settlement. 1 will sell a part rr all to strit?** purchaser. * *▼ ‘ } ‘ < There arc about 350 to *00 acres in coltwation on tho place, with all the neces^arv buildings. ti fv rcpA^iVv Albany, Sep. 2, 1858. U. C>. KEA1T)N. 11* :*> ' Ts"-M'*; ' it GLASS SPRINGS. O L, WHITEHl bH it Gfc iMr'TrevtlBni’Pd! ..•ifiMwrertifitifi.™.... r all iha cotnfortiiaodltixnries .th^ the c afford.*' AcrtnfimodatioM gnM'aqdtqro: Gbiss Springs, July 23, 1858.