The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 23, 1858, Image 4

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(general Ttftpctltgemtntgl In Store and for Sale. A. SUPEUIOR LOT OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PLANTATION WAGONS, HARNESS, WHIPS (k I.!, of v. bich ar u.\ nurhel by lire In inanulacturf rs at the North. Mv stock is not inferior in quality to any thin? ever ! Hi"red in ilio Snuili. Tlmsc wishing to purdim-e i will find it to their interest to give me u I • am determined to sell low for rash or city paper. j J J’ Special order.- filled at short rertire. R. L. TOM LIN FOX, j Jackson t-ireet, West of J. fc». Morctnen’s.; Albany, December )7, 1857. 38- i TO TH3E3 MEMBERS j OF THE (general ^Ibuciliscnuuts. HARDWICK &. CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —UAY.8iB£i:T— Suvtiiniuli. Geo. i .-i :u.. * »'*'! * • | » <i: li/vitARnwicic. f V. n. manshej.d. | c.c.baxdwioc. ado to tpecMil order for tins j j u t y ^3,1S57. 17— lilRPiN £ VOLRER, IS/ OULD respectfully inform the citizens of Al- ¥ » buny and surrounding country, that they are now opening a Large and well selected stock of. UardL ,- W are, Stoves,Hollow-Warp. Nails, Iron. Steel,Guns,Pow der and Shot, Wooden-Ware, Carpenters* Tools, Blacksmith Tools,Corn Shellcrs,Straw-Cutters,and ery variety of House Furnishing Goods. Also, arietv of Tin-Ware. •b Iprofesfitmtdl -€arbs. (gentrah ■JUroeffisemcnls'. , their Offic e to F. O. WELCH’8 DRUG STOKE, the comer of Broad and' Washington 8treefc», where they can be 1ouud at all times when not professionally en gaged. —- February 4,1858. 45— ly Drs. Jennings & Douglas, Albany, Geo. January 29th, 1858. 44—ly THE G33XTITI3SE A. W. ALLEN’S SOUTHERN LINIMENT! A ND every Southerner will be satisfied by urinz one dollar’s worth, that they have no further use .for Northern Liniments. For Family and Plantation use it >0 equal. It cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Strains, •es, Burns, Fresh Cuts, Pains in the Back or Limbs, Cholic ii> Man or Beast, and is the only certain Remedy known for Blind Staggers in Horses; and every one will find it a saving of time aud. money by keeping a supply on hand. For sale by , E. RICHARDSON, Albany, Aug. 5. (194-ly) < At the Post Office. Drs. Hilsman & Love. PALMYRA-LEE COUNTY. GEORGIA. April 1,1858. l—ly. white i ■ those .\VINU mode iiriau jemi tits to u larger ni.tiiber of Boarders at tin we s’ull take pleasure in mak with ns comfortable, ira will l»e at nelly a l*u:.RPtx« Hut: iiembers wishing quiet quarters, will find si • WASHINGTON HALL, Mrlledgcville, < N. C. BARNETT ptemk r 2, 135S.- 23—9w. Ses * We visits at all times from the Lad s we keep many articles in our line they inay w ant. IU* Our terms are strictly cash. W. H. TURPIN. Albany,Oct. 15,1857. 0. VOLKER. "ALBANY Carriage and Harness Repository, 3 DOORS NORTH OF HILL’S LIVERY STABLE, (gjgiaacda^liPadigetttEntB. jpj : Postponed Assignee’s Sale. | Washington St., Albany, Ga. NDER and W virtue of a Deed of Assignment j sOtt*. ^*2- l Stephen F. Sikes to the undersigned for j !.e benefit of the creditors of said Sikes, will be sold j ufore the Uouil House door in Albany, Dougherty ountv.on the lir.-t Tuesday in October next, be-; l\fOULD u; following proper- • * * citizen ! trv, to his sti mn—Dorcas, a wo- • gi'es of every o, half interest, mi- j W«cr„u S Ha- sual hour: , in It.I erly 15: . 37 1 the t . 1 «11 strict .provnuents tl.crco il .-aid Sikes- Terius made kuow n on the day. JOHN MUR EL. August 5, 1858. E. O. SHEFFIELD 1 va. I In tv RICHARD II. CLARK, f .r, and others. J , Di.-trirl U. . I contdy. Also, the J sold as In -ilv lots No’s 49aml I Western 1 f Albany, with the | O' Ai! •sportfully invite the attention of the ** Albany and the surrounding conn- i of Carriages, Rockaways and Bug- eseription; also, Concord Plantation ks, Harness, Wool Collars, Buggy Medical Card. D RS. J. IL GILBERT At D. C. JONES have uni- ted in the practice of medicine, and respectfully ten der their service* to the citizens of Albany and vicinity. ; Albany, Feb. 4, 1858. 45—ly ! Lyon, Irvin & Butler, | ATTORNEYS AT LAW—ALBANY, GEORGIA, j £3?“ Will give prompt attention to all business entrust ed to their care, in any part of South-western Georgia. RICHARD r. LYC.V. SAMVEL D. IRVIN. Decendrer 17,1857. gseeklke cutler. I Slaughter & Eley, A TTORNE YS A T LA IF— ALBA NY, GEO. ! Zjt^ Will practice in the counties composing the South- • Western Circuit, and in Dooly and Worth of the Macon ! Circuit. They pledge themselves to a strict attention to isiness. Wm. M. Slaughter. Nov. 37. 1856# (35—) Robt. N. Eley. WAREHOUSE Commission. Merchants, rpH E undersigned beg to renew the offer of their’ X services for the stop i lire reside Jan.14 , Whip*. (Matts & Co..) of which will be v for cash, as any other House in South- *eorgia,aml warranted to give sutLfaction. orders prompt!)' executed. L. C. SHAW. 1853. 42-lv. 1 At Wu». P liswtoMa Julia A. Lofton, Su pis. , Daniel Mill-r and wif Mary, Nalhai. '/.. Park.- wife of .^.„ith) J. I •r. Wm. Nm.i. and his wi< . Wi: ii.ig.ico, AN EXTRA CHOICE ; IN ".of Sl "i Dougherty Co, for Sale. J71ROM a very recent overwhelming dome.-tic af- - * has been pictiou, I offer my Plantation for sale, though ” 11 had tefu-ed directly my pi ice for the same, and John Lyon, ATTORNEY AT LAW-NEWTON, Baker Co. Ga. Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to his care in the counties of Sumter, Lee. Dougherty, Ba ker, Calhoun, Early and Decatur. Mar. 30.1856. and other produce, the coming season. Our Ware-House is LARGE and COMMODIOUS, built ol Brick, and Fire-I’roof in every respect. < O ' \ A large Cistern* in the Yard with a strong Force Pump and MBose, affords additional security against fire. We confidently assert that no WaVe-IIourc in Georgia or elsewhere, is better prepared to protect Cotton against loss or damage. Our chargeajvill no aa low as last season, which gave perfect satisfaction to all our patrons. With these inducements to our Planting Friends, added to our long experience in the business, we hope to obtain and merit their patronage. Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Cotton In Store, and Bagging Rope,&c., bought as cheap as can be laid down from Macon or Savannah. SIMS &. RUST. Albany, April 23,1853. 4—tf. CHARGE OF SCHEDULE. Charleston and Savannah STEAM-PACKET LINE. Macon Furniture IlfE are now Putting" d]t fievf and Vw Improved Machinery for .the Manufacture ofFomiture of all kind.-, l far Siiherior in Workmanship Rnd Durability to most Northern Work, and At as Low and in most case.4 Low er Price* than oari possibly be laid down in Macon from Savannah or N. York. Give us a call and wo will convince the sceptical that it is your interest 1o make your purchases of Furniture iu Moron. June 17—6m. T. & G- WOOD. FRENCH GLASS, All Sizes from 8-10 to 36-44. M IRRORS and Looking Glass Plates, Frames, of Gilt, Roaewood, Mahogany aud Walnut.- For sale by T. G. WCX)D. Macon, June 17,1858 12-6m. rpUF. splendid and fust running Steam “GORDON,” F. ” its. Commander, leaves Savannah for Charles- SuNJJA Y1tud \VEDNESDA Y afternoon, at Kelt 1 way ; First Uuafi'V OAK HAMMOCK LAND South-Wc.-tern Geon HENRY (J. LA MAR. IDih 1S58. E. BARLM:R,Clerk. I June 10, 1^58. ni4m. j Dooly Superior Court,) October term, 18.)?. ( JAMES R. WAKKEN » vs. I Hale Xi-si to Fnrerlure Mart- I SMITH CAMPBELL. ) g:?,. ! I T nppoaring t«» the Court by the p.tition of James R. t . Warren, that on the twelfth day ot June, eighteen bun- . ■hod and liity-.-seviM. Smith Campbell made and delivered I •• said James R. Warren his promissory note of that date, j 'vhereby he promised to pay said Warren or Ix-arer.on or '•••fore the lir.-t day of July next after the date of said note, the sum of Five Hundred ami 'I’hiity-seven Dollars for val- j *«•- received, and that afterwards on the djy and year afore- I said the said Smith Camp!toil the beit.-r to s,-enre the pay- i merit of said note, executed and delivered to : aid Wanen ! , his Deed of M.fct.' .ue, conveying to the said James R. ! Warren lot of laud number one hundred and two in the i f-ixllt district of Dooly county, containing two hundred two • and one hajfacre* ol land, conditioneil lo be voiil upon the | payment of said note—and it further apjaniring that Smith ; i ‘ainpliel! has not paid said note or any part thereof, tmt ■ the same to pay has wholly neglected and refused.—It is j therefore ordered that said Smith Campbell do pay into ] tins Court by the first day of the next term thereof'the prin- ! i ip »l, interest and cost* due on .-aid note, or .-how cau.-o to j the contrary, if any Ire has, or in default thereof that the Equity of Redemption of the -aid Smith Campbell in and to said Mortgaged premises be forever hatred and f.. reel os- 1 • d—and it is farther ordered that this rule be .-e.-wd on said Smith Campbell .tee-mling t » law—this, OetoinT 13. 1853. J11N KS & HOBBS, PlitPs Att’ys. j April Term, 1S58, Dooly Superior Court, j It appearing to the Contt that the above Rulc-iii>t, taken | :u tho last term of this Court, was not published i . terms ’ •‘.the law; It is there fire ordered that th.- said James R. \ M trren, or his eouns^d, have leave to publi.-h the said Rule > im in accordance with law, or serve upon the said Smith Cainp’sdl as provided hv the St Uutes— thi-*,7th April. 1859. A true extract from the minutes of Dooly Superior Court, June 9lh, WM. ROUT. B. DAVIES, Clerk. July 15,1853. ni3m. Nup'e d.HS ns Two Thousand Acres «.fj l HICKORY -and GREEK As as «uy Lands in | —well improv'd—with 0*»d j rd.*in cultivation, and (JjO acres dry | iiunock to clear. Provisions to sell with the place on | . My son or myself will be on tho time‘to 8how the premises and give SAM’L RUTHERFORD. 16,1859. 25— John Carr Brown, Attorney at Law—Albany, <>co. j 4' ii July '2H, 1857. .... j of tl»e North-Eastern R. R. going North. Return j iug leaves Charleston every MONO A Y and Fill DA Y 1 NIGHT, nt 8 o’clock, (after the arrival of the cars of tho ! North-Eastern Railroad) and arrives at Savannah early i the following mornings. By this route passengers can ob- I tain through tickets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wil- I mineton. N. G. I Having a through freight arrangement with the Central i Railroad and its connections, all freights between Charles ton and the interior of Georgia, consigned to the Agents i‘ this line, will be lot warded with despatch, and free oj Wm. A. Karris, A TTOHNE Y AT LA IF— ISA BELLA, Oc.t.5), 1856 Wo Refers to—Seward, Han.-rl! Geo Tim il lo. Go NOTICE. [ FOREWARN all persons from trespassing on L Mo tollowing lols ot Lind in Worth county, Ga.. spooiul'v tin’ Bee Frees; ‘ 7ll» Dist, Nos. 114, 422, 46!», 411, 115. 15l!t “ “ 8, !», 10, 56, 57, 58. 16t!i “ “ 8,0,23,79,83.85,110,111,113, 115, 120, 129,135, 139, 149, 150, 155, 160,180, 198, 215,221,227, 246. Sep. 16. 1858 (25) G. G. FORD. Land for Sale. r OFFER for ratio the following lots ofland—those L wishing to purchase any, or all of these lands reuld do well to call on tne at an early day. No. 338 13th District Dooly County Ga. “ 333 “ “ “ ’ “ ’* “ 326 “ “ - “ “ 112 “ “ “ “ John W. Evans, .1 TTOHNE Y A T LA W AND SOLICITOR GENT:' 'charge. OF THE SOUTH-IVESTEEN CIRCUIT. IJ” Office hi B.iinbridge, Decatur county, Geo.— Will also "ive prompt attention to the collection of claims, and oilier civil business iu the counties of Decatur. Baker, Uulhoim, Dougherty, lire, Sumtei and Early. Feb. 14, 1856 46H Thcmas J. Cojr, A TTORXE Y AT LA W—NEWTON, OF.O. March 20, 1856 51— t.'»TT WARRK-V. L. f. D, WARKEX. WARREN 8l WARREN7 ATTORNEYS AT LA IV, Albsuay, Georgin. Will practice in the counties of Sumter, Lee, Dougherty, Terrell, Randolph, Early, Calnoun, Baker, Thomas atid Lowntbs. (vol. 10—no. 4f.) A. J. ATTORNEY AT Iila earthy, T LAW—ALBANY, C I ofler for sale my plantation, situated in Dougherty county, about seven miles from Albany, on the eafct side of Flint River, and on the road leading to Troupville. The above place contains one thousand acres of land, two hundred and fifty of which are tinder fence, and have been in cultivation three or four years, and there are about two hundred or two hundred and filty more acres, that have been dead ened for about two years, this will allow four h dred and filty to fire hundred acres to be brought under cultivation the next year, without the necessi ty of clearing more land. There are also upon the premises, a new frame dwelling house, with four convenient sized rooms, nnd passage in the centre of the building, two wells of water, and negro and other out buildings of logs, die., &c. The location so far as I know, is a healthy one. Any person wishing to purchase may examine the place,and communicate with the snbscriberat Beech Island, Edgefield District, S. 0., or with Y.G. Rust, Esq., Albany,Ga. II. R. COOK, M. D. September 17, 1857. 25-tf. ougherty Sheriff’s ' 8ret T*, “»■ 'x* 0 " 5 ‘he Court House doorioUwcJI of Albiny, between tho usual hour, of nle, lUrJ lowing property to-wit: *** Four Negroes : Ben, a man about 40 yearuoM of light complexion; Enoch, a man 60 years old • alxiut 45 years old, and Dorcas,about 17 yeiren2 f levied on as the jiroperty of Stephen S. Sikes to isfv sundry fi F.ia in my hnnds—one in favor of rZ' T. Rogers & Son vs. J. Moreland & Co., from £ Superior Court, and one James G. Rogers V8 phen Sikes, Richard Sikes and Moreland of Terrrt county, merchants and partners, firm name of J Moreland & Co., from Doughertv Superior Cnnw one E. F. Wood & Co. vs. Stephen S. Sikes, RicbM Sikes of Lee, and John Moreland of Terrel, nan uers, firm name of J. Moreland & Co., from Dough erty Superior Court, one Willbams & Price vs. STy" Sikes, administrator of J. W. Lane, dec’d, and Biahi on & Sikes, from Dougherty Superior Court nnl Washington Poe vs. S. S. Sikes, one Beldan i cf vs. J. Moreland & Co., from Dougherty Inferior Court, one Catlin &. Leavitt dr. Co. vs. Bishop & Sikes, from Lee Superior Court. Property nnirLa out by pl’ffs att’y. 3 p0lnIe4 J. S. BROWN, Dept. Sh’ff September 2, 1858. SMALL P FOR SALE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag. ntf.S E. I.aFITTE & CO., Ag iry 21, 1858. nah. UF.S K. FIMiLAV, FIlSn3LA.Y 5 S Steam Engine Manufactory, iron and Brass Foundry, A!CI> General Maoliine Shops, Macon, Georgia. T HE Proprietors of lliis Establishment would re spectfully cal! t he attent ion ol those contenipla HENRY MORGAN, attorney at la w, Albany, licorRia. Will iracticoi nt he Courts jf the $outh-wcslen and southern Circuits. Albany. Aprill 2,'50. 1 tf. ; ed J. 31. iU lIOLAMO'i—Attorney at Law, ISABELLA, Worth County, Georgia. ZNtT Will eive prompt attention to allhurine??entmst- liiflclwruA. [July 21,1854. 16—tf. WM.E. SMITH, Agent ar d Arty at Law. Georgia—Irwin County. V IA. persons having demands -..gainst James J. Hall, late of Irwin county, dec’d, will present 'lie.-n tome properly attested within the time pre scribed by law; and all persons indebted to ?aid de- ce-t.scd are hereby requested to come forward and i.uke tuiUlement immediately, if ihev desire to save costs. D. B. RANSONE, Adm’r. July 22, 1853 - Gw. Executor’s Sale. ^GRF.EABLY to an order of the II •ruble the Ordinary ot Dougherty county, Will be wild on o first Tuesday in O. tober next, before the Court the city of Albany,one half interest in th Jacks Westfall Lot. now as the property of benefit o! the heir. &. Collier Warelmnse and Lot—also, three- House nnd Lot known ns upied by J-'s.-e Floyd. Sold late Geo. W. Collier, for the il creditors of said ileceased. J. IL GILBERT, ExV. Julv 2,1857. BIIGTOI'S HOTEL, BROAD STREET Ga. HIS New and elegant Hotel is now open fo A the accommodation of the Public. Person visiting Albany will find at ibis House comfortable and neatly furnished rooms, (each fire-place)—and a Table that is unsurpassed by any other Hotel iu the country. The subscriber, grateful to the public for their very liberal patronage for years past, respectfully olicits his old friends and the public generally, lo all and see him at his new quarters. J? The Stage Office for Stages running from this place to Bainbridge,!!e aud Tallahassee, is kept at this House. J. L. BYINGTON. December 17, 1857. 38- FOR r UB Subscriber has [nr sale a secontl-baruled KOCKAWAY, which he will sell lnw on W. J. McBRYin:. Albany, April 1, 1R54 1— .1 . I. X \v, Attorney at Law, Bainbridge, Dccatiu Conuty, Cieo. Wti.t. attend punctuallvthe Superior Courts of the Coun ties of Early.Baker nnd Decatur,of tho South-western,and of the County oi Thomas of the Southern Circuit. April 12,1850 vo C—no 1—tf. BROWN’S HOTEL. —OPPOSITE THE RAILROAD DEPOT— •71 ft con, Geo. r.. e. nttow.v rnorsiETOR. August 26, 185H. 22— August 19, 1853. Ailiiiiiij*ti-at«i ,! s Sale. Georgia — Calhoun County. A GREEABLY to an order of the Couit'of Ordin- ary of suid county, Will he sold before the Court House door in Morgan, said county, on the fir. t Tuesday in October next, Lots of lar.d Nos. 352, 353 and 329, it being the lower Goodson plare— also, lots of land Nos. 273 and 274, all in the 3rd district of said county. The upper, or place where on W. H. Pierce, deceased, resided at his death.— Also, four negroes, to wit: Tom, a boy 14 years old, Caroline, about 21 years old, John, a boy about 8 years old, Betsey, 6 years old. Sold as the property of said VV. H. Pierce, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. J. II. GRIFFIN, Adm’r. August 19, 1858. Georgia—Dougherty County. A LL persons having claims against the estate of Nicholas Ix»ng, laie of said county deceased, are hereby notified to present them properly attested, and those indebted will please make immediate pay ment. , MARX SMITH, Adm’r. August 19,1858 21—6w. :n t qtlci±:. T HE undersigned hereby regret fully declare their intention to tho citizens of Albany and vicinity, of opening, about the 1st of Octo- • next, in Marx Smith’s building Ilroad street, si general assort ment, of SADDLERY and HAR NESS, together with all articles usually kept in our line of business. ANDREWS, MILLER & CO. Atlanta, Aug. 19,1858. 21 — TO COTTON PLANTERS. DAVANT &, LAWTON, FACTORS AXD GENERAL COMMISSION Moroliants, No. 88 Bav Street, Savannah Georgia. 1. DAVAXT, JR. EDWARD T. T.AWTOJC, c. 10, 1857 37—ly* SOLOMONS & COLQUITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-NEWTON, GA E5P* Will practice in the South- Western Circuit Plantation one mile from the possession of David, It contains 250 acres, 130 which is cleared and fresh. There is the place a good Dwelling, Gin-house, Sci other nut-houses, all in good order. For terms apply to I). A. Newsom, on the place, or the undersigned. D. A. VASON. Albany, Nov. 12, 1857. 33— Americus Variety Works. filHE Subscril>er having purchased tire above A Works, is now prepared to furnish SASH, B LI N DS, and all work iu his line at short notice and at fair prices. Jj’Terms cash, or good acceptance. SAM’L HEYS. Americus, April 8, 185S. 2— Dougherty Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL bo sold on Ihe first Tuesday in Novcilfc. next, before Ihe Court House door in rfieTit of Albany, between the legal hours of sale the fnf. lowing property, to wit; ’ ' u ‘" One Chest containing Carpenter’s Tools levied on as the property of John A. Smith to aatltf, a ft fa obtained Irotn the Judge of the Inferior Court o( Dougherty county, in favor of Thus. H. Clark J. S. BROWN, l)ep. Sh’fT. September 2, 1858. Calhoun Sheriff’s Sales W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Morgan, Calhoun county, within the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday | n October next, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 86 in the 4th district of Calhoun county, levied on as the property of Wm. Anderson, M. Meriwether and R. C. Robins, to satisfy a Cost Fi-Fa issued from the Superior Court of said county; Charles C. Martin vs. W. Anderson, M. Meriwelher ; and R. C. Robins. Properly pointed out by Chu. C. Martin. ELIJAH PADGETT, Sheriff. September 2, 1858. Postponed City Marshal's Sale. Georgia— Worth County. ^WHEREAS, Elizabeth J. Holliday, Adrm tratrix on the estate of Rol obert T. Hollida “eased, applies to me for letters of dismission fri rsaid AdmiuKtralionship. This is therefore to notify all persons concer n* be and appear at ihe Court ol Ordinary of s* imty within the time prescribed by law, and six iso (if any they have) why said letters should i grunted. erection of Steam .MUD, for Sawing and Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The superiority ol the Work has been, and will be, a sufficient guarantee for an extensive and increasinj patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit < Tools, Patter ns and Machinery, a fiord facilities for the expedition of work possessed by no other estab lishment in the State. Our prices and terms wili compare favorably with that of any first class North ern Establishment. The following comprise a list of Machinery, &c.; for anv portion ol which we will! . be pleased lo receive orders, viz: GKfi OtlCtm Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Cir-j Georgia—W orth County. cular Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best qual ity for Corn a i.d Wheal, Water Wheels, Given under my h ind at office. Julv the5tli, 1858. \ It. D. SINCLAIR, Ordinary. ! Julv 15,1858. * 16-fini. j Law Notice. T HE undersigned having formed _ r ._ , practice of laiw, will give ilieir undivided attention to such business as may l>e entrusted to them. Office on Broad street, formerly occupied by StrO’ r &. Slaughter, where one of the firm may be alwayi und. PETER J. STROZER. WM. E. SMITH. Albany, July 23,1857. 17— i great variety, Gin Goa r, a I Lizes, Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, Public and Private Buildings, &.C., of Wrought nnd Cast Iron,very superior, embracing Strength with beanty of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all.sizes, Columns for Stores,Churcbes,&c.,&c.,Gold .Mining Ma chinery, with Double and Single acting Force and Lift Pumps of any required „ size, Shafting with Turned Pul- lies, from the smallest size to nine feet Diameter, Cot ton Press Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws and Bales, EnglnniFs Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings. ami other Rail Road Castings. A il work warranted to be equal to the best made elsewhere D DIV plies t Thi? * lor lotto i) on the fdisi froi s ther •lore to c intercsicl, to file their < in my oriire on or be for ary next, in terms of tb provided. July 15. 1858. Georgia— Worth Comity. QiTXTY to th< said Ad- iif Balev F. Biker, and admonish all persons potions (if any they have) lie first Monday in Ft bru- aw in such case made and R. 1>. SINCLAIR,Ord’v. 16-Urn. hamber, ((’onrt House door,) in the city of Albany. Ga., on the First Saturday in OC'TOBEU next, between the usual hours of sale, the following described property, viz. The ea*t two thirds of city lot, number forty-two (42) Pine street, in ihe city.of Albany, Gu., to isfy one Tax Fi Fa for the year 1858. Property painted out in city Tax Digest. City lot number filieen (15) rommerce street. f» the city of Albany, Ga.. to satisfy one Tax Fi Fa fur the year U58. Property pointed out in city tax Digest. An undivided interest m Store House, fronting ar Washington street twenty three feet, in the city of Albany, Ga., and distinguished in the plan ol said city as part of lots number twenty-si* and twenty- eight, on Pine street—now occupied bv Lewis iis-1 Young & Bro. as a Dry Good’s Store, to satisfy ore f, j 'Pax l’*i Fa for ti.e year 1858, vs. A. A. Dan forth, n ■ Property pointed out ill city tax Digest. j The Soiith-weM quarter of city lot number nine- I,! icen, Broad street, in the city ol Albany. Ga., lo sal- ii j isfy one 'Fax Fi Fa for ilu* year 185A. vs C. H.Lvs- .v j ter. Properly pointed out in. city tax Digest. >i | On-* hundred aud ten feet (1 lOTre*) of the south part ofeity lot, number seventeen (17) Broad strrH, in the city of Albany. Ga satisfy one Tax Fi Fa for the year 1858. vs. Thomas Mills. Property poin ted in city tax Digest. ’Fiie improvements on city Tr*t nmr.Ber forfy-eipht (48) North street, in ihe city «»f Albany, Gu.. to sat isfy one 'Fax Fi Fa for the year 1858, vs. Tlmuuw Ragan. Property poinfedout iu city tax (*viy lot number tifty-om- (51) tui Tift >rreet. inrlie •ity of Ailmny, Ga., to satisfy one Tax Fi Fa lor the y ar 1858, vs. William Litu gali. lAijperty jiointeJ out in city lax Digest. The West-half of city b t. noinVTeighty fire(M> Pine street, in the cityot Albany, Ga.. to sat My one Tax Fi Fa for the year 1858, vs. Thomas Berry.— Property poiuU d out in ci»v tax Digest. JAMES J. GREEN, Mutstol. A'btttiy, September 2, T858. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Macon, March 19,1857. 51— Georgia—Terrell County. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the land and negro man George, belonging to the estate of Meneata Wiseman, deceased. WIl^LIS WOOLBRIGIIT, July 29,1858. Administrator. mWO months after date application will be .made 16 Honorable, the Court ot Ordinary of Ba ker county, for leave to sell the real, estate of the late Benjamin R. White, of said county deceased. . *R. F.LYON, Adro’r. Right to build the Wroa^bt Iron or Portable Cotton Screw, j invented and patented by James Massf.y ol Thom- asville, Ga., throughout the counties of CALHOUN, DOUGHERTY and BAKER, we beg leave to in form the Planters of those Counties that we are pre pared to put them up at the shortest notice. Any person wishing said Screw will confer a favor ou us by addressing either of us at MORGAN, Calhoun County, Ga., when we will immediately respond to the call,and exhibit a Model of the “Portable Screw,” and put them up one if they wish it. SAMUEL L. FOSTER. ROBERT A. ADAMS. June 24, 1858. * 13-I3w To the Planters of South-Western Georgia, T IIE undersigned will be prepared by the open ing of the next season, to receive Cotton at Ids new aud commodious WARE-HOUSE, situated near the Railroad Depot, and sufficiently far from town to.render it free from the danger of fire. And by strict attention to the storage and sale of cotton IviciiAiio II. Clai:k. Ai.ex. S. Liititt CLARK & LIPPITT, ATT0 RNE YS AT LAW, Albany, Ga. ' ^MflLL practice in the counties of Doogherty, Baker. Calhoun, Lee, Dooly and Worth—in the Supreme Court at Macon, anil wherever spe cially engaged. Prompt attention will bo given to all business en trusted to their charge. February 25th, 1858. 48—tfc Georgia—Calhoun county. VXJII ERE AS, Joseph VV. Roberts, administrator on » V the estate of David B. Smith, deceased, applies to the Court for Letters of Dismission from the said estate. Tliis'is therefore to notify all and singular the partnership in the kindred, creditors and other persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or before the Fourth Monday in March next to file their objections, and shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Morgan, the 4th day of September 1853. sep.9. RICH’D F. JONES, Ord. Georgia—WortA County. l ,, Cotton. Commissions. u — —I estate ot QnM Smith; kte ™ 7l> 1 - —NATHAN SMITH, A/Wr. IS, I9SK, a J. Z. Burton, ATTORNEY AT LAW-ALBANY, GEO. M AY bo found at the Office of Col. T. C. Sncca. Will practice in the Courts of tho South-Western Circuit. Any business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt attention. References:—lion. A. P. Powers, ? “ E.A Nisbet, } Macon ‘ December 10,1857. 37—ly Law Notice. rplIE underrigned offers his services in tbe practice of the _L Law, to the public in the several counties of the Macon District; also out of the District—in Jones, Monroe and Dougherty, and by special contract in any county in the State. Office opened in the city of Macon let March en suing—until then my address is Albany, Ga. ABNER P. POWERS. Jan. SI, 1858. 43— 83^ The State Press, Georgia Citizen, Journal & Mes- senger, and Telegraph of Macon, each will please Insert this notice. «• A. P. P. Georgia, ■ \ *; ~ CLEMENT A. CHEATHAM. Ap»ifB,1858 a - -3—ly*' . Glaes, Li-vra & Co.Albiny, Ga;' , Jbly'V' - (Wis) -tr" Jr E.-DAWSON.- VXTE will cell cotton at FIFTY CPNTSfcTf; Savannah, Ang. 19,1858 c ^ . « 21—8w. • ISTOTICE. !ALB OR RENT—the South half of the boildiog now occupied by ^Bafe, Georgia—Calhoun County: HERE AS, Joseph W. Roberts, administrator on ihe estate of Abram D. Smith,deceased, applies to the Court for Letters of Dismission from the said estate. This is therefore to notify all nnd singular the kindred, creditors and other persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or before the Fourth Monday in March next lo file their objections and shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Morgan, tl/e 4th day of September 1858. *ep.9. RICH’D F. JONES, Ord. Y days after date application will be made' the Ht.noraMe tbe Ordinary of suid county, j for leave to seH the Lauds belonging to the estate oil Dennis Rouse, late of said county, dec'd. This is to notify all persons concerned to fife their objections (if any J hey have) why said have should not be granted. JAS. M. ROUSE, Adm’r. July 22, 1858. Georgia—Irwin County. Ii be made art of Ordinary of Irwin county lor leave to sell the Real Estate of James J. Hall, late of Irwin countv. dec’d. July 22, 1858. B. B. RANSONE, Adtn’r. Georgia—Calhoun county. \^7’HEREAS.Seaborn A. McLendon, Adminis trator on the estate ot Hiram Morgan,h*te of said coanty,deceased, applies to me for letters of " emission from bis said Administratorship. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned, to bo and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, within the time prescribed by law, and thou cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Febru ary 23d, 1853. R. F. JONES, Ordinary. March 4, 1858. 49—6in BURl AUCTION AND Commission Merchants, BROAD STREET, AlTDany, Ga. They hope that by prompt attention to business, and fair oaling, to merit a liberal patronage. Georgia—Calhoun County. YJUHBREAS, Joseph W. Roberts,adminiatralor on • » the estate of Lazarus Jackson, deceased, applies to the Court for Letters of Dismission from the said estate. ' / j I f ! t J ' ! I J1 This is therefore to notify all* and singular the kindred, creditors and other persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said.county on or before the Fourth Monday in March next to file their objections and shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and official signature at office in Morgan, the 4th day of September 1858. aep.9.; RICH’D F r J0NB$, Qrd. ( ‘A cl RBi i ii is t to r* s .Sale. vrrn.1.1.0 soi.i .>» Saturday the mb *.nrf * * OCJTOBER next, at the lale resideuee of Ja*. .1. Keaton, late of I&ker county, d»ceasei! r »-IF the Perishable Property belonging to the said estate.— Terms on the day of s»!o. This, 16th dav of An*. 1858. CRAWFORD M. MAYO,*Adn» T c. JSepteuib. r 2, 1858 Georgia—Worth County. ^SfXTY Days after date. appiTratfon will be tntde in the Hon. Court ot Ordinary of said eouaiy, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Cox, late of said couaty deceased. R. J. WEEKS, (vgfa Sep. 2, 1859. A. M. COX, S __‘ Notice. A LL persons indebted to ihe estate of James Cox, late of Worth county, deceased, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment,* 1 ® those having demands against said estate will pre* sent them duly authenticated in terms of the law. R. J. WEEKS,! Rr'r* Sep. 2, 1858. A. M. COX, S __ F ROM THE subscriber near Brunswick, ^ Glynn county, about the 5th inst. f my • negro man John. He is a mujato about forty ^ _ years of age..weighs abdut 170. poam/s, about five feet 7 or 8 inches high, thick heavy set, spetw rather slowly. . . . _ He is a plasterer by triple, lay? brick uuentuy, and lias pretentions to be a barber. I ^ . irarticnlar marki unon him ;I pwrelxascd nun rece - JAMES M. MERCER ITS my authorized Agent and attorney to attend to my business generally, during ray absence from the State. .. ... James Mathenev is authorized to collect and set tle the Patriot Office accounts due to August .6tb, 1858. NELSON TIFT. August 12,1858. » 20- he hopes to nicritAlul respectfully aoUcltaAhe pa-_ Laws &, Co. Apply to Fears,' HarTis & tronago of the Pbuiters generally of South-Western RoBERT»,or,4o Glaes, ! ~ ~ Georgia— Calhoun Cuuhly. / • IA7IIEREAS,"Nathaniel Heater, ajiuiaiatrator on ■ * the estate of John B. Wight, deceased, applies to the Court for Letters of Dismission from the said TOE?H Tiasts therefore to notify,ail,and singuWtb, T; kindred, creditors and other persons concerned to be. *nd appear. st thoCoort.of Ordinary o( said copnty ^TAHE subscriber wii\ sell one-half or all her Lands 'n Calhoun county, Florida. They extend from Long Cane, down the river below the band of Allum Bluff, containing 1 : C00 artre» rtu>to or less—among which land is the justly (jelehrated “Beckwith Plano" where he realized ^ $3,M0 on about Ig’/MMft Of Lind; ppviii ocvrrai yenrs in uni tu«» * . . i. derstand from other, negroes ^ifiCe bejiffiwi could rend andwtlte very well j so that he’ ih*y a Jthmkltprobable bertey.betortingebontAlta- ny. A I iberal reward wfli be paid for his app rc , ion and delivery in ^ 'jfcocilRA^* Brunswick, Sept. 2d, 1858. 23—tf-^ NOTICE. Iiw A LL persona are hereby forewarned “S?' 1 ?* 1 ding for acerinio promissory note made by «• payable to James Rowland, or bearer, due the day of January next,end jdsted eboot the first May last, for the sum. of one )hundred, and,: five dollars. The consideratipns for which W was* given, has failed. ,;I am determined D°ugheijy. R n ! ,^ijg. ,13,1888, aeorgli^vrortKetiunitf. \