The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 30, 1858, Image 2

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• ■' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1858. Temperance. Rev. William Peeler will make n Speech Temperance, at the Methodist Church in Morgan, Calhoun count}’, Ga., at 11 o’clock, on the 0th day of October next. The public are requested to at tend. _ Frost. Tlie weather for the past week has been cool and pleasant, and yesterday morning our vicinity was visited by a frost. The health of our city and coun ty continues good. Douglas. Wo copy below from the last ‘Macon State Press, an ablet.editorial in denunciation of Ste phen A. Douglas, whose traitorism to the South on the Kansas question, has sunk him so low in the estimation of all true Southern rights men that the hand of* reserrection will never reach him. Wo think the Stale- Press is right in its position. If wrong, then we are wron ; If Douglas was right, then the Democratic rep resentation from Georgia in the last Congress was wronj : ML Beaait. , We take the following from an exchange:— “Have Your Prixtirg Dore attUome:—We have lying on our desk a circular of the |Hunts- ville Female College, Alabama, with a Report of the. Examining Committee of College, Jane, 1858, at tached. At the bottom of that report appeared the following significant item, (italics onr own): , Note.—It is to be regretted that the proof of the accompanying Annual Circular could;not be cor rected by the President. It was, printed in New York,'and seven thousand copies have been sent us, full of errors, grammatical a nd orthographical. The quantity is too great to throw aside; and, besides, it “Gin House Burnt.”; ' We often find In our exchanges an account of the burning of Gin Houses' by which some t . uooai -j - r ten, twenty'or thirty bags of cotton are cto^o 1 w ’ner. We inst. -He styles it “the completes^ farce in tile However this may be, we enter-1 18 " ow 100 Ute 10 havc otl,ers ' ,rin ' 0d - tain political hostility to Mr. Douglas, ami shall! 1 he Ldi!or of a New, P*l* r Iabors s!ud '°“ S ' continue to do so as long as he remains in the |'- V da >' and ni =’ ht and w j ear * 00t his facullie8 10 hostile ranks against the admission of Kansas j advance ,he il,,ere81 and P r “P ar “y of his own , . . community, and in doing Una he ia the direct as a slave State in the Union. Douglas has .. . . ° , . ... , . , , . I, • I medium to enhance the value of property mid proved turn self clearly and emphnticauv against I , , . ' e .. 0 .... ! advance the prosperity to a certain extent of the South, and when a man provesJalse once, 1 he will most surely prove false a second limey Two of the most prominent and greatest curses every business man in his immediate vicinity— and while this extra labor is gratuitous, to a o ,, , . , .... i , certain degree on bis part, yet there are those the South has to endure, is that of political and ... , , * , , ... , . . r . ... r „ who for the sake of a few paltry dollars and religious hypocrites, and of these she has her full, . . share {cents, are ready to patronize and encourage Senator Albert Gallatin Brown, in bis late speech, concluded in a very sickening and nau dating style to our very great surprise, by pay ing homage to Mr. Douglas, and buoys him up merely because they agree on one question alone, and insinuates that he ia a “great man,” while stroyed, with a total 'loss to the own would advise our planting friends, one and all, as a safe rule, that so soon as.a load : of cotton U ginned and packed, to carry it immediately to market, and sell or store, as best suits them.— This is safest and best for the farmer, as a gen eral rule. In this city we have two very large and commodious warehouses, that of T. H Johnston & Co., and Sims & Rust, both being far removed from the danger of fire, no fears to he entertained on that account, besides, they have regular night guards to prevent the possibility of accidents of any kind. We say therefore to all, for fear your Gin Houses may burn, bring your cotton to market and sell, or store it where it will be safe and free from dan ger. Democratic Convention. There will be a Convention of the Democrat ic party held at Albany, on Tuesday 12th of October next, to nominate a candidate for Judge and Solicitor for the South*Western Judicial Circuit. Election first Monday in January ft!hers dub him w ith the „p pe |lation of “Little 0ex ** < — „ Giant.” We agree with them in the sense it is Flowers, I meant, and go still further—Mr Douglas is great We return our thanks to Mrs. U. M. Robert* in politics, and great in hypocracy. He is a of (his county, Cor a very magnificent “Boquet,” Giant in intellect, and a Giant in traitoiism.— *’ 18 as vnjust as it is ungenerous, and tanse comprising a beautiful and choice selection ofj We fear the South will never gain anything by "* °^P a | r | 5n ' ze ® uc establishments to the detii- Flowere. Mrs. Robert has one of (ho finest! such great Giants ns Douglas. i Northern firms and Northern establishments to the detriment of these who have been the means I of placing thousands in their pockets. Some of those Northern establishments are punctual in their pretended devotional petitions for the good looks and long lives of their customers; but once withdraw this patronage, and a steady denunciation as tricksters, devoid of principle, is the consequence. i This Northern work, taken from Southern -Mr. Editor OWDemokrat” in the last ssue of the Argus, has seen proper to speak in terms of ridicule and condemnation of the Dem'- ocratic meeting held in Bainbridge on the 18ln shape of a political meeting that has ever been (his) misfortune to witness.” Now Mr. Editor, “An 0(d Democrat” casts ridicule upon him self in thus speaking of this meeting,Tor he was not simply a witness, as his language would seem to iudicate of this “farce in the shape of a political meeting,” but an actor in it—an im portant and conspicuous participant in the pro ceedings. Now if the meeting was a farce, the part he played was farcical, and to be con sistent and just, he ought to have ridiculed and condemned himself with the rest, and not writ ten his communication as though he were sim ply an eye witness—an idle spectator looking oii with mingled amusement and disgust. You will see in iny answer to his main objection to the meeting, how active and conspicuous he , was, and judge whether he considered it the little thing he now represents it to have been. “There was not a corporal's guard.In atten dance,” says he. The meeting then m market, aOd all ofiera freely taken at an advance of fu!| T Jo. over last vveek’s prices-Good Middling selling teadh. at ljlo — lower grades not in much demand, ordeti ed orally tunning on those from Strict Middling up. Wo omit receipts and shipments in this issue, hat trill give them full mour next. Albany Prices Current. eORRKCTKcTwEEKIiY Bv'GLASS^LAWa^itft 1 BAGOINg --Viunney. ....rtf’ ir Roll .... id S BALE ROPE-........w fe „ » CANDLES-Sperm lb 40 SS gjor lb 28 to S3 8 to 10 J* ,0 U . “ loco he* 75 to 80 FISH—Mackerel No. 1.. and most extensive gardens we know of.— Every variety of the rose, and almost every va riety of flowers adapted to a Southern clime, may be seen in her garden and presenting a most luxuriant growth. There is nothing more pleasing than to see the cottage and the green house decorated with the beautiful flowers of the forest and the choicest plants from every clime. Nothing can give more beauty and ornament to the resitletire .than the cultivation of these domestic virtues. We would be glad to see more attention given Aw* the Southern people shouid abate not one All Southern rights men of the true pluck should cut him loose, and burv his filthy car cass in the political infamy, corruption and rot tenness with m hich he is surrounded. DOFCLAS AND THE DEMOCRACY. We should feel ourselves recreant to duly, did we not, from week to week, in phrases the most emphatic which our poor powers can com mand, continue to hold up to public scorn and execration, the wretched treason of Stkviibx A. Douglas, of Illinois—a man, whose great capacity for evil renders it the more important ment of their own vicinity, may be regarded drones in any business community. The business men of Georgia, alone, spend the enormous sum of one hundred thousand dol lars annually in the city of New York for print ing—and we do not believe the half has been told. Further comment is superflous. to this subject in our city; with a little pain: and trouble we might have the “garden city” of the Sooth West. New Advertisements. We invite special attention to the new adver tisements in this issue. Messrs Fears, Harris & Roberts, has by mutual consent dissolved co-partnership, and the firm will hereafter be known as Fears & Harris. They in Acknowledgements. We return our thanks to Messrs. Jones, Laws & Co., wholesale and retail dry goods and grocery merchants of this city, for n box of very fine “Colorado M.vluro Cigars.” We f their just resentment, and whose consider them in every respect equal, if not su- d position in the affections of the perior, to the Augusta or Georgia brands, which parly only ago.avaunt the guilt of h„ s |, een hitherto regarded as the best Havana defection and apostasy. No • «v:.i .1 : . .. . c 1 J . importations. With this recommendation, no deration of policy—no unworthy ' ... ... unity of the traitor may hereafter one f * m,1,ar w,,h ,he S^utne Spanish, hes to the Democracy—no care itate to test the quality. We have also receiv- thdrawal from the ranks shall ed from the same firm, a choice selection (in laitl schemes of this or that am t | ie W;I V G f samples) of very Ijjje chewing tobac co, a catalogue of which will be found by re- Savannah Medical College. V' ee ‘' n *f , small, in his opinion, to do business, l hat is We have before ns a pamphlet of the Faculty I his opinion now, but was it his opinion then ? and Trustees of this Institution, containing their It certainly was not. He must have seen and annual announcement for the years 1858 and ’9. noticed the fewness of the number in attenden'ce, Their sixth session will commence on the first j ani1 he was •PP»™nlljd (be most impatient . XT , i . • . of all others to get to business. He requested Monday m November next, and tbe.r , he nominalio „ of a Chairman soon after we ry lectures which are free, will commence on | assembled—he moved, the appointment <^f the 18th of October. committee to prepare business for the meeting— This College was chartered in 1838, but re-! he acted as chairman of that committee, and mained unorganized until the year 1853, when 1 8U hmitled a minority report, and he voted ... el. , . . j . . throughout the whole proceedings, the chairs were filled hy trustees, and a hand- No ^ , s „ b{nit t0 . ^ ndid an | iinpa „ ia , pub . some building subsequently erected by the Fac j |i c „pjnion r whether a man who has acted snch ulty. In order to create a school of medicine j a part in a public meeting, who urged the trans- bv which to elevate the standard of medical | action of business by the meeting, and thereby education to its highest eminence, the Faculty, i “cknowledged its authority, can, with the least J show of reason or propriety, object to its ac- out of their own pockets, had expended up to ! tin „ because (here wero but few composing it. the beginning of their last sessioo, the sum ofj The objection from him comes too late. If he forty thousand dollars for buildings, apparatus,: thought the meeting too small, he ought to have j said so at first, and refused to take part in its Since then, the Legislature of Georgia, with ' proceedings. He has closed his own mouth — ... i . He treated this “Corporal’s guard” as though it3 characteristic liberality, have made a hand- , P. J # ri ^ ; they were a multitude, and those who saw his some endowment to ibis Institution. I he hac-: ertrnes t manner, and heard his stentorian voi ulty feel encouraged, and will enter upon their j were under the impression that a “farce” w annual duties with renewed zeal and energy.— j the last thing he thought of. His theatrical They now confidently offer to the students such ! ,n . anner an(1 s ‘J ,e ’ however, may have suggest- - .. i . • mi , , ed the term. Be this as it inav, it is evident a course of medical instruction ns will enable . .. . . .. . . r that his objection to the size ot the meeting, af- them successfully to encounter tile diseases of: ter tbus dUlinguisliing himselfitvits proceeetin Southern latitudes. Their Hospital being the comes with very bad grace. The objection City and Marine, afford additional advantages j the creature ol disappointment, to the student as they present a large number “ An ? ld Oea.ocraf' undertakes to give and a great variety of medical and surgica Tallow COFFEE—Rio ......... corn . a . v . a .*. *. *. *.*. * *. *.*.: *. 7. * Meal ’. bus “ ' 'No.l. bbl «1Q toS No.* bid M to 15 No.3 bbl ll to 13 No. 1 kits.?. I.::.; «... ' #3 00 to 3 Jo Half kits....... ■ 175'to 2 oo S ALMON-No. 1 kits 4 00 S 4 S! FLOUR—Fine—100 lb. sack IS Superfine 3 ~ Jf-.V'*** 3 50 5 00 to 8 00 GUNPOW DElt—Keg IRON—English ;. Swedes Sheet. LIME]—Thomaston pr. bbl Alabama .... “ SYRUP b * NAILS OILS—Sperm, Wiotor Strained, gal.. “ Summer “ Train Linseed pbovisioms: BACON—Hams Sides Shoulders LARD.... BUTTER—Goshen Country ::::::: f„ al oS( 6» to 7 8* 3 00 to 3 25 225 50 to 75 75 to 80 5 to 6 , . , , , ... ...w.» very supe: duplicity and Cakes glory 111 his treason. . . , , To “iake counsel of our fears” has never been r,ou5 sa:n l l,es wlllch ll8 ha9 * r,ed . llp r ‘'2 ari19 ,h <‘ the motto of the Democratic Party, hut the rath- “*'•’« tne quick brand"—as decidedly the sweet■ er to thank God for the riddance of every dou- est. ble-dealer; and we, who oppose all truce with the enemy, and still mure all forgiveness for the Daily Newspapers, deserter, find a proud consolation in remember- j The Columbus Enquirer, an ably conducted reason for the small attendence. He venture to attribute it to a feeling of opposition to th cases. From the high character of the Trus- holding of a Convention. Indeed! If the cal! tees and Faculty, and the fine reputation of the for a meeting hail been to elect dele College, we are induced to regard it second to Convention, and it bad been so exp none in the South, 1 75 to 2 00 1 50 to 1 75 GO to 65 1 15 to 1 25 > H to 15 > 121 to 13 5 10 to ]0t 14 toli 33 to 35 - . - 20 to 25 CHEESE—English Dairy .., !b _ 15 to 16 Omission. In our hurried account of the fire lust we< we omitted to give du-» credit to “Old Hue Lit Young,” who has hitherto gained so mu applause for his valuable services at the ti the size of the meeting i indication of oppnsitin Bir such was not the I gbt he > the ' The to th. I, the, •ed an 1 corda with vith the terms of the a he real fact of the matte r»f and to put an independent Candida fires in Macon and Am ericas. On th sion he was nol the less noted, being one of foremost in the ranks, lie displayed unnsuatco l has gained for himself the appelUti J>Oi occa- with the hop* the cob.H 1 igine. lot the ,e pot. d and 1 cted unifo Itsol.jvv uourice it, n the field, help from oduce dis. frie uled. id not ,iti. jot or tilt former pr Democra his shameless fear lest the be disastrm whether his upset the loi bilious leader, shall deter us from branding in terms, the most expressive in our vocabulary, the audacious treachery of this modern Judas, f^nre to their advertisement in this paper.— vile theiv old and new customers to an c?faminat : on j who lias so far gone beyond his prototype, that M e are not in the practice of U3ing the "weed'' of their well selected supply ol fashionable, fancy, j tystead of giving evidence of remorse and hiding but our friend, Cody, who has tested the qual- and domestic dry goods. They are constantly j ^' 8 ity, pronounce them very superior. Of the selling and receiving fresh supplies. Adams & Reynolds, and Hardman &. Sparks. Ware-House and Commission Merchants, Macon Ga. These firms are well known to the business community throughout Georgia, and their reliabili- ty h„ been tested for years, snd their transactions j in „ , be fate of a |, „ ho b „ e preeeded Irin, in the JonrliaIi ha8 duffed j,‘ old suit> nnd coniea out \ of ‘.Chief Fireman” ttmnn with farmers will stand the test for years to come wretched experiment. Bentox cut loose ftom . , _ n^ : a . 7, without impeachment.—Their warehouses are! the Democratic Paiitv—nd what was lhe m the ne.,t appearance of u Daily. Columbus | *»«•’>•*• perteu fire-proof, and the farmers, and public generally.j resu ^ ' Ari deserted it—and what can n ®" »°«st o I irec hi > I > *P* >rg » an , ... . . has become of him ? Rives deserted it—ami. trust they mav all do a successful business, will lose nothing by a reliance npon their expert* , « , o „ ,• „ u 1 . ... ... . j where is he f Others of acknowledged ability j The (.eorgia C linen proposes issuing a Dai- enced business qualifications. t ar\d seeming influence, have swelled the cs\t 1 Grinnell & Burtz, Auction and Commission mer ! logne. But is the boast of every true Demi chants, have just received a larpe snpplv of flour.' tllat 'ke result, in any and every instarn- groceries, &c., and arc prepared to dispose nt lbc | >'as proveri that their', is . party of principles . ponan, of (.eorgia ami her business prospects ,,, . unit nnt merely of men, amt thst it can success- I were never more flattering. She can well af. same on snch terms as will amt pnrehasers. 1 heir r u || y hi,) defiance to the most sagacious traitor ! ford vie „ ilh | iersis , pr Columbus, in any en- prompt attention to business is sufficient guaranty and the most accomplished knave. . ». . , ' Away, then, with the time-serving -peltry. 1 ,er l ,rize - All that is wanting, is to start the which tells ns to forgive a present and positive i ^ r, ^» an ^ *1 gather by its own motion. . . . . 9,. ■ „ , , , : crime, for the sake of a future and contingent I The Federal Union and Sou'hern Recorder, lect Young America, in the way of wholesale , . • , , , . _ .. . . . n - , , . benefit. I be fidelity which has yielded to , each, propose issuing a Daily during the session and retail Dry Goods an Groceries; he ha, now bri hes in the past, cannot he counted on in the of Ll ,,, islalure . Tllia is a „ * mirrtMn g on hand a large and well selected supply of groce-1 future ; the ambition which makes a traitor to-|. . . , .. . . ries, provisions, banging, rope, and twine, together! dav, is likely to have the same effect to-morrow ;} 111 " 111 1 " a earl * - ' proprietors every with a general assortment of plantation 60pp | ies .! and all experience brings ns the warning that •»«<**• Prospectus next week. the false friend, once forgiven, finds in his par- «*».»»<■» — All bis old and new customers are specially invited ; do „ „ freab jllcent ; ve t0 tr eachtrv. Imp..- Tfllotf FcTCr. , , , to examine his stock, where they will find the ac- j breed, audacity ; every crime that goes We arc ?ralifi , d l0 , rarn frora our e Icha0Ee8 J usual bow-vvow-wow, which he eonUn- comodating Mr. Sutton, ready to show them ; unpunished is the parent of another; and it re- . . f , . . . . I ued until our patience was entirely exhausted, j that ? By not coming they must have intend- through. quires little wisdom to predict that no party i 18 ,e OW eVCr 18 8 a ,n “ ,n ,e ct ,c * ° when we rose and with cudgel and knife in ! ed to leave the matter in the hamfs of those who Alex' Herington, who resides io a very pleasant fewfi,,” 1 """ I ^ »h> ■»«« «'»? ***» | hand> made „ f uri ous dash at “Old Trout/1 d , id . ,f lhe > e0 P le •*»] refasa “» and convenient part of the city, is now prepared to d " esefleri If/icn ' he finds SALT * sack SHOT bag 225 WHISKEY—Rectified. gal 40 to 60 Monongahela. gal 60 to 3 00 SPIRITS TURPENTINE gal 75tol(» SUGAR—Brown Jb 11 to 15 Clarified lb 13 to 14 Crushed lb 14 to 15 RICE lb 5 to 6 TALLOW lb 8 to 9 HIDES lb 9 to 10 DOMESTIC GOODS. OSNABURGS—No. 1 yd 12 to 121 No. 2 yd 11 to 111 Virginia yd 101 to 11 SHIRTINGS yd 5toi0 SHEETINGS.... yd 10to 12 arbivaXs at bvwotovs hotelT ALBAXY^JiEORGIA. Tuesday, September 28th. whenev varrant r gia Citizen proposes issu »r sufficient encourngeinent is given success: .Macon is the central em- for tbeir responsibility and success. Nelson Tift, is not behind tho times, he ia a per- j “Sasseogers” about to Decline, A few nights since, after retiring to our downy* bed, and at the time when the first gentle snooze was passing over our thoughtless brain, our big dog “Trout” fearing some intru der might'approach to disturb our quiet repose, commenced a deafening howl of warning, which we patiently endured, to our great annoyance, for a short spaco of time, when we arose and poking our head out of the window, bid him at the top of our stentorian voice, “Peace be still.” For a short lime he was as mute as a mouse.— Now Mr Edit Soon after, or about the-time we were again in f ee l dissatisfied o If, «he feel : positir W E Danelly, V Q Johnson, J S Montgomery, E C Cox, Mrs Cook and Son, Two Miss Cooks, Charles Volker, Mr Collins, D S Love, T P Tatum, VV w Barr, M J Hinton, Thomas C Hill, W C Bird, John H Lowery, K M Colquitt, U M Robert, jun. Ed. Janes John W Madox, K R Jenkins, It H Ford, .1 it Holliday, J L Brack, J G Me Michael, Mhs Mollio Campbell, U M Robert and Lady, Mrs M Myers, [4 Morgan, J W Solomons, John Ly Tallahassee, Fla. Chattanooga, Teon. Newton, Geo. Atlanta, Geo. Coweta county, Geo. do. do. Albany, Geo. Godsdcu, Fla. Albany, Geo. Tallahassee, Fla. Newton, Geo. New York. Marion, Ala. Leon, Fia. ThomasviHe, Fla. Lee Thomas Worth A! oany. Gee*, i Jougherty county, Ga. Albany, Geo. Dougherty county,Ga. Florida. Albany, Geo*. ^ Newton, Geo. i .1 (ill George T i" among the people, it was a feeling to division The people of Decat and generous to seek to control the action the oilier counties of the Circuit by impr< and unfair means But is it true that “i >, Albany, Geo, .-tins, St. Andrews, FVa. 1 Wednesday,.September 29/A. eleven ir themselv Decatur sponsibility upon ; PH Livingst n have taken lhe s to speak and a ’ It is certainly not ?rue. The meet ing was small we grant, as such meetings gen erally are, but why represent it smaller than it was \ There were those in attendance who did not vote, hot acquiesced in the action of those who did. They are responsible with the rest. sk, ought red at the T G Churchill and Lady, 3 I* Patikey, J ll FlMl, Win M Armstrong, W S Ho W L Fth low, II M Buford. John Thornton, A R Wright, one to j of the i ds fiom the the hostile accomodate several young men with private board- camp will not receive hi ing. Persons from the country, wishing to educate! We say, then, let Mr. Douglas go. Let their children in our tchools, can bo accomodated kirn chafe ami pine away, like Kenton and .... , .. H .. ... Van Boren before him. And let us entrust the vvtlh heard on application to Mr. H. Ilia accomo-, n] . Democratic on , y t | 1( , 8e> (and lhank dations are ample and of the first class. j q 0( ^ they are many,) upon whose escutcheons Jones, Laws &. Co , wholesale and retail Grocery, rests no stain—upon whose record there is no Hardware, and Dry Goods Establishment, keep con- black blot to be washed away—and whose etanlly on hand, a choice and well selected assort- c l a 'nis R> our fiiemlship are based, not upon a rrx . v j oa • fallacious hope of future repentance, but upon k.ndsof O.n.bnrg., Kerseys snd Stripes, charac[ers n j ld career9i u „; ainted by the br j alh Blankets and Shoes, Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, Su- of suspicion, am! untarnished by a single trea- gar, Coffee, fine Cigars, and Tobacco, Hats, Caps, son.—Macon State Press. - Boots, Shoes, Hollow-ware, Hardware, and Cutlery, and all articles Indiscriminately kept in a Hardware, Dry Goods, and Grocery establishment. , . John H. Danfort.., it will be seen, hss for „le of C ' W * ,law80n ,n ,h “ ,88ue ' b - V wh,cU “ * dl A J Mncarthv, _ _ t Jas D Bninbritlscv the arms of Morpheus, lie rose, and placing him- : meeting ? It was regularly advertised week I John T Brown, self upon his hind legs, with head thrown hack, a f* er Argus, which has a general! ^lenry 1 began an unearthly howl, accompanied with the ! **' rcu ! at '^ n ' n 1 ountr J- Fne presumption i Arthur Macon, p ' | then is, that general notice was had. But the | v B_*ke r ,_ tirely disappeared. We wish we could say the same for New Orleans, where it is rather on the in crease than decrease. We trust, however, that the present cool atmosphere will modify and check its ravages everywhere. Bawson’s Cash Store, We invite attention to the new advertisement a large supply of Sulph. Quinine. We hope our citizens will not be placed under lhe necessity to be seen that he is now receiving ontf of the largest miscellaneous assortment of Goods ever before offered in this market. Planters and use it, bot if they should, we advise them to call # , . t , , . . others wishing to purchase, will find a fresh and on Mr. Danforth, and purchase what we term a ® 1 , genuine article. By our Cotton Market report, it will be seen that the market i« active, with an advance of a \ cent over laat'quotations, and good Middling commands roxctil/Uj, with an upward tendency. Sew Ambrotypc Gallery. Air. J. S. Wilson has opened a gallery over (be store of F. O. Welch, in this city, and is nokik%iei)hred to take of any size.— IJis Ambrotypes possess great clearness and be*otjr,as wellas rotundity and softness, a com. mingling ofligbt and shade, a distinctness and deliMteyi of tone,- which cannot be excelled. We have examinedjhis pictured, and pro. pounce them perfect, indeed, from onr general ebttirefctioa of pictures taken here and in other eiU^h wd from onr knowledge of the science, < we consider Mr. Wiiux as an artist inferior to Odd*. Those wishing irorrecl likenesses would )»eU> call and, examine for themselves. tHKNf! —:— • • ■*. , __.. j general assortment of Blankets, Kerseys, Osna burgs and all kinds of plantation Goods. With a beautiful and choice variety of Silks, DeLanes, Merinos, Ginghams, Prints, Silk Robes, Ladies' Cloaks, Muslins. Laces, and a full assortment of Dress Goods; together with a fine lot of Wood-ware, Hardware, Carpets, Matting, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, and a complete and well selected variety of clothing, and all other articles usually kept in his line. Adam's Express, for late Savabnah, Colum bus and Memphis files. Calhoun County* /At a meeting of the Democratic party of Calhoun county, held at Morgan on the 20th inst., Geo. W. Cauley, Esq., waa nominated a candidate for Rep resentative to the next Legislature, to fill the -va cancy occasioned by the tesignationof Hon. Dav- id,p. Lewi.- , .. 1' Thanks, We return our thanks to Prof. John Darby, of Auburn, Ala., fora bottle of his newly invented “Prophylactic Fluid. This Fluid, we are pleased to learn, is growing in importance and in general It is used principally in sick rooms, in any kind of sickness, and may be taken either internal ly or externally for man or boast as the case may require. It ia highly recommended in cases of typhoid fever, erysipelas, putrid sore throat, saliva*- lion, and for burns, sores, ulcers,and all such cases where the same result is desired, that ot cleansing and purifying this fluid has no equal. Prof. Darby is not a physician, but rank# aaone of the most learned and scientific Chemists in.the United States, and therefore this Fluid cannot rightly be considered a quack nostrum. We append the following from the Auburn Ga- zettte, of Sept. 9tb, 1858, which speaks in well merited terms of this disinfecting agent, and hope the advice therein contained will be generally fol lowed. r [From the Auburn Gazette, Sept. 9,1858.] Darby’s Profktlactic Fluid.—This prepara tion ia entirely the result of science. It is no hap buzzard, but a scientific victory. Prof. Darby is no man to “humbug” the people. He is incapa ble ol deception. He speaks the troth, no matter whose interest suffers \ff it. We know the man, and ipealc as we know of him. ’ i ,l i >, .. j the event of another meeting s being called, bow earing hy the “bloody butchers *—we would ; ,, , a ®. . , 07 • j many, we would ask, must he held before the gash h'm up into sa&sengers in less than no | disaffected would be satisfied and acquiesce ?— time—with a hound he was off, and we had it, ■ This is a busy season, and if a large meeting is round and about, over and under, in the kitchen : indispensable, (here may be no end to holding and over the pole, measuring our cudgel as wo ! ™eetinga. Iiut we have written more than we . , .. . . <-.l j intended, and close with an earnest protest gamed on him at every turn of the corner, until j agftinst lhe to cr , ate tiiasenlion> foe in- at last finding it impossible to overhaul tha | s j s t thfit a Oonvention is the best and most scamp of a rascal, we sent the rusty bowie at 1 harmonious way of settling the claims of the him with such velocity, that had it struck the different candidates We shonld not have ta he would i no, i ce °f the communication of “An Old The Comet. ' i For the past week onr citizens have enjoyed a fine view of the “Great Itallian.” The , sky has been clear,- which afforded os a fine opportunity la return our thanks to Mr, Hardy, of toVitness the grand and sublime looking stranger - - adfttnoreeabove tbo Weaterri horizon.—Wondei fit! and bonndlen are the works of nature. Wo cannot recommend Darby’s Fluid too exlrav. ■gently. Wcr have tried it and seen it tried, and It is exactly what he represents it. We prophecy that in ten years, a bottle of this Said will be as indispenaibie in every household as a pepper-box or salt-stand.,: We are in receipt of opo gallon, and for some purpose it is called into requisition every day-i-for bites, barbs, braises, cuts, colic, tpoth- . wash, skin-purifier,or something. Tty one hot tie;"*' point at which the aim was n have been minus no toil at nil. Finding dan ger in hot pursuit, he made one hound and over the fence he went like india-rubber, and was off from there in double quick time. With the •apidity with which his feet struck the ground, ve concluded that “Old Trout’’ was doing ids men running. Tito next day he returned, and has since behaved so well, that we have conclu ded not to chap him up for table use. We. now warn all barking dogs hereafter to desist, or “by the blood of an Englishman” the price of sassengers shall fail below present quo tations. P, S.—Here—“Dog Law”—Here I Cotton Markets. New York, Sept. 27—The Market to day ad vanced under the advices by the City of Washing- Sales for the day 35000 bales. Midliog up lands 13i cents. ' Market closed with an upward tendency. ' Dispatches from Halifax contain thrilling ac- counts of the burning of the Austria. News hy the city of Washington reports the trade in Manchester favorable. Nothing further by the Atlantic Cable. SaisniuB Cotton Maek et.—The sales of cot- ton to-day reached 900 bales. Market firm New Yobk, Sept , 27,9 o clock, r. m. There were no passengers-saved on board the burnt Steamer Austria who reside South of Rich, raond, Va. Nicholas won the great four mile race which came off over the Fashion Coarse to-day. Sue Washington was distanced. A pleasant- wife is a rainhow in * the sky, when her hoBband’s-tnind is tossed with storms and tempos)!. — Bsinbriifcp, Geov Quincy, FI*. Attapulgus, Geo, Calhoun county, Get I*H1 Dougherty ** “ City^ Che wn I la, Ala. American, Goo. Baker county, Geo-. Tampa, FI*. Tallahassee, Fla, Nankin, Geo- Mitchell county, Baker “ Special Notices. Democrat,” but for our connection with the meeting, anil a desire to put the matter in pro per view before the public. W. E XSTERLING. Old “Ned” C-ome Affln. Well Brudders—We have for our subject dis time de ocean. If I say anyting dat you does not understand, you aAr at jibety to ax any question you plese, and I bo bound dat I answer him. Well I spose you all know dat de ocean am so deep dat he got no bottom. What is dat ? what is dat? you say brudder Gibger, dat de ocean got no bottom ? To be sure, you been living all di$ time and no fine dat put. Hide yourself from edicated folks—we all shamed ol you. Well Ginger l evant you to answer dis question I am gwine to give out. We soon see who is de fool. You say he got no bottom.— How he hold de water don ? Ha, ha, now tell me dat Why Pomp yon allways make fool of yerself when you cum in si e-ty. Sich questions as dat will spile-*ny geomans ,discourse*. I aiqt gwine to lecture no more to nite. . . , , , _ i A. . ttT The Columbus Daily Times, of yesterday, announces the death of Hon.-9.'A. Wales. ; Democratic Meeting. The Democratic Party of Dougherty county, wjl meet ia Albany on the 9th October next, to nonuo** e Delegates to the Judicial Convention, which assem* Mrs on the 12th to select cund(dates for Judge an Solicitor of the South-Western Circuit. That * popular feeling of the Patty may be bad, a gene attendance is earnestly solicited. sey.30.^ Macon Circuit We are authorized to announce the name of Hon. HKNRY G. djdate for electron td the office of Judge « tn con Judicial District. , fsep- 23 - ‘ flg 1 We are requested to ah- nommethe name or JOHN W. SOLOMONS, Esq-j as u candidate lor the office of Solicitor Q? . . the South-Westerd Circuit, at the election i nary next. >; sep- 1^ — We are requested nounce lhe name of WM.B. qUERRY,Esj**^* candidate for Solicitor General of the South-W* em Circuit, at the ensuing election. . .. September 2,1858.' ~ ' ’ , 'i f '.’f , Mr. EDiTOK:—Please announce lhe ««me of ROBERT N:;ELY. date for the office of Solicitor Genera) of the ho«w Western Cimuiti.and,oblige A vuipp*. August 19,1858. . : <0.? DIED; In tins city on Monday morning, the 22d instant, Mary Jarr,daughter of John and Eliza C. Hooks—aged three years, three months and twenty-one days. House and Lot for Sale. S ’ OFFER for salu the House and Lot oo.“““ Pine street, now bectipiet’' ' 1