The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 04, 1858, Image 3

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FRUITS mi—liliiiNwMMiM ■AND.. . ' S i; Baking Establishment, T ug SITB5CRIBER has now on hand and is con- •tantlv iceriTiojr, a fresh and large supply of pruii*. Confsotkmerics, die., consisting in part of tM *Mort<wi Candles, Proorrei, and •.‘■lies, of all Kinds, PicKles, Snnccs, all kinds, a large and fine •Vi nt Havana Cigars, Toys, of every •"* riplio", Wines, Brandies, &e.,of quality, by Hie Bottle, Tobacco, j! ..lilies, and all otbcr articlesnsnally a Confectionery and Family MixerV Store. uroccrl _^ LSO _ Hois prepared to make all kinds of Broad and k , llu | w il| furnish Parlies with every variety ol rakes, and ('“ke Trimming*, at shortest notice,and in The neatest style. - , p. -pi lc . 1,* mas are particularly requested to call ,„l examine for themselves, Albany. Oct. 28th. 1858. JOHN ELKAN. 31—If. ,: for giJ—IVorlh Cownty. ijlX TV days alter date, application will be made S to the Honors hie the Ordinary of said county for , l0 well all llie real estate of Isaac F. Heard, „f said cunty, deceased. This is t<* notify all persons concerned, to file their rddertions, (if snv they have) why said leave should Mhe gtanted. JOliN aSlNci.AI_R, Adm’r. Octolier 38, 1858. FRANCES HEARD, Adm’rx. Mercer & Broad Street, Albaay, G*., complete Family ana Plantation SUPPLIES. Their Stock has been selected with great care, and wo - larantee sattdactioa as to the quality of our Goods- among which may be found the following articlee: Bacon, Flour, Sugart <f all grade,, Rio and Java Coffee, 1 ooacco of all qualities Liroraal and Alum Sail, I’olash, Bogging <J- Rope, Wines <fr Liquors, comprising the finest assortment ever brought to this market—Hard-ware and Hollow-ware, Nails, Wood- mare. Cigars of all. grades, from 810 to §75 per thousand—Factory Yarns, Osnaburgs. Sheeting and Kerseys, Dried Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Sperm and Adamantine Candles, Slarrh, Poxcder, Shot, Lead, Linseed Oil. Lamp Oil, Spirits 'rurpentine, White Lead ar.d Zinc, cf-c., tf-c. -iUeSO- A good assortment of Men, Women and Boi/s Shoes. fS* We will pay the highe* market prices for nil kinds L rodu ?‘ ! -. We w * n t 5,«X) lbs. Beeswax and 100,000 lbs. Cow Hides. Mr. Marx Sami's Office is at our Store, and ha will pay the highest market price for long and short staple Cottons. oct.7. 28—3m. ONE PRICE!—SO PEYIATIOS! t C. W. Rawson’s. SllSre S'monf^ pd "* ** “ 'XEW BOOKS, (Detof>et 2iht, H YPATIA—By Charles Kingsley. Meadow Brook—By Mrs. M. J. Holmes, au- lh"r of “Tempest and Sunshine.” A juries—-By the author of “Ida May.” Public and Private History of Louie Napoleon— Bv S mucker. "Courtship and Matrimony—By Robert Morris. Davenport Dunn—By Charles Lever. After -Dark—By Wilkie Collins. l)t< k Markham—By J. F. Smith. \ow and Fine Editions of Charles Dickens, Bui- wpr, Thackemy, Scott, Cooper. Mrs. Caroline I*ee lltMitz. I*ever, &»!., &c. oct. .j! 30—3 w. L. E. WELCH. Musical Instruments. J IST Received ai the Albany Boiik Store, a Irtrge lot of fine Instruments : Violins, Guitars, Plutenas, Accordeons, Flutes, Flageolets, 1, mjits, Tamhorini-s, Violin and Guitar Strings, «fec.. &r. net. Jl. 30—6w L. E. WELCH. NOTICE. £$i'.\1.ED PROPO.SAI.S will he receive*I by the J? Inferior Court of l*ee county until the first day V A •ammmmmm IIS. I. J. JOHNSON. (Opposite Messrs. Jones, Laws & Ho.,) rpjfANKFUL FOR past favors, “ 1 would most respectfully invite her friends, old patrons and the La* die* of the surrounding country to cal! and examine her large and well selected Stock of lltillinrcg antr tfaitnr 6oolis, Which she is receiving direct from New York, con sisting of every variety and style of Bonnets, Flats, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings. French and American Flowers. Feathers, Roches Head Dresses, Chenille Cord, block and white Crape. Collars. Embr'd Col lars, I races, Crajtes, Belts, Cords and Tassels, Vel- rel Trimming, Silk f>r linings, Veils, Corsets, Cambrics. Skirts, Pfd Velvets, Threads. Jytdies Comforters, Scarfs, colored Hoods, Childrens' Hoods, Nett Coats, Talmas, Zephyr Shawls, Long and Bon net Combs, Hair Pins. Jet Bracelets, <$«c. A few nice Cloaks on hand, which wil! be sold lac. Having purchased my Stock of the best Houses in New York, and selected them myself, I teel con fidenl I can please those who may favor me with a call. Ladies purchasing Dresses will do well to call and examine my lot of Fall Trimmings. Dresses and Bonnets made to order at short no t : ce. Albar.y. Oct. 14th. 1858. 29-tf. io^"5 ,, pr y ir« c . rc,,a,,ta • ,,pplled al hls ty Strangers visiting the city to buy Goods, will please enquire for RAWSOX’S C ASH S+ORt. Corner Broad and Washington streets. ° f white and grey Blankets,bed Blankets. Kerseys, Lmseys, Oonaburga and Plantation Goods eener- ally, are now being received at C. W. RAWSON’S. press Goods, Arc. Silks, Merinos, De Lanes. Cashmeres, Bombazine?, t.ingharas. Prints, and a full line of Dress Goods.— Beautifill Beyadere silk Robes, Ijenntiful silk Robes A J*aze. Striped Silks. Small Plaid and Solid Colored Silks, at very low prices. Beautiful Robes of Cashmere, De Lane and French Prints,Children and ladies Cloaks and Tal mas, of every variety, and price from $2. to $35 those in satin and silk velvet, are exceedingly rich and beautiful. # 6 J Collars and Sleeves, Mourning Collars and bleeves, Veils, Edgings and Insertings, checked swiss mull dotted, and a full assortment of Muslins ; Hoop Skirts of all grades, kid, silk, beaver, lisle and a full assortment of Gloves ; Hemsiitched and clear Lawn Handkerchiefs, black and white Silk l*ces, Tarleton’s Flonncings, Ladies .-ilk and merino Vests, silk and cotton Hose, childs’ cotton and wo >1 Sacks, Ribbons, Fringes and Trimmings, Opera and Sack- Flannels, Velvet Ribbons. Sash and Belt Ribbon- Leather, Velvet, Silk and Elastic Belts, Corsetis of all kinds; STELLA and CHINEAL SHAWLS, Wool Shawls, &c., &c., together with a full assort ment of Ladies’ and Misses Dress Goode, &.C., dec. Staple Family Goods. ^ Tickings. Bleached and Brown Homespuns, Sheetings, Linen mid Cottor. Damasks, Towels. Napkins, Flannels, Domestic Stripes, Brilliants, Bed Blankets, Diapers, die., &c. Woodwarc, 4V., 4V. Tubs, Pails, Buckets, Brooms, Well Buckets, Selves, Churns, dtc., dtc. NOTIONS. ^ Game Bags, Skirt Deeds, Steel and Brass Hoops, Satchels. Carpel Bags, Ink paper, Pens, Brushes, (Tombs, Buttons, Needles. Bindings, Linen and (Tot- ton Threads, all kinds, Sewing Machine Thread, Vases, Baskets, Toys, and a thousand other articles in this line. Hardware, 4*c. Smiths’ Tools, Bellows, Anvils, Hammers, Screw Plates and Vices, Nails. Knives and Forks, Pocket Cutlery. Hinges, Planes, Saws, Augers, Chisels, Axes, Broad Axes, Hatchets, I^icks, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Fry Pans, Waffle Irons, dtc^dic.; Shovels and spades, Clinins of all kinds, Traces* Haines, &c. Carpets ! Carpets ! ! Super. Carpets all wool. rpHE Firm ol Glass, Laws & Co., is this day di*- solved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted in future by JONES, LAWS h CO; E. T. JONES E. R. LAWS. T. M. WELLBORN, R. T. SPEARMAN, sep. 23, 1858. 26— S laws & co., TO GLAS8, LAWS & CO.) GROCERS, ALBANY-GEO. next, (of building a Court H iUfkville. nfaau the following speritii-ation, to-uit. The tuiiMittg to Ik- 4S by 60 feet, two stories high _tin* lower story to Ik* 12 feet hi««h. with a hall 10 vt wide running both ways through t!i ukiiijf four riNiins 18 by feet, four windows am! a.* ti< t«r t<» each r«v«u, anti four large double door- nit side lights. r rhe -taira to start from one side i the hall and land on a platform over the li*p ol ii«* Urge .hair, then from the other *ide and land in runt ..I the d'**r h-ailing int«» tie* Court Boom. The Court Room t.. I>e 4h by 30 feet, 14 feet high ith two Jury R<*ouis a>e»ve, tin* same size of tin • mi,- Mow. Twenty windows and thr* u> :,;i}»er story—all the windows in tli , .wvlvo lipht- > 3 by 30 class and won | •*>"- • -> <=”-* * ■'"■■"■•"s- | c 0; „., P,„ ts aud Vests of all kiuds. Silk, Satin .-Ills: iil-n. blinds in all the wlndnwa. F..i,rl Any Book. Aainrlran or En*llsll, will be pro- Velvet, and afull imortmentof Vests, ,,l»rs«ill™ and Lin- \ miieys, eight lire pfaces, u mantle to each fire; cured in the shortest possible time. I en Bosom Shirt?, Marseilles and Linen liosoma and Col- The d.«>rs»n In Iw_u«»l f."ir pannol doors, j cnll and look over my Conntcn- and IiSVsTcr.vlt. 0 '^^wool.nd cotton, Nett Shirt,, Hsndker. ■ • 1 ' Oil on both nitifs, tvilli » no*»d bn'.k to e it-h ; Sbelirs. whether you wish to bny urnot; I shall j Umbrella., &e &c Tin* ho...* It. bo built on twenty p»d brink ; ,, uke pleasure in sln.wina .ny S.ock. line loot l.itb: llie c.rnor pillars In he four i tv f ’ ■id nodi uuv.tlie i.thors four feet wide. Allbrirkl „ . ...... received hv the Court before Albany, Ga., Oct. 14,1858. i: “ Extra Fine. “ '* Colton and Wool. “ 3 and 4 yards wide Druggett. Matting. Mats of all qualities, some very tine. Beautiful (finest) Brussels Carpeting, Enamelled Oil Cloth, &e.. Sic. Hats and Caps^ sffi>rd*«, and at as reasonable prices, lie trusts the ! use to! P M blic will appreciate his endeavors to keep a go«al | CLOTHING AND FAdllLl GOODS* r with j Book Stork, by giving him a liberal patronage. | cloth^Cott?, Medium and low gradeCoaU«^Cas- TO THE READING PUBLIC. i qillE l : n.lorsigm*d is now receiving a very lurre j J .l.utk of Stundurd Mi>T«*llaneons work, relented j with much care, and now offers to the reading pub fine a collection of Books, as The country a- W. E. J. Faulkner, .WATCH-MAP&^gj^ AT THE BOOK STORE OF L. E. WELCH,: ! ■ . • ' Albany. Geo'. tje All work warranted. «p.9— ly. - JUNES & HOBBS, ' ATTORNEYS AT LA W—ALBANY, GEO JSSF Practice io Dougherty and surroundinp Counties. XICHAIO K. HIV ns. aiCHAED HOBBS. July 12,1855. 15— Osnaburgs, Homespuns, &o. 20 Bales Eatouion Factory Osnaburgs, 5 ** Ben Franklin •* 3 “ Thomaston “ “ 8 “ Virginia . ** M 25 u Homespnns, 8 u Cotton Yarns. For sale by JONES, LAWS & CO. Kerseys and Stripes. 10 Cases Kerseys, (difierent prices;, 8 Balca Stripes. For sale by JONES, LAWS & CO. Blankets and Shoes. 3000 Pair Negro Shoes, 2000 “ w Blankets. For sale by JONES, LAWS Sl CO. Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, &c. Whiskey per gullun, from 50c. tu $t 00 Brandy *• “ “ S2 00 to 10 00 Wine “ “ “ 75*-. to 3 50 For sale by JONES, LAWS h CO. Sugar, Coffee, &o. 10 Barrels A Sugar. 10 “ 15 u SO “ C “ 25 “ (Totfee “ 50 Sacks Rio Coffee, 25 “ Java “ 5 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 20 bbls. Golden Syrup. For sale by JONES, LAWS & CO. Fine Cigars. Following Brands: La Coqimtta, La 'IV rest a, 1a Concha,' Nectar, Opera, &c., &c. For sale by JONES, LAWS & CO. Fine Tobacoo, At the following prices per pound : Kaly Darling, $ I 50. Colorado Rolls, 1 6rt. Kiss Mi* Quick, 1 00. Pan Cake, 1 25. Frank Weston, 75. Plain Twist, 80. For sale by JONES, LAWS &. CO. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Negro Goods ; iilackeiniths’ Tools ; Plantation Utensils, and everything else in the liue of Planter’s Supplies. For sale by JONES, LAWS & CO. Albany, September 30, 1868. 27— JOHN H. DEWS. —DEALER IN- Grooeries, Provisions and Plantation Supplies. O’ A Fresh Slock always on ltat.d O’ Cash or Goods exchange tor Country Pro duce, at the old Stand of Boyktox. Cockrab & Co., Albany, Georgia* August 26,1858. v . 22— /.V *iI/ILLVr, GCO. M. Livelv. T. P. Tattm LIVELY & TATUM, it they have 'll EC ARY t offering to the citizens m South- W«4ern (ieoriria the opportunity of purchasing all kinds of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls, Perfumery, Fancy Toilet Articles—Hair, Paint and m ‘ l n 1 *' ‘ arv anicle cn« *29 — if. -ilU to*lie of g«*nd heart timber 12 by 12—! E. C. IVXorg’clDj P«.st 1 •* by 10 and raveled out—d«N>r and t ATTORNEY AT LAW—Nasiiviu.e,BebkiexCo.,Ga. v jai-ts 6 hv 6—at ml* 3 by 5—fW yd*t* 3 by j I bridged in the center-''c ilinp j* i -Is 3 hv 8| ' _ - T -S 3 liv ii-w«.'h.r!).»r.lin J r 7 mchw wid,*| RI cLEINl DON 8 !r e-q inriers thick, to show 6 inches. • !>■* laid qtf rt::,?;"».j:; livehy and sale stable, ' N ° ! BROAD STREET, (OPPOSITE BVIS«T0\’S HOTEL,) ALBANY, GEORGIA. “-quarto. j tn-niug la* further than two loot from center to <vii!er. Tilt* house to have a hip roof with largo lieavy eorniee and fiesvy pihialers on each comer. Shingled with g.avl lieart pine shingfes. The hoo.-o t 'liHte ilireo coat* ol paint inside and ont by at. j • M» riencod paiotiT. ^ ! rpfflS NEW ami spacious Stable is ni»w com- Tfiet'niiit Room to have a neat Judge’s Stand, j I. piete, and ready lor the accomodation of Drovers (!<• Ik* I'uilt under the direction of the Court)—bar, 1 an j ^ p U j,|i c generally. The proprietor feels confident that hie accomo- Geor Jury !*•: iling fnan Jury boxes to Jury nwtn. | * x “ , 't , k 7 . , S" y h S *r ble ... "I-* i> r.,ii**tl.--five orei-lif limi'lnd whfnencliwe<l,l (!•*. Hishorses «re .11 kindly broke, enber to Malanre in November 1859. The house to »>e harness or saddle—His vehicles are all now, and mpleicd let September 1859. from the best Mar.ufartoriea in the Union—in a Bone by order of Court, Octolier 16, 1858. ^ ! few words, his outfits are not to be surpassed by S. V. GAY, Ad k L L, \ PO uth of any place. To Drovers, he offers superior accomodat to any in the city—his Lots’beiog much more i cious and favorably located, tlierefore he feels i that he can please all, in every department of the Livery Stable business. Then come and try me. Oct. 14th, 1858. 29—3m. FgjJiJYTJLTlOJr FOR SMB. DctoSer 21, 1858. 30—Gw. BAPTIST GUTHBERT, GA. PALL TERM, 1858. T HE Exercises of this Institution will he resumed ot Monday. 6th of September next. It is very impor- J»nt that tlw Pupils t-bould be present at the opening ol the ij-nn, in order to accomplish the thorough course of study wbicli is prescribed and rigidly pursued **-*"'•“ °« T - requested to visit the 6 ** •elves with its internal rnation see Catalogues, of the Faculty. ^CuthWn, July 22,1858. Glov I have di Clothing, and my stock in this line i.- deeided- •llered in this market T HE undersigned is offering his Plan tation for sale, known as Cherry Hill Place.; I have 810 acres of Land lying imrne clusively ly the host ROOTS .1JYR SHOES, of all kind*, from the common negro shoe, to the finest Ladies Kid Boot, and from a common Ditching Boot to a fine Water Proof or Pump Sole calf Boot, Boys, Muses and childrens’ Shoes, in great variety. .1 teol of all Grades of Tobacco, Which l will sell at wh.nt will seem to the purchaser a very great sacrifice, but in fact I bought my Tobacco very w, and am offering it at a snt^ll advance. r*r 30,000 CIGARS, OF ALL GRADES. SADDLES, BRIDLES, VALICES, Whips, Saddle Bags Enameled cloth, Halters, &c., &c. Powder, head., Shot, Soap, Candles, Starch. Pepper, Spices,Snuff, &c.,&c.,&c.,&c. My stock is complete for variety. 1 yield the palm to >ne ; for quality and price, 1 ajjk you to judge lor you - selves. C. W. RAWSON. £3F* Be sure to inquire for RAWSON’S. T7# C< i tin try Merchants are invited to call, as I hate Goods at PRICES that you will not fail to buy, if you need them. Albany, September 30ih, [858. 27-tf. Dissolution. T HE firm of T. H. JOHNSON & CO., was dissolved on the firet day of April last, by mutual couseut, G. C. Carmichael withdrawing. In retiring from the Ware-House and Commission bus iness in South-Western Georgia, I beg to tender ray grate ful acknowledgements and thanks to my uumerons patrons and friends, for continued favors for eight years, and take this occasion to reeommend to your favor and confidence my late partner, T. H. Johnston, and successoi J. A. Hill, as every way qualified, and iu all respects competent to transact your business. G. C. CARMICHAEL. June 3, 1858. 10- Tooth Brushes, and >cked coats) as they ally kept i iv person. I regard him l Watch-Makers in South-We>teiu Geai Albany, July 22,1858 Whh ... any Southern market*. ■esprctfully invite Physicians, Planters others to examine our Stock and prices, and if what we say l>e true, why not give yonr aid in building u trade near home, instead of sending off lor your supplies. Our Stock consists iu part of the following:— Morphine, Strychnine, Veratria, Opium, Aromat Sp'ts, Ammonix Glycerine, (Inoderons) Calomel, Blue Mass, Dover’s Powder, Resub. Iodine, Oniniire, Cit Iron J? Quinine, Epsom Salts, Cit. Mas , Glauber do. Hull’s PaJmry Balsam, Castor Oil, ( Iod Potash, Street Spirits Nitre, < IVhite I.m /, Abdominal S»j>jsnters, Chinese Vermillion, Trusses, American do. Shoulder Braces* Copal Varnish, Choice Havana Cigars, l Coach Body do. —ALSO— Fine Old Otard Brandies, Port, Cherry and Madeira Wines, for Medicinal use. £3^* Physician’s prescriptions accurately compounded with neatness aud di-paten, at all hours of the dav and night. [oct.ll. ly—ch2t. (successor to a, o. owes,) WitTCn-SIAKER, JEWELER 5Sme5‘EPsa , 3’ - <®nfv .. Opposite Fea ip, Hakris & Htmexits. Broad street—ALBANY, GEO.. July 22,1858 -> 17— Watch, Clock and Jewelry REPAIRING IS ALL ITS BRANCHES. T HE Subscriber would annonnee to the citizens of Albany and vicinity ' that he will succeed Mr. A. G. GwenJ in the Watch and Jewelry business of* this place, having bought his entire interest in the<rainp n and respectfully solicits the patronage fo liberally extend ed to Mr. Owen—feeling confident that with several years experience in the business and a superior outfit of Toole and .Materials he wilP be able to merit tlto patronage of the public generally. IIENRY H. STEVENS. (Successor to A. G. Owen,) Opposite Fears, Harris & Roberta, 2. 17— Broad street—Albany, Gcoi ^ I lake great pleasure in tuning that during the tims- Itevcns has been employed bv'me b** hi)« evinced a thoronzh acquaintance with ms trade, aud I have no hesi tation in assuring my former patrons and the public gener ally that they cannot employ a more competent and trust worthy person. I regard him as one of the ipott tkillfuli e>ten» Georgia. (17—, A. G. OWEN. To the Planters of South-Western Georgia. ^JHHE undersigned will be prepared hv the ojvp- ing of the next sekson, to receive Cotittit nt hi» new and commodious YVARE-HOUSR, pituated near the Railroad Depot, mul sufEcientiy far from town to render it free from the danger or fire. And by Ntiirt attention to the storage and sole of cotton lie hopes to merit and respecjfully solkrits the pa tronage of the Planters generally oi fcJoalli-Weiteiii Georgia. CLEMENT A. Cl IE ATI I AM. Aprils, 1858 2— ly* Hardeman & Sparky Ware-House and Commission MERCHANTS, Macon, Ga. TT7TLL give prompt attention to the ?elHng\ W nnd Storing of Cotton and to tho Filling B of Orders for tJroceries and Farmers’ Supplies* generally. Thev solicit a liberal share of patronage. TWO’S. HAH DEMAN. jy.29. (13) O. G. SPARKS. “EVANS, .HARRfSS & CO..' FACTORS & t'OiWMISSION HLUdlWlS. BA V STREETS A VANN AH, GEO. (Georgia »a«l the adjoining States, and will continue w- ?ell Cotton at FIFTY CENTS per halo. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other surplice,filled promptly and at the lowest nuiket rates, and liberal ad vances made, when desired, on Cotton in Store. VVM. M. i/aVTIONAC, WV. C. EVAX.V, r,ZO. W EVAN'S, KOil’T Y. lURRtSrf. September 2, 1858. 23—13w* WHOEVER. HAS THE MONEY. FRED. V06E1GSMG S (0XFECTI0\ERV\ BiKBBV ami FRllT Bacon, Flour, Bagging,Tv/ine, lobacco, Window Sash, South-Western Railroad. STORE. [NEXT D»OR TO THE ROOK-STORE.] E kbALKR in Fancy and Home-made Candies, Nuts, F Preserves, Pickles Cracker?, &c. Fre?h Cakes nnd ad daily. All kiud^of Fruit—a large assortment Toys. YVediiings and Parties supplied with Cakes—Plain and Fancy in style—that cannot l*e excelled. rsrTb* Ladies arc pnrtirnlarly invited to call in. Albany, November 19, 1857. 31— Schedule for Passenger Trains. On and after July 29th. L EAVE Macon nt 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 A. M , arrive in Columbus 5 35 A. M. and 3.45 I*. M., leave Olumbus 4 ». in. and 3.45 p. m , arrive in 1 Maco-.i 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. Leave Macon 11.45 A. M., arrive at Albany 6.25 j A. M. Dawson 6 00 Leave Albany 3.00, p m., Dawson 1.40 p. m.— j Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. Tri-weekly Accommodation Down, Monday,* Wednesday and Friday. Up—Tuesday,Thursday, j and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Dawson 5 20 i m , Albany 4.32 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 a m., Dawson —— Arrive j at Macon 9.11 p. m, I Mail Stages to and from Tallahassee,Thoinasville 1 and Ba inbridge, &e. connect daily with regular trains at Albany. Also from DawaM»n tri-weekly to C«th- bert, Fori Gaines, &c. At Macon connect with Trains on Central and Macon &. Western Rail Ronds. FARE from Albany via Savannah to New York by Steamships in Cabin, $24 25. Tickets can be procured from R. Rond Agent. Albany. GEO: W. ADAMS, Sup’t. July 15,1858. 16— \ •Derby’s Prophjr N*. At (lie Lowest Factory Prices for Casb. 400,000 MSBtBCX For siilc in -rnnll or Inrne lots, to suit purchasers. ISTEGROES Always on hand tor sale. rr I will nay fair prices for Dry Hides, Wool, Beeswax. Tallow, &c. A I! the above ai the Store of J. M. COOPER & CO’S., Auction & Commission House, in front of Johnston Ai Co’s Ware House, Albany, Ga. sept-'mbcr Us 1858. 25—4m. L- [«CUC Fluid! PAPER, ENVELOPES, &c. Albany. Oct. 14th. 1858, T. II. Johwstckt. cnltivation. The wood growth consists principally : of Oak, Hickory and Pine. I There is not exceeding 20 acres wa«te land on the whole place. There i* plenty of running Branch 1 Water to rnn a Gin »t»H times. . .. v. , . >, I There is on the place a good Dwelling with 7 premises occupied b, hire artMltei^ol J.n-I ^ # brick Chimney ., p antr ies. Kitchen and Ne- d pnpr to that time, w*" ®e u nn . M . Cribs. Gear and Carriage Houses, TOR SALE. T HE Subscriber offers for sale the building and nromiuM nrrnnic*H hv him nntilthp find of. n »fy next, and if not aold pripr to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in January next before the Court House door. Also for sale or rent, the ‘Red. Store,’ U > Hoiifcs ; »lso, Cribs. Gcnr and Carriage House*, rebards of fine Fruit of nearly all kiods. In fact I here is every convenience and comfort on the place that can reasonably he expected in this conniry— convenient to Chnrcheaand Schools. Taking every 'rerr the WARK-HOUSE of Messrs. Sims dp thing into consideration, it is one of the ino-i desira* Hist.) N. W. COLLIER, j hie resident Plantations in South-western (ieoroia. October 21,1858. SO—11 w | Stock and Provisions of all kinds cau be purchas ed at reasonable prices on the place. Lost Dog. T HE undersigned will pay a Reward of TWO DOLLARS for the return of m medium size, Crf *nt colored Cur Dog—with a NH ibout three ^bes long, and answers by the name of “TJGE.” “ring a favor.te Dog, I will pay the »bo?e reward, tn d a»tk no questions. , C7* Enquire at the Store of DasroRTH &• Dunlap, A *bany, Ga. SAMUEL DUNLAP- October 21,1858. 80-3w Andrews, Miller & Co., . (siox OF THE 0OLDER SADDLE.) ARE NOW OPENING a Sq-j „*;perior assortment of Saddles,) “ndles, Saddle-Bags, Trunks, Va- "o'r'sy. and Team Whip*, J^ach, Buggy, and Pkntation Har- JJJJt Sole, and Upper i leub» r ,and all article, aanallr kept * “ rl '» of hnaine»s. . tiocond doo, west of the Isabella . •'thany,Oct. 21at,l8«8.. 'oi 1 ,-WZC There is another settlement of S00 acres that can be added to the place, if desired. For terms and particular., address JARED IRWIN, Albany, Ga„ ■, Rev. J. II. Wilkixs,Dover, Ga. ICTThe Federal Union, Milledgeville.and Consti tutionalist, Augusta,' will copy the above weekly 4 times and send bill to tbia office for collection. October 28,1658. * i ; 31—tw Valuable Plantation for SAX.S. milE subscriber offers for aale a Plantation lying 1 on Flint River; in Ive» contity, containing 1300 acre*, adjoining the lands or N. Baas—good pro- ductive Cotton Land, Veil watered, with all the ceasary buildings and 400 acres in cahivstion. If not sooner disposed ot they will Mil the rente at onblio outcry before the jStart House Starlfvilie, on tbt Jhst Taesdsv in December next. ’ BENJAMIN F. COCK. JOHN THOMPSON. IT South-Western New* will copy till IstToe*- day in December next. and sendbBf totkUrfleefor collection., ' - October 88,185?. • e e ; • US*. J. A. Hill. House and Lot lor Sale. I OFFER for salt* the House and l*nt on ££££( Pine street, now occupied by E. Richard- n. If n*»t sold by the first of November, itjHjjjL II be for rent the next year. WM. M. SLAUGHTER. Albany, Sep. 30. 1858. 27-tf * ! \ \ DARBY’S PROPHYLASTIU FLUID. OZONIZED CHLORINE. JOHNSTON & CO.. WARH-H017SES AND Commission Merchants, ALBANY, GA. T7 ILL continue to give prompt and faithful attention it to all business entrusted to them, particularly to the storage and sale ol Cotton. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm the part season, thev hope to merit, by strict attention to all the interest of the Planter, a continuance of the samo. Usual advances made on Cotton in store. Family Sup plies, Rope and Bagging, furnished on the best terms the imirket affords. Albany, June 3, 1858. 10— OYSTER SALOON. O YSTERS. Steak, lint Coffee, and Meal* at nl! hoar* of the day and ttntii II o’clock at nigltf. may be had at the Oyster Saloon of the Isabella House. L. II. DURHAM, oct.14. 29- Proprietor, A Florida Plantation lor Sale. T HE subscriber* offer for sale tho Valuable Plantation belonging to the EAate of the late John G* RooIhoe,iu the county of Jack- son, containing 1200 acres of land. Healthy, well improved and finely watered. The said mouth*, with 8per cent interest, nod secured. Also, at tbe sams time and place. 8,000 bmbeb of Corn. gO^OOlba. Fodder,—Houses, Mole^ Hog*, Cattlo, red plantation utenoila, Ac., &c. : 83^* Terms made known on tho day of sale. srol> WorteT SCHOOL BOOKS. A id. KINDS Used in the Country. Country Merchants and Schools, .applied at low pri- !*. X. E. WELCH. October 14, I85S. 29- TIIE MOST POWERFUL DISINFECTANT KNOWN ! PURIFIES DWELLINGS AXD SHIPS: O' Remo re* all offensive odors; XT’ Invaluable in Ihc Sick Rtxna; It Cures Er - Burns. Biles, Carbuncles and Running Sores; O’ Cleanses the Teeth; O’ Destroys Foetid Breath; O* Prevents Decayed Teeth pim ing fnjvrions; O' Mitigates the most ahv ming gym . turns of Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers; CURES TETTER aud SCALD HEAD: Used in Bathing, keeps the skin HEALTHY. SOFT ANlJ WHITE; Removes Stains and Mildew; T HE Be^t stock of RoJgers, and WostenlH»1moH’ I X I* I’uoket Knives ard Razors to be found in Town, Is at the Albany Book Store. L. E. WELCH. Albany, Oct 14th, 1858. 29 6t. *Vi!eF.ruEE PEAJYTJlTiOJ%' FOR SALE. I WILL sell on goful terms !or Cash or , ■ <ii time, i he Plantation formerly own ed by James J. in Bak«-r e.onnty* five 'I’iles \V*»st of Newton, on the road leading lo .Milford in said county. If not sold pri? ! vate ! y before thp Serohd Tuesday in November next, i it will then be sold at Public Outcry at the Court j House io Newton. I Persons wishing n good bargain ami u good Plan* tatii n ot Pine I*and, will do well to examine ih(j ! p! «cc and apply in time. There are 2250 acres in the settlement. I wil! sell 3 part rr all to suit* 1 re* rehash. .• I There are about 350 to 100 acres in cnltivation j on the place, with all tlie necessary buildings. II. O. KEATON, j Alhanv, sep 2.1858. 23—lOw. General Southern Insurance Agency. R epresenting,amongoth«r,«,theioitowing first class Stock Comtaxies, ihc high character ol which i- undoubted: CHARTER OAK FIRE &. M ARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Coun. Cash Capital and Assets 8312,000 J. H Sftrague, Seen. Ralph Gillett, Pie*. CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Capital and Assets $225,000. J B Eldredge, Sec’y. B. IF. Greene, Pres. MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hart ford, Conn. ■ , ; , , ! Cash Capital and Assets $225JX)9. E, Thus. Tjtbdcll, Sec’y Mark Howard, Pres. j CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. * of Hartford, Conu. I Ca-h Capital and Assets $297,000. C C. Waite, Sec’y. C. B. Bmeers, Pres. ^ -- , „. r v .... . ' | .or nuriinra. conn. Cures the Bites of Insects and Slings of Bees;, Cash Capital and Assets OVER HALF A MILLION Removes Rancidity from Butler and Lard; rr DOLLARS. ' ’ More powerful than anv other agent in preventing nm* 1 *** 1 ^ F * llie SPREAD OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. • 1 1 • .1 1 . . r I and Man ne Insuraoce to any amount, on good risk*, at IT Manutariured **ttlv tntJre laboratory of ; rhe lowest rates consistent with the security of the Com- J« DARBY, Auburn. Ala , • panic* which he represents, -A. VVILBUR, Agent. From which, or HARR AL, R ISLE Y A. KITCHEN, . No. Ill Bay Street, Snvumiab. G*. ‘1, it may be ordered. , . August 26,1859. i!^ ■ 13w. , and in Albany, by F. O. WELCH, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. No. 76 Barclay street. New York, it may be c For aale by Druggists generally, and in Alh TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BLANK BOOKS, A GREAT Variety, ami Clirnp. A L. E. WELCH. Albany, Oct. I4lh,1858. 29— BA-isri). Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLE toan order obtained from the Court of Ordinary, of Bnfke county, there will i>e sold on the firat Tuesday in December, 1858, be fore the Court Uonsedoor in Albany, Baker county, between the nsua I hours Qf sale, the follmving lot«« o( Land:—Nos.85,47,1*23,118,117,86,.35, 13, 45, 80,89,100, 294,324, and 84, lying in tlie 8th District of Baker county ; and lots Nos. 40 nnd 354, lying in the 7th District of said county. The lots adjinning each other, and forming the Belville plan tation, containing about two thousand acres more or less, will be sold together. Also on the same day, at the Court House in Mitchell count?, within the legal hours <:>f sale, will be sold, lots Nos. 367 and 368, lying originally In the 8th District of Ir?m, now MttciieH county. The lots In Baker each con- pared by Profit]ohn Dnrbr. tormerly a resident of this State—a mao well known lor hisHcientifiu attainments.— II \ VING made arrangements to accommodate a It stands appri and » now lai_ September 9,11 taining two hundred and .fifty ac Mitrbel, four hundred and omely Term* three equal insula date, personal security and Si v. JAMES! . „ • JAMES sr. . • ALLEN INI. . 7 • . Ezrsrnrrtgt . ,Ora«M858j.' ' , End those in with interest from SYNOLD3, FRESH GOODS! T HE most varied,the largest and tbe CHEAP EST Stock of GOODS this place, is now holng re* C: vv. raWsoVs. EVER befoi ceived at septemlter 23,1858. Berrien County Lauds for SALE. T HE SnbBcriber offers for sale FOUR HUNDRED &■ NINETY ACRES OF LAND, with gooil Ssw and Grist Mill*, , piod Framed Dwelling, 100 fine ^ Apple Tn-e*, 50 English Mulberry Trees, *11 well laden wiih fruit, beautifully situated and very Leal- thy, on the road from Moultrie tn Nashville; near: he Ferrywr Little River. For farther particulars, ad dree* , R. Nr PARRISH, P. M., July 8,1863. IS- . , . Ava. Ga k . STEREOSrOPEPHTURES, iarger inrinher of Boanlori*, we shaU take |dea- re in mak ; og those who atop with u? comfortable. O trs will l»e strictly* Private Boardiso Houser and member? wishing qniel qnanetrs, will find shell at tho WASHINGTON HALL, located a liOle north ot the Post Office, and convenient to the (.apitof. N. Ci BARNETT. September 2, 1858. w • 23—9w. SEWINS MACHINisT Price from $18 tu $130. .. . T HE undersigned has an Agency for Ihe sale of half dozen d^fl5*re«»t patterne.of tbtSHr Machines, at such prices’wi*t all may b'*y, however pP^r-j. C«ji and examine'llteiri, it will cost yoa look. For certificates of their,priformapcei a^ hand-biUs. O' ll t » i« also Agent for the sale of A W offiue Cotton (ifns. mannau tured under his own &n|veryi*- ton ut Pslmyra. whirhjare warranted to perforin \vetf. > 1 »>• J. H; WATSON, AgetR.; Albany, July p ¥ f*S& / r~~- OHniteaf Georgia— \%rlh county. M-td cite and admonish all p«BWqs conti ___ . * ed t to be and appear at my office tvtihin th* link* prescribed by .la\v,and slinw cau?e'(i‘'any they have) wfiyl should not appoint a.Guardian for Nancy'El- myra Oidri), orphan child otpavid Cobb, late of Mid . * tgm. SINCLAIR, Ord. pBwi iiSii