The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, April 21, 1859, Image 1

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IfMfll f ia3Y®M*m r v 136 vt!- ■ jti-3 ? 9 ,-f- ■ .■>.!; i . -■ ;". . /. • BY A. J. MACAETHY. -WISDOM—JUSTICE—MODERATION. - S3 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XY. ALILWY, GA, APRIL 21, 1859. 2STQ. 4. GIFTS. One Hundred Varieties of Gifts. MELVIN'S IMPROVED GIFT BOOK SALE. MELVIN'S IMPROVED GIFT BOOK SALK, MELVIN'S IMPROVED GIFT BOOK SALE,- MELVIN'S IMPROVED GIFT BOOK SALE, 333 CHESTNUT ST, PHILADELPHIfc- :ei rr. JOHEs, (8CCCI880E TO ME88&8. JOKES A LAWS.) \ WHOLESALE DEALER ♦ WITH ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES with one hundred varieties With one hundred varieties WITH ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES OF VALUABLE AND USEFUL GIFTS! !OF VALUABLE AN!J USEFJJL GIFTS f ■OF VALUABLE AND USEFUL GIFTS ! ■OF VALUABLE AND USEFUL GIFrS! CONDUCTED ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAN. CONDUCTED ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAN. CONDUCTED ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAN. £&* A VALUABLE GITF WITH gVERY BOOK SOLD. A VALUABLE GIFT WITH EVER* BOOK SOLD. A. VALUABLE GIFT WITH EVERY BOOK SOLD. CATALOGUES SENT FREE. CATALOGUES SENT FREE. CATALOGUES SENT FREE. By addressing R. MELVIN, 333ChestnutStreet, Philadelphia, Pa. New Catalogues, just issued, containing all the Popular Works of the day, and a List of One Hundred Va rieties of Gifts. When orders of Twenty-five Dollars and upwards arc received, a receipt for the same will be sent by GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, IRON, NAILS, WINES, LIQUORS, Rope, Hardware, Snoxs, Blaskets, and all kind« of Plantation Supplies, Albany, Georgia. March 3,18G9. 49— E. T. JONES; (SUCCESSOR TO JONES & LAWS.) GROCER, -A.Xj'BAJS'Y—GEO. MACOFT, GEO. SPRING OF 1859. WHEN THEY VISIT OPR PITY, which will ever receive prompt oud careful atteutiou, at niiiloniil, Low "Prices. LANDS! LANDS!! FOR SALE LOW. N OS. 44, 221 in 7th district Baker Co. 82, 860 in 9th 151 in 10th 90, 127, 219, 258—11th I will take $3 per acre, cash, for Lots numbers— 217, 218, 219, 220,223,224, in a body, 13th Mitchell. I Mitchell. DENTISTRY. "|~^R. A. D. GALES fj respectfolly nnnouncos to the citi- GROCERIES! sof ALBANY and ^ do. - exp< > House in the trade Cau Offer Greater Inducements. return mail. Receipts taken for every package sent by Express. E3T THREE PLANS OF COMMISSION FOR AGEN TS, of which they can take their choice, and each more liberal than ever offered. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Address R. MELVIIf, 333 CHESTNUT STREET. ' * Philadelphia, Pa. March 21th, 1853. 52—3m. Osnaburgs, Homespuns, &c. 20 Bales Eatouion Factory Osiiaburgs, 5 ** Ben Franklin 3 “ Thomaston “ “ 8 “ Virginia ** ' “ 25 “ Homespuns, _ 8 “ Colton Yarns. For sale by E. T. JONES. Sir Phillip Sidney, Beauties of Ruskin, Lady Blessin^ton's Conversations with Lord Byron, lectures on Rhetonek. Channing, Father and Daughter. Miss Bremar, Kerseys and Stripes. 10 Ca=es Kerseys, (different prices), 8 Bales Stripes. For sale by E. T. JONES. Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, &.c. Whiskey per gallon, from 50c. to §4 00 Brandy “ “ “ §2 00 to 10 00 Wine “ 44 “ 75.-.. to 3 50 For sale by E. T. JONES. Sugar, Coffee, &o. 10 Barrels A Sugar, 10 20 253,254,255, 267,275,284, 228, 248, 360, 361,153,188, 48, 60, 122, 124, 129, do. do. 287 in 6th of Early county. I will take S3 per acre, cash, for Lots numbers— 56, 67. 68, 69, 68. 64, 65, in a body, in 26th Early. 181, 200. 202 in 26th of Early eounty. . . . , . , . 20, 22, .69, 184, 223, 235, 237 in 28th of Early, moans and expenance being ample, wo are sure that} ■, -£ in 14th of Decatur county. 39, 41, 54, 270 in 15th Decatur county. 95, 163, 164 in 16th do. do. 115 in the 21st do. do. 3 in the 27th do. do. Half of 175 in the 19th do. do. 127 in the 9th of Berrien county. 230. 231, 371,872,359,363, 409, 426—10th Lowndes. 511 in the 11th of Lowndes. 277, 320, 325, 301 in the 12th of Lowndes. 46, 47, 54 , 55 in the l*i of Kubun. 75. 106 in the 81 <.•( Rabun. 113 in the 5th of Rabun. 10, 65, 153 in the Kkii of Habersham. 177 in 19th .district, ou section of Cherokee county. 15S in lGth Jo. 1st do. of Cherokee county. 816 in 4th do. 1st do. of Cherokee county. The above Lands, owned by Jons Robiksok, h&vo Our Mr. PRITCIIET'l shall be receiving Good? reason. The latest styles Staple and Fancy Silks, TISSUES, BAR AGE ROBES ALES ami FLOUNCED BAB AGES, Solid-colored Baragcs, Organdie Muslin Robes, JACOlNET MUSLIM KOBES, LAWNS, CS-inNTCSt-SL^.lMIS, | been placed iu charge of the undersigned, who will ‘ take pleasure in showing them to any persons wish ing to purchase any of said loH, and will make con- i tracts for their sale at fair prices. Titles perfect, i HAMLIN J. COOK. The F ... Dr. Quiney’a Works complete, 20 vol. Wavtwley Novels, 46 vol. ’Tiekuor’s Celebrated Household Edition, Lillian, by J F. Smith, "Snake in the Grass, Tho Land and The Book, Self-Made Man, See. &c. Just Received at the Albany Bool^Sti 25 “ Coffee “ 5:) 8>a«ks Rio Coffee, 25 “ Java “ 5 Hluls. Porto Rico Suga 20 bbls. Golden Syrup. For sale by E. T. JONES. February 17,1359. L. E. WELCH. TAILORING. T HE subscriber would resentfully announce to the citizens of Alba ny and vicinity, that he has opened i!u above, business in all its various bran chi's All work entrusted lo his can will be done with neatness, dispatc and in trorKinanllke maltster. He flatters him-elf that in neatnes and durability, his work will com pi re any. O" Shop .mi Broad str-et. in the room erly occupied bv Mr. Lindsey. Tailor nov. 25. 35— 1\ ROBINSON, Tai 33AJPT-IST Fine Tobacco, At the following prices per pound : Katy Darling, $l 60. Colorado Rolls, l 50. Kiss Me Quick, 1 00. PanCake, 1 25. Frank Weston, 75. Plain Twist, 80. For sale by E. T. JONES. March 3, *1859. 49 — EHBROIB’RD SLEEVES AXD COLLARS, “ EDGINGS A.\D LVSERTISGS, “ L. C. IIA.VDKERCIIIEFS, Evening Dresses, j HOSIERY, GLOVES, ’domestic GOODS, &c.,&c. Rare onance lor Buying PURE CORE WHISKEY! Our All*. Fears * SOl'Tii-lVESTER.\ GEORGIA. guaranteed t«tj>e pure unadulterated 'and free from Drug** of any description. Call and see for yourself. We hive exclusive sale of Howard’s Whiskey, and will always sell at the lowe&t marginal price. . E. T. JONES. Albany, Feb. 10, 1859. 46- Read ! Dead!! VALUABLE LANDS FOB ‘ SA-XjUI. T HE Sriuxo Term will begin January lOih, and end July 6lh. Th<; Faculty, by the. addition of two other members, has been increased to NiNp expelieneed teachers. Prof. Blandni.r, Principal of Mu.-ic Department, cornea Tccommendcd by celebrated musicians as a skilful per former, and a!'lo to teach on any Instrument desired — , . Instruction given i« any branch of female education. jrfllHE Undersigned ij offering 20,000 Num!>er of pupils increases every term. The Boarding 1 acres of unimproved Lauds in the SS 1 ,*-?* I Counties ofEiylv, Miller, Baker, Calhoun, * J * u D. M,VLL ARY, President, j Mitchell, Thomas, Lowndes, Brooks and Cuthbert, Dec. 9, 1958. ’ IT—ly* 1 licrrien. Person, wishing Bargains would do well EXAMINE MY PRICES! I ° P * P ERSONS wishing to buy tlieir Boots and Shoe; at one established price house, will call on . j in a fiii e sta(e c f cultivation. The remarkable fer S. II. NIX. j tility of the Lands of Dougherty, is the be? tnd buy at the i mc ndation that can be given of this place. —ALSO— $1 00(/i>3 90 ; Q ne ‘ Body of Land in Calhoun county (adjoining 1 50(W>3 50 j Dougherty county Line,) containing 2300acres, with ^50(^1 50 j a |)out 80O acres cleared and well improved. 75(^2 00 I —ALSO— ’•vffA 50 |^ nc very valuable place in Brooks county, contain ..... 50vi)l 2 » j j n g about 1450 acres of Pine and Hammock Land. * 10(«j2 50 j (jty, 0 f w hich i s cleared, and will be warranted to «Hfc1 1 make'1,000 pounds of Cotton per acre, - with proper | cultivation pleasure in taking orders from his friends for any thing The Dry Goods Line, and will always see that Goods ordered shall give entire satisfaction. Terms—Bills due and payable 25th December next, and all Cash Bills liberally discounted. All Bills amounting to $20 or over, will be delivered in Albany by Express, free cl charge or trouble to buyers. FEARS, Slf AXSOX & PRITCHETT, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. February 24, 1859. 48—ly. tOnc valuable Plantation in Dougherty county, con- 1 ! mining 709 acres, 200 acres of which is cleared and Near Sims & RusFs Warc-lic following prices: Ladies Silk Congress Gaitevs .. ** Glove Kid “ Colored Tipt “ Black Lasting “ Misses Congress Gaiters “ Lasting “ Ladies Morocco Boots “ “ Tics Misses ** Boots “ ** Tics Ladies Slippers....... »• Glove Kid “ “ Toilet “ Childrens’ Shoes Mens’ Georgia made Pump Boots « “ “ Welt “ “ “ “ W. 1*. “ “ Ditching Boots Boys’ Boots Mens’ Calf Qxford Ties •* Glove Kid “ “ Patent Leather Calf Georgia made Brogaris ....~ •* *• “ “ Pcg’d Brogans Kip “ “ “ “ * Calf Stitched Pegged Mens’ Georgia made Red Russet... 1 25@1 50 I SARGENT’S Patent, Boys’ “ “ “ «* 75(^1 101 PRATT'S Patent, A large lot of Boys and Misses Shoes... 25<rt> 60 j For sale one door East of-Byington’s Hotel, Albany. G Fifty Negroes Wanted. JpHFTY Likely Negroes wanted, from Ten ^ s of age—for which nty-tive y the highest price will be paid C. F. STUBBS Maron.Oct. 7, 1358. NEW Also, I am offering for sale the following Lots:— o. '246 in the 28th district of Early county. 330, 387 in the 13th of Miller county. 150, 141, 180 in the 7th of Baker county. 237 in the 23d of Thomas county. 154, 150, 250 in the 17th of Thomas county. 23. 338 in the ISth of Thomas county. 267 in the lGth of Decatur county. 151 in the 21st do do. 321, 365, 333 in tho 1th of Calhoun county. 158 in tho 9th of Berrien county. 27. 110, 204 In the Wth of Lowndes county. 34, 42, 102 in the 11th of Mitchell countv. Albany, fob. 17. 47—ly. II. J. COOK. — Office in the new Brick Building, opposite J. 1— .—,, and tenders hfe professional services in all the branches of | Dentistry, to nis friends and tho public generally. His work is guaranteed, and 'will be executed in the most mod- j entertain at hi, Souse, persona J ®X THE LOWEST & BEST CASH TERMS, L - - j— -» - - ( “ T TUB OLD SPPAND fonrerly occupied by FOR SALE GROVER & BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES. Col. N.Tift,on4heSouth sided Broad street, one door East of Beehs & BtctKsrfh’s Dry flood* Store, nod immediately nboveWe old South-West ern Hotel—where the subscriber,' in addition to tho R n.cnva . ff .laiiii - large Stork pmTfmsed from N. Tift, is constantly EASONS why the GR0\ LR &. L.>KLR Ma- or< j t . r i 0g an( j recejviitg fresh supplies of every dea- ' ol.ine .. universally prefered fur famny sewing: 9b aJtMWialW#'lih. cnsioine™ »..d 1st. It ia more simple, and easier Sept i» order,, J^ b „ c p^ny.sod intends to keep always on . every thitijr in bis line, whieh can or may bo ....... r d; coitf.Ufiug ^mong numerous other aMicles, * ery tliird stitch is cut. _ ,of the I'ollowiiiir: than any o’.her Machtne. . nnmreve 2d. It makes a seam which will not rip or‘ravel, j vvan , f>t j. though every third stitch is cut. ' r .f tho f<V 3d. It se\v*5 from two ordinary rpooL, and thus all trouble of winding thrend is RvmAt d, while the same machine can he adapted at pleasure, by a mere change of spool: to all varieties of work. 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen thread, and common spool cotton with equal facility. 5th. The seam is as elastic m'th*.* most, elastic fabric, so that it «.•; free from ail liability to break in washing, ironing, or otherwise* .. 6th. 'I’he atilch made by this machine is more beautiful than any other made, cither by baud or Baggirgand llore,Bacon ami Lard,Pickled Pork, Fulton Market Beef, Sugar micl Coffee, Iron and Steel, Hats and Caps, Kerseys and Blankets, Osnabjrg3 mid Homespuns, Boots and Shoes, Leads and Oils, Paints of all kids, Batter, FJour. Fait, Cheese, Fish. Rice, Potatoes, (Irish and tiweet) Buckwheat Flour, Molasses and 4Syrop, Tobacco for chewing or smoking, Tallow and Caudle*. -t XjjLcs.-o.oars3 Of nil kinds—French, Peach and Apple Brandieaa .Merchants can secure the sales ..f chose Machines j White,'Red. rnd Monongahela Whiskey ; Rein and i tlieir different localities, with profit to themselves j Gin; Madeira,.Pert, Sweet and Chturspngna Wines; nd their customers, by applying to the undersigned, i Cordials o* various kinds- ners of the Right for Georgia. j * ' All kinda of Pickles, Crackers, Onious, Yeast Pow ders, Ginger, Hpice, Pepper and Nutmegs, Powder and Shot, ilames. I,ead, 'J’race Chains, II»jes and Ploughs, Garden fseeds, Axes. Potware. Jugwara and Tinware, Straw Cutters and Corn Shelters, PoW and Kettles, and Cutlery of all kinds, Cigars of dif ferent kinds and brands, Potash, Pea*, Sardines and Raisins. 1 Blm kmnitb Tools, consisting of all kind* —Vices, Bellows, &c. * ■*> These Machines are always on exhibition at the Sales Room, on Broad street. THOMAS P. STOVALL & CO. Augusta, C; IT J II. Watson, Agent for Albany, Ga. July 1, 1858 * ' M— FOR NEW YORK. FARE REDUCED! SOUTH - WESTERN GEORGIA l j&. r>5r 33 ts. LEE COUNTY. 1st District—N.'S. 118, 155, 161. 13th “ " IB. 14th “ “ 65, 9.5, sn. 100, 138. 139, 137. SUMTER COUNTY. 15th District—Nos. 80, 82, 135. 212, 254. 16tll “ “ 226,240,245.217. TERRELL COUNTY. 12th District—Nos. 65, 66, 129. wf2i.lsc>, r* : i* » d _ „ r.. „ .. (Colton, Hides,Tallow, Wool, and all country Pro-. Fra^ht and Passage as Low as by any other j du ^ e wi „ b9 purc |,„ scdj Hnd l he ^ marke t price S T E A N K R S * ! paid for them, either in Cush or in exchange for Groceries. CABIN PASSAGE, : : $15,j 'IT Give me a call, and if I don't suit you in price 4th 191. raiidodi'H COUNTY. 5th District—No. 205. WORTH COUNTY. 14th District—Nos. 109, 188, 189, 196, 229, 231. 254, 254. 15th 44 44 60,64,66.72.157. 16th “ “ 11.20,21,43,44, 53, 51, 116, 117, 128, 137, 143, 144,. 154, 159, 160, 16). 166. 171, 188. 189; 195, 19 7, 193, 233. DOOLY COUNTY. 2d District—Nos. 68, 202, 20G. 3d 44 “ 30,67. 6th 44 44 2,4, 19.20.30,35,36.40.51,54, M2, 113,147,179,205,206,212, • 237,250. , . s 1,65,66,129, 121, 132, 183,189, 10th 195. 14th JAT The Dxy Goods and Clothing EMPORIUM OF E. ROSEHWALDI BRO.j?; 82, 110, 111, 116, 134, 141, 142, 143, \ 47,167,197,223,255,256. 16. 18, 19, 139. • PULASKI COUNTY. 4th District—Nos. 7G, 77, 82, 79, 65, 110, 176,177, 204, 205,211,2U. Slh “ “ 150. 15161,162,168,172,1 178, 139 193. UP. 215,216,265. CRAWFORD COUNTY. 3d District—No. 35. 7th •* “ 2H. 41.56.61. MACON COUNTY. 8th District—No. 93. 1st “ “ 116. . 2d 4i « 178,203, 209. MARION COUNTY, d District—No. 65. 97, 98,125, 158. By the splendid and commodious Side-Wheel Steamers AUGUSTA,... .1,500tms.... ...Capt. M. S. Woodhull. FLORIDA, 1,300 “ 44 Isaac Crowell. ALABAMA, ...1,300 44 Geo.R. Schenck. And first class Propeller STAR OF THE SOUTH, 1.100 tons...Capt. T. Lyon. T HESE Steamships belong to the old established and favor ite line, known as tho “New York and Savannah Steam Navigation Company,” and in comfort, ac commodations and far^, cannot be excelled. They ni commanded by experienced, skilful, careful and poll' officers. PADELFORD, FAY & CO., A sent 0 . Savannah AX L L. MJTCiiU.L.4 July 1. It— and quality, it will be vour fault, not mine. ROBERT. MORROW,. Albany, January 27,1859. 44—3:». In Store and for Sale. A SUPERIOR LOT OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PLANTATION WAGONS, HARNESS, WHIPS, <tc., &c., A LL of which are made to special order for thi^ market by the best manufacturers at the North. My stock is not inferior in quality to any thing ever offered in tho South. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their give me a call, as I am determined to self low for cash or city paper. * tO* ypecial orders filled at short notice. R. L. TOMLINSON, Jackson street, West ot J. JS. Moremen’s. Albany, December 23, 1858. 39- Agenty.Ni ISABELLA HOUSE, j (formeri.y ckummey house.J I ALBANY, GEO. ; rr^ IIE above Hotel, in Albany, the present termin-1 JL us of the Georgia and Florida Rail Road, is j 0* OFFER FOR SALE my Plantation now* open for the reception of the A in Dougherty county, situated Five Til A VE LIXO’ PUBLIC., miles Wot of Albany, adjoining the cele- Tho Houa*» and Furniture are new. The Pro* | Grated Porter lands of Thomas Moughon prietor is determined to make it a FIRST CLASS j K* Tarver,containing 1350 acres, inure or FOESALE, HOTEL, and hopes by strict attention to the wants ! Jcs,i > ° stk anti Hickory Lande, with 800 in finestata of his Guests, to merit the patronage of the PubI h. II. DURHAM, Proprietor. Albany, April 8, 1858 2— j of cultivation—well imprQvcd,in $be way of Houser), j Persons <lesiring to purchase, would’do well lo ! call and examine* the premises. | jan.20. 3m* B. W. KEATON. JAAl~VTD ROSS, Book-Binder , _ . _ , __ ,, Blank Account Book Maunfactnrcr, s^lioo Comer of Third and Cherry Streets. 200,000 !2>s. Woul. *' tup -TAii-n 1 TIT A f’O'NT Cr \ ‘ 50,000 Um. Tallow. I,up .TAinri) 98,000 lb». Bcotvras. Look out for the Chances. L TI JO beg leave to t VV IR - ▼ and-the public generally, that they have no Uh Is prepared to execute all orders for BLANlv B*OOK31 ■ ' 35 Likely Voiiaig; IVogrocs. FOR COURTS AND COUNTING HOUSES, and to ' T70R all the above the cash will be paid ondeliv- biad Music and all kinds oi Printed Work, with neatness' JJj cry, cr for any "portion thereof, at my Auction rj^IUiwa*. Graham’s, Godey’s and all other Maga-1 wI ? linesbouncfin cheap and Rubsiautial style. j **...* cr b. ms can be bought at private, oi All ordere scr.t by mail or express promptly attended to. P ubl, ° sftIe ; Ba « on » FIo " r » and anything that may April 22, 1858. 4—ly j be^sent us for sale, always on hand at low prices LIVERY ST A.BLE. Bri Boys —ALSO— Five or six other smaller plantations in the counties of Lee; Terrell and Calhoun. tfgJP For further particulars address WOT. F. HOVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LAND AGENT, Dawson, Ga. March 171h, 1859. 61—9m. ja very large and SEWING MACHINES. Price from $18 to $150. ROVER & BAKER'S Potent, G I. M. SINGER k CO'S Patent, WEED'S Patent, ' BOUOOIR'8 Patent, 4 ^-*8" jol oi i>oy s ana aiinscn onocst.. i rut ■ ,, . . All kimU of work made to order, and repairing done with neatness and anrability. Albany, March 31, 1859. 1— LAND FOR SALE. of the best the world e produced. Call and examine them. Needles for sale. Albany, November 18,1858. Lailf for sale, in plantations to suit( purchasers. O" For further information apply at. tliia Office. ' February 17tb, 1859. 47—tf. Deep Plowing. T HE snbscribcT having pnrdmsed ih 44 sole right of J. P. HAitm* Patent Plow, for Dougherty county, i,« now prepared to sell Farm Rights. The Plow is for breaking laud—penetrating as deep as one may wish. The two-horse Plows are generally made to penetrate fourteen inches; th^ one-horse *even or eight inches, though they can So go h» any depth. There is no mixing of the clay and soil—the shear only making a liueas it proceeds, ■nd yet breaking.fhw ground ten inches in the fur- rpw. There is a mole board attached so as to bed the land while breaking; if desired. The Plow can be seen at M. P, Callaway's plantation. • fanners ought to call and examine tho Plow. -- CTAn Agent wanted to - sell the Plow. I will iad. McLendon;; J. H. WATSON. S S X. Xa’S LIVERY STABLE. his OLD STAND, where he has been for the last six years, and expects to be there for the next six to come. With good safe Horses, Buggies, Carriages, Hacks of any size, and trusty servants to send loany part of the Globe.— Good Lots with sheds for Drove Horses or Mules, With plenty or com and fodder for the -aecommoda- I ion of all that may call. The Stable is situated between the Byihotow Hotel and Isabella House, and on the sUeet leading to and from the~Depol — Call and see. JAMES H HILL. Aug. 36, 1858.~ 33-tf. GOODS, Consisting of the very latest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, such as American, French and English Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Garages, Silk Tissue, . .White and Colored Brillianls, Jaconet. Swiss and j Checked Muslins, Black and Colored Silks, Robe- j sakeS, Double Skirt Robes, and Spring Skirts of the ! latest styles and best rjuality : Also, a splendid assortment of youthv vnd boys’ i CLOTHING, j of the b-el make and latest styles. | A very larc'e stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Hosiery aittl Embroideries, Ladies Mantillas and Bonnets, Watches and Jewelry,' CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Saddlery and Crookery. A large assortment of Brown and Bleached Sheet ing and Shirtings, and various articles too numerous to mention. " • O' We call particularly the attention of Country Merchants, FOR SALE. fflWO one-acre Lots in the City-of A1 I -bany, Ga, r lying opposite Joseph dVorn’B residence, on Society Street. They arb level ahd beautifully situated. Tho subscriber will sell, them on reasonable terms if ™ >n be made soon. A. P. POWERS. ►, -March 17th, 1839. ’ 61—tf. to whom we are able to sell Goods at prices defying all competition. .. ‘ ' E, ROSEN WALD & .BR0. Albany, Ga., Feb. 17th, 1859. 47-3m. CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. 6tu District~*No. 32. TAYLOR COUNTY. 12th Diet.—Nos. 187, 199, 202, 209,215,228, 256. 13th 44 44 13, 98, 126, 132. l3L 152,153, 155, 156, 158, 163, 182, 171, 193, 217, 243, 252. 14th 44 “ 93,98,103,126. 15th “ “ 13J, 187, J53. 229.. TALBOT flDUNTY. 16th Dist. -Nos. 73. 102.103 EARLY COUNTY. 26th Diet.—Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 84, 85. DECATUR COUNTY. I llh Dist.—Nos. 12,13,16,17,51, 66, 68,76, 89,90, 92, 03, 96,141, 146,147.150. 161 h “ « 280. 27th “ « 263, 264, 293, 299. 300, 301, 302. THOMAS COUNTY. 8th Dist.—Nos. 389, 391,392* 423, 424. 17th “ “ 212,347,348,374,376. The above lands owned and fqr sale by WM. B. JOHNSTON, Macon, Ga. Office at E. J. Johnston &. Co.’s feb.3 ly. spectfully inform their friends and tho i public visiting Bainbridge during Court * oek, that they aro prepared to furnish g* * * Stabling for any quantity of Horses, following Rates: 51.00 per day for a Single Horse. 6.00 per week do do 15.00 per month do do Also.kejjt,on hand, a good assortment of flora WOOL, HIDES, TALLOW, BEESWAX; or NEGROES, ■ —j .cady purchaser in the person [ of J. M. COOPER & CO. Albany, March 31, IS59. ■ and they trill find a r Hacks to Hire at low rates. They return their thanks (or past kindness, and Hope to erjttao continuance of the favors of their friends in fix- merit ture. Bainbridge, April 29,1853. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. JACK FOR SAILS. fffUIE Celebrated ‘ John Jack Ass.” OLD Jewelry and Watches. \X Coral Sets, Gold Jewelry. Extruscan, “ «* “ Garnet, Carbuncle, Camio, Mosaic andXava Sets, Gold* Jewelry. Eme Gold and Silver Wathes. N. B. These Goods are bought direct from the Manufacturers, and aro warranted as represented. tsar please call at the “Albany. Book Stporo” an look over my^Stook. L. E. WELCH. Albany, April 7th,1859. %L TURPIN & V0LKER, Albany—Oeo., manufacturers of every variety of TIN-WARE, And Dealers in all descriptions ot Foreign and Domestic Hard-Ware, Wholesale and Retail. we have just received A LARGE and well setected stock, which has been bought with car. and expressly for this market. , In making this announcement, we feoi that we have every thing that is usually kept in our line. Our stock consists in part of thefollowingarticles. Stoves, Nails, Iron, Steel, Gods,' Blacksmiths’ Tools, Carpenters’ do. Straw Cotters, Corn Shelters, Hollow Ware, Sssttft Sftss w. 0 ,r^ 5 ' niDgs - 4o - - Pocket and Tablc And every variety of 'House-Fornishing Goods, to which we most respect fidiycall the attention of those in want, and-Bepechtlly the Eadies.. •Dec. 9. 37-6m'. : ' . Charleston and Savannah STEAM-RACKET LINE. 1HE splendid and fast running Steam “GORDON,*’ F. . Barden, Commander, leaves Savannah for Ch'arles- 1 every SUNDA Yand WEDNESDAY*ftwnoon. at 3 o’clock, an_d_connects at Charleston with the morning North-Eastern Railroad) and arrives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route passengers can ob tain through tickets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wil- —ineton.IS. C. Having- a through freight arrtmgenwnt with the Central Railroad and its connection?, all freights between Charles ton and the interior of Georgia, consigned to the Agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch;and free of charge. E. LaFITTE i January 21, ?858. O YSTERS, Steak, Ilot. Coffee, aud Meals at all hours the day and until 11 .o'clock at night, riray be had at the Oyster Saloon of the Isabella Mouse. v * L. H. DURHAM, 29- Proprietor. HENRY SCHURR. (SUCCESSOR to TOED. VOOELQSANO.) r ■ • •NTE'W • C0SFECTI0SERV, BAKERY AND FECIT of renowned Pedigree, and about j four years old, is offered for sal? accommodating terms. 'Persons wish- „ ing to purchase fine stock, liavc notv an opportunity. JT For further particulars apply at this Office. February 17th, 1859. 47-tf. NOTICE. LAID FOR SALE,. H AVING purchased the plantation of < Probert Collier,*situated five miles tf North-West of Newton, containing 7^0 < acres, 250 in rultivaGon with necessary _______ l>*g Buildings, new Giti Hon§e, &e. Also conve nient fo Schools and Ch u relies, a nd excellent society. I will eel! low for cash or approved pa por. Posses- «ion given immediately if desired. Also 750 acres in 12th District Baker county, ly ing on Cypress Creek, 300 teres in cultivation and • 100 acres swamp land, with good buildings. Pas : session given January 1st, i860. ' - * * Feb. 24th, 1859. '48-tf E. S. CQLlffERi LIVERY & SALE STABLE. ' r-J, (OPPOSITE BYISGTON’S HOTEL.) ’ Albany, Geo, K EEPS constantly on hand good saf« HORSES. .1 , IiyOOIES,' CARRIAGES, HACKS, Ac., an4 with careful Drivers, is prepared to accommodate the public. He is. prepared', with enclosures lo so- commodato.Drovcrs, and adks a liberal patronage of (mr.lO—-ly> C.Q. '‘ ,r '4 A/ >J44