The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, January 12, 1860, Image 1

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y/ wl/h BY A. J. MACARTHY. -WISDOM—JUSTICE—MODERATION.- A YEAR IN ADVANCE-- VOL. XV. ALBANY, OA., 12, 1860. NO. 42, X Xi Is 7 S LIVERY STABLE. THE NpW CATECHISM. ALL ABOUT WHAT f IDAR-BY’S "DTXYDTXVT A PTTf* n’t Tim I ¥¥ I1jIj iB!,t bi ! 0L P STAND, Where he has JTlivirXl X Ji/lvAAv Jk iiUJLJ/ • » % j -NN. been for the lust six years, and expects to be ...—7. there for the next six to come. With good safe TV ’M'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, i H,l,ses ' J?“KSies, Carriages, Hacks of any size, ami 9\What will remove all bad orders 1—(Recommended to ' trusty servants to 8PDG to any part of the Globe.— Certain-politicians.). „ j Good Lots with sheds for Drove Horses or Mules, {PARTY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. I with plenty of corn and. fodder for the accommoda- , What has “g^Jg^J^^HY'LACTIcTFMjl'ftof tion *f «" ‘hat may call. The Stable is situated ire vented the spread of typhoid fe 1 fer to Dr. Austin, fee, Ala., et ah) 'Whit Charleston.) DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC What has nr*vented the spread of typhoid fever i—(tie- i, Fort Valley, Ga., Amos Jones, Turiie- '■ 7 'DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, will destroy contagion ? . DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Wha, will i«K§^^;V m L“k^?£!5ffi DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID? W hat destroys foetid breath 1 DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Whatremareamndday^m^mRerurhird^LuiD Wha. preregf. m^horego^^c KLU([) What is the best thing in the world for a burn ? DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What will certainly heel a fresh wound l DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What will cure ulcers, sores and boils I DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What%ill cleanse the teeth J DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What will make h ird water sott! DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Whil will 90Ken -*nd whiten the skin ? DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. '» cure the J*Ke and sting of insects 1 What w,. IRBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. U-- -muni or vegetable poisons ? What will destroy r _ PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. wh “ ta «Sk‘pRow;7 wctlc “ V!U - Wha. will '-Yd., , o pbSpUYLACTIO k 111 ID. between the Byisstox Hotel nod Isabella House, and on the street lending to and from tlie Depot.— Call and see. . JAMES II HILL. _Aug.26, >858. ' 22—tf. TA ILORING. ' T HE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Alba* j ny and vicinity, that be has opened the above, business in all its various bran- j ches All work entrusted to jiis cai'ei j will be done with neatness, dispatch i and in i U orktuauliivc maiiiiert i He flatters himself that in neatnci ! and durability, his work will compare favorably with any. ID“ Shop on Broad street, in the room form* 1 crly occ.ufc *»r Lindsey, Tailors Jtov. ROBINSON, Tailor^ r.YiSrdLDs, WARE-HOUSt: ^ .^MISSION MERCHANTS, •Huron, Geo, C ONTINUE the business at Hie Fi: proof Ware-llouso hitherto oceup: v by them. Thev pledge their personal at- tention to all business entrusted to tiieir**iisitian£fia**> charge and respectfully solicit consignments of Cotton or I other produce. Orders for Bagging, Hop* and 3STXX1 HOUSE, ALBANY GEORGIA. FT!HE undersigned having purchased tins KA I new and elegant Hotel, is now prepared H|]| to accommodate the public, and flatrers him- BfljjL self that no pains or expense will be spared to make his guests comfortable. His tabic will at all times be* furnished with all the luxuries that the market and country affords. S. II. NIX, PnorniETKK. Albany, July 7, 1859. 15—tf E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., Macon, Georgia, ——^Dealers in rTATCHES, JEWELRY, SlCVF.R. and FLAT , V WARE, GUNS. CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, PIANO FORTES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BILLIARD BALLS, &.C., See., Mulberry struct, 3d door above Lanier House. E. J. JOHKSTOS. 9EOBOE S. ODEA*. April 7, 1859.^ 2—yl. THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC 8ANCHEZ’ 8PEC1FIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC 1HE ONLY POSITIVE CURB LANDS! LANDS!! FOR SALE LOV. J^"OS. 44, 221 in 7th district Baker Co. j THE ONLY POSITIVE CURB THE ONLY POSITIVE CURB BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE tf* Wfc nily supplies fill ral advances made on Cottoil in Store. Hon- A. H. Colquitt. Baker c'mntj* ‘ ” " is, Dougherty M *nd? DARBY’- drtPHYLACTIC FLUID. , , „„ A «ntaU of New Orleans and 1 1 " ' itv-s l'll6nlYLACTIC FLUID. ' - “ ‘ UVUIIY 1, IpSoPiiVlaCTIC fluid. V, .-«!.« PROHIYLACTICFLUID. | Whit will LACTIC FLUID? I Whiten you eelin - .< I wntttjr oy to DARBV i PRICE, A {,XrbY'3 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. ' Vb ‘ li ‘ al D h iR‘iT'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. We respectfully *>Ucit all paronti, t-r.oh. rs, Ijereda ol rn- o'r’liu'V.riim ichooliof our country overy Monday inoru- -ii - a »pt it at once, and let.the question bo AAke I at ih-j close"of etch day.wh it is your l««on lor next Monday «n »ming ? _ Darby'* Proph^rttc Fluid . A F.. 11 Hon. II. P. W B. Green, Ksn., Lee , Let N-B.’Persons wishing « can h vve it doue on tea *oname term Darby. (Apnl *1.) Sol.Ujy _ - F. O., Albanv G. S. W. W vmaOFF, Buena V«ta, Hair Sl Fclforp, Dawson, • Da! S? M** PrjthR", Oglethorpe, •IIat.i. & Ford, Amw.ur, , T F. W.FxMORD.Cuthbart, Z SriNKs. F.irtGa ftev. B. B. Raton . .Di. C. R. Moore, Q ’ H.S. CiiATBCRLtx fc Co., Woston, tYeo. i by sending to Prof. iville, “ .' THE liver. INVIG0IUT3R! r m n„no.-piirr jvnt. !. Green, nsn., Lee _ ohn Moore, lisq., Randolph ** D. II. Janea, Esq., “ “ PevtoT Hevnolm. A. B. Adaxs. September 1858 j. 2 ~ MRS. M. C. MeCOLLUH, T» K3PKCFULLY unnotincus to Ike citizens «f Al- SV |, a „y a: ,d vicinity, that she wiii open a School n Albany on Monday the 3rd of October, IKof. Terms for the scholastic year: The higher English Branches *>40 Primiary Class *-30 Drawing, Extra per Session of fiv? irontlis...lO Could a suificient number of pupils be obtained, a Music fbftchcr will be employed. Ftrict attention will he devoted to the Moral as well as the Intellectual culture of Hie pupils. Good reference can l>e given. After an experience of twelve years te.vHSng.,Mrs. M. Hatters herself that she*can manage a School of any size. X. pMfz-il wiU-V **dmi~-* wA» •»»5- t.«t.u«»Uy violate the rules of School, and r.o deduction made. No deduction made iq case of absence, except from Providential causes. |ABer three wee! s. pupils will only be charged from the time of entering School. Albany. Sept. 29. ’59. • 27-tf _ Fifty Negroes Wanted. B7HFTY Likolv Negroes wanted, from Ten ^ iu to Twetitylive years of age—for which ^ the highest price will be paid. xja B 1 t. F. STUBBS. Macon, Oct. 7,_^8^. 27— BEFORE THE PEOPLE I Ok GONORRHOEA * GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA h GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. FOR GONORRHdtA k GLEHT. FOR G0N0RRU(EA k GLEET BAYES A BIO DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S,BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL * SAVES A BIO DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A DIG DOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY TAKEN IS EASILY VAKEN X*MEDICIN ES n- TbwGUMS morbid or had m uter «*«»••• an ,t „ preventive tho system, aupmyma m • > • v theiT place a healthv fl'*w ^ ot O.tuL of bile, invigorating the ^ . .ti.rnzeh, c.n-tnz food to ? Only ouohotTh. diuoat —ell,PURIFYING ^ t„ throw out of th.* -y-lein THE BLOOD, hhmisS lhoelfi*t',"fnio.licinoaluj lone and health to th<» ^ a Jong sickness, whole machinery, n*mov- ^ in? the cause of th« disease ^5 fine bottle taken lot —effecting a radical cure. ^ removes all sal- ! % lowness or unnatural colot Dilliocs attacks aro , rom ll|C .| iin> cured, and, what is better, \j» pruuuntadbytheoMu-um; ; t.v.n. .I„.„ »I use of the Liver invigo i M -fore c:itin» gives rmtor. ^ -* * One dose ifter eating is sufficient to relieve the Momach and prevent the * food from rising and sour- i»S- . j Only one dose taken be- fere retiring, prevents * NIGHTMARE. j^ ; inc m Only one dose taken at ^ A few bottles will ct night,Wsejta tho^ . owds^ DRpPsY^ by exctUng i Millinery & Dress-Making Miss It. F. HICKS, H AVING leased the hon.=e formerly occupied by Mrs. Minton, would respectfully infirnn the Ladies of Albanv and country, that t-heis now prepared to cut -T lit Dresses in the latest rtyl®, and guarantee in al ia-t unoos to give entire satisfaction, fehe has engaged and wi'i’i seon have with heT one of the most tasty and fashion able Milliners that could 1* procured in the Northern 13 EASILY TAKEN WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WITHOUT LOSS OF TIMS 82, 305 in 9th ’ ** Mitchell, i 151 in loth “ 90, 127, 219, 258—11th I will take S3 per acre, cash, for Lots numbers— 217,218, 219,220,223,224, iu a body, 18th Miller. 263,264,255,2fi7 f 275,284, do. do. 223,248, SCO, 8t»i f 153,188, do. do. 48, 60, 122, 124, 129, do. do. 287 in Cth of lvu fly courfty. I will take $3 per acre, cash, for Lots numbers— 56, 67, 53, 69, G3,T,4, G5, in ft body, in 26th Burly, 181,.200, 202 in 2Gtlvof Harly county. 20,2Sv 60, .184, 223,^36, 237 in 28th of Early. 100, 173 in 14th of Decatur county. 39, 41, 54, 270 in 15th liec’ntur county. 95,153, 164 in 16th do. do. 1, 115’in the 21st do. do. 173 in the 27th do. ’do. Half of 175 in the 19th do. do. 127 in the 9th of Demon county. • 200j 231,37'i, 372,359,3651,409,420—10th Lowndes. 511 in the 11th of Lowndes. 277. 820, 325, 361 in the 12th of Lowndefc 46, 47/ 54, .75 in the 1st of ltftbun. 75, 106 iri the 3d of Uabun. 113 in the 5th of Kabun. 16, 65, 153 in the 13th of Habersham. 177 iu 19th district*, 3d section of ChcrokeC c’oiinfy. 158 in 10th do. 1st do. of Cht-’f’dkcc cohnty, 816 in 4th do. ls». do. of Cherokee county. The above Lands, owned by John Robinson, have beet placed in charge of the undersigned, who wil" take pleasure in showing them to tiny persons wish injfto purchase any of said lots, and will make con tracts for their sale at fair prices. Titles perfect. HAMLIN J. COOK. Also, I am offering for sale the following Lots:— No. 240 in the 28th district of Early county. 386, 387 in the 13th of Miller county. 150. 141, 180 in the 7th of Baker county. 237 in the 25jd of Thomas county. 134, 150, 250 in the 17th of Thomas county. 23, 338 in the 13th of Thomas county. 207 in the 16th of Decatur county. 151 in the 21st do do. 321. 365, 385 in the 4th of Calhoun county. 158 in the 9th of Berrien county. 27. 110, 264 in the 10th of Lowndes county. 34, 42, 102 in the 11th of Mitchell county. Albany, feb. 17. 47—ly. II. J. COOK. Jones & Hanabergh, sfflamssiiiss's EAffiLcmsa No. 285 Broadway, (Opposite A. T. Stewart’s.) NEW YORK. January 20, 1859 43—ly. WOUT HOUSE, —BY— J. D. GILBERT A CO., I. D. G1LDKRT V. «. TALIAFERRO H. A. RCOTtf. affSBflSigr 6eo ^. BAR AND BILLIARD S-AXjOOisr. H AVING leased the Bar and Billiard Salmon the “Isabella House,” I trill he fdfiftsedto s my friends from town and country at all times, and guarantee to furnish them with the very best articles of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &C. None but the best wiil be kept. Kg?* 1 shall ope« trt* the 16th, and be glad to see ytfnall. 0. II. MACON. Alkahy, Juiy 121k, 18511. IM1 In Store and for Sale. A SUPERIOR LOT OP CARRIAGES, BUGGIES> PLANTATION WAGONS, HARNESS,, j, WHIPS, &c., &c., A LL of which are made to.epecial erdeTfor this 1 * Market by the bestnianulaclarereat the North. My stock fc rtbl fh?«?6* in qiidlity to ally thin? ever- offered in the South. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to five me a call.aa b am determined to cell low for cash or city papey.*- ■ O’ Special orders filled af short notice. 4 ' R. L. TOMUNSON. Jackson street, West of J. S. AlorcmenV - AThany, December 23,18A8. WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME WITHOUT LUSB OF TIME OR CHANGE OF DIET OR CHANGE OF DIET OK CHANGE OF DIET OR CHANGE OF DIET OB CHANGE OF DIET WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WUH LSaB TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE MORE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MOKE 8VEF0U.Y MORE SPEEDILY "®““ - ““ iur and permanently AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY ....... «... W RE THAN ANY KNOW THAN ANY KNOW.. »«-«'* THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY SANCHEZ SPECIFIC CAN BE SENT BY MAIL. For Sole In Albany by r. o. U-F/.CH, ar .1- a. on'Ejr. May 111, 185'.> &->y HEWRY SCHURR, (8UCCE880U TO VOOHLU8ANQ.) NEW C0XFECTI0XEKV, BAKERV AKD FRCIT STORE. rlMF.YT T D. DENTISTRY. D R. a. D. G ALEIS, respectfully announces to the cifl- zensof ALBANY aud vicinity,that he hasttrchod ah Office in the new Brick Building opposite J. H. Dews, and tenders his professional services in all the branches of Dentistry, to friends and the public generally. His work is guaranteed, and will be executed in the roost ntod- m and approved style. lie is prepared to entertain nt his house, persons wbh reside at a distance and having work done,/ree 0/ t/iargc. ’J’enns moderate. feb.10. ly. Hardeman & Sparks^ “ “ WILL CONTINUE THE L*^3ware.1Iouse akes the food digt-st :r a vn Bowel Com* ■s vivid almo?t tC ZEU.IN & HUNT, WHOLESALE and RETAIL CHEMISTS, Macon, Geo., OrrOSITE THE STOKE OF J. B. & W. A. ROSS. Instruments, Perfumery, Brushes—all kinds, Garden Seeds, Oils, Paints, &c., A full assortment—to which the attention of the public is respectfully invited. [n.r.10, ly. style—that c .adiesarepa Albany, .March 31,1859. GASH CONSIDERATION. gently, and cares Costive- ( (g) j absorbents. !tui. I-mS . We take pleasure in r One dose taken after ^ commending this medten each meal will cure Dvs- ,. IS a preventive for P ever rcrstA. ,>k and Acrr., Guilt. K ^ tr.nd all hevers of a One doM of t«o ten ;,,, DS Tyre. It oponle. spoonfuls will always re- ^ iwith cetainty, and thoti- . lieve Stcc Headache. I [sands are willing to testily Only one dose immedi- (to its wonderful vir- ately relieves Colic, while ‘toes. All wha use it are giving their unimous testimony in its favor. Mix water in the mouth vith the Invigorator, and otoallow both together. rate* ONE DOLLAE PE* BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD,Proprietor, No. 315 Broadwsy, New ^Retailed by all Druggists. Sold, also, by M 7 F. O. WELCH, * A. G. OWEN, Albany, Ga. May 12th, 1859. W-Iy) ch-lt MARBLE WORKS. I TAKE this.method to inform the 1 have opened a Mitrhle Yard next to the Express Office, where I an fc, FROM $20,000 to $30,000, COSTjPRICE. C ONTEMPLATING to move into our Brick Bllildin^y Corner of Broad and Washington Streets, and determined not to move any old Goods into the netr house, wp offer our goods without a pretext at COST PRICE. I>. MAYER A BRO’S. Albany, Georgia, July 21st, 1859. 16-6m TAKE this.method to inform the public that I 1 ——*-' • *' * in this city, prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Toombs, Head Stones, Urns Vases, &c. All plain or ornamental work done with neatness and dispatch. All orders for work from town or country promptly attended to and warranted to give satisfaction. ZETCTFA-TTIIIijA MARBLE WORKS. Tansey ’TYBSPECTFUlI’Y informs th*> jjublicithat he is lv t0B.ut.ilv'j'cmring on.l importing IU1- ia* Marble Monuments, it>iabs, &o.» of vanous de signs, both plain &wt ornamcnial. lie will alsoiake .orders of private designs, confided to him by ms friends and patrons, and have them executed in Italy. Amotij: bis designs, may be found* figut’CS of Fnitbr Hope and Charity and other religious sub- locta. Also, Guardian Angels, Bleeping Babes, Lambs, Divine Lovt, Kneeling Angels, Children at Prayer, Fidelity, 1 Innocence, and a variety of other Aerigns, drawtf by the best Monumental Architects ia Italy and Francs. Designs of any of the above works ftjrnished on epplication. Orders promptly •Uondsd to, snd delivered si Albany, Ga., or at any station on Railroad, si my risk and expense. Will psy mj personal attention to the put- Hajtf of Aliments, JAMES TANSEY. LDgnrom, A^ent, at Albany, Ga.^ Albany, October 6th, 18;,9 28 : DEW ROCK. Dew Kock was raised near Sackett’s Ilarbcr, State of New York, by Mr. Dyer Washburn. He is a beautiful dark brown, (almost a black,) remark able for Ills form, style, eyes, ears and legs—fifteen and a half (15J) hands high; weighs about 1050 pounds. Persons wishing to raise fine rriage and buggy horses, will do well to try him, his -colt* commands the highest price. Ho will be our stable all the time. pedigree. Dew Rock was sired by Richmond Dew TtocV, he by ohl Dew Rock, he by imported Diomede; Dew Rock’s dam was fired by Sherman Morgan, he by Justin Morgan. The Morgan horses are too cele brated to give their pedigree, as Dew Rock shows he is Morgan enough to satiify any one. . Dew Roclr will serve marcs at $10 single visit $15 the season, payable when services rendered, and $25 to insure, »«d all cajp will be taken, but not li able for any accident.. One dollar to the groom in every instance. Educational! npHK Spring Term or the school at Morgan, Ga., I will begin on the 16th Jan. next. Instruction wTll be givenr such ns is usually taught in high schools. The female department will he under the control of competent and faithful teachers. Board can be had in the village. For particulars address, D. L. GILBERT, Principal, Morgan, Ga. Dec. 8, 1859 X7—7w niLL, WRIGHT & MARSHALL. Albanv. Nov. 25th, 1859 1860. Baptist Female College, CUTHBERT, GA. S PRING TERM will begin the 9th day of JAnuary. Valuable additions have been made to the Fa culty. The number of pupils has doubled in the last four years. Instruction given in any branch, ornamental or solid. Pupils should, if possible, be ■resent the first day of the term. For particulars apply to R- D. MALLARl, Pres. Albany, December 15th, 1859.■ SOUTH-WESTERN GEORGIA LiLKTlDS. LLB COUNTY. 1st District—Nos. 118, 155, 161. 13th “ “ 16. 14th “ “ 65,95,90,100,138,139, 167. SUMTER COUNTY. 15th District—Nos 80, 82,135, 212,254. iOtll “ “ 326,240,245,247. TERRELL COUNTY. 12th District—Nos. 65, 66, 129. 4th “ -191. RANDODPH COUNTY. Ottr-»iatTtei—I'd. 900- WORTH COUNTY. 14th District—Nos. 169, 188, 189, 196, 229, 231 234,254. 15th “ “ 60,64,66,72,157. 16th “ " 11,20,21,43,44,53,51,116, 117, 128, 137, 143, 144, 154. 159, 160, 165. 166. 171, 188, 189, 195,197, 198,232. DUOLY COUNTY. 2d District—Nos. 63, 202, 206. 3d “ “ 30,67. 6lh “ “ 2,4,19.20,30,35,36.40,51,54, 112, 113,147,179,305,206,212, 237,250. 7th “ “ 1,65,66,129,131,132,188,189, 10th “ “ 82, ilO, 111,110, 134, 141, 142, 143, 147.167.197,223,253,256. “ 16,18,19,139. PULASKI COUNTY. 4lh District—Nos. 76, 77, 83, 79, 85, 110,176,177, 204,205,211,214. 8th “ 150,151,161,162,168,172,177, 178, 1S9,198.199.215,216,265. CRAWFORD COUNTY. 3d District—No. 35. 7th •• “ 28,41,56.01. MACON COUNTY. 8th District—No. 93. 1st “ “ U6. 2d “ “ 178,203,209. MARION COUNTY. 3d District—No. 65. 97,98,125,158. 11th “ “ 2. CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. 6th District—No. 33. TAYLOR COUNTY. 12th Disl.—Nos. 187,199, 202, 209,216,228, 256. 13th “ “ 13, 98,126.132,124.153,153,155, 156, 158, 168, 183, 174, 198, 317, 243, 252. 93.98,103,126. “ 137,187, 158, 229. TALBOT COUNTY. 16th Dist.—Nos. 73.103,103. . EARLY COUNTY. 26th Dist.—Nos. 35. 36, 37, 38. 84, 8o. DECATUR COUNTY. 14th Dist.—Nos. 13,13,16,17,51,66, 68.76, 89,99, 92, 93, 96, l4l, 146,147,150. 16th “ “ 280.' 27th “ “ 263,261,398,299.300,301,302. • THOMAS COUNTY. 8th Dist.—Nos. 389, 391,392, 423, 424. 17th “ •• 212, 347. 348, 374, 376. The shove lands owned and tor 6ale by VVM. B. JOHNSTON, Macon,'G». Office at E. J. Johnston A. Co.’s feb.3 ly. Commission A T their old atandin Macon, Ga., and solicit •h** patronage of the public generally. Orders lor Bagging, iw; and Family Supplies, promptly executed. • TtiC’? HARDEMAN. ang.ll. (20) O. G. SPAtvIig FASSMAXN’S IRON HOOPS AND TIES PRICE C CENTS PER POUND—25 PER CENT. LESS THAN ROPE. A NY one considering the advantages of Iron over Rope as a material lor binding cotton bales, will be surimsod that it has not been adopted long since. In its security against fire there is an overwhelming reason for it* adoption. cJ.W.S'SS tgSSHKV tvSSptcS-A'utTKWmPJil! jectlon is removed generally, and the Orleans Press, the largest in New Orleans, give it the preference over rope. The Passman Iron Hoop and Tie is the Improvement ol one of the proprietors, and is adopted frUtii the fact, th-» is found after I ring experiment, tri Cdtnbine the grm merits in simplicity and facility of application of any yet made. It is so prepared as to require no ctarageJorre- compres«og. Thus obviating the only remaining difficul ty nt the seaboard cities. . , , t - . ' The hoops are sent of any length from eight to ten feet, and a full guarantee given that neither the Tics nor Hoops shall break. And further, that ail cottoj britind rn them shall be received oh the wm* nt the Orleans Pits* as rope bound cotton. The weight ijcr hale is aUtfdt the same as rope, not otic pound more or less. To show the opinion Ship Masters have of It, wo give the following, among numerous commendations we have: The undersigned masters of vessel* having had cotton compressed with Fassmafln’* new Iron Hoops and Ties, hereby recommend the same. The bales being tyell c<7m- prewed, and the buttons of hririps, never breaking When thrown down in the Ship’s hold, dr when stowed: L. L. Condey, Cant. Ship Moses Davenport, A. Robinson, ** “ Madras. James Thomas • “ ** A. Talbot, “ “ John Deftn, " John G. Wilmer. “ ** II. Koppenholdt, “ L. P. Meriil, ** Bark, — The price of Hoops and Tics at New Orleans, is Cr cents per pound, and all orders will receive {JgJ b >’ 121 Commercial Place- Agent. N.B.—liberal deductions made to Merchants tor city acceptance. June 30,1859. 14—ly SCHOFIELD & BROTHER,, Founders and Machinists, Opp8£U the Pateenptr Depot, MACON.,.-,..— OKOIlOtA'.- joiin Schofield! j joshca Schofields We are prepared to Hannfatlar® . . smi liWb omotJLAR saw Mnis f ; BULL AND GIN GEARING, ' SUGAR MtU8, Brass and Iron Casting,. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IKON RULINGS AKI) VERANDAHS. ■ H A VISCt the most completo assortment of Iron* Railings in the State, which for elegance^ neatness, durability and design, cannot be surpassed, and arc suitable for the fronts of Dwellings, Ceme tery Lots, Fublie Squares, Church Fences Ana Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings 4*ill do well to give us a call, as we are determined to offer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our work cart be seen at Rosa' Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences it* this city. SCHOFIELD A BROTHER. Macon, August 18, 1859. 21-ly OGLETHORPE HOTEL, Brunswick. Ga. T. A. HILIIER, PROPRIETOR. T HE OGLETHORPE HOUSE, is situated J but a few yards from the river,' the I a-bbat landing and the Railroad depot, rij'sclous building, constructed with a view ter* crinfTort; is well protected from the sun,, having broad piaiWrts to' each story extending around it, affording pleasant, shade in the delightful sea-breeze at all hours of the day* The travelling public will at all times findYgreeable quarters at this Hotel—• comfortable rooms, well provided table, and unre- mittingattention of the hWt <0 th* requisitions of his g«ests. May 19th, I860.- 8-tf ’ ■ ■ . is liiJ Madras, Henry; Hareaseeket, James Flint, Mu I house, Ella A. Clark, Kimball. CROCKERY, CROCKERY WARE, COAL OIL AND ZFLTTJID XjAJMZIPS. 1hOM!E~A-0 A-IIS3 - I HAVE just returned from Europe, where* 1 bought the largest and finest stock of liincg, dill & SSlfeiie Win, EVER TN THIS M ARKET. Also a lnrgc Slock of costnton and white ■ GRANITE TTABE, of tlie best patterns that comes to this country. I would call the attention of Merchants, to my samples notf on hand, which I am sure are preffcra- ble to ant thing in this section. I hate d good 8tock now on hand of Waiters in sets. Castors., • ,, , China Tea Setts, cheap, Coal Oil Lamps, Fluid Lamps, ^Tumblers, &c. I hrtte a fine lot of COAL OIL No. 1, to be hero iti a few days. All the aboye Goods offered cheap to make room for stock coming in. R. P. McEVOl. Macon, Ga., July 21st, 1859. 17-tf r»H,. juxx'iulSi^.s,- VERMIFUGE, I N LAROE BorrLES OR VIALS, onlv b,, Little. In tiring, nothing els^ is required to relieve children of worms; and, besides being one of the bestead cheapest ever offered to the public,its frequent use in fami lies will save ftruch trouble and expense,-as Well aether lives of many children; for eight out of Kraar teh cases generally require it. ITr. Little’s French mixture. This is prepared from a French Receipe (in the forma oi No. 1 and*/; the fust for the acute,and No. S for the chronic stage,) th it has been much improved upon in this eohntry} and frorti Us unexampled success is likely to an-, persede every other remedy for the cure of the diseases of the Kidnqys and Bladder, Gonorrhoeal. Blcnnonhceal, and Leuchorrhosal or FliiOr Albus Affections. This extchsiVe compound combines properties totally different in taste and. character from anything to be found in the Unitqd States Pharmacoptea or in private practice; and in point of safe ty and efficiency is not rivaled in America. Dr. Utile’* Anodyne Cough Drop*. I new and certain cere for Coughs, Colds, Asthma; .Phut i the Breast; also. Croup, Whooping Coughs, etc., etc., amongst children. This is a pleasant medicine to take; producing immediate relief, and in nine out of ten ca*-ea a ipt cure. It exercises the most controlling st'.Suenctf Coughs and irritation Of the Lungs of any remedy^ known, often stopping the most violent in a few boon, of at most in a day or two. Many cases thought to be de-' cidedly consumptive bafe.bem promptly eared by using a few bottles, and the wearing Li trie's Strengthening Plas ters on the chest. As an anodyne expectorant, without astringing the bowels, it stands paramount to aul Cough Mixtures. : Dr. l^Utlc’n JEtiugworai and Tetter Ointment. Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald RMAiawt 1 diseases of the skin generally, have been cored by thia remedy, and since the introdoction of the No.S prehAfti- tion (being stronger) scarcely a case hss been found that 11 not effectually eradicate in a short time. For the of Cancerons Sores and Ulcers it ia applied in the James Pierpont, —SUCCESSOR TO— JOHN G. FALLIGANT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SASHf DOORS AND BLINDS Paints. Oils, French and American Window Glass, Paper Hangings, Borders, Ac., Ac. gi^T» West side Monument,Square, Jct;i8 6m. 8AVANNAH, GEO. FRESH OYSTERS. Uu.«n b, procured. ^ & TANKERgLEy . Albany. Oct. 27*4859. 31— Dr. Joe A. Davis H AS rcmoTcd bis Office to the building reeentiy occupied by Mrs. Uunlnp, next (loor South of the wholesale Grocery Store of E. T. Jones. Albany, Nor. 10, 1859. * *3— Store House for Sale. ■jr OFFER for sale the StoTe House now occupied I by Charles"Volker, first building East of Patriot <Meo. Terms moderate. For particulars apply to rbarles Volker, at Albany, or to the undersigned at Americas, Ga- _ FRED. VOGELGSANG 1 Albany, Dec 8, 1859 87—tf Cheese, Mackerel and White Fish. . W ILL be receiving weekly, p good lot of Cheese, Mackerel in Kits and half Barrels, and White Fish in half Barrels. ’ B. T. JONES. Albany, October Cth, 1869 38-tf it will not effectually eradicate in a short time. Fpt the cure of Cancerous Sores und Ulcers it ii form of Plasters, and ia almortiInfallible. . • Physicians are referred to ffie 13th page of Dr. LifUq's pamphlet, to fhe catalogue of medicines of the Matena Medics, that he uses in compounding his diflefent remedied and asked to say if they are not the chief reliance of the profession, as be himself has praaticed medicine extensive-, ly for more than ten years, before retiring to the drag bos- In more than two hundred places in Geordifc, JKH in <f the Southern Suites, they art to bo had fand as there are »>anips about who are counterfeiting his medicine,by palm- - off their own or something else, by using the same of similar names (lor no patent ia wanted, or secured amid lh £^ U Alf o^creantl’fctiere to be addressed ^to LITTLE A. BROj Wholennle and Retail Drugahts, Macon, Ga. Sold by F. O. Welch and A. O. Owen. AJbany.Ga' “ J Stokea i Potter, StarkTille,Ga., and by nt» - - ■ --Duggbf* t*-iy. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A LWAYS on hand, a large lot of genuine Havana CIGARS, and best of Virginia TOBACCO. B. T. JONES. Albany, October Cth, 1859 28-tf N EW’BOOKS now.receiving at the Albany Book Store. sep.29. _ L. E. WELCH.- S OLID Silver Ware, for sale by sep.29. L. E. WELCH. FOR NElV YORK. PARE REDUCED! Freight and r&ttaje ae Low at U) any other Sliemtrt.- CABIN PASSAGE-..:...... Sl^ By tha splendid and commodious Side-Wheel Steamers, m AUGUST A 1,600 ton S ((,...C«pt. M. S. WoodhttlL FLORIDA ......I.S00 “ bM* CrawelL ALABAMA ...-1.800 “ G. R. Scbenck. These steamships belong Ur the old established and favorit# line, known ai the “New Yerk r aad Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,” and iri fomfbrf, accommodations thd fare, cannot be fcxeelied. ’ They are commanded bt axperieri^ied, skilful, eurefnl and polite ©fficera.' * 3 * tv ITTYWT? Jtr aar.T TV? AMBROTYPESI { WOULD inform the citizens of Albany and public generally, that I have returned, and may found at my old stand " “*—» Albany, Angnat lltb, W. C. BENNETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW-T-qUITMA2f, GEORGIAi* g Will practice in; the counties of Thomas, Brooke, Lowndes, and Berrien. „ - - Albany, January 6,1860. 41-ly* mHE Undersigned fiaviflg htPOme the sole A I Proprietors of the above Well knovtn cs- ■ tablishment, will be most happy at all titdfcliJL-^.. to see their friends from Tcrwit ind CotthtTy,- anu solicits a liberal share of public patronage?' Their BAB, wilUt atl time* be fiirtlished with the choicest Liquors,’ Wines* &e., while their BILUVRI) SAWfl* of So Tehitt, Trill «*otd theircuitomcra a pleasanl and agreert»ie pastime. Ai-PATTERSON. N^teon, Ga., April 7tb‘, 1869. 11—tj. July 1— JS0. R. W1LDKR & GALL IE,* AgenCs, S«T»nn»h. SAM'L L. MITCHELL ~ s son, Agents, New York. Something Good I* - 1HOULD yon want to rnjoy nil the luxnries in something good to nbew in fhe it*f of TOB AC- CO, onll at the Drug EetnhUshment of .D^D.. C. JONES, snd get n small piece ef the 013 Virgin!# He has also receiredhi-dny 309 ounces of Quinn fresh and pure, which ho is offeringas lowJ|r a market in Sonth-Wetlorn Georgia. Albany, N4tV19, 1859, nnjf »*= ). f \