The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, January 19, 1860, Image 3

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m-sm 41 DIPT BOOKS AND ANNUALS! Ju«t received at the Gift Book Store, at FRKDKR- It’K IJL'RTZ' Auction and Commission Room, under the •• Patriot Building." on Broad street. A present worPi from 60 acuta to $60.00 will he circa with eaeh DOLLAR BOOK! sold during the dey. Call and examine our method of doing business. A Good Assortment of STANDARD. POKTICAL. HISTORICAL AND • BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS, Also, BIBLKS, OP ALL I*RICBS. Prom Seventy-five cents to $25.00'. Don't forget the place! Branch of Philbrisfc’t Great Southern Gift Book Store, No. 304 King St.. Charleston, 8. C. JttST* Books at Auction every nigiifv FREDERICK BURT/, Auctioneer. _ January 19, 1869-tf. 1TEGROES for MLR ami Co HIRE. VALUABLE Carpenter for sole, and a num ber of Negroes of rarious descriptions to hire. . Waggons, Mules, Ac. For particular* enquire at this office, or of Dr. W. P. Jennings. January 19, 1860-21. GEORGIA. WORTH COll.Vn. "T ¥7” HERE AS, Samuel Story, Administrator ly tlic estate of Georgo W. Culhoon. deceased, applies to me to be dismissed from said Administ ra tion; these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my ofiice within the time prescribed by law. to show cause (if any they hare) why said letters of dismission may be granted. Given under my hand of office, January 16, 1860. 1L D. SINCLAIR, Ordinary. January 19, 1800- OEOR«I/%, WOHTII COlJNTY7~~ W HEREAS Sarah K. Shines, Guardian of Rob- eit Shines, minor heir of A. J. Shines, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from •aid Guardianship, these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my offiee within the time prescribed by law, to ■how cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under ray band of office, January 16, 1800. Pv. D. SINCLAIR, Ordinary. January 19, 1860- GEORGU, CALHOUN COUNTY~| W HEREASC, hnrles R. Moore applies to mo for I Letters of Administration on the estate of j Susannah Johnson, late of the State of Alabama, deceased, this is, therefore, to notify all the kin dred, creditors and other persons concerned, to be and mppeaT at the Court of Ordinary, to he held in and for amid county on the fourth Monday in Febru ary next, and show cause (if any they have) why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Morgan. December l!Ctli. I860. RICHARD F. JONES, Ordinary. January 19, I860. *f TWENTY OR MORE NEGROES FOR SALE. TTNDER tbe special direction of the will of the l*te Joseph Bond, will be sold before the four House door, in Albany, on the first Tuesday in Fe bruary next, the balance of said negroes belonging to said estate, consisting of families of men, w men and children, very likely and well trained the cultivation of Corn and Cotton. TU08. If. MOUGHBN, \ WM. 8. MOUGIIKX. / K*«c«»‘ors. II. S. BOND, Exec’x. January 19, I860. NOTICES. O N the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in the town of Starkvillc, bee county. Ga., will be sold the real Estate belong ing to the Estate of Enoch John**. late of said coun ty, deceased—the same being doue under the will I of aaid deceased, and an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the purpose of paying j off the just debts against said estate, and far tUe | benefit of the legatee*. HENRY P. W GOTTEN, Adin'r de bonis non with thu will annexed. December .i, 1859 d'.u ^ i DR. j. H. PARIS, ALBANY, GEO. R BSPKCTPULLY tenders his professional senri- s«m to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Albany, aod surrounding country. He solicits a liberal chart of publie patronage, as all operations are war- Ilc can be found atthe Ambrotype and Photograph Gallery of Dr. R. C. Paris, over Uawson k lUwson’s Dry Goods Store. Albany, January 12th, 1860 4!_-3ins Spotted I>ogs! Soien or Strayed. , 3 [TWO SPOTTED C0ACII DOGS, from W*rn«ck> I gtables. A suitable reward will be paid for eir delivery at tbe Ware-House of Sims & Rust. January 13, I860 43-»m NE3W PIR.M! rnllC undersigned have formed e copartnership I tbe Drnff business in the city or Albany, un. the Arm nine end eiyle of Gilbert * Dlcklnac and baring bought the stock of Drugs and Modi- eiaee formerly owned hy Dr. D. C. Jonre, ihcy will keep their etore (nt tbe old stand) well supplied with n full and complete stock of all tko articles usually kept in well regulated Drug Stores. ! ' JOIIS D. GILBERT, M. D. JOHN T. DICKINSON, Albany, January 12, 1800 dti—Iw 11 Likely Negroes for Sale fYTHE subscriber will offer for sale to the highesi 1 bidder, in Newton, Baker county, on the first Tuesday in February next, thirteen likely negroes, leans made known on the day of sale. Bawttm molt groceries i iiawauu wew stock.. IS SELLING A GREAT MANY ARTICLES -A-T COST ENTIRELY NEW and FRESH rt*. which we can truthfully say > in part, of— assorted Pickles, Piocalilo, Olives and Capers, ” d Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, vch nr.d American Candies, Mcershaun Pipes, Fancy Pipes, 1 Wines and Brandies. Champagnes, Rhine ■snorted Cordials, itaspbery, Strawbery and Apple Syrups. j ts-s- «c uliO Imvc and shall kcor-Iavy. mocha. J^.jrtiirt,. Maricalio m.d Hit. Coflecs, Sugars. Syrups, I licrf Tou-r.cj, f.Ml l' ; sli. Dried IV.I. Miicltcvttl. Shod, Salmon. White Fish, Ac., Duller, Cheese, best Oranges, Apples, Bauanuas, Pine Apples, uded in a Family Gro as iiSzts&i' —— CONFECTIONERY —AND- - — CANDY MANUFACTORY. Fruit* efc Toy®- ilies hare At wholesale iu boxer from 35 to 100lbs., as cheap as any in the market. All »»»*• ot Irerh Cakes and Bread, every day, for faiuifa*. Patties can be famished with all the luxuries tho do- mertic and foreign world can afford. He harjaet received a great assortment of Preserve*, of every kiud ; various Jellies, Jams.Syrup*, Sauers, CatsUOS, &c., Ac. All sort* of frseh Fruits, as Applet, Oraucev, Lemon*. Pine Apples, Fig*, Dates, Rafail*, Citmns, Current**, Almonds. Freni Prench Prunes, in jars. Sweetmeats, Ac. * * FOR CASE JONES & TANKERSLEY. GROCERIES!! January 12, I860 VUOBEUT COLLIER. FOR NEW YORK. TARE REDUCED! Freight and Tateagt at Lore ae ly any other Steanere. CAB IK PASSAGE.. $13, By the splendid and commodious Side-Wlieel Steamers, AUOUSTA 1,600 tons Capt. M. 3. Woodhnll. FLORIDA 1,800 *• *‘ Isaac Crtwell. ALABAMA .....1,800 « “ G. R. Schenck. These steamships belt „ . the old established and favorite ■ liae, knewn as the “New Terk ►and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,” and in comfort, accommodations am! fare, cannot bo eiaelled. They are commanded by experienced, skilful, earefhl and polite officers. JXO. R. WILDBR A GALLIB, Agents, Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL & SON, 1— ~ Agents, New Tork. Among which arc 1,000 SHAWLS, 4,00 CLOAKS, 2,0 00 Articles ol CloUiht .5,000 Yards DBLMffiS, WOULD call a season, which t A P. & C Sir 4 Boxes Loaf shed and IV.wd; rod f 1-'-* Eoxc« 4ft “ 35,(mm» Ilftvai 20,000 A suer 150 Hops 2) Ba«-k( 25 Cases 12 “ t 25 Boxes lV ui 1 ;ny present Stock of GROCERIES bought this 1 12 4< Osnnbnrgs, 12 Dozen Axes. 20 “ Boot Karnes. 12 Hosts Measures, 12 “ Cedar Tubs, 6 Dozen IVell Bucket?, 6 “ Ames Shovels, 6 “ “ Spades, U ■ “ Manure Porks, 25 J Lbls. White Fish, No. 1. & 2. Mackerel, A great quantity Paacbfa.Cher- ... Beef, Bologue Saww(e,Che«we, Sardine*. Crackers, Smoked Ilerrinjpv ! oUtoe*, Oninua. Freeh Black aad CrvCQ Tear, Soda, Soap, Candles, 4c.*., 4cc. Toy*, Toy*! Toy*!! Tbt ritixrtts grnvrally are invited to call ami exaniiii* my stock of new fancy Toy*, as China, India Rubber, Fin, Wood, Paper and SugarToyt.a large assortment— among which you can find any thing you may want. 1 have also on hand a fine a**ortment of Wine* and Brandis*, of the aery best auality—u* rood old daira, Malaga, Cherry, Muscat. Juh Cognac, Jamaica. Rum, Hollandirh an Gin, Ilygcuia Bitten*. Ginger, Blaekber 4cc.,&c. Moooneabcla, Rye,Scotch i .. , Wines and Brandies, told ip fancy bottles, or by the Ion. Tire bert article of Chamjuigno by the basket, quilt, pint or half faut. Also, London Porter and Win- burg Ale*. A fine lot of Tobacco and Cigars, for gt-nllo- men’s use ; Snuffa of all kind*. In fact, I have on most any thing you nuy call for in iny line, and choap rate* aa can be had in this place. &3T My Term* ara Strictly Cash. HENRY SCHURR. IMULCOUST, The Metropolis of Georgia. MAY GOODS FOR THE FALL & WINTER TRADE OF 1859. JUST liECEIVKn A T the Stand of Fears,.8wansou & Pritchett, on Cotton Avenue, a large Stock, (yes, quantities) of Staple and Fancy Dry Good*, contain ing all the beauties and novcltu a of the s<-ns«*n. The friends and public generally are most cor dially invited and earnestly requested to call ami examine my Goods, for I am confident that I can please the most fastidious in STYLE, PRICE AND QUALITY. .d Adamant in Car. Kita do 5 l hbls. Mess. Shad, 25 bids. Rectified Whiskey, 20 “ Corn do 25 “ Monongahclado 25 “ Old Rye do 12 \ Casks Brandy, 0 bbls. American Brandy, 11 “ Rose Gin, 6 Casks Madeira Wine, 6 “ Port & Sherry do 8 bids. Malaga 25 54 'Cider Vinegar, 8 “ White Wine do 6 Casks Potash,' 25 hbls. Hiram Smith Flour, 260 Sacks Extra Family & Superfine Flour, 12 Xcsls Sugar Buckets, 12 Dozen Painted do 40 Boxes Raisins, 6 Casks Ale. 6 “ Porter. uttd Rupo, Hucon, Ltird, Salt, Iffo1n»e*, Syrup, an urlit'ics he^ngius to fliu Grocery Trade*. U. T. JONES. JARVIS & BAKER’S ISLAND §iim - FROM THE SOLTIS SVVmit OVEiN. Mf «.IU i on, .^1 Mrdoe Wii Be certain, if you wish somctl.iiig decidedly hand some, to examiuo this department. We have very rich Velvet and Two-flounced Robes, and will offer extra inducements in price—also, a large lot of Silks by the yard, at exceedingly low figures. Call and examine, and you will bo convinced. SILKS. DELAINES. of low priced DeLnl ry richly printed Del CLOAKS. A large stock of low priced DeLnlncs, very beau tiful. Also, very richly printed DcLaine Robes- Beers Sc Brinson R ESPECTFULLY announce that they have a choice selection of tut u immi consisting in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Ladies' Dress Goods, Cloaks and Shawls, Boots and Shoes. Ilata and Caps, Saddles and Bridles, Men and Boya* Clothing, Crockery, Blankata and Car pets, and Hard-ware. Also a fine lot of Double-Barrel Shot Guns, at from $5,00 to $10ti|eaeh. They respectfully invite a careful examination before purchasing elsewhere. No charge for showing Goods. BEERS & BRINSON, r.r.OAD ST.. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Alkuj, Not. 24, I860 85-9W A very handsome lot of Cloth and Velvet Cloaks. TUe Slock is now well assorted and very complete, and I am very anxious to sell. Goods sold on time to prompt paying cus tomers. ggy- Extra inducements to cash buyer?. T. J. SWANSON. sep.15 (48-ly) Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. THE EVER MADE IN STANDARD fee FEARS & PRITCHETT, Macon, Gra., RECEIVING TO-DAY— Hams and Extra Flour, 85 bales Gunny Bagging, * 200 coils choice Machine Rope, 100 boxes Adam Candles, 15 bales Osnaburgs, 17 “ Ocmulgee Kerseys, 100 kegs Nails, 5 bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 8 chests Extra Black Tea, 75 boxes Hyson and Gun Powder Ten, 100 bags Rio Coffee, 60 “ Java and Loguira Coffee, Stewart’s Extra Syrup, “ Sugar House Syrup, 75 bbls. A, B and C Sugar, „ 2000 pair Russet Brogans, 1000 “ 8, 9 and 10-1 Negro Blankets. 80 “ fine 10, 11 and 12-4 Bed Blankets, Striped. Brown and Bleached Homespuns. 400 pieces Prints, Ticking and bleached Sheeting. Orders from our friends promptly attended to. J. W. Fkahs, late of Albany, Ga. T. J. Pritchett, late of Monticcllo, Ga. September 15, 1859. (48-ly) .AZM^RiaAJSr a-TTA-ILTO CO, 2ST. "ST. rpiifv t;i. X if n sea., sea. Albany, January 12th, I860 42-tf GEORGIA, > Present the Hon. Henry G. Lams WnxTH CorXTT. j Judge of the Macon Circuit. “ T. WlLLIAMSOX, of PERMANENT VALUE to the soil, !!T\ CKN’i . tlmu I’cruvian Guino. Its peculiar NATURAL combinations*f I ■J’.i!!.:*!■ • enables it to KKSTOUE to the soil the properties lost by constant i'li*.ci’ u:5! euub’.t'd n«.t merely to reap from its use a present crop, but find hit !,.* sea-i.m healthier am! stronger, requiring a less amount of Guauo for the next year. b it .Joes jrfit STIMULATE to EXCESS the roots of plants, and they are thereby ,.! ihi* ctiects of DROUGHT to n greater degree than by the use of any other fertiliser . r ssil idiiection to the use of Peruvian Guino from its fatal results during a dry etason, nvc of tiie American Guano. ndcrfitl crops of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Rye, Tobacco, i of .successful experiments with this Guano, together C. A. Xj. LAMAR ring them. Oct.20 3m. [ Libel for Divorce, .jr. Lociza J. Wiluawsox. J T appearing to the Court by tbe return of tin Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside ii said county, and it further appearing that sho does not reside in this State. Wliercitpon it is ordered by the Court, that service bo jierfected by publica tion in a publie Caz* ttc in this* State, requiring said defendant to be at the next term of «Lis Court, or the case be considered in default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. JOHN ,1V. ROUSE, January 12, I860 42- l'l ff* Att ys. GEORGIA* \ Present, the lion. Henry G. La- •T. / mar, Judge of said Court. 'ALtlfvr Divorce, $c. Mabt C. WnsTrAtu J J T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that tho defendant does ndt* reside iv s countv, and it further appearing that she doe> not reside*in this State, it is on motion ordered, tba said defendant appear and answer, at tho uext tern of this Court, or that the case be considered in do fault, and the Plaintiff allov. cd to proceed. ’ ROBERT J. WEEKS, January 12th, I860 42— l’l ffs Att ys. ihviatcd by t!ie Ufc »>f tin rhe application of this < Vegetables, .kc. F -r lull i: it It Pamphlet a for distrihutton, apply to Pamphlets will be sent gratis to nil persons desiri G-EOEGIA STATE LOTTERY, For tho benefit ol the M03STTICELX.0 UNION ACADEMY, OF JAf>I‘F.U COOSTV, GEOUUIA. Authorised by Special Act of I^giriaiure, 25,828 Prizes. y,,„ than 0.\K MMi: to ten/ TWO TICKETS! llcKIWUl & CO., Uanaffcrs. Capital IPrizo $60,000. Tickets only S10. HALVES, QCACTEUS AM* EMU1TM8 IN l'HOlMUtTlON. Tt> 1!E DRAWN E.1CH SATURDAY IN JANUARY, ISS0. IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, GA. Class 53. to be Drawn Jamui;y 7. I860. Clasa 54, to be Drawn January I I, 1 H*I0. Class 55, to be Drawn January 21, 18«;:>. Cla33 56, to he Drawn January 28, \ Pri *.e of »5vt,0t*0 U 860.600.5 Prixu of $1,000 in §j,QQ0 1 •* 20,000 is 20,00010 “ 500 a ro 5,000 1 “ 10,003 M 10,000*2 ** l “ 5,000 U 5,000(2 “ 1 “ 4,000 is 4,000.2 “ 1 “ n.OOOw 3.001)50 ** 1 *« 2 IKK) is 2,000! 100 “ 1 •• 1,500 'u 1,500)100 *« l «* 1,100 is l,10i)|l00“ 85 arc 8,500 APPROXHIATIO.Y PRIZES 4 Pri/Ai of C100 Approximating to $60 000 l’i iz.»are $800 32 GROVER & BAKER Reduction of $20,00 j G«o. from former prices. ‘ P. 8.—The New Straight Needle Machine is now out. A. LEYDEN, GenT Ag’t. October 27,1869. (8-lj) fall Trade. J. S. M OEEMEN, \\T0ULD inform his old friends and th* pnblie J \ V generally, that hs Is receiving his Stock of FANCY DRY GOODS, (for tho Fall and Winter, which will surpass any other Stock he has ever exhibited, in QUANTITY, STYLES AND VARIETIES, d at less Prices than over before. My Stock consists in part of FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES, DsLAlNES, ROBES, . CASHMERE ROBES, JUPES & EUGKNF. ROBES. My assortment of Winter SHAWLS is maguificent, nbmeing new and elegant styles. Call and look them. Also mv Stock of • HATS, AMD VELVET CAPS, ul every thing of that sort is complete. I hare IVKGItO SHOES, BLANKETS, WOOL HITS. KERSEYS, 0SN&BURGS, slid .ill other Plantation Goods, which will be sold very Cheap. HARDWARE, SI DOLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, and every (bias in that line. Some One OLD CI GARS. and a nice lot ofSmal] Groceries. PEPPER, SPICE, STAltCU, GINGER, TO BACCO. SYRUP, SUGAR, COUPEE, Jfcc. l&r Give me n call. I think my Stock complete, and 1 «r.i determined to sell as Low as the Lowest. J. S. SHOREMEN. Albany, October 18th, 1859 20-8ma. 1 Libel VBup’i dth. ) 1869. Libel for Divorce in Worth t’r Court, October Term, Lephaniah Smith rpilE Sheriff having returned in the above stated ■ ease that the Defead&nt is not to be found in said oounty of Worth, an4 it ftjrther appearing to tha Court that ha Ia beyond the limits of this State, It is ordered that tha Defendant appear and plead to aaid case an or before the first day of tfie next term of thia Court, cr that the cause proceed exparte, and that ths Defsndeat be asrvtd by a publication of thia order in the Albany Patriot, a publie news paper prlatsd aad published in the city of Albany, for tha length of time and in the manner prescribed bylaw. SAMUEL HALL and WM. *t HARMS, „„„„„„ - v I~ PWtfAtty fc GEORGIA—Wortk icu.ty—A In* «xtrmct from th, minute, of'Wo.ih BttMrin Court. MWSOffl m & MWSOI, H AVE received a new supply of Hats of Inf c style. They have on hand a mo it complete assortment of Hats of every description. Prices from $1 to $5. Also fine Wash Caps, and all other articles kept in their line of business, which will to sold on the most reasonable terms for the CASH. a0T Stor j opposite tho Patriot Office, and next deor to Dr. R. C. Paris’ Photograph Gallery. Albany, December 22,1859. 89- 0,000 10,000 5.000 4,000 “ 3,000 FOR SAllT 25,000 Prizes 8 arc v 200,COl 25,828 Prizes amounting to $366,041 CESTtncxTis of Packages wilt bo sold at 2.c iol!owin| —• kKc*? >s the ride: C . ■ ,U.-sol P- kaocs of 10 Whole Tick $6 10 Half “ ....3 “ “ H>Quarter 44 .... \ “ " It) Eighth " ..7 fi IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Bnclo-c the money to oor address for the tickets onlered, >n receipt of which ihev will be forwarded by first mail Purchasers can have ticket* ending in any figure they may deMsnatc. _, , , . , The list of drawn numbers and prize* will Le sent t< nurcliiuers immediately after tho drawing. * ’I communication!)st.ictly confidential. ..Jem for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to bo difbeted to f L T _ __ LIoH-LNNBV & CO., Jan. 42, I860. SAVANNAH, GEO. TVTE ate offering for sale on reasons- YV ble terms, the following Lots of ||y^ J-iud-W* Ko. 120, 121.104 lying in Um tth Diitrict «t Dooly County. Lot llo. 871, in the 20th Dmtriot of Early Uo. ... .. 102, tn th. Ittth •• of •• Co. !■ “ 881, intholTth ^ « »f “ Coj, - ‘ . -J CLABK SLIPPITT, 12,1880: Attorneys at Lwr. CLOTHING. FURK1SHISG GOODS, c&SO., ffco. PAIL & WINTER TRADE. ▲re the Beat ever Produced to the World, E )R all kinds of Family Sewing, both ronr*c an fine, ‘ ‘ pot . „ v , Watson, assisted by‘Miss R. F. IIxckh, will take pleasure in exhibiting them to persons to purchase. - Persons purchasing can have i of them, either to themselves NEW STORE! NEW STOCK!! TASTEFUL ASD WELL MADE GOODS II T HE St.bsmb.ra bare just opened. Jireet from Nsw York, an •ENTIRELY FRESH Stoekof Clothing and Gentlemen’* Furnishing Goods, all manufactured expre»wly for them, and tut and Made of the lutest styles. | We have In Store, Gcnta Cloth anil Caodmcrc Coaln, together with a full assortment Coats of all grades., Punts* of every style. Cut and Quality. Vest**! icral variety, and all Prices. Marseilles and Bosom SfalrU aad Collars. Hilk and Merino Nett Skirts, Drnwew, Act., Ac., FLANNEL DRAWERS AND SHIRTS. | CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. Cravats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, STJSPEISrDTSRS, &C. T. R. RIPLEY’S —NEW CASH— Crocliery. Cliina, Gloss AND Xaamp Store, Wasihxutom Stexxt, Near Hill & Co’s Livery Stables, ALBANY, CEO. 'TVT1IERR can be foi.nd n good supply of the Yy abov * natncfl articles of the latest stylefi.— Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Cauphene, Keros sue Oil, kc., to which the undersigned would most res pectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Al bany and surrounding country, flattering himself that he can pleasa the most fastidious. * W. T. MEAD, Agent, (jecember 1,1859. 36-Cm Dost or ISislaid. E Sumter county, on tha 22U instant, a promiso- note, made payable to the subscriber by John en, for seventy-two dollars and fifty cents, with a credit on the back of fifty dollars, Not. fiOth, 1859. AH persons are forewarned not to trade for ttfts no,t ' “ 1 mJssFsJsst u January 5th, 1859. . 41—iw WANTED, A situation as an Overseer. A 74 .Bgsgcm.Qt mmde wilb tbe undent ped by the lfitl, Pebruiry or lit of lfuek next, »j after that time, if net eagafed, will (o Weal. My wages will be liberal with a force. Uavxaaacaa. Col. L. A. JOURDAN, Da. 8. L. DAUBER, J. B. HILL, Bxv. JONATHAN DAVIS. Addreu, Albany, Georgia, JOHN A. DENAKD. Janaary Cth, 1860. 4i-4f* wishing to pure instruction in tne i or servants, st the He has several other patterns he can safely recommend as being good. Below is the certificate of a few gentlemen of high I standing in the community, out of the many that might have been obtained. J. H. WATSON, Albany, October 20, 1859 [80—] Agent. We take pleasure in certifying that we have, each of us, one Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines in use in our families, purchased of Col. J. II. Watson of Albany, Geo., and are fidly and thoroughly satis fied with them. They work easily, without any diffi- great simplicity recommends them over all other kinds, while tlic durability of their work ren ders their use better than can well be estimated.-- Any one purchasing these (G. & B.) Machines will find them to be the best posnble investment for their ^Thomas Noaxis, Baker County; Georgia. B. M. Cox, " * * V. N. Childers, Dougherty ** J. B. Gilbert, s m C. A. Bovmtoh, Albany, Geo. Ricit'n U. Clark, Albany, Geo. The Metropolitan • Put up to o.rder. "Washing Machine, I S one ot the beet, most ut-etbl »nd perfect Ma chine, of tho kind ever .'Med to the public.— Gent. Root., Shoo .ml Ciwltert, of .11 grades. m3 who have lia.! a year s wpericuco uith this A tne lot of assorted TRUNK#. VALISES. CABPET BAGS, HAT AND BONNET BOYES, Ae., Ac., HATS of .11 grades, Silk and Caiisimere, Wgl and . tne lot of Fashionable Soft French BSj lists. ^*1 Fine Cigars and Tobacco Together with Ptstots, Foeket Cutlery and Haiore, of ths finest and best make. For variety la oor line, w. yield to none—for quality and prices, the purchaser i. aTmII md are for himself who wHl either .Iter goods to lull, or nuko np G»- ments of any kind or quriity, to tko latest wnd most fssklooshU styles. .... „ ThoooU want of Goods of ony kind hi* line, CO. tVAf. ,r, n?WMF«MiKDA Albany, BoJSmbor 29,18M- Albany, 7 3STOTICHE. SoL'TS-VaiTSV* But Roto t7o. \ Macox, Gjo., January 2d, 1889. J o^c.tnthU.Uy,«T^r.W._E; Machine, say thet clothes will Uf t one-third longer than wheu washed by the rubbing board, particu- larlv shirts worn by persons a 1030 business subject s their shirts to a great deal of wsshing. as hlaqk- amiths, machinists and farmers. It is therefore tntc economy for every family, howkrer small, to pur chase this machine, for the co«t is soon repaid in the sating of wear to tho clothe*, and ia again noon repaid in the taring of time and labor. For sale in this city by * J. M. COOPER A CO, Albany. Sept. 29,1859. 27- Jjools. at Tills. SSOTOSMSHL .pTTTCt NEW STYLE OF LIKENESS C tN now be obtained in Albany in all ita perfec tion, euitablc for framing. Da durability iaho- vomt qneation, and the corrtctneas of ere^ Like- neaa drawl admiration from etery one. Call aad then judge for yonraelf. I ahaU al.0 oontmuO to maka tha usual Ambrotype to accommodate thoeo neat. make' the usual Ambrotypo desiring them. Constantly onfcaml a fine assortment of Plain and fancy Cases, GRt Fromcn, and every artitic pertain ing to the business. Life-aize Photographs copied from the Likenesses of the deceased, and fiuisned in tbob^otyw. to Rawson &