The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, August 25, 1865, Image 1

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k y 12. II. IItE3N-4.isr, .;/{.) I • - ' ■ ‘ Let the Eeople Bnle» 33, IN jADt^NQS vov XIX. ALBA^;VGE0R6lAr'%CJ6USt 25. 1865. NUMBBR.gjL The Atlantic Cable. paid 0a ^ we commenced t t , I f "*rt<fte Enterprise—Diary of C. W. Field*-] wben we began to haul in slowly,’ Speculations of tic English Press. bled Press/) dent by .the greet strain that the grapple laid capght the cable.; At seven p:M.,7tfhfen*710 fathoms had - ... m. r i. • . , been recovered, 4h*er rope’" 1 partf$*dnd as there was M Vo.«, Aug. .1 tih.—The following la M#* net sufficient rope onboard the Gn?at Jfiastwn to re- £diary: f^^ip^Gr^^baatern,'At-[some tho grappling, it. wa* decided she should/e- "* ' ' ” ■ ” »r.V**r v -o,. * % »u-i tf% ui«.i t 17ih.^-The comments and lo«ra#*■ •--»•**'—--v V m. ; ppc-cuM»uoii» im uie raoglrah -papers-concerning the I j^lfp"* 1 an ‘ i lwo nn ¥ on ft*V P . * ’ ^V*’ she i Atlantic cable, received t>y the China, are in the ab- the Caroline, tiwt left London on the 5th s*nce of jnore definite inttflltgeaee from .the Great 1" T -.i U...A oml nn rnird. SllK llud h»pn fin. ! li'dJiant A II ■ 1.1 !. r_ i l*-* lb** ii ibe wrsilier. was not favorable, the- Caroline j caused a breakage of lire cable, is out of life question, Valenti» harbor and the Great Eastern to as the* instruments eraolnved at Valenti-x were so JJ Haven, Ihntry Bay, followed the next day by steamers, Terrible and Sphynx. - llV ueoty-seven miles of the heavy* shore end L*?occessInIIv laid from the Caroline and towed L^pteamer Hawk. OntSatarday, the 22d, at a * r fiast five o'clock, "the next afternoon, the . „jib Urne eml on bnjrd. She Iwd been de- j Eastern interestiAg. On nil haddait is sgreed mat Kflfjltlwd weather. v\ e took her m tow and; the injury to the cable'must «h*ve occurred after it off Valenti* at 6 45 A. 51. ol Wednesday.— left the ship. Rough weather,’sufficient to hove I,? weather was not fa vorable, the. Caroline. caused a breakage of the cable, is out of t Ite qudstir- in*«V*lenm harbor and the Great Eastern t<ij as the* instruments employed at Valentia were delicate as to record"every inch the big ship—. When the loss oFinsulation became known ou board the Great "Eastern; B issDpptised that those* in charge of the operation-would Order the ship to be put back,, n order to underrun'the wire and discover the flaw, i WIdle this operation was in progress, according to lire writer in the Loudon Times, a brisk wind or any roughness of the sea would compel the tclegr.iph people to cut the cable at once and The report brought by the ‘First Fruit is not absolutely inconsistent with the supposition that this was done; that supposition is.supported by the fact that while it wus in latitude 51, longitude 89, the insulation first.begair to give.obt,and tile Great Eastern prob ably. went some distance after tliip. it was in kuitude 51 and 40, longitude 38, one degree" nearer Valeo- tia, that the First Frnitlound- the buoy; As to tho possibility, of recovering' the cable, should it have been Buoyed »;$ suggested, opinion differ* t ; * The London -D^iTy Vews mentions^ as an en’conr : rinjj omen, t|ie fact that a cable now worked wat At five inin'qtes jnst! fished out of 1600 fathoms water, under less faVQra- irning, the laull wu» found to have | ble circumstances. Should the worst auticipaOon.-- r ;< piece of iron, wire, similar to that be realized, and the cable'found to harp parted, only utnuf.icture of I lie* cable, »bnpi two Mhout 600 miles of wire will be lost, a* from -100 to Itici* had been forced b* tween the outer , 5jo "miles can be recovered froui the Valentia end- in* gu:la i-ercha into the copper wire; I. — — wm i . —— »l cable was recovered. ' • In a circular ju«,issued Jby theXletropolitan w splice made, and tlK*! Insurance Compauy vre fiud lira following useful !ir v ,,i machine at the i *»Ulc, showing the value of currency ctnnpavcd witl Krfth'vk returned to Valeutia. All went ou in ■^cin'icr till 2 30 A. M. Monday, 24lh. when Ik.,! |,^s ol insulation suddenly showed itself.— ■*- !)• a .kr this the speed of the ship was reduced, r^blc paid out more slotvlv, while tests were oiui-ate the fault, which seemed to-be in the tie miles astern-of tb* Great Eastern. [SiWA. M-. cable was returned to theprieking- at the'buoys, and began to .ha til in the >jh*ration was frsqueutly snsj>eiid*'d bv i m the boilers attached to the pickiqg- -ingtlie day a portable boiler was j U lit 'be i TKo»tf«aS T n.lrrri-d to the pa ue.-dav, 15;li all was p'»ia at diffelent rates of premium: il.-m .wi u-uv u.TWben gold is The discount on U. One hundred dol- , ! . . * , y ° i sold for cur- S. loraUemier ' * lata in currency i pei .ei. "* **r , ' - , ~ i sold for cur- H. lar-at.tender * * lata in currency ring been detainedI lluriy-scvcn Iwurs | ivucy at - currency is will buy in gold- a , Wednesday, the 26th, j 1^5 00.,...;.... 4 77. per cent v *a..<j., * With all due-regard and deference to conventional propriety, we deeire'to.refar cursorily tolhe greatest -social evil of the day, and we desire to talk plainly. We, would not cause a blush to.mantle cheek of. por« woman.'; We wo*n!d say nothing ter offend'tlie most moral, or to nratify tbe prurient laste’oFtKe libertine or debauchee. It is si triply our duly, as u*e understand it/tpupcjlk plainly of the magnitude and fea^lul grbwing^xlebt ‘Of the turbid and poHri^ ted stream ol prostitution; and its devastating conse quences.-' - . * • ‘ • ' * ' ' . \ . Vicea of alf kinds nre freely referred to by the nress upd public. Ministers, ol" the gospel declaim &>unda£ after Sunday, and point Out thq evil'effects of immoraGiy* llie progressive character of vice, the inevitable consequences of evH ^oing gen^raHy ;-but, not, one word is said of the existence find growing extent of an evil, more baneful In ith results, mote ruinous in its influences, more awful- m its direct physical effects qpou posterity, than any othety— Why this reticence, upon this bubj^cr, \ye can out understand. . Certainly, every dtaQ’.and womau'.iti the co bn try, who have eyes knd eirs, know of its existence. It flaunts itriblf defiantly upon our streets, day alter day, antf night after night. .The dashing, painted, delj^aclved courtezan, with’her tawdry or naments, exhibits Imeft t<*Mhe .public gaze .on all occasions. ’ S!,e vfudiher Hull diwa ise'a ml* artificial love, publicly, without warning, admonition, df -~ straint. ' Ignorance, then, of its exrslence cannot bo given fts an excuse for the 'silence. It spring* doubt less from * false delicacy or foolijh affi^ctatioo, which're minds one of the squeamiuhite** of tbe-young lady, who refused-to wear * wdlulrin her bosoiri,-because it had hands.. * V- ^ The evil is-posillvely encouraged byt|je customary silerioe. It is the^piain duty of goqd*Tiie9 t*> speak out boldly* upon this subject’; and if they.parmot ex tirpate it, endeavor to Cheek irs growth arid mitigate its horrors. Legislation, 90 far, in-tlifs country, has ‘never touched it. It is winked at, by vbe;uiually •tern eye of the law,and iy generally taken as a ne cessity 4 -a matter of tfonrse. There - Is rtogf»od rea son why, this strfte oTihings should Ue» A history of the progress of this vice in the Jiihits of our “City, would .develop Terrible realities and awful details, dismal as.tho “ horror^Uf hell.*’ No* l«*>3 rimn <n| and seventy-.) and-then* had "been paid) ilcsnn l he .‘bore end, one j ile^ of cable. 'J*he depth udr.i*d and liltv fathoms; >!.»» 1 ti»e last 24 cable; depth > made, 155 1-2 j Titer 1950 futli-! cal»U* 110 on ....*. if 10 per cent..,;..... W» 90 115 tK)..... 13 05 pcr ceut. 86 .05 .120 00 16 67 percent 83 33 125 00 20 90 percent 80 On V-W tMt 23 08 per cent.... 70 92 135 00.......... 35 1f3 [»er cent.V.’.../.74 07 1 in 00....; 28 58 percent.... 145 00...;...... 31 04 percent.... 150 00 33 84 per cent... 155 00.. "So 49 per cent.. 16" .... 08 96 .64 51 i d. and tin whid.rru, 1900 tat horns;: M. f it was dis- ilt in the cable,j with the shore. 1 d Ira do ding 1 00. 165 00 39 40 per cent....;.... 170 00 41 lii ptr cent ...A. 175 00.... 42 86 per cent...A.... 180 00— 44 45 per cent :... 185 (si...*. 45 95 per cent......... 190 no.... 47 37 percent *52 G3 * 195 (H) - 48 72 per cent....-5J- 2-8 2<mi on 50 00 per cent 50 (JO 58 82 54 05 OFJFIOIAKL,. ' ' n^B’qM Assistant Com'r or Fkkcoxek ) tom SovVh Cakuhxa, Oqoboia and Fla., I O0 General OnoEn, 1 . N0.-1. \ ^ 1. The following Circular from Headquarters Bureau of Frcodmen, Refugees and A abandoned Lands, Ls republished far the information of all whom it may concern : --i- 1' ■ ; ''Tau DirawxjtjtxT, * • BcttE.v or Freepmen,* itxrcpxzs* and.-Aaxdoned L/Txns,.Washington, Dj/C., May’22, 1865: Circular, No. 3.] JVhereas, a large amount of liind in the State wf Virginia, and in other States that have been in in surrection* has been abandoned by disloyal owners and is .now bciriff cultivated fiTy' FrecUmcri; *iu>d whereas the owners of shell (and* are auemptiuj^ to obtain possession of* them, and. thus -deprive the Frecdmea ofthg fruits of tbeir labor: it isorderdd tifat all abandoned lands in an id States now under coHivatioa by the Frcodtuen be»retained in. their possession until the crop* now growing eljath be at* cured for. their labor aud its products, and/or ex- 1 . or:t • . The above order will, uof be to construed as to relieve disloyal persons from the* consequences of their disloyalty ; and ihq-ippli'cstion for the rcAto- ratiou of their lauds, by this class of persons, .will in nor case be cutortaaicd by any military authority, ** ' • / * I i , . W . O. lOi ftoWAKH,- r ‘ : Major GenefarCommisaioner nareaUy of..Frecdn\cu, Refageaa, and »s act forth »ri the Ptefciflm’s Proclamation of Bay fWth,.A. D.1865, arid i«~a voter qualified’’aa pre- sewibed by <bc Constitution and laivs,orthe State of Georgia, in force Immediately before The 19th ol Janoaiyj A. DM861, thejdate of the so-called jDhH* nu.nce of Seceesbji. . *" -* ,' . 4tl». Thafahy two Fteeholders qualified "to vote at such election as aforesaid, may'vet us managers, of the clettien at’each* of the precincts as "aforesaid; und (hat in nthfaging and auperiniending-^uc.|tVlec- tion, ilieysltall be governed by-agd proceed under the laws of the State regulaftof?. and- prescribing the eteetton'of memberaofthv ^eirisWtture, prior to the Jir*t of January, 1861 * Tro'cic&4, that each of wtid* utaasger*. before-entering ob the duties, prescribed, slittlt swear'the other truly apd faithfully tcTauperin- tend and make return of said election according to law aa aforesaid and the requirements of this Pro- c. la out.ion. »' rt ' 9 , . 5th. That the delegates who shall he plectcd as foresaid, shall assemble itr Convention at tll&city of Mitledgcville, nl l^t/clocft meridian, on the !our(h Wednesday of Ortobef,'A. D. 1865. . And whereas, Tbe rebellion which lias been yfUg- j-d by ji portion' of the people agalpstihe governenrnt *»f tlie United States Ins, itf its . revolutionary* pro gress, deprived the people of.fhe- §tate df W\ civil goverttmeot, amfwliereiis, remain wiib out civil offirfiers arid the adraiciisiration of eiyii .law until a' State Govefumebt MulFffav^briim'Mrganfted Wyka Depaethkxt, . , : AoJUASx GiEXXR^L’sTjmc -.v jw’AsmxdTo.NrMv 22/ 1$6A. All military autlioritic/ will sustain tbe C.qmmis- slouer of tbo Biireair of Refugees,. Freedtnen. »nd Abandoned Lands, atid aid him in the.exception of tU« above or<4er. - • •" ^V". J8y dUreqtieu of the Secretary ©f War. „ j. . V ** •-% E» DXfowjvsxjfo, -- .* »• * • Assistant Adjutant GeheraL , *u. Tlte provisic us, of the above Circular will Be strictly (Enforced 'tLroifgbotit Hie fefalcs" bF *^outh Carolina, Georgi * •^outh Cqmplaipts have _. zdt» accession* to the*dens, of ii»fi»my, during tl»e!•becrijn.'nloj^t'Thoso Headquarters that in many in- l«st week, in Uiecit* at Macon. U 4 i *••»•«» former dwdjm of plauuuiod.. »nd .livos, ilir reetraiMS wtakh society iimme*. tbe eirtiias-! yih \*V “°7 »»owcato.MuiiuB o, rhoti; i^d, upon have entered these - dens.- Ll Tielcd.wt the verv^1 MtrRmned to the.r former ilireshhuld, like the letters whiH. Hht^e in such that ‘ h ' y *"> au4 »•* lh '“ “ ur “<« withering iust rd, ovdr^ffie gates of DAXTeVinlerno, All who enter here abandon h-»p5.” Tney.have launched out, without rudder,*piha, chart or Coat pass. quitablu agree me nfs, whereby Yuli and -just pujisntiou ph%ll bo-tnade f«>c flteUf labor aud its pro ducts, are, in defiance of'fms order, still'forcing tlieir former, slaves io^work for. them, and continue to hold them - in slave#//even to tho.extcnt of shoot mg them down if they dave 16assert their freedom, and fail utterly to admit or announce to them in any way-Jbat they are free. Such acts are* disloyal to the'Government and in plain violation of its policy. It is hereby ordered that all pevsona employing tbe Freedrucn In* agricultural anil mechanical pur- ithin the States of South Carolina, Georgia 9 1-4 miles of tiu* 4- t> l*, im examination, This i* ■ (KVU caused by a >t«»ut_piece of wire r j.tin ^vu entirely the Cable. , t |, e lll ,„ t ttiiet cable wa* recov-rci Crrutt a depth' -.ettdenry n». The opqy.ttion of picking up from J ^.,,,.5 t n t* freipiemly interroptetl by want of;.. v oUM „ being very dark und fqsr^»y, the whatever ihe ?p*tct? and transferring ca- ,,f 0 j|,er nation*, must therefore be gond here. Iiii>crr*<*iern ww jH'*M>oned lillf |„ aJJitioit to the bureaus properly' estiiWislied to i, by the abb* man- execute flip conslitutiun-ai function* of the national nl linn!! niullt bv ’ nia‘l,.iva a’rmilv llm li** IllllPtll fault was 18 hour.*-and 44 •i»'t anxious tw.urs and m miciOs they 8unJav, July 30tJi,the di^tatu-^ wjps 24 37 miles cable paid out, deptli of water w; ttv?s very good. • . . July 31st, distance run 134 miles, cable curable speed.. Among them is one, rtrong.y | |uled *y U uH. as.^v laws are lobe onacted and h.1- ed ina leadin«-Repuh!u;anjoarnal,forthe proper ;ini||i8teredJel ^ OI|f , egirf , alo „ f orgel ,| ie exls- HAgemcnl ol Nurseriev --to sec to it that » I wlK . e ,,j uij Kwfll | sc „„ r ., e . J„ Frauw, and other intniu* ol \he «reat wniiulic dte prop»rly ; tfcate* •• fi.- rpeirii-iimifi of IpniLuiau thrown Tli«flre.»t Eastern . __ ^ 1,1 'V 'i" Anderson, kept tip nil uiglit bv | ^nornmotji. *ol- . preveilted any strain beyond file , j n f„tj |,],. t among us.' 'Many otlrnrs are recom-, , crtce ^ •'I 'si" ing on it. _ mended, and will, doubtless,'.be gotten up with all ■to> «1. M. tile splice bad been successfully • , Kllc ti, able sneed.. Among them'Is one, strongly ^tfsUiid lit,- siiip was again on Iter course.— 1 — management _. the in Unis ol the ureal llr public are prop?r|ytfeated It is certainly'afrange that the advorate of until nn institution did not tliink of the eqnully xtece.yi;iry prelhuiuary Dureau of Marriage ,”--a*bu3iue^ ... ‘ which, for hs proper adjustment; frequently tenfrire*- rf* *$* "idci, water 1,770 fatltomu, t^fs very more'Vviadoin tlivtn ij posjrft*ed by the individual par? r- tic* to the relation. It-wiIt»oTcoorie^ bailie duty A"£»u*t 1 *t, di-t*nre 155 ntiles, cable j 0 ( |j,j s department to see'tlmt all bachclt-rs anduiHtds. II^miles, water 1,709 fathom*, tests very Mr e suitHbly malcltetl; arid also that they demean themselves properly aa. n*m and wife.* For tins purpose, the agents sboirid have access, €p j>e se cured, if necessary, by railitarv power, to i be domes tic privacy of the parlies, at aflhours of the day and "'iHs lftready fixed tHnt wC-are to have a Bureau of Religion, and another of Education, for the purple of securing a nnifortnily uuthese important matters, which, we all know, has not heretofore existed among The racist hardened reprobates of the tither q^ix, expect one day to reform ; but not so \Vith wotnafi.— Society lends her no.helping hand. indeed * *• ShunTted by the wise, spumed bytlje good ; A wilhereJ Itope, a blasted name—a ; blighted woman hood.” *‘ , m A very few;-year3'qfjpyety, debauchery* and pleas ure, and then shd-speedily becomes^* I uouuce to those in their employ the fact that they . *• A wreck, at random driven, • are free, aod fail tq ^coogoizc thorn as free men and Without a glimpeq of reason or of heaven.” make suitable agreements wit k'thetif whereby a just i Alltt.1. occur, daily, withoutVsinele rebuke »ud equitable contpenaiUon will bo aeonred<0^jptb — ■ . if -i t ... v I „ •. , .. I for thexr labor, will be held as disloyal to (be United Bureaucracy. | fro ' n tl,e Ih Vf. *° an 2 ar « 8 ^» , ' CC(1 ,c*»n.Jn« ly, s^ tw ciovernment, and (L«.ir prpjirty will be sub- Ibe f«>rm of despolism which, from expe- ; a ”f ‘ 0 .* r n ^ u *, t ' kjO-Ogmi't t '. c | j ec t to oeizure and division araonc-.tho Frewlmen in line nils of Europe have pronounced to lu* I v * ii,r V* w ho perpetr.itc, :uid arc III chiel agency, in uccor d rtMce witli the provisions of Section Four of uloletable triall^ 6 OiTltie other'ljand/lhe , ur, g*(*M 4l s great evd-^yns l<*ul cajicer, winch , an tt ^ ( io estJlWis f a Bureau for the relief of < ooinh-n aud nrartice in this country ^ en,Hl3 fttv 3y t,,e vl< “^ of the Inidy * < ? C,!, *'TT { Freedmen «hJ Refugm-s. Approved March 3, 1865. • f tfJ riV8t enl—..own the ! hi 2 h time (Imt (hi* curse of society was.netiitd UL As (he harvr5tiimeM near, and the. greed- r , . ** . i grappfed with, by publie men. 'i he-tnighiy influ- meu have been regarded as free by the United nee of the* p\i! pit-should be brought to bear against j Statos Government fHipri'dttntUOj » a nd os a t. Tt»e strong ar»n of' *l»onId arrest its pro-| measure 6t necessity to preveAf fhem Trout becoming ;re*s, and avert its tuitions tendency. Inducements .paupers on. its bounty, the Frecdmeu must ta p%Jd it reformation should be offered; eveu to the con-;j/or their labor bri all lands, not abandonodtdncctiie tinned harlot,who4ong since gave up-all us lost,and 'commencement of the - preparation of-The ground for AiiirrlcJiii” prir^cipld, we snppose, thatl ; been provi-d to be bad in the expirienve j simply Irastenin* to the close of an uahappv exis- nee, hy a reckless career of vice and excess; . As organirattoiw are about ttiWinsti- August 2d, st 5.37 A. M., on resa- Jto»!*iu>n tot it was discovered there was a 1 iiisnhitiqn. The wmh st»on after- oped, »ivri the cable trunsferreil to pic](ing Bf r,r * ! ‘he bow. Operation of hauling lu com- “ nnine used for picking up stopped :« considerable time. Two miles ** n W rt vere.J, nnd the cable was cut to «ce Ktli# Unit had cotne on board. P*»m 12.20 l*. M.,tlie cable caught and chafed l, ' e P'^i an, J wilh considera* «Scuhy removed .out. At 12 35, it jmrtcd o« Tvlierc it VV4 ,injured.just behind the stopper*-, * 0WM ^nt llie end disappeared in the water ; l3> 1° *'* I tours 118 miles, cable p;Ud • ir.ik-s, Ib commenced two miles depth wa J , * ,! ‘ nr! '*'*. total di.-tance trom Valent id 1063 ® w t«nce to He iri’s Content 600 mile^. CTli-e p,ij 0U | i31 j miles. Steamed back V 12 (“dcs, and commenced dragging ir?’ *' 4 A. M., it being evident, from tiie L’ , 1 'P grapple had caught the cabk\ we L v U j, *“ ll - WLeu 1150 latlunns t»f grappling [ on lK«rd, a shackle broke n4r the lintel 0 ^hoins of the rope sank with fhe l ^' e ocean * A buoy "whs low- f^Uioms cable, imd must remain* to | 1Q , ‘ta •**. During (lie openaiqO.of Lk bl'kellrT i '' Uet * P uve wu y* 11 ** E, hy a btraiu. 1 Cin i ,Dd t,,c or*™*'*" hj L a !t l {u ^ Porfh'wd by the capstan^* Me L„ r '?t V u,,d Sun <Jay Die weatlier was an- Y e recovery ot the cabl«f ’ Monday^ ktwiiir l ^i T ! red * no,he ^ g^ipplc. At la.IO dr “VS'n K to Vbte. • At S P. M. cun ' i ""»Oo'ila alknighf, SuS ? h '* 1 •• m„ 1,000 fithom. I'iSfaSl ^T" in " * ,l ‘ en "ff.»hickle» PkHiomslf ' 0 thlp ‘ G»* J? jl'W atlimpl ™iItC T J°P'' A l«»>y Wm lowered, lit, v«u ' * he balance o| this-day and Wilin. hiving ihacklee iu,-. fcr wfi |,en|,s -“r* , * JI > *nd -nwlrtng nnwhfr Mleiai* lo recover . ijS L u. ’IV to aiwsr - 1 ). t»rfwlv* T l U0V .j tod * nuI (, » l -- •gtn io ff. Wnnd... 10lh..,t 7 l *A. lt k.-j. ‘?* oa OQinmenrenl seed, up to the harvest time of titu year ; and unless full compensation is made to the full sutisfaetioa of this Bureau^ the Freedmen will be emitted to and will receive Dnc-lialf of tl»ejerap-raised^ , , IV. Any one ^ho shall whip orotherwiso maltreat any fr#«Umet» bceaute La asserts .That freedohj, or- for other cause, will-be held - guilty 1 before 5 the law, fs.Ujs neCessiny i|f rtfeauTlfetw ihat "domestu: Iratiqaiiity Jx» e«stired,-au*(f thntThbloyai people' Ik* protected ip all their fightb of parsed and Of property, do fn/thcr proclaim awdoletjiiflfi&'f 5 • •* / • ' * . l^t. Xhal- % D«?*indiv*ufaaTby^vjrt«rt* of bis *b<vj\ ’au- thority, shrill inflict corporaf^ptvnisfinv?nt on any*fier- «tin (or any real or supj»osed Injury,Avh'ether.SucbIn-' jury relate' to perdbn-tir • property: lui^tllaT' i^t* ajl sucli fuse* redress must t-e sorightMVom and gfveiv by finer) niLitary author iiy{W.s may b« it wasted wKJt jurisdivtKui over the caaefi. *“ • •2*L‘Thal slaver/tseitiinet; and involuntary, ser vitude ihi iongev exists * Waned nVptt&on shalUiairti control of the lilbor of another* othertf?Rp riuch con- tiol as may lawlullyxqsuit Tfotn-'indent are; the rela tion of pare-t aod'rihild, guardian apd ’ ward'aud the contract ofbiring, freely.and fairly madt?; and tflat fora breach o( duty, oo the part of anyone standing in. these relalteus,the military authority will--admin ister in a summary manner, adequate aud proper re lief under the luw» til tiielaitd. . ^ 3d", 'i'hat ail riotous or. luinaUtious assambTage^ of tbe people, and also aJI assemblages* lor uulaWtuI purposes and uuhovful objects, will be'dtspersed ;and to this eld, if necessary, the nnililary power of Cite United States will be invoked. . 4th, That the idea, it any such is 'entertained, that private property’will be distributed or parceled out is. riot only delusivebul dangerous and mischiev ous ; and if any attempt should be made by any per son or persons to effect such an o.bject by violence or unlawful means, it \yi| oniy secure- to .him - — titeoT speedy'and merited punishment. 5lh. To the end that the!people may qualify them selves as voters, it WiH.doubtless be lire pleasure of the commissioned officers in the service oi the United States, to have the oath of amnesty adminiaVered Un-‘ der the rules and regulations prescribed by tlxe Se cretary of State ofthe United *Sutes; and *in this Work, 1 most earnestly desire and solicit tlie cheerful co-operation of the people, so •'that Georgia may speedily be delivered of military Nile j.-tlmtshri may. once again regulate her own domestic affairs'" and again enjoy the blessings of civh ‘. oovertitoenl, </iri be heard u nd fell by her Senators'-and ItepresentR* lives in the councils of the iiritioh.,. *.-.'• Done, at ftfillerfgevilW, the Capfia! of * the State, on thisjthe 13th day of Ju1y, i\i"lhe year of *ou.r Lord, I860, and the.ei|hfy*niuth"year or American. In dependence. . : j as/Johnson; j *. Provisional (jocemor of Georgia- . BR..J. A. PARK, Of . A Botanic, or Eclectic wiA eleven.years*experience in the rcgulkr pnHZfc+af Medicine and Surgery; is still offering h>4<jjritfM- sional*seivices *to the people Of 4Ue.City,*%sWur- roundiag couptry. . . . . . . IK ; Office oY'Broild Street, near llie'.4'"- Dwelling on tlle street with 'Hiorn, .Cotli#^ V^* .Ubany,'(Ja., Feb 2d, 1861 wt/.;- 41 7^ P. W. Alexander, DENT ate T> ESPECTFULLY offers his services to . Xl len s of Albany and surrounding count! call at the residence of those wishing his mt— Provisions taken- in payment at market'prices. .*June 17, 18fi5^ : f ** .‘-a'ttsH, lte Dr. Benj. M GximWffn* O FFERS his professional services to/U»e tftiftOM- pf Albany and vicinity.;, • Office two doors above the Poit -Albany, Ga., June 17, 1865.° - ■* 1 M r *. WIUI— Dr. H. V. Callaway ;! ** 0 PF£IW his prof<ssh>«»l servioeS’ti'tAe cilii'jW - "WANTE^-r^ One Million PriundC^T v FOKDEB. " ;r 111 " . Tilli'iTiiiWy Ajbnny, Oa., Juty^Oth, 18Cff. -rffrn &&*a THE ALBANY *» #**‘ 1 r* JOB PRlNTfltfi- * «v» Being now in Complete (frier, we are- execute all kinds ,op psrtsol Europe,n«; reNlia-fcn8olhxi.UlUm<hr,.wo | puoithed f or MMull ,. 4 'W*,.s .oJ .round prosltamoti, have beer. .tUNitl.'d wi(h 'o*PC.» 'whoslraH late tire life «f. «oy-frecdureo fur Uk< elfjrtfi; and )ta jnevent awful con-t*qu^ut:es, here,! c / u3Ci will ba Lcld guiUy of Murder> “ can hcr.ftihignjeii and materially, lessened by prompt 1 , y. >j 0 person will bo permitted the sged f and yyisj legislatMii.—MacoA i^elegran}j. . infirm and helpless from their present plaoo of ,. . .•#*.• • . ...— abode; they must be allowed*to remain where they Financial Matters. J are until aueU tiuio as tho Government shall make The Secretary of the Treasury is troubled no (ittle J proper provision for their support, to ixovide (or the current expeuses of the Govern- VI. The AssUstaut Comaurioners m the States mwiit, lor the next three month*. While the receipts} of South Carolina, Georgia and Floridaaro required - • *o enforce this'order to the extent of their power; riish no iucnn&iderable portion of the needed sum, i ? yet that will be insufficient to meet tiie denumj.— *' Mr. McCulloch will make a pilgri The niiLof every friend of justice au«l fair deal ing between man anti tnau is also requested to bring to the notice of the' Freedmen's* Bureau ony failure V.,rk«»olo«» ? a««kto ot\'° luaC-tly, Ml rebli.1.1 to il.c beat itietlloj of supplying ^ Wta » th0 0 ‘ r e »wtjo»Uci sholl tie «Wr»ed . •■ . . , i when the rules or exact justice snalt be observ^t the deficiency: It is supposed that the only pr^cn- j n ( j, e relations between all, employer and.c'tnplwycd, resistance *‘ a ‘ u, “ ,,K,d ' v,n ^ to . '" creHac w,,al .« and each shall regard the other’s rights, (heriWill lia. fchreilUjlrere _l« «n)r »,nlmw^OTN‘ ;eH4a aU !i . M( u)pu ri ^ , oa|i ,, -_'rHi».po*«ll,fjr wlILkoduno: lt| be pfnclically domonstrnlcd. so dourly' thot none *‘ f doubt, the advantage* of the frpe labor system. us. oiimim -v —" V ,. , _i, "temporary loan.: i ma.possioiy wm.oooone. n u> the reforming operations of the Bureau, a ou I • r ^ a j|y no B( n a |i iaik i 0 keep the mttchluery of Uu- of the bayonet will soon teicJi tfcftjUMHH to pr ;,cie 2>«Ha running, so cgmplicated .and loose in some notince “ noos” instead j quarters as ills. BuS i I tiie re is a man in the coRn- congrogaliop rather,^ wju) ca#| 4iU . oal p',* : ,| I the task, Hugh McCollouh than through file mouthr ^ i?*l is the tn ift. Thoroughly versed in finaucial matters, li is easy to see that the want of tioilormi ,V7 encr geiic in nil bUnrnvementSjUiid honorable In all various other sociaraffitirs W4li ( ui due ,,,n J»* l, Ks? ® l | |, w dealings, ifeucerss is attainable, huc^ess will be tiie Orgtlilizirion of many othfcr Bn reaps ot . Ke y“, j his., die is intm'tneUed small extent by a class lion. Among the earliest we trust tti hnd one * r or political wou1d h€Tui;ii!Citjra, who theust upou him Lite'Regulation -of Whistling, ^ ] their urimaiuredaiid-defecctive scliemi^s, Doubtless prevent thti whivtiing of any J' 1 "® '** ve **‘”*r, he prays a»earnestly as does the eauntry, which he Doodle ” witi»o»t variations. J l»c* present *huh> j-ppresents, to be delivered from them.* The .New of eveTV fellow-whistling to *uit himself, tn-dojN <.r - • - —- •aml out, aud totally williou! regard to tiie compinv, j, absolutely itilolerablr, and sluiuld ba ifncreafary.Tiy the whole military powerol the Unt- rtiinjje belo- ii»e. who will Aie to w»y ,!mt we mo not a wklly«r.^lp^g 0 ^i Not Viii Yet.—-Sonte firo^*^,ohe or our ciij offic KeW a u ^»>« SaTui 'worklK>.«e. Atoonal^^thoowffW^ohi^- aelf, lie ,l 'XTJEy^The- t^W eceamhled dowyi ■*rv53Sff N, Sf dn, Eg in * furfte 1 lo h« ul slowly.-° 4U evening, when we ““■’khe, haofine ta QtfiOQ '. cl *'“- At ll*A P1 «' <aMB *a l W‘I^ * ' iwt \H“' r, ^hi?.“SS>r you^S^IJI did There was no tpguest tnax o y present‘to ^ attorney AVPoagla^ York Juurual of Cotnmeroehis Botna very oeq^ible remarks u|wn this point. *' It says.’ LOC71 jl i •.: - . < * [Attrcon OneUe. While the Secretary is lyre, we lu>pe thjrt he will listen to' wliolsgmo idvice in relation to Iris connec tion with the gold operators «ud oilier specul^torr, and thatherealter there out be. opue’of those no|o- tiations in A.f private wuy t n ,thq repetition of whfcJt ImW been one of His most servile organs once bo em phatically condemned, *IJe has-been wjrrued for a long-time agdinst • consulting with liiose “ qnetnies of. tbe pubiic^redit **. whorio not believe in all the vagries ol.the oe>v paper money odiool; bat he Will find timir council quite as tmlushte and posstWy triore disinlcreitt^l than the advice 4>f those partisan editors who unite pleiaWre mud'profit »»*»: *• supporting the Government,'VwhTl’e they ^^nhrte in its seems'at the public expetise, if he will open his eyes once . ----- > to-tho character.of those fanningsfteophati»s* who erirot'Ofthc ^tate ol surronh(l,Ttid», > h8'-.will fftid r 4hst they are bent TeSs upon his support thab their dwhfttna that their test ot pm riot ism relate* chiefly to wlntever relate* to themselves. Afl tiie embarrassments .winch have crane uptin tbe Treasury, and the troiil^fs which By order of Brevet Major G6n. R. SAXTON, Assistant Cointnissistier of Freedmen for South Carolina,* Georgia and Florida. (Official.) S’;. * Rdwaku A. MTild, Brig. Gen. \*ors. ( Ass’t Com’r Froedmcb's Bureau. pjuo climItioh. By J ABIES Jotissoy, Prpvirional Goycftatir. , JOB WO’SE -? v» ?• K Mya- irtfv nVrob In the neatest and most fashion able, slyje, from a . J — ,tz oi t Fu.ll Siioet-postejc, By the Governor: L-1I. Briscoe,Seicremrjrr' -• 1 ~s£r ■ WITHERS & LOUD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS -• —and— . ' Purchasing Agents, Third. Between Chcry »ni Mulberry 'street*; MACON. OEOROIA. S OLICIT consigotueule of Mereluthdisc, Country Produce of all klmft. Colton Yarns, Shirtings, Shooting*,. Osnoburgs, Wool,.CoUire, Sagar, Syran, Manutaoturcd and .Smoking Tobaccd, Sc-, dto. Ordyi* fur W article 10.-005 mkrket JmrampylV filled. Gdid and Silvcr bpught and §old- • *,, • Special attention glven/to th« putoliase of Cottoa by our^Ir.- Load, R ho hrig 23 veers’ experience in the buninesv. .*• 7. • * - * W5 jr. w; WITHERS, . Late bl Withers & Co^ Atlanta,-Ga. * * . : B. ^afe of' McBride; Dorsctt & Loud. Ddvn to-Elcgaot to f-jifc' ♦toil REFERENCES. VViiekeas, by the 1‘rocluinatton t>| Andrew Jobn- son, president of the United States, dated 17th A. I). 1885,1, have been.appointed Pro^Uiopal ernor of the State of Georgia, wjfh,' initructtc.— priej-Cribe, at (he earliest practicable7 pfriodj Ettol) id regulations as "may b$ necessary and pro- ^ e respecti’aliy refer, by permission, to Messrs." Barret *& Bell, MilcheU, Ileed‘4t Co., Lee,-Jones & Co-V D. 1*. Fergirsqn & Uog^sn, Crone gs Hatiuno*k. Atlanta, G*.; Rnd J. W, Fears & Co. r Dunn & M*ngh»irij G, J*. fc'di, /Jp*. Oliver, J. X.-*§au9berry, E. C. Grannhy, Macon, G*.,j. Messrs. ’ Camooa Co. Joys», Alexaadcr-‘* ^qfauU,.Ala.. . • August, U’jfr. ljWttC „ . , J 24-tt - per roFconvenirig ^Convention of (he. people, ,«pn»-. posed of delegates,to be clioecn-by tltat portion pt tiie people .who pro loyal-to the United Stales, and-rip. others; arid also" with all the powers necessary and proper to enable such lora! people ol ( said. St n't e to restore it jolts Constitutional relations lof fid Federal Government, and tojuresenf such a ‘fepublicau /oirm ■of.Suttr Government as will'ehtiile the Stale fothe guahmteejjf the United'States tlierefoF, and its pe<> Seeretaried^t.VVashin; suited.therr own * fcf—* i iuiih.sucliadjics «» beet But fdrl!icm_and'.tlielr IcMljy would hot buve ife iiY b4 ; a b^py iM lohijh'a’i >ba»e>uyweight |t™..:g»B J. X oy.0 .7*. .t ; gq*'..:e;43L ,»a*»r>C o»jh) in the discharge of the duties of their several Offices' according to tho Jpars in ,existence prior* to tbe 1st January-1861,.so'fkr a^' tho same .artLdot inconsistent wl(b:*onr’ prWent condl»i<m, ,, - we titite this occasion*to saylHat^tir office had been opened for the traaaao&Havof.ffbfeestonal Business, and* vrlTcro ouc of ui.cap s cDunx " roresuid t def >y d M afojesaid ,-pro- uinnun ui?;i*rc— *_ ^ 1st. That an election for delegates to* a Conven tion vViUbe heGTotf tl ije first. Wednesday in October, A, D. 1865, at the difierrnt precipcts at wbi«h:ejee- Jiranla.1 anil At-I-rwl I... k. k»ld virtue nr.the power jo 'life , vi ctaiin^ndUecUre- mut fottowed.-haye-hud Abeir ori-iti'.ii the.selfish* 4»°“ ».«• tUtmBd^wlauthotiiedby-Iawftbha-JieU neeaot tho^Who,have filfed the ears ot the various fofoualbe^ of aiier Legislarare. . 3d. That the thirty-sevett eiyopties in the State, which, by lafcv in forco pnertotfie first of Janusry, h ; - m: n<:rEBEiw rpi: M .. IrAW- rtOTICE. K Proclam*afloa o r Governor JoUWdf ifie. 7th instant, lmvjug authomCd the civil officers te Sfate to. “ proceed (often.taking the amnesty ■ ' * ’ ” - ■ ’ • * EXPECT jo leave in 20 days fee .Washington “pecialBafdon ^ fecial Pardon . those xTealrhig me to serve"*’— will be reasonable, so none c*6 _ it best for oil applicotiaus by Vnd.- If vbu aeod through tbo regular -ehouhei: »«* awtof.Yho retnra,7tror Pardons'way ebme too IstW-tKpjUiay- • VA *; Blank bbeds; &b., BLANKS, OF ALL KllfjH ^ e -‘•ei^-uir MOdJ • -* J* ■ •**■.•;- * • , s.'b-i war— * . .. ■? ' . '► y■~K Cft* Are .kept Constantly an Iland, Printers i*>s • • rv «nda«P U . •-* .. i*. • '■ FINE, FL.AT . CAP Comsistlng ofRUAtf KS for T Cotraly. afid State ftfifaftjft a the eouUuusapa the AfjuOal'mh BlOi, we offer IN CA3H- or oihenris^ tiMr.teta par ftaUfttf|or alfc. f., :*« ;:i i;cc -.ctnrt *tiod: ;.»'*» Ib**t * « - •sy.t-ci l'.«■. :*H *>•' Cotton and linen u ”K-l August^ U.afTTON. r {, *1, aatra. * * STITON &? ? &AWS, - Aw % To Ve delivered at tbit OFFICE^ or some yr^ri^bls point* on th3.Alb\ny Railroad. We hope the peopla of this county will sate their vugs, ti for no other motive then U insare the paper’s continu^oiT 1 ^ - 1 "—■* *— --nhn ■' *■' *J *”■* . i •’ B*r ' ‘ GeorgUC fSMtaoewBti Hi., ngg > , n* *! : r-*r**-: p I •»»* Utp t .i- nav* ~ %n " 6 lo hw»iet| mL’ inn Ulwqti #*