The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 16, 1865, Image 1

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•Kiaraur ALBANY, GEORGIA. SEPTEMBER 16. 1865. YOCNGLADiES; ACADEMY WITHERS & LOUD, Head Quarters.Dep't of Georgia, . - *-4ci ***^7* mlT. Don t£H^. g*. i . yjmneqt ih»«pl ) hi >,ii ,'nfcwratV* I h,-» . . Augusta, Ga., August 3d, 1865. - Provost Marshal General’*, .Orders 2fo» 1<* ff elegraph Operators, Express Agents, Post Mss' Ur*. Forwarding Merchants, Common Carriers and Railroad AgeaU are notified that they will not for warder deliver mesaagaa, goods, wares, merchan dise, or mail matter to any pe 1 within tqe Department of*Geoi Bv E- H. Hienaax. |N broad st.t-jvt the Did stand. g Ladies at her Resi- IONDAY, 26th of Sep- COMMISSION MERCHANTS lemher, 1884. * f- - Uln Powara will Be 1 The Fall Session will ‘Choose tor this Convention les ot AdrcrilsiBS.' u inserted at the rale of One -Dollar per square of Eight Linos, for (he and Se.enty-five Cents for 'oaOh riion—payabla in adeanoe. ring ts ad.artise longer than three in at the following ntaa: - twilre weeks. esjtayw Purchasing Agents, Between Chery and Mulberry Streets, * ’ • MACON, GEORGIA. ‘ ‘ ICIT c^isienmcnts of Merchandise, Country roduce of all kinds. Cotton Taras, Shirtings, ings, Osnabnrgs, Wool, Cotton, Sugar, 8yrup, faeturod And Smoking Tobacco, Ac., Ac. era for any •article in apr market promptly flAlel ami 14s] aae Kaii wls t and anlH >rgia; who haveupot « e President's Procla mation prvseribed in the Presidsnt’s Proclamation of Amnesty, May 25th, 1866. • Any violation of this order will bepunished by a forfeiture of all rights, to transact business within this Department by the offending party, and by Ana and imprisonment. By command of MAJ. GEN. STEEDM’AN. C. II. Ghosovsnou, Brevet Brig. Gerf. and Provost Marshal General. Albany, Ga., Sept. 16, 1865. 28 shipped* mammon while, their qounUy, was bleeding * at every pore—aor the priitidana^who, after urg* t tng the war, dared notencounteritshardships—-feuf i those who hhve laid Ibeir all upon the altir of' their J country.' Select snCh psen and make thirn serve as x your representatives. You will thus be sure,that j your rights will not wantonly sacriftc^L not. j yolir liberty .bartered away for.a mess of pottage." 1 s r‘ # WssrHsnrwA , * whatever for Incidentals., - ibane wjll also rocalva a french Class in September «th, 1885. ■ 27— Albany ,jJdaje, and Female Academy. V ALBANY, GA:, AUG. 28,1805. rpHB undersigned have leased the Academy for- JL merly Occupied by Mr. J. 8. Ingraham, where ti... —;n ....1 .v. iin* ri ,wr ** fjor quires. i ( v. •i"” 1 Call For a County Convention! fTlHE eitixens of Dougherty Conner ore earnestly I requested to meet in eonreutioa, ot * bo Court House io Albany at IX o’clock,'A. kl. t on the 23d -jy For Hcnbcn ol tlie Conventlou. GEN, G. J.WRIGIIT,...... , I10N. JOHN JACKSON. ol Tbe abort gentlemen ore announced u candB - r — dotes to represent Doughtily Co.' la the contention expatriate which 1> to assemble in Milledgerille on the 4th to live tliei wwr' a i. A.I.I.A. lOK ' ’.ill «.a. ...lot /*. *^1- 1. - ■ ' Lodge No. 24, F. A. M. olhi»ltfe instant, to nominate • 7* TWO GOOD Mill te represent them in the Convention which into We respectfully refer,.by. permission, to Messrs. Barret A Bell, Mitchell, Reed A Co.. Lee, Jones & Co., D. P. Ferguson A Langston, Crane A Mammock, Atlanta, Ga.; and J.’ W. .Fears A Co., Dunn A Maugham, G. F.-& H. E. Oliver. J. L Sausbyry, E. C. Grannies, Macon, Ga. j Hesars.; Cam eon A Co., Joyce,'Alexander A Co., Eufaula, Ala. August, 12th, 1865. 24—tf f g£ regular inertings of lit. bo-1 g*- «« on the m „J third Friday nights -rtfb month. ^ brethren will please to due notice .and govern —she acrardiojly. assemble at Milledgevilis on the Ftirth Wednesday In October. Election to be held on October 4th. . ' * MANY CITIZENS. Albany, Sept, 16, 1865. - * -28—2t Wednesday'Jn October; ,1865. ~They will -be sus tained by a large number of their fellow-cititens at the ensuing elecUon on the first Wednesday In Oo- lDber ‘ ' ■. 1ND EDEN DENT VOTERS. X. II ALLEY. lions to UIOM desirlog-it At the usnol rotes. Ilor’d GEORGE MACAU LET, . E. L. HINES. Albony, Go.. Sept. 2,18C6. 2C- ■ Deae Pateiot: Please, onnounce Col. NELSON' TIFT e* o condidoto to. reptrooont (his county in the Convention, . and oblige W. , , v - v. PHOENIX. For Xcmbiii-H o( Hut Convention! - FOR BAKER.’C0D!mV . /' . ' 3 W.D.IVIIXU3IS, , - ALFRED GEORGE. The pbeve ticket forBaker County will b* sup*, ported by a large majority of tb* voters of * • * ’ “ .. BAKER COUNTY. FIELDS & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, (Washington .Street, -next• door te Express Office.) ALBANYV GEORGIA. DENTIST. O FFERS his professional services-to the eitixens of Albany and vicinity, pH lie is prepared to perform* all operations on the mouth, both Surgicol and Mechanieal. Particular attention given to children's tenth; alsp, U the re- i'.ar convocations of this £bsptei are on ...nd and fourth Friday nights in each isi.inn* will pleaee take notice and gov- ics accordingly. E. W. JENKINS, • Secretary. Arsitl3tli.18C5.-lf l0 , ' " Miisic. “ ' myrns. J; V. DAVIDSON will take pupils in Mu- ItI ’sic at her residence. j Term beginning Monday, September llth. X Rates per term ef 3 months.. $25 00 Practice on Iast. ; (pcr month)2 00 Albany, .Sept. Oih, 1805. 67—It Groceries, Booitj flioct, Hats, Clips, Spun Yarns Ac. ' W. C. Jelkt will attend to «U gales of Cotton, i Albany, Avgust 25th, 1865. . _ —25 L. CONXAttT. • a. J. WRIGHT, -A-ttorney at Law, ALIi.VH, G.V, W ILL practice in all the Courts of the South- Western Circuit and the 8upreme Court of i DBS. TODD & G0NNA1LY the eitixens of Albany services — — as practitioner* of Medicine, Mid- gerv ; and trust, by assiduous- at- ' a share of the T. L. LANGSTON. BKNJ. K. CUANC. C. C- HAMXOCK. UXGSTO”, CRANE & HAMMOCK, * GE4ERAL COniaiHION MEH/CHAITTS, L * (UNDER EXCHANGE HOTEL,) Alabama Street—Atlanta, Georgia, W ILL giv* prompt and pcrsobal atteuiion to > the purchase and sale of all kinds of- Merchandise & Country Produce. I CONSIGNMENTS solicited. Special attention j given to order*. . . t ■; y k — . - / 1,. -y *-'• xmstrcBi. I G. W. William* A £•-. Charlesto*, S. C.; T. W. Neely, A J.Drady, Sevannah. Oa.; Bel) A Chrle- tian, J. W. Burke, Roberts, Dualap A Co., P. P. [Pease, Macon, Ga-: L. S. McGwire, U.‘ K. Hines, profession, v occupied by CoL Wright, where id by day-or night. ,1 ,me 24th, .1865. 17-6m Georgia. Office at the old Stand, next door to Dr. Jennings*' office, on Broad street. School Wanted. rv Y o Geotlrman qsolified to teach tlio Latin, [3 Greek. German and Frsnck Languages, and la usual English branches. Addram TEACHER, J Patriot Boa, * Albany, Sept. 2, >805.—6w Atbany, Go. Albony. Sopt- IS, 18SS, IMS. NOTICE. : ■; 4 CONVENTION of the PHYSICIANS of Alb*- ny and vicinity will be held' in this city on URDAY, tbe 2.'ld ins!., to take into considera tion matters of great interest to Ike profession. A full attendance is very desirable. Albany, gept. 1C. 1865.28—-lt % , UK, OF ALBANY* r an Eclectic Physician, with ce in the regular practice ol v, is still offering bis protes- people of the City *ud au?- reet, near tho Post Office.— with Thorn, Cutliff aud Tift, id, 1H64—U. South-Western Georjfa.. . EUlAlUthug tho first I . fl 5e-c''P die fyUo newspaper ever .printed hero in -Aided Northern pspcr. conla terially the interest of this potion by bU correct inTl efiough; to pnlout formation and the diaserahmUop of proper views Ipfj V® ^veryjiroibjujdly the health and productiveness of the^caJHi etc. The above-named geutlemeii • wUl mako ablel *« We'tretotdl^^C delegates and I trust may In that capaeity-reprevsnt j costing, in round THE CHRISTIAN INDEX. UY the FIRST OF OCTOBER, or oa ooon aa th. t) moil, are rc-Mtohlishcd. I willrsncw tho pub- iChtiou of tho “CHRISTIAN — ’’ - ’ * "- “CHILD’S GUIDE-I-h»s» h Price of “ ItHles.’^ por annt Price of “ChiW’o poper/’x. mysMu. !$3 00 I s-rico 1 (A deduction made for Clubs.) I Money may haaamilted at once, as my determi nation it poaitiro. »ly dasiro is to secure a lsr,. subscription lilt with mhich to beg.o. and I ts-ue Hus Prospectus, thot auhscrihcra may has. time la for- ward thetrrcauttiilAs. t M 11‘ 11 > ■. . '• . end. Tha beat writars and eorreapondenta wilt be rs-aWKftsaffifflWtt s ran will be profuaely Uluatratod.- aud will, in a.try Mr. Wendell Phillip*, sujw the Natbsille Union, in which hwrxprfsoid alarm Iral the Clerk pf tho IJoit*» of Repreaentatirea,' Mr. McPhrrson,- might admit rornibcmrrom re-oryaoised Southern States applylog fnr admitainn. (t.ppcor, tljat the law governing the — J —. r.y luwiifOwn nnr county in tb* mint important Conranuoo *r*r 000,0001 yet assembled in Georgia. _ V, I penditurej Your* truly,. ■ „ . ■ . -■ v. ■ • CITIZEN, f cation ot, ' .’ Wnw Adwoytfqomont*.' . . [oficial r^ General Steedman'h order ‘forbidding Elpreenljo**! 5f-$! -l.L. ‘ra’- • ■ ’ . • m ; I I ill 11 r.-*: ’1 tin professional service* lo the eitixens »j *ad vicinity. 'HaYlngjust returned rice. 1 sulicfi general patronage, inntl st ihc residence of F. Lehman.—* extended at their residences if dedred. uken in psyment for woA. ATKINS, DUNHAM & 00. agents* Postmasters, Forwarding merchants. -Teiejl^®*? 3 graph Operators, &c., dtc., to forward or denvcr.any I " messages, mbit mattery packagea Qr merch&hdiscJoDO to no persons whomsoever jvho have notTaken tbe] P. W. Alexander, ENTIST persons whomsoever who have nortaken tbelGjSD^^Oiw-inearly^a mil Ho u Oaih of Amneoty of- President Johnson, will bo| lh *j “”8 (ound-in to-day’s paper. Colonel Bti.hrecoired this I u -,r rsnurotho order one week ago, and hereby orders immediate more thoroajir reduction of c*pe; eoraplianeo witl^it. ' ’ ; ^ ■ l beeii practiced.” . . • . £ A eonypi.ilon-of ihe Phyrleiags of Albany and wi-T* A« t»e peopleMfVrryfn'i and iioltjI. e.ned,,. meet.„ tbe2Sd>t in thUxi.ty. SJSSSSSSZSiS:” GeneralG. J. WHgbth.acommeucodtho prmcticejuoresmighl be greatly Imened of law jn'Albany. . . Idikbandment of thy^tnyLMWi Mf.'G. S. Sejmonr hii established blmself^(n thfjl oountry, .Wo, lowly **o» oilyu Dentist.. |for whst it ta worth.—ftieiaoaa . A convention of the Citiaens of Dongborty honutyi nti<rnt*T»r l t»a>WSJBJB IscslUd on the 23J tnntsnt, * | M-etirred in the^rertderi't'K toot: Nelson Ti®, Est|., Is snnonbeed' mi o eandidktp fctltey.MWHhV»»J>M | i | ^—M Moner may be sent by Expraps, or otberwUo—ttl ; by Express, 'of my risk, if tho Exprera raeeigt I» 1. A pal sent mo, on the resumption of mail faeiUtley. I ** My eanneetlbo with the firm *f*J; V. Bnrko k| Angost 5, 1865. CoK Ir dtaaolred, bbf I will Mtxt.lirb .an office in L ; tr.eon Gal wboro oommwoloatloim may. ha ad* M^ Ga., whM. HAMPEL BOYKIN. WM. A. MoKBNZEE & CO., Commission Merchants, lenj. M. CromwelL August 22,1865. ieobgia-woutjs couNiy. /vLiiIm.'.’ n*n*fl fn9 Fold tbe citizens { , ^ i* ; * profejisioual services • l tony aud vicinitv. ,l,t 'iocrs abr.v* the Post Off June J7 f lgt‘,6. ^ [General Cotton Brokers .iXSiZIrf WilUw W. Ttao«,Utoof| • " i* .^.7t,t , ^j Heceiving Ond Forwardii Agents, ( r _ 16—ly. Dr. H. V. Callaway t«»«ana.r, fen^-^ JnortSSb’ *• i bullet Si » [EC.’l liia.profetMonal services to tbe citizen * *blmyr* aud vicinity. A Baker eourity ticket appears in another column. 1 FoSSyiitie^apprqacEjd t SiAtl Bkeiu—Never doe* a great eal.injtyrmeur ydudw^-oM Mr! Jfotaii* but some small politlcisowilMm rerb-rootmr .mtmu | ontt' — J — ;J —' — — it* tuin* ror atuff Hal van b* twisted iolo party esfib Uh*r tat Thus when Ketehum,Son ^.Cn.cxi>l9d«l^>a*Lbr*i ■or two of our jntircal.’psrlded the luertim tbat Ultir.I the was aw eminently “ loyal * bnure. and bad hsd targe] fig dealings'with the Treasury. Wb»rtnpon," another] oddi has a letter flora Chirajro-whlch arsorts that [join “Tho young man.Ketcbunr, -whoxn *w1hdltngl wet ttanstetiona excited^Ite financial, world, da-1 bad *ing tbe oration of the National Democratic Conveo-1 tton'In tbia citV, last AogoaT, was present as a lead-J , ( 14—tf I oiice oa ar bafora ■ to ibo^.lowura. HINES &. HOBBS, should dot bo £' omtUr i August Slot, t» rOUNKYS AT LAW, ALB.IHY, OA. I - now prepared lo make out applications I ‘-’pvrdon for those worth over $20,000. ’ ’'6*r pferBidut excepted in Ike Amoosty Pr«- ••a of Ttcsident Johnson. We wil) bring s!r ' r* 3 P ro W^ r Iy Lsfore the FrorisUnatl f<>r liis approval; and one of L Washington *t an early day, tHat conbitlered there. I minUKraupw wm L,n*u •" lrtn t0 our ciivuisfor the practice of of said deceaeettJ P* ta alt n, braLcbox. ~ J *-j These ara, tborotra*. I L J,, ^ aisr,SLnoBBB. |th.hiwdra* fore him lor adjudication: e An old negro deposited, some time ago, nnatjmu- <and dollars with a white man. The map gave tlm aiegro a due bill Jor Jhe full amount. The negro presented the bill for the. amount.. The than look the doe bill frotn him, destroyed it and ppt him out ,.t tlie atovf. The negro lived with the manr six months once and thought he knew him^well enough ,1a. Ala., J. ILAW.H.JtoM. Ut, Gea. iff Colquitt, At- Munuerlyh, Bainbridge, Ga., imericus,Qa. - - - • 25—3a H6q/*jvk«»' , <d »d, “ my esperfence -te'that th. ki i the rebel who acquiesced I ***! ratsoliioTote and xhogeroi I. ; | ffiRIlM PhRlotk youtrapB. tw- «nh.i. Da..) .worth coirrnf. STTTON &- LAWS, ' Grocery & Commission Mcroliants, - (NEAR KILE3’ CORNER,) a reaa-i x-ouncji: >»t one! cf.CptintMrt •ptforau^rtaught in «l*oc politics were [fr. Y. Tribune.iSi. to hear i. Office up stairs jll D. P. HILL, Attorney at Law,. .] Albany, Ga., t ^OCGUURIX COUNTY- * These are, therefore, ,to cite an I atoora* and singular tha kiddrod c.»«ed fo 5‘i n f/, P »^*w*Aow oaura, if.wy tituc prexcnb.d bj i w. t t b , panted.. ia AIUBJ Adguxt,1863. h. WILDF.I ; m*-iv Southwa M|dl S*r*lo*.' T’T >»— -“'f Nbw YIIrx,-September 8,h._Thn Southern ! MT*' rvico will irom, this date .bo selfwopportitigJ-notL''!'' itlistanding 'the. great- rcductiu* tbe Pootmaator I merxl haa ordemCin the amount of MrYiMT^oy.; ., nor Dennlron has discovered an Immense hzceo* ., service was being performed in these Htates at the caking out of the war, and to rs**\r ‘ ail aervice In ihe bap b**o gqratbod-.b^-ei o necessity ot tho people.,^, ZraSwm^*-. Jl ww A policeman in BuSilo has been fined flro diifiii 1 '* derstood-tbat WeAx placed in th j bands of nil ratit sel volnmlootis documentary evldeace 16 prove th^^a.Tr.aaes^ 1 ho uted- undenWiitaiMiBaiiiMiiiM and mure latter 'wheat in the NbHefiaaRI I ititiog to-abool SO.OeO^SDef l tb last;year ; hut the com crop i ; orders.of Ja.uCkA, uroah rSLtt«£.sax ro *“ ' ath-anr^»tt»t85. W» 1 .-: ~ ~ — C EOB4JIAj-DOUG^M 0 n , rt/ IIEREA8, S. B^ i^y me .state S-ss^tssa^ iiSSj®Ssa?sss?j ! - * PP m .how cause, if «y tht. *tfrt»SSB , 'a r -.“L%C i that the yielding of theseats to the former we* ndcut of the Cincinnati Garotte, aa it General Grant has repratedly.i valiun during tbe approaching It J« true tl ay, which, no remarked ta. , pprociate. --na.twsH ~ -sd wm.— nit, | ..I In. fa,., srsing with ah Iodi'ro, aaksd the son never sets in tha “-No,” sud the Indian. Da’ why I” aHmd John.