The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, October 14, 1865, Image 1

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B\- E. H. Hienan. : > 3; o: |( , E oN BROAD ST.-AT THE OLU STAKE. ' ' . ’/ -r.l-MT Bair* of Advertising. . Inserted at the rale of Owe Dollar I j rut C«ais per square of Eight Line*, for the I “i Lite and .Serenly-five Conte for —*■ |lr«t ,n * f io j er iion—payable in advance. de-irt»)C l« ‘‘*” 1 rti 7 lo “*' r ,h »“ «*"" |J2U can da te at the following ralea: >rm>k E or ^ CAnlli * lo^T^uare |t ( « ^uir w.- ■ iuuwm. . aJ. moa.O - T. $6 0I>1§12 to not *>a ■fkrff ! '4 U Wnr ■fife vqfis !( miarev.. a co. k. o Toon. DBS. TODD & CONNELLY /^FFER their services to the citizens of Alban; V and Tie!nit; sa practltionerlof M'cdicine. Mid wifery. and.Surger^; and trust, by assiduous at tention to tEeir profession, to gun a share of the pubhe patronage. ~ Office formed; oeenpied by q«L Wright, when, the; can he found b; da; or night. Alban;, On./June 24th. 1865. 17-Cm »00 . 20 OOj SO 00 18 00| 28 00 40 00 21 001 30 00| 60 00 30 00 41 OOj CO 00 35 OOl 60 00l 70 00 40 00 66 00 75 00 00| 65 00] 80 00 50 001 70 001 85 00 55 00) 75 00 90 00 5 p K C 1 A L KOTIC El !! aa'nouoeementa of candidates for office, 510, I Ksntitl ia advance. Tdbiiutry notice* to be charged for at regular ad- miMMnt ralea—to be paid in advance. of eight line*, of brevier, mate one t tdverfi*enieat> that make over eight line* ls Jer fifteen line*, counted a* two square*. «prii<cr* will mark on their advertisements jubfi of square* they wish them to occupy, ,aaatti»ic*ti‘>a* for individual benefit, will ■iirp-l ? I per square for each insertion. . Hitti Professional Cards per year $20 jOO, i wife, payable in advance §20 00. f.rgal A dvcrlUcmcul*. uKwwin® are our rates lor legal advertise* Dr. Benj. M. CromwelL ' I-VFFERS bis professional service* to Us citizens of Alban; mndnicinil;. Office two doors above In, Foil Office* Alban;, On., June 17,1865. 16—1; Administrator's Notice- . FVlWp months after data application will bo made A ths Ordinary of Dougherty count; for lca.e to scU Uo lands belonging to the estate of Thomas U, Monghon, deceased. Forthe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. T J08. A. DAVIS, Administrator _ T. H. MOUOHON. Alrany, September 23, 1865. * 29=-2tn Dr. H. V. Callaway O FFERS his professional aerrieea to Ua citizen of Palmyra and .ieinit;. June 3, 1865. - 14—tf GEORGIA—DOUGHERTY COUNTY. CA7IIEREA8, Geo. H. King applies ta me for V ¥ letters ef administration on tbs estate of Oeo. B. King, lata of said eonnl;, deo’d. , Theta are, therefore, to cite and admohUh all and aingnlar Ua kindred and creditors ol said de ceased to be and appear at m; office within Ue tlano prescribed b; law to .how cauae. if an; lbs; tors, “ ! d letters shonld not bo granted. . ander m; hand and official signature at Offica in Allan;, September 1st, 1865. W. H. WILDER, Alban;, Sept. 2, 1865.—SOd Ordinar;. A. B. BADGER, DENTIST, AI.IJA.VV .GEORGIA. O FFERS hit professional services to Us citlsens or Albany and vicinity. Having just returned irum tLc service, I solicit general pair—age. I can be found at the residence of F. Lehman.-— Ladies will be attended at their residences if desired. Provision* taken in payment for work. Albany, Sept. 9th, 1V05. 27—tf O. 8. SKTSOPB.... .r. W. ALUAXDUU Drs. Seymour & Alexander yjAVISQ entered^into co-partnership for the practice of SURGICAL and MECHANICAL ATSTRV, do respectfully offer their professional ;.v, r , r levy of eight lines or less.S 3 00 Mr 1 ' ic “ *• -«*• “ J Oentfcmen of Dougherty ;, r ',‘ nf . P 6 00 * nJ »urroundtng counties. ' r u s 1 H ner levy ’ ** * o 00 FwiicoUr aueulion given to the regulation of utefetiars efA d m i n i m rat ionlil —1—7.4 00. **g*r*"*** SunsmcTs* inserted lior liters of Guardianship 4 00 i 0, ,^ # ° r ,i i'j*. ,, .. . . r anplicaiion of dismission from Admin- jjMr residence if requested. w## 6 oo 1 Office- on llroad^Street over Jones A Cotiiff’s ot aiu.!ic:iiion for dismission Trom Guar- »_ «•. ,» . . . . , , 1 4 oo | p 0®** hoars from -8 to 12 A. M. and from 1 to 4 !.4 00' Albany, September 23d, 18C5. 29— Dc I per square .-8 00 if o?rinh*ble properly, lendsjrs... ...3 00 My dayr R ^ ihe above roles will be required in SAMUEL D. IRVIN, Attorney at Law, _ TTAS resumed the practice of his profession.— Office in the Farmer building—up stairs— Washington 8treet, Albaay, Gv All business en trusted to his eare will receive prompt attention. Albany, September 23, 1805. 29—tf SPECIAL NOTICE, in i by Admini»>tralor*, Executors or f required by law to be held on the | rvu. no and three in the afternoon, « REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Tin. be countywhich lUe. F r “!« r - gpHE «.b.crlber ha, opened an Agene; for the !: .T" 8 | I sale of bauds in eondeelion with th. practice Atrite fort; dayspre «• ._ 0 i |,~ w. He will bn; or Mil lands for a reasonable I-.lie of personal ]) pe J ComimMion,In,e.tigaleTilles.drawDeeds«fCjn- iH.mner. through a public gazette •« «„ uce , , n ,l gi« le^.1 adrie. general); in refer- ale day. „ ence to the purchase or sale of lands in South-Wes- j tern Georgia. Persons having lands to sell, or Administrator’s Sale. ©EOlOil A—MITCHELL COUNTY. O N the first Tuesday in October, between 10 a.m. and 8 o’clock p. m., will be sold in the town of Uamllla, Mitchell Co, all of town lot No. 8, fronting 25 feet, running back 86 feet. Said lying and length in block No. 8, within ths town of Camilla, Mitchell county, Ga., as the property of Timothy O’Brien, lats of said county, deceased August 23, 1865.* Cl EOKCSKA—DOUGIIERTY COUNTY. XTTHEREAS, Gideon Drown applies to ms for pff letters of administration on ihs estate of Robert L. Tomlinson, laU of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to eite and admonish all end singular the hundred and creditors of said de ceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why sSid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Albany, 22d August, 1865. W. H. WILDER, Ordinary. Albany. August 25. 1865. 25—80d irom me obligation or obedience. No citizen shsll be deprived of life, •pen;, except b; doe process 0 r Isw; ltbcrt;, only b; the judgment of bis Albany Lodge No. 24, F. A. M. X UK regular meetings of this Lodge are on the prti and third Friday nights iv each month. The brethren will please take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. D- W. C. SPENCER, Secretary. Albany, April 13th, 18C5.-tf. i estate i' nontb*«. * for l n»iil creditors of .'Jlic^Dnn will be made to the Coprt £*** b “ Tl '• 0aU ~ 10 It.', to Mil bund must be publish- gynBn. in the Farmer Building, orer Field's ,t.r. of Administration, On.rdi.n-' * «• • »a,bi.g.on D. IRVIN. 26—tf Albany Chapter No. 15, A. 7. M. T HE regular convocations of this Chaptei sire on the tcond and fourth Friday nights in each ioath. : ,;.i . The companions will please take notice and gov ern themselves, aceordibgly. E. W. JENKINS, Secretary. Albaxy. Amt 13lh, 18G5.-4f .* * * U Albany, September 23,1865. Sr GEORGIA—WORTH COUNTY, t-w .o.ttilr for four month.—.for,stftbli#bing Ord.nsry's Office for sard eount;. Hi«tf»TilK full space of three month.—for -WTTnEREA8, Matilda U. Ti«on and Thomas Veiling titles from Kzecutors or Administrators,, Vf Tison applies to me for letters of adminia- Ijicd bore been given by tbe deceased, the tratton on the estate of William W.. Tison, late of •f»'t of th-fo months. i said county, deceased j _ These are. therefore, to notify the kindred and creditors or said deoeased to be and appear at my office oa or before the'Srst Monde; in October Best to show cause, if an;, they have, why said letters shonld not be (rest'd to ths applicant. Given under m; hand and official signature, this August 21st, 1865. * JAMES W. ROUSE, Ordinary. '• G. J. WRIGHT, attorney aft Law, AUUifY, GA. J\U. prapiire in all the Court* of the South* .^vftb I’ircuit ami the Supreme Court of r» at the old Stand, next door to Dr. a F on Broad street. pt. 1«, 1866. 1855. 28-ly* j-l/idtl ALBANY^ HOUSE. -Mrs. A. Arline, Proprietor. T [IS well known and neatly furnisehd Ilousc ii bow open to the travelling public AT THS SAME RATES Aa waa charged before the war. Her table Is al- wajs furnished With the Best' the Harket iflhris, And her bedding ia alwaya kept, well aired and clean. Remember the Old Stand on Broad Street. Albany, Ga., June 24, 1865.-ly THE CONSTITUTION .or TBE STATE OC GEORGIA, A* nmetnfal by Ms. Slate Convention, at Savannah.- m March, and eubmilled to, and ralifed by. m fote ofrte People of Georgia, on the fint Tiiaiay in July, 1881, and duly proclaimed by Mu Excellency, the Governor of the stale. if. ” AEHCLE I. DECLZEATIOS OT WVMDAMKnhU rnnrmTm Section I. The fandsmenul principles or free government omnot be too well understood, nor too pRw recurred to. ** /. Section 2. God has ordtined that man shall lire tinder government; bat aa the tomusnd admin atm- tinn are in hnmnn, and therefote talliblo, hands, the, may be altered or modified whenever the satetirw happiness of the go-reroed requires it. No govern- ment shonld. fig changed for light or transient canoes, nor unless upon reasonable assurance that a better will be established.. Section 3. Protection to person and property ia )he duty of governmentand a’ government which knowing); and persistently denies or withholds from the governed each protection, when within its power,> then) from the obligation of obedience Section 4. No c" " liberty, or property, and of life or liberty, peer.. Section 5. Tim writ of * Habeas Corpus” shall not be suspended, unless, in case of rebellion or in- vasien, the public safety may require it. Section 6 The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Section 7. No religiou. test shall be required for the tenure of an; office; and no religiou ulull he es tablished by law; and no citizen shall be deprived of an; right or privilege by reason of bis religious belief. Section 8. Freedom of thought and opinion, free dom of *peech,and freedom of the presc, are inherent element* of political liberty. But while every citi- aeu may freely *peak, write and print, on any subject, heshall be re*pon*ible fi*r the abuse of the liberty. Sectioa 9. The right of tbe people to appeei to the courts; to petition government on all matters of legitimate cognizance; and peaceably to assemble for tbe consideration of any matter of public concern —ahwll never be impaired. Section 10. For every right,tfiere should be pro vided a remedy; and every citizen ought to obtain justice without purchase, without detdaT, and without delay—conformably io the laws ot the (and. , Section 11, Every person charged with an of feree against tbe laws of the State ahull have the privilege and benefit of counsel: • Shall be furnished, on demand, with a copy of the accusal ion, and with a list of the wilr him: iUmap-compoLory process to obtain the atten- of hi* own witn^eu: . r Shall be confronted with the witness testifying against him: and ’ * * • Shall have a public and speedy trial by an impar tial jury. Section 12. * No perron shall be put in jeopardy of life or libeity more than once for the same offence. Section 13. No conviction sImI! work corruption of blood, or general forfeiture of estate. Section 14. Excessive bail shall not be required; nor excessive fines imposed; our cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. ; . Section 15. The power of the courts to ponish forcontempt shall be limited by Legislative Act*. Kja. tmiv l ft A - .l. • September 2d, 1663. GEORGIA—WORTH COUNTY. TAW wrAmTrtxj . I ’ Ordinary’s Office for said county. • LAW NOTICE. • 11| r-nEREA8, F. M. Tison and Theo W. Tison <'outin being open for the transaction .oj Vy makes.application to me for letters of ad- I haie returned from- the country to; ministration on the estate of Willtom W. Tison, late V." rwu ®etl*o practice of my profession, and 0 f «aid county,^leceased t .. , , , "‘ ni prowjuly and faithfully to all business These are, therefore, to notify all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased t# beand appear at my office within tbe Urns pr^eril^dby Aug. law 1*05. L. V. D. WARREN. 25-tf * r NOTICE. pF. FrocUtaxtion of Governor Johnson ef tlto lustant, having autboriied<he civil vfr to •• proceed (after taking the a the discharge of the duties of their , i 1 c>r «i»t to the laws ia existence prior to ^Uwuary, 1801, so far as the same are not ‘ w with our present condition,” we take »o *Ay ibAt our office has been openc ‘ irausacUon of profe^iona! business, M us can always be coassulted. . - 1 PETER J. 8TR0ZER, . , WM.B. SMITH. Ang. !:►, 1865. 24—3m appear a law tool tors ahouULnot tor** 4 * Given under my hand August 28d, 1865. September 2d, 1855. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX. S r th. FIRST OF OCTOBER, or as soon as ths mails are re-established. I will renew tbe pub- Ion of the •»CHRISTIAN INDEX ” and ef tbe •«CHILD’S GUIDE” I have been publishing. Price of u „Index,” per annum........ $3 00 Price of- Child’s paper, deduction made for Clubs.) Money may be remitted at ones, as toy determi nation is positive. My desjre is to^eenre a large subscription list with which to begin, and I is»ue.this Prospectus, that subscribers may have time to for ward their Section 16* A faithful execution of the laws is essential to good order; and good order in society is liberty. * • Hectkm 17. Legislative Acts in violation of tbe fundamental law are void; and the Judiciary shall so declare them. Eection 18.. Ex paft facto laws,and laws impair ing-tbe obligation of contracts,and retro active legis lation injuriously affecting the right of the citizen, are prohibited. Section 19. Laws should have a general lion; and no geoerol !»w »hal! be varied in a partic ular case by special Legislation; except with consent of all persons to baufteted thereby. 8n*tinnQll 'I'Ilm nfi....;.. bAW NOTICE. • 10 offeT * his profenionsi satvices ......?" bl “; wil1 u, <nd proroptl; ta all „. Is his on. tMMoe up stairs in GEORGIA—DOUGHERTY COUNTY. “^^ A^TSS^S-aarePaiO MI and ^rJSSlr^yhSd^ <S^a ripMlsr., Ot *« i“ AH-*..«a* *****WWMW. Albas;. Sspi-1,1865.—SOJOrdte^. •I’iJri ijoildioj 23, 1365, D. P. HILL,- Auorne; at Law, Alban;, Ga. rcmitti It-is ro; inlentisn tn issue first dass papers, and _j pais, or expense will be spared to secure that end. The beat writers and correspondents will be second, sad the highest religiou. and literary tat- eat wiU be given to tho papers. The Conn's Pa- :a Win be prefOni; illustrated; sod will, in ever; ue, bo made to conform to its new title, The Ctuid* Delight! UeM;ma;b.seotW KngesScr otherwlse-if b; Espress, at m; risk, if th# Express receipt is at me, bo the resumption of mail facilities. H; eawneelioo wills the (no of J. W. Burke k Co., is dissolved, bot I will esUblisk ssi office is Moeoo, Ga., wherb eooununlcatioas asm; be ad- ezied. ‘ SAMUEL BOYKIN. August 23, 1865. . 25—5t GEORGIA—WORTH COUNTT- Ordink-ye Opee foreaid County. HBEKAS. Gord- ^^hSSSaSSSi b of said county, BINES & HOBBS. * Tf OUNEYS AT LAW,' •, alrajiv, ga. for Mrd». P 7’’*Ir 1 *° “* ke sppHeoUoOS " ■ fr ,™. ,or ,k05 « »»"h over >20,000. ««pjed intha Amnest; Pro- 1 ‘PHicui™^ 1 ^"»t Jolhnsoa. We wHl brio* L'^«ria2Jr?' rt L W *" tb * Proviritrofl K rtl r .it “* *PP r »’1i and ome of uum of . „ the «£w of William Sprio*. lotoofst mba19 ’ 1Wi ’ JAKES w. BOUSE, Ordlomy- September 23.1855. I «fi. hSetuii, K th.praotloo of fe^7 22, 18C5. 5-5J ■^^7ISk~OF ALBANY, Jttr.'£££»“«<deetlePh;sieiail, with. ih ® po,t ►""‘1.«... Corns A. CBKA/ra a^ovmu-^ f<jc U)Un of E.' 8. Walxer, late Albany ’Male and Female Academy. • ALBANY, OA., AUG. 28, 1865. runs undersigned hare leased tbe Aeadem; for- A WMrijLooeupiedh; Mr. J. 8. Ingraham, where ther Will open A Select- School to com men oe aa the 2dM0NDAY IN SEPTEMBER NEXT. Ills the design of ths undersigned «• bnltd op gntdlsm Jnstitotieo, and thspatrows of the School — n w oo over; effort possihlo being made to ad. wtea wo interests afthaSehoal and popils. Good board aa bo obtained in tows at reasooa- ' TMtSn Biz Doilais ($6.00) par ssaolh ef foot weeks for Fell session. Incidentals One Dollar. A competent msale Teacher will furnish Instroc- sos to these deairing it-at the ocoal rates. BM'dGEORGB MACAULET, E. L. HINES. Alhaa;; Osr, Bspt. 2,18®.v vf said , mMa ,e— - ^robpan.1 appaaratm; a**tfZZtojhave) ^3l«»E. Walker onTi.-_8. WMS« Wtom»e»y b»* “Jf n?iS3Ek»gffi Eepiember 22,1965. . ' Section 4. The compensation of the members sod officers of the General Assembi; Shall be fixed by law, at tbe first session subsequent to the adop tion of this Constitution: and the same shall not be increased anas to efibet the compensation- of the members or officers of tho Assembly by which tbe increase is-adopfed. Section 5. No person bolding any mlHlary cpm- mission or other appointment,haring any emolument or compensation annexed thereto, under this State or the Confederate Stales, or either of them, (except 1notices of the Inferior Court, Justices of tbe Peace and officers of the militia), nor any defsalter for pub lic money, or for legal taxes required of him, shall of dw General haves scat in either branch of My; nor ahull spy Senator or 'Kcpresenlstire. nfier hia'qnliocstioo as sack, be elected to any offica or appoiatssent by the .General Assembly baritw any emnhrai .nts or compensation annexed thereto;oaring tbe tium lor which be shall hare been elected. Section ff. No person cooricted ot any felony be fore any Court of thm State, or of tbe Confederate States, shall be eligible to any office or appointment ol honor, profit or treat, within this State. Section 7. No peraon who io a collector or bolder of public money, shall bs eligible to any office in this Slate, until'the aame is accounted far and paid into the Treasury. SERTtOS n. 1. The Senate shall consist of forty-ibnr mem bers, odc to be chosen from etch senatorial district, which district shall be composed of three eantigooes coo at Ms. Ira new county is established, it shall be t which i ~ be another arrangement districts r county 1 added tn a district whieb it adjoins until there shall of tho senatorial diatricts^- The senatorial districts shall got ho changed except when a new census shall have been taken. 2. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years-, and be a citizen of the Confederate States, and have been for three years an inhabitant of this State, and for one yearn resident of tbe district from which he is chosen. 3. The presiding officer aha!! be styled tbe Presi dent of tbe Senate, and shall be elected viva voce from their own budy. 4. Tbe Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for lhat purpose, they shall be on oath or sffirinalfon; and on person shall bo convicted without the ooneerrence of two- thirds of the members present Jodgraent, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend farther than remo- val from office and disqualification to hold sad enjoy tn; office of honor, profit or trust within this State; but tho part; convicted shall, nevertheless, be liaMe and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and pun ishment according to law. • SECTIOS lit. I. The House of Representatives shall be posed as follows: The thirty-seven counties hading tbe largest representative population shall have two Resreneatalii have one Repffhedtativev conmies having two Reprovebtatives shsllse it __ by the General Assembly immediately slier the taking Of each census. ' IF No person shall be n Representative who shall, not have attained ta the age of twenty-one years, and' be a ciiizen of the Confederate States,and have been for throe years an inhabitant of this State,-and for one year a resident of the county which be rente- tents. The presiding officer of tho Hoose of Repre- seiitaiiVes.shall be styled Spesker. and shall be elec ted rimyoce frotp their own body. • 4. They shall have the sole power to impeach all persons who have hreu or. may be in office. Ait bills for raisiog revenue, or appropriating money, shall originate in the House of Representa tive* ;• bat the detune may propose or concur in amendments,oa m other bills. \ YTs ate now prepared ta da aH kinds of Section 20.. Tho right of taxation can be granted only by the people; and'shall be exercised only to taise revenue lur the auppgrt of government,’to pay tbe public debt; to provide for the common defence, and for such other purposes are specified io the gnat of powers. Section 31.' In esses oi necessity, private ways' may be' granted upon just compensation being first paid; pnd with this exception, private property shall not be taken except for )piblie sac; and then, oof; upon just compensation; such compensation, except 'n caeca of pressing necessity, to be first provided nd paid. . Section 22. The right of tbe people to be secure ia tbcirpefsons, boom, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches andaeiznres, shall not be vio lated ; and no warrant shall issse hot a poo probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and partiea- larip describing the place or places to be searched, and tbe persons and things to bo seized.. Section -23. Martial law shall not. be declared, except in cases of extreme necessity. Section 24. Large stsnditfg armies in time of peace, an dangerous to liberty. Section $5. No soldier shall, io time o( peace, bo quartered in au; house without the consent of the owner; nor in limn of star, but in a manner pre scribed bylaw. ' ' Section 26, Tbe person of « debtor shall not be detained in prison slier delivering bona fide nil his estate for the use of his creditors. - Section 27. The enumeration of rights herein contained shall not be.tmostroed to deny to the pen* ple .snjt inherent ■ rights whidh they have hitherto This deciantion is part of this Con stitution, and shall oeVer bn violated on an; pretence Whatever. • _ . AXTKU it. • . ' LXOtSUTtTI ■ dxTastuXxt. I. The Legislative, Executive and Jodi- rial departments, shall he. distinct; and each depart ment shall be a separate body*of magis tracy, No person or colleeUqo of persius, being of one department, ebsli exercise no; power properly attached to either' of the others; except in cases herein expressly provided. - . Sections. The Legislative power thill he vested in a General Assembly, which shall'oonsist of at Senate and Houm oT Representatives. Section 3. The meeting of tbe General Assranbljr andt be annual, and on the first Wednesday in No- vembdr, until such dayof meeting shall be altered bp Each Hoose shall be the judge of the election returns and qualifications of its own members; and •hail have power to pouisb them for disorderly be havior or misconduct, by censure, fine, imprisonment or expnlsion; but no member shall be expelled except by n vote of twotnieds of tbe House from which be is expelled. - ‘3. Each House may ponish, by Imprisonment not extending beyond the session,any person not s mem ber, who shall he guiIty of a contempt, by any disor derly behavior in itepresence; -or who,daring the session, shall threaten injury ta the perspn or estate of nny member, for anything raid or done in either Home ; or who shall assault nny member therefor ; nr who sbail assault or arrest an; witness going to or returning therefrom ;4>r who shall rescue, or attempt to rescue, ao; persop arrested by order of either llonse. -. • - - 3. The members of both Houses shall ho free from arrest .during their attendance oa tbe General Assembi;, end in going M and returning therefrom, except, for treason, felony, or breach of the peice.— And no member shall be liable to answer, in an; other place, lor anything spoken in debate in either Constitution and not repugnant to the Constitution of the Confederate States, which tbs; shelf deem De nse rysnd proper for the welfare of the Stale. S.- They ms; alter the boundaries of countiee, and lay off and establish new counties; bat every bill to establish a new connty shall be passed b; at least two-thiids of the members present, in each branch of the General Aspembly. - •• "■< -A Ike; shall provide for tbe taking of a emeus or enumeration of-the people of this Bute, ml regu lar decades of yean, commencing at such times a* '^"XeGeSeial Assembly, shall have power 1# ze mooev for tbe promotion of learnings!*! and to provide for the education of the 7 *2?*Tho General Assembly shall have power by a vote of tarodhirds of each branch, to grant pardon* in eases of final conviction fortreason, and to prdow of final conviction for mnrder. I. The General Assembly shall have no power to grant, corporate powers.and privileges to private companies, except to hanking, inadranee, railroad, qanal, phuik road, navigation, mining, express, lum ber, and telegraph companies; nor to make or change election precincts; nor to establish bridges and fer ries; nor to change names, or legitimate children-, but shall by law prescribe tbe manner In which inch power shall be exercised by thfi courts. Bat no book charter aha!) be granted or extended, and no Act passed antborixfng tbe suspension of specie pay ment by nay chartered bank, except by a vote of two-third* of each branch of tbe General Assembi;. 3. No money shall be drawn from tbe treasury of this State, ereept by appropriation made by iasc; and a regular statement and account of the receipt and expenditure of an public money sbail bo pub lished from time to time. 3. No vote, resolution, law or order shall pats, granting a donation or gratuity in favor of an; per ■on, except by tho concurrence of two-thirds of the General Assembly. Nb law sbail he passed by which a citizen' •hall be compelled, directly or indirectly, to become . a stockholder in, or contribute to a rail road or other ' work of internal improvement, withoa) bis consent; except tbe inhabitants of a corporate town or city.— This provision shall not he coostroed todeny the power of taxation for tbe purpose of rqaking levees or dams to prevent tbe overflow of rivers. sect rex vn. 1. The importation or introduction of negroes - from no; foreign country, other than the s!ave%o!d- ing States or Territories of tbe United Stptes of America, is forerer prohibited. 3. Tito General Assembly may prohibit ( - traduction of negroes from any'State; but they shaU hare no power to prevent immigrants from bringing their slaves with them. 3. The General Assembly shall have no power to . ki'l or would be inflicted in ease the likeefleace had been commit ted on a free while persoa. ABT10LE UL 'EXECUTIVE DEPaitTMEXT. sectiox 1. I . The executive power shall be vested In s Gov- nor, who shsll hold his office daring the term of- two years, and nntil each time n« a successor shall be chosen and qualified. He shall have a competent salary fixed by few, which ahall not be increased or dijaioiahed during the period for which he eball have heeq elected; neither shall he receive, within that period, any other emolument from the Confederate States, or either of them, of from any foreign power. 3. The Governor shall be elected by the persons qualified to vote for members of the General Assem bly, on tbe first Wednesday in October, in the year of our Lord, 1861; nod on the first Wednesday in October, in every second yesr thereafter, until such time be altered by law; which election shall be brirL. at tbe places of hoidinggeneral elections, sev eralcounties of this Bute, in tbe manner prescribed for the election ot members of the General Assembly. The returns for every election of Govefnor shall be sealed np by tbe managers, separately from other yetonis, and directed to the President of the Senate and Bpealrer of the House of Representatives, and transmitted to the Governor, or the person exercising the duties ofGovcroor for the time being; who shall, without opening the said returns, cause the same to be laid before-toe Berate, on the da; q(ter the torn houses ahall have been organized; and they Shall be transmitted by tbe Berate to the House of Represen tatives. The members of each branch of the Gen eral Assembly ahall convene in the Representative tber, and. the PresMent of the. Senate, and the A Each Hoose shaU keep a journal of its pro- eeedtngs, sod publish them immediately after its ad. :. The yeas and nays oft be members on jonrnment. I De yeas and non oTIt an; qacstmi shall, tt tbe desire of oae-fifth-of the members present, be entered 00 the journals. The original journals shall hs preferred (after nab!leaf linn) in iheuSceof th*SecretaryofBtate; buuhere shall be nix other record thereof. 8. Ever; hip, before it shall puss, shall fie rend three times and on three separate and distinct days in each Hunan, sales* incase* of aclaal invasion or insurrection: Nor shall sa; law or ordiraaca pas* which refers to more tban'oae subject owner, or con tains matter diflemit from what is expressed in the title thereof. «. All Acta shall he signed by tho President of the' Berate and the Speaker dike House efNrwsr* aentstirea ; and no bill, ordinance, or resolution ,'in- lended to bare the effect of Jaw, Which shall have been rejected by either Hoose, shall ha again pi posed under the same ot any other title, whbont v consent oi tsro-tUrds of the House by wbicirtheni ■ rejected. m . J. Neither Hoase shall adjourn for more than three dsys. nor to oa; otter place, whbont the con sent of the Miter; and in cate of disagreement ' mofmijonznro job. rw o n AT T8UW OFFICE, With Neatness and Dispatch few.. A majority of each Uasae shall constitute a quorum to transact business; hot« smaller number may arfenro from day to day, and compel the alien: danoe of their mpmbers'in siich roaanrr as each House.shall prescribe. Nonessioo of IheGenaral Assembly slu,U continue for more than forty days, unless tbe same shall bn done by-a vote of two-thinls of each branch thereof. tween th#twoHo«aes,ooaqoestica _______ the Governor may adjourn them. • S v. E ' nf s *i> rr » ot * , l'r. before tat- ^g^jjsaagai'a of this State; and also* that be hath wot any uniawful means, either directly or indirectly,to proenre hi# election. And every puatm coavfetS of havinggiien or offered a bribe, shall be dbqaali-1 fort “ 9. Whenever this Constitntisra reesiresan Act sa^gpBaassssK chamber, , . .... Speaker of ibo House of Representatives, shall open publish the returns in the presence of the-Geo- I Assembly; nod the person having tbe majority he whole number of votes given in, Ahall -be do led duly clectwHioveroor oi tbja“Stale; but if no leiaon bsve nch isijonty, then from tho two person* isviag the highest number of votes, who sball be in Sfe, and shall not decline an election at the time sp. pointed for the Legislature to elect, tbe General A*. •reabM steli feamediatelV elect a Governor sun wee# and in. all cases of election of . a Governor by- the General Assembly, a majority'of'tbe votes of- the .members present shall be necessary for a choice— Contested elections shall he' determined b; both Hanses of (ha General Assembly, in each manner ns shall be prescribed hr Isw. 3. No peisoa'shall he eligible to the office of Governor who ahall not hare Men a citizen of tbe Confederate -Stales twelve years, and an inhabitant* of this State six years, and who hath not attained tte ago ex'thirty yearn. 4. Id ease ol tte death, resignation, or disability of Ite Governor, the President of tte Borate shat! exercise tire executive powers of the government un til each disability be removed, or a successor is elec ted or qualified. And in case of the death, resigna tion, or diaatplit; of tire President of the Senate,the Speaker of Ite Hoose of Representatives shall exer cise the executive power oT tire government until tbe reiqfealofttedlnabHiljeelhnaTwiionsralBualifica- lioo of m Governor. 6. The Gocerwar shall, before he' enters on the. duties of his office, take the following oath or affirma tion: “I do solemnly swear or affirm (as the ease may be.) that I will faithfully execute lbe office of Gorernor of the State of Georgia; and. will, to-the best of m; abilities, preserve, protect and defend th# constitution thereof. XECUOtl Jt. t. The Gorernor ahall Jie <Cnnucaoder4a-Ciiief efthe army and navy of .this State, and of the militia. 2. He shall have fewer to grant reprieves for offences against the State, except in cases of im peachment, ufe -to grant pardons, nr to remit any pari ni a sentence, hi alt cases after conviction, ex cept for treason or mnrder, in which .cases he may respite tire execution, and make report titereolla tte makeaUfewinS' 6ht ^.’ a,e *<>w« to "^S^rilsBteSe'jrits ofelectfoas tofili racaa- , OBdioaacc*, coosutcnt with this xueathut hajjpen iolhe Senate or Uous* of JUeord* \ .