The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 1

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qi SP®>r old 1 -' 1 Bv E. H. Hienan. - ■| Od ST.—AT TUB OLD STAND. Advertising. Ilatr* o jvnrtnU inserted ntthe rate of One Dollnr 1 . rrr square of Bight Lines, for the irl WjA* Sercnty-6re Cents for each (i* lw "!L' (r ilon—psjsble in nilrsnce. iuk’ f 'l“'" to aiirenise longer then three (he following rates: pialJiit **** fkrrr !'l u * rw [sir rt u,n ' ! moa'fi mos.|l .year So oolfn onWon 12 00 20 00| 80 00 18 OOl 28‘OOJ 40 00 30* OOq 24 mil d" , |“’7 38 ool SO jii i/ju*r** ftftl k.1 fetfl tAi Kjuarei^- Jjl |ij**M* UgMItS-.- OKQ. n. OTODO R. L. COXXAU T. DBS. TODD & COMALLY QZ wlfery, tention io tueir profession, to gain public patronage. Office formerly occupied by Col. Wright, where they can be found by day of night.' • Albany, Ga., Jane 24th, 1805. * 17-Cm Editor oj Patriot—Dear Sim: Withy Surgery*, and trust, by assiduous a£ &SSk ^for retHwgah* sir^len, u gi/aahaATf’ihe . ustugarfm, w. r. JINNIXGS....... B. M. CROMWELL. Drs. Jennings & Cromwell O FFER their professional services to the citizens of Albany and vicinity. - Office on.BroadSt. Oct. 28,1883. V *4- Administrator’s Notice* IWO'mqnthsafier dale application will be mi the' Ordinary of Dougherty county for leaTc Ju DAVIS, Administrator- ’A T. H. MO UGH Oft. 50 00 30 00 41-001 GO 00 si 70 00 75 00 80 DO 85 00 90 00 8PEC1AL 8«TWt: 7 Aq IQaiisuncemenls ef candidates for offiea, $10,- iivitaifT notice* t_ .. „ — . Jimou rates—*° he paid ia udrqnee.' Ik, ,,te. ef eight lines, .{.brevier, m*ki . .aff, Ad*ertiscmenf* that make over eight counted * ,e one lines two squares, adverrieemenip m to occunr. * ..*• Advert y) safer fifteen li li,erli«ej will : —, , ■ . -1 .. ■ ,. y !ktnatter of squares they w.A them lo ooeapr. 1’i.munieaiiuiis for individual lioneSt, will -..-.'i : 1 per square fur each insertion. an.l I'rofesiional-Cards'pcryearSJO 00. wife, payable hindrance Wt Urcetiamg trial Advertisements Ti, following are our rates for legal advertise. IHiT. Sales per levy af eight lines or lesj_$ 3/M jitrif, Mortgage Fi. Fa. aalea,.per levy 6 00 fnfeilecter'a tides per levy K ....5.00 Mini Ut letters of Adiulnlstrat.on ^ r .4A» I'uliH hr letlere of Ouardiaushljk 4-W )wiM,f applieatioaofdisuiission from Admin A, B. BADGER, D 3E IT 3 T I S T , AI/BANY-..............................OEORGIA -■ ^ fWPmffiM* pVklW«M*»t aaulraa U the cttiiann \J oTAlbany nwdriaujity. Batin,jutt returned fh»U.c service. I solicit general patronage. . t«o_|“/M«>»4'*tthnmrt4cncccf F. Bahama.-^ * Albany, $e'pt. Dili, 180o. / ' ^.,.^4 Q. So SRTMOUR.^.... Drs. Bavin aizJfich5ro**L it & Alexander tnftT co*-p*ftners!»ip fqr .jhe _ StytUlCAL and MECHANICAL aSTLSTllY, do respectfully ofe^lMirphifesstojiit services to the Ladies -and Gentlemen ofDouglwu and surroundingcounties. '* T., ■ - 4 , * Particular* Altention giTen to the regulation of irrcguUrVeeth,‘ahd D e x t a t. Surstctctm inserted ontioa*ffhertvs{?*•*. * Ladies at tended at their residence : ^Vfficc on Dread Street over {one*& Office hours .from,* to 12 A. M. and from lie 4 P'M* !7r ■> - e ; u: •' • ■ *-•* Albany,.September 28^ tfXZ AGENCY. EfiM-^. r i gsu? agggmaa8p&sSg”^« V«'» aadCr«iilor. .4 W. ^ S,dUuI |>«,quare„.— - encfc la ibejiurcltase or sale cf Undo In Sottih-W ki. uf peri.Dat.le property, tendwys..... ,.3 W ^ Gcor ^ fc hwvfug laud, lo Sell. GEOBGIA—WORTH COUNTY. .Ortlinpry't OJJicefor laid Counfy. Tyl7 HERE AS, Franc is M. Tiaon applies to me -•* lettrta of pnardianahip of Ihe perVoi erly of LcvicnTiaon, orphan of William deceased. These ere thtreiore to notify theltindred itora of said deeecseil, to be am) appear at i . within the time prescribed by Uvr-tn show -cansc, if hoy they have, why said letters aiwMild not be grants ed to the applicant or eome other auitable person,. _ . Cireo sarnn rsy hand and ojcial. siganure, thin L the Sd dey of October, 1 IPS: . . JAMES W. ROUSE, oetdh»ama>^ Deaghertf Sheriff Sale. Impurities of the Sk'm, learlnglheheiie [! po?. clear, eetooth and beautiful.'. . • .V - .1 I will Mao nmil Pm. to those, baring Bald Hwkde; * i !*’P U ‘fir*®* 0 ’-, ind information that will enablatkcm to start * full grewth ef La*, unaqt Ilair, Whikkers, or n Moustnchc, in less thirty days. AH spplicatii chaise.* r^igkt, he the (fW dlffiriet isf ' ' •yvtoiipWi Deatdi .IVm. N. Petty. . , . , , S. ATK October 28, 1855. led cut ia, Rar. Williamsburgh, September'9th, 1885. lint r currant notes. with 'him, j5QT , *OiBco*tn , 'thc Farmer Building,- orer. Field’s & Co , Washington Street, Atbonjr, Ga. J Albiray, lia. SAMUEL D. IRVIN., Albany, September 2^*1805. . t»-df SPECIAL iipric^. ^.HttUadby Adminiatfators, Executors orj (Jji-tfuure required by law to be held on tbci — — . - _. ir< hc-ixj in each month, between the hours of. OEOK<«1A-^’OUTII COUNTY, ifiiiiif foreu-»on end three in4he afVertioog; »t | - M Ordinary’s'Officc for said coauAy. Unite in the county in which (h< fTTpiKBaiS. f. ML Tjsow; and Theo .i— - ministn lilileheU KherilPe Kteleu WILL be wold before ihe Coart House doordnTla- milla, Mitchell County. Ge,on the Srst .Tuesday ia flecember aezt, the lailohiii FiRydhree (53) square fa . as the pmnerty' of Alien Coekrib, ? Odni lhe Htenee Oeart nf ;Mwaeoe .—_ , AtiS, af>Mwrme>tW<Mf ni«. }Mfcoi»,'sUpf&ed,o levied oil as the property of Allen Cuekran, to satisfy a file from the loienor Gourt of • Munroe-Couniy*, - d^»;Jlealrw,iAileii Cockran, PrreMprf.-md^W^RerTWy efflcWr.J. Property pointed oat, by. aemuer-tt- Irvin.. Pl’fla Attorney. ™ W UENRYSMITJI.^ October 28th, 1885, k, tf/'jaC.O! GODEY S LADY'S BOOK Wm Fashiwnable^lUmsmstM'-kN' 3 Albany Lod^a No. 24, F. A. M. fpHE regular nmetings of I tMs Lodpe arconthe frit and third Friday nlgkis 'vhe r br^^ti plCa **-^UuodnUfen oaTo^'.f William W. Tire., Ute d noU ^W&on, , P-M* *»“'«• ''N °^TreX'rXrf. B notify ail and singular Ihemselre. aecordiugly.,; . ' ^ the kindred and creditor* of «aid deceased to bwwwii , appc«r at my office within the lime prescribed by D-W C Sl’EXri’ll Wleb’i-he.l forty day*. ^ - ho i/ c !7.... If il... I,,... wh,*«•{.! 1-.' Nvi« (bar »pplio*iiun will he made-to the Court |en , 8 , I0u]d uc % p hn»ry for Irate to sell Land must be publish-1 (jiTen uoJpp my hani and^officUl signature, Uds throUgli ale day. «d creditors of a Mite luunihs. r letter?* of Aijnv . /, a. _ August 2^id, 1803.'*' T . iritration. Guardian-1 ® mu.! hi pohiished thirty days—for dis- . Seplenl b or '.j, 1855. Who from Administration, monthly Six mouths J t*r4i.mis.ion from Guardianship forty days. ~ . GKOKGI A—WORTH COUNTY. JAMES W. ROUSE,' Ordinary. Albany Chapter-No. 15, A. Y.- M, Lhi f«r the foreclosure of Mortgage* must be . pbW,I monthly for four mouths— for establishing! I Mtyrliinj; ittles from Executors or Administrators, 1 ^ dAuinemo*.*«!»•.« v” ,,u ••*' b.n.l bare been gireu by the deceased, the cd) of J.T.S.GieMOO,lalA Qr*aidc6ttnly,deorefed. ’Ordinary's OJJlce fur said County. IIER.HAS, Matilda (ileuson applies to me for letters of Adrninistratinn (_with the lVin*n»ex- laoiitus G. J. WRIGHT, j Attorney at Law, ALBANY, GA. pi’.TCtiec- in nil the Courts of the^South- TFill, | U We»i«rn Circuit aud the Supreme Court of Oficc at ihe old Stand, next door t<j Dr. | Jtuipv, ,ttce, un llroad street. ifrS. 1H«V>. ‘ 2S-ly* LAW NOTIE. TTksse are thetefep io weffys H alid singular the kindppd and cfcrCmrsaf reid drecaoctf, lo bcapci apt pear jit my office within the time prescribed by l«r- tu show naee.j) any they have, why sakl lette ahould.aot be granted. •Given under my band.s'nd official signature, this . • , r. MiRfjr; Onob^r 7.1885 •J bl /<.Li«*V T IE regylar convocations of Ibis-Ctiaptei arc the irmmJ.aRd fourth Friday nights ItTeach month. ' r •, * ; * j i*.f» The companions will please take notice and goir era thcmselres accordingly. E. I*. JENKINS, . Secretary. Atn.vxr, Arnit 13lh, 18C5.~tf . filWO. IIUNTHiS aftet date •ppW.oti mil bt madetoft!»e cotirf of Ordinary of yt<Xlh courtty 4 Georgia, for lea ?o to aqll the lands b^h.nging to lU T HE Camtg lieing open for % the transactioti oj bswncM, I hare returned'from thecoOntry to< ^ b the practice of my profession, and Albfcoj, Aug. 23, 1805. LAW NOTIE. vl T df. ProeUmstion nf Gorcrnur Johnson nf *he "lli ln.ianl. ■ ' ' • - 1 - belongin'- to lb,' 'JmaterfioMkW«Wd*». Bold for UiC benefit oLtlic Beiw »«d creditors «f««i estate. October 7lh; 1685, BENJAMIN WHAM, AdW. ■ - - 'J«m WiUis,deeM. . - 31-(>0d A iad.bled t. of Robert L. A joSuftoB. lute of raid .ouniy.^doCMsed,, *'* I fi. ' Un1, *‘ %v ' n i aa, horixed the civil officers (o make i| I *k! uJ,Tc !iV2™~l ' it* i procee*! (after tf.king'the ainnealy , iirmc uisciiarge of U»e duties of tjieir sere) oT MCur 4tog to the laws in existence prior . . ,. ,_ 14 . u . J »'iij»ry, 1801, 80 far as the same are not ,. M Brownjrlfl be fonod w in TomUds<m> t»MWwlrni with * — -- ‘ • ' A ' «-• -procee*! (oner taking ine ainnesiy claims ng-ii»*t $ai«l ueccaseu wm e ‘Ii-charge of the duties of tjieir sereral -Ag,!- nuthcnticafed,^ in terny of the IjW- . t't... * r-lioj to the laws in existence prior to . * GIDEON duti^N, • W “T >Vu Lj. 1 '" 'rzuossrian of professional bosiness, and . v "i “ * **• »f us can always b« conssuHed. i' J. PTROZER,. T .„ .. r , ... WSI. B. SMITH. ' _ **T.,. lUhemied, ea Woodsy ‘52 t A. jL ll 1 8«5. . . fejgL, Sjw, IHla. r>es. Cattle. “ id ether , soMwt the” late *»***• ~«< 3 LAW NOTICE. ^ Albany, April tMlif-fcWtte'?',* Secretary. biccl that can j^rest ladle*. Cmtcbet knktiiiV, Veiling, Embroi dery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parloi, the Bou doir, and l{ie Kitchen. Everything,ia (act, to oiake a complete Wy’s Book. , * ' i . VHE INDIES’ FAVORITE FOR 3R YEARS. ^No Magazine bus been able to compete with'lt^ip- GODEY’S RECEIPTS lor every geipemnent of a housebokL Three alone are worth the price of tb* Book.' Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams, ; n- i - .y Drawing Lcreoos for the young. -Another ape^ foity with Godey. d-.. .fctlillyuods J' f1 '** " Original Min-ic. worth #S a ynwt Otber.Mpga- nines poblisli obi wonvoat atofod; faint the sabscri- bersto Godey get if before the music stores^ Gurilcning for Ladies. 1 Another peculiarity with Fashions from • Messrs. A. T. Stcwvt & Co., of New York, the milli nuire mereliuritii.appear In, Go-* dey, the only Magazine that has tlieuK, ladies* Bonnets. Wc give more of them in n Iron in the BloodI rjlIIE PERUVIAN'S' ;up aopplice the Blond with Us life Element^ Inin,- infusing strengtl vigor, and' new life info the whole system. ,J?orDy * ‘. Dropsy, Chrotiie Diarrhcea, Debility, Femal nesses, etc., it fa* a specie.. Thousands have itanged by tbi' .nse oltllid medicine (nan weak, free. Price 8V per Bottle, or li for $5. J^P. DlNiJMORE. 36 Dey Street, N.Y* |7 Sold by Hrtiggists generally.'•>' * 1 •' *• Dr. H. Ander’s Iodine Water. Ar ilafattURLB Dwcotwr-A Pwll* Craih Iodize IR EACH OURC^OT ;\V>TER—DlSSO^VCP WITHOUT a Solyext ! .**: • milE niorfPreretH Vitalizinjr fipniOtd Resfo-' .-5 rative known, tferofufefAiH4llieum,Canfcen*,' itafy Diseases, am cured by .its use, as thotu^ mods can testify. Circulars sent' Tr*£ Price, pdrbottle,-hr8 •&» ’ . & s Physiciani«-ar»il Cliemuts, 426 ti ; tF S.d*f hy Tirnggish gfikerally. C IL ANDERS &. CO., BriAdWay. N. Y. W, are new prepared to do 1 *Umi tK «*» 0 r, n.era. HINES .HOW,/. KiK4X jwflu «*dl-0i ,-SV*q.'_> . J(lX ad kl it r ,8i a TTQ;RNEYS AIv&AWv Ur in alba »*.HA. Samuel j/y UTc SfSRRVf* ‘iciMm fi“ £)-*?*■ “ , d«y of October, 1863^ Attorney at Xoa-yv. ; ^sam*,] Ik,, .. _ * * B A ^ SQme ' 1 r. ,H ^ce in tin i ^•Rton 8t rent A S lf a,ohi »carewln , * ,,7 *. U '' All business e J^'. Prmupt : ea.eriea. < ‘*bce"ii'' C p prxcli ® c of h,s proftssjon.— * warmer building—up stairs— Gv All business en- 1(r ^ CUnway . I V of I’khnyrj Wservices to tbo oiiisen ™mwm bdmonish all. and have, >t the or some •s“«aS5s i{,, “ ■‘"“l 3.^7, 4a ' 1 ’“'inUy. l*-lf ^cuunicr WOBE.*' rOptober 28,1805 .0“G*S. z'AoW^T • Toddfei With Neatness arid Dispatch. l« > U-I Albany, Ga., bov. 4tb, 1805. 25 THIS OFFICE. . • 35-G SPECIAL NOTICES. ■phU-ANS Pi»plee,_Ble«ebee,Tea; Fredk- eaniwered by return, null without HU). Respect fully jours, 0MASi F. CHAPMAN^Chenrlit,, Tlie Ataytyj-s oi' tlio SoutJk. Oh, ! lh, weep not fpr the gallant hearts *7 •'Wbdfellln battle’s day^ They well performed their hero parts, * l r.Mdl ARdpoSsed'from earth away. ; * . They lie asleep on honor’s bed— i.i a . •• Yotmg Freedom's martyred band— ’ - ’ For alf that’s dear to man they, bled— • ’ >? - For God and native land f . Bon i Not Complimentary to tic/ Women. An English patidr. telWjthe rdllowinR^ inecdblff,-' ^ iai.ij .4 referring lo ihe old undjcrhapselandororia chdrm cf chronic loquacity so of^on brought against the • female tongm astoc jomary for some charches in America for f men to be placed on the one side and the women* on the other. A clergyman, in the midst of his «s r * . raon, found himself interrupted bylhetalkiog of some i j It is c t^et . To CoRsuMmvKs.-lThe. 1 T&l Broadway, Nfcer York. istess' 4 te presoription, nff ylffM >4j »Bav. BJlWARlk.A. WILSyfC- j UIUuMburgh, King. County, euiblcs every lad)' to he hor own boouul maker. MAllION HAUL AND, Authoress of “ Alone,” “ Hidden P»lh,’ v Side,** ** Nreniesi*,*’ and u Miriam,** _ .. writes for Go<ley'ei«ch month, and B"»r no crflier mag- azu*c. A new iK>vel by IicV wi’l be pub(i«Jieil in 1866# We have ako'rclaiued all ourohlRwl favor ite contributors. . ' , ■* TERMS -OF GODEY’S LADY’S -BOOK FOR 1 8 6 6. ' (From 1chick there cum bo no Bet ref feu.) Thef.Ofowingaretk^iermsofthc L*if* Book for I8601 • •• v. • i ‘ 77 ;; ' ’ ‘ One copy,one year.. ,‘,..'.....,.1,*,.. |t 00 Twocopies,one year.,-. t ....5 50 ^ Three copies, one year... 1 .......#... ,7 50 , Four.copies, one. year............... 10 00 > Fit(teqpiea r ooeY9f, and an extra nopy7 •i todlie perenii gelling tip tlie cluikiDk*-. j,. Jtikjfwg^epsL.....;. . M *y-W Eightropits,eoe year,und unexlrecopy J. .o *. to the person getting up llie club.iu^ .! ,. lH king ninecopre.........../j. ai Do! Eleven enpiw; tine y«r,**u»eo- • -..J,.. py to the penou getting up ll*- diib, - A l !£kfiig»5d^eopi». vt ng twelve e MUkianeloelnheet elub rater. ” t , ley’. Iakdy’e Book era) ArthltfV Home I ezine will he dent, eueh one year, on roehipt c V We here ho deb with any other brag *11 be eent'iw». .tijne' fjjjf Add re.a L. A. GODEY, N.‘E. Ctimer Sixth and Chettmu Stmts, , PHILADELPHIA.. October 38.1865 ,.,14 P ip iil* Market; &too jadueu-is ani> 'ix>ts it ii,wow *a'-We. mifK JTOUSly"known as the propcriy.o# 1 *1). 8. ME,\PSr ritimteddvt the upper cml of Broad Street. The Jfeiise'.contain^ f6gr Rooms jrnd »life itffullest/ame; Who always wore tfaje victor’s crown. Now wears a deathless name! v what a Ipsa that day. was ours, Uduifc_ .. nken wreaias umronti ueca ms neaa BraHe greet wlwMeffien I . .«* ,-rnl *d_Ul»-l»aTKi* Jevi -weoH it Weep wot for Qdknett,—hie yoaeg bkepri »dt . tJkmoqgOie^wiieet j«*ari ' 81 - -dwUnenl , «iki>lw«>lKi*,-i, ld> v,;.!, ui aie - “I *> nr ,#»r !r.«m.iled tto.—•. flsna by. his side, 3okdlwm yighft, JJrV'iiq^fidd !; " 1,1 rex t| . i.. .-iA^gsgiSaa^aggS^dirT ..«i •weWapSppjMMawMiia" 1 ^' 1 *!” h*i. -Heiw Heel like them-to UlJt ^t'lvhto vortvtojnoiiv a ikywl.ire o« taptpo t. -,d •vw.qlja' Fair Miuiuippi’i sUhndlWkMul^hin ,vl# q.ii ..dhu 1'ot.ld. radi kq/glkde.Tt-.' "t *4*' I'lAaa-ZelGeeferielifbtoebeielji '.h • <ir iMoiAediGli «e)"leffihfchnoMpotwd. joo-lainv ,Karanukj’atBewuai eltewkeradew. > vdJ sd.F With HeTm and well; -.wt «*i I Pour not for (JvR^~ran nf woe, With MW if::. ■ > would be a melahi instai . i Tor Alabama’s own loved dead, ' ’ TktUlwh klutklfiP hk fl»ip nwwi, Though humbler be their names, : the selfish tear bo shej f iw s, est, Irby, 1 fowiL JuwL.. _ Ufa, Garrett, Lomax. Pe Us dcithVtriumphant Why should, They are now-God’s and fame’s. . . Rest, Irby, Webb, Jones, Hobbs and JIalei ’ ’ - — . *4* n to*j‘A vili IL. U^huiix’J ^di • Who* stare •rewdoul'tipoA'iNFskyl" /Of hfotory. asitrHUV. hu ^ ■Dn Weald 4 could uambeV them on high, ^ -The planets of out wight! 1 T . They live immortal ; and for them • >H uWeneed not shed a tear; 1 ’* :-i> Eachwears a^oldew'diadooi ' -U a celestial sphere! 1 But we must weep^hye. 'dpepfy mpurn • For our owftselres.bereft, rhe nrioNthoml froin'oitr n!f« The'pHcsthood'frohi'eUr altars tore, Our horoesr in UnrknosslofT./’ ‘ ’ 1 Thb widows mid t!jc“orpban band Ofhte'j rude waters tossed— •' Weep for the nnguiah-strickon land' That inch great* lost) A Story about Dr. Kane. of hie congregation, of which he was.ibhged Ui take notice. A woman ii immediately voee, and .wishing to clear hqr own Vex from Ihe. aspersion, said: fOb- que reverence, it is not’on out tide, Her, good woman, so much (he bet ter,” said the clergymaii,-it Will he the'eooner if tn'ciinch (lie matter enlirefy, Wild make _ idgVtl«T'aVptffiiioos, the very dame paper .eSiili^i&Wddditkiuyt ». ndaffiaaapeM .-. .• An actress, who is a reputed chatterbox, the other sent for tier doolal —4ffi--U Htf 1 She declared 'Well,Teed, fcjh ^ you—a little quiet will do H after all, thl»' «WBsatimnnay-he Dome pa- W tfie’« dekr creatures,” io tons!deration'of. t so often im^oredheu>'toapeak,“.iTrtr iingle word”— always provided thut tbo wn- ,; eh^Vr^tllaii^rKf WtfiettHt as eberardf ■ NJOrnud tleat»d“hy.thw ohgkii** GiDdaoi^- red only -4D1 to undergo eftmation at the sex, we take tiie following Irom ibc. Victonz, Ideas of Bncnsn wossrin mm*.— ‘pctfectly.retn rated Wkbfcowr ipt foe- ihmt sex, •iboogh thesejnyspgyrjijRs,^^ ,j k,raorp fpoiiaiwc i^-cliznvjtcr Ifaaq on fsel v ^Z h m n inlheir gjimfi of chess; #is I lmv‘e already meit- (ionetl, flic rui^Ttre altered, so as Co make the qne4a , « A-p'icce of no power; rather tfm‘n admit the idea of fe- ' v mala importance, even'in a piece >of.ww«t I.^ ^“*4 course, the mftives belmved civilly-tOkhngltsu ladres,. because was noi safe to do otherwise, while they*had hasbamls and brothers to protect .. - * — _V~ — iKlwir c ‘ *'Bnt ; tifoy seamed always to do it .nndcr pto*- L asVsorl of umiatuntil reteiswo^wliicb. Ihe?, „roecnted,*nd which they would .1 married, all my servants resignM- tneir snumioro «a a bodyrteingVifraWbrfettliilo domination, nod it ora, with aome difficaky that they were coaxed to given trial t,»ho married t***-iSW^“ e t !*j2s tmf eleSfanl-driver. made an earnest remonstrance against niy vrifeVhmng pefmittisi to ride upon the ’ ”1,'which Ws #ipposed to be degraded b T ***“ We find the following in the Rocbostcr (N. Y.) Union; *. » r In Ayatery. Jt ia.true that he was for gears' ’An-* •iriinal, wuniii w*is» —oi-—^ . rying such a burden; this was the more absurd, be cause tlie elephant was-u female,Rpd^as valng on that account. - Bntthe Jrtrongdst proof of this feding was exhibiled when the children were boro, me eldest happened to be a. boy, and theje wcrc unmeas ured; rejoicings on ibcoccnsion. t,very oneconnec- "ted with us, from the trpopertnthe Hnk-boy, expec ted a new dress to be Conferred upon him; aod difr* nere were given and presents made, andj.coi)2ratula- tions proffered in abundance, for joy tl»l a man wan born-into the world. * But when the girls appearaed tlie'. subject was never ihenlioned. '1 be then seemed 16 thiiiK it wonlo be, indecent to allude to such an event, and no more ftnflco was taken of it, feyen 'by . my oldest servants, tlian if the cat bad deduced a luter of kittens. I am afraid that our ordmavy hab- ^ its and diversions must have been a’-constant scan dal to the natives. Our snciul freedom, our unre- j stricted intercourse, and most especially our public , dancing, stocked their sense.of oropriety. We had Ies-«rho first presented the phchomfcna of Dr.-Kane,fell in’.love with the 'yoiiiig iaA^’ih girl while aim was sitting as a public medium m Philadelphia, In' 1852,: when' sba was'fifteen y^rk of age.- With her mothvr’aeonaeut'he .removed h^r 1 from all aadbciation with the spiritualists, audplac- ad heria a private school near 1 PhilCdelphia, to“ re^ main during hi* absence frf ih«Areijd tefc hfg return iir 1866 they were to have Been ie opposition, of ' “— “—" Ml A prill _ ,i*t he understanding that'it ^bouldbekept )Itl the l>ubUc*io»»f Ikr. Kanc'a |rAt work UmuM “ for him. i..IaJWA.ra 1850, Hdwmd.-lty. Kuio w Bnglawd, :dloMisa Fug, and luuftulilj Maher, Darttial y-waaa«t.p*U, and.'somc ift 4 rained, Mre, KWk " djiugmioh. mrir,,. Owjm g Ttown^ti.t used to mail the ! ik»*'.ftd’hc liappcTkcdooc day to: ,t . [FromTho Naalivitle Dispatch.] > - ’ *5- i A Convicted Murderer Dlsohaagea, '' 1 Jl* Is SEKTF.KCEDTO BE KUEG—IS RELEASED roK-tllk AH -l> Some Ayseka flktc# Pv*: vl h ft-*S^ - Tennessee Cavalry was tried before'u court martial inated in Col. Faraons sciiding a siup.lrrarr#- was tried beuire a court, martial a cliSrgdbrmilMeri‘“Tlit'charge' Fcrsons sending a so “* :**rsous l reirimeotrWijW *8firteV oVdlNef- aVUThOrahitt re«*d*i* rasiabotdend.' TIM xMbrtuMM* f rigwtd hy U* ofuetcrajIM him, iikffihUiVen, ‘ waaiahotfdemL- »)M odhrt.kinlwtirfl (bond Col. ,..i 3itAwt^MariJh»i*i»hek«i«-oTkm, ■ Mb'that 1 “*T _ tBoorf' ' '• social afkd military standing of Col. Jo. Wr-iT! t i inth TewmstcB Uwtkr8u> uf hrr long. 1*1 «•«•«*tMkto'Mrricen tbAHe Gtrimmien*--* q-,tkdwwbe*iiowjmad'Ui»’iwamerowt , a'ndt»iroof, - nmcndationsnf the Court which tried 1iim to tlw H tlwHWjfkdaaaikilaJnoiuiKknaie :-Uu,:,tevlewin(eButhorities Uic; major gemrn.1, dtorremit.inifull.’ iHaMtaywatiGBovas IWMSKtO •A*fetJ | ,'' J-dcpsrtmeat iatnlraraHlioM-rtiii.iwdsllil II* cnlence of tlio.CouU. 1 'isokiwal ilhwsWi V nlir wlki DA. Tlne.LM.’Ventauii oiia acre itn- ‘TtaasaBSsSatSji [ President J< .blyevery .....jaifhrawWiiMi iiFor further luforniatlou apply to nil :*s>antoeT J lu-o>. 1 - r ■ *L aiMHAB&i,.- "AlWa^, Oii., Kov. 4th, 1805. **' - Dps Beta »o* Ntrtr'.fexi recenl advices,'thi ' awdediuSoutli prqpi Auwioera hs» galnlraMh* .weckJiy ihe declaration-, idead^oveai which tlie lack uerican ExprasdCoiuDanv ra^^srawdetyifyjr^H^SmMra-ore' > BUSHELS OF DRIED 1 lUaaJklfcooarii IwJiiiUmwM t toaailhdrav the colored Hoops front,I WMfaajltflilWklraraadMafyttaJto* SaqM#- |« latfur. &4>tJ uraMr U« Mmihiiigaoe tlMl Rddh. la, fy;MMwywadMi)..i-,!Thalaad<ra aretkma- eniug another,revylutiou and u.o*i They claim that-riic 1-residunt s' A,i “ '‘11101151 to thirty-eight per cent, in cash und fif y' irtaild-upstock. i'Onlla.capitml;'thn'Ia- erraiod th $1,000,000,-it has already declared, in 1865. Cash BivldcndV kir- tuidhty-six pttt '\ tweiity-livc iier cent, ivilliin tlie coining foi Wlf.u Wonder, ilieh-, that the stock of tiki j, ii-' . JRFHr’ 4-' Albany, Ga., Nor. 41k, 18C5. hasopyrm . , , . i garrisdri'uTery p England with negro troops—H. F. Herald.