The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 02, 1865, Image 4

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JONES & CUTLIFF, Broad Street,-- Albany. Ga. ¥UH,|,M I W'iJUi ik I -jkoratiisll. The Subscriber has how on hand and isi constantly receiving s ff ! 'slock of Dry .* YY Good* Ml Crook.ry, eomliting CALICOES. * aB1BT ^owcA S iKq. / : > rvn LINES 4 COTTON 8HSKTIbG, MARINOEU. a? OE ALL SjYLES, DELAINES, BLAQfC AND A Wiiite Alpacas P0JSBAS!K"3, HOSIERY, GLOVES- H HI 3 ~n >»k ladies .iBWW handkew : LINENS, ? , ^inserting .j .. : AMD & j m«m stosero UlSgKunS Delaines, MerlnSes, !. f ^ | *ggLSjsrS^‘“' ’■ Swiss WSsffiRbi!: ,A» WAVING just receded a largo sopp Eghvuq wO <S IWo*W4 Mfl ‘MW'^rOODS & BBS .:TT s Sc StepHenSi 1 -id’s old stand, Wholesale J. W. F EAH8 4( macon, « 4> • 1 vs\V'--omT • MG LAWN. EDGINGS, MUSLINS, cambrics, CLACK SILK, DRESS TRIMMINGS, latest styles. and■. ‘t-VkfcM mil l< ,%\o'{ inZ . »♦" old riot tomers and «W*6' i ^ | ', ,, ' , r We JHtSew'On' «and iAs-stsate* 1 - mu h .rtamp Black, P«wr*VQ#l»*» >v,k , Fntir,!** tl5i Calomel,” 0 -V'*** R«ehelle_8»lts, _ LADIES 4 GEST8- SHOES, HATS. SHIRTS, ' DRAWERS, NECK TIES. SCARFS, 8,1 FUY«rlng , Exlr»tts, Btie stone, r- Aznmex, • > ■; '•»«' W^^Kess* Linseed Oil, T - T Patent Hedlemes, Kcrosioe Oil, i .*•• •/•JHaleht*, Toilet Soaps, All Druj ’ *«<'■ WB WILTS AND BELT BUCKLES, __ PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, . •° V MASK AND BAREGE VEILS, * . TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS, COATT CPOOL COTTON, , , ’. COLOB&0 Do-, - j- 4LACK AND EMI1UOIDF.RY oaania ntf.KS lVI SEWING SILKS, Belts, Belting Waterfall and other ttf aU sorts, Softer* Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, tireaS, Needles, tins, Hair Pins,;Sewing Silk,,Mo»hliia Silk and Cotton, Shoes of ^ r 'feKes'’: ani 'Sorts, . -I --' - «r ALSol^'r;':"-;r,:. aw®' eHiipaffl'-SHOEs; 11 ™ the . GENTLEMENS’ DEPARTMENT' Is: -i^SSSSSSl^l ‘' * Wli SSIN dh’FO N • S^ET, Are now offering for sale a well se- ciioda j ‘ ; Boots and Shes, A u'l i.< Ly Ifede Clothihgi H-AlU I> ' W-AJ^E Hollow' Ward, , Crockery, . /f Saddlery, - 'A Notions, . to Store and for 200 Boxes Solp, , ., 100 Boxes Starch, 600 Box. Mason Blacli^ ' 20 Cases Potash, n-' 20 Cxxes ConceairstedP^^ TO ABBIVE-H a , . 20 Bale* Gunny Btggin^ 150 Pieces Kentuiky 250Coils -IHachiiuEop^ 500 Barrels Kansdhs Salt, 400 Barrels Flour. .Five Hundred Jaekets, 4J1 of which Albany; Gts-t’OetiAierai. isct. ■ - m—loisl'j jf’which will be sold at lowest' k pri- cps,.. ? Wo invite our friends to give us a call. • tJCffir* Cotton and other Produce bought.! t- i Albany, Ga.,, I8G5. r 33-IOw HOUSE AWD LOT FOE SALE. The last articles are Wy w-a-n.* Those who buy soonest ;ill r-:J a feirhea. November 11,1805.^ BOAETDIJig On Wasbh s tou S , tt! ; Only Two Hundred Yodt frm B° Meals I IN needles, PINS, -r , thimbles. I will constantly keep on hand a good assortment of racket and Table cmlery, GlDtllink 5 Hats and Caps,) Boots- and Shoes* Shirts, y>. MILLS. wooden Ware, COMBS AND BRUSHES, we ,ill here erery artiol, nacexaary for% j Collars, Neckties, Silk, Iiineh and Cotton Pooket Handkerchiefs,- Paper Collars, T,AT)TE ? S OUTFIT, I ¥3 VHI xeH xa cheap xx can .be bought in , f» «n interior of Georgia. * r t, are wpoctiag by nay of Apalachla>lx . CKt LAKGEST STOCK OF OBOOKEBY; GjKW JiJVD MiAUufaclured ftutl Orders for <Anjt-arliele .'ia our msriei V ^ f 3TT/p T ^ WF I “ •* „ . t * ^ 1-7. tiled. ^ 0»ld and SiWcpboog hi uidlsoW. -rwnch Other- ^rticte; ttat a ; P^n»^na^ retire. Purchasing' ’l&geht*, ThirJ, Between Chcry anj Mulberry ttreeta, ■ Produce of xtl klndx. Cotton Yxrns, Ski OOt s q^K Country Rroduco of ill. klndx. Cotton Yxrxff, Skirtings, KX, Wool, Cotton, Sugar, Syrnp, logs, Oanaburgt.1 1'Smoking Tobacco, 4c.. prompter , I will also keep on liand a good assortment'oT_GitA»ne% fhe^naUtccs. ! Sard.mes, Cove C>yj-«c^tti.nt^ox. U* wm«r,«fiwrsp BaiainSyCaiidlBs.;x|; ^ ^^rtmerA of Seg?ars; <£&■ lass iX?V a brought to SovitH-Wos- tern GeorKia- . - ■> ■ strict!? CASH «a delivery. JONES & CUTLIFF. I AfUcy. Co.. SopL ». 1866. 27—6m D j-aC IForf, Quiu\ Ware, Glass Ware, Stationery ar,©'J : *'sstssijis fitvaxl Ropea ^.",t ' -*i In slrart, eveiything -.voa may need or ask for. My motto is small profiu and quick sales.” .all-ai.d enmir.c n.y slctk Lilcre f«tjfl#nrg elsiiwliere.' » -. ,c , ! R M, “' , oga AH kinds of ounlry Produce taken in exchange—the bifheM iSj^irice will he given. “W Hi ttte M AfoNie PiiittKe, D. M ATEft COHN WANTED I . _1N EXCHANGE FOR j n. A Portable SaW Mill, market price will he given. & BROS’. OLD STAND. ' Albany* Ga., Sept. 30,' i8&>. JEL CHINE, Proprietor. 30—6 m (ompUto)^ la excellent condition. Can be run by «Mmb or water. . - ' ALSO* • VfOinV WOOD AXLE, FOUR A SIX HORSE ' Wagons, hemrilv Ironed and of tho best Material. » . •* - AVSO, Iffew Euggy, Great Improvement In Sewing Hacblaesd • - - - SlinttlG Macliine! Patented. February 14th, I860. ■> t SALESROOM 536 BROADWAY, N. Y. . 20DWASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON.* * THIS MACHINE ix constrnctcd on cxtircly new principles of mechnnism. possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by with or without Harness. ALSO,. at HORSES AND MULES, APPLY TO S e most profouujL experts, aud prouounced ip- bn xpuemrand' Prkkt4io^ CoxBisrw! It has a straight needlcj^perpendicular action, makes the 44 L*>ck or Shuttle Stitch,** which' will iim, witb^^^^i^ihjpaj^bc Grovesteen & Co., Plano Forte MANUFATURERS, ,4r99 Broadway NEW YORK. & ;co, General Commission ■** Merchants, M2d4tontu&ilbte^5ps- 0; ,1'IUTIT Receiving and Forwarding . XL u - Agents, j!pIL “ Apalacliiooja,^**^^«~*-Florida. fpHR attention of the Public and tbc^trtde j»jW*** * August 26tli, I860. sited to our JJew Kcale 7 OCTAVE ROSE WOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume VYtmi# ^wii.v/ a v ,v * ““i * j -a -T purit y or tone are unrivalled, by any hit|ierto ofipr^d lhie market. They.cnittnjn all Uw.jnodern^up^ provementt ** ' ** 9 Frame, ^ being t— . _ . . if. GROVESTEEN, who baa had a practice of over 35 years in their maoulactare, is Experience of over 35 years in ttieir 1 fully wurranied in every pxnicHhi,,.., | The .“ Grovesteen Piano Fortes ” jAiabnuia sirect-Aibanyf-OttfKghC received the award of merit over* 'tyi all otlicrsat the celebrated World’s '' Albxxy, Qx., OcL 7, 1866. STON. Sl-rff Underwriters’ Agency. Or Ntw You, CASH ASSETS,. . Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES or . .. Fire & Marine Insurance 1M« payable in GOLD or CURRENCY EXF11ATICALLT A NOISELESS MACUIXe! I twelve years old can work it steadily, without fa- | ^Kil^^'^nd^u, -7«x- | atruction render* it almost impossible to get out of order and is guaranteed by the Company to give , p.P.FerguMn4Lxni Ixnlx. Ox.; xn< J. Wy ingbam; G F. & H. E. C. Grxn'nixx, Mxcon, G >., Joyce, Alexander & Go., Eufaula, Ala.. August, lmkilBlfel.; i , n I.' ■- 31 If OARD and Lodgin;, One Doll.,. _l wilhout Lodgiu, Fit. D,iC duals. Fifty Cents, 'he Hoe,, J?,- at all hours for tliu oeomaoduia" 1 guests. •MriL" S Albany, Ga., Nov. 1,1805. T HE House and Lot known aa the 1. J. .GREEN’ PLACE, in Albany, is ]i|(&i oiTetcd for sale. Tlie lot contains about P'jrSj. Four Acres, VVeil.'Ciaierh, Stables, &.cr, in good rei«ir. Poa- •essiuu given £iet-ianunry next. Lock at it, and XddIvio S- HINES & HOBBS. 31-4W AlbansGa., T HE ATTENTION (F ALL DEL * , ’- J * * ' Apply to Albany, October 2.5th, 1865 1*. Ferguson & Lanpton, Crane & Hammock. Atlanta,' Qa.;, and J. My Fears & Co.. Dunn & Mangbam; G. F. & H. E. Oliver, U Sausbenry; B. C. ‘ Granniss, Macon, Ga.; _M#oor». Cnmeon k Co., Joyce, WJt. a. MCKENZIE. U t. JOH.VTOX- WM. H. CQAMBSXS. .^EOJtEltT, Clivjli Engineer, v x r^ - idb^r 3BT&TE i AGtHNT, Offl^bn Bri^J 8fc,Y(0»en>r. HUlsman’s prmfBlm.) .A-llbany, Ga. * XITILL boy.' ssll, rent, and survey lands sit- .\y-ttsiM4In «ny part of South Wcstern Georgia, SI—tf for parties deaiviug it. xVlbany, Ga., October 7,18G5. WANTED. B ACO> t LARD, and nil other kinds of Produce, for which ‘ xcrxxaxcKx. ■ in McNab, Eufaula, Ala., J. B. k W. n»Roks, Macon, Ga.', Col. N. Tift, Gcn.__A. IL Colquitt, Al bany, Ga., Hon. C. J. Munncrlyn, Daiubridgc, Ga., 4on. T. M. Furlow, Americusi Gc 1 ,rr ^ n * ‘ August 26th. 1865. - 25—8m Jit L. LAKdsTON. * BKXJ. E. CKAXK. C. C HAMMOCK. iLANGSTON, CHA5E" & HAMMOCK, the highest price will be paid in . i -»>/ FIELDS k HO. Albany, Ga;, Aug. 20,1865.* - —25 WATCHES and JEWELRY Albany, July 8th, 18G5. BOOK Id eated is called to Section i Albany, Nov. 11, 180. T # H G0MM1SSKJN MEHCB ALB/NY, Gd gO LI CITS oonsignienta of ill kiadtef He particularly aak for orienkrik aale and shipment of fottoa. Hii u>i success for a number 4years ii tlbiaa Cotton Factor, he tress entltki blii{ dence and support'of a generous fj; : attention given to all buineM entvisl RErEBENCEs:—Jama Seymour,IV con; J. W. Lnthrop & Do., Ssmisi;! k Co., Augusta; A. £ Bcago, Atk»iy June 17. 1866. YOUNG LADIES ACii M RS. BRISBANE till open A F ACADEMY for l'puig Ladies dence on Pine Street, on MONDAY, t ember, 1865. Miss Powers will be ler Aubtui. The Fall Session will be Iveht vteh Select School. M R. & MRS. J. S. INGRAHAM will re-open a SKLEC^* SCHOOL, (Male and Female,) at their Residence, Albany, Georgia, en the 25th inst. A limited number only will be received. Address ' * BOX No. 6^ September 9, 1865.—4t Albany, Ga. MEK/G HA1TTS, NEW t^EIT'FOR": 1865^6. Thc CrejI Invention of ike Age la S o OP S Is. ir « s. J. W. BRADLEY’S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. This invention consists of Duplex (or two) EUip- Uefiued Steel Springs, ingeniously'brnided . ■. I A.mIw* I Aiu-.l,^, - * ...I ... Ttmos. Per term of 4 weeks,.payable ia aha Children in the Elesieiferj d»»— French language per term......... —. No eharge whatewt for lhcwkssb Mrs. liriabaua will also ttcviteifta th*' eveaiag. Albany, September 9tb, IMa r. HOI3EisS Merchant Tal lie Pu (UNDER EXCHANGE HOTfeL,) ILL give prompt*and personal attention to the purchaso and sale of all kind* of •» Merchandise ' Si, Country Produce. ^CQNalOjCilENTS xolicUcd. Spdciul ‘ xUxilfon' given to orders. limn re. Boston, nuj New , York i xnd. »txo U the American Irftlilute for five soeceMive ye«rr,lhe gold and silver medals from both of which caiijbe seen it ''TSKSmSm f^ , ^w:KSSSS5 k *23*«ft&.r system, are enabled 1o Macon*, Ga.; L. 8. McGwire, U. K. Hin 1 to supply themselves with a* -superior article, to I come Mrdwwanrtngjthla/* Pn^v^nbayadSlQeJ?, ^ tunic nuu Cknanut! IIIIJ - uiiiiiiiiiyu .nxyiiiw . . riiitkB—avu. • I »-v " ' I Out W/iWr owrrsnvni J MfMt*t lS'eMuy*S Rorewood plain ease 8276. person to work thie Machine to tkoir entire ealisfc | Religious and ’Cluirit title Institution* wifi Vc fiber ally dealt with. Aoexts'.wanted] &r CSETIFICATES. OP INSURANCB I Also for Cxba; Mexico, Central and South America, to Whoiw^^ul iiecoiml wi)t^gtl^-C l5llIO T. J. nicAKTlllIli & CO. Y. G. A-gSnt, grmciPAf agencies established ALBA NY, GA. # i ourKD, Muv«> AAiannii Jwiimare, a nomas ousass; .. (VtoWr 21, 1885. 38-tf ‘'J Wndington, D. C„ J. Karr; Wheeling, Va., Saw tell , 9JKGBNIX FOUNORT; * 1 / v * ^ . . Hines, fSfi vs ' Prices—No. | f *43even Octave, round corner^, FA uaw No. 2. Seven Octave, roun<J / gornerf, Ro^wood heavy moulding $300. ii. n *J No. 3* Seven Uctave, round cornered Rosewood TX’.n'^-ivit Ca5h In Cnrreul Funds. DESCRIPTIVE C1RC01ARS SENT FREE. COnfeOtlOXiery. t •^■ A * & "0T AU'A ii Baker County Sheriff Sales. a YJ!f Mrr d l I l 't < y**T*y*.yx*rjmio.i»iia,i.a,Siiffor«y-Vau ; 5t; aw*«uVuiny, ill nek'll W AND JBACHIJYE SHOE. *44ik d.y oT Ocloher, previ- I'lhe Writ, Fwillwfil taTihe tic .Sale. ,i. Lpvi^* pn »• 1W. property gcr, Ci ... „ fxy, to. xxiixTy Iwu fi fix issued erior Court of mid county, one Ben. F. . W, E, Lurday, one Tlmmus Bird nx. vv., c, mr.a*y, one Uird ve . Lundsj. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’, Fancy Toilet and Bar Soap, Si T HS Setxkliehnient le now In uuccexefxl open-' Hern and (e prepared to make to ettler - y „ G,,P X WINCHESTER, Dep> She,HE Also at the same time and place, will be Mold: One Store Hoofexnd Lunin Ike town oTNewton. OUST AND SAW MILLS, and all klndx of MILL WORK . Wo keep eoaatantly on hand,-Sugar Mill, of al ■ieo^Sark. Millx,Gin Gearing,Iron Railing, Kettlea I (ton U to 100 galkmx. Ovens, Spidora, Wxeh-PoU, I |fn, FWmkc. We make lo order nil kindx of |Po rSM ANB BRASS CASTINGS, . Ooe price, ate reunnable; give ns a call. . I To puftiea buying WGODNT&Y PRODUCE taken in excbxnge l can be giren omit the lit of January next.' Sul hr teeth at market price*. -I-'Sale tocommeun at 9o'elodfc'A.(M,Ulf nottUnne L. I1A1MAN & CO. H»“^y to d, M I 1 > 77 J - eMxmh... Oct. 18,1866. 4a-3m | •■ ■ ' BWSON BLAKE. O-j. Hnyoyd tn,4n BAlfK OF HAMBUROr~t -.eoxloiSro Iww PwnHy^ Grocery Stoic. 'gg~?f>wTre? in ki^W" nie.-o Robert A i f FAM ■ I-V »jr oqolot of taod ln tbeel|kth M Anfat ot, Wajda Guflkt pukl^ , pa^ny f "n < wfSw , u,m. mid county, number not known, but kiiowo »l£ x,„, „,|,^*4^7AKxn». IWUl W "'acksiiiilh Toot,; levied on aa Hie property oT Pl * M « exll-aodooao Winchester, louxtlifya II ft iacned from the. J*Jtdoor above Bedtx KRrRRRXCKR. <t.Ar.tmiHM*« Hi:. W.nrl^ton, ! S. tJ. 1 -, T. W. tightly and firmly* togt-ihev, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elaxtie and durable Spring ever used. * They seldom bend or break, like the Single springs, xnd consequently' preserve their perfect aud beautiful shape tnoreibau twice as long as any singll spring skirt that ever has or made. YNFORMS the cirixens of X Albany and vicinity, that he has removed his place of business under the Patriot CfflfCw he will be found at all times to kk» any work iq his line Ijint may * bo put ia his charge. All work dole at- the rfiorlest notice, and on re»sonable terms. Close attenticn paid to the cutting of garments for men and bojs- * small assort mept otCU>ih**oii Coi pattern* of the most fashionahie »tj» 1 want you all \o c«»t to «• do my beat for both oldandyw«|- Albany, Sapt. 2, iSGfv The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasuredovfcny lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic shiri will lie experienced particularly in all crowded itotici J, e’ft jlo W. LONG & THOMPSON, ■ ALBANY, GEORGIA: assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arin chairs, for promenade and boose dress, as the skirt caARe folded when .In use-to occupy a small place as easily and oonvenienlly as a silk or muslin dress,*; \ * % - • A lady having enjoyed tho pleasure, comfort ancl great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Stepl Spring Skirt for a single day wjll never wfter- wards willingly.dispense with their u$e. For Chil dren, Mtssfes and Young Ladies they are superior to all others;. . . *>y _* The Hoops are covered .with two.ply double- twisted thread and laill wear twice as long ns the single jaM covpring whith is used on .all single lH /®*fhoopwkirt^,' The three bottom rods on every r skirt nre'nlso double steel, and twice or double cov ered to ^Aerent. tho-covering- from wearing off the rods when’ dragging' down.stairs,.stono steps, &c. t &« , which they are constantly subject to when All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, •and aro the best quality in every part, giving to thp wearen_th^MSibergr«eofti) and perfect shape pos- "Eight Dwellings^ r. Crusl I.WO, AWu- ___ ijkKif.i. Tr;,,'. oL Vfij frr - Ji^ * For sale in all first 'class Stores' in this city, and Wu]| Tobacco, Na.j IcScoo, So.oHig'r’uMW^f Can “|j‘- various bvxada,*Vi^c, Fiu, Wboy and Scot's Wu b x, JUxtoo. South Aacnca, and tko WcM Fancy Toilet and Bar Snap,. Shot Blacking, hc», $0... &o. , Abo. on consignment EXTRA ILY AND SUPERFINE FLOUR, Flu* lot of nw-lnftulv. for tbx Duplex EUiptio (ordouble) .slntembcr’vtb. 1666—27 *- A. 4 G. winy 8loek at'tay Siorc, Brinxon'x^on Broad 8lnct, >l;Wd - ... ., ROBERT COLEMAN. AOxriy. ^aUxgtbxr *b, 1866. i27^dm n IMS to the DOLLARS o* >*nt of TSK -*niODS4Nb I be above-named Bank will Albany, Hot, .dtb, l?65-if GriEo.Ga. |mrv ■•I^UxwaxixsSiM^RR • SlftSrwMtbes* I».a5». riwS.' afH Hi It w/AKTfPTTm i■ r ** v a issJSSSSL^ B f ia!, f a Ac*; 35-|f Srptember 30yd W$. ■I xdt 23r-lf» siule. sirahle. comfoHnMe and economical skirt ever made.. WESTS, BRADLEY Sc CARY, Proprietor! of tho Invention, and sole Maaufcoturers, 97 Chambers, ‘id .79 & 81 Reado '9treqt P , New Yqrk I aiW ■ v«“; •» ’ BOARDERS. I also seltat'» transient customers- No efo*** 5 ? giro satisfaction My rm<x# Street, near Rust’s W%rchoufj. Albany, 9ept. 2d, 1865^ For Sal' rpHREE or four being flu I h* uses, wells, and all ti> inched to eaeU house, re*** 1 all of them by the first of - AIxSO— AH’ tho HOUM-HOIJ Eurmtnre belonging to »J- pfB y, ALSO—Three or four vai««‘ ^ Albany. . Albany, Ga.,«Aug. 23^^ >. m. surTOJ? stiton & ^ Grocery & Commu-s^ (SEAR KILE3' .Marh-ttn Slr<-ot.^* l!a ^ Sdhbol -Wanted. x Gentleman qualified to fnck tho Lotto . .each tho Lotin, Greek,' German 'and French/Lanjraaxes. and eual* Engllsbtbranches. ' T 1 ^ TRACTOR, J-.':V nyt,gcpl, 2,~1866—9y - ^AdbxiS’.'om; . . J^Cd,sIc. -J- J«V. JlAVlDSOH wiU take pupUx In Mn- . T t- millinoo 111 beginning Monday, September ft Ik. pet; term of kmatuka. *26 00 ieo on^^^u k) ji go o 27— . WA.3STTElIi! - P 4» ny, Oetobqp 7,1805 m *** h»Hof LOT So! 41 oo Broad Vtnot, ilbauy.- Known oo tko bffloo of Sr,. John P. For particulars apply to- Albany, October 21,18#6. i . ! wLl'X:jx'Xu4ifx. PRACTICE ; And J©"^j ALBANY ge £ I HAVE permanently deil WatekmnkorjwdJ yean npxrienee, the Jmi „ tho South, any work entrn.teJi»ri'; t „, a manner M «n b, < !"”„i«itt gin or olxxwkere. - to oxrry I.wqbld 'J'l'jirW a scale aa I.wobW pared to do iff kind* . I qan glvoAX Telxteffst * Albany, aad xny pxf^** c |» [Albany^Ca^^M WKm****!3Sp • 4 LL Hie OLD JJ2L, fh and xU the rM* 0 ? f, 1&P Sir. dllt.