The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 2

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1’recdmeu aud Tiieir Labor. i session, it m»y nrti OMMOTl UK AdTMttasmsni Particfilat attention is calli ftilv-erti aments to be found lsssue. There are sever^lt tnents from Worth County. C. Spit* A Co., has a very neat and at tractive Confectionerj establishment, neat door to Mr. C. Vi. Hawson, jud in the same building. They have everything -u*o«Hy. kept in a nr JU claw Jttyifcs^iouev^ ftor&s^-. Of« tPWttee ViU 'telhn.iahcd by them at thej^ •hottest notice, and in the neatest and bes\ possiWccvniner. | ,^ i * S*a i G.S. Seymo»c.'afe^al-ima (.bpecial 16 Uie Journal anti Messenger.] MillediTkyille, Dec. C, sThe Constitutional Amendment pas^od.lMllfl Houses' Our Milledgcvlllo Corrcppfinacnce. Milledueville,' Dec. C, IMq.j; , ‘lius far the I.egislatui'e..*n > \>otJi Houses have not' tfrtureti bjr ••buntotube” speeches. 4>Xew Members of th eTfbusn li.-ivc-indicated theii-procltvi' I discussion, *ud Ipcriiaps'desire ao uppouu \ Hexhibit their rt iaiprie..-- Tire Holt. OTS' Uisdte [almost entirely with newnfembbrx, rosny^of them |the tivst thue. conyhpetf tit.-alagitdatiye budy— character t that he is incoienf, careless, idle and wit-to any i* tivst 11 IOC «mvkueiT m,* VOglnrtati Ye imay— of tIjem 5 you«K'meu, ifiifiiMU cxpqiffctfcti, and' many awkward inoVe'rireTfl* nr*' made, :,nuifiu. rtl.fos-, to the auiusemeut of older members. This branch Mo compel him toroinp.y -witli ,^8 new material info trorkiriff-ufdeivbut yrheu ouo# n£ bargnfn reduced to that point. fmuietfiiug.Kelfod^t&ill eiuhSutc* something of force- coutract, otherwise the instrument . ^ . _ ... . Mtssm Bv 1h* yeWHtetfmw otlh* !>♦»»• 'hem, than many non suppose, who have form ttrriKHir uieiMiUtw. tty I te *g \ od jheir o^mions by n were giants over tbo body Penti*t > wiilhei»..ilb#iy ,on ,WS‘. !$¥> o! each month, and remain until , the ewU- Ofice over JFonee A Cutliff’a Store;. He is enid to have nQ supcfuJta at the httsine^s. Mr. O. B. Rice, will bo In Albany, by ot before the 15th of January next, for thb purpose of toning and repairing. J5ai>9' Forte*. ’. ' 'T • • * 6. Tolfua has protested, one promts^-, note, given in favor of Thomas Carlow.—* Said note was given about the.7th or noth of November, 1865. Isoxo & Thojcpsow—Have just received, s Superior quality oWPamily Flour, Our citirens had better caU sooh aud'suppjy themselves. These gentletaeu are no’ cx- tortionere, and will soil- as cheap as any other House in the city. .. f TiCRasox axoiro thbGcixba Eotns.V A friend from Bakst County brought iuto our office ^ few days ago, a (Juintjt egg, which boro the Stamp, naturally, impressed on the Bhell, of tho U. S.-Internal ■ Kevenuo Tax. Tho egg is'Still in our possession, and those who doubt vrha* wo say, can call and “ compare notes." He must be' a Yave.kk Frfee:lmsoV.Beaureao we are informed Iliul. fof liic first uff-nce. the employee is fined one dollar, and It Hiwa It m dmiili -*4 >iaw. err- 1, —e** —^ t there in kiCIm regulaiion t. t o On me t.r-t of rite yptitf ne^ryt ■ d are all-hired in theii rckpectii tidaif. te rmilr. ft Entiles, the "crop lie Mamedjuiii fiwTjfo fHMu-JUvWMI 1u f^ r 7T ibin.'s wurk^well 4nrIt wdi»le^*W« befoW‘rtie"cr»»|i. coin^lji^niur^^y ^ie'^egTOCs‘bcrf*T»'*'utie, vi.cC-ti> >«d troubles«n«f,*'»nti v'b'atc their contracts vun. irtlvilfepfy-^t«»e>?bbcu«eiii*lte®tife lo their^cgul*- duties, and in thOiisandd’afuF T^tiSHtuK of inrfW**' absotuicl^ U>.>Y«>ik—the cc p *“‘ff ivs,« ml y • i*r only attcnwtlve ia to abute-kf Fresdmiti* BtJredn u 3atw3 dis;iil ** t hem. \Vrth VMtf tl»e ^i<tah!u‘ destruc Un/t of the *’»»-; ■ crop. To trust Ut4h*i* uour or, peweipi* ol « negro, is like jru.~iinjfA la the’ri^fV fw *spro- vcibial that figure Cut ve^y sfyKt’Y tfiu moi wrtfi rilliev bonoror pnm ipk' wlfPo iaknc * i» hi oiaka*, and co'twqneolly'then* inoat VesomcMiroj«t‘<Env*re pocirtSi ^ (m C'i [*' fP »y .W considered A Mile*prt‘ilictton,j tb ti tli^Te. will not lt^ a, surplus-tif'tfce^erop of 1866, sufficient to-plant the* crop of l itl. This is 1i6 i<)b*' of fancy skHctt, and he who d*iubt.s can U^r 1 revit'W*lhf i;xpcweuAe >>t <Uc present crop^whidi wi lcoovineo motto sceptical of oar jbstiftcatjon fn mfihing -this ttskarth-ri. Tue °*gro^l oot**VDik futhtuily puless-he u ct jnpe.Ufi \o do So, and those who b^lewe.«herwi*e had better jrniffrttTemsefvt^ by •ivTog xhoif atleniioir to idle spqctildtion or to dreams thitt have no nioinfng. **Jk aegro’a word, ftr.bU protnise^ aa a general ndc. iWof.veiy l^lly value or com-tderitimi, and so fai sanicr oClhtS 'be*( tulutit; Of the Sra‘td, c Airhouglr ficre a&yquitdrnhibtuber'of new' •tttfilt jUttflWg Ikutp* -^fiilun* jaaa-iek .occurvo call.foftii tKoir « debate. There 1ms ncen no rneuhuros preseteted'fortlr«Seconsiaefftt!on, upon « hic!i, Ucb.’Ue is allowable.. Thin moriung the dp-' hiiiiiiionul Amendment, us piiijWse 1 by tha House, will be Vilftn.u», tail Vo ftii* s»s I oould loaru, if was decided not; to have any discussion upon .tliej-aub- jett. f ho* 1 wajor*ty’ uf VW, .Senate ,5t *' ftoasQ, uffxious ;m . ..... . ^ like lh^ do nil that is requiVfeU, to'^ hasten u of c(vil luW, uudlhc icmovnl of mUiiury. -'ho P^> etr * te t‘ hU i eea rT m n g li«l. vaue oreeo»lderiiioi»,ajjl » W;. egg while u. emteyo. Ywly the Internal g^AwpI Revenne Law Offloe fiye allowing their sym.’— ' - *S^-- '.■ s **‘* ■ .- .X . bol to desoeud into low place?.-. 'J£n*ed«nan , s Bureau” is concerned, they, do tuif. ra* !giri>itb#bWi»^%»6rrt# iHe-pSrehmeifhmi whrrlv'h Is wnfiteii. *Tt^|-jig4*l^^'^Ribrjp inrcK-*.9Pmy*kmn cspptd Wtft the <J<igfX»'n, J* l^itore a >WW I tfif ilfsNy»J IXn’esAhis U AcclunpIiVhed, we would not ^ive A fi^ jMuq^wbxnr t «w<«*i * r.u, .»<- ew •-» ■* ^.‘Tlt'-re ia no aafi'iv in the “Frcptlman'a Rtiretn-* aa'tt itntfTtjrnTt,!'' Th-lr ortfers 1115 vnlnVItva, itttd ttitl< * In.-re ia'a f\Mral tind - tinttrv r^anne f.'.r ifie Xorrouai, Cams*—Messrs. SxEca 4 Bonn h»vo aemnriod the proprietorship of. tho Maoon Telegraph—3?r. Sneed, formerty. •of the Savannah Republican, acting as Edi tor. The Telegraph wiU now bc "a paper worth having. * - ■ - *.-■- . t*— Joseph Clisby, Esq:, has mounted the tri pod of the Journal A Messenger." - A better. Editor, seldom, if'ever, wielded a pen in Georgia, Stone &' Rosa ton’s Circus visitel us Wt Monday and Tntwday, and, jtidgir^ from the crowds! state of their ,cmn*afes > waa highly appreciated by onr citixcyn^- ^ t>ai9mr« Saeoos A»t» —We tirke plbasore ia recommending this well Viown nn-1 fa* Worits sftablUihmeat to sqr citizens aud tHc public gsneralijr. There is no harm unrolling n fitjne og ten*pins occasionally, sad wo advise all (for the sake of recreation if nothing-else) fo giro Tomlinson & Dermott a call, and our wordybr It geftltegr&p, 1 r ^ r Dick will spire no pains in tnaking your visit a"* filtered intw*SFj»rvH*rfw*tf'whti wiwerNHiemali^itrat *r They kecn^hutys iw jh?cWWTruMIVfitf better, nusanc nwii can hype furniiy jnstao»i *quit- ^!e-ff-sC!tp'lr«d4lrti i ’dT‘prfrfSt» T n!'.‘ TjmVf fi* *thr •Btireiin.Tn most iiKUi c<?s, has pr’vuid ajfid a hatnhugr.gud cndeir*Ua prestijt isat»j#^?o*ts»!. .we^WedlA a total fae*u»ttie. commercial interest ft! the ^rare and Gorerntnsnf'of not; < lhr*“»‘ Thc^^ateaif .Georgia occupies a vqry peculiar'po-' -‘- - cot, hnd^ktf General Assembly is f-ft'p- egysliyion, Attliough‘dQ% elected Ip’ .die people - lindU*r ibc new CuUfiiiuti«:n.. Sifld awe oGuvcuctf uccbvtlTujJ to that t’ou^fituii u. yfet they, hn\4 no Governor, wt; Kxeguiive oHicvy, nb cent 1 mpmietl by tiinft i’basiijutioi» v tV.s»*gh or oiii-'. .Vfaite iluseijacipniet-,..If-Uic { '*"*““““* r “ ‘ 1 ” tfie cjj^atMrtJ.of the^Gcnerai C Provisional (Tovernor, then G’ odipctcat io < execute (hedua-jt. Hut as if .is,;one ynving this j^vri^Jfioui (hu peddle, >vud the other Jrotn tl/l luiliJary power of the Tnifed .^fijlys, iJicvo can he u(*ti»ing ncCoinpli.-viiiid. . .\sj 1 have before in- fotmcjl yjiq/ the Gfovcriror eteCf, CliaclesJ.l. Jenkins, WV4*noi. at rre»eot, be inaugurated- 'Therefore -Urlitujl^.UygisTaVuviJ elects Slate Officers, a'nd till?!, ftfer Supreme Bonch^iliyy *\yiU lmvo ^erfonuud ull final they are eonijiereht to\fo.,tinkler tire cirouiiirit-au- ces. And unless the. iiripediijeuts in the-way, a fed clogs whjch cruu»iii4»c machinery of Stale Govern*, incut, be rcpiyve^ by the ujftljurilies at lVu^hiiigfon, •you may expect an adjqiu*un>ciit. 1'Iieidd a disfTugiiished memberxeniarjc ^st uiglj{, ibai if i^as tho daikest hour he lrnd'oteur expen«pt-el iu .refer ence to our*National ^jlScHllics. ^tis to .beiiopetl, howuvcr^Uis.t all the*»e evil omens may pass away, And that ilia oilvcr Jiuiag iix+y appear, Ekiriiug the (lark clo.uUs riuit now ay^rhahjr us.^% Ti^ disiipgifished GbOigian. Holt. A: H. Steph- ?n»,’is here, to aid, by his wi?aiom u\id prudent ggisitiMiwMyi”. lo adionff the SJ^fcrtyiuq,.^nif ei^vafe hyu/o hv't’ ueigi- nal [,• :-itum.* His verw pfesqnce a tdaVt fronfyrurn? worf^i*?* f}*«weind Wen. ? ’— J - ITBb health is ba«4» and . he, looks more JityO a dead man than alinqcui. H,is recent ifHjitiynit^ent came well nigh robbing Georgia of one of her brightest *t*c»,‘sn'l Uic nauon oue at' her jGiluat minds. Wq,- l.ftv oilier di'littguislied mep in nitendabce who ejuerciye good influence ctb'r 'riic-deliheruiions of ihe General Aswoldy,. . ■ , r ±., We lpiv« jicre in. attet:Jaaps,.upon the cession, thb eolehirt»evl.liilf Arp A 1 le'is a member of the Sen ate. \ie al-*£ ruive.hfaj Thompson, the author of “Mai. Jones' Hcitijlrihip,” as % reporter lor "the Sav- unnjn Hetald, and Mr. Steptc, of the Atlanta Intel* liaeWey. " ‘ ' •**'* ■ ' ' : 4 would express my thanks td Col. Wecmv.-lbe r effiob*nt'SeeVi-tary bt the Senate.-''aud hirfgentlcioah- Tho Conspiracy against tlio Whltoa of the 4 w ^ s South. ’ iron. Alontgomdry Clair, late Postmaster General in Mr. Lincoln's cabinet, in bis recdntspccch ktBuf* f >, N. V.. Hi’ U de -11 ■) tlie design of the Radical* to givLOOvtr th* South Jo th* control of the negroes. Hesayir \ . * > ' , "There arc a clank of men whd proposa t*>. take ad*» vantage .of thf condition of the Sooth, and to *ub- -stittite the dominion ofthe r . negro fof that. of. the piaster. ^ This is iur chimera.: it is a well digested plot.* Smnner is no" pifrny. Ho Ta a* wonderful manVand a wondeffully dangertm man, Tbad. anotheWablc- "and dangerous' inshr As the leader of jba UopublicansIn tbe House, he Stands with liis whip to drive his partizans Hi* the support of his revolni ionary schemes. These men assume the negro to be the only loyal man, ijj the face of the faet that two-thirds or the-white men Of the ^b’outfr had;no Jfeatt inthe*re^Hion< Upon this scheme he thus commented: The pl«u of reconstruotibn of the Union, by taking tip the Southern negro and placing kinfupottytersis of pdlitjcalnndsocial equaHty with ,tho Sc at hem while inan, aud of depriving the Southern white man of political existence, is only wbrtfiy. 6f ’such men «« Mr. Sumner and Thaddftns Btephens.. It. ie a dcap-taid^ilan of securing fix fheie party sn n!»sa-_ ranee of the political power for all time to. ©ome.-^- They had no notion; probably, of-rninglin^the blood of two races. They urg? the’loyiilty of lhe. negro^ nS n mere pretext for accomplishing party ends.— They propose to put-the ne’gfo in the master's place; lo put arms in his hands, ntid accept him as the rul ing |fow*er uf fifteen States of tho Union, because of his alleged loyalty, and because of the alleged dis* •loyalty ofhrs master. This claim is false and ur- toil tided. •> Fewer negroes,^ in proportion to their numbers, joined the Union army, with all the compulsory ;ef* furlh tImp were-brought to bear upon Hicm than yriii'tes from the slave Btatos. Onlj^l40,0tW of Uie former were driven, coaxed, or voluntarily enrolled from the -Notfh, while' (Missouri put 100,000 whit men iuto the fiqld, aiyd Kentucky CdLOOO on .tb. . Tvdernl side, besides large numbers from ojlnfr slave, States. The-c while people should havc.some JiUle con- sulerat.ion s.huwn liiciu in tjieir Baqrtlfccs and the 'p'cril.V'ibey incurred lb stAnclingf true to the IJbion in the day of peril. Bui, u'o, tiiey ore to h*ve .no regard paid«ir rights'of citizenship, buf the negro's to tabe ihoir places and contruUhc destinies of the rebellious States, and through them.' in leagae it It the liadicals'of the A’orth, the dear Inins of the oburred * young urchin of ttnder •*« to his Mbnd'Psruit,’ “does tho Lord know nfi-f-, “Vos, my sou,” replied; (ho ^pcful.sire, '-but by do you ask that question V* . ‘Wise our preacher when he P»7»i« ■<> W . Iliac him evyrytlflng, I thought h* vr&an t tstedA^^ ., t * Hundred and fifty tKon^'nd b=i«jr of'cott/atlWi.qiuijqfcj & .y-ear. fnniftHW '.Wlftirv^yleld;h^Lo~nVv!o!eiice Uwl Col. Wuddet succeeds hiry. iv oierks.*for special favors : also i be clerk of the House.’and his assist a Si* fav«»rs. l^rs^nnlly, ife,r«*greHe-j l ’Mr. Cqrruigton.’the i>ld Clc*‘ k, but are- ••*“■ * *•** - Ar aud o idh^^s ofjha tiitind vthckf^popuj itipiil In connect ion with Ibis subjeri, it may not beltor proper 10trier to the JhlU*mi+r rxt r.tri, u lire!) Vm ^lip from the VV ilraiugto^ Juurtujt, aud u’.ich>cein^ Io^u8t«in.asip.ountmciyou^^erJiu::* i j ‘ Tl»*Wilmington Jimtwai’iiliUcs tiiHtain the Cape Yea* dl*ver,Uv^r^*l»M>*te tr- *e*v> bt rg»- cr«i».+ **l Tire* was iistwtljr.tpisetl. htst»Mprin J*i»evertl rtc* p**i*er- i It.YVK. *fif this negro equality policy yoo net,only -de grade *U8 of the South, but yon degrade yourselves. Ad'pt this policy, and a lullt'-'hvcefl iu Cliarleaton will“htbre ns-much |>ower as the white man in Buf falo.- You ednaot punish the Jjotnh without punish ing yourselves. Though-a Soul hern •timn, he spoke as an American "mnn• I.e wanted Northern indus try, enterprisifnnd capital, to b*e felt nt the South, 'for tiny mutual benefit of onr qpmtuon country. v Admission or Southern Mkmukus.—The Natibn- Wl Intelligencer^ If not the organ of .the adminis- Apaiion, is generally underHloow to be -well acquaint- jpd-with it*pwpo^cr. lii commenting on a speech of Spcaker-Gol-ax, tout journal a\ya; The time has come 16 throw away disgtyses.— Let-gentlemen arrange themselves f;*ii ly Aodt**iuare- Jy under their banners. Tho preaidept ha.s a pol^- cy that looks to iuiousdutte rccod»tiuctiun. This policy coucexles all the rights ot the States, re scry i:ig only the »ece**ary aru .well uiideraiood di-niands i hut loyalty exacts of the situatiun. This policy re- * 1.-That the States are Intact. '1. That duly'returned member* «f congress Bhall ho.enga^-ed as tmcK by the clerk of the house. :i.-,That no test oath ahull hesnffered to delntr! vtilutiouuiiy qualitied members.‘frota taking their ; «hu:> in Congress. Aiui this policy_igncu*es the yi- ■lulily of such issues ms negro suffrage. .It does not . .insist mi nny*compulsiT8 form .of adjustment in fe-' specl to fha labor-and wages of the negro freedtnen mhich involves all the oppressions and extrava^aU' i cies of military esiubUshiucntB. to be. indefinitely continued, but it leaves Southern labo: way of & label w.rote his name -upon a . happened tp be the seven. of-<dbb^-r?and ued *0 the handle'.- A ■friend coming along,’ and observing Jhe jug, quietly remarked— . . '* •‘TliatVan'ftwfUl careless way to leave that jag of liquor.’’ ot-. Why f^siud Tarn. Because somebody might come along with the eight Spot and take : iu”. O* The era of snuff is over. During the last two •urs, the practice of snuff-taking has been discon tinued, in Scotland; to an almost, incredible extent, and toidinues rapidly to diminish. .IET It;has been estimated, that avery hdrse mploy»;d in Umiingtonsu'ines one^Kixth of what cultiriilMiM^ # —, tm m mm IT A timid yooug man, in. London,- committed suicide a few hours be Jure the time fixed for his marriage. * , X3T Tom Mootc, the port, used t^ 1 a good story of a gentleman, who, vv hen be "was short of njoney, and hi« relative* stingy and rcTmctoty, used, to .threaten his family with Uie publication of Ills poems. The rtiviriiible and immediate rcstult wos os much cash as he wautgiU, # i BT Charles Birnwel! Coles, an English Writer, lias written a poem (published in b<x»k form) on tea. Ij* Cahtai. Change —’I welv* newspaper l*lve migrated in iq .Turin to Florence, in cotrteqncote of the change «/f t apifal. O* Tiie Emperor ol the F.enfh ltt»s*’s«nt twenty thousand fr.uw+to+hc rphef of the wwferera Iroin the trighrtu) hurricunt^diiclflktw vauaed so math distress at GandaIon• • • O* The Hope has -vent word to the Spanish hi-h oprfthat they are-at liberty ili.-pose of St. Peter*: pence for the benefit of cholera patieuts,,wherever tliey think Ufe Case IT -Lifc-iM7.*» poftrwit juodeU of the Hite Yisecont Pslmefston, President Jldm^iQ, and General Grant, have just, been added to*lhe hliturical gallery ait Madame Tuasaud, in Iajudon. v ■^aoi xeloteebsop eOOD THTtin NEW - Q.--SPITZ & co In Rawsou’a Square <J , W OULD Respectfully wncunee t 0 , of Alhmny, end B=rroundi ng cou „ have fitted up a ne»t »nd altraai,?'"^ 1 *-! NEW eONFECTIOvpm'.'d where can be found at all times a f r **h , of choice Cakes and Candy, together w -.i M ° r,n ** tiele usually kept in a No. 1. Canf CC ti 0 L.! Ttr - ; ^ I Uunfecti Emssmim •se At »hort notice, and in the finest sfyira^ fie famish Centro Piece*,-made of CaadvA^ n f “« a fancy -table frjjpi $3 to $50. \ <E2 1 ES2Eai An Ueepectfully requested to cull . themselves. lu conclusion ire hope to receive ft,,,., *. of Albany, a liberal share of public which we, on our part, will ends-. IS ROW seceiveg IT The recorder of St. Unit fined Jenny Ch». five ilollnnr fur beinjj a drummer-boy rn-Lhe »rmy, *At the residence ot Mr*..4Jarrfo t hi East Dough ■qrty Counry, November 30lh v j 1 Rt>5,bv Kev. W. N* Clumlqiii. Mr. B. F. Wilder and AI^s Jlnme M. Bkvan.loth of Ifonghexty.Count/. NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS, 0. S. 'SEYMOUR, M. B* WEEKLY. Albany, Iiec. 9d., 18f>5. White Men Must Rule Amenajl NEW YORK DAY-JO FOR 180G. pleasant and agreeable one. They keep always oi hand old Peach and Cognao Brandy, Whisl Champagne, Win*, Ale, or la fact,-any thing thi usually kept in a first class Bar-Room.' 'Try tl and we think you will agree with us In what.. <wf hate eai<L ' & *T^e*« a . TrkWeeWy P4Wot..' trfJ >.k^ The first number will appear Monday, Jannafj 8th, 1804. Terms $0.' U will be the'some in.aize as Ijte weekly, and will be printed bn aebr typsJ » ^ROCLAMATIOW BY THS GOYDR2IQH EXB* ; fc‘7ivfe oVviH:,' ) T - Vrov»*ion.m. Gov't or GKoKCtt. > .' Millt(lg.*yjlli*/Nov; At, IW». J r lyiieren!*. The tale OanvenVmu did ordain, ihi i^rovij.oiiM Governor rlivnU-ljtiovidq for the loi-ma »f out or mon* .Militi i‘or VJiIiimcer Companf^i :h T' U>t\couutie*.ol tjzii S.aic % lo »ettt* a.polic< 'forcol’lui siTjipr'e^* violence, lo preserve f oi*«Ier, and I \q atlrftie h viTofiUsffs''in |h© cufbroe©' It* -Sbwrfy irFAc^h!«t! ■ iawj, u.idt-r .HUcffrb'AiUtlon*'nfmlgh luraa^igwtl# jysq •t'fltlcr.rttfn,'llifttrr.t'/t'-w'lk Wq 1 v- if t«.lJ:tif =.1 tiuite;. Nusr tlu-rcl\.ro, Tho Da v-Pnutt. proposes tovtMf iti' .... th«* pa'l. uivm the frr*»sr i!or»r»n* rhxt rtiifirtM Surreal & Meehan cal JDontist white m an's GOVERVMEvron tkhb* J Office on Brnqd Nlt vch |a.FKbERAI» UNION, and it t OVER JONHS & Cl'TUFIqS STOKR,’ JlTS^nfer'Dellnir'■’^ . ALBASV, GEOUUU. j puhlic'clsmor. It ».-[ o w l; ii u ■ sn . .1. iu, , bo tho orptn of the liRfi I’. M.—Dr. S. will be tn AShuuy on t'u J5th of I rtf .a*jmp*i «r f eucb luontlt, ;inJ remain until th* .-lose ot ths-rnunlii. Drc.lbh, 1S> : 5. 40- prn,, Basil Xfm be Intiud, »» hope, before thi, day wrote. If, went »n who subsertbod to irsud their curds Jn hri-' 11 aedistoly. Ilia to bo printed Is three oolora snd os now type. Crgutfs* amd Aim Yooxselvost qf-e Tso wsoks bro hat ThnratUv'nigM, a en tered the hoiee of Re*. -Mr. Daniel, .sal, whi%dj» family weft ml sapper, entered hia son’s room and atolo two |nna. Osssrsa dos((ipii»irclled—1| porty of Dr. A. Jf. Walker, one’ barrel wn« fit other orried ahttl; tho rahor wsa » r yonth’s single barrel shot.gen, hotettfinf to.Mr.'DS. son. Dr. Walker’s (fun ants s regular futriidji' peculiar kind of lock, far Ua'Meprery, of r yrhip^t lye prllJ pty liheraljy. - j»- ait „ - '-o- .-j .j, | la not this enough toopen thocm ofotr cliiwn* as to the danger they ipettf by ‘atfcwihg (> o> swnoresrtyarma. ■ Already onr n--ro pf are organizing (hem.rlvps into, rerrot ctntelATra, ut tent ton lo-tln::jnct,-(bMtii(tleM5. measure*, thnl vlf, wiitu>ui aiug;d wnrrnnt rvgulnvjy ioMited nperMtebPltefictelly to all, mid be-'carried*mi't fu-gvwxJ by .soaie in:i^?rk r “ ll V uutT.o.Hiy. t»n«l ^ItnU iiT Yai/A are dei*rmin(^ 6H, W(q?.*vrHl c , 'xi;glf?^cir:i'cA' , ! : inii *^° ,,,flict ,lu ^ i“te»'b"®i‘nt tixripi by the jml^ Amjw * •.«"•< -/ t-f’o , i teem and.ditevUOU.pra duly qualified civ^ ethcer sol aiij Lvingjuri.dic.iou of the otfeuce. alfwdf JeMo Of rieuKnnU qaiofounity.. Tho Le^a^ Xnd Wlierea*. it 1» desirable to have uniformity ii is tor* «ho a4ti lo-xkxvi*Oly into 4Ri* mai ter, i psitm^Jh^V^jst-^'d 4 yjtil qnr>tioti iu wiiii-i. backed, sad Tar what W« _ cals of tbs North, to force the people oft extend to tSota th, right-wf .ao(rntje.1 TBtlon is the Bret law olnatdre.' hht - R « * octr eitiaea* her*, brgttntjr (t-^hoik seemingly ia perfect eecarity, Wret raalityia retM- ao—y**,a et^efl^dTi^riW tred, aoreiopes theta, , U J»-l aboatd pat hitaeelf Ip a little ejtpeose : for anatiui ammonitioD then tohaWrd VtAPMiiant--* la* family sod drnnoUtiim WM that the.* aagwi ieniatlrau»e|ai^i»,ye-ih*a ; they pretend, The negn*ih*h»»ewfcptfltmd ' knew that ha eoold not pr*“ them S lion, preaai, why weikalleM trTlie Soothwesu-m Raili , ssaSSEisSsSHi orjidinund Charles Ilatu-oek,' 1 and fiet.rge i r u - SekTOdSilit hhii,SLtirtdia.iiy i <»a*»P *■ hiM ig been found in possession of a ron.-n-mdde qnuhlily of woods—baviuff undergone; a nial To.* commit mem before Justicq? Clark find Burnett 'o\\j hood of $300, .Thi plund:r,»o fsr as th leeilh* participants however, that many m brought to light ou tlie fie foani Ca be ii YT ipj/resHifSn of rjolenci UUM .. AGUICBTml CfeASSErlnf (he country hfrikixt tbr iderers of all, who now, through btr.W/'^l • - e I foxes and free negro:*m, are.strivini m cro of supply And deninud— to the reciprocal necessities'' T>: OT w A T ' t?n*nf«f?*ir»rat ! ‘ l^ ilssdbstit»tP,THECAt3Cj of In bur Hint Tli* m-Kiu ifa fict-dman^mi ! XiaHO llUllDg aild JtiepaiTlBg J ; four hug h ( id b.'o-xii v-an. l:yt fa ^ s£fi| hU dcsiiuy is (ike that of nil other men—to pet j w* VVIGL HE IN ALBANY bv or beu»rc the l5Ui { R'#kta and Cvtuahetroirn ijb-tty **"»g tinder ihe law and nith the protectioi»uf. the I A 4l f January next, for (he purpi'ac of Tntiian Rn<! pocnni.cry sacrifice, tn ,Yt*u York;soil iii«K| as best li; can. 1 Rn|«iring Hianu Kories, * . when it Tind nt»i.U.«r j .imMt u> iiWy _ Hu'very ba» not. llieicfore, ‘*reu pruile<l i W« t A Card lrpm ■ aWgrtut pl^».''nr* ii ers the following c lhal it will full i be able to aid hi poses : rd of M he -of ithe good v iVnjkilaaiiw aW aus>ps >J w-ia. .«*dSh, mwlts/h^tlW iWJSait _ Iluires; , Jtuj.rf^i *fv . — - BetoUlwu*.UUKEfi Kti. -tarqini. ppskwi*. rnKMeriere ml I lie sitipMsiaisahKewidmad >" ■’ ijpwaa^f u^pji S?!fi!^i3!^.-'y^yr*y* " B * i dill iufbrme.usuihPl.'.-ilieee urti(.,iaing leltut the, app tree under wLict, (i.-n. Ur surrendered lull - Military authorities of the State amt the fiMied P-*. jt iti further deolahe«l, that said companies, ivhc'ff formed within their respective counties,>hall’ he ofidet'the cdutirol and subject to the niHnaVy ro nmajulerwyif (lie;United £tato«, commandingHhc UHtvict; and Yor-H violation rof these .'regulations, an l<i»r‘ai»y otbet (ilfeiice.CiuuuutteiL ibail .be Cried find punislied acnorHingio the rules presorihttd for the Govcrtunetit of the army of the Vuited dtnlie*. Giveii'Jinder my hand oihF.Seul of. tho. BxoCUtive Dejiiiruurjkl- iyl Milled^vvilie, on t-Ui* iho ^lst day of.NovetubcrVA. I).,. 1 l80o*. , j ' ‘ JAMES J0IJNS0N\ ‘ ' Brovtftiohal.Governor o^Ga. ^ ^H^gcwtKor'LEE 4 * gcRHBNUEk.—The Richmond » twiiii h * "'**"'’ ' A gcnilcnixit just from Appomaitox Courthouse. pottiing left of tli ' d V»>g>a».’liLisaurky, ,JWu*i irirlLprearr- ;’l>MM(tthe Wmriat V«A*ae>hm,M<Hlm</l'krriurHa j.. ... jgffftam IWjt)Jw«B44>riadn»r--i .u.i.iif 4„, In witnea* wliereot Yjiave hereunto *rt mje h$mi and caused to be uf* vIWkllhf^-UyyWjmhipgimrilir.vJsl.Alayinl "*reo4>awvhy** Aiwi i thin..* XSZsXSSZSSSZXsr’r. vaCt^agsarz ~2S^5«lS8SSkI WSSSBS *1imSL ■;tkmre bmhjwrtesa, M^iedlwMMva cipution r— bt«u«b«n I’tMrl* _ •AJi-anqal .uodsa i v ilM^ii, iajiakMaii aSuaj ' .jslr.^m.'UJliHr H csliftb' • 'Thtyfi Gyj UidLOiMBJrjwir * •tnsllulcj tars’ ink. ft ia enpu Windsor, and will he p»W hole in tlf© prtHimr. -nnd iqis feared that, u:\Ievs thi hide i, feuerd iu, ihiit olsu will lie n-mnved liy curi a the world;, fo’ loft>t forty l C4j|foe4iniid andSQvcattoo cords-oJTMtta-Appie iroe have already been dnM fibwlaR.over.the',Ua»t efi Slate* in the sbnpo cf»», tixhiu^ polcvt, umbrella h uidlyi, f*>Ccoi*snfrAjUmm; work boxen, sewing mae^iueaj. •rittekjpfirsks, •..»««$ ,U“Uoopw .*of;lw, .ch-.d-ma.^lyaa pencils, oen hafttHcs, -todd r muddlerR. toothpick’n, fio. 'LJlaltOfobc*. those hwroic relfcs'iv estimated at ah-mt twenly-ciglff inWlori'u ptilWte SfrjUivaTeailo the mnnbbrof iebets itricd.'Woaided’Sfljl hlfAihglh the Into’war; fte- oofdiiig th ihe publjb StidetpvArs of Korihctjfainetw, TiofitstslfsTTcs gviiihe MM*.' ' (n> fact, this apple tree i-njoy* a* wide a civctrlitloh as any-bogim m.:dici**Jb exfctflrvod^nodAVstafor thm^fwei that (/cn^leMwdf/d^nAwnde^idnd*r f *iui3’ *Wppft>tti4ee nt q%|^<TiilU'»l. tree^in al^hPloi-y. 1 '- ' ,'y «*' 1 •'A^’j^vusr OF- IT,-r*Xh^ editor of Uie N T ^W ro of d( Hows ^ 'foreground ofThTWlg^teolTutufl seen! How revolting-Ufbatold that* thin gallows ■« IWheShe-teta IWtMt qUaMlea f Uow Hid the pteAeni gaHowa-sciiDdlTa will, append doiaaeVI IMi,m.ra> tlay ttwararer the pa«« ,|* »,. lag hietery, a«*hnf thagrOMua; aohievunenta of ‘ aha-Wrihese lriclu ihlth the bedles deei ernnt ndverllsts Ihnt I'afiy cal PI,-, ;» * coffee P«t and skitler. afid'who know* VWWMlB?e»ee'»rehildMD,” CBB hear of a eitaa- lion by applyln j4e -the undArtijned." , M > confined packages, &c., will be preserved and re- CARD; Bersons iutorcst^d in the hialerjc of the late ts Who have military orders and maps, pi ae tit of Cti pnigtis. h-.ttloM ami sci’^ys, private ictiers fij>m trnry. congrcVstonal documents, amt. message* ihe I’rtyiidtiirt and Governors of 1 he Southern States' would confer a great favor, besides contributing to vindication oftUevruiU of history, by {•ending them fo me at this place. The f\< ufe derate iu>ehiy4*r*and-records were either destroyed or car- ried'to Washington, as were the private.papers*ntt-l -meTnornnda of nearly all tho ^Southern commanders'. Hence.the ueerasily of(hU* appeal Jo the officers nnd soMlerS of the GoufcdeVat** nvniy and Navy, nnd cilizou.s general Jy. Letters are also Solicited* from parties- posset.nig Important information tohehing our late.unfortunate struggle, r.nd from prisoners W Tvlt- turned if desired, : r - \1*. W. ALEXANDER. Thomnston,' Upsen county, Ga. T. S ~*l’ must again appeal to nxy friends of tho out horn press to giro this card general oifculs- tioti. . V. W, A. Remedy for Small Fox. Salkj*,Ai.a., Nov. 20,18G5. Sahwfj. O. Beio, tEoa : .. ; * ry * TVar 8p\Vritl years rtgtf I4a»ne K pos^ai- nf t’te following rccipp, whirls may he of scrv vice at this time* city.: \ours truly, * < Cure for Small Box.—On the fitst opp*’artnct* of the foti'r or irritation.'nsftering in attacks wlfotlier itjg fn families nr large eoinmdimtfp, t'.fo s ql». joined tnfde ot ireattitqut shotijd at once be eriterod v'bnn': Tnke.lmr grain cadi of |Hiwder«'d foxgUiv<», or dfgialis, (ViilnftMe in the ratio «Hf* greehtu tw. The daik piirt PT'etetl,) and VnrpTrtUe of tme, (t .iri.Hriinfo i*hlhp'manly kmjtvnas white vitriol.) These shon^lfc rubbed tjvu-uughly »« a mortar,'or other ctinveuient vcVa\d, with four or five drop* ol add about four ounces more vv;,* nunry next, tor (he purrs se ol i u i* Hia no Kories. —- — I I have nil tire appliances for repairing ii w ** ‘ 'best mniD*r.v O. B. •ng before onr read- Mil!e.5gr v»J]e* December Ft, 1S65. - 4tl-4t -AiBTAPBBat, liupmu -• • ROTE'PROTESTED. ~ ersfiiis are hereby fortMvarwrdngainst buy r (riding /or u certain.protursory nbre giv en, by me ta'l’hmwu l shall not redeem the »imo, benaos#tii*CPiiditioo np»n whi« h said m;t* j Jnipfo" Hn'/ii w rk which he pro- A not beeft fulffltd. The urq© was given about the 7th or 30ih ot.November 1865. • SAMUEL POLFUS. I>cc. f ib, 1865. ; 4M_4\v ADMINISTRATOR’S' SALE. f JMVO -Wtfitfut after dd'c will, be .sold the*fo|Jou\rg _ .d« jScribt'd"real and perso ns 1 [property^ fo-vpit i Four (■)) (’iiy Lots, in Esat Atb»ny. mte (!) ltfi <»f land in first'district of Dougherty Conn tv, cdninin- lnjj‘p50)*lwo hundred and filly acres, ilottsehold a id Ivilcben Furniture, aix (6) head of Cat tier &c. vSoId MS the property of Mr*. Nancy Smith, hie ot bpu^lu»r^y County, deceased. /AMKS.S. DOYLFe, Ailm’r of the Estate of Nancy S*mith. Dec. 9th. 1863. ■ • • <*KOK4jIIA—Worth Gouuty. • Qrd I nary’s Officefor eaid Ccamty. W HEREAS^SaaildiaGaughapplies to me for letiera of-Administration ou the estate of Du- vidS.Giiupli, of afi county, deceased. »Thnse are iherekirc On notify the kindred and creditors of .-aid dec eased* to be ai\d »p|>ear at tuy Within tj,H lime* prescribed by Uw, to sfiovv c:» a \if nnr 'they have) why *aid fetters sliouid not £r*y»ed k> tft?Applicant. Given.under mv liand mid offWa! sfonatnre. JAMES W. ROUSE, Ordinary. 40-i3yd . This nth f be {tived an adult,aud u|HMiiitub to a child every «oco«d hour, until all »ymj». buna of disease vanish*. Thus coirJiu te.1, convales cence. as if by magic, will r kult. ff the bowels be- (Mnne nfomictetfon the progress ol tlie disease, an evilhv no ways common—then a drachm ol thecom- (•oniid M/rdcrAilyilap,farmed of two. jlarts, cream ol Iart*4-Nv»rti1ihe of jvfofi.J add one gV*ht ol the lu-rb treated as above, formed into a pas: il with syr- upor sugar should be given an adult aud half the quantify lo it child * ll »s stHtcd '.hat wlieti the Dean of WestrninV sfor pronounced the words, “Dust to .dust, ashes u, r 'bf4-n.eriuf.Urii P,l«re,toj,* i4 he fhief !ST n “l’i , V*' *of*q, Aa,i. threw n4l«9(hc x gnrve:«>teral di iinoadgnil coid rings. Another arcumil Atnle, th,l Ihn il*v# wan so cun, Siructeililwi it would not |<-rinit of Him throwing itl ot any eartli at tin- nn»t solemn poriion oftho loo-, ral eervicc*.' Ttiis novelty o.iracied a great deal of notice, and w*« received with vitrinusdegreea of a,, probation. Tn 40my. it appeared ,» great improve, nielli, as iukmi. il way all Hie ritrihly hideonsneaa ol Imrialj but others tlmught that the traditional sot- emnify ot the grave sutti-rcil wlidn lli« dread words. 'Ashi-s to aejre., dust to dust,” were nor accomnaT •DI«1 by Hie usual symbolic, sprinkling of earth on the coffin. Tho chief moorncr responded to ‘ pub isli clans having, out oi^egara ra her present 7 cnnrliil.,n forbidden iter to goia Madrid atudie had wished «ha ihtia.aod dollars—ml the disposal of the 2*, ■ Ipr the njltef of tlio soryiying telativpj oflh vtettma of uie cholera. J poor*. Dor, 9.iaft5. AlOirVlMkt.VTOK’S Situ. dyN 'he first Tuesday in February next, will be sold before .tho Conrl House door, ip Isabella, Worth county, (la , within the lawful hours or sole, Into! land uumla-r two hundred and lifty-t’tyo', in the fiihtlis'rirl ol said county. Sold as the pmpetlvol jidto VVIIlia, Jr , dfi t’i-Vd, for tlte benefit of the heint of said estate'. Te'rms on the da\ ol sale BE.NMM1N WllXIS, 4dm’ Dec. 9 h, IHGo, , 0 ouy, but lias cho-e.i taihee to be right ami dip Prnj'br than to mart the favor of rhijiu ntilrind cornunttinns ami a irrnnf wnt» iIif k-{ qjislft have hern belter off pecuniarily.Imi *tw have fo*en sadly bankrupt in principle K»d it of any other course. It oot'bow me* co?iipcHitfon wfth Shothry. Drmocnnie < pxj»e r s,^'Knpp<'irted by political fund!; rubbed np^Vand ii warn's the masses tiiHilbi'fWtea called Demoi'.ratic pM|.ers enticed « tl# ft mcy-fii toqH«»j»e the bones awl .-i:»* , vvs ofWn* Sm iiijj and industrial classes to b'Diih'il'Icrskiilcifl and snrremik-r the old Union jndtbci'MC lution to Hus'Kfwn^tvlisis. Ii, tlierelore,'call*^ II true men to stand-by if hr air^W r«r#| with the Afi«ihiioni?ts,*nv*ni>p'L , isls and p«Eic|k derwrs. Thx Djy-Dwx is ai>w Dracmlh R the* tc.7ding Zkrtpoffmffc Week If COUNTKV, hivI has Tho Largest Circulation of any l Being the only New York paper* 1 iiscl«» oh a FAMILY and .AGRICULTURAL ‘Expressly ftr Couotr^ flrc»I*i^J WITH FW.L RKpIJSt.S <>{•’ AU «!* YORK MARKETS. laERMS—CASH IS ADAASCS. One copy one year Three copies one yvar . Fivo copies one year,rand one to tbcgftatlfl op of the chib; -Ten copies one year, and one to. the up ot the'chib.. .* Twenty copies one year GOLD PEN PREMIUMS! Send for a Specimen Copy, and sc«^' £ nlars of the Gobi kVn Prvmium’* nff ,w " * up Hubs for 1865. * We enjpyno traveling « renfo. Eejf Afl/cs uejjro equality is autlmriz’d act ns agent and scud.on subscriptioi^ Address, oivinjr nnsl-office, enuuty HA.V EVRIE. IfOltniNf'fJ No. 16J Na»«an'*Jired,»; ] December 2nd, 1865’. fc^LYJ'Y <!i»y» after 1l»te apphotiton wiJl be mgdd ,u 1 K l ‘ of Ordinary or Worfh County, Ga.. for leaVgl'i sell the rc;*restate .b**)on^in<r to (fie es^ Ute ol Janies F* Buckelew, We of anid county, <fou\l ere" M 1 £. ‘B’JCKELKW, Adu»r?x. “ 9tS, 1^65. ^4Q« S IA K' f?-; * lu ‘' **}lf .will te mode •S’-io ifie UrdiHury ot Worth Comity, Git, leove loerilujl ike Iwtde bvlonJinB »u the-ektutc ofdomce I. Lux, lu.e,ofvaid.coutdy, dr-L-en*ed. * t • . - .vary j. coXi' Adm-nistiutrix of-Juinoe Pr Cux. dec’d. Dec. 9fh, Hie}.- - ' . jqiXTY dove drier dxteTiptilhautr.o will iw loitje Ordinary 0 f w„ r ih Couoty,.Ge., farIruve te soil til (ire luud beloDgiitg lo Ure.*Su «f. Wmi F. Wy-on.,-, l ie oftuid oowB)y v il*et«o(d., ■ * i.’t- - .Blue 4toin*-JOnMCB.' : Dee. »tlw T ij^JOEL JOJNEU, e A18rfr o( W«.Jf. VVsIpnu. ^ nfcdb'jfi. ii i i-d* . , 40 QUOUG1A—MITCMKLL COU/iT^! ^afllk of Ki’oburu K. S, ■ grave,*rd* ^ »^i.o33r.5rtE"” <} ^ hre- WM-W^ * J,, -®Sjjji • teBsams-saatze- sr ELECTiC JHAGAZIJ I-lTEttAT|IKE,SCIEJICC* JI '3 Kerer: Volume bestns JtBuarJ. 1 Tho EiiK^Tic- M xnABixx.iS', a These selections fremlhe respect rival. , Tho following arc some vftUch «olections.firc made London Quarterly,.*. «BrifUhQuaUerty,, 4 North British Kcv.ieW, popular Sqienoo RtjvieW, Saturday Rcviejr, Leisure Hour, <GEORCJirA—MITCHELL CX)UJsTY*T^^^^^ Ald.coRniy.ntf.'?: TV. A. lltnfetnlhr |T, 1865,-6?^ elections are caronuijf nw u -^1 T ae follow i n g arc some of ’ I Vp«*j London Dcntlfj's^ CorobiH Temple Westminster Review,* ' fieri Dublin Unitcry >fa^>J»ne.Edinbur^ '■ oDd -"' r r We'RAvO.lM Brranjged lo seeore e rout tho Fbesuu, 8tt»*.», **““ ,Rl RxluODlc^teT tr.to8l»'e>l | ' ! ‘P' c '. i a and U ia hoped tbi» no* 1 thoaariety and valua * ' ' Each number iv'enibellihed " Sf vTERMS: 85per V e *'’, cS f bora 50 OC.M, *?»«*2^» Tha Trade, Clcrgyuw". Plioft ob favoreble.tarnu- W-H. BIDWe^I'i 5 > ■. 1 ' Deeemtx* fihi'OII.V -". • J|