The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 16, 1865, Image 1

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ni nimr'i- - ' - msc fcIa aK - - \ ~ r ’- Z, .^ZLtZ^T?- '.ton&Ij; tfUM ' r?-.J. _L rf tl^TrM^ru V r ’ ' " 1 , r "” »**I ,*"' ?,_ .^J i*,J£ &i4r i*m*< «t„i ffri*-* r‘>'*l*'****r*-?‘**'*''* .tits .Bz'airt ,¥His»»2 " f vgrrr ■ -^nr ■ «.•„»,t • r rfv* Ai,n * MvMi< V>uia««Aa fi, or.rt) nmi b* tn*s»4r « flMx«r -jyft ■is-WaJms* udw .feaaqqit Ivswiit wriB. ndjor* fo j-71 **tf!xl** ’ r T • Til K^sTiiShs&S**’ ; : :*' '*■ *U jpt v*d«» k->*- lA - # I, •- ^ n mJ ; mfttl v»?U-t^i * w* F* V - >*- {lb*y>l»**lj Wftw. fcffgi v>»a .k'o*ji\>» i-n *» %st' tbb people. bv«e. «bnMb*Sjq|, !e*?M *1* -V-9H|i4 r uth »j-w kvkf j :: .•.Jp-S, .Uffotoo v*-«> t A,. .1 -H-i'i'j'^ -i^HyO-l .' «. '■:. •:!*• l»-3»w <8ri!aoar , '. cl »•*»» lf.w '«**• . . - • _• ■^^mgtfiAfiBAN^:- GEORGIA. DECEIVlBfip 'r6.18e5.r , r '.•-• '• ‘X': ■■ X.L* i ■ ■—. I . . ^■■■'■.■■i- ...JLi ■ J ' "i i ■ ■— ■■■ T i i if. — ■ . . "li/Hfckklcilf.j. (3"5i2i r . dinijia^of A'Jbsny <yj I. - -\r OLD STAJiU. JkTrdrji; n;rnl ’Sm^n t ) »tul4ryat ( by assidiuaw at- . f tcntion ft) fliclr profession, to gain a sUare 'of. the idvcrtMi);* •• ^Zl P ub fw^Q^lV Cv;'»..<*..• »»| ;o i.;: iUo ran* i-t One ^olKr ' .^'fiicc formerly ..occupied J>y CoL-. Wright, where ,.f I'.i lit LiaiA xeriUe <h#y ctn h<! found by day oc bighu * Albany; J^oe 24iU f lBG5^ *** jMgbf a^j^wahiou’efeof Medieioe; Mia- — by nssidiiutis at- ' ' ’ ‘ J. It* Advance. | . ' .uvertise lonp«*r Uma* llireej ih ■ foU..aiugr*f««:^ / \ I ^oTd u» the prppwiy of Mm, Huucy Smith, 4ate..of Duugl.erty County, deceajvd.- |1 vSu ,.:u tjt>| -■' >«’! >w. r\ ,^B;B^ii>GSaEt, ; I)||^ : I ; ST;; • ALBAji|..^^„’.l..„uCIEnilGM O fJ’KUX lii»*profw»-«ionaf sj^rlees to llie citizens of Albany andVieinit' ' efuj <4a'.ou . „ . ... > r< ~, 3 of A lbany and Vieinltf. ’ Ifh.Vi i^j us.t Hjt urued (jo 1 41 00! tiO (Mr l*<»bi tie soreice.' rs'eliclf’genpntl. jmir«na££.' ,• 4o <Y So <>T»! TH¥ no] » fenn he fonnd at ibfe re^idmra of I*. Lehman.—. i j i mm .jo W 7o (mi 4 LadieswiU>eait«nd^ot tbeir I'cs'uloncdsifdooired. 15 mi >,*, no 1 ST) 00; _l ,r °vWona.ij»Wn m payment fur wgfclc. ’. l5t) ooj 70 «>0| 85 f A t. ~ AHyttntf S»p(S^^|tt6.T r ‘ y * 27—tf (Mr 00 00 00 ESAL ES' ■;;\ c ctar F ?.a f .i . .* > «*t tw. 11« will buy or sell lands for a reasonable ^ “ aa '! Comiaission. Investigate fttles,-dmwDecds of Con*, -i in H«i\.im.u. Iveyatice, and give legal advt^e generally In rofer- • °. . ' j ’j if tiice |o iiio ( puryuaac or gale of lauds ip.*3oulh*VV< L tf t*a muire* ' * [ tern, Gc.orgia. .,1’eraoaa has tug, lands to cell, _ ,C ‘. A ^. a dvcriisem*enta p* 1 ? 80 ' desiring to buy, would do well to confer • i i \*?itfi lnn». ( <* * . M jsr2»«- i» lh» Furnaer BuiUU* o«r FludV • . | «jw Cv , wasulnstou Street, Aloany, Qa. r caca insertion. | ■ * ^ ^ 'o < ,r.!‘ per year $20 00. c inndVance 00. ny, (it Samuel d. iuvix. Albaiiy.'ficplember 23,’1665.' . ut^\ X d v6 eiila’i 52oli«*c to Deblooi aud CeidUers! ■m a-Tcrttse —Dougherty County. ’ * . * 0 j A indebted to the estate of Robert L. * ., * J\ Tuinllnsoc; lute of said county, deceased, 4 rtr *ess..i? MJ n-.>im! to make imtneiliate nnvment—those i.'i'o:'ilV.V.V.:™:4.*j66 1 ir» .-4 OO! .jne.aed to make immediate payment—those haw- g cl urn* 3 *gainst said deceased will *prcsent, them iiy irutbeoticuted, in forms of the law. . / < IHDfiOX mtO\yN, Adm’r. ?dr. I’rown will be found in ToniliusoVn Sulooa ■t ry Jucsdays and Saturdays, t )i i ob«^ id, Ibhb * • ^ 82-50.1 ApfiDJlSTRATOR’S. SALE.' Fl^W<J'monlhnfi«rd»if will be sobhibe Tallowias lti*aeill*i] real Afwt nur.nnuT nunMrtw'lA.Li, • ~' SPECIAL JtOTICB8.; * JAMES a DOYtE.’ Adm’r of the JtLsUle of Nancy fcmith. Pee: 9th, 1865, 40-- GEOKGiA—Worth Comity. * Ordinary’* Office for said Gounty. f?$7 H£ HE AS, Saaildui Gangh applies .to me for IcUera «*f AdibhiistraiKm on the dstatc-of Da vid S.-Gangti, of i-oid coontyr dec^amL soft, clear.smooth.ami beautiful. ... I will also mail those'havingEalJ Iliads, or Bar* Bds« simple diit«tion\ ana ipfurjuritlbn that will enable 1 beta to start a'faltwfdwfb-of Lai? uriaqt Hair, -WhiatCrs.-or a’MouatacUe, hklsfs tbarf •- Ihirty days. • ^ .... • AH applications answered by;returp map withouC charge. Bfspectfully yours, •'* ' r w _ XllUiUS F. CIIAPM.VN, Cjterlsl, • *• • 831 Broadway, &w*orK -Tliece are'therefore to notify 'the kiqdre^ and ‘amM^^otuy creditors* t>f -raid deceased, to be and - rr -^ (tthee within the time ^prescribed by JaW, Jo show causa (if any they have) why raid letters sbouiji oot. be gnawed to ll.eippHcaut. ba7»d aotf official signature. Given under inv 1 .JAME3 W. UOUSl&OnUM,,. B«.9,18G5. 40-30d AUMIMSTUITOU’S SALE. d~bN-the first Tmvdav in- February next, will, be sold before the Court House door, in Isabella, Worth-county, Ga;, within the r luwfnl hours of .sale, lot of laud nuinbe number two hundred and fifty-two,* in the _ ^ 6(h district ot said county. S*Hd as the* property ofhritbing. and may prove-a bWgslsg, Joluj Willis, Jr.,* deceased, for'the benefit of the heir* oT said estate. Terms on the dayol sale. BENJAMIN .WILUS, AdmV * Pec. 9th, 1865. ^- T *40- Q2IXTY da}s shor date spp'ication will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Worth Couu(y,Ga. # for .leave to sell the real estate belonging to il*o as* tale ol James P, Burkelew, late of said county, dec’d. CELIA E. BQCKELEW, Admr’x. IW 9th, *1665. . „v 40- JIXTt pw«uu.u wfoh £0 say. to tho readers of your paper, tiyfi XHKU send; by.return mail, to All 4rbo wish lC £qrce] ■* Itecipe. with fbll difeclions for nfaking’and ihf (250) two hundred and filly, acres, Household °V?g a simple Vegetable Balm, that'will .effectually sig Kitchen FbrnitdCf , six (6) fostd ol Cattle, &c. TBrnove. in ten.deys f Pimplea, Blotches, Tan, Preck- -— y - IeS, and dir Impurufos ottbs Skin, leaving the same 't&.Zio CoxstmvrfVBSw— 1 The undersigned, hav-- jng been restored to beelth jn a few vrat'i h#r a ▼try simple .remedy, alter-having suffered.*several S ears, with a Severe lung affection, %nd lbat dread igease, Consumption—is anxious ')o makeluy>)(P a Ilia fnllw anil in. A — a ik. ..... Jc his fellew>suflererfl*th<\ mentis, of cure. , . -* To all who desire it, he Wilt send * coJ*y of the' prescription used, £fiee of charge],-with the direc tions for preparing and using rlio-same t which they Will find* a sure cvje # for- Co.\suiiPxiog,. Asthma, of the advertiser in sending, the Prescription' is-to bent-fit the.afflicted'.and epread- information which he conceives (p be invaluable, abd . he hopes every sufferer will’try ;hls remedy, cs it *wjll-cosC thenC fartifs wishing the prescript tod, will please ad dress Bay. EDWAUD A. WlLSON r lYilliomsburgb, Kings Countyr . . • •' t> * 1 New-York. .September 9th, 18U5. - A A Co- GODEY'S LADY’S BOOK ■?. For 1S66. • Th* jpirlt of Uie,t< ! »’ HiwW o’«r ihe “ . ‘ , "tfpon the deck alone their stood. t •^®A<iia'q of courage Mgb; J ’ .• ; A berevfrenr-whose bwbm-Mr ,rv '* # ” * V , Had never Urawn-waigfo . iucitt^ ’../kiihwl Wtk folded nrtmC'erect be atooA, 1 Ml ,A ” , M jUa*co*ntctmhce why afild, ■- '<1*->*•« Im* »* • _>| A*wild shriek from UtktUpwfc' •* * ■ Up niHlu,n.[t BBawfifcuffbriid?^ ~*’ 4 ; - Wiilflccifo* ilisUeveltd^nnd iniehra,'.; .U: *d J 1 'rihg ircmlilod at.fiii side. ... taVi .. \ t . • alii** "► •* • ' \‘fp, ,Whf:^n*y ; love* upon thv > * v w Shei.oiiedj fjdorU’play thul smile, ( w-* l « . ^herfttl is glnonv and terror here, ,t.! n •- 4 Adi 5 hTmust weeKthb.While t** • ‘ ; /ASTwortf the Warrior spqke. but he: , -Brew from boneatlwhis vest . A pqiaard bright, and placed Its poipt ' .j . Againit her hearing breaet.-.r* » ■ ki .. .. • fc»w*Ui«'ai»W«joUl»nBee«raCT. -* trei.s'tro ip_or, a y,mpliblc.itght.on ■ ih. fact- .■> of lU. carlh l*«n.a m«n *1jo is.f«Uo loliis cuuuffj. And depraved beyqnd *11 measure jnujt Ve he who. > inlblu4>i*gl7'|^«lala, hitoself so fajhe fact oflliv ’ . vocjd. The Southerner who m tnilfMj. ih-it du-v ■ ■ ^iDE the.lost fclu-.j-earx'he werer feluhe first ran tfoo ®f sjrropjiljy .with the OonfeJcrate can,., il„. 'hi^^ieajt throbbed .^ulttufiijr af the Haws ta . Southern jictorj, or sank at the rubier of a Feder.. - .tiiumyh. tearinaa*welVodU not care to trust. Jiv w^o conlA.livfi in Iba eery midst fif such a. etnlpgie * ' jujlfi ,whioh ,ie was aauaiwed. . prove successful, who amid -the fluctua 1 ionw of the. #ar, mark the tMe of success - ebb an-T* - 1 flow, s^e society breaking up aroopd him, feel thr . ■.a.. 8Up started'not,.nor sffrieked’in dread; • Ab shc-liad sliriuked Jn-fore, ‘T-l-it;' :o ‘ .'But*4tood astonished, and surveyed , . I Ills tranquil features o’er. 4 ’ ^'NowTwhy,” he aikvd, “dost thou not start* *^ /v * May-not thy.bloSdbe spilt7**^ ' ’*•'** . IVitk sweet composure she rnplipd,. ... *“Jty husband hold* tht.hilt.” ag tatiop an.d upheavplcaused V (be throve ut Aim .-l nStloa ib itslagony, antTremain unmoved, his tuua nimiky undisUafbed, blF'pnlae eveSidieat uoaccei - «■ re larded, is a moral phenomenon, 6r «Ci A-if. * *** tube (harkcilbnd avoided*jfor»v«r. .Xho^ve|i*-«^h-»w sclroSlopy as be ^oyeg over Ufi Greek ’ siui *» Hpmai} ‘stery, bids side unconsciously, sndfl<\y. A calntfhllSsophlc btddent of history glows' a* u reXds uCsome. brave deed- or glorious stmggte. ; r - £veiy one who can remember for-himaelf the- aH )u & sorbing Interest wjlb which he followed the court-* >90 • bf this of thatthero of antiquity#how real was hi* . , 4l4 *. J/y Oodrdireett the •toi'4n” ^ • is *Ur- An .Ingenious. Boot-Elaclc ‘The street boot-blacks are* One *of the. “institri- tiofis’ 1 of N’eW York, as W{11 as 6f *01x10 Other large l 00 i h IjL prrioft* having demands • against the e*J*ie ..«» 00^- «»r Win. Fprlrtg, m 00,44 1 - «»f Wm. Fprlitg,’late o( Worth C«*nnty f dec’d^ w*l ii 1 presctiMheni duly ahtheidirtiled - 4o the under. ’.2 U 1 ! • >- v - k * * J ..,^4 uj» ii**il; ihidvIlpjfe'^iAF-ff!*;! to si Id e.-t rte are roj - (8) ted 10 idakt 4 iiiiukdiute icmvIII i»l.rt»e S.O00* 31AUY 'SPRING, AdoxVx. c^uacd 1“ j-r-A’-ivesdbrt IB, 1865.'; " '*" ; . • -37 . J jGKPBSlA-nAKKK -COOXtY. *m|1 .OrdinaryV Offiee-for said rtinnty. —ntors or ‘-T2’7vv»ip ; RKA ; S l -' \VjTi 7 5jlia'rpe r *»'4iat«r * 1.1 -m the VW tl.fCjjtttti* ofF, V.^>Iutt^>e, di^caeej, OMkthj > hours "t ayu'.irv’.tb'm to n** 4 for Utt'-rs t«f dirmi^ftn from «id; :rm.’vu, 4«* iske efft-cl' t'h thejust Montliy in t*uim i,» fi.k-ian.-m . Thi^,i**.to cHe HiLinteredfexF to appear at in to the Ordinary of Worth County,''Gat., for leave to sell all the lauds belonging to the estate of James P. Cox, late of said county, dereaa-d. MAHY J. COX,' Administrplrix of Jame* P. Cox, dec’d. .. IVe. 9th, 1865. ' . ‘ , 4 <> OLXTY days niter date application will be imide ^ to fhe'Ohlinary of Worth Comity, Gn. r for leave Josell-uti the land belonging to the estate of Win, F. Welona,' late of said county,deceased, * JOEL JOINER, Adra’r o( Win. F. Weloos. Dec. 9th, 1865. * 40 GK01t<*I A—MITCHELL COUNTY. . . \ * ; .g^IXTY dajry'afler ilate application will be made *xsf i>c >ii oT^dfore iUejirst M‘»*^day in Juxmj »n<i file t»**rie ♦ili/-t fi'*n.-;*if any lhey.-1-ive, w|iyi» letters #k<4lld lid i« graplcdtheuppluauL Given under mv hand aiidoilicul sigjinturc, (hi* ffid-d *y «f Nov , .. ^ ; . W. W«?JORDAN,-- * NiVcntbcr Jo, 18fl5.-3$Gin' Ord oary-B iC. * v lho Court (»f Ordinary for leave lb **-11 tho Lunds belonging to of Seeburu U. S. Lawson, late of Mitchell Connty, dec’d. J.J.COUS, November 16, lg05j—3t. ■ *.Adm’r. GUORGI A—MITCHELL COUNTY. S IXTY day*alter dale apjflicatiou will bo made to the (fourt of Ordinary lor leave to sell the tand* befoneing tu|hc estate of Moses F. laiwson, late of t>aid%oanty, dec’d. W. A.'SIlEFPAllD, '' >u ca - iV *' u (jUSl^kipT U* an older ila* Court rtf Ordina- RIQII : ... Jteiwi,l.C«*anty, will be sold, 00 the tirat - — iis^iSte iry ISfcC, before the Coon I loose in ri.4*?m» J*f Cj*inillit,MilcheM'County,allriie U bef(ma»ng.40 therataU? ol htvswa F. l-« l. r. l>. iTAAiiSBvyg^ _ V7 ARHilSr/ i-J-."iid-beifiJiing.40 W rat-le ol Mtwra F. Lawson, , ; '«iBix-ieasetL coiMiativ# of three-Impdreil and tweiUy* -• X V Y S A T LA W «*. Lvo Mens ill thd ie’uth distriel, MMcJidl CouigyyNu. friends RIB-76, which he offers for CASH to his r |Trii-iidH and the public generally, on aa low Icrrna as any other house 1n Albany. I will be kept c6n- suuily-supplied from New York with everything in my lip4, which will my slock alwaya freah-. "lUease call and examihe my Stock at my Store, next door above Bc’cH-A l)'rins<m’«» oaUebad Street, .. . r Sid., lid Axil m( 347;a:i inaaid county. All, LA-.; , JO Al^iritt be sold,before the Court ilonze.duor j& ■ L,uJN.iMf MsMfftUefnr^sa»UUw. \I'*; • •••“•«■ g^*“• laama.' “■ any oil chased at this point. 1 that may w.uh Cufton pur- ROBEBT COLEMA^.. - 'Albany. September 9tl*» 1805. 27—4m law .»iN<wrail^PT.(^A8cy.' 5 . —*1’ * ^K->8t«fA-»1ITClli:tiL.COTOTV, . ;1 T-*v3k^P"“ TO»i r-v»T W^l^-rf^ANT tlrao order of tlie Coprt ofOrdjna. L-Ol- E-.UtJ 1 !qpvjJ rMi , rlie „Corn,iy. w ill »«**«>ihepst f Uovi rnor theLlk/f ^ ^ J* n a*ry, M$fi6,pt.tnr Court IL*us« door r umiiurized.ih« ci'«i uth cur*; ^ CWinilbi, MUil*rtH *>*>uuty, all of the land* belong- I 1 ufier takmg tU^amnest^.j frifftorheet-iuieof rieab* rpllt EEUUVJAS SYRUP supplies ll,e Blood' A with it* Lifo Element, Iron, ihfuSHSg strength, vigor, and new fifeinto the whn|^ iyrtpm. • For Rye- penria, Dropsy, Chrortic Diarrhcea, Debility, Foimtle Weak * * * - ^ - HII'Jt-c .. eakncMea; et0.f H b* a specific. * Thousand* have been flia'ngtfd byibe use «>l this medic ine Inim weak, sickly, srtfbring rr^rftnrev, fo *trj»ng, healthy, and liappy men and-women.' A 32 -page pamphlet sent ((be; - ’ Price fit per boltte, c»r 6 (• »r |5. l'ETlik J. STUQZER} , W M. B. S.dLTiL, .-.To 1K5. 2-t—3m L&V/ KOTlds. ; . b,. Ali.«uiS«» lite pjupufty »T said inaburii 1^. S. rara^od lur ti^ lrapelilia-Ura b»i»siid eirdoursol said esttle.' “.rTT _ • “ ^ vS-’.y v ;‘<xi«il ol.ira hi* p’rnfo. . 1^. ■ J / . f A'ltnV. TTTI '.u.lyw'-lui-UBifilfeltJtUSoBtll'CpfrSTY'. .. up xitair* in H mi- , .HfF,,rtt: 1 ltg i»iiiTe of Mrcharl P. Youujr, of d. p,inrd.,.-.»*d Wiiin non3“^ ilJES &. II02B3- v; °IUEY3.AT LAW' ALBASY, «A. ' - - • : :!* v ‘ :' , T erio AI ( ’puit* oT the »lf t (?ohvfkt 1 Si AlUdy. ad. l4> r . - rMl ' *-rfc«5S 'sv- < a.*i,Tw AttnYitirw/rt. -r. • * "VP rimv ru Tj 1 i ho tU,F •t hit profession.— ^Plf oibtr pr-miit auentiom- “ttu ns«f —rx’nn M Ul Cmmiy, deceased,js wilhdul »-n prese|i- «lie relure, to ur : ‘ " — l * - * cVeoioir* tif Pram|vsg ■SES7,ld>iSt beV^. d |.i Hie C[eTt .rf »«s iuie- ; 1 ;; n p- ,i Vi^roTtic?©, . ■ | Hgs^d noxiaa^-* i.— fs^'ln*-; baWSoM^MM;. " ’ •. m ortb ionoTUS^U^ S7-40* Iron in the ISlood! J. P. DINSMORE. 3^ Dev Street. N. Y* rg&X&F*'*'**"'--: 3« 0 Dr. H. .Ander’s.Iodine' Water. fsuuuiAC. Disoovssy—A Fi;ll- Gkais or IudiIw sfic* ooscK^r Wats*—Dissolve^) WITHOUT » SoiTSSTl rJTIll', nvist PoWefM Vitslizinf. Ajrenl sod Ueslo- • X rullve known. Kerofiti*. S.lHRheiim, Cuneera. Rheumalifm.CoiwiimplIW, sod m.nj Clirooic Slid tlmdinry Diiwrtw, sre rurt-tf byltfijise, a. iboua- undaesa teaiify. UireoTsrs sent frc«. Priee, $1 per buttle, or 6 lur *3. ^ dr H. adders & co., Physicians and J'hemiafa, 438 Broadway, N. Y. 8j*.So1<I by Drnjfjisi. gonerally.' Oclular 28,1885 S4-3m TYc are now prepared to'do AJjL klNDS ’CiF ~'Z •I ,lh* ctliea.- . around ithwhct^ J frequently on tlic fernr Thrycarry a box containing .their “kit or fmple: meats, ^ha.^ruakft»» UW:U,*mf boxes. «^c. I^p idcd'by a strap over the shoulders, am^wl eu»pend(fd'by a sirup over the shoulders, an^when a customiv-nodi asscht to llrcir generally polite in-* •viUtion, “Black yvr boots or •'•SIiuil*^ up sir T” wiuuiuu, -uiKii ytr topis . ur .■•obiiil*. up sir . they quic kly set'down their'box for y our rest on, drop upon their knees on the. pavement, and work as rapuffy as possHile, so as not to detain t^eir .patrons. J They first turn up the pants,, to ke4>' them fromJieing soiled, thou with one brush they clean the boofs,* with another applying the blacking, and with two other*, one in eayli hand, polish ^way. They return a **thank ye” for the half-dime, or.<£nie given for.their labor. > These boys'are generally so polite add-so industrious that we rather like them, and^sonibtinies take a “slime up”, just-to sue th< intfrekt in Cmsar, .how Pennine kle sympathy foj Hannibal, how glowing his admiration of Aristides. And are Ike qualities tCe adtoeti in tho to excite uo enthusiasm when found in our ooten. ,-f ^egi. the virtnes that *challcn'gtf oqr witerenee fu . the patriot* ot other time^ and.other Jands. to ’be " ' sneered at when illustrated in tnl lives and deeds of our feyffw countrymen.. We say, without-fcar 6( a i contradxoe&on, that the'Southern i^an who took am pact in the'glorious etrwgglkef hW section, who. felt , no interest in the aesult, and no pride in the noblfit “ oidnuverrf qualities displayodby .hU countryc\en, woi have sLo xtieged huwxhuakct in the Revolution, never.’.. j work.'Modto^hatwith the smart Tittle fellows.;— Hero is i ease illustrating thetr IngehnHy. J • . A-well dressed man standing at a hotel door, not lopgsince; waslhailed by one of them,with4hf usual qntiiions: • ^ A - ■ • m * .; _•. •'Shine up, air f*” “FiVe VrfhtaFwas Ihe reply. hi m gTi Tbe Fasliionablc IfZagaziuc • Vyir^‘ ‘ .“ # . Literature, fine Arts, and Fashion*. .The 9*o*J magnificent Steel engravings. * Double-Fashion Platen. W<mkI engravings rtn every subject that cau interest ladies. (Jmlchet knittlnw;'Nrttr«ig',tlmbri>i- dery, Article*.for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Bou doir, and tire Kitchen.' Everything,in (act, to make a complete Lady’s Book. * the Indies’ favorite for.36 i^earg. No Magazine Jias been able to compete wllh it.—. None attempt it.' . * uJ ( GODEY'S ^RECEIP.TS for. every department of a household. . These ajone ate worth tire priceof the Book. Mpdel Cottage* (no other Magazine gives them)*, with diagrams. • ;i* * - r ' ' ‘ ‘ ' Draw mg .Lessons lor tbe young. Another spe^ S.ialty with Godey. ... .. 'j .* Original Music, worth $3 a year. Other Maga zines publish old worn-out music.; but ihe subscri ber* to G**ley get it before the music stores.. • . Gardening lur Ladies. Another peculiarity with Qbdejr: - * . ** - ' ?° ■'Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart dr Co.,of New York,ihe milli- naire merdmatw,n|)pear iu Go dey, tire only Magazine that lias them. . Ladies* Bonnets. We 1 give more of I hem In a year than any other Mag:iztue. ’In fact, the Lady** Book enable* every lady hi be her own bonnet maker. MARION IIARLANDy . L l ; Authoress of ** Alone,” M Hidden Path,^* **51 os3 Side.”Miriam,^ ’ (bi» t It,. Ui,r. come., writes for Godey each ^uonth.a|uJ foe do other mag- pav • - • «*y A new Hovel by lifif wi'l. be BublWrad in - Tbe m,n K Wced a't Ihe siiiimg bo <K tl« 0 ,i the 1868. Wo have aUo ictuiucd ..ll.uoroltl aiidUvor- .Mi«r wb-dh >u ruaiy end bcepinjikicd with ite eontribolors. , , ^>. . thought of tbe'lridlculuus figure he Would'make TERMS OF GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK. -FOR wh^gne polished b#ot; and amTd tbe foughter of tbV . _j q o ’ "• bystanders ag*Wcd'te*^ve the.'aharp’jMuc.too * .. •-JL 0 : *0 *- - f ** ^ to flalshrtht? j«,b f ’.yIucU ho did in duubfp-quiclt.tlmo (J^Virtl vhitk there.can hi n^ m Dmmariom,y^**^V hod wftfi graat plctfSiTre. 1 * .«n**M*w* >’• -’%SjsES!mSSS^bfr> w One copy,onejear...03 C0-- *vTheThBadeltlu*»X»*«h^£ierieaa , ^a 7 «r <7^ J Two copies, one year.............. w** 5 50 ' .BiSttix.vix^M ? Fa^,T-7Advleeu..iriii^ Wasbingion l*hree copies, one yeiirT:i.. .* ’.. 7 50 *»y» that tjio Upiu*d States Trjjasqry Department, Four conic*, one year J............ 10 60 basre^bfred k*^faytftfiM ni the 'direct tax,, under Five copies, one year, and an extra- copy *' « v 4hk*je*Af 1001^ the fo^oWing atiais from the States to the person gellmg up, 'Jul ». • J**“»hd**' six copies. Eiglrtropiea, one; *• the perdnngul king nine copies EleVfP copied, one year, *nd upexrcacof py to the person getting, thu club, . .’i^t U»P» qpp«ar*<»rceonstrucfed- States irirh ;v makingtwrdveqbfifs. v .. r ^, n 27 50 —*— 8 — 1 — u — “ L ‘ ‘ * “ U*-AU additions to clubs at club rates. *u ? ,7r «*ranlii with’ 4S*le».. finch, man wony have bqnndcd Washing- ' - to death,-had bo been ncsncceufnl, he arfinld •“ 4* :e ilicn. on ihe Wide.ollu, in and hate>ecn a parasila lo Hone, and » liohiplUU ta els, and Uicferry-boais. Uornwallia, ha would hava Makonadthctb Ua—Joy. _ l_ _* «lto" to Kia Kama anAnTiama ItS• .innnlaram.. - 1 to his .Ring, bydcnoupcinji his Coup try men as ' Is, and proVedTxis feuHy to Britain by treason • tchi* nature Und. There are tome sock men in Ih*. South to-iay. But not many; ^ -- & WW»«H>a i»wM purchase pteceror preferment "by befouV.ngthe-uames i - of iba Confederate leader,, cr Inanltlnf Ihe nmiBory •ot Ih. ConlMjerfite dead ’ . ' hg| The goulhom-prople hare nofhing’to tie aatifimed H ■ of ia ihelr struggle, and noAlne to be aofry for‘bet that their sacrifices were made lc rain. JSiren ih% true hearted uninniate'af the' South glory in -the . d-rowess, endurance,-and the daafi gf their people, rdteOBtyf their energy.and action, their ferTUlty In Teeoerdfea, -“*•'■ their mbderation hi triumph, and Iheie fertknde in -.1- defeat. They elult in Ihe deathteaa turn th*jia», v aired, the lefty ijualltiti they hua dispioyed, , i. the immortal naaiea they Jiaee’ added to lira- world’, mil otfiiae. -They ccTeronee tbe hallowed •‘ 1 * a»ta *. -a,.. , * *. .-dtuti r, “Where Ihe veteran droofed beside the’epriqgaid, ..un.■» Where t»nk strength aad symmetry-inline." «, ^es f# ? umtfimm. lei, fofiowasa of tae»nd Johmmn Men they ser- ’ - ! ‘ rendered, hjxd realize with &. sense of syopVhj, ‘ u * tills is pakxfol in ita glnuinencss, “how patri- gtrt jou three cents,” “All tight,” said the youngster,un.d at it he went wiih-mightond mainland Very-sotfnlmd png knot sUiaiifg like a mirror ; bat enj of commencing on tlie other* Jbe bdgan to pack tip hfh bni«hes! **Yotr haven’t.Suisbed!”'exclaimed thocooiaT ' * •‘N'srvamind,”'rijilied ^he boot %■»!{; pith** twinkle of his eytJM wrfn’t charge Vou for any- tJsSr^yaity'toflre- notional Union by payunrM^lr «»?.***■ A .‘ “*»>«*■« fiy Codey’s UdyV Book and Amh-fsOraj-M.^ enragJtnlmM wdeon^dWm if h6?^ at ^ hhet - g "^ yrSgjS^'-«SiftCH^g^JBM^TgSft3g '■"» «* . :■ t l..Utemhfi,nMh« intern,I HerettHeh dnddr ,h5 ll*. .nynnheOubm . L. Ai Hl5f3Si± 1 ‘ id SIrrrh, ■" stuns ’ K. E. Comer Sixth (rrf c.hfslnul October 38. UI65 , EUILAfiELPltn,, ■. .Sresid^nt sud-Cabinet hsr. foipistty sefiifewlodgcd . » jJWjt ‘ U —•“•'•‘•"♦‘I- «A‘- — ’ * the .validity.}*^ the isUfo organviai i Wv > Ji mnsi wlao be bor.Dfl jo mil ml that these govcrnmehts,«xist sole ly by Ika^niriation of the President' Mrs. A* ArlingvJProprtetox“^ ;; irpms well knowm and neatly (tfrufoekfi HouM i* vi D WORK •AX .THIS QWICE, fw^'we'ataeeg and Dispatofo * '• * ' ra rapstMsg I gm noW prepared to suit tk I feceive 1 G E tegqjarljr am hi oenstant receipt of til hi oenstant 1 “iltSliyjGn., Sept. 80th, 1865. v ALL I'EKSO.TS 1IUC irrj:, i-L foiling %o to do, by tke 20th of their accounts in the ‘ * “ ” g/fell when aH'hnt life and kmo^AogU”^- Xhw, M thousand times better are sbeh faicnuiu wonm . , • „ fought throughout the war, and at it* close fitU in ^ * r 1 with. thq,victora aud cry pus—i. *. ftbnii uTiSnn M* •* ♦»* Ait BlxphaiIt bar Yhk Rampaux.—“ScTiar the Elephant” is; as n general (hini^V verj pleasant amusement • out u sometimes happens that an oc casion of that character is nwrbwafeWWd Satisfacto ry, when ‘Mistaicc lends cncbamtmcnt to t}\p view!” A csSfcTn point occurretUU^l Sunday night, about 12 o’d ck, near the £idge JtveudVRailroad Depot. A#> aJsghfiJtfi4>a!ougt»g to a travefling show*, became uumabageabtewnt the point Mypi«d. aud departing Tbr a lixnkjrrom Uxe usual sober haWtg. of MuU fra* >a *-• * - 1 M, who are joWts democraUc hi mm/ .Utelr oww * trunks - •>at dax* hiswwwho . .el^haqi _ thing* “Higher nor n kite*"in determined to havna big time f took: ^hiriug tko nbaenoe of tifA - *•into his bead to knock ogs paVtlj demolished,• and* M<v h«i U vfM the stkblo was placed in danger of losing7ii4 life*at pay juonlfent.; -la was thought advisable U> open tho 0 pay jnonlbnLZ 4 waxthonght a^risa subltrdbors in ordor to save other i r~' desrroetlon; this w'oadqne. when the Wahsut, 5S ***** way intojlfdgc .(SSSSloS * About one mile up that rondf tegriwr* 4»** ftncdk '** ***. *nd twisting off branches of trees.-besides' commit afterwards became calituand q weighs five and a quarter Jons quarter yr111 reach wbedtV.'bine bui be paid by! th^ proprietor *f rAX**yq»»o«^q»m.—; __. If byJlMjaitUtlw or th. I-r? s idenV» m^Umjijen. *» ‘«W« LAoiU thVrire STra&’JkirioCSSnr : oiyv *ryjg j' j -»■ 1 ^.11. to i!f Alwkrt^ilna ISSKgSqjfe thing'Wore , of Amtririin l >ts kneVr. R in paliToFnia ?.’■ If th.^f-nl latll ppMk^we-shouU learn Mine, .tnrml'^a | dow^ tlin travelling public * ‘ ■ r - ' AT THE-SA5E RATES’ As was charged before the war. Ilcr table ways ftirnislxcd. , id «rtn: ’ I » namArv „ nnn i >. „ 4 A . • WMI : lift Vest - .tie, jifcjrttrt'. Afforis, h»«anij>ai: wajt ' u'Ta'Vjrigq' " ‘0% n jrV XhkVa'I^i lL.* .Uwrsitjtexh hw hSuiSy wmeml <r-been recently raised and bmngh; iu|r<o, icSl^rSAtooN^. ,^-£ V r- S h lDo0r,h * ^SatSsrist w* rt W SfiiqltoR* «>WI| H»| WML- 1 The 21“ ; “ilS'wmon^oa^ahaM^emToand W* *** -- ing to the address of the State T< - — of-Tennessee, them are' 89,0QU adults iu the Bute. hands of Wright & Wnrw for t£jT Figures won't lie. is an old blbnely expres- w 8o can neither read nor write, and iOOtfXW chll. collection. W. P. -JENNHvQS. siou, buC few myn can look on fashiiuable women’s* 4r*n without, school advent axes. Ir seem* that oufe Albany, Nov. 25,18G5 y 88— figure now-a-days and say aa mhch.. quarter of tho adult? grv loudlj-iUUqnlqs one by qqq beneath tke tench of Ibis huge trunk; «o*wagon was sxfisshqd to pieces, % peseeogevwaif. »<qu die y«* #*hii. fyNi*’** »' # W O tuluL LL odJ ito *>>Y woF . natiAV, rVMSp ... I ulatjun^krongbout iti»:C»itnd StatM, oo '^TteaSS^S!^?.7»SSm. .• ca. 1 .lt YjonTJ''. at • o.tioo-- remove r councils as n suurcc of conlrovt imi. •pr»