The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, January 31, 1866, Image 1

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} ALBANY, GEORGIA. JANUARY 31. 1868 |Ikng fatrkl R .. E. H. Hienan. broad St.—at the old stand. NUMBER 7. JjCJJJjjf Ml1^^Oicine. heretofore exjet.. S tli" i Advertising. iertei nt the rate of One Dollar , pi are of Eight Line*, for the Seventy-five Ccuts for each ■^riioa—payable ia advance. firing advertise longer than three he following.rates: ares. j ; > reoa t** year T.7T...... $'» w.$i2 W$2(foo 12 OOi 20 00, '3d 00 .18 001 28 00 40 00 124 001 3ft 00| 50 00 30 00 41.00] 00 00 !".•> fell (SOTXlj 70 00 |40 Oil] 55 001'75 00 [15 00| 05 (K>! 80 00 |50 00] 70 00| 85 00 ...|o5-&0l 75-00 00 OO j : IC1AL NOTICE. , of candidates for cilice, $10, **j. eJ to be charged for at regular ail- *3i r»;es to be paid in advai eight lines, of -brev ‘iiitrti^iuents that make over eight lines jHltcn lines, counted as two square**. W i w'll mark on their advertisements if loinrcs they wish the* to occupy, jtmns for individual benefit, will be }»per square for e»#h insertion. I3 *l l’rote.-sional < ; i wife, payable r-:x\ Atlvetrllwiacill! ». r . U e our rates ior kgil advertise- V, per Icrr of eight or 3 00 tloctsV Vi ro._r.lM. prr Utj— o 00 JiVmtiV.m. 4 00 ii.inshtp 4 00 rds pei m of <Ijs oo i> frn*n G 4 00 6 00 4 00 3 01> .w 00 . 00 DISSOLUTION OF.PARTNERSHIP v . . ” in-i Lioiore exist-. ing botween Dra, Todd &.Connolly, is this dor dtssolrcd by mutual consent. All unpaid ac- counts will bo paid to Dr. Todd, who lit authorized to receipt for the saute, and hopes delinquents will call and settle their accounts' as soon possible. geo. r. c. todd. I. AS. U. CONNELLY, January 18th; I860, , 4-30d. D U. TODD, having' purchased the office lately occupied by Dr. Wnr. P. Jennings, esn be found tor the present in the np,ittira office of said build- »ng. , *i:- . t Albany. Jan. 20,1806. gfti. A. £ BADGER, 13 E JST TI S T ; GGOBGHA SPECIAL NOTICES. Editor or Patriot—Dear SiVT^wThyc^pTr- ,tnission I wish to say! to the readers of your paper, that I willsenjl^by return mail, to all who,wish it, £freej a llccipe. wrfh full direct ions for malting and usltfg a riirfple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches,Tan, Freeb ies, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. 1 will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and itrftfrtonfion that will enable them to start a full 'growth of Lux uriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days- All applications answered by return mail without, charge.. ' Respectfully yours. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Chetrist. : ' L 831 Broadway, New York. Mitchell Sheriff Sals. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door iu Camil la, the to-wit: „ One hundred bushels Oorh, more or leas. Levied on as the property of Isua Willingham. 8operiur Court fil'a; D. A. Bostick vs. said Isaac Wi lirrgham. HENUf SMITH. January 8th, 186G.—4Std Deputy Sheriff. GEORGIA—WORTH COUNTY. Ordinary’* Office for raid County. 4IJ HEREAS, Julios Trowick applies to me fo ; YY Letters of,Administration on the estate < Jesae,Dykes, latcof said county, deo’d: ‘fieif'ofore, to notify the kindred Thiscdfe, Cl creditors of said deceased to be and appear at n; oQico within the time prescribed by law to sho* cause, if any they hate, why said letters should no B®-To Cossq«PTiV88.-T-The undersigned hat- be granted to tho applicant, ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a Given under iny hand and official signature, th: very simple remedy, after having suffered several January 1st, 1866. JAMES W. ROUSE, nDAih* 1 ^ “.V 16 ? 8 *? tl,e cilisen s years, with a severe lung affection, Und that dread January 8th, 1806. Ordinary. returned disease. Consumption-!? anxious to malt. known,— 7^7"^ : — to his fellow-suficrers the means of cure. . | .N-CJ J. -L vJJA*. ■ • To nil who desire it. be will send n copy of the (JJJOHGSA—DOUG11EUTY COUNTY. I solicit general patronage.- from tLe service, . ^ I can be fopnd nt the.residcnce*of F. Lehman. Ladies will bo attended nt .their residences if desired. Provisions taken in payment for work. Albany, Sept. 9th, latSo. 27-r-tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY T HE'subscriber has opened sale of' J. M. MERCER, Corner Broad & Washington Streets, "Rilbany, GtA. H AS just received and will keep on hand an as sortment of Staple mid Fancy Gre- It S consisting in part of*- Toilet Soap, ’: Mackerel; Cod Fish, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, . Flctrr, - Tobacco, Cigars, . Matches, Pickles. Pepper, Wrapping Paper. i£ -^*** Pot Waro, Starch, Stone Jars, Buckets, „ Tubs, Wash-Boards, Brooms, , Ac., &c., .; hich lie will sell on as good terras as con be had \ this market, either for the Cash or in exchange jr Produce. ' The highest prices paid'for all kinds of ountry Produce. , * Alhany, Nov. 4th. 1865.' 85-»-Sm prescription used, -[fico of charge], with tho direc tions for preparing and Using the shine, which they will find a sure cure fpr Cosscmptios, Asthma, Bror^utis, Ccrtoits, Coi.Ds, etc.” The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription *s to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which Lands in connection.with the practice i . . He will,buy or sell lauds for a reasonable ! su f^. r f r w ‘ 1 ' ,r J h,s remedy, as. it - ra, draw. Deeds of Con- n "' h '"?' * n ' t ®»J P™*' * Messing. of Law. Commission; Investigate Titles, draw. Deeds of Con veyance, and give legal ndyice generally in refer- chce t A tlie purchase or sale of lands in Sooth-Wes tern Georgia. Persons Laving lands to. tell, or those desiring to boy, would do well to confer with bint. ftcy*Office in the Farmer Building, oyer Field's & Co , Washington Street, Albany, Ga. SAMUEL D. IRVIN.* Albany, September 23, 18ft5. , 29~tf will - them Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad- ess R'xv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Rings County, New York. September 9th, 1805. A & Co. Auticfl to jDeblors mad Cerdilurs! GEORGIA—Dougherty County. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Robert L. Tomlinson, late of said county, deceased, are 1 requested to make immediate payment—those liav- i ing claims against said deceased will present them duly authenticated, in terms of tho law. ! GIDEON DROWN, AdtnY. I Mr. Brorra will be found in Tomlinson’s Saloon every T.ucsdavs and Saturdays. October 14*1 ««5 ' ; 32-Oftd Duniliurly Pmlponetl Sheriff Sale. tVILL be sold.on the tir.-t Tuesday in February. * ^ next, before the Court House door in the city of Albany, the following property, to-wit: 1 Aits of land nnmwrs (|5) fifieon.and (98) nine- Jy-right. in the tir.-t district «»f Dougherty county; levied, on by virtue of a mortgage fifa issued from the Superior t’ourt of Dougherty county, in favor of Charles J Jettkiiti Rod L yd C. fiMlt.ndn.V.vs. VV’m •\1. Petty. Pr.»pr-it\ pi-toted oat in said fifa. • ATKINSON. Deput* Sh r fit! n*. r lflrli, required i : f I A L NOTICE. orty days of! Lso.-Ufars or ! held on the n the, hours of afternoon, at icli the proper- uiitdt be given opeviy must be i.Mt’ion will be made to the Court ive to sell Laud must be publish ers of Administration. Guardian published thirty days—for dis- inistration, monthly six ntonths— u Guardianship forty days, ree'.osure of Nlortgagca tnnst be r months—for establishing Spring, late of Worth Crittnfy, decM, will present them duly authenticated to the under- sighi*d; arid lints? indebted to said est de are reques ted to make immediate payment of the same. MARY SPUING, Adn.’rx. November 13, 1S6>. -37 GEORGIA—BAKER COUNTY. Ordinat^w Oftire fersaid manly. W flERBAR, ’Wm. -Sliarpe, «dmiu)-trator on the CAtate of F. F. Sharp?, derra-ed, n>;< kt*s application to me for letters of dUmis-inn from said estate—to take efil r.t on tiie first Monthly in June next: This is to rite all interested to appear at my otfire on or beh»re the first Monday (n June snd file ll»eir objections, jfHnv they have, why said letters should .not l*e prante3 lire apptimni. Given under my hatid aud ollivia! signature, this 22d d .y of Not, 1865. VV. W. JORDAN, November 95,-1865.- 3&G»n Ord-narv ll C.. - Administrator's Sale. XTTIU, be eold on tho first Tuesdey in January ' VV nsxt.before llieCoort Homodopr). Newion. — • ^ :■>!, in int 8ih disinet in _ _ . Clifton Place. Tetnfi _ oh 7htMy dr'sil^. ' J'. J* MAYO. November 25th, 1805.-38 A dm r. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. f |^WO luueli' r.ter date will be «.»M tn- miiimt W HEREAS. Mary E. DeGraffenried applies t* me for letter* of administration on the estat. of F. U. BeGrafienried. .late of said county, duc’d These are, therefore, to oite and admonish a* and singular t]ie kindred and creditors of said dec . to be and appear at my ofiico ou the second Mond><: in February next to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not bo granted. Given under- my hand and official signature ai jffice in Albany, 8th day of January; 1866. W. U..WILDER, January 8tli,. 18GG.-43 Ordinary. .: 3 NOTICE; GBOdGIA—DOUGHERTY COUNTY. VYT HERE AS, Sarah Johns n applies to me for YY Letters of Administration on the estate Robert Johnson, late of said county, dec’d: Those arc. thorefore, to site and admonish all and l ingular (ho kindred and creditors of said dec’d be and appear at tny office on the second Monday February next to show cause. If an * they can, why' safe! letters should not be granted. Given under’my hand and official signature office in Albany. January. 8th 18(56. W. II. WILDER. ‘January'8th, 1866.-43- Ordinary. described t l prop-i Four (4) Uiiy I**:-*, in E-.-t Alb iny. n:ie (1) ol land in first diotrin of Oiugherty <^»unt4, comai - ing (*JS0) Iwo (iiiiulrpil imf titty acrea, iluna<-li<.ld and Kitchen Furniture, six (6) head «>t t’«ltle, &c. Sold as the property of Mr.-*..Nancy Smith, late ol Daughefiy Countv,dcce.i.-cd. JAMES S. DOYLE. A'lin’r of the Estate of Nancy t mith. Pee. 9th. 1^65 40- GJGOIf G2 A—BAKER COUNTY. t kN'i e.tir>! Mn.iay in Jhiu.«-> o-xt IViU-r * SpOrlm :• iid Vtargarctt jVod johusfoiT, will ply 'o the Court ot O.diiury of tiaid cou«ty, for let- r* ofadraiuisiration on the estate uf Arthur-W •tinston, deceased. W. \\. JORDAN, Ord’y. D**e‘‘mbor 1st.1865 " L 1 . GE9KGIA—Worth County. Ordinary’s Office for s od » unity. W HEREAS, Sasiidiu tiaugh applies to mo fir letters of Ad-niiiistration on the estate of D.« vld S. Gaiigh. of aid County, deceased; Tl»'*se are therefore to notify the kindred and creditors of j-aid dereased. to be **ihI appear at my «*tlice within the time prescribed by law, to vliovv r;nMi> ^if iiny tliey hive) why said letters should iiot be gr*.u , e*i i«» the appl.rant. Given under mv hand and ••‘Tieia! sigmture. JAMES W ROUSE, n,dim.-y. Pec. 0.1885 40-30d G i:OI(G 2 4—Baker County. O N the first Monday in January next, B.-nm- Perry will apply the t’vurl.ol Ordinary i jounty, for lrtlei'a of«td*uinistratto«» oh • the »* ate of Beuin tl Perry, Sen . d>** e-xs 'd. W W. JORDAN, Or Fy December lsh 1865. . . ■(" , ■ r»E*>tt<-n, DOUGHERTY COUNTY.—Sixty days after the publication of this notice,, 1 will make pplicntion to the Court of Ordinary of scidf .county, or leave to sell all the real estate belonging to C. G. McLendon, late of said county deceased. JAS. L BYINGTON, Adm’r. Albany. Dec. 23, 1863. 2m.* 'pace of three months—far Baker County,.the Plantation Executor? or Administrator?.; Raid qodBt JpknyWlf |Mf tJjte'pMJj given by the deceased, the’ — - aiaHT 8l WARRSiST, OllN’EYS AT LAW 1 ALBLW, «a. Lj»,c:’.ce in i!»•• several Courts of laiwand ^-.#v m t i-* Sr-itc and tho Ifircnit Courts State-, for the State ol Georg a. "^i"l attentieu given to *he purchase ami » V-tatf. 13.18ft5. 4 • “37 law notjjeT <if Governnr Jolmson of tbe o-ionl, civil officer. e<l lafier taking tlie amnesty STATE OF CEOBSM. .. I MITCHD1.L COONTT. f P uiisu ry c.l : UBritt \NT u. on oilier of the l-'oori of OnKn. MiicliHl Connie, will b« o .!d...ii the li Jsnie.ry 18*ifi, ‘oelitre ll.e Cour< I Jo if. ikior in I ”, town o* t;«nolio,MItc'jfU Coonlv, oil ill' Undo belongin'! in H>e 'e'"'-' «* 1 dei cardd, canaisiing of Ihree bnndrc,. acres ‘ ‘ * *** ml twenty i the tet7tJ» district, >litc|tcll County, \«i o N srld AHMIVISTRIXOU’S SVLE. »first Tii' siUy in February next, will If bet*ore the Court II'*us> door, in Isaliclh n:n»v (i< . within the la.« r ul hours of sale, lot «>; latutnu -«»r two.imudf-d an'i’ fitty-tw-s 6 h di.-tri. f'.1 s lid I Miiotr >4 Id :>8 ill? prop' JohifWiMls, Jr. de e ded. f.»r Hie f»*n lit estate IV tho duvot salo. BENJAMIN WILLIE, Ad nV- 91i.Vh65-. 40- IXl’Y da ® loti: A loo will be wild, before foel.nnrtilooro-d.o.r „ the eonmy or l/.w .idee, .0.0 h-.lf mU-reol of lot of Lend No. 5iJ All wtMoo CW-pr.iferty ; ol eon for the benefit of |he heir, and rredm deceased. November 18, 1865. n-r da to -a pj/tent ion will be tirade ,1 Ordinary of Worth. Counly.Ga for leave to sd» the re-1 estate fi-lnns’ihg to 'i e e# tale ol James F. Bm kelew, late of said county, dec • CELIA E. BUCKELEW, Adtnr’x. Doc 9 h,l«65. , : . ■] ; A0 id Law of said \V. A. SHEPPARD. ‘ ■' 1 -37 liLc discharge of I lie dutii rding > the iheir several istcuce prior to nuary. 1861, so m with our present condition,” we take ion Io siy fhat'our office has been opened wmctinn of professional business, ao«l : jf us can always be conssultrd. * PETER J, S TROXER, WM. E. SMITH. ;• Ass. 12, isr,~». . . . 2|-3o?-< L0.W NOTICE. jn?d offers his professional rervices | 3 -public, and will attend promptly to qll to his care. Offica up stairn u D. P. HILL, , Attornc’y at Law, ’•» Albany, Gtu 23, 1365. 25—3m l 1 Hl * Fs - nicnanD ii jbb* J ^’E3 &. HOBBS, r fOENEYS AT LAW aleapiy, ga. • lf hcein Dougherty and tTtr Rurrotind- in the Superior Courts ol the f l nited States Circuit Court at flavHtti i bnsinAw* in &pih-West L r* 'y* 5P?ciaI ngreemcul. yHaukf' * 33 «KORGiA-!iiii2a El ' L countV. ’JliSUANl’ to o n ordejr-ot t in* Court of Ordina ry of Miuhell L'o-ir.'y, w»R on ilie ur>t i« January, 18^* * l *** d««.r n| Mjlcncii, l f N „v34G t jo,ning U.e V-"'- Abo.beh.reifiocm.rth. ,«-half fiiterest in lot;of ^IXI’Y - ays alter dat- application will If ni''4i ® to the Ordinary of W.»rth County, <»a.^l'or leave toeell slithe laud belonging to U*e estate of Win F We)*his. late of said couidy, decMweil. ^ joel joiner; Adm’r ot Win. F: Welons. Dec' Pth. 1865. V- 40 GEORGIA—WORTH COUNTT caMIPRE ’\S. the estate of Michael P. Young, " “ffizra g.ilar ihe^i.ndrcd .nd . ^ mi*, prescribed J»;.Dd -J. ..'minis. by M to »'7 w /:;i"--,^",, y the <;l.rl: ofumlnle- tration riinuld "'d b 1 '* ^ person.« sniV riorCoorl msomem^ ^ Of* es»Aie. Otv«n ender J ,.j yV. ROUf^E. tore A\er\ ai Ordinary. November 18,18C5.-37 + «J|XTV days alter liato apjdicatio tbo Otilinarvot Worth County will be ' G;i m lor leave" io sell all th-* lauds belonging to the estate ol Jain: P. Cox. late «»!* said county, d»*rea«f«t. ’ . - . MARY J. CfIX. Adi.iiflMraitix of J ..lies I*.' Cox, diy’d Mr-If 05. I~f i'.. 43 (iliOROIA IXTY day -.MITCHELL COUNTY dale p, \y iil be. inad. S IX' j . ..... , , In .he (of Ordinary for leave Jo a. .1 the Linda Wlonfing io lie- ot ri^ebnr,. R. i Lawaoil, I (lie ol Mitdliell Cobnly; dj.’d N'’vr [iibj'r 18,1805—23.. ^ J ^h'.n r. GEORGIA—YlITCnELL COUNTY*. S IXTY’ davsalte-doe appliealk.ii-.vi1l hemade,lo i*. .a *.. a* g a — — ■ ■ ■ f... Cm infll ilia I jinrta November 17,1X05 -60d w.^. sui:i*P4RDi Ad.n’r JSL D. IRVIN, attorney* at'H,aw, ^surne'l the pi-ftctico of his professiot).— tuin uI* ,h ® Farm er building—up stairs— (hJl?*»***' Gx AU ***** »n- • s.*. i*’ 11 rec cive prompt attention. '* ; «pt ember 23, 1805. > L^. E V, Cal ■ i I.q cii'.zon larjTrine' . * - i >1 flwcwroP©' 1 * 1 TWO wo ”'^MeCwrtrtoSi^ryo”vv'irtl^onn.y to the lWoomhlo L<iurt ' l ,nda balonging 10 r aot ^- XhU 8U* Now®*^’ * 8 ^’ i -w. TISQX. Ata’r. r) U> x " li. C. TlSOS.'Admr’Xj November U, lsL ' ~ COttEH'^ 1 ■" u *' * Jki«5, M W. h. cEoxarxtu' & Cromwell nt...*i~ wmuy.. i'pr bale ol ■WeioVs Drus Stbfo. . NoTembfr'*.*® 68, Administrator’s Sale- \ 9 -in; e soli*‘Iffore^lio 1 Couil->I|oiiM*.d«M ^ «h :r toiyn ol I^b din: Worth nonntv. Gh lUy/iu Ffehruturx t || usdft (' oi.t 1 uoy-tw*, ix«li d:' a sod. fiir-dislri-.j *\fbh) propertj cVi.! c.'un’y, if‘ ce j ntif dav of.file. < BENJAMIN WILLIS, AdmV Dereoiber 16«h. .1865- t . J. M. l.OUl'IUt, Auction &> Commission "■M^lRCH_AlsrT„ ALB.45T, GA. i ' YITH.L giv** hii*^per.MiiM»L attention to the purrhfis© wad sliipmen* u| n Hr i* also prepared jnittBfr os' foltoti in! ^Tufroent to.M^rs. Norton 4 V...I, vENSETA MCLEA. JAMES H. CABTXB. K NNETH M’LEA & 03 Commission Merohants, , •' .^npHfc subset 202 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., “ ehipui<.... io make liberal t' in Albany. Gt*or«-»ii^*«»r -hirre Slaughter &.CoNew York. HnVing had many ve'i^Vxp^Tient o in the Cotton rriufe.M* welf ms Auction & .Coniu>^k4» business, he fl iHers . iiuself that be r:« n give entire satisfaction to parties eirtriisting tin ir*l»ii-iiie-s Jo him. • - r Orders aTiin ''.iis , gmi»« iitf s.dtcited. r* ' itesp ftliiHv-relfrs-io ,d LOF JCi*'. li TO /. SOM, i .. I M*e«o* T. If JOHNSTON, at*-! all tho fiber MwftIranis ot Albany. Aitf.j.y. O v -6 2u. 18. r : 33— JNpw faniily Cjroceiy Store. crib«?r,. his REFERENCES. Kenneth McLea 4 Sons. Greenock, Scotland.— 1. Thompson. Bauk of Scotland, Greenock, Scot- htnd; Sinclair. Hamiltoa & Oo.. Loudon; .Gordon, Bruce & McAuliff, Liverpool and New York. . Advances made on consignments to Liyerpo-.d and New York. Cotton and other produce received and " sold on commission or forwarded. Orders from the interior for goodd promtly executed, both in Savan uah and New York. Are constantly receiving large consignments of (l&m», Bacon, Shoulders, Butter, Lard, Flour, &c.. Ate., on consignment, which will be sold at the low est Market Kates. J ' * January 8th, 1860. 48-3m* j SELECT "SCilOOLr - 1 r lTE undersigned will re-open his SCHOOL at his " 4r.«l and will continue FAUILY GSIO- W hi offer** for CASH to hit hUc generally, on as low terms as nn\ oOter hyiwo in Albany. 1 will bekept .con- strtutt^ fnppliad ftnm Sew Y’>rk with everything in my line, whiMr will cause-my .stick always fresh. ‘lease c.iU and exainiue ray Stock at iny Store, n.*T. door above iieejs & Brinson’s, ouBro.adStreet, before pure].using elsewhere. i will »l;v. «onii»,ue in fill orders for Cotton, imd wotjAt respect folly‘solicit ’the patronage of my.old ti'lends or «by others that may wish Cotton puf- a u»uj point. • • , ROBERT COLEMAN. Albany. September 9fL, 1805. 27—4m CLARK’S SALOON! —Next Door to th? - Albany House— ALBANY, GLA. H AVING just received u fresh supply of ALL KINDS OF THE BEST LIQUORS with .esidence, near Gum Fond/~ Mitchell county. Ga\ on MONDAY, THE8TH INST. As the School fl KINDS - OF THE BEST LIQ limited, applications, to secure admittauce. must which the Nort iero market is stocked, such aa be made at once. Instruction will be thorough.— Brandy WnisKey, Wine. Champagne, Gin, &c.Y&e Discipline kind and parental, but firm. A good I atfi now prepared to suit the palates of any body. • M Church and Sabbath School nre^near at hand For I receive X Q f£ regularly from Macon. Also, I terms of tuition and board address the undersigned, am in constant receipt of GOOD OLD ALE. CaU Direct to Albany, Ga. S. G. IIILLYER. and see me. THOMAS H. CLARK. Ravensweod. Jan. 8th, 1869. 43—3t* j Albany, Ga.. Sept. 80th. 1865. Foundry and Machine ^hop Dougherty Superior Court. A.t Dawson, Ga. ■ - ■ .V. Fel At ClIAMBEUS, \ Deceniber:4th. 1865. J I T is hereby ordered that the Superior Court of Dpugherty county, stand adjourned until tha ebruary . next. Parties, UVit- ii* take uotice and be present Orders for all kinds of CASTINGS promptly filled, second Monday A true Extract from the Minutes. ' ■ 1 * ^ , , J. F. CARGILB, Clerk. Albany. Dert lftth, 1865. ,41—gt And Machine work of every description done sugar idls, kettles Tw I^Tllules for'Sale! AND HOLLOW WARE j. ' ■ m * FOR SAI«E !•*' 'Fi’KR nt -private sale two exw»nen'f'MtJLES. n r» CTrona *"■ ,* .v-oogatid Sound; ihc ‘J'lot but eight. and »hi* - . »«» ■ — ... ... 7 s .’ Dawson, Ga., Jan. 6th, 1860. Notice to debtors and creditors GEORGIA—DOUGHERTY COUNTY. A LL persons indebted to the Estate, of* C. G ' McLendon, late of said county deceased, are ^ f ^ rr- »_-» »-> rouues ed to make Immediate payment, and those; OXJL W iYiiiii having demands against sawl estate will present them ’ " “ ***“■*“ J ’ *"■* ‘ doitb terms of the law to _J_L. JJYiNO-TQN; Adm’r. Albany, Dec. 23, 1865. ■ , 42*— ' Admiuistrator’3 Sals. O N the first Tuesday in March next will ba sold at the Court House Door in Isabella, Worth cojinty. Goorgia, .within the lawful hours of sale, eighty (80) acres of lot of land N> ant. undred and thirty (130) in the 14th district cf s t.d county.— Said as the property of Win. R. Harris,.Oeo’d, f<3r the beueilt of the hdrs aud creditors. Terms Cash. This Jan. 9;h, I860 WM.. A HARRIS, J an. J3tb. I860.—1-td , Adm’r. THE Largest and.Best Assortment ever brought to this section of Georgia has just been’ received at Jones & Cutliffs. They are enabled to sell Cheap, as freights ore daily declining. i^rCALIi BOON and examine for yourselves. 1 Albany, Ga., November 4th, 1865. 85—tf ix vo rs.. , Will work in A bargain can he had if nnde t«» tlie nodersigued. 41 j [SA\n MITH. ISTOTICE. TRASURY DEPARTMENT, Office Assistant Special Aqe* Albany, Ga., Jan. .12. 1866. Stolen Mare. it.' from the stables c I^Y Virtue of the authority vested JfOXl SA.3LE I * A VA .V U *' ,, E '’' ANi'ATtON LN haker <*t; I Y. «*t -1500 Mbres. nearlv l»»l« in 500 «Mes. nearly one iinlt in cii.i.» .. . *, t> v-hl f 15U oc.cs . .ad^n'J jwo years. Mul >,Ilqg», (yorn. b *c»»n. (.’otbai Sued, Wagons, •ih tin* place Apply to dtc., &c.., will he sow ntm the pin . . . T. H; JOHNSTON, Goinniission Mt-fcfiaut, Albany, Ox. * K . ikrst" 16. k. 1885 Fox Sale or Kent! b, the M T n D " ,1,n ^n™ si ,i„ g of eight I ■ 1 Treasury Department, and far the purpose «.f Rooms, each one a fire place, ntid each 1 getting possession of all Cotton belonging to the T e .‘, 1 P la8,#lp ed^. Tbero are usual out- -* •• » little mlcrfcrencLnowibl.* , a "5 2 .°. ou “ FBM. OF WATER. S N.he night V ! U-vvt.mca. with little m.wforcncc.s powible B"bt. Uocl.i»,. .ii M, i rl.«!«<wntj, 1 .m,cl.o ? '! wl|1 Wllle jM j htrehT - | dCCp bl"’ Kttnil in Inn !f»lt mi, il*r in . .* in-Ti f"’’" : Mo. one of .be Iliad feet .hue. and about Ujm ing wlle * t ;hc .„ me is stored , and win ^ eliTer lhe goo J order, ready for shipment, One-Fifth old. 1 wiH give $45 for the $50 for the -laie.aqd thief. ROBT. COCHRAN. 1—3t* Mitchell Co., Ja . 48,1 Stiff/ GB;RGZxa.—BAKER COUNTY- WHEREAS,-WHHatnp. Flemming, Ad-jiiu^MUir on the estato .>f A. A. Williams, dee d, rushes appli cation to me for ^Letters of Dismission lvoui said ad ministration: - 11 fc.j i These are, therefore, to citoaml admoni'h all per sons concerned to bo and appear at my office'on the first Monday in June next to show cause, if. any they have, why said letters of dismiissionshould not issue, otherwise letters will issue in terms of the law. ’‘Given under'my hand and official signature, this Jan. 1st, 1666. W. W; JORDAN, Jan. 13th, I860.—1 * Ordinary, ot nil such Cotton they may produce. All persons having possession or control of sqch Cotton, khow- ing tlie same to be shell, and endeavors Jo conceal til.- samp pi refuses to deliver it to me win l*i- w iv-- te«I and sent to Augusta, Ga'iTor trial by Military Coramission. WM.'CBUNfS, , 7 , If .Lif.lj; Assistant Special Agent, . Albany. District. Junna-y 18tW-1866. 2-w3t &EOB.GIA—WO^T H COUFTY. WHEREAS, William Keen. Adrainisfrator^oja the estate of Jambs 0. Kerce, dec’d,'ap'plibs to the un- . . •: . .... fi: .i a ...:.i the ttourt ot Ordinary h*f leavt*tokdl the Lands estate of Jatnos - belunfifn- tnlhc Juteol AJosm F. *£&£!£* I**”* ,rora rat id C'mii'y* dre’d. GEORGIA-Haler County. £\N ]|ie first Monday In January next, OlRer G- U Gurley will appy til the Court of Ordtnarv *»! said county, liir Icttcrs oTadministration on the estaf ofSolotnon Rivhhrdsou, deceased. . - ./ W. W. JORDAN,Orciy December 1, 1865. . ...: U . ~ OEO»**IA^-*5akcr County. minisiratlon; therefore, alt persons concerned- are hereby required tor show cause, if any they have, why said administrator, on the first Monday in July next, should not be'dismissed. - Given under my Impd and official ‘signature, this the 8tU day of Japg'ary, 1 8G6, • * ■ . JAMES W. ROUSE, Jan. 18th, 1806. -1 . .r Ordinary. GEonoiA^Yoivni cq.unty;. ' Ordinary's Office for said County . [* WHEREAS. James Gibbs, of Irwin county, np | plies to miyfoy Loiters of Guardianship of lhe per- 1 Min and : properly of John F. Ross, orphan of, toU lloss, dec’d, of Worth county, Ga.: These nre, therefore, to cite andiinmonish all and ingtffaf.lhe klndredt and creditors of said Lott Re o be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law to show cause. If any tjicy have, why said letters of guardianship should not be granted to iho app1i6ant. Given undcVmy hand and official ignatuve, this tho 8th day of January. * ■”- " JAMES W. ROUSE. Jan. 18» 1866.—1 Ordinary. rmorit?. forlv. L- . , i« tiofi uf tbo estate uf F; F, Sharpe, tloo- a^U L \V. \V. JOKDAN.'OrJy. December 1*1,1865, ’ • * • iron in flic iilood! HIE PRKI'VIaV SYRUP mippliot# tlie Blood with’its L«!.' lile'mrnt,. Iron, inOMlirj; strength, vigor, and new life into tin wind*- system. For Dys p**j»siu, I >rop.y, < ’ I. r- «nic Di • rr» ce», Debility, Fenm I - Wow kin lies, etc:, it is it specifier! T’liiuisautla havs :a:en c.liaiigcd by th*' imo ol.this tn?«li» iue trosn weak, sickly, suffering cn atur s, to strong, healthy, ur.8 harjipy men slid Women. A 32 page pamphlet sent e Price $1. per bottle, or tf f..r ©5 J. P. D1NMMORK, S6 I>ey Street, N. Y* l r S..Id by Druggists gem rally.’ • October 38, J865 . ; 34.3m Dr. H. Ander’s Iodine Water. All IlSVAUJABLE DISCOVERY—A FULL GjtACC OF Iodine jr e ach ounce of Water—Dissolved ., with >trr a Solvent ! 'pHE up>st Powerli l Viiulijiiig Agent and Resto f.trive known. Bceifnta, Malt.Rhenrn, Cancer* Rheumatism, ('omoimption, and many^Chmnic an- Hereditary Diseases, nre curl'd by its use, in* thou* d-*c in H siity. . Circulars sent free, price, f bottle; or 6 lor $15. • DR. II. ANDF1RS & CO., Physicians,and-UU.tnpitfs^.428 Broadway, N, Y. O" SoiJ bv generally. October 38,18(ift 34-3m ir C nJt E .olJ h B « S , i0 • h , e se, ' 1;m »n^»numler fence” ir not sold by first of January, H wiH bo for rent. Dee. 16.h, 1865. : ^ ^ OSOhoXA-VdSTn COUNTY.’ ■ NV11 b K H A 8Wl 1 i ], m Keen," AdmlnUl'rator on th, Wfiu. ot Jerry M. Keroe, hSnn. dersigncd. for Letters pf Dismission from his Ad- .o.nistration ; therefore, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they hkve, why said admmietrator. on the first Monday in July next abnuld ^or be discharged. Given updei my hand and official signature; this January 8th; 1C66. ‘ t * , o i 1 o : ’ ; 5JA3dES W. ROUSE, January J3th. ISOG -j - ^ Ordinary. . PRESCRIPTI^Hfi. TT1 SPECIAL attention wilt be paid to tlio carefn JPj compounding of all Prescription ff ’m Fres' :ui<l Uoliiblo Drug," At'tlie 014 Stima—Woleb - Cofner • U. 13 A7BLCH, NOT. 4,1565. Prug^ist &' ApotUocary- ’ NOTE PROTESTED. 4 id-, pi’fi* u are hprohy forrwa ned again*! .... . kk. .>• . or ini ’ Off for a certain prbmisnry .not*- t?i* .. by in.; to Phomas Curlew, xa ] shall not rederf': he sntne, Irecause the condition upon which waid n«;t V«Uvn has nor been ’ fulfill ed - The note hV - v n ab'*ut:he7th ois30th of Navemier 1865 . SAMUEL POLFUS. Dee.Olb, 1865, GEORGIA—)'v>KTU v-OUNTYC V r. : V- ... .m]!™ K t A a S a c ?‘!*Cjictolew «ppU„ f0 ; c . c s of AdmiBisIrnnon tie fionis noti, with th, dill Htmeied. on the estate 'of Ieaao Bucllelelr W said county, deceased: •* . , * * .ry * * . tlfiM, turg, Wwefw, «• •Wtfr.jn .ingnlar the kindreu and creditors of said dec'd to brand appear ot my office wuhia the tiriir prescribed Ey ten4hoa1d«u?i!! e ,f hnvc - wlj J>said leu ' tere should not be granted. Given under mylland and official eiguamre,. this January Sth'i >!>♦>> < January I8th, " ^”1^. Fiano Tuning and Repairing ! I '•Vf LL.lJE IN A .IiANY bj »r I n ' r lll «4>ttrpi*e ol Toni Repairing Piano Fort™. I five »u".ioi»p,NHirf*» lor repairing in IheVenr „ O. B. RICE. Yltlledg.-ville, Dore'mlier 1.1,1866. -40^41 IbeTfitti ining. and EXECUTORY” NOTICE. GEORGIA—IRWIN COUNTY. “ * 'J \.jj lotMlns alter dale Kppiio.tioi will he mad, j the llonurab’-Co'irt af Ordinary of lr,in ooun. y for Iohto to sell lot, of lands number 247 in tha i;b district of said county. Als" lot of land C.YM1EL McPANIEL,-^^. . (CF Job Work executed at itii.soliite nt guutl style. Ateo^blauks furnistiud vfvwjy^lefwiplioay •> i>iajo» sWsjtfijnl. tuta ursVo'lfww