The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, February 03, 1866, Image 2

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aspect of :he ,-.atiun from one of busiucsc g^muiec ihu. giveVi, prosjtenty to one of panic anu .distress.— t i lut t he institution should never again exist A® tiiiers of the soil we shoiud be re&dy.for in the land; proportions to amend.the Con*. Tl»hm3>«?cpmjwipnsvcsMincegw any emergency, providing in advance for rtilutionwerebecomingMnnmCTtnmM^ vangl. what, we are most to n«din the sowing and fire last Thursday night, and was entin y growing season, whether it be labor, or tna- tions connected with the administration of conSnni’fd Wyj t’to* flaitifs.' i\Vran> happy r aav, howivef, that the most of her boose- ^ — V/Tl.Ifnn.ifir-o W(*rc ssvrd. Wcundersta->’Iprospetity of the'farmers for the season, do -- - T re . . . . that the fire ownmd fititi t’jie wreiossi ss p« .ds almost wholly bn labor. oione of the house servants. - | are pros-perout in proportion to the. amount amendments are to be maile to the Cpnstitu- , . of land they can plow, and plant, and colti- tion changing the basis of representation and Plan-ting CoiToNr—The. MiUcdgev/. k- f vate, if they oniy h*ve favorable seasohtnnd taxation, ana he did not deem thein at all Federal Union says that the present hi- | h-ird's, to hdrrelt and consume their crops. !nec ?“'?|S price qf bo'ttot£»u<l the icareity, df TO«l^,. With them, 41 looking ahead ” In securing la- liiiesniaklngirTcach StaM>. ■will cause a great breadth of land to 1 * jbor and implements beforehand, .taking ^ number of qualified voters the basis of planted in cotton. Cotton is very *iigh now, • good oare of thcir slock of all kinds, or look-. representation and the value of property the hut if'the labor system now undergoing ai.4' ' * ' — - 4V — • sh'eh » nmukntinn experiment, works Well, as many think ii will,-the price of cotton ii) January next will he about 12 rents per pound. Men are di t mined to plant cotton, and all we may say a; vinst planting too extensively, may bo idle, have fid effect, whatever, But he wilj be the wise man, who, while plauting cotton iug out for more, and too often it: is only‘basis of direct taxation. .Sacha proposition , I conld be embraced in the following terms- 1 , . . . . . I Representativesshall lie' - appointedamong There are other years after 1860 to be t h e sevaral States which may be included ooked oat for and 'every means which into!- j within this Union according to the number igent culture,- of both mind and soil, can of qualified voters in inch State, and direct bring to bear, to increase the crops upon the: U®* ahonld be apportioned among t he seV- , ? . . ’ , ”jl. . r,, oral States which may be ineludeil within cultivated snrikee should be employed—for Vnion> aecor di,,gtothe value of all tax- thus the oost of their production is greatly a i,] c property in each State. An amendment j —.» k— ——L. jJLii-a >-> -*1 — -dace the _ _ taxation o'-three that we' husband mannre, saving upon voreett principles aiidupon It .correct , ,, , j, ..... , -basis. The principal voters were, for the nlthelceehln!S,and all liquids;.that we^^mostpart;men who were subject to draft p;ow deep, "arid subsoil, and dram. Apdto ^ed enlistment when necessary to repel in- make the corn, the hayi the roots, and stalks ration, suppress rebellion, and quell d mes- g i farther, we house our c ittlc, and other : tie violence and bloodshed. They risk.their dividend in the shape of a tun of wlvcre bar*, valued at *45,000 to *50,000, based on the present value of greenback* . -- • A yopngimannot L qnjto twenty. Mined Carrington, was hung at Uuualo, it. 8-v Friday, for the killing ofapolicctjian ihthat city lai *{iat#fc'i '< • r r-v rj */FJ J 1 An accomplished wig-mak5r aiid' liair- r dres'ser'inforais us tttaVthoNvcrrrt'n of-Nimw vnh and AMyria^three thousautepars ago, dressed their hair precisely in the stylo ot 1865, with' waterfalls. 1 The fact is proved by works of art in sculpt ure, still ,w;ell P"-- served. ■ - r i. The eensfis of Xew York shows that the population of that State liiis decided 40,- 000. At the same time' the population of Illinois lias increased aViout 100,000. West* word the course of itiipire takes its way. Tlie total immigration-at the port of Xew York.fur the last year was 105,(A3, which is an increase of about 12,000 emnpared with the previous, year., tii-rmany sends the largest number, 82,454, agaiust 70,368 tor freTai d. . ' It stated that the Viceroy pf Egypt has of Cai LIST OF LETTERS -rtEMArtlSQ Is the Post Office at .Albany, <34., February lst.lSSO. V [JBi J%. - Vf YM Aobry, J. . Duns. Cel: Boeliei. Cbesl); Brown; jetoC; Ba ker. lilnj Henry; BkMirin. Mre Martha: Baily,81- lai; Bears. O H: Bnrtz, Jesse; Brinson, James, Bennett, bliss Kellie. ^ Cbamploa, Bee James M; Cobb, Join ■, Cross. James; Cuke, L Simmons: Cooper, L B. mmm m x> basis, A W; Dseis. J B; Daniels, Kin JiatilJa; Ethridge. J D. • T . Fow1«r. John Wj Field*, C»pt J F; Sliepberd. . . ._ has a thought, also, for Iris smoke-bouse am 1 o eapened, and corrospontling profits reuh of this kind \rould, in1iis opinion, place i eoracrib, ° * ' r *zeiL It is to make one acre injual to two.basis of represciitutioil aiul direct taxat Msfcbants, WE H^VE JUST RECEi&. a.uek, and keep them waim with clapboard , lives and their blood, and spend their all to or shingles, iuBtead of vxtna fodden Th,a may a ten acres, with good buildings and t ^ j us t, that the property should comiumsite good planning, and nu nngimcnt, it <q l for the beuefita thus conferred by defraying to fort v, or even a hundred acres in ao.ubl the expenses ineidei t to its proteetioit and profit. * enjoyment. Sucli an amendment, the Pres- ->• ^-asarstesiis&SBgass what is as certam as the world, namely, ity ofthc. races it would leave the States to •Seed-time and Harvest, ft>r securing gold determine absolutely the qualifications of ialibr'of all kinds, the best implements, that their own voters in regard to eolpr, and thus rlie labor may be most aiivantagcously ex- thenunilier of their own representatives to V, Md tor a full Btock of cattle, great and: they Miitem-d the right of ruffrage. The Tue Xegbo Suffrage Agitation.—'Tl* Macon Tdegrapb. say* that, the I*reside. ( has come but lii plain terms on tlie revbli - tioto^ty proceedings of the majority in C*iU g.-ess. . !lle‘ prop r'y cliaravterires tfieir coarse and states truly the inevitable ic- su ts of their succi-ss in the measures now, nrged forw. r'. We fear, however, that his arguments will tall mi dull ears ami cal lous hearts. So far as the results deprecate., are concerned, they arc the. very things large nnmber of thi-KciiJiblicaiis are strivinf for. A war among the rates Am ncTcrhnr tiieu; tliej-care not how muny Souther men, women and.children may fall in such a contest, ami Shofild the nogroeutiJl-xteiAiJ noted, that is just what they wim.1 rejin to sec. Heaven pity tlie souh. of such mt and save the country’'from their diabolic 1 designs 1 i BEARD'S SSlBNTIFla ILLOSTaATIOr t AND FAHTA BTIO ILLOBIOKb t We are not in the habit of pulling whu we have heretofore termed waoderiu; humbugs” gotten up to deceive the puldic and make money, but in this '«.- stance, we are happy to inform our citizen that Prof'J- M. Seaul, the ci-iebraled a... Id- renown Vpntrilbq list and Sleight of iia.. Performer, will bo in Albany on tlio re. I and 13th instant. From what we can learn, he is reu'ly m humbug; apd besides, being a Southern gen tleman of fine abilities ana educaltoi,, trust that he will.he liberally patropjzed both tbWtfaiid countn. His perforfiiaiii e, are said’to be both instntetive and high . entertaining, and the most wonderful in t'. e go* There is little ro*nn to doul t the awk- I President iu this connection, expressed tile Let US get ahead with all work' that can opinion that,the arilation pf the negro frau- >e done in winter, before sprifig comes with .I"®** 0 ® i, 1 * »• of Columbia at ■ ,... . i .. r , , this time was the mere entering Wedge to ,ts muUifanous toils, lookmgout for seeds, the agitatioi, of.thequc.tion tl^mghout the nr all kinds of repairing, and putting tools States, and was ill-timed, uncalled for, and, in order for work, for whatever will exp<- Calculated to do great harm. He believed d to trot It, or make it tell hetu-r, or result in «» would engender enmity nnd.strifo between more of good. Titus shall we predate for two races and lead to a war between .. x Mn, winch would result in croat injury the uiiKn.iwn .u.ure, and be ready to prol t both audeertain extermination to the tiegrr-. >v the favors, or meet the reverses of fo - Precedent, he thought, should Wgtven to a w iVh s ir' cannot control, hut may more important ana urgent matters, legisla- ire«td< aoa'ns , tion upon which w:u essential for the resto- ° m m »i 1 - | ration oftiu Union, the peace ofthc country, W ljnmM IX lit i :i)TO Mil and the prosperity of the people. ravis.—'The foil-wing in re> ard to Mr. , ’ " D..y la lUiirnmel by the Washington cor- Intoresti-*ir Items, respondent of the Xashii c llanner: The rnmors of the rescue of.Jcfferson Da- „ _ visfroiri prison ae assuming a new and; whiskey to one dollar p« p gallon, claiming ■.rengc character; I s now hinted tliat «W,that the pr.sent tax is ruinous tq their busi- given to the American mission of Cairo ii block of houses worth forty thousand dol lars. llis Highness is also said to have giv en the missionaries free passes .for the rail; ways, and to huvo decided that teligious journal* and looks shall iiot' be subject to any tax.- • Mr. Sardor-,-the French playright. having tlitti “ " h : pro. uiiing extravagance in ladies’ toil- tik the Empress said that she had tried last winter to-set the example of greater simplicity of dress, and that bIio was deter mined to wear still more unpretending toil ets thissciUon. -• flihU-Cntis: Oilliin/Mi * Soma; <J«riev.'Mrrf Eliza; Criffin. h U; Orrtn. 8. E ; Oteird, W W. | tni ft:> ipqp.T ■■■<! .»■ ; lltrtingioa Sliss E; lislfi-Stra Mariks; Harris,F. ‘ i :.r-sr-::r : Jnne*. D E: Jtnr*. Mr* E C: Jobnton. Ura 8; Jen- k»ns, E j; Junkia*. Ellen: Jot-dun. W W. *M' .1 TSg t'-.'iJ . ' t.V;i KiUettr-MUl/. (colori .^: King, Thomas V. . , , vau(j L»wlon, A J. 14 '• ’«'» * TSO. •. McArtbnr. A Cl Matliewit, *W M; M»r, (colored); Mm*lin, K. ,JLZ*£ C lA* : .il. ; J , Odom, W C 2, Oaeal. Q: OokevJoba D, ft* a - . Tenruon. F. D k L J; Pearse, Elijah; Pace* Wn.» 2; i-in.t.Bii. ; inwRL Rris. Mr» M E: Reis. Aliu Amy (2); Roberts. R A; Rostrs. Miss Mary J (2): Rigihm. ‘iss8: Robin son. Miss'S M ; Robson. Warren; Rich; Wm. S ' . Smiib. Hariri: Sorrell, R. H O; Srabrook. R W; : W; Smith k l«ec ; 'Simpson, A (colored). : t v.j T -ckcr, LJ. . > ..- !w ... ..a - •' Wv.: Winilow. Cftl 0 TV VOiite. Miss M»rr J 1 Walker. Grtfvn; Whitton. Charles' K; Winiam*. Joriali; Wooten, Mr* Harriet, (• o’ered) ; Wilson, David ! Persons calling fo * nnj of the above letters pleas* • /-advertised. M. J IOCHABDSON, P. M. AND NOW OFFER FQRSAli 8.000 ysTtlrEngtW, 6-4 Km, n *0 balw Maoon Sbeitiog, to - “ Oiatbarp, 2.000 yards EnjJinb Srrsr, 100 ponnds Li cm Thread, Western whiskey distillers and dealers arc urging Congress to reduce the tax on One day Freddie’s little sister Carrie, hcaring-hcr mother talking about a name for a new little baby-brother, that had-been given to them a short time before, said:— “Mamma, why dont you name him Hallow- Cd f It says in my praj*r ' ’Hallowed be thy name,’and I tliiiik it is a vety pretty name, too.” ... Already a strong pressure is lining brought to bear upou Governor Kenton, of X. York, to pardon, out Ketchum, tlio gold forger. ' ... ' At tlie time Senator Douglas died hi» es tate was so encumbered that it was believed that there would be nothing left for his fam ily. During the war, however, the price or real estate in Chicago which belonged to, appnviated so in value that its sale has paid all of the debts, and left his charming family a handsome competence. , Some commotion was created, a few nights ago, in a tljeatre at Mobile, by some person hissing the tune Yankee Doodle and the soldiers applauding it. Seizure of a Supposed Chtriaa Vr.- ve at New Totk n b ..i lien desire his eseapey.aiid that fitcili- ness, s hi nbevn fiffered h : .r t i, but that he won’t! One hundredofid oftl eX. Yoric warli Read what the Editor, of the ’Xew Ci leans Times, St. Antonio Herald, Texas, ai i Augusts ConstttutfonaHst, (wjio knows t. r. personally,) foys of his perfcntinnces: 8n llw Ricim—Prof J. M. Conjuror and Ventriloquist, tfho is incr ing m favor acjtli bur citizens nightly at. sonic Hall, is g true Southern gentleman are an old typo; having been cnnui-ctl-d with tl press of Sew Orleans, Mobileand d'empliis, and in not—as heard yesterday on the stre. —a Northern adventurer. He gives a won derful and highly interesting enlcrtaiiuue: t. especially adapted to the liulies nod retime, tastes. ' [Augusta Constitutionalist^ The people had noted the cxtr..or i.iary stories related of this Hertoriiinui-y, - bi.t to? ■once tho’pitblic were not deceived, and a! anticipations sire, more than realized.— Withou t any of tTie ordinary. paraphemaBn of conjurors—in citizen’s dress—Standing in at.. L J rougherty £uperior Court * AT CHAMBERS. F«b. 1st. 1806. I T is hereby orilered Ihtl lbe8nJ»ti6rC6urt of Dougherty Conntjr; stand xdjourned until th# second Monday in March nest. »Part fop. Witnesses *n<l Jurors *iU lake.due. aoiieo thereof end bt pres ent on ihat day. ;. M . A true extract from the Minutes.. ... JOUN F. CARGILE. Febtuary 8d, ; I8G6.—8 : * Clerk. SIIERirFS SUE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March, be fore ibe Court House door in Isabella, Worth coun ty. Georgia, the following described lots of Landf Lot K*'J in the Fourteenth Distnet of said county. I«ot levied on »*ihe prdperty of Wm. F. Willmmo. «lrc*d.'on two Superior Court fifas to satisfy of B. T. Collier. AdmV. • It “ 1 Alto, mt the Kurt (itme ami ptmei, ^, A lot of Lan t levied on fo* the properly of Thus, liar ’rick to satisfy one Superior Court flf* in favor of R. V.Turkfcuter. . WM. KEEN, • Sbctifif Worth County. Feb uary Cd. I83f».—8 •, • . ■ . inere i-H Utue rormrtv douf t the uwk-: police are charged with beit.g d m.k on .. T -. % .auarr:iMnieiitaduidaututumhiacon- v ew War’s dav In Krrwkblvit £ OX€ u .m'maiKlpojecudttiiL thief Justice fire h. v bjeu dJKLargi4 for ihi W ® V4T h:wl iio amis k’isc doas uo«. Hesitate to sav that he cannot'^ f cnce .. ^ ‘.warutjtcnttloulMKinl^aiulHnderpurrerc- oo toiivicted of treason, and riuiddeus Ste- , f ' '| pnelawscotild not lie detained. After the yens declare* that he i* uottiiug more th n a te’iooner R. II. Boggs/< f ft' John, clearance was granted, however, the vessi) B1S8X suEiarrs sale. WILL be sold b*r»rr d»« Court House door in the town of Newton, go the first Titmisy in March next, between the u>n-»l bt u. vof sale, one House nod tour sere Lot in «jtid town of Newton* Number Xyw York, Jan. 23.—Tlie Steamer Me- f not known, but knvwnns the •• Montgomery IL-nss tcor, alleged to be intended for the Chillum Lot.’t . La tied on *» the property J. J.. service agaiurt Spain, leareti tonUy. Her wiWy . are rm-'.h. JM- cli-arauce wasr grautefi after a full investiga tion. Tlie representatives .f the Spanish government here furnished no evidence what tic. IN art Min District, (i. M.. Win llinlsii.tb W. Muntgomcrjr. • , 0 J*. WlSCtHSSTEK February M,- 8M —8 ■ ity .vh'ch yon rann..t que.-tu n -thatMr ■ >uv is. Ill’s :: e m «st ample svlnrit s d ess than a week ago, “Mv: dcft_ i- K .... ... .. ... ... . co delete noWj^nd rests wdcly ujion law,* mornings in succession during the late ccld , ngjfed,aad lies low in some of hi* mysticisms. .Hi» elegant man- ner.and captivating style cannot but insure imocMs. - irfhiJ'i<o^»i« ofvehtriloquistn; it is enOaghtp say tliat be has no equals. [.5t. .\iitpmo il< ralu, Texas. Another splendid house ef h ■ el :e of our The St. Johnsbury Caladotiian says'tliat uN nrhy. He in that region ofVormont :he th r.;i> m t r ly. defonse is averaged 25 degrees below xc.o fin- ;u>. j* ,... „ , .. .,,,,7 ujum law,-momiugs in succession during the lateiild wJik Ii will be admui,s[<-iqj fuiriy^l know, snap. . and in perfectacconiancesrith civil justice.” i • : ' , . rfic alt. nf.Jtt? iH't iooat stu r wel Ire imt to „.toformaUpn has been reci tvwl at thch'jush hen that turn arTives. Mi. IVavis WnnaiiigtoU tfia) the sthooncr. Ruigma, .of s at ' r s', n i: lu ailh, tats b.artily, Mauic, was wrecked at (K-u on the first ■an s ig-oa dc.d,an I pussessin,as hi s.M pfaNovamhcr last. Allthctuni Korefoun. tliou.lurday,-agoedingestion and a good 0 ,n KV’S*0 the » rc '',> In u destitute and ouscienei.” .He receives letters fronf lu«j* tar v" , g‘ , ondUton.... Onodie<lofexhau«tlpiu W fo three tiincs.a week, and keeps a journal , Owing to the high price of all kinds oif evefyd- y. j meat, a company is soon tw-be started in . • UoKtoii for the manufacture of ivirk oat of . Affairs with Mexico.—Tnc prompt and olu deeijid ■ omx‘of tlio G. veri.nn'iit attVasli- ; ° , ington, is liki iy. to Hack ail oforts tocni-! - A dashing young baihclor lately appear mvil thy countiy with ux* Mexican anthori- i wvculiat I arjc, _New ; Yqrfc f wiil^tu-o lie*', and, a* a couscqurnco, wiih France.-— I p 0 ‘ ue | J S,' v h°sc tads Wcre,done iij> Hie anr?t and iniprnjoiim/iit of Gen. Cniw-’T 0 ,^^! 1 ^ * water^,andcopiH.H| up ford at -Cow Orlc^nN an account of which in hw* net*. .The rcvcmbUtuco wa* wa» given yc*terd:iy, nid the pen mptory v O’ ant * tcai P created a great orchr of Jic ncrnl »)u rld;li |;rohibitin^ the Bu|i*ution. ; , _ i Wa*hiugN« teur i*. !,4ji burthen, aud said to be e tpahly ofuteuming 17 or lb miles »>er hour. the water, P U B.LIC LAWS, OHDICT^TTOES, &.a WILL hm ready for dtliyery to oubucrjbers within five days fr.«» tire adjournlucut of Ihf LMiflaipr*. • TamphlcM euntniu.n^S 1 t. I'lm new Coustuution. and pubtie ordinaaees |m-Sd i by the l?tt« Convention. 2 l. Such portiou nfthe •* ►reedmen** Code* 1 y t» adupitMi by the L-gULtui iliulls exccniiugly strong. She has 700 tons r . of coat, and Ordinary ship stores aho .r I, b t .luring iL pvL. ni k np war material, though tlie vessel IS in • proper Condition o receive a full cpin^lnu j thcrcif. When seized, her crew were pre paring toget her into the stream ry tifi leaving port. She'cleared rot IV, nama. ' Application has Iicen made to the United. States Attorney to accept bonds from her owners, in order that she may proceed; Ap praisers will have to be appointed to report on her value, and the United States District Attorney will then decide whether bonds will be taken and the. vessel released. The Mctciir was. constructed mid paid for by money-subscribed by merchants of ID s. ton for the purpose of chasing the Ala’ bama. ■ • ' - — loparture of reinforcement.', for the Ot JTof. Suarl, Ursnu the Rio Gramje, cvitjcc a rji-unuina- the qceromantic veut riioqiiist, at A|; s‘iilc tion to use all honest effort’s to preserve oitr Hall. lait.night, wheuhe more than outdid “ " himself irt. his ocular. deceptions. Since neutrsjity, ... U i . jffs think, in view of the disposition man ifested by our Gove, nucut, that but r.ttie fear need b: dellyjrjri j^t^jefql “iioiicKd 'peo” ofexecu tion,’and plain, acceptalil.. iwr. of reu- dermg his mystifying foam. . ■Wjy .V pNCw Orleans Times. g®"; Fo»t»t»?T-^VES THE CpUHTBT^ V?3 clip thcfollowing item' of 'intelligence frem tho Memphis Argus: W .-egret extremely to learn that Gen. N. Dedfurtl Forrest has been coinpcllial to Icavbj the country'- Hearing, ns we are told; that! an oraorfrora the Secretary of War was out' •for Bis arrM foddenortatiou to Washhigtou j f r trkl- by a -Milit iry Commission, he,- of coarse, conclu Jcd that it was his best policy to “emigrate”—to Mexico; per TM»n^«rri, se*mhigly aiRhcritic, Was cur- A Uielimond • ship owner-attempted to prdvc the bd|ef that Friday is rin unlucky jlaytoho a.tpire sfiMTfUtwn. .IJe laid.the, kwl ofa shiponFriday, put m her.masts on Friday, rigged her on Friday, named her - mv.sin'uiui, iuni. on Friday, scnt bcrtosca mi Friday,.and— of a colltsi. n. it n( j V¥r heard frortf hCr again. ’ ’ “ ' WlU require, however, grout energy on it*: . v 1 / ’ . • parv to fevouHt, for iIktc i* a very decided! ctatca, has Biaty*. thousand HCiitiuiciiV at thi* Nonh in foyonofn suninui- public w bool*, giving a wlioh'r ' for every ry expulsion of Mfixiinili iii And liia (troons live pcff6 , !^ij; ; ' ’EfTgli4‘rid artd Wale* li:»yefbr- fi*9m,re\le^ii an UTritory. ' Wo loot upon the project as one of cxi ;*UMuJttlly J b it stHi it :* put* that'has ;und the Gov- erument Will vx< n«c vhV greatest watchfulncss .u.d fit* most prompt action in prtler tathW»rtt. l.iwgn.— Muco.i^el.’ ty-8iXtltAfilpil4tcl«nilr. ui.d’a scholar for t-vevy 850’persons, whild .gi; bcotlajid .on* set e.ttli if the |icoplo go to school. ■. The.: ‘‘Wate* I's.h;.’?—The ladies are fist disi-areliirg- ti e A stt-riiiH” mmlc ol dre-ssing tM niir, foitfitdbpttrifttlienStv lush? ioiij ivhii iAmsis' 1^1;. di/ijig .b. hl.’r oi-hiud, m ;nuch Uic same nianhci' lliar till- snake coils if self up prep.trai ry .o.fiic “dormmit” season. It i-equitvs-cous.. n< ,li!u i.igeuu'.ty to-. rcssthi n riii. ttibion; ’iitlffN ... .flw.lJW.i fhree^tmner* t.f a yard h.-ig i-.ftMtl, ’round ““*““**“*“, are already reauleng »,.eimin diiaeusions; ^taceorfingto the’ $£££?■ “• *!”& blame General. itnizil or Mexico, or any other select, as promptl wings of wi * ' select, as promptly and'as speedily " "' 'fi|if*od steam can carry him! y'i*o»‘ilifsipjreg f ej *yj;ek;.1 say, Why don’t y.m tun iVict, no ode can that-Hulh^ ro t’ trier Hide ou ^—-'ha.v fkIi iterating” to. is the ware.: y g t ou< place he may Do yiit.' * pjs^r tnat Ufe a .'dfiit iiimsi i adily as the didniku w lrowto wearhiahide? Ifo.lji it X Jt- I bis styli.’ 1A mwiav tilcogenc V m New York reports tlie nuiuner pf fiiuurea in 1803, as 530, and' tlie liabilities over *17r;0 ',000, which is about twice as much its those of 18b3 or ’04, but less thkir those of any other year since . Chaplain II.*S. De Forrest, ofthc 14th C. V., lias been detailed to visit every town in the dcpaitmeiit of southwestern Virginia; to urge the negroes to make their contracts for the year, and to assure them that the -dvemmint cannot distribute lands to them Two per cent of all the fractional curren- iy receivedat tlioTreasury is.couuterfeit. tlfis conics' to the Department from bankers -.ind others deemed experts ifi judging mom ev, and two jicreent tsc.iping the de..o i. n siieh parties, gives s.m|o idea of the exteut pt this kind of eounterfeitiiig: The number of invalid pension.casos ad- .pitted at thr 1‘eusion Hureau, during the year 1305, was 18,330 ; a id the number of widows, otphans and mothers, 21,022. The Hi shop Potter, of Now York,' in a severed Inircli- . , , , , —. ing, he said, hail become a nuisance and a siamial; it was time to speak out about it, a id ii' whs lime it was suppressed.-. The Prayer Hook contained an abuudanec of bcantilui and im pressive hymns, suited toctery st age of lil’ei and these, lie suid; should bo used. lo 'ke.’ -fin -td: liS tht^fiS^^f^^, who is'young^injl, more gay. and, therefore, better fitted to set the example. Th.- price of)In" Wnrk U'lwft il.illa s. nr ihrre co .ics Iter «*» 3alt»r» Caps-s s.ct oy '.ml nwM«~ pint. The > will conlnm m»uer of much in' lerot lu •tl.classcs. 1’crs.nia .Ir-iring the w.iitt m rrqucsldt ■<> •cml il.nir nrdtn uccnmpanied by the c»»h. ru ns at MillrilRrrillc. mm early as pus-ible. sa ibat we may know wlmi number at eupics u-alter t e necessary to publish. C. J. AYELIJIOKX, W. 11. HUXT. . Millclsnitle. Oa.. Jsn. SI. I8US.. AVro-Bich. .!tS? v, € ^. V OF.THE •Wholesale House of Atlanta, H AVE estaMi.-hcl n branch business in Ibis city. >t the buildiny on Wssbinslon •irtri. former- IJ ..ectip'd hy s. POLrBK T We' hastetstete^rb l»r««.»n4 «f«ll selectedstacker ~ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. G. & SEYMOUR, M. D.1 Surgical & Median, ctil llentist >, Office oa Urvad Mrrel,. , OVER JONES &, CUTLIFF.S STORE, -' '^A'iii'.tkv; oeoroia. . February 3<1. ISfiO. . ■ 8- WANTRO TO RENT, Parlor. Di.tins Hooni. Kitchen, nrnl two February to. I860. ^ 4 Hats, Fancy Goo^s &c. Au'nsWe ein ns-ureTtie publle lh»t we will .ell Hoods Vymi'l tbeir expeeimions.’we intite them tb Ki rr a call, an,I .«nii 9 (y ihemselves. Albeny, Gror s is, January #i, t| 7—it. 1,500 •• Saddled Tbrsad, 1,500 «* Shot »• 1.500 •• Cotton Twiao, 1,500 , •• ,** “ Heai^, 600 ■' Heap « 200 f< Wickiof, 200 “ Sa U Cord, . 100 “ Tarred Twiae, *.°00 gr. c»n Bone and MtW t i00 name Hot,, Cap, LeUn ... 1 r»i* r. 1 10,000 yeasde Hemlock Cpper Imim, 10,000 •< • - Sole - 5,000 - Glue, 10,000 •• Griad Stones, 300 doses rstfloeke, 1.000 Powder Csoiners, 200 Asserted Peis: Bnebse, 100 Axe Helves, 7 50 line* s,.d DttUt, ’ - 20 Broad Azes. o0 Fellinc •> 2»tUad - . ... 200 [IsteLee, inorag 100 Foot Adler. ' 3.000 CUsaelb wiaitj 200 Shoe end Saddler Kama : 200 Drawing Kuieer, * 20 Frown, ,. 50 Hand ilamsierr,. *70 Plsnee. sMerteJ, 373 ilsud 8sws—full sssfartwist . 50 dosra SJurrh sad Bpsder, r .* 8,000 foss Screws, ss-v.neO, a.,,’,, r.-V r ' . * ' 293 pounds FiuUhiez .V.ile, f 12T •> A Clin: - 8,000 papers Taeks, iron and COPV. | 75 poosda Spauisk Brawn, 7o «• Turkey Amber, 53 •• Burn! ... . i, 25 ' ,Rollon Blent, » •• . BlaekUad, ■ 80 {«noas Demararn' Vernisk. 4.000 pounda Fainta, 1.000 “ Oliea PainU, dr?» 50 « . 'CbteeaeOreeaj!?. »?,h. . TOO “ Wblia tote* diy. , 627 gallons Torpanlina, 420 pounda Rpsin, 70 *aRona Whale Oil, t a nitons wnaig u»i *«t«fP 878,988 pounds assorted lro» ^ 8,527 •• VCaatSteeWr-.-iliJ . feet LoathtVaad MMf ti ■'< TL^tlfi'AlS&lNshifo' Oaf stock of .Jv» t f fit**** STOLEN! F r.()M my plantation in Baker Co,inly. <U./ten miles below Newton, on the night or27lh Jan- 1!^’ 7'‘ m AY - M ‘ RB '' sixteen hand. h'Bh. I Will pay Vweniy-Ore dollars each, for the recovery of said Mules, and one hundred dollars ror apprehension of thief, with evidence to ennvic? „ _ - T JAMES A. KING. ' Albany. Georgia, Jammry 31st, 18U0. 7 ]w ..i.v.>rn^K. 0Lr,l ^** c: UOUHIIERTY SHERIFF’S SUE.. ib^^i^ , , h ' Conrl n °“« d^r. In »h« cuy of Albany. DouRberty county. Ga-. .uH tlie first Tuesday w March next, between tha i«w,i h0 Tbirtv*filo p™.j*rty; to-wit. 8 1 ; m eooos and yen have ao ftaraaf ikk 1 *" 1 ’- WE BTTY LO. Expert to Sell it j. sl »«• Wic.l«Mlsete«e»s**JlWO' Zt m***' Jaaeaty MUteiO* * ;<+****■: